06/16/2014-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularST EXAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 16, 2014 7:00 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: (Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section). CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: June 2, 2014 - Worlc Session June 2, 2014 - City Council b) Disbursements c) Consider Reappointing Existing Board Members: Planning and Zoning Commission -Justin Allen -Place 2 Sandra Hensley - Place 4 Sherri McCandless - Place 6 Board of Adjustment -Justin Allen -Place 2 Sandra Hensley - Place 4 Sherri McCandless - Place 6 Parks Board -Lee Allison -Place 2 Tom Swartz -Place 4 Carrie Bilyeu - Place 6 Library -Elizabeth Dunn -Place 2 4A -Elizabeth Springer Vickie ,Tenkins Don Gillum John Jacobs Fred Yeatts 4B - Jeff Springer Beverly Branch John Payne Beverly Howard Will Dutton Barbara Martin Christy Crutsinger 4. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 5. No items. 6. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) All American Dogs Report - May 7. Adjourn. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the gen al public at all times, an4j said notice was posted 1 on the following date and time: ��1'7 at67 �V.m, and shall � ,ram remain posted until eeting is ag4O to 4 A���,,, Tami Taber, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This facility is wheelchair accessibl9����n������ible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the Citv Secretarv's office at (940) 458=7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION June 2, 2014 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Billy Ezell, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Scott Stephens, Councilman Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary, Julia Glover, Jeff Springer 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Muir called the Work Session to order at 6:04 p.m. Mike Brice deviated from the agenda to introduce to Council the new Parlc and Recreation Supervisor, James Berman. 2. Presentation by Julia Glover, Denton Economic Development Program Administrator. Julia Glover, Denton Economic Development Program Administrator was recognized and presented a powerpoint on Downtown Revitalization. She noted that she gave the presentation to the newly formed Sanger Downtown Association on May 5th and they requested that she present to the City Council. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Councilman Gary Bilyeu and Councilman Allen Chick posed some questions to Mike Brice regarding the Financial Report, 4. Adjourn. Mayor Ail adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 2014 PRESENT: Mayor Thomas Muir, Councilman Billy Ezell, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Gary Bilyeu, Councilman Scott Stephens and Councilman Allen Chicle STAFF PRESENT: Mike Brice, City Manager; Cheryl Price, Deputy City Secretary; Joe Iliff, Director Development Services OTHERS PRESENT: Jeff Springer, Ray Stephens, Rick Horn, Jonathan Wang 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Muir called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Councilman Chick led the Invocation followed by Councilman Stephens leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approval of Minutes: May 19, 2014 -City Council b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed From Consent Agenda. Councilman Ezell made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion was seconded by Councilman Stephens. Motion carried unanimously (54 Vote). REGULAR AGENDA 5. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding Rezoning Property Located on the West Side of Marion Road, North of FM 455, From MF-2 Multi -Family Residential District to PD-TH Townhome Residential District and From SF-10 Single Family Residential District to 24 Two Family Residential District and B4 Business District. Joe Miff, Development Services summarized the rezoning request. The applicant is proposing to rezone three areas. Tract 1 is proposed to be rezoned from MF-2 Multi -Family District to PD411 Townhome District. This would permit the construction of single family attached dwelling units. Tract 2 is proposed to be rezoned from SF-10 to 2-F Two -Family Residential Duplex District. It consists of approximately 9.2 Acres located west of Tract 3 and extends south and west of the intersection of Silver Spur Drive and Wagon Wheel Drive. This would increase the number of dwelling units allowed in the area from approximately 43 single-family detached units to 76 single-family attached units. Tract 3 is proposed to be rezoned from SF40 to B-1 Business District. This tract is approximately 24/2 acres and is located on the west side of Marion Road, south of Silver Spur Drive. Staff mailed out 30 public hearing notices to owners of properties within 200 feet and four were returned and are included in the agenda packets. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the request for approval. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:10 PM and solicited any citizens who wished to speak with questions, concerns, either for or against the request. Ray Stephens, 619 Ridgecrest Drive, Denton, Texas was recognized with concerns. Mr. Stephens noted he owned the property to the south of the proposed development. He wanted to be sure that they did not dump dirt in the creek area and along his fence. He was concerned if they ruin his fence his cattle may get out. He noted he was not against the development of the adjacent property but wanted the city to be aware of his concerns and wanted safeguards to protect his property. There being no further questions, concerns or citizens to speak either for or against, the public hearing was closed at 7:13 PM. 6. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #06-08-14 -Rezoning Property Located on the West Side of Marion Road, North of FM 455, From MF-2 Multi -Family Residential District to PD-TH Townhome Residential District and From SF40 Single Family Residential District to 2-F Two Family Residential District and B4 Business District. Richard Horn with Le Gant Homes was recognized and provided additional information regarding the proposed future development of the property. Through questioning by the Mayor and Council members, he noted that the homes would range from 1800 to 2400 square feet. The duplexes and townhomes will all be two story homes. The townhomes will range from $110,000 to $150,000 and the duplexes will have a price point of about $180,000. The B-1 Commercial Zoned area will have a low intensity commercial use. The road outlets will align with future road planning in the Master Thoroughfare Plan along with the widths/sizes of the roads required when the plats come through. Ray Stephens was recognized and wanted reassurance that his property would not be flooded with runoff water from the development of the property. Joe Iliff and Richard Horn noted that his concerns with the water flow would be addressed. Richard Horn noting that there would be detention areas and Joe Iliff advised that these issues would be taken care of through engineering requirements at the platting stage. A motion was made by Councilman Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #06-08-14 -Rezoning Property Located on the West Side of Marion Road, North of FM 455, From MF-2 Multi - Family Residential District to PD-TH Townhome Residential District and From SF40 Single Family Residential District to 24 Two Family Residential District and B-1 Business District. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stephens. The vote carried unanimously (5-0 Vote). 7. Conduct a Public Hearing Regarding Granting a Specific Use Permit For a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road. Mayor Muir opened the Public Hearing at 7:39 PM and solicited any citizens who wished to speak with questions, concerns, either for or against the request. There being no citizens who wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:40 PM. 8. Consider, Discuss and Possibly Approve Ordinance #06-0944 - Granting a Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road. Jeff Springer was recognized to present the request. He noted they own the property on Metz Road which has been recently annexed into the city limits. The property is a five acre tract. It had two dwellings, both of which were mobile homes. The mobile home on 19177 Metz was moved off of the property. They would like to replace it with a mobile home one of their contractors owns if the SUP were approved. There is an existing Bolivar Water meter, a Co -serve electric meter, and an aerobic septic system. To the south of the property, there is a modular home and what appears to be a construction office yard. To the north, there is a vacant lot with an abandoned mobile home. To the west is the Wagon Master RV Park. To the east is agricultural land. Jeff Springer advised they are proposing that the SUP be