07-10-18-Resolution-Denco Area 911 Appointment-07/02/2018Gouncii Resolution No.-0�-10-18 A RESOLUTION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ONE MEMBER TO THE BOAKV OF MANAGERS OF THE DENCO AREA 94" 1 DISTRICT, NHEREAS, Seo#inn I tz, Health and Safety Code, provides that two voting members of the Board of Managers of an Emergency Communications District shall be appointed jointly by all cities and towns lying wholly or partly within the District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY I TOWN OF Sanger The City /Town of 1T#}TES TO A,RF'OII1I'i` TE�CAS: Sectit�ri '1 Sanger Jim Carter Board of ivianagers o-t the penco Area 9-1�1 Dstric#. SeCi.�.. Ion 2 herei3y as a member of the That #his resolution sltall become effeo#ive Immedia#sly upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVI=D this the 2nd day of Mayor Thomas E. Muir City /Town of Sanger ATTEST: City i�1'o}►d`n Secretary Cheryl ice 2018.