10/12/2011-Animal Advisory Board-Minutes-RegularSangerAnimai Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 10/12/11 I. Call to order • • r - • • • • - - . . • ., i rr •• r oar, at 7s02• on October II. Roll call The following persons were present: City Secretary Tami Taber, Animal Control Officer Anthony Dodson, Robert Sprabeary and Bobby Swan. III. Agenda Items 1) Call Meeting to Order. The meeting was called to order by Bobby Swan. 2) Approve Minutes: September 14, 2011 Bobby Swan made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Robert Sprabeary. Motion carried unanimously. 3) Nomination of new Chairman. Robert Sprabeary made a motion to table this item until all members are present. Seconded by. I arm Taber. Motion carried unanimously. 4) Status on Repairing Peeling paint on Kennel Floors. Anthony advised that the floors will be repainted only in the areas that the paint is peeling. , 5) Status on Shelter Pro Software Users at the Police Department. The only users will be Anthony and Shari. 6) Status on Accessibility to the Shelter on Weekends. No access will be given to the public on weekends. The hours will remain the same. 7) Animal Control Update. On Monday, Anthony picked up three dogs and one cat. 6) Future Agenda Items. Nomination of New Chairman, 7) Adjourn. Bobby Swan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Robert Sprabeary. Motion carried unanimously. None.