04/12/2010-Parks Rec-Minutes-RegularKeep Sanger Beautiful Minutes -April 12, 2010 The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Carolyn Frazier. Members attending were: Elizabeth Higgs, Jeanice Newton, Alice Madden, Carolyn Frazier. The committee discussed the Annual Trash -Off. Elizabeth Higgs moved and Alice Madden seconded to have the Trash -Off on May 1, �:30 a.m. to 11:00 with the following items included: No lunch will be served. The maximum amount of $500. was designated to purchase T-shirts, considering 15 XXL, 35 XL, 35 L sizes. The T-shirts are to be printed in red with no date listed. Jean0 will contact the schools, newspaper, make fliers and prepare the maps. Elizabeth will purchase gloves and trash bags. Carolyn will contact the chamber, Boy Scout, city for Fulton and IESI participation. The motion passed. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Ile Alice Madden, Secretary