04/13/2011-Animal Advisory Board-Minutes-RegularSanger Animal Advisory Board a Meeting Minutes 4/13/11 I. Call to order Chairman Dr. Lee Goodman called to order the regular meeting of the Sanger Animal Advisory Board at 7:10 p.m. on April 13, 2011 at City Hall. II. Roll call The following persons were present: Chairman Dr. Lee Goodman, City Secretary Tami Taber, Animal Control Officer Anthony Dodson, Bobby Swan and Tricia Barrington III. Agenda Items 1) Call Meeting to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dr. Lee Goodman. 2) Approve Minutes: March 9, 2011 Bobby Swan made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Anthony Dodson. Motion carried unanimously. 3) Discuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Best Practices for the Animal Shelter. Bobby Swan suggested looking at other small cities S.O.P's and combining parts oI those instead of using the Best Practices. He has checked with other cities; larger and the same size as Sanger and they utilize S.O.P.'s. He would like to see the ACO Training Manual as the template. Dr. Goodman requested that Bobby get copies of the S.O.P.'s and the Board will review and discuss. 4) Discuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Shelter Logging Software. Anthony is going to check with Noah's Ark to see if they can possibly link together. Tricia advised that she received free software by displaying a company's pet insurance pamphlets. 5) Members of the Board may Request Topics to be Placed on Upcoming Agenda. (No member of the Board may discuss any of the requested topics until such matter has been properly placed on a posted agenda). 6) Animal Control Update. Anthony Dodson currently has one kitten and two dogs in the shelter. 7) Update on Noah's Ark Partnership. Bobby advised that the kennels are up in the Sanger room. 8) Adjourn. Dr Goodman made a motion to adjourn Lite meeting. Seconded by Tricia Barrington. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Action items None.