11/16/2009-Parks Rec-Minutes-Regular- KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL MINUTES — NOVEMBER 16, 2009 MEMBERS PRESENT: Carolyn Frazier, Elizabeth Higgs, Janiece Newton, Penny Juarez, Alice Madden. Chairman Frazier called the meeting to order. With the Board's agreement, she announced Arbor Day Poster contest judging will be November 11 at 10.00. Debbie Spindle will be the outside judge. The prizes will be $25 first place, $15 second place, $10 third place. Earth Day will be celebrated in the spring with the fifth grade students at Butterfield Elementary. Keep Texas Beautiful. GCAA application is due Feb. 26. The Annual report is due Mar. 15. The KTB Annual Conference will be in Austin. June 21-24. The Board agreed to recognize the Art, Ag and Engineering Dept. of the High School for the Make -A -Difference award. A plaque will be designed to be placed in the xerioscope garden. The Christmas Tour of Homes will be Dec. 13. Homes to be on the tour are: Hewlett. Chick, Juarez, Grissom. Other homeowners may be asked. Janiece Newton will design the brochures and 150 tickets. The tickets will cost $S.00The Wilfong building will be used to distribute the brochures. The Christmas Lighting Contest will be December 9. Judges will meet at the Frazier home at 6:30 p.m. and will have dinner together at Miauento's. The next KSB meeting will be Dec. 7 at noon at the library. The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice Madden, Secretary