03/09/2009-Parks Rec-Minutes-RegularKeep Sanger Beautiful Minutes - March 9, 2009 The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Carolyn Frazier. Members in attendance were: Carolyn Frazier, Kern, Green, Selina Davis, Elizabeth Higgs, Alice Madden. The committee discussed preparations for the April 4, Trash -Off, 9:00-12:00. 1. Contacting special groups to encourage their participation. 2. Purchasing 120 T-shirts, 20 medium sized, 35 large, 50 extra large, 20 xxlarge. 3. Keep Sanger Beautiful logo with 2009 in lime green color to be purchased by KSB 4. Advertisement to be done by Kern. Green 5. Maps from the Chamber office 6. Pick-up assignments - Selina 7. Food for picnic - Kern th Suggestions for the use of the GCAA award money were: 1. Lighting for the entrance sign into Sanger 2. Painting the overpasses 3. Sanger sign for Hwy 455 overpass to match the existing sign Activities to be held during 2009-2010 year. Earth Day - April 21 Carolyn will contact High School art teacher Fourth of July Celebration - Face painting - Kern. Green City-wide Garage Sale - Oct. 3 - 9:0042:00 Fall Decorations for City Park - Oct. Lake and River Clean-up - Oct. 10 - Selina Safe Spook - Oct. - Kern Arbor Day Poster Contest - Nov. - Kem Christmas Tour of Homes - Dec. 13 - 1:00-5:00 Yards of the Month - Yvonne Cain Caught -Doing -Good Make -A -Difference Award The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted,