08/02/2010-Parks Rec-Minutes-RegularKeep Sanger Beautiful Board Minutes August 2, 2010 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Frazier. Members in attendance were: Elizabeth Higgs, Jeanice Newton, Alice Madden and Carolyn Frazier. These members represented a quorum. Chairman Frazier reported her phone conversation with Pat Haigh, Texas Department of Transportation representative. He will work with our Sanger Board in planning the lighting for the Welcome to Sanger entrance. The proposed project is to spend the $70,000 grant won by Keep Sanger Beautiful to light the entrance with the historical paintings. Pat Haigh said there were two options to be considered: Option 1: Use LED lights —Advantage —Low maintenance cost, long term Disadvantage —Cost $70,000 Option 2: Use fluorescent lights - Advantage — Cost less $25,000, Color and quality the same, expenditure allows for painting the overpass.. Disadvantage — Costs more to operate. Due to bids being let in September and work started in January, it is necessary to inform Pat Haigh of the selected option. Elizabeth Higgs moved to accept Option 2 provided Pat Haigh sends a plan that addresses the placement of the lights as previously discussed with him. Jeanice Newton seconded the motion. It carried. Chairman Frazier announced the Keep America dues of $50 will be paid. The current standing of Keep Sanger Beautiful is in good standing. Suggestion for a new member was Laura Uzeli living on Creek View. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully subrryttgd, -^f � Alice Madden