07/03/2023-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JULY 03, 2023, 6:00 PM /700�7 88 11 SANGER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE WORK SESSION TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentation and discussion regarding the City of Sanger's 2023-2024 Annual Budget. OVERVIEW OF ITEMS ON THE REGULAR AGENDA ADJOURN THE WORK SESSION The Regular Meeting will begin following the Work Session but not earlier than 7:00 p.m. CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM INVOCATION AND PLEDGE CITIZENS COMMENTS This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any matter. Comments related to public hearings will be heard when the specific hearing begins Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. Each speaker must complete the Speakers Form and include the topic(s) to be presented. Citizens who wish to address the Council with regard to matters on the agenda will be received at the time the item is considered. The Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen input. REPORTS Staff Reports are for discussion only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. 2. Construction update from DEC Engineering (Dannenbaum) regarding the IH-35 / FM 455 Expansion Project. 3. Report on street rehabilitation program. In— CONSENT AGENDA All items on the Consent Agenda will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless requested by a Councilmember to remove the items) for additional discussion. Any items removed from the ConsentAgenda will be taken up for individual consideration. 4. Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the June 20, 2023, meeting. 5. Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 07-12-23, amending the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year and authorizing amended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providing a cumulative clause; providing for a severability clause; and providing a savings clause; an establishing an effective date. 6. Consideration and possible action on a contract with Antero Group to conduct the housing study and authorize the City Manager to execute said contract. 7. Consideration and possible action on a Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT for the relocation of Electric utilities for the I-35 Expansion project, including the reimbursing expenses spent and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. ACTION ITEMS 8. Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2023-10, Appointing and Reappointing members to the 4A Industrial Development Corporation; 4B Development Corporation; Board of Adjustment; Library Board; and the Planning and Zoning Commission. 9. Consideration and possible action on Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $31,574.00 with Spartan for Ladder Truck and authorize the City Manager to execute said Change Order No. 1. 10. Consideration and possible action on a contract with Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Co. to perform pavement resurfacing services in an amount not to exceed $466,788.00, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute said contract. 11. Consideration and possible action on the purchase and installation of backup generators at critical facilities in the amount of $717,351.00 from Clifford Power Systems. 12. Consideration and possible action to reject the bid response for broadband expansion (RFP-2023-04). 0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The purpose of this item is to allow the Mayor and Counci/members to bring forward items they wish to discuss at a future meeting, A Councilmember may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Items may be placed on a future meeting agenda with a consensus of the Council or at the call of the Mayor. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Information Items are for informational purposes only. No action maybe taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda. 13. Disbursements Report May 2023 14. Financial Statements March 2023 and April 2023 EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, the City Council Will Meet in a Closed Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code: Section 551.071. CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY For deliberations regarding legal (A) pending or contemplated litigation; or (B) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter. - Municipal Utility District No. 12 (MUD 12) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Reconvene into Regular Session and take any action deemed necessary as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURN NOTE: The City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq. (The Texas Open Meetings Act) on any item on its open meeting agenda in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, including, without limitation Sections 551.071-551.087 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. F 3 CERTIFICATION I certify that a copy of this meeting notice was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall that is readily accessible to the general public at all times and was posted on the City of Sanger website on June 28, 2023, at 3:00 PM. /s/Kelly Edwards Kelly Edwards, City Secretary The Historical Church is wheelchair accessible. Request for additional accommodations or sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours prior to the meeting by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 940.458.7930. 0 0. 788 k+ 6 SANGER DATE: FROM: AGENDA ITEM: SUMMARY: N/A CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION July 3, 2023 Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the June 20, 2023, meeting. