09/14/2011-Animal Advisory Board-Minutes-RegularSanger Animal Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 9/14/11 I. Call to order City Secretary Tami Taber called to order the regular meeting of the Sanger Animal Advisory Board at 7:00 p.m. on September 14, 2011 at City Hall, II. Roll call The following persons were present: City Secretary Tami Taber, Animal Control Officer Anthony Dodson, Cheryl Frame, Robert Sprabeary and Bobby Swan and Tricia Barrington. III. Agenda Items 1) Call Meeting to Order. The meeting was called to order by City Secretary Tami Taber. 2) Approve Minutes: August 10, 2011 Robert Sprabeary made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Tricia Barrington. Motion carried unanimously. 3) Review of Annual Inspection. Anthony advised that the shelter passed and the inspection was done by Dr. Goodman in August. Dr. Goodman recommended to pull up all old paint on the kennel floors since it is peeling. Board advised repairing floor. 4) Animal Control Software Company Update. Anthony has chosen Shelter Pro and received the software today. 5) Animal Control Update. Anthony added (h) Pest Control into the S.O.P.'s and will call for service on an as needed basis. 6) Future Agenda Items. Nomination of Chairman due to vacancy of Dr. Goodman. Status on repairing peeling paint on kennel floors. Status on Shelter Pro software users at the police department. Status on accessibility to the shelter on weekends. 7) Adj ourn. Bobby Swan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Cheryl Frame. Motion carried unanimously. IV. Action items None.