08-11-20-Resolution-Establish Strong Business Relief Grant Program-08/17/2020RESOLUTION NO. 08-11-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, APPROVING A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A SANGER STRONG BUSINESS RELIEF GRANT PROGRAM AS A PROJECT OF THE SANGER TEXAS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL OF GRANTS AS EXPENDITURES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Texas and Denton County, Texas on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 and thereafter declared a local state of disaster due to public health emergency and provide for shelter in home and closed many local businesses; and, WHEREAS, a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Sanger businesses have been and will continue to be adversely impacted as fewer and fewer people are able to patronize those businesses; and WHEREAS, the recent COVID-19 emergency has caused a major disruption and significant damage to such activities; and WHERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation ("STDC") desire to mitigate the impacts of these conditions through the adoption and implementation of a project entitled Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program ("Program"); and WHERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation is empowered under Chapter 505 of the Local Government Code to dedicate funds to land, buildings, equipment, facilities, expenditures, targeted infrastructure, and other improvements found to by the Board to promote new or expanded business development, and the Board made that finding with respect to the Program; and WIIERAS, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation seeks to provide twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to the Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program ("Project"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Council finds that the guidelines and criteria of the Program will support existing businesses struggling through extraordinary economic conditions, thus preserving the commercial tax base of the City and support continued employment of area residents. Section 2. The Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant Program will remain open for two (2) years unless the Sanger Texas Development Corporation establishes an earlier closure date. Section 3. The City Council hereby approves the expenditure of up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of funds from the Sanger Texas Economic Development Corporation community projects fund for the Grant Program, and authorizes the Board to implement the Program in accordance with the guidelines and criteria outlined in the Program. Section 4. The guidelines and criteria of the Program, having been reviewed by the City Council of Sanger and found to be acceptable and in the best interest of the City and its citizens and businesses, are hereby approved. Section 5. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, on this 1711 day of August 2020. APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor ATTES a Staton, Deputy City Secretary BANGER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANGER STRONG BUSINESS RELIEF GRANT PROGRAM INTRODUCTION The Sanger Texas Development Corporation ("STDC") has established a Sanger Strong Business Relief Grant program to assist small businesses located within the city limits of Sanger that are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Texas Governor Greg Abbot's Declaration of Public Health Disaster and Order of mandatory closings and service disruptions. The grant program is specifically created to help small businesses keep their workforce employed, assist with payroll and other business operating expenses and keep Sanger businesses open. It will provide funds to businesses without collateral requirements, personal guarantees, and is an additional local option to State and Federal funding support. Grant requests are for a minimum of $500 and maximum of up to $2,000. ELIGIBILITY &REGULATIONS To qualify for Grant funds, businesses that were listed as essential and non -essential in Governor Abbott's Disaster Declaration are eligible to apply for this grant if they meet the following: 1. Business must be in the city limits and have a physical location in Sanger, and have ongoing local business operations accessible to the public. 2. Business must be able to demonstrate the negative impact of COVID-19, such as reduced services operations, reduced revenues, or inability to pay employees. 3. Have been in operation a minimum of six months prior to Stay at Home orders being issued on March 31, 2020. 4. Good financial standing prior to COVID-19. 5. Funds may not be used for Taxes currently due, Taxes past due, permits or city fees. 6. Home -based businesses and non-profit businesses are not eligible. 7. Limit one Grant per applicant (only one grant per business shall be awarded). 8. Businesses which did not receive assistance from the Small Business Administration, CARES act, PPP or other grant program. If the applicant DID receive a loan or grant but has determined that the awarded amount was not enough due to the longevity of restriction to re -open, a grant may be requested. Documentation must be provided which supports the amount of money received from the program. 