allowed for 10 years. The Planning and Zoning Commission denied the request. Joe Iliff, Development Services noted the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed different proposals for the amount of years the SUP would be allowed and what would constitute expiration of the SUP and two different motions were made and both were denied. He noted the Council could make the stipulations that were measurable and enforceable. Examples of some measurable stipulations would be if they remove the Mobile home, replat or rezone the property and/or abandon the property. There was discussion as to what a reasonable time to declare abandonment would be. Discussion ranged from 30 to 60 days. Mayor Muir asked that since the Planning and Zoning Commission denied it would it have to go back to P & Z? Joe Iliff advised that it would not, that the Planning and Zoning Commission is a recommending body; the City Council makes the final determination. Councilmember Gary Bilyeu noted that there was noway that this does not conform to what is currently in the area. He noted felt a good compromise between 30 and 60 days for abandonment, was 45 days. A motion was made by Councilmember Bilyeu to approve Ordinance #06-09-14 -Granting a Specific Use Permit for a Mobile Home as a Fixed Dwelling in an Agricultural Zoning District Located at 10977 Metz Road with the following conditions: 1) The SUP will expire ten (10) years after going into effect. 2) The SUP will expire upon removal of the mobile home unit. 3) The SUP will expire upon abandonment of the mobile home unit for a period of forty-five (45) Days. 4) The SUP will expire upon the property being changed from the "A" Agricultural District Zoning to any other zoning district, or being platted or subdivided. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Stephens. The motion carried unanimously (5-0 Vote). 9. INFORMATION ITEMS: a) Financial and Investment Report -April Councilmember Bilyeu asked if we purchased two additional vehicles for the Police Department and Mike Brice noted that we only have purchased two vehicles that we just got them in and are paying the bills. Councilmember Chick asked when the Police were going to move. Mike Brice noted we were working with Austin Lane on the consolidation of the server. He can not provide an exact date at this time. 10. Adjourn. There being no further business Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 8:12 PM. 6/05/2014 5:32 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 06617 5.6.14 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N01 AMOUNT 26320 TRUST -CITY OF SANGER EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND I-D135.16.14 PY DENTAL INS METLIFE 13-14 D 6/05/2014 1,730.52CR 000000 I-D135.2.14 PY DENTAL INS METLIFE 13-14 D 6/05/2014 1,730.53CR 000000 I-D135.30.14 PY DENTAL INS METLIFE 13-14 D 6/05/2014 0.01CR 000000 I-H135.16.14 BY HEALTH INS 13-14 AETNA D 6/05/2014 181474.000R 000000 I-H135.2.14 BY HEALTH INS 13-14 AETNA D 6/05/2014 18,474.000R 000000 I-LLI5.16.14 BY LIFE INSURANCE ❑ 6/05/2014 43.34CR 000000 I-LL15.2.14 BY LIFE INSURANCE D 6/05/2014 43.34CR 000000 I-SDL5.16.14 PY EDP LIFE LINE OF DUTY $251000 D 6/05/2014 21.47CR 000000 I-SDL5.2.14 PY EDP LIFE LINE OF DUTY $25,000 D 6/05/2014 21.47CR 000000 I-SLB5.16.14 BY EMS $25,000 LIFE INS D 6/05/2014 48.59CR 000000 I-SLB5.2.14 BY ENS $25,000 LIFE INS D 6/05/2014 48.59CR 000000 I-SLV5.16.14 BY STD EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 6/05/2014 499.20CR 000000 I-SLV5.2.14 BY STD EMPLOYEE VOLUNTARY LIFE D 6/05/2014 499.20CR 000000 I-V135.16.14 PY EMPLOYEE VOL VISION INSURANCE D 6/05/2014 230.01CR 000000 I-V135.2.14 PY EMPLOYEE VOL VISION INSURANCE D 6/05/2014 230.01CR 000000 42,094.28 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC 1-915209 INSERTS COUPLINGS R 6/05/2014 323.16CR 057085 I-917056 INSERTS COUPLINGS R 6/05/2014 130.000R 057085 453.16 ' '0 ALL AMERICAN DOGS INC I-1542 APRIL SHELTER SERVICE R 6/05/2014 3,400.000R 057086 3,4DO.