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Approve the minutes from the June 20, 2023, meeting. ATTACHMENTS: City Council minutes CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 20, 2023, 7:00 PM /17'0�788 11 SANGER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HISTORIC CHURCH BUILDING - 403 N 7TH STREET, SANGER, TEXAS CALL THE REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Mayor Muir called the regular meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Mayor Pro Tem, Place 2 Councilmember, Place 1 Councilmember, Place 3 Councilmember, Place 4 Councilmember, Place 5 Thomas Muir Gary Bilyeu Marissa Barrett Dennis Dillon Allen Chick Victor Gann COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Director of Human Resources Jeriana Staton, and Police Lieutenant Justin Lewis. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Dillon gave the Invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Barrett. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Council. City Council Minutes 06-20-2023 Page 1 of 2 In— CONSENT AGENDA Consideration and possible action on the minutes from the June 5, 2023, meeting. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Barrett, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Bilyeu, Councilmember Chick, and Councilmember Dillon. Motion passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS 2. Consideration and possible action to select Clark Adamson Insurance for Insurance Broker Services, and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a possible contract with Clark Adamson Insurance. Director Stanton provided an overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the deciding factors and verification of references. Motion to approve made by Councilmember Bilyeu, Seconded by Councilmember Gann. Voting Yea: Councilmember Barrett, Councilmember Chick, and Councilmember Dillon. Motion passed unanimously. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Bilyeu requested an update on the FM 455 construction project and the next steps, the SUMP Program and 5-year CIP status of street projects, and an update on the Malouf Mixed Use development. ADJOURN There being no further business, Mayor Muir adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m. Kelly Edwards, City Secretary Thomas E. Muir, Mayor City Council Minutes 06-20-2023 Page 2 of 2 F Item 5. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Clayton Gray, Finance Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Ordinance No. 07-12-23, amending the budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year and authorizing amended expenditures as provided; providing for the repeal of all ordinances in conflict; providing a cumulative clause; providing for a severability clause; and providing a savings clause; an establishing an effective date. SUMMARY: • The 2022-23 budget included $340,000 in the Capital Projects Fund for the annual street rehabilitation program to repair the following streets: 7t" Street, Oak Street, Wood Street, Church Street, and Denton Street. • Public Works recently completed repairs to the cul-de-sac on South Manor Court and would like to add the rest of South Manor Court to the project list. • Public Works would also like to repair an area of Bolivar Street between 2nd Street and the railroad crossing that is in a state of disrepair. • This budget amendment adds these sections of South Manor Court and Bolivar Street to the project list. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: No Amount: $126,788 GL Account: 004-30-6528 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: • Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 07-12-23 ATTACHMENTS: • Ordinance 07-12-23 F CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE 07-12-23 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, (BUDGET AMENDMENT 4) AMENDING ORDINANCE #09-23-22, WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 2022-2023 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS PROVIDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Sanger (the "City") is a home rule municipality regulated by state law and Charter; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 09-23-22 adopting the budget for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year on September 19, 2022; and WHEREAS, this amendment was prepared and presented to the City Council, and after consideration, it is the consensus of the City Council to amend the approved budget ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Sanger. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the annual budget for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year is hereby amended to increase expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund by $126,788 as shown in Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. Expenditures during the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year shall be made in accordance with the amended budget approved herein, unless otherwise authorized by a duly enacted ordinance of the City, and said budget document shall be on file for public inspection in the office of the City Secretary. SECTION 3. