04-13-17-Ordinance-Amending Landscaping Regulations-04/17/2017ORDINANCE # 04-13-1 I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 14.100, SECTION 48 "LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 14, Article 14.100, Section 48 "Landscape Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 48 LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 48.1 Purpose It is the purpose of this section to establish certain regulations pertaining to landscaping within the City. These regulations provide standards and criteria for new landscaping and the retention of existing trees which are intended to. (1) Promote the value of property, enhance the welfare, and improve the physical appearance of the City; (2) Reduce the negative effects of glare, noise, erosion and sedimentation caused by expanses of impervious and un-vegetated surfaces within the urban environment; and (3) Preserve and improve the natural and urban environment by recognizing that the use of landscaping elements and retention of existing trees can contribute to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge, abatement of noise, glare, and heat, provision of habitats for wildlife, and enhance the overall beauty of the City. 48.2 Applicability The standards and criteria contained within this section are deemed to be minimum standards and shall apply to all new or altered (i.e., exceeding 50% of the original floor area) construction occurring within the city. Additionally, any use requiring a specific use permit (SUP) or a planned development (PD) zoning designation must comply with these landscape standards unless special landscaping standards are otherwise provided for in the ordinance establishing the SUP or PD district. ORDINANCE # 04-13-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 14.100, SECTION 48 "LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 14, Article 14.100, Section 48 "Landscape Regulations" of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 48 LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS 48.1 Purpose It is the purpose of this section to establish certain regulations pertaining to landscaping within the City. These regulations provide standards and criteria for new landscaping and the retention of existing trees which are intended to: (1) Promote the value of property, enhance the welfare, and improve the physical appearance of the City; (2) Reduce the negative effects of glare, noise, erosion and sedimentation caused by expanses of impervious and un-vegetated surfaces within the urban environment; and (3) Preserve and improve the natural and urban environment by recognizing that the use of landscaping elements and retention of existing trees can contribute to the processes of air purification, oxygen regeneration, groundwater recharge, abatement of noise, glare, and heat, provision of habitats for wildlife, and enhance the overall beauty of the City. 48.2 Applicability The standards and criteria contained within this section are deemed to be minimum standards and shall apply to all new or altered (i.e., exceeding 50% of the original floor area) construction occurring within the city. Additionally, any use requiring a specific use permit (SUP) or a planned development (PD) zoning designation must comply with these landscape standards unless special landscaping standards are otherwise provided for in the ordinance establishing the SUP or PD district. 48.4 Minimum landscaping requirements for multifamily uses and townhomes. (a) Landscape buffer A landscape buffer that is generally a minimum of ten (10) feet in width but no less than 3 I eet in width in congested areas shall be provided adjacent to all streets, and be exclusive of street rights -of --way or utility easements. The following landscaping shall be required within the buffer: • One (1) tree (three-inch caliper minimum) shall be planted every SO linear feet or portion thereof of landscape buffer. The number of required trees shall be calculated solely on the area within the perimeter of the required landscape buffer. • The remainder buffer area shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other landscape materials. (b) Parking area landscaping • Twenty (20) square feet of landscaping shall be required for each parking space provided. • One (1) tree (three-inch caliper minimum) shall be required for every twelve (12) parking spaces provided. • All landscaped areas within a parking lot shall be protected by a raised six-inch concrete curb. (c) Bufferyards Multifamily uses shall buffer when adjacent to single-family or attached housing uses. A landscape buffer that is generally a minimum ten (10) feet in width but no less than three (3) feet in width in congested areas shall be provided and shall contain at a minimum the following elements: • One (1) tree (three-inch caliper minimum) shall be planted every 50 linear feet or portion