❑O 03170 ARCO I-C89476 CYLINDER END CAPS R 6/05/2014 652.80CR 057087 652.80 02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-5282014 AT&T140BILITY R 6/05/2014 752.76CR 057088 152,76 23310 BATTERIES PLUS 1-153-258248 BATTERIES R 6/05/2014 9.95CR 057089 9.95 11740 BE'TSY ROSS FLAG GIRLS,INC I-813151-D FLAG POLE REPAIR R 6/05/2014 127.000R 057090 127.00 25690 SUL COMPANIES, INC 1-12447191 CHEMICALS AND FERILIZERS R 6/05/2014 11926.000R 05"1091 1,926.00 26350 C & G ELECTRIC, INC I-25845 CONTEND RD-INSTALL PUMP R 6/05/2014 360.000R 057092 360.00 6/05/2014 5:32 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 06617 5.6.14 VENDOR SET; 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NON AMOUNT 02660 THE CAR CARE CENTER I-0004120 ANNUAL TECH TRAINING R 6/05/2014 300.00CR 057093 300,00 02490 CENTURYLINK I-JUNE 4 2014 PHONE USAGE R 6/05/2014 1,193.14CR 057094 1,193.14 07850 CLEAT I-CLT5.16.14 PY ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 6/05/2014 105.00CR 057095 I-CLT5.2.14 PY ASSOCIATION DUES EMPLOYEE R 6/05/2014 105.00CR 057095 210,00 21100 COLEMAN LAW FIRM I-05232014 MONTHLY FEES R 6/05/2014 987.000R 057096 987.00 03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE I-50042120 NEW SUPERVISOR CLASS R 6/05/2014 80.0OCR 057097 I-S0042302 WARRANT BASICS/ NARCOTICS R 6/05/2014 80.000R 057097 160,00 06710 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-3935810-0 DVD RW P0WER PLUNGER R 6/05/2014 263.77CR 057098 I-3935842-0 VACCUU14 R 6/05/2014 377.83CR 057098 641.60 '9 CULLIGAN I-06/01-06/30 WATER BOTTLE SERVICE R 6/05/2014 14.36CR 057099 14.36 24160 DALLAS COUNTY INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC SCIENCES I -MAY 22 2014 CHEMICAL TESTING R 6/05/2014 309.000R 057100 I-MP.Y 9 2014 CHEMICAL TESTING R 6/05/2014 L16.000R 057100 425.00 03110 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEPT I-JUNE2014 DISPATCH SERVICE 2013-14 R 6/05/2014 21 676.ONCE. 05710L 2, 676.00 06490 DENTON REGIONAL MEDICAL 1-05132014 BISHOP, J R 6/05/2014 75.00CR 057102 75.00 00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-19-76113-01 COMMUNICATION CABLE R 66/05/2014 94.89CR 057103 I-19-76113-02 COMMUMICATION CABLE R 6/05/2014 161.17CR 057103 256.06 2098C EXPRESS SERVICESr INC. I-20061094 FOSTER/SAAVEDRA R 6/05/2014 1,153.46CR 057104 1,153.46 230LO FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. 1-48388 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 6/05/2014 346.87CR 057105 346.87 i 6/05/2014 5:32 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 06617 5.6.14 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. PESO TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 18790 FUELHAN I-NP41327039 FUEL USAGE R 6/05/2014 3,435.72CR 057106 I-NP41424095 FUEL USAGE R 6/05/2014 21758.58CR 057106 6,194.30 27350 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL I-517318 large zip ties R 6/05/2014 396.32CR 057107 3966.32 17380 THE GLOVE GUY 1-052815 GLASSES GLOVES EQUIP R 6/05/2014 225.000R 057108 225,00 02610 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS I-2525782-00 SMART COUPLER R 6/05/2014 498.00CR 057109 498.00 19480 BOTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-1543 IW38583 MONTHLY SAMPLES R 6/05/2014 11380.00CR 057110 1,380.00 18160 INDIAN CAR WASH I-847002 CAR WASH VOUCHERS R 6/05/2014 800.000R 057111 800.00 20220 INGHAM I-78705792 BOOKS FOR COLLECTION R 6/05/2014 303.86CR 057112 I-78705793 BOOKS FOR COLLECTION R 6/05/2014 14.87CR 057112 318.73 01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO., INC. I-13574mb HOT MIX ASPHALT R 6/05/2014 468.16CR 057113 468.16 08210 KWIK PAR I-19453 STATE INSPECTIONS R 6/05/2014 39.75CR 057114 39.75 05400 LEGALSHIELD C-MAY 2014 ROUNDING R 6/05/2014 0.01 057115 I-PPL5.16.14 PY PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 6/05/2014 61.28CR 057115 I-PPL5.2.14 PY PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 6/05/2014 6L.28CR 057115 122.55 20790 LIBRARICA LUC 1-203707-11 ADD ON LICENSE R 6/05/2014 199.00CR 057116 199.00 01570 LOWEPS COMPANIES, INC. C-15127 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. R 6/05/2014 569.05 057117 I-15127 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. R 6/05/2014 569.05CR 05"1117 I-15509 LIGHTS/PLUGS/CAPS R 6/05/2014 168.92CR 057117 I-15934 MIST SUPPLIES R 6/05/2014 375.67CR 057117 I-36194 WINDOW A/C UNIT R 6/05/2014 540.55CR 057117 I-56441 MISC TOOLS R 6/05/2014 446.24CR 05711') I-67029 ASPHALT REPLACEMENT R 6/05/2014 45.52CR 057117 1,576.90 6/05/2014 5:32 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 06617 5.6.14 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 10730 MADAN DIRECTIONAL DRILLING,CORP. I-5126 BORING@LIBRARY R 6/05/2014 5,200.000R 057118 1-5127 VAC 8 HOLES 6' DEEP R 6/05/2014 - 640.000R 057118 51840.00 27400 METCALFr BRANDON I-20302795 CDL REIMBURSEMENT R 6/05/2014 57.000R 057119 57.00 21250 MILLER CONSTRUCTION I-01205 MISC CONCRETE REPAIR R 6/05/2014 11,OOO.00CR 057120 11,000,00 08690 01 REILLY