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Ordinance — Amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget - No. 4 2022-23 Street Rehabilitation Program Page 1 of 3 191 SECTION 5. That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other City Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the City which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 3rd day of July 2023. ATTEST: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary APPROVED: Thomas E. Muir, Mayor APPROVED TO FORM: Hugh Coleman, City Attorney Ordinance — Amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget - No. 4 2022-23 Street Rehabilitation Program Page 2 of 3 Flo] EXHIBIT A Ordinance 07-12-23 Original Revised G/L Account Account Type Account Name Budget Budget Adjustment 004-30-6528 Expenditure 2022-23 Street Rehabilitation Program $ 340,000 $ 466,788 $ 126,788 To provide.for the expenditures associated with adding additional streets to the project Ordinance — Amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget - No. 4 2022-23 Street Rehabilitation Program Pa[1]3 Item 6. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Ramie Hammonds, Development Service Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a contract with Antero Group to conduct the housing study and authorize the City Manager to execute said contract. SUMMARY: • Staff issued a RFQ for the Housing Study. • Antero Group was selected as the firm to perform the study. • The City needs to enter into a contract with Antero Group for the work to be performed. • This item will give the City Manager the authority to execute a contract between the City of Sanger and Antero Group. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: YES Amount: $32,000.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends APPROVAL. ATTACHMENTS: Antero Group Professional Services Agreement Exhibit A Scope and Fee Schedule GL Account: 001.28.5430 12 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANGER AND ANTERO GROUP, LLC THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered by and between the City of Sanger, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Sanger", and the Antero Group, LLC, a Texas corporation, hereinafter referred to as "RESPONDENT" to be effective from and after the date as provided herein. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Sanger desires to engage the services of a qualified RESPONDENT to conduct a Housing Study; and WHEREAS, Sanger finds that RESPONDENT is the most qualified party to provide such services; and WHEREAS, RESPONDENT desires to render such services for Sanger upon the terms and conditions provided herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. ENGAGEMENT Sanger hereby agrees to retain RESPONDENT to provide a Housing Study, and RESPONDENT agrees to perform such services in accordance with the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. II SCOPE OF SERVICES The parties agree that RESPONDENT shall perform such services as are further described in Exhibit "A" hereto (collectively "Scope of Services"). The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications in the Scope of Services may be authorized from time to time by Sanger but said authorization must be made in writing. III. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including Exhibit "A", constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous written or oral understandings. This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. IV. TERM OF AGREEMENT/TERMINATION The initial term of this Agreement shall commence upon the complete execution of the Agreement by Sanger and RESPONDENT and shall continue until the Scope of Services is completed. This agreement may be terminated by either party with thirty (30) days' notice unless specified otherwise 0 in Exhibit "A". In the event of termination by Sanger, RESPONDENT shall be compensated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall deliver to Sanger all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, reports, photographs, or other items prepared by RESPONDENT in connection with this Agreement. "All V. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES RESPONDENT shall be paid for performance of the Scope of Services as set forth in Exhibit VI. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RESPONDENT covenants and agrees that it is an independent contractor and not an officer, agent, servant or employee of Sanger; that it shall have exclusive control of and exclusive right to control the details of the work performed hereunder and all persons performing same, and shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and RESPONDENTS; that the doctrine of respondent superior shall not apply as between Sanger and RESPONDENT, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors and RESPONDENTs, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Sanger and RESPONDENT. VII. ASSIGNMENT RESPONDENT agrees that this Agreement shall not be assigned without the prior written consent of Sanger, except to an Affiliate of RESPONDENT. Affiliate shall mean (1) any corporation or other entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with (directly or indirectly) RESPONDENT, including, without limitation, any parent corporation controlling RESPONDENT or any subsidiary that RESPONDENT controls; (2) the surviving corporation resulting from the merger or consolidation of RESPONDENT; or (3) any person or entity which acquires all of the assets of RESPONDENT as a going concern. RESPONDENT shall be permitted to enter into subcontracts for performance of portions of the Scope of Services; however, RESPONDENT shall not subcontract the entirety of the Scope of Services to a single subcontractor without Sanger's consent. RESPONDENT further agrees that the assignment of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the RESPONDENT from its full obligations to Sanger as provided by this Agreement. VIII. AUDITS AND RECORDS RESPONDENT agrees that Sanger or its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after termination under this Agreement, upon reasonable notice, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any and all books, documents, papers and records of RESPONDENT which are directly pertinent to the services to be performed under this Agreement. RESPONDENT agrees that Sanger shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary RESPONDENT's facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space. 