04-14-17-Ordinance-Adopting the 2012 International Fire Code-04/17/2017ORDINANCE NO. 04-14-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 5 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, ARTICLE 5.200 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, SEC. 5.201 ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR THE APPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE 5.200 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, Sec. 5.201 Adopted, as follows: ARTICLE 5.200 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE Sec. 5.201 Adopted There is hereby adopted by the city council, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code and standards known as the International Fire Code, 2012 Edition, as published by the International Code Council. If a conflict exists in said code with an existing ordinance of the city, the more stringent code providing the greatest safety from fire shall prevail. One (1) copy of such code and standards has been and is now filed in the office of Community Development and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this article shall take effect. The provision thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the city. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of the Code of Ordinances. SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect on May 1, 2017. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER9 !P�4', TEXAS, ON THIS THE DAY OF J�2017. O v- �,4Av *,r OWPOOMO APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, MAYOR ATTEST: Cheryl $'r�, CITY SECRETARY Tlmrsday, Aprtl 20, 2017 � Sanger Nees �a«�kaex�«n CIa.SSlfledS 20wards-S10aweek �.,,� Cal1:940-458-8515 vt'�+ �``� � •® email: sangerCslemonspubications.com WEACCEPrALL MAIORCREDrr CAR0.4 FREE ADS - LosUFound &Free Pets Help Wanted Help Wanted Garage Sales For Reut Services Services BANGER ISD Hiring and care givers foror In In Home Care. Sanger ISD is now hiring Contact Susan 940458- a Grounds Maintenance 2022 or go to: https:/lac- Person. Please contact tivehh..clearcareonline, the maintenance office at com/apply/ 940458-7916 ext. 251, Needed: Home Health attendant for couple in Sanger. Must pass back- ground check. Please call 940d58-8019. NO\\' HIRING TEAM Experienced cook antl cashier positions open at Pit Stop in Bolivar — 6551 ,����- FM 455W. Must be reliable q and have good references. Applications on counter Payhsg ARGUE 940-458-5100. Mlnhumn \Vage OFFERmG mnible Schedules RN•Home Health Agency 0<re6t Pa<tae<. seeking experienced HH Holiday & Vuation Pay RN's. Competitive Rates, Benefit package. Please Apply OnlNe email resume t0 richesnnda<nns s bakhvi n ®activehh.org or call 940d58-2022 STALEY STEEL INC in Pilot Point, TX has an immediate opening for the following positions; 1. Fltter and Weller lsund lnd sNft Des�ipuoc WeB metal parts Vag [urtar<NdGg process; Y,Urk from ProcYss shaeb, EixpinLs «ahzrzznUenWhal nsrnxaaagran by supeszi�rb Fed«m rroducdm wits: Ma,euser Hrga, ezziward, «r,eavy pen maruay «sin a acne; Inspect aeBs brouglsout p'ocess arW use 4^ag boy zznen necessary, Yantan madu+e mid scale area n a clean and sale manrer, Oheds eM h4yedopereUon ega>,st prs!detmrzed bknnces; Wok h osier areas «deparbnan6 as asigned t Grounds Keeperlsl shift Dawipdar Expuersce ussg ban ep;pment Zezo Tum tlpaer, Smal Trad«wN lush hog, Weed Eaters; Krxreledge dttan egsp- n:ent rnaintenaxa a Dtsr. Kest be aNe b u«k h Re hook lhul he a�rg b as «her orees as asslq.ed U/ yw Kanagu a. YaWre Opent«fatand lnd aNft Desapd«s [qur<ax n maddre wary; YJak ham poasz sheen, Ci�ep"v,u a d}zrszdtlen'wNal inw«tom P+<n by supervs«b tesf«m pradxtion tasks; Karxxmx lava, exkxard, «Mazy pars rwdsa9y axAA a sane: hspedacHs dreughcut pnceu and use g^rb^9 bd3 MMYI rICCC55alY Nairda:7 mddMla Nld HOr amd 41 d dean and sa'e mamer, Clsedc and FsrP«1 cperadm agaM pnVet«- rtried blerdxes; lSFxfs b oda±r «eas «depanmenls as assgred. 4. Palm hay 1st aM Ind sh8t Desaip6on MTty b run Hand GMdxs and Pant Gore; Idanzvxz Wye an4vard, «hearyparts marusry ax1N a care: kknuh maddne and vork area F a dawn end sale mamx. Guaranteed 40 hours perweek, Competitive pay. Paid healthcare. 401k, dental, vision, paid vaca0on Please send resumes to careers�staleysleel.com SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE BANGER NEWS AND RECEIVE ONE MONTH FREE! When you subsrnbe to the Sanger News forjust $23 PER YEAR, ynu11 receive your hornetoxn newspaper in the mail EVERY TNURSDAY. PLUS... you'll SAVE 2tNti PER YEARo!i the newslaM price! PLUS ... vn'll give you ONE IdONTH FREE wi0a your new subscription! aVra3sh r aaKeaa items NaW N5509IPiidfll sulcutxl:ws ;,,� Po eox:sd r i BANGER, TX76ra< I.m.0 a canon r � urday Yard Sale: Fdtlay and Sat- Office space for Rent. from Sam-lpm al 4l Approx. 