thereof %J the bufferyard. • The remainder bufferyard shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other landscape materials. • Any required fencing and screening walls shall be placed behind the required bufferyard. mum landscaping requirements for nonresidential uses. 1. B4 and B-2 Business Districts (a) Landscape Area Landscaping of twenty (20) percent of the total lot area shall be required. Not less than forty (40) percent of the total required on -site landscaping shall be located in the designated front yard. 48.3 Minimum landscaping requirements within all single-family residential districts, two- family (duplex), manufactured housing and residential office district. (a) Solid sodded lawn for the entirety of the lot that is not otherwise covered by mulched planter beds, building(s) and/or driveway area(s). (b) A minimum of one (1) large tree with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches measured at a height of six (6) inches above the ground shall be placed in the front of all residential lots. (c) In addition to the requirements set forth in (a) and (b), the following shall apply based on the lot size: 1. Lots less than 10,000 square feet: • One (1) ornamental tree with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches measured at a height of six inches above the ground to be placed at the preference of the owner, builder or developer within the residential lot. • No less than ten (10) shrubs shall be placed in the front yard. Individual shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) gallons in size when planted. 2. Lots between 10,000 and 19,999 square feet: • One (1) large tree with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches and two (2) ornamental trees with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches measured at a height of six inches above the ground to be placed at the preference of the owner, builder or developer within the residential lot. • No less than eighteen (18) shrubs shall be placed in the front yard. Individual shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) gallons in size when planted. 3. Lots 20,000 +square feet: • Two (2) large trees with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches and (3) ornamental trees with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches measured at a height of six inches above the ground to be placed at the preference of the owner, builder or developer within the residential lot. • No less than twenty-five (25) shrubs shall be placed in the front yard. Individual shrubs shall be a minimum of three (3) gallons in size when planted. (d) Location of trees: • No trees are to be planted within the parkway, the area between the back of curb and the right-of--way/property line. • Trees are to be placed in a location which does not interfere with overhead and/or underground utility easements. • Trees are to be spaced so that at mature growth their canopies do not interfere with one another. (b) Perimeter screening Any parking lot or portion thereof that is visible from the public right of way and contains fifteen (15) parking spaces or more shall provide perimeter screening. The perimeter of each parking lot, excluding driveways, which fronts upon or is adjacent to a public street other than a public alley shall be provided with shrub screening with a minimum mature height of thirty-six (36) inches and installation height of eighteen (18) inches or greater, and spaced no more than twenty- four (24) inches apart, edge to edge. Such perimeter screening shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. (c) Interior landscaping of parking lot Any parking lot or portion thereof which is constructed and contains thirty-six (36) parking spaces or more shall provide permanently landscaped areas consisting of planter islands. Such interior landscaping shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. • Planter islands must be located no further apart than every twelve (12) parking spaces and at the terminus of all rows of parking. Such islands shall contain at least one (1) tree with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches. The remainder shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other appropriate material not to exceed three (3) feet in height. Such island shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide, and shall extend the length of the adjacent parking space. • Landscaping located within a planter island shall be delineated from the surrounding paved area by a curb or barrier, constructed of masonry or concrete, of not less than six (6) inches in height around the perimeter of the island. • Planter islands shall not be required when parking spaces are located behind a building and are screened from view of the street. • For large existing trees located in the parking area, which are being retained and incorporated into the