AUTO PARTS C-1959124680 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS R 6/05/2014 10.99 057121 C-1959128138 credit R 6/05/2014 232.99 057121 C-1959128155 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS R 6/05/2014 211.21 057121 C-EB42514264 MARCHI4EBACKLED R 6/05/2014 6.79 057121 C-core credit O'REILLY AUTO PARTS R 6/05/2014 22.00 057121 C-credit O'REILLY AUTO PARTS R 6/05/2014 91.99 05712L I-1959117059 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 50.23CR 057121 ' I-1959117284 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 359.77CR 057121 I-1959117301 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 117.82CR 057121 I-1959117411 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 142.22CR 057121 I-1959117518 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 24.66CR 057121 I-1959117544 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 13.11CR 057121 I-1959117590 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 53.25CR 05712L I-1959118527 MISC MAINTENANCE PARTS R 6/05/2014 99.31CR 057121 I-1959118822 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 25.98CR 057121 I-1959118982 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 159.99CR 05712L I-1959120066 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 121..30CR 051121 I-1959120179 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 15.99CR 051121 I-1959121307 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 12.20CR 057121 I-1959121479 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/051,2014 4.99CR 057121 I-1959121653 MISC MAINTENANCE PARTS R 6/05/2014 125.13CR 057121 I-1959121692 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 47.99CR 057121 I-1959121727 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 115.45CR 057121 I-1959121737 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 12,48CR 057121 I-1959121748 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 38.99CR 057121 I-1959121752 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 38.99CR 057121 I-1959121903 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 16.99CR 057121 I-1959121911 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 17.99CR O51121 I-1959123134 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 50.39CR 057121 1-1959123106 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 12.99CR 057121 I-1959123119 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 17.73CR 057121 I-1959193149 MISC MAINTENANCE PARTS R 6/05/2014 195.98CR 057121 I-1959123190 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 379.99CR 057121 I-1959123728 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 31.98CR 057121 I-1959124650 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 48,11CR 057121 I-1959124668 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 10.99CR 057121 1-1959124679 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 14.99CR 057121 III 1-1959124985 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 349.36CR 057121 I-1959125050 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 34.92CR 057121 I-1959125051 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 34.92CR 057121 I-1959125181 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 66.91CR 057121 6/05/2014 5:32 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 06617 5.6.14 VENDOR SET: 99 HANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / L.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO$ AMOUNT I-1959125831 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 61.14CR 057121 I-1959125863 NISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 25.80CR 057121 I-1959126400 NISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 18,48CR 057121 I-1959127325 MISC MAINTENANCE PARTS R 6/05/2014 36.99CR 057121 - I-1959127490 PIG TAILS GAS CAPS R 6/05/2014 19.88CR 057121 I-1959127516 PIG TAILS GAS CAPS R 6/05/2014 23.85CR 057121 I-1959127687 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 457.54CR 057121 1-1959127899 warranty R 6/05/2014 232.99CR 057121 I-1959127968 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 112.43CR 057121 I-1959129036 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 217.99CR 057121 1-1959129052 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 9.88CR 051121 I-1959129101 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 29.94CR 051121 I-1959129105 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 43.99CR 057121 I-195926368 MISC REPAIR PARTS R 6/05/2014 211.21CR 057121 I-SCO2113167 Finacne-Late Payment Charges R 6/05/2014 4,15CR 057121 I-scO2130106 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS R 6/05/2014 19.84CR 057121 3,814.82 *VOLD* VOID CHECK V 6/05/2014 057122 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/05/2014 057123 **VOID** 'D* VOID CHECK V 6/05/2014 057124 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/05/2014 057125 **VOID** *VOID* VOID CHECK V 6/05/2014 057126 **VOID** 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-711585834001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6/05/2014. 