0 IX. WARRANTY RESPONDENT warrants that (a) it and each of its employees, RESPONDENTS and subcontractors, if any, that it uses to provide and perform professional services has the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, qualifications, and resources to provide and perform the services in accordance with the agreement and the Scope of Services; and (b) the professional services will be performed for and delivered to Sanger in a good, diligent, workmanlike manner in accordance with industry standards. X INDEMNITY RESPONDENT, to the extent allowable by law, shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Sanger, its City council, officers, employees, and agents from and against all citations, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, fines, judgments, losses, penalties, or suits, which in any way arise out of, relate to, or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. Sanger, to the extent allowable by law, shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the RESPONDENT, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all citations, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, fines, judgments, losses, penalties, or suits, which in any way arise out of, relate to, or result from the performance of the work or which are caused by the intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions of its subcontractors, any officers, agents, or employees. XI. MAILING OF NOTICES RESPONDENT agrees that all notices or communications to Sanger permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Sanger at the following address: City Manager City of Sanger 502 Elm Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Tx 76266 Sanger agrees that all notices or communications to RESPONDENT permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to RESPONDENT at the following address: Michael Schmitz Antero Group 608 E Hickory St, Suite 128 Denton, TX 76205 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. XII. MISCELLANEOUS 1. The City of Sanger has found that RESPONDENT is the most qualified party to fulfill the 15 requirements of the agreement as this is a contract for the purchase of personal and/or professional services and therefore is exempt from competitive bidding. 2. A person or business that contracts with the Sanger or who seeks to contract with Sanger must file a "Conflict of Interest Questionnaire" (FORM CIQ) which is available online at www.ethics.state.tx.us and a copy of which is attached to this guideline. The form contains mandatory disclosures regarding "employment or business relationships" with a municipal officer. Officials may be asked to clarify or interpret various portions of the questionnaire. 3. Compliance with SB 252: RESPONDENT agrees per SB 252 that RESPONDENT shall not do business with Iran, Sudan or a foreign terrorist organization while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. 4. Compliance with HB 89: RESPONDENT agrees per HB 89 that RESPONDENT shall not boycott Israel at any time while providing products or services to the City of Sanger. This requirement does not apply to companies with fewer than ten full-time employees; or contracts that are less than $100,000.00. 5. Respondent verifies that it does not boycott energy companies and will not boycott energy companies during the term of this contract, as those terms are defined by Chapter 2274, Government Code. This requirement does not apply to companies with fewer than ten full-time employees; or contracts that are less than $100,000.00. 6. Respondent verifies that it does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association and will not discriminate during the term of this contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association, as those terms are defined by Chapter 2274, Government Code. This requirement does not apply to companies with fewer than ten full-time employees; or contracts that are less than $100,000.00. XIII. VENUE/GOVERNING LAW The parties agree that the laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement, and that it is performable in City of Sanger, Texas. Exclusive venue shall lie in Denton County, Texas. XIV. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS RESPONDENT and their partners, successors, subcontractors, executors, legal representatives, and administrators are hereby bound to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. XV. INSURANCE RESPONDENT shall procure and maintain in force during the terms of any contract awarded a pursuant to this RFP, at its own cost, the following minimum insurance coverage: A. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability: i. State of Texas: $1,000,000 Each Accident ii. Employer's Liability: $100,000 Each Accident B. Commercial General Liability: i. Bodily Injury & Property Damage with a General Aggregate Limit: $1,000,000 ii. Personal & Advertising Injury Limit $500,000 iii. Each Occurrence Limit $1,000,000 The policy shall be on an Occurrence Form and include the following coverage: Premises Operations; Personal and Advertising Injury; Medical Payments; Liability assumed under an Insured Contract; Independent Contractors; and Broad Form Property Damage. Coverage provided should be at least as broad as found in Insurance Services Office (ISO) form CG0001. C. Commercial Automobile Liability Limits: i. Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Single Limit: $1,000,000 Prior to the execution of any awarded contract by the City, the successful RESPONDENT shall forward Certificates of Insurance to the Purchasing Manager. The required insurance policies shall be procured and maintained in full force and effect for the duration of the awarded contract. Certificate Holder shall be the City of Sanger, Texas at 502 Elm Street, Sanger, Texas 76266. XIV. SEVERABILITY In the event a term, condition, or provision of this Agreement is determined to be void, unenforceable, or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that term, condition, or provision, shall be deleted and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. XV. AUTHORITY TO SIGN The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be effective from and after the date of execution by the last signatory hereto as evidenced below. 17 SIGNED on the date indicated below. Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Hugh Coleman City Attorney RESPONDENT BY: Principal CITY OF SANGER Mayor/City Manager 18 Exhibit "A" Bid Response/Scope of Services 19 1 CONTRACT City of Sanger Housing Study June 1, 2023 c 1. Prepared for: SANGER �i, rtM� % 4- . 4 Item 6. .,AA Antero Group June 1, 2023 City of Sanger ATTN: Ramie Hammonds 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, TX 76266 Dear Mrs. Hammonds, Antero Group, LLC ("Antero") is pleased to present this contract in response to the City of Sanger's ("City") Request for Qualifications to conduct a Housing Study ("Project"). We understand that the City's previous housing study was conducted in-house in 2016 and needs to be updated to address new developments and trends and to align the latest comprehensive plan. We have based this contract off our understanding of the City's goals and objectives with this Project, our statement of qualifications submission, and our insight into the current zoning, subdivision, and sign ordinance that we are completing for the City. For your use and review, we have included below a Project Understanding; Scope of Work; Assumptions and Clarifications; Schedule and Deliverables; and Fee Estimate. We are open to discussion of any element of this contract. Project Understanding We understand with the recently adopted Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan and ordinance updates, the City wishes for this Housing Study to serve as a guideline for future development. With an understanding of the Sanger 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the existing 2016 housing ordinance policy, and the ordinance updates that serve as policy and regulating documents, we understand the importance of this Project. Further, we understand the impact that recent and new developments will have on this Project. Additionally, the Housing Study will identify current market trends and demands and will include current housing inventory, house sizes and new developments. We understand that the final deliverable will be a report summarizing the Housing Study that will support the City in updating policies and housing goals. Antero Group has outlined the Scope of Work below based on our understanding of the Project. F21 Scope of Work TASK 1: Project Management & Administration Antero Group will manage this Project and coordinate efforts between the client and stakeholders to establish vision and goals of this Project. Principal, Michael Schmitz, will be the day-to-day contact for the client team. Antero Group will coordinate all meetings, stakeholder outreach, and deadlines with regular deliverables issued throughout the Project schedule. While Antero will attend all meetings of the City Council as requested by the City throughout this process, however we do propose the following meetings: Kickoff Meeting Antero proposes and all -team kickoff meeting during which we will review the Project scope, schedule, and anticipated deliverables. We will also establish communication protocols, set up a data -sharing platform, and a stakeholder group member list. Antero will interview relevant City staff and other recommended stakeholders to identify current feedback on housing. Advisory Committee An Advisory Committee will be established at Project commencement to guide the work of our team. Two (2) Advisory Committee meetings will be held throughout the Project to build consensus for the proposed plan. We recommend a group consisting of City staff, Sanger ISD, Realtors, Landlords, Developers, and Affordable Housing Advocates. Monthly Status Updates Antero proposes holding monthly calls with the Development of Services Director to provide regular Project status updates. Final Meeting Antero will hold a final meeting with City staff after the final Advisory Meeting, to review the final draft that will be presented to Council for consideration. Task 1 Deliverables: Meeting Agendas, Materials, and Minutes TASK 2: Data Collection The data collection phase of this Project includes the review of all available and collected data, providing the foundations for the Housing Study. The results of our analysis will be summarized in a memo within the final delivery package, spatial data will be supplied as an ESRI Geodatabase. F22 2.1. Data Collection Local and federal data on housing including the American Community Survey, Consolidated Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS), and