landscaping plan, an appropriate aeration system or an alternative method of protecting the tree must be provided and detailed in the landscape plan. • Landscaping within a parking lot shall not create a visibility obstruction. A visibility obstruction within a parking lot is defined as landscaping between 36 inches in height and seven feet in height. No shrubs shall be allowed to exceed 36 inches in height. Tree canopies shall be at least seven feet in height. • Alternative location of planter islands within a parking lot shall be given consideration by the City Manager or his/or her designee on a case -by -case basis. • For parking lots containing less then thirty-six (36) spaces, credit for two (2) parking spaces may be provided for each planter island of at least ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet. Credit for parking spaces cannot reduce the overall parking requirement by more than ten (10) percent or to less than ten (10) total spaces. (d) Bufferyards Commercial uses shall buffer when adjacent to single-family, attached housing, multi -family, and lesser commercial uses. A landscape buffer that is generally a minimum of ten (10) feet in width but no less than 3 feet in width in congested areas shall be provided and shall contain at a minimum the following elements: • One (1) tree (three-inch caliper minimum) shall be planted every 50 linear feet or portion thereof of the bufferyard. • The remainder bufferyard shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other landscape materials. • Any required fencing and screening walls shall be placed behind the required bufferyard. • Such landscape buffer shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. (e) B-3 Business District is exempt from the requirements of this ordinance. 2. I-1 and I-2 Industrial Districts (a) Landscape Area Landscaping of twenty (20) percent of the total lot area shall be required. For sites larger than 50 acres, the landscaping requirement shall be reduced to ten (10) percent. Not less than forty (40) percent of the total required on -site landscaping shall be located in the designated front yard. (b) Perimeter screening Any parking lot or portion thereof that is visible from the public right of way shall provide perimeter screening. The perimeter of each parking lot, excluding driveways, which fronts upon or is adjacent to a public street other than a public alley shall be provided with shrub screening with a minimum mature height of thirty-six (36) inches and installation height of eighteen (18) inches or greater, and spaced no more than twenty-four (24) inches apart, edge to edge. Such perimeter screening shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. Perimeter landscape areas shall contain at least one tree for each SO lineal feet or fraction thereof of perimeter area. (c) Interior landscaping_of parking lot A minimum of 10% of the gross parking area shall be devoted to living landscaping which includes grass, ground cover, plants, shrubs and trees. Gross parking area is to be measured from the edge of the parking and/or driveway paving and sidewalks. Such interior landscaping shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. The following additional criteria shall apply to the interior of parking lots. • Planter islands must be located no further apart than every eighteen (18) parking spaces and at the terminus of all rows of parking. Such islands shall contain at least one (1) tree with a minimum caliper of three (3) inches. The remainder shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other appropriate material not to exceed three (3) feet in height. Such island shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet wide, and shall extend the length of the adjacent parking space. • Landscaping located within a planter island shall be delineated from the surrounding paved area by a curb or barrier, constructed of masonry or concrete, of not less than six (6) inches in height around the perimeter of the island. • Planter islands shall not be required when parking spaces are located behind a building and are screened from view of the street. • For large existing trees located in the parking area, which are being retained and incorporated into the landscaping plan, an appropriate aeration system or an alternative method of protecting the tree must be provided and detailed in the landscape plan. • Landscaping within a parking lot shall not create a visibility obstruction. A visibility obstruction within a parking lot is defined as landscaping between 36 inches in height and seven feet in height. No shrubs shall be allowed to exceed 36 inches in height. Tree canopies shall be at least seven feet in height. • Alternative location of planter islands within a parking lot shall be given consideration by the City Manager or his/or her designee on a case -by -case basis. (d) Bufferyards