08/10/2011-Animal Advisory Board-Minutes-RegularSanger Animal Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 8/10/11 I. Call to order City Secretary Tami Taber called to order the regular meeting of the Sanger Animal Advisory Board at 7:00 p.m. on August 10, 2011 at City Hall. II. Roll call The following persons were present: City Secretary Tami Taber, Animal Control Officer Anthony Dodson, Cheryl Frame, Robert Sprabeary and Bobby Swan and Tricia Barrington. III. Agenda Items 1) Call Meeting to Order. The meeting was called to order by City Secretary Tami Taber. 2) Approve Minutes: July 13, 2011 Tricia Barrington made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Robert Sprabeary. Motion carried unanimously. 3) Discuss, Consider and Possibly Act on Approving S.O.P.'s. Board reviewed revisions and additions. Anthony is to revise Animal Impoundment; If the animal has tags, attempts to notify the owner will be made the same business day and documented on an impound sheet and the same for scanning for a microchip regarding attempts to notify owner will also be made the same business day and documented. Animals impounded is clarified to being held for a minimum of 5 calendar days. In the Trick Kennel section, it will be changed from if an injured or sick animal is impounded to if any animal is impounded.... Board discussed the addition of cleaning the truck either at the end of beginning of each shift. On the Outside Play Yard, questions were brought up regarding pest control. Anthony is to check on regulations to see if it is required for the facility. Board discussed that if it was a requirement, they would like to recommend that being done quarterly. Motion made by Robert Sprabeary. Seconded by Tricia Barrington. Motion carried unanimously. 4) Animal Control Software Company Update. Anthony is currently experimenting with a 20 day free demo of the Shelter Pro software. He will advise at next meeting whether this software will be chosen to begin implementing. 5) Animal Control Update. None. 6) Future Agenda Items. Board recommended that the software be an action item on next agenda. 6) Adjourn. Bobby Swan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Robert Sprabeary. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Action items None.