08/25/2009-Parks Rec-Minutes-RegularKeep Sanger Beautiful Minutes August 25, 2009 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Carolyn Frazier. Those in attendance were: Carolyn Frazier, Elizabeth Higgs, Kem Green, Selina Davis, Alice Madden. Mike Brice, City Manager, was a guest. Mr. Brice reported the lack of available water to the KSB north entrance to the city has hampered the upkeep of the area. He stated TxDot had agreed a well could be dug on their right -a -way that could be used to water the plants in the area. Mr. Brice stated that a 400 foot - 500 foot well would cost between $10,000 and $15,000 and asked KSB to consider cost sharing with the city. A timer would be on the well for watering. Elizabeth Higgs, Treasurer, suggested KSB could contribute $1500 from 2009 budget, $2300 from savings and $1500 from 2010 budget to help pay for this well. Selina Davis moved these amounts be appropriated for the well. Kem Green seconded the motion. Motion passed. The Chairman asked for the committee to prioritize projects to be considered for the use of the GCAA money previous awarded. They were as follows: 1. Lighting over the south entrance mural Z. Painting the overpasses 3. Placing a sign on the SW side of underpass at Hwy 455 The committee agreed and the Chairman will contact Pat Haigh with TxDot. Selina Davis moved and Kem Green seconded the motion that KSB pay dues not to exceed $175 to KAB. The motion carried. Selina Davis moved and Kem Green seconded that KSB would participate in the GCAA 2009 competition. The committee agreed. Kem Green will attend KTB training Sept. 22 in Duncanville. The following projects were determined: 1. City-wide garage sale -Oct. 3 Advertisement in the paper Sept.14 and Sept.21. List of homes registered in the paper Sept. 28 2. Decorate city park - Oct. 3 3. Lake and River Clean-up Oct. 10 - Selina Davis 4. Safe Spook - Oct. 30 - Kem Green 5. Arbor Day Poster Contest - Elizabeth Higgs 6. Christmas Tour of Homes - Dec. 13, 1:00 - 5:00 -Carolyn Frazier Homes Suggested - Penny Juarez; Linda Hewlett; Tom Barnes; Mike James' house 7. Caught -Doing -Good - Selina Davis 8. Make -A -Difference - High School Art Department 9. Homecoming - KSB enWame Sept. 12 Respectfully submitted,