Industrial uses shall buffer when adjacent to any use. A landscape buffer that is generally a minimum of fifteen (15) feet in width but no less than 3 feet in width in congested areas shall be provided and shall contain at a minimum the following elements: • One (1) tree (three-inch caliper minimum) shall be planted every 50 linear feet or portion thereof of the bufferyard. • The remainder bufferyard shall be landscaped with shrubs, lawn, ground cover and other landscape materials. • Any required fencing and screening walls shall be placed behind the required bufferyard. • Such landscape buffer shall be counted toward meeting the minimum square footage of required landscaping for the site. • If such bufferyard is already in place, no additional buffer shall be required. (e) Outdoor storage screening. • Any outdoor storage area, or portion thereof, must be screened from public rights -of --way using live evergreen screening plants, six (6) feet in height at installation, spaced no more than eighteen (18) inches apart, edge to edge. • A fence or wall may also be used for outdoor storage area screening, provided it is at least six (6) feet tall, opaque, and of masonry, stone, or wooden material. Dumpster enclosure openings may not face public rights -of -way unless they are gated. 48.6 Xeriscaping Planting Techniques The City recognizes that it is desirable to accommodate xeriscape practices as a 111 of landscaping that promotes water conservation. If xeriscaping planting techniques are to be used, the xeriscaped area, methodology and plant selection shall be clearly located and detailed on the site plan. 48.7 Landscape Plan Required (a) Landscape plans shall be prepared by a person knowledgeable in plant material usage and landscape design (e.g., landscape architect, landscape contractor, landscape designer, etc.). A landscape plan meeting the requirements of this ordinance shall be provided and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. No landscape plan is required for residential construction subject to the landscaping requirements set forth in Sec. 48.3, unless xeriscaping planting techniques are to be implemented. (b) The landscape plan shall contain the following information: (1) Drawn to scale; (2) Location of all trees to be preserved. The method of preservation during the construction phase of development shall be approved by the City Manager or his/her designee; (3) Location of all plants and landscaping material to be used including paving, benches, screens, fountains, statues, or other landscape features; (4) Species of all plant material to be used; (5) Size of all plant material to be used; (6) Spacing of plant material where appropriate; (7) Layout and description of irrigation, sprinkler or water system, including placement of water sources; (8) Description of maintenance provisions of the landscape plan; (9) Persons responsible for the preparation of the landscape plan; (10) North arrow/symbol, and a small map showing where the property is located; (11) Date of the landscape plan. 48.8 Installation and Maintenance (a) The owner, tenant and/or their agent, if any, shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping. (b) Ail required landscaped areas shall be equipped with, and 100% covered by, an automatic, underground irrigation system with freeze and moisture sensors to prevent watering during periods of time with rain or when temperatures are at or below 32°F. A registered landscape architect licensed to practice within the State of Texas shall design the irrigation system. If appropriate and attractive xeriscape planting techniques are utilized (these techniques are encouraged by the city, if designed and maintained appropriately), the requirement for an underground irrigation system may be waived if an alternative irrigation system/device is approved at the time of landscape plan approval. Exemption: single-family, two-family and manufactured home lots and developments shall be exempt from the above irrigation system requirements. (c) Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds, and other such material or plants not a part of the landscaping, (d) All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season of the year. Maintenance shall include mowing, watering, trimming, pruning, replacing, etc. (e) Synthetic or artificial lawn or plant material shall not be used to satisfy the landscape requirements. (f) Plant materials which die shall be replaced with plant material of similar variety and size within 90 days, with aone-time extension not exceeding 90 days being provided upon approval of the City Manager or his/her designee. (g) Ail plants used to satisfy this ordinance shall be of a species common or adaptable to this area of Texas and shall not be included on the list of prohibited plants in Appendix A. 48.9 Visibility Rigid compliance with these landscaping requirements shall not be such as to cause visibility obstructions and/or blind corners at intersections. In the event that visibility obstructions are apparent in the proposed landscape plan, as determined by the City Manager or his or her designee, the requirements set forth herein may be reduced to the extent to remove the conflict. 48.10 Permits and Certificate of Occupancy (a) No building permits shall be issued until a landscape plan is submitted and approved by the City Manager or his or her designee, along with the site plan and engineering/construction plans. No landscape plan is required for residential construction subject to the landscaping requirements set forth in Sec. 48.3, unless xeriscaping planting techniques are to be implemented. (b) Prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for any bung or structure, all screening and landscaping shall be placed in accordance with the landscape plan. In any case in which a certificate of occupancy is sought at a season of the year in which the City Manager or his or her designee determines that it would be impractical to establish landscaping, a temporary certificate A occupancy may be issued provided a letter of agreement from the property owner is submitted that states when the installation shall occur. 48.11 Non -Conforming Uses and/or Structures All uses that were in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, which do not meet the landscape requirements, will be considered legal non -conforming. These non -conforming uses/structures will be subject to compliance at the time of. (a) Change in zoning district. (b) The site is redeveloped in a manner that reflects a fifty percent (50%) or more increase in the existing square footage of the building. (c) Upon removal of an existing non -conforming structure and redevelopment of the lot with any new structure(s). Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgement or decree of any court competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect on May 1, 2017. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. ATTEST: APPROVED. O SAN��''-. Cheryl Price, City Secretary l I� I day of4-7d, 2017, by : �5 . /V(.Clljk� E. Muir, Mayor APPENDIX A The trees and shrubs listed below shall not be used to fidfill the planting requirements of this Ordinance. PROHIBITEDTREES Common Name Scientific Name Arizona Ash Praxinus vel utina 'Arizonia" Bois D'arc Moclura vornifera Cottonwood Po ulusdeltoides Siberian film Ulmus umila Silver Maple Acersaccharinum Mimosa Albizzia 'ulibrissen Mulberry Morus alba Lombardy Poplar Po ulus n' ra italics Chinese Tallow Sa ium sebi erum Arborvitae Thu'a accidentalis Willow nil en ecies " PROHIBITED SHRILBS Common Name Scientific Name _ Buonymus _ Euonymusjaponicus Ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum Pittosporum Pittosporum tobbira Loquat Erlobotryajaponica Oleander Nerium oleander RECOMMENDED TREES Ornamental AccentTrees: Small -15-25 feet; Medium 25.40 feet Oversto Cano Trees: Large - 40-60 feet + Common Name Scientific Name Height Remarks Shad e Anacacho, Orchid tree* Bauhaniacongesta S—M Semi -Evergreen, tree -shrub, 275 white flower Anaqua*, Sandpaper ghretia anacua M—L Evergreen broadleaf; white 875 tree flower clusters Arizona Cypress Cupressusarizonica M—L Evergreen conifer; gray 875 green foliage; pyramidal shape Texas Ash*, Green Ash Fraxinuss . M—L Deciduous; fastgrowing 875 Ashejuniper* funiperusashes S—M Evergreen conifer; green 275 foliage, females Bald Cypress* Taxodium L Deciduous conifer; fine 1200 distichum textured foliage; fall Bur Oak* Quercus L Deciduous; large acorns and 1200 macrocarpa leaves, good shade Carolina Buckthorn* Rhamnus S—M Semi -Evergreen; sun -shade, 275 caroliniana glossy leaves, reddish Cedar Elm* Ulm uscrassifolia M—L Deciduous; narrow canopy 875 Chinquapin Oak* Quercus M—L Deciduous; round -topped tree; 875 muhlenbergii bold foliage Condalia, Brazil Tree, Condalia hookers, C. Evergreen; delicate foliage; Bluewood Condalia virsdis S—M very drought tolerant, sun- 275 shade, good shade tree Crabapple, Texas* Mollis texana S—M Deciduous, full to partial sun, 275 spring floweringtree Ebony, Texas* Pithecellobium flexicaule S Evergreen; sun; white flowers n/a Escarpment Prunusserotina var. Black eximia M—L Deciduous; sun to shade; fall 875 Eve'sNecidace* Sophora affinis M—L Deciduous; sun -shade; white to 875 pink flowers Goldenball Lead Tree* Leucaeiia retusa S—M Deciduous; delicate foliage, 275 fragrant yellow flowers Huisache* Acaciafarnesiana M Deciduous; delicate foliage; 550 fragrant yellow flowpis Kidneywood* Eysenhardtia S Deciduous; delicate tree- n/a polystachyn I shrub; fragrantwhite LacyOalc* Quercuslaceyi M Deciduous, sun -partial shade; 550 hill county native, good shade tree Live Oak* Quercus vir iniona M—L Evergreen -like, goodshade tree 875 Quercus polymorpha S—M Evergreen -like; good shade tree 875 Monterrey Oak Mexican Buckeye* U nadfas eciosa S Deciduous; ink-redspring flowers n/a Pecan * Carya fllinoensis L+ Deciduous; needs lots of space; 1200 sensitive to root impact Persimmon, Texas* Diospyros texana S—M Deciduous; sun -shade smooth barkfemales 275 has black pulpy fruit Plum, Mexican* Prunus mexicana S Deciduous; sun to shade; n/a white flowers, fruit Possum Haw* Ilex decidua S—M Deciduous, sun -shade; female has 275 red fruit Retama, Paloverde* Parkinsonia texana S—M Deciduous; fast growing, yellow 275 flowers Red Oak, Shumard* Shumard Quercus L Deciduous; fall color, good shade 1200 shumardii tree Red Oak, Texas* Quercus texana M Deciduous; fall color, good shade 550 tree Redbud, Texas, Cercfs canadensis Deciduous; sun -shade, red/pink or Oldahoma, vartexana S—M white flowers 275 RustyBlackhaw* Viburnum S Deciduous; fall color, white flower n/a ruJidulum clusters Sills-tassle* Garrya ovata S Evergreen; sun -shade n/a Sycamore, Mexican Platanus mexicana L+ Deciduous; large leaves, good shade 1200 tree Sycamore, Texas* Platanusgiabrato L+ Deciduous; large leaves, good shade 1200a tree Texas Mountain Laurel* Sophora S Evergreen, part shade to full sun; n/a secundii fora fragrant purple flowers Texas Pistache* Plstacia texana S Semi -Evergreen; full sun to part - n/a shade, red fruit Wafer Ash, Hop tree * Ptelea trf/oliata S Semi -Evergreen; sun -shade; lightgreen n/a foliage Sapindus Deciduous; full to partial sun; good Western Soapberry * drummon M—L shade tree, cluster large yellow 875 flowers Wild Olive* Cordia boisserieri S—M Semi -Evergreen; large 275 White flowers, hardy to 14°F YauponHolly* Ilexvomitora S—M Evergreen; sun -shade; female has 275 red fruit YTexas Native SHRUBS Large not taller than 25 feet at maturity) Common Name ntific Name Heiah Remarks Evergreen, sun -part sun fragrant leaves Bay Laurel noblis 6'-12' Buckeye* Aesculus pavia 6'-12' Deciduous (even in dry weather), shade, yellow or red flowers Ever reen Sumac* Rhusvirens 4'-15' Evergreen, sun -shade red fruit FlameleafSumac* Rhuslancelota 5'-15' Sun -partial shade; deciduous; red berries in fall; fall color Texas Mountain Sophora secundi or 10'— 25' Tree -like evergreen shrub; purple spring flowers; sun, part Texas Pistache Pistacia texona 6'-12' Semi -evergreen, sun Medium 5-10 feet at maturity) Qmmon Name Scientific a Height Rmnalk GlossyAbelia Abeliagrandiflora 5'-9' Bronze evergreen foliage; white or pink; sun, partshade Agarita* Mahonia trifoliata 5'-9' Holly -like evergreen foliage; yellow spring; red edible berries; sun -shade Cenizo, Texas Sage* Leucophyllumsp. 5'-9' Dusty gray evergreen foliage; sun; blooms throughout summer, purple - pink flowers; several new varieties: including compact Elbow Bush* Forestiera 3'-6' Deciduous; sun -shade, small white flowers Fran rant Sumac* Rhus aromatica 3'-6' Deciduous; part shade fall color Ho lum* Colubrinatexensis 4'-6' Part shade full sun, fragrant blooms Juniper Juniperussp. 5'-10' Tough evergreen; many varieties; sun, part shade Mutablis Rose, Butterfly Rose, Old Rosa chinensisx 3,-5, Sun, large single petal flowers change Blush (Mutablis) color as ages Pomegranate Punicagranatum 5'-10' Sun, upright shrub; orange blooms; edible fruit, dwarfvariety Primrose Jasmine Jasminum mesnyi 5 —8 , Evergreen, sun -shade, sprawling, yellow flowers Southern Wax Myrtle Myrica cerifera 3'-8' Evergreen, sun -shade, compact variety, available White Brush* Aloysiagratissima 4'-8' Delicate; fragrant white flower; suckers, can be used as a hedge Small not taller than 5 feet at maturity) Common Name Scientific NameHe! htI $unadu American Callicarpa , 3 —4 Deciduous, fruit in fall and winter, purple; Beautyberr americnna part shade Agave, century plant ave americans 3'—S' Sun, rosette, spine -tipped leaves Barbados Cherry Mali his labra 2'-4' Evergreen, pink flowers, red fruit sun -shad Barberry Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea 3'-5' Evergreen; sun -part shade, color foliage GrayleafCotoneaster Cotoneaster 3,—S, Sprawling evergreen shrub; dusty gray glaucophylla foliage; sun, part shade juniper uni eruss . 2'-5' Evergreen shrubs; many varieties available; Mexican Butterfly Asclepfas tuberosa 3' Broad clusters of orange flowers Mexican Oregano Poliomentha longijlo 2'-3' Evergreen, sun, pink flowers Rock rose* Pavonialasio etala 2'-4' Deciduous sub -shrub, pinkorpurple Rosemary, Upright ht p Rosmarinus oJficinalis 3'-5' Evergreen, sun -part shade; blue flowers Red Yucca* Hesperaloe parvijlora 3'-4' Sun, rosette, narrow leaves Yucca* Yucca spp. 3'-4' Sun, rosette, narrow leaves, white flowers * Texas Native RECOMMENDED 1 / 1 ' Common Name Scientific NameRem Asiatic Jasmine Trachelaspermum n/a Evergreen; green or variegated foliage; asiaticum sun, part shade, no flowers Columbine Hinckley Aquilegia spp. n/a Evergreen, gray/green foliage, yellow Columbine* A. hinckle ona