30.68CR 057127 I-711586065001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES P. 6/05/2014 14.84CR 057127 I-711586066001 NISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6/05//2014 16.51CR 057127 62.03 25830 PACHECO KOCH, LLC I-29748 MCREYNOLDS RD RECON R 6/05/2014 38,80L.50CR U57128 1-29812 CONSULTING SERVICES - SEW R 6/05/2014 7,030.000R 057128 1-29813 NORTH I-35 OUTFALL SEWER R 6/05/2014 9,600.000R 057128 55,431.50 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-1201597237 ANNUAL ROLL OF RENTAL R 6/05/2014 1,349.37CR 057129 1,349.37 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF IS, INC I-1201625189 ANNUAL ROLL OF RENTAL R 6/05/2014 99.90CR 051130 99,90 6/05/2014 5:32 PH A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 06617 5.6,14 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I,D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# 21140 R 5 T ELECTRIC, LLC 1-30857 A/C REPAIR R 6/05/2014 185.000R 057131 06750 RILEY, MICHAEL I-0615-202014 MEAL MONEY R 6/05/2014 25590 SCHNEIDER ENGINEERING I-0000000022045 ERGOT TRANSMISSION R 6/05/2014 26100 SOUTHERN TIRE MART, LLC I-48031327 PURSUIT TIRES R 6/05/2014 11900 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE I-86158 TACTICAL LIVESAVER R 6/05/2014 I-86182 TACTICAL LIVESAVER R 6/05/2014 I-86236 CLASSES R 6/05/2014 26490 TEAGUE MALL AND PERKINS, INC I-13247-05 CDBG SEWER PROJECT R 6/05/2014 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1460407-00 FIXTURES, RING, LAMP R 6/05/2014 09040 THOMPSON, J RANDY I-160109 MILUAKEE DRILL REPAIR R 6/05/2014 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-025-97077 COURT ONLINE SUPPORT R 6/05/2014 26300 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA C-4.2014 UNU14 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF R 6/05//2014 I-UBT-PY 4-4-14 UNUM INSURANCE R 6/09/2014 I-UBT-PY 4.17.14 UNUM INSURANCE R 6/05/2014 21610 STIMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP, INC I-E1213]63.001 BATTERY/HELMET R 6/05/2014 ** T O T A L S 175.000R 057132 193.75CR 057133 PAGE: 6 CHECK AMOUNT 85.00 175.00 193 .'15 88.00 0 .00 3, 380.330R 057136 3,380.33 S O.000R 05713] 50.00 1 L9.000R 057138 119.00 125.000R 057139 125.00 0.16 057140 819.52CR 057190 819.52CR 057140 1,638.88 2'o4.99CR 057141 264.99 N07 DISCOUNTS PAGE: 1 6/12/2014 3:30 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 06640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT VENDOR NAME / L.D. DESC *VOID* VOID CHECK *VOID* VOID CHECK ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-2956869 BATTERY FOR REMOT I-5118064 ANNUAL INSPECTIONS 18100 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES I-20118 COLLECTIONS ON WARRANTS 01550 ATMOS I-06152014 GAS USAGE 1 BETTY BAILES I-06.07.2014 CANN CENTER 11670 CHEM-SERV, INC I-097343 PENE-LOOB PENETRANT 12760 CINTAS, INC. I-492198992 UNIFORMS OCT13-SEP'T14 I-492202034 UNIFORMS OCT13-SEPT14 I-492205055 UNIFORMS OCT13-SEPT14 I-492208098 UNIFORMS OCT13-SEPT14 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-06152014 UTILITY USAGE 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-06152014 ELECTRIC USAGE 23620 COTE'S MECHANICAL I-CM20142712 ICE MACHINE RENTAL13-14 26090 D 6 L FEEDS INC I-000802/6 TEMPO 25730 DATAPROSE, LLC I-3832 BILL PRINTING 00740 DCAD 1-6632 DCAD CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NON AMOUNT V 6/12/2014 057245 **VOID** V 6/12/2014 057246 **VOID** R 6/12/2014 166.06CR 057199 R 6/12/2014 5,477.L9CR 057199 5,643.25 R 6/12/2014 89.4OCR 057200 89.40 R 6/12/2014 320.93CR 057201 320.93 R 6/12/2014 100.000R 057202 100.00 R 6Y12/2014 233.80CR 057203 233.80 R 6/12/2014 66. 97CR 057204 R 6/12/2014 66.97CR 057204 R 6/12/2014 66.91CR 057204 R 6/12/2014 66, 97CR 057204 267.88 R 6/12/2014 33,583.77CR 057205 33, 583.77 R 6/12/2014 2, 292.58CR 057206 2,292.58 R 6/12/2014 354.000R 057207 354.00 R 6/12 /2014 173.97CR 057208 1]3.97 R 6/12/2014 514. 