05/16/2023-CC-Agenda Packet-SpecialCITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MAY 16, 2023, 12:00 PM CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins. Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speaker’s Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 05-10-23, Canvassing the results of a General Election held on May 6, 2023, for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of City Council. (Consideración y posible acción sobre la Ordenanza No. 05- 10-23, Sondeo de los resultados de una Elección General celebrada el 6 de mayo del 2023, con el propósito de elegir candidatos para el cargo de Concejo Municipal.) SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayoral proclamations, presentations of awards and certificates, and other acknowledgments of significant accomplishments or service to the community. 2. Issue the Certificate of Election, Statement of Elected Official, and provide the Oath of Office to newly elected Officials. (Emitir el Certificado de Elección, la Declaración del Funcionario Electo y proporcionar el Juramento del Cargo a los Funcionarios recién elegidos.) ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 1 CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on May 10, 2023, at 3:00 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary’s Office at 940.458.7930. 2 CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: May 16, 2023 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 05-10-23, Canvassing the results of a General Election held on May 6, 2023, for the purpose of electing candidates to the office of City Council. (Consideración y posible acción sobre la Ordenanza No. 05-10-23, Sondeo de los resultados de una Elección General celebrada el 6 de mayo del 2023, con el propósito de elegir candidatos para el cargo de Concejo Municipal.) SUMMARY:  The City Council called the General Election on January 17, 2023, by Ordinance No. 01-01-23, for the purpose of electing three Councilmembers, Places 1, 3, and 5, for a two-year term.  The City contracted with Denton County to conduct the municipal election.  The Denton County Elections Administration has provided the Unofficial Results and will provide certified Official Results upon the City Council approving the canvassing ordinance. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the ordinance canvassing the May 6, 2023, election results. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance Unofficial Election results 3 Item 1. Ordinance – Canvassing the May 6, 2023, General Election Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 05-10-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 6, 2023, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING CANDIDATES TO THE OFFICE OF CITY COUNCIL IN THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THAT ELECTION AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the “City”) is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the General Election for the City of Sanger as set for by the Texas Election Code, was held on May 6, 2023, for the purpose of electing Councilmembers for Place 1, Place 3, and Place 5, for a two-year terms; and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 01-01-23, Calling and Ordering the General Election on May 6, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the Mayor to enter into a Joint Election contract with Denton County to conduct the General Election; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined that notice of the election was duly given in the form, manner, and time required by law, and said election was in all respects legally held and conducted in accordance with applicable laws of the State of Texas and proceedings governing the hold of such election; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas has determined that the election officials of the voting district of the City, have in compliance with the law in such cases made and provided returns to the City Council in the time and manner required, and the City Council, having canvassed the votes does find that the total number of ballots cast and that the total number of votes cast for each candidate is as follows: COUNCILMEMBER, PLACE 1 Candidate Early Voting Election Day Total* Percentage Joe Falls 59 37 96 32.54% Marissa Barrett 144 55 199 67.46% 4 Item 1. Ordinance – Canvassing the May 6, 2023, General Election Page 2 of 3 COUNCILMEMBER, PLACE 3 Candidate Early Voting Election Day Total* Percentage Dennis Dillon 171 73 244 100% UNCONTESTED COUNCILMEMBER, PLACE 4 Candidate Early Voting Election Day Total* Percentage Victor Gann 171 75 246 100% UNCONTESTED SECTION 2. That the election, having been duly called, and that notice of the election was given in accordance with the law, and the following persons were elected to the following positions as provided hereof and in Exhibit A attached hereto: Councilmember Place 1 Marissa Barrett May 2023 - May 2025 Councilmember Place 3 Dennis Dillon May 2023 - May 2025 Councilmember Place 5 Victor Gann May 2023 - May 2025 SECTION 3. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other City Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the City which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 5 Item 1. Ordinance – Canvassing the May 6, 2023, General Election Page 3 of 3 SECTION 6. This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 16th day of May 2023. APPROVED: ________________________________ ATTEST: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ________________________________ APPROVED TO FORM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary ________________________________ Hugh Coleman, City Attorney 6 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 1 100.00%58 28.71%37 40.22%96 32.54% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%144 71.29%55 59.78%199 67.46% Cast Votes:1 100.00%202 100.00%92 100.00%295 100.00% Undervotes:0 10 2 12 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 1 100.00%170 100.00%73 100.00%244 100.00% Cast Votes:1 100.00%170 100.00%73 100.00%244 100.00% Undervotes:0 42 21 63 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%171 100.00%75 100.00%246 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%171 100.00%75 100.00%246 100.00% Undervotes:1 41 19 61 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 *** End of report *** Sanger Cumulative Run Time Run Date 12:09 PM 05/09/2023 Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 1 Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% 7 Item 1. Precinct Jo e F a l l s Ma r i s s a B a r r e t t Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 - 34 10 43 53 3 0 0 37 19 56 1,014 5.52% 1002 - 34 1 12 13 1 0 0 11 3 14 213 6.57% 1003 - 34 15 27 42 3 0 1 31 13 45 1,184 3.80% 1004 - 34 70 117 187 5 0 0 133 59 192 3,397 5.65% 9100 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 9101 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Totals 96 199 295 12 0 1 212 94 307 5,808 5.29% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 1 Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 12:05 PM 05/09/2023 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 8 Item 1. Precinct De n n i s D i l l o n Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 - 34 53 53 3 0 0 37 19 56 1,014 5.52% 1002 - 34 11 11 3 0 0 11 3 14 213 6.57% 1003 - 34 38 38 7 0 1 31 13 45 1,184 3.80% 1004 - 34 142 142 50 0 0 133 59 192 3,397 5.65% 9100 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 9101 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Totals 244 244 63 0 1 212 94 307 5,808 5.29% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 2 Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 12:05 PM 05/09/2023 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 9 Item 1. Precinct Vi c t o r G a n n Ca s t V o t e s Un d e r v o t e s Ov e r v o t e s Ab s e n t e e V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t Ea r l y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t El e c t i o n D a y V o t i n g B a l l o t s C a s t To t a l B a l l o t s C a s t Re g i s t e r e d V o t e r s Tu r n o u t P e r c e n t a g e 1001 - 34 52 52 4 0 0 37 19 56 1,014 5.52% 1002 - 34 11 11 3 0 0 11 3 14 213 6.57% 1003 - 34 36 36 9 0 1 31 13 45 1,184 3.80% 1004 - 34 147 147 45 0 0 133 59 192 3,397 5.65% 9100 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 9101 - 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% Totals 246 246 61 0 1 212 94 307 5,808 5.29% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 3 Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 12:05 PM 05/09/2023 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 10 Item 1. *** End of report *** Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 4 Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Sanger Canvass Run Time Run Date 12:05 PM 05/09/2023 11 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 0 0.00%6 17.14%4 22.22%10 18.87% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%29 82.86%14 77.78%43 81.13% Cast Votes:0 0.00%35 100.00%18 100.00%53 100.00% Undervotes:0 2 1 3 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 0 0.00%35 100.00%18 100.00%53 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%35 100.00%18 100.00%53 100.00% Undervotes:0 2 1 3 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%33 100.00%19 100.00%52 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%33 100.00%19 100.00%52 100.00% Undervotes:0 4 0 4 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1001 - 34 56 of 1,014 registered voters = 5.52% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 1 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 12 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 0 0.00%1 10.00%0 0.00%1 7.69% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%9 90.00%3 100.00%12 92.31% Cast Votes:0 0.00%10 100.00%3 100.00%13 100.00% Undervotes:0 1 0 1 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 0 0.00%9 100.00%2 100.00%11 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%9 100.00%2 100.00%11 100.00% Undervotes:0 2 1 3 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%9 100.00%2 100.00%11 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%9 100.00%2 100.00%11 100.00% Undervotes:0 2 1 3 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1002 - 34 14 of 213 registered voters = 6.57% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 2 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 13 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 1 100.00%7 25.00%7 53.85%15 35.71% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%21 75.00%6 46.15%27 64.29% Cast Votes:1 100.00%28 100.00%13 100.00%42 100.00% Undervotes:0 3 0 3 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 1 100.00%26 100.00%11 100.00%38 100.00% Cast Votes:1 100.00%26 100.00%11 100.00%38 100.00% Undervotes:0 5 2 7 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%25 100.00%11 100.00%36 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%25 100.00%11 100.00%36 100.00% Undervotes:1 6 2 9 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1003 - 34 45 of 1,184 registered voters = 3.80% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 3 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 14 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 0 0.00%44 34.11%26 44.83%70 37.43% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%85 65.89%32 55.17%117 62.57% Cast Votes:0 0.00%129 100.00%58 100.00%187 100.00% Undervotes:0 4 1 5 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 0 0.00%100 100.00%42 100.00%142 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%100 100.00%42 100.00%142 100.00% Undervotes:0 33 17 50 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%104 100.00%43 100.00%147 100.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%104 100.00%43 100.00%147 100.00% Undervotes:0 29 16 45 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 1004 - 34 192 of 3,397 registered voters = 5.65% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 4 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 15 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 9100 - 34 0 of 0 registered voters = 0.00% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 5 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 16 Item 1. City of Sanger Councilmember Place 1 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Joe Falls 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Marissa Barrett 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 3 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Dennis Dillon 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 City of Sanger Councilmember Place 5 Choice Party Absentee Voting Early Voting Election Day Voting Total Victor Gann 0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Cast Votes:0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00%0 0.00% Undervotes:0 0 0 0 Overvotes:0 0 0 0 *** End of report *** 9101 - 34 0 of 0 registered voters = 0.00% Unofficial Results Registered Voters 307 of 5808 = 5.29% Precincts Reporting 6 of 6 = 100.00% Denton County Joint, General & Special Elections 5/6/2023 Page 6 Sanger Precinct Run Time Run Date 12:06 PM 05/09/2023 17 Item 1.