01/25/2023-Library Board-Minutes-RegularLIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 25, 2023 7:00 PM LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING LIBRARY BUILDING - 501 BOLIVER STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Board Chair Rodgers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Board Member, Place 1 Vacant Board Member, Place 2 Suzanne Sellers Board Member Chair, Place 3 Judith Rodgers Board Member, Place 4 Libby Dorn Board Member, Place 5 Erica Kaufman BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Audrey Tolle, Librarian CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the minutes of September 28, 2022 meeting 2. Library Director's Report Librarian Tolle provided an overview of the Director’s Report. We discussed Madonna Wade acting as Mrs. Claus at the library to a good turnout. We were informed that the library has a saxophone credit for a future event. Also, hot spot checkout is slower than expected so the library is planning more advertisement for this service. A part- time library employee gave two weeks’ notice so the library will need to post for a replacement. Also, the library is migrating from to a new catalog service. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the board. ACTION ITEMS 3. Consideration and possible action of emergency procedures. The board reviewed general emergency procedures and spent time discussing the ongoing concern of freezing pipes related to the library sprinkler system. Due to past experiences that caused considerable damages resulting in the loss of materials, staff time, and short-term library access, the board is concerned with efforts and policies related to the current library sprinkler system. The board will work to write a letter of recommendation related to freeze warnings and the sprinkler system to present to the City Manager to address the importance of this issue. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The board reached a consensus to discuss interlibrary loan and other circulation policies at a future meeting. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. ADJOURN The board voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.