9. Grant provides financial assistance and utilized by the business for one or more of the following: o Payroll for employees still employed and working at the business o Utility payments Page 1 of 5 o Business lease or mortgage payments o Critical business needs as approved by the Grant oversight committee SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES & APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant must follow the procedures outlined below: 1. All business submittals shall include a Balance Sheet, Profit &Loss Statement and proof of Federal Tax ID. All documents shall be held in confidence with regards to the State regulations as required for Type B projects formed under the authority granted in Chapter 505 of the Texas Local Government Code to promote business development. In accordance with Section 552 of the Texas Government Code (Public Information Act), information and documents related to this application may be subject to disclosure. 2. Maximum funding is limited to an amount to not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) per business; only one grant shall be awarded per business. All submittals are on a first come, first serve basis and considered until all funds have been depleted. Allocations for the Program have been limited to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in total grants. 3. The Application, upon approval of a Grant by the committee, shall serve as a Performance Agreement between the Applicant and the Board, on behalf of the City. 4. All decisions are final and approved grants will be funded in accordance with state law. 5. Once a business has been awarded funding, the business owner must provide necessary documentation of all invoices and proof of payment expenses before funds will be received. Money orders, cancelled checks and credit card receipts from the business account are the only acceptable proofs of payment. Cash payments and trade of services/products are not an acceptable proof of payment. 6. The Sanger Texas Development Corporation has the right to terminate this agreement if: 1) a participant violates any conditions set forth in these approved guidelines; or, 2) Applicant falsified information in application 3) Applicant changes the use of grant funds listed in application. 7. Please hand deliver your package in a sealed envelope to the Director of Economic Development, Page 2 of 5 *TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. Generallnformation Legal Name of Business(s): Physical Address: Business Owner(s): Contact Phone: Total Amount Request $ 2. Business Information -Mail: ($2,000 maximum —amount based on need) Are you the owner -operator of the business submitting this application? Y N_ Number of Years in Business: Number of Years at current location: Does the business have any liens, violations, pending legal action or bankruptcies affiliated with it? Y N If yes, please explain: Physical presence in City: Y Reduced hours of operation: Y Number of Full -Time Employees: May-2020 June-2020_ Less than 25 FTE employees in Sanger: Y N Employee Reductions: Y N Feb-2020 July-2020 Number of Part -Time Employees: Feb-2020 May-2020 June-2020 Estimate Revenue then (07/2019) $ Estimate Revenue now (07/2020) $ 3. Operational Expenses July-2020 March-2020 March-2020 Apr-2020 pr-2020 ,Estimated Expenses then (07/2019) $ Estimated Expenses then (07/2020) $ Average Monthly Revenue: Average Monthly Expenses: Compare Current estimated income ending on 07/31/2020 with your actual net income from 07/31/2019 (if you are new business, compare last quarter ending on 12/31/2019 to current). Page 3 of 5 Estimated Revenue then (07/2019) $ Estimated Expenses then (07/2019) $ Estimated Revenue now (07/2020) $ Estimated Expenses now (07/2020) $ Estimated financial loss due to COVID-19 $ Describe how 00VID-19 mitigation recommendations and/or requirements have impacted your business: Describe how these Grant funds will be used to assist your business: 4. Applicant Documentation Checklist Applications Received Without All Documents will be Returned Attach Completed Application Attach Current Balance Sheet ending07/31/2020 Attach Current Profit/Loss or Revenue/Expense Report07/31/2020 Attach Last Year Balance Sheet ending 07/31/2019 Attach Last Year Profit/Loss or Revenue/Expense Report07/31/2019 (if not in business on 07/2019 attach the last quarter reports ending 12/31/2019) Attach completed W-9 form 5. Commitment I certify that the information I have given is truthful and accurate to the best of my ability. Financial information provided has not been manipulate to exaggerate the financial duress of this business. I understand that the information submitted in this applicant will be shared with a committee, comprised of individuals that will determine the allocation of funding to applicants. I understand that the decision to whom the money will be granted is at the sole discretion of the funding committee. I understand that if my organization is selected to receive funding, the Sanger Strong Business Grant will have a check ready as soon as possible. Signature Date Page 4 of 5 Please hand deliver your package in a sealed envelope to: ATTN: Sanger Economic Development Director, Shani Bradshaw 201 Bolivar Street, Texas 76266 Via email to sbradshaw@sangertexas.org If you have any questions, please contact 940458-2059. (OFFICE USE) RECEIVED DATE: COMMITTEE REVIEW DATE: APPROVAL: Y N PAYMENT SUBMITTAL DATE: BY: Page 5 of 5