69CR 057209 514.69 R 6/12 /20i4 5,167.31CR 057210 5,167.37 6/12/2014 3:30 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 06640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 00750 DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY I-2112725-01 WALL PACK R 6/12/2014 445.44CR 057211 445.44 15580 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS I-5/10/14 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS R G/12/2014 21777.83CR 057212 2,777.83 19020 EAGLE 3 WHEELER I-63849 PRINTING AND MAIL PREP R 6/12/2014 660.000R 057213 660.00 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-14131499-7 FOSTER/SAAVEURA R 6/12/2014 1,165.15CR 057214 17165.15 23820 FERGUSON WATERWORKS I-0650588 4" VALVE R 6/12/2014 571.56CR 057215 I-0653496 METER BOXES R 6/12/2014 108.50CR 05215 I-0653496-1 METER BOXES R 6/12/2014 356.50CR 057215 1,036.56 18340 FIRST ADVANTAGE BACKGROUND SVCS I-28701405 BACKGROUND CHECK R 6/12/2014 16.50CR 057216 16.50 230LO FIVE STAR SUPPLY CO INC. I-48500 4X6 RUG FOR COMBIUNITY CEN R 6/12/2014 142.10CR 05217 142.10 18790 FUELNAN I-NP41487132 FUEL USAGE R 6/12/2014 31320.96CR 057218 3,320.96 01070 GALLS INC. I-002014852 REFLECTIVE GEAR BAG R 6/12/2014 90.65CR 057219 90.65 22690 GEAR CLEANING SOLUTION I-8276 ANNUAL CLEANING REPAIR R G/12/2014 724.32CR 05220 I-Y407 ANNUAL CLEANING REPAIR R 6/12/2014 82.29CR 057220 806.61 27120 GOMEZ FLOOR I-345170 INSTALLATING OF FLOORING R 6/12/2014 2,176.000R 057221 1-345171 CARPET R 6/12/2014 18,500.00CR 057221 20,676.00 16860 GRAINGER I-9445353952 PIGEONHOLE BINS R 6/12/2014 447.85CR 057222 447.85 19830 ILIFF, JOSEPH I-05192014 MILEAGE AND PARKING R 6/12/2014 131.60CR 057223 131,60 6/12/2014 3:30 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 06640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D, DUST TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 21220 IRBY TOOL 6 SAFETY I-SO0829065.004 INSULATOR CONNECTORS R 6/12/2014 69.000R 057224 I-SO08290650.001 INSULATOR CONNECTORS R 6/12/2014 474,50CR 057224 I-SO08290658.002 INSULATOR CONNECTORS R 6/12/2014 433.000R 057224 I-SO08290658.003 INSULATOR CONNECTORS R 6/12/2014 40.000R 057224 1,016.50 01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO., INC. 1-00327232 HOT 141X ASPHALT R 6/12/2014 395.36CR 057225 395.36 1 JANELL ODOM SHELTON I-06082014 COME CENT R 6/12/2014 100.000R 057226 100,00 17430 JUNIOR LIBRARY GUILD I-217854 JUNIOR FICTION R 6/12/2014 526.50CR 057227 526.50 26260 LIBRARY IDEAS, LLC I-39145 FREADING SHOOK SERVICE R 6/12/2014 33.50CR 057228 33,50 21250 MILLER CONSTRUCTION I-01206 MISC CONCRETE REPAIR R 6/12/2014 41060.000R 057229 I-01207 MISC CONCRETE REPAIR R 6/12/2014 4,710.000R 057229 I-01208 MISC CONCRETE REPAIR R 6/12/2014 61000.00CR 057229 14,770.00 27280 NEVIMAN SIGNS, INC I-TI-0273797 NO PARKING SIGNS, L, R R 6/12/2014 321..60CR 057230 321.00 01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGER G SMITH, LLP I-12068889 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGE R 6/12'2014 160.000R 057231 160.00 01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-19412 VOICEMAIL SYSTEM REPAIR R 6/12/2014 142.50CR 057232 142.50 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-710446508001 DISHWASHING DETERGANT R 6/12/2014 41.14CR 051233 I-710446896001 PAPER TOWELS, TOWEL DISK R 6/12/2014 56.32CR 057233 1-711907434001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 210.77CR 057233 I-712585880001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 06.54CR 051233 I-712799276001 GLASS CLEANER FABULOSO R 6/12/2014 97.20CR 057233 I-714179742001 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 190.80CR 057233 I-7144"14123001 TP R 6/12/2014 33.76CR 057233 1-714474557001 SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 86.90CR 057233 803,51 6/12/2014 3:30 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 06640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. REST TYPE DATE 246610 PCS MOBILE I-44295 TOUGHTBOOK BOB DRIVE R 6/12/2014 09090 PERKINS ENTERPRISE I-2642 AIR ANALYSIS R 6/12/2014 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-215623 VALVE COVER CASKET R 6/12/2014 08540 PHYSIO-CONTROL, INC. I-PB14L921 TECHNICAL SERVICE SUPPORT R 6/12/2014 22360 PREMIER LAWN AND POWER I-8680 STATER FOR CHARGING SYST R 6/12/2014 05510 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF TX, INC I-05/2014 PROGRESSIVE WASTE SOLUTIONS OF R 6/12/2014 20290 REGIONAL UNIFORMS & SUPPLY I-34442 INTERBELT R 6/12/2014 C REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL• INC. I-314407 