1500 squareloot in S. Highland Dr., Sanger. the Hermes Building. 1640 Everything under 520. West Chapman, Sanger. Call Kenneth O 940391- fi338. For Rent Faclllty for Rent: Need a place for a party, wed- OHice Warehouse for ding reception or reunion? lease. Garhage, Water in- Large buibing with beau- cluded. 5925 par month Iiful view of Lake Ray plus deposit. Call 940390- Roberts. Very reasonable 9574. rates. Call 940-058-2862 or 940-595-6,3r�26. p RV end Boat Storage. Services Enclosed Units, Covered Units and Outdoor Units. Compettive rates. Cell 940390-9574. 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Quick Sale —Fair Y 972-521-6628 l.e�al Notices ORDINANCE M 0411-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DEN - TON COUNTY TEXAS, AMENDING APPENDIX A'FEE SCHEDULE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTI- CLE 2.sb0 'BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTKN FEES'; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVI0. ING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE Y 0412.17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 3.100 'BUILD- ING INSPECTION DEPARTEMNT ESTABLISHED°, ARTICLE 3.200 'BUILDING CODE", ARTICLE 3.300 'PLUMBING CODE", ARTICLE 3.400 'MECHANICAL CODE', ARTK:LE 3.500 "ELECTRICAL CODE', ARTI- CLE 3.600 'INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE' AND ADOPTING ARTICLE 3.2500'ENERGY CONSER- VATION CODE', ARTICLE 3.2600 -FUEL GAS CODE°, ARTICLE 3.2700 "INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILD- ING CODE' AND ARTICLE 3.2800 'CONSTRUCTION SITE STANDARDS'; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILfTV CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR APENAL- TY;AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTVE DATE. ORDINANCE i 04-13-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ARTICLE 14.100, SECTION 48 `LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS'; PRO- VIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILfTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO.04.14-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE GIN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, OENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMEND- ING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHAPTER 5 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, ARTICLE 5.200 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, SEC. 5.201 ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR THE APPEAL OF All ORDINANC- ES IN CONFLK;T, PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILfTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Classified ads for Lost, Found, or Free Pets are FREE in the Sanger News. Ca11940.458-8515 or email Sanger@lemonspublica lions. com C. Dello Contracting All phases of Home Improvement and Remodeling. Specia4zing in Ktchens and Balh. Free Estimates No Joh Too Small Cell: 940391.8669 Home: 940�58-4992 Mike Morris Certflled Land Speclallst Mossy Oak Properties of Texas 940.231.7387 n mords@+rossloal�roce�s.curn TJ's Lawn Service TJ's Lawn Service oilers all Wwn care services Such as, mowing, edging, weedeating, aM cleaning up grass clippings a0erwards. We also o0er landscaping, privacy lendng, Irea trim- minghemova�nslallation, dean up jobs, demohtbn, grading, sodding, pond digging, and any skid steer work. Wa can also email bills end we accept online payments. We have been rtwwing in Denton area since 2008. Please visit us at our webshe. www.tislawnservice.com 940.230-5908 TrezaHicEruie, Knrn Resiiarx Personal, Compassionate Caregiver CNA, phlebotomy end varied certilica0ons/ specializations. ResumeAocal reference. 972.997.6914 Eddieb Speclallles Service Mowing, hauling, leveling, dirt work. Call for free estimates. 940390.2220 Lawnmower and Small Engine Repair Franklin's Fix Il Small Engine Repair/ Chains &Blades sharpened Robert Franklin 940.7653402 ra1157robert@aol.cem 4598 Lois Rd East Sanger, TX 76266 Full Service Plumbing. Master Plumber sYM-20028. Licensed and Insured. 25 years experience. Reason- able rates, free estimates. Call 940-231-2598. zvvnv. sangerplumbing.com. Ataz- terCard aVisa accepted. FRANK KAYr OWNER 940.361.5404 H-T A Maid 4 U Cleaning St�vide 2 Husy and Can't Fled The Time? Keep IIs on Your Mindl Cnak C< c7nt n'a � Saudrn Swift y"``"" yl (940) 783-8152 Krum, Tesss ScrWng Yonh Tcsu amald4uessandra0gmail.eom // /�� Your Source For Bearings � Belts � Oil Seals j'r Roller Chains Industrial Bearing Coa 4312 W, Hwy 82 •Gainesville 940-665-6971 FENCE PIPE AND SUPPLIES 23/8-27/5-31/2-41/2-51/l Domed Caps &Springs Syuare 8 Rectangle Tubing All Types Of Steel rwthorit;d k C-Purlin Wller Round Bale Icings Cattle Guards Feed Troughs Crcepe Feeders Trailer Parts R Supplies sa,yesdwiuuu - i�P=v,,,,. 940.759.2203 SINCE 1942 MUENSTER, TX