open GIS data portals will be collected. Additionally, Antero will gather data for a housing inventory from real estate tax rolls, approved developments, building permits, real estate listings, and available deeds where necessary. Previous Planning Studies. A thorough review of previous planning efforts and studies will be conducted, with particular focus on the recently adopted Comprehensive Plan and ordinance updates Antero is completing. Community Input Survey. The Project Team will distribute a survey to solicit feedback on housing experiences in the city. This information will be analyzed and cross referenced with additional data collection methods to identify opportunities and constraints by local areas within the City. Task 2 Deliverables: Analysis Summary TASK 3: Housing Inventory 3.1. Understanding of the Housing Inventory With feedback from the community, key stakeholders, and data collection results, Antero will develop a full summary of housing availability and relate it to current housing demands. We will create a "snapshot" of housing in the Sanger area, supplying key information including the locations of current and proposed developments, type, condition, quality, size, and availability of housing stock. This information will be synthesized and arranged into a housing inventory matrix of key facts, figures, charts, infographics, and maps. Additionally, the housing inventory matrix will provide stakeholders and residents with a visual medium to review factors potentially affecting the housing supply and market. 3.2. Review of Inventory Matrix The project team will provide the City of Sanger with a full housing inventory matrix draft. Following a review period, we will collect and address all comments and feedback as necessary and present a final draft. Task 3 Deliverables: Draft of Housing Inventory Matrix, Final Housing Inventory Matrix Task 4: Current Market Trends and Demands 4.1. Understanding of Current Market Trends and Demands Following the development of the housing inventory matrix, market trends and demand pressures with a primary focus on a profile of housing, demographics, economics, and F23] affordability will be analyzed. These projections and estimates will allow for an understanding of the amount and types of housing needed to accommodate growth and development in Sanger. It also provides further insight into affordability challenges, aging populations, and a core understanding of workforce and housing demand. Within these four sections, Antero will complete a current market trend and demands document. At a minimum, analysis will include: o Overview of Workforce o Economic Trends o Projected Growth o Occupancy and Vacancy o Household Income Percent of AMI o Cost Burden Owners and Renters 4.2. Review of Current Market Trends and Demands Document Antero will provide the City with a Current Market Trends and Demands Report. Following a review period, we will collect and address all comments and feedback as necessary and present a final draft for public distribution. Task 4 Deliverables: Current Market Trends and Demands Document Draft Task 5: Future Housing Needs For developing a Future Housing Needs Assessment, Antero Group will provide: 1) Gap Analysis and 2) Residential Development Capacity Analysis. This strategy will utilize the collected and projected data and find affordable housing options for residents, while also locating potential physical locations for future housing. The final product will be a Gap Analysis Report and Residential Development Capacity Analysis Map with potential residential parcels. 5.1. Gap Analysis To understand the current housing landscape and availability of housing, Antero will compare cost burden households to vacant or available units to identify housing gaps within the City of Sanger. The data will include households that are not cost burdened, cost burdened households, units occupied by renters with household income greater than affordability, units occupied by renters within the affordability income range, units occupied by renters with household income less than the affordability income range, and vacancies. From this analysis, we will determine the surplus and deficits of housing for both home ownership and rental units by level of income and provide the City of Sanger with potential strategies for ensuring current housing is being utilized. 24 5.2. Residential Development Capacity Analysis To ensure alignment with the Sanger Comprehensive Plan's goal to ensure adequate and available housing for future commercial growth, Antero will estimate potential residential areas with an analysis of current and new housing developments, market trends, and city constraints (lack of utilities, environmental preserves, zoning). The output will include a map and a GIS with parcels containing the capacity to endure residential development. This analysis can support future land -use maps. 5.3. Review of Gap Analysis Report and Residential Development Capacity Analysis Map Antero will provide the City of Sanger with a draft gap analysis report and capacity analysis map. Following a review period, Antero will collect and address all comments and feedback as necessary and present a final report. Task 5 Deliverables: Gap Analysis Report and Residential Development Capacity Analysis Map and Layer Task 6: Final Plan: Housing Toolkit 6.1 Final Plan Draft With our findings, Antero will recommend strategies that are unique to the City of Sanger. The Housing Toolkit will be used to assess current assets and challenges affecting housing for the City from a holistic approach. This Toolkit will also present a series of recommendations and a strategy of action. 6.2 City Review The draft Housing Toolkit report will be provided for review to the City. At this meeting, the stakeholders will be able to provide input and discuss report findings and recommendations with Antero before the final plan is released. Task 6 Deliverables: The Housing Toolkit Draft and Final F25] Assumptions and Clarifications In preparation of this contract, we have made the following Assumptions and Clarifications: • Client will identify a point of contact from whom the Project Team will take direction for administrative matters; • Documents will be prepared and presented in draft format for final approval to the City Officials; • The final report and deliverables will be developed using publicly available data an information and does not include the purchase of specialized data; • Client will schedule meeting rooms, ensure officials are informed of meetings, distribute draft documents to commissioners and arrange for any necessary meeting equipment, such as flip charts, projectors and markers; • Client will coordinate approval of the final document through the appropriate committee review and Council adoption procedures; • Client will support collection of GIS and basemap information to provide currently available digital mapping files; • This Scope of Work does not include establishing new ordinance language relating to housing; • Printing costs are not considered part of this Project and will be billed on a time and materials basis, as approved by Client; and, • Project deliverables will be completed in Adobe Illustrator format and will be delivered in EPS and PDF by email. F26] Schedule and Deliverables Antero anticipates this Scope of Work not to exceed (6) months from Project commencement, dependent upon availability of client data and meetings. At Project Kickoff, we will provide a specific schedule of activities, including coordination of client meetings. Fee Estimate Antero proposes to complete this work on a time and materials fee not to exceed $32,000. Project fees are based on the Scope of Work included herein. Should conditions change, including new information, Project schedule, Scope of Work, or other Project elements, we will work with the City to modify this contract accordingly. Work outside of the above Scope of Work will be completed on a time and materials basis according to the attached Fee Schedule. All work will be summarized in a monthly invoice, issued electronically to the City on the first Friday of each month. Payment within thirty (30) days of the invoice date is appreciated. 27 Authorization Should this contract meet your expectations, please authorize by signing in the space provided below. Authorization of this contract indicates compliance with the Terms and Conditions. This contract is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance. Alterations to this contract may only be made with the consent of both Antero Group and the Client. We appreciate this opportunity to work with the City of Sanger. Should you have any questions regarding this contract, please feel free to call (940) 465-7909, or email mschmitz@anterogroup.com. Sincerely, Michael Schmitz Principal Attachments: General Terms and Conditions Fee Schedule Signature Print Name Date Signature Print Name Date Item 7. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Ronnie Grace, Interim Director of Electric AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT for the relocation of Electric utilities for the I-35 Expansion project, including the reimbursing expenses spent and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement and all necessary documents. SUMMARY: • The proposed IH-35 Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Electric Utilities as indicated in the following statement of work: The City of Sanger Electric Department will relocate approximately 25,500 circuit feet of electric power distribution facilities that are in conflict with TXDOT construction from approximately STA 2542+20 to STA 2822+00; and more specifically as shown in the Utility's plans. The State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation. • The State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility's interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above. • The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility's facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: N/A GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval of the Standard Utility Agreement with TXDOT. ATTACHMENTS: TXDOT Standard Utility Agreement for Sanger Electric IH-35. F29] z#*& Form ROW-U-35 (Rev.10/20) Page 1 STANDARD UTILITY AGREEMENT U Number: N/A Utility ID: 000017757 District: Dallas County: Denton Federal Project No.: NH 2O20(576) Highway: IH35 ROW CSJ: 0195-02-079 From: US77 Highway Project Letting Date: Jan. 2024 To: Cooke County Line This Agreement by and between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission, ("State"), and The City of Sanger Electric, ("Utility"), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, shall be effective on the date of approval and execution by and on behalf of the State. WHEREAS, the State has deemed it necessary to make certain highway improvements as designated by the State and approved by the Federal Highway Administration within the limits of the highway as indicated above (the "Highway Project"); WHEREAS, the proposed Highway Project will necessitate the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation of certain facilities of the Utility as indicated in the following statement of work: The City of Sanger Electric Department will relocate approximately 25,500 circuit feet of electrict power distribution facilities that are in conflict with TxDOT construction from approximately STA 2542+20 to STA 2822+00; and more specifically as shown in the Utility's plans, specifications and estimated costs, which are attached hereto as Attachment "A". WHEREAS, the State will participate in the costs of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain facilities to the extent as may be eligible for State and/or Federal participation. WHEREAS, the State, upon receipt of evidence it deems sufficient, acknowledges the Utility's interest in certain lands and facilities that entitle it to reimbursement for the adjustment, removal, and relocation of certain of its facilities located upon the lands as indicated in the statement of work above. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED: The State will pay to the Utility the costs incurred in adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility's facilities up to the amount said costs may be eligible for State participation. All conduct under this agreement, including but not limited to the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, the development and reimbursement of costs, any environmental requirements, and retention of records will be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4601, et seq., the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321, et seq., the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313 and 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, Texas Transportation Code § 223.045, the Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and Reimbursements provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart A, and the Utility Accommodation provisions of 23 CFR 645, Subpart B. The Utility shall supply, upon request by the State, proof of compliance with the aforementioned laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility. The Utility shall not commence any physical work, including without limitation site preparation, on the State's right of way or future right of way, until TxDOT provides the Utility with written authorization to proceed with the physical work upon TxDOT's completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project. Any such work by the Utility prior to TxDOT's written authorization to proceed will not be eligible for reimbursement and the Utility is responsible for entering any property within the proposed limits of the Highway Project that has Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility 30 Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 2 not yet been acquired by TxDOT. This written authorization to proceed with the physical work is in addition to the authorization to commence work outlined below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this paragraph are required only when TxDOT has not obtained completion and clearance of its environmental review of the Highway Project prior to the execution of this Agreement by the State and the Utility. The Utility shall comply with the Buy America provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 313, 23 CFR 635.410, as amended, and the Steel and Iron Preference provisions of Texas Transportation Code § 223.045 and, when products that are composed predominately of steel and/or iron are incorporated into the permanent installation of the utility facility, use domestically manufactured products. TxDOT Form 1818 (Material Statement), along with all required attachments, must be submitted, prior to the commencement of the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the facility, as evidence of compliance with the aforementioned provisions. Failure to submit the required documentation or to comply with the Buy America, and Steel and Iron Preference requirements shall result in: (1) the Utility becoming ineligible to receive any contract or subcontract made with funds authorized under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991; (2) the State withholding reimbursement for the costs incurred by the Utility in the adjustment, removal, and relocation of the Utility's facilities; and (3) removal and replacement of the non -compliant products. The Utility agrees to develop relocation or adjustment costs by accumulating actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the State, or may, with the State's approval, accumulate actual direct and related indirect costs in accordance with an established accounting procedure developed by the Utility. Bills for work hereunder are to be submitted to the State not later than one (1) year after completion of the work. Failure to submit the request for final payment, in addition to all supporting documentation, within one (1) year after completion of the work may result in forfeiture of payment for said work. When requested, the State will make intermediate payments at not less than monthly intervals to the Utility when properly billed. Such payments will not exceed 90 percent (90%) of the eligible cost as shown in each such billing. Intermediate payments shall not be construed as final payment for any items included in the intermediate payment. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustment, removal, and/or relocation and upon receipt of final billing prepared in an approved form and manner and accounting for any intermediate payments, make payment in the amount of 90 percent (90%) of the eligible costs as shown in the final billing prior to audit and after such audit shall make an additional final payment