flowers Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum n/a Evergreen; fragrant, white spring jasminoides flowers; sun, part shade Frogfrult* Phyla incise (nodijlora) n/a Semi -evergreen, creeper, sun -part sun, white flowers Lantana purple, gold Lantana sp. n/a Deciduoussun, , purple, white or yellow flowers Pi eonber * Rivinahumilis 1'-2' Semi -evergreen shrub Rosemary, prostrate Rosmarinus ofcinalis 1'-2' Evergreen sub -shrub, sun to part sun, blue flowers Santolina Santolinas . l--2'1 Species with reen or silver foliage; sun Trailing Juniper )uniperus sp. n/a Several varieties available, not suitable for wet, humid areas; sun Verbena* Verbena spp. n/a Evergreen, pink, purple, white, red flowers Yarrow Achillea millefolimn n/a Gray or green gray leaves; many varieties * Texas Native Common Name Butterfly Weed RECOMMENDED Scienti rc Name PERENNIELS 3' rk Semi -hardy perennial, orange flowers Ascle ias spp. Ci ar Plant Cu hea micro etala 3'-4' Red yellow, summer to fall flowers; sun Fall Aster Asterspp, 2'-3' Semi -evergreen, sun -part sun, blue or white Firebush Hamelia atens 3'—S' Reddish orange, summer to fall flowers; sun s Hinckley' Aquilegia hinckleyana 181, Yellow; spring flowers; shade Indio Spires Sage SaIvIa s 2'-3' Semi -evergreen, sun, dark blue flowers Lantana Lantana s . 1'-2' Many colors; spring to fall flowers; sun Waly Cup Sage* Salvia arinacea 3' Sun, part shade; blue, white purple flowers Mexican Oregano Poliomentha lon i ora 1'-3' Evergreen; pink, summer flowers; sun Mexican Petunia Ruellia sp. 1'-3' Evergreen; tolerates shade; purple, pink, white flowers, suckers Mexican Sage Salvia leucantha 3'-4' Semi -evergreen; blue; spring to fall flowers; sun Mist flower, Eupatraspp. and tu Ageratum spp. 2'-4' Hardy perennial, white to blue flowers Muhl Grass* y Muehlenbergia lindheimeri 31 Evergreen; hardy perennial; sun Pi eonber * Rivinahumilis 1'-2' Semi -evergreen shrub Purple Cone Echinacea purpurea 2' Hardy perennial, rosette with pink or white flowers Perennial verbena* Glandularia bipinnatifld 6"-1' Many colors; spring to fall flowers; sun Rockrose* Pavonialaslo etaia 2'-4' Deciduous; sub -shrub, pink or purple flowers © Tliursday,,April20,2017�rkan Sangereays 20words -S10aweek e�� Classifieds v� crCall:940-458-8515 °• .M email: songer@lemonspubications.com iNE aCCEPTALLMA,IORCREDfr CARDS FREE ADS - LosttFound & Free Pets Help wanted I I Help Wanted I I Garage Sales i I For Rent J I services i I services SANGERISD Sanger ISO Is now hiring a Grounds Maintenance Person. Please contact the maintenance office at 940-458-7916 ext. 251. Needed: Home Health attendant for couple in Sanger. Must pass back- ground check. Please call 940-458-8019, Experlenced cook and cashler positions open at Pit Stop in Bolivar — 6551 FM 455W, Must be reliable and have good references. Applications on counter. 940-45a-5100. RN -Home Health Agency seeking experienced HH RN's. Competitive Rates, Benefit package. Please email resume to sbakhvin@acWehh.org or call 940-458-2022 Hiring CNAs and Care- givere for In Home Care. Contact Susan 940-458- 2022 or go to: https!/ac- livehh..clearcareonlin e. com/apply/ NOR' HIRING TE4M „_ :snusmsar Poy1ug.490VE Afininmm \Vage OFFERING Reeible schedules Benefit Packages Holiday & Vacuiw Pay Apply Online ddres�nan.r STALEY STEEL INC in Pilot Point, TX has an Immediate opening for the following positions: 1. niter and Weber letand loci eNfl Desaipim WeB metal pans urhg Nzme xeldng praess; V,1adc a an Process sheen, bWrls a odw w tmAerbal hstnxdons 9icen bysupavLw b perform production tasks; Nanemn+?r urge, eadaard, a heavy Pau marmy axYh a cane; 1weetxebs mtx4 t process and use g-ndng kola NAM recesaary; Marian mMh're and xurk area n a clean art safe roamer, Check and hspectoperabon aganst pradetermaed burancer, Wok h o0w areas a depai4aws as assgned. L Grounds Keaperdat sank tksraiption: E�arence using Man equpnerhb Zero Tun Alover, linnet TmdawN Gush hog, Weed Eaters: WwvAedge of uAn egry meet maMenwce a pkm Must be able to xod in de heat Mist be xLg b vaxk otlxrd tes as ass4ned byyeu MMager a. Machine Operator 1st and Ind SNft DesvaipEo2 E�ermoe b medico reap; l',Nk from Press sheau, bk:e}vkhu a aherxr�tten�xrbal inunxlons gNM by supen'sa b pedam Production tasks; Maneuver large, ex#ward, a haavypau manually orYA a acne; Inspect welds Treufieut WAss and use gnA hg leis %Am mcessary, Wntain mac ie arU crank area n a dean and We marrar, Check and Inspect cperatim agamt p Veler- minedbkrarxes; Mirk in other areas a depaMeas as assig . A. Paint bay tat and loci shift Desuiptiat Miry b non Hand Orbdars and Pant Guu;lWhever Wge, as#ward, a heavy pares massy ax!Ih a acne; Mabtan marline orb vaxk area n a clean end sate m. Guaranteed 40 hours per week, Competitive pay. Paid healthcare. 