E2 FOAM SOAP REFILLS R 6/12/2014 I-314748 MOP, BUCKET, BROOM, R 6/12/2014 I-314983 AUTOMATIC T0EL DISPENSE R 6/12/2014 24810 RLC CONTROLS, INC 1-5091 WELL$6 ISSUE R 6/12/2014 I-5098 BACKUP RADIOS FOR SCADA R 6/12/2014 1 SALONE VEGA I-06072014 CONN CENTER R 6/12/2014 25020 HANGER HARDWARE I-A31956 DISC SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A37989 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38020 MISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 I-A38030 MISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 I-A38036 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38063 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38078 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38305 DISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38317 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 I-A38367 MIS TOOLS MAINTENANCE R 6/12/2014 I-A38529 MIS TOOLS MAINTENANCE R 6/12/2014 I-A38812 MISC SUPPLIES AS NEEDED R 6/12!2014 I-A38961 MISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 I-A39157 MISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 I-A39451 MISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 I-A39520 MISC SUPPLIES AS NEEDED R 6/12/2014 I-A39589 MISC PARTS R 6/12/201� I-A39603 MISC PARTS R 6/12/201e. PAGE; 4 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO& AMOUNT 877.20CR 057234 877.20 550.00CR 057235 550.00 17.94CR 057236 17,94 21454.38CR 057237 21454.38 98.90CR 057238 98,90 48,521.10CR 057239 48,521.10 65.90CR 057240 65,90 51.98CR 057241 232.56CR 057241 L50.77CR 057241 435.31 250.000R 057242 4.800.00CR 057242 5.050.00 100.000R 057243 100.00 15.99CR 05724.1 3.39CR 057244 11.94CR 057244 4 BOB 057244 18.]2CR 057244 3.95CR 057244 7.36CR 057244 10.58CR 057244 35.55CR 057244 26.3 OCR 057244 30.38CR 057244 1.29CR 057244 21.9 PTA 057244 19.58CR 057244 23.]5CR 057244 2.04CR 057244 80.97CR 057244 12.99CR 057244 6/12/2014 3:30 IN A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 06640 Regular Payments - VENDOR SET: 99 BANK POOL POOLED CASH ACCOUNT CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR SANE / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO$ AMOUNT I-B12315 NISC SUPPLIES AS NEEDED R 6/12/2014 4.19CR 057244 I-B12321 NISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 82.81CR 057244 I-B12561 RISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 13.98CR 051244 I-B12573 RISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 67.56CR 057244 I-B12874 NISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 23.08C11 057244 I-B12876 NISC PARTS R 6/12/2014 9.03CR 057244 I-B13473 MISC TOOLS & SUPPLIES R 6/12/2014 7,99CR 057244 539.94 02370 SHERWIN NILLIMS I-2440-0 PAINT FOR STREETS R 6/12/2014 371.95CR 057247 371,95 18620 STERICYCLE I-4004869065 SIR PICK UP R 6/12/2014 200,50CR 057248 200.50 16620 SUNSHINE FILTERS I-115580 FILTERS FOR BLOWERS R 6/12/2014 531.30CR 057249 531,30 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1460378-00 FIXTURES, RING, LAMP R 6/12/2014 11537.55CR 057250 I-1460682-00 METER DISCONNECT R 6/12/2014 115,OOCR 057250 11712.55 -"0 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-14-00497 NESSAGE FEES OCT13-SEPT14 R 6/12/2014 69.35CR 057251 69.35 02680 TEXAS POLICE CHIEFS ASSOC I-062014 YEARLY MEMBERSHIP R 6/12/2014 200.000R 057252 200.00 23050 TEXAS TRUST OUTFITTERS I-10717 UINDON TINT, SPRAY IN R 6/12/2014 474.000R 057253 I-10800 FRONT WIND0W TINT R 6/12/2014 474.99CR 057253 948.99 27200 THE FAIN GROUP, INC I-05/01-5/31/14 SWITZER PARK R 6/12/2014 1001182,79CR 057254 100,182.19 10820 WILDFIRE TRUCK & EQUIP I-12339 VERTEX HIDEAWAY AMBER R 6/12/2014 310.00CR 057255 310.00 21610 WITHER PUBLIC SAFETY GRONP, INC I-E1213763 BATTERY/HELMET R 6/12/2014 172.95CR 057256 I-E1213763.002 BATTERY/HELMET R 6/12/2014 30.00CR 057256 210,95 REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: � PRE-41RITE CHECKS: GRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: NOA DISCOUNTS CHECK 44T TOTAL APPLIED 56 0.00 262,176.81 262,176.81 0 0.00 0100 0.00 0 0100 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0400 0100 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0.00 58 0100 2621176.81 262,176,81 �Z m <'° s a m V: O N' a O F, N ID on o m a. a M M9 eD O w c ' n n rm n m 3 Ai C I � I--• W ; V tD , v T7 'a a V w U! co: I � ,n s p, N W ul O I-� " C•1 N N w: Ol' O to O N, .A 00 .A i� N4 W N W... l0 to N N O O! N, 00 O W :. v I-+ N 00 ,. I MA W N N 5) 00 W( 00, N 00, N W W