401k, dental, vision, paid vacation Please send resumes to careers@staleysteel.com SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE SANGER NEWS ANC RECEIVE ONE MONTH FREE! When you subscribe to the Sanger News for just $23 PER YEAR, you'll receive your hometown newspaper in the mad EVERYTNURSDAY. PLUS.., you 1 SAVE 20% PER YEAR off the nawstand price! PLUS ... wa 1 give you ONE MONTH FREE with your new subscription! bsauJe. M4l M ire MrgY nlrtal h' SANGER NEWS Po eox:w sANcrx7xTslu cremes e Yard Sale: Friday and Sat- Office space for Rent, urday from 8am-1 pm at 41 Approx. 15M square foot in S. Highland Dr., Sanger, the Hermes Building. 1640 Everything under$20, West Chapman, Sanger. Call Kenneth @ 940391- For Rent Facility for Rent: Need a place for a party, wed- OHlce Warehouse for ding reception or reunion? lease. Garbage, Water in- Large building with beau- cluded. $925 per month tiful view of Lake Ray plus deposit. Call 940390- Roberts. Very reasonable 9574. rates. 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Quick Sale — Fair Price 972-521-6628 legal Notices ORDINANCE l04.11.17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DEN - TON COUNTY TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A "FEE SCHEDULE' OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTI- CLE 2,000 -BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION FEES'; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVID- ING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE i 0412-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Cf7Y OF BANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.100 'BUILD- ING INSPECTION DEPARTEMNT ESTABLISHED°, ARTICLE 3.200 °BUILDING CODE", ARTICLE 3.300 'PLUMBING CODE", ARTICLE 3,400 'MECHANICAL CODE", ARTICLE 3.500 "ELECTRICAL CODE", ARTI- CLE 3.600 'INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE" AND ADOPTING ARTICLE 3.2500 -ENERGY CONSER- VATION CODE', ARTICLE 3.2600 °FUEL GAS CODED, ARTICLE 3.2700 "INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILD - CODED AND ARTICLE 3.2800 "CONSTRUCTION SITE STANDARDS"; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILfTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENAL - AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ORDINANCE I04.13.17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 14.100, SECTION 48 `LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS°; PRO- VIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO.04-14-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMEND- ING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 5 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, ARTICLE 5.200 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, SEC. 5.201 ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR THE APPEAL OF ALL ORDINANC- ES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY USE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Classified ads for Lost, Found, or Free Pets are FREE in the Sanger News. Call 940.458-8515 or email Sanger@lemonspublications. com C. Delio Contracting All phases of Home Improvement and Remodeling. Specializing In Kitchens and Bath. Free Estimates No Job Too Small Cell: 940391.8669 Home: 940-458-4992 Mike Morris Certl/tad Land Specialist Mossy Oak Properties of Texas 940-231-7387 mans@massyoakgoperees.can TJ's Lawn Service TJ's Lawn Service offers all lawn care senrices such as, mowing, edging, weed -eating, and Leaning up grass UippInsge afterwards. We also offer landscaping, privacy fencing, tree trim- mirg amovaVastasation, Uean up jobs, demolition, grading, sodding, pond digging, and any skid steer work. We can also email bills end we accept online payments. We have been rtavring in Denton area since 2008. Please visit us at our website. www.tJslawnservice.com 940-230-5908 Tiewr AtEliraa, Krum Resc6W Personal, Compassionate Caregiver CNA, phlebotomy and varied cenifications/ specializations. ResumeAocal reference. 972-997-6914 Eddie's Specialties Service Mowing, hauling, levering, dirt work. Call for free estimates. 940390-2220 Lewnmowerand Small Engine Repair Franklin's Fix It Small Engine Repair/ Chains & Blades sharpened Robert Franklin 940-7653402 raf157robed@aoLcom 4598 Lois Rd East Sanger, TX 76266 Full Service Plumbing. Master Plumber /M-20028, Licensed and Insured. 25 years experience. Reason- able rates, free estimates. Call 940-231-2598. www. sangerplumbing,com. Mas- terCard a Visa accepted. 2 Busy and Cen'L Flnd The Tlme? Keep IIs on Your Mandl torch Gs Sandra Swift (940) 783-8152 Kmnh, Texu $erring Nanh Tcu /// emald4ueesandraBgmalLeom / "CI( VZ Your Source For Bearings 7x Belts Oil Seals * Roller Chains Industrial Bearing Co. 4312 W, Hwy 82 a Gainesville 940'665"6971 FENCE PIPE AND SUPPLIES 23/8-27f8-31/2-41/2-51/l Domed Caps &Springs Square S Rectangle Tubing All Types or Steel An'horited C•Purlin r 1® Round Bale Rings Cattle Guards Cced Troughs Creepe Feeders Trailer Parts .e Supplies 940.759.2203 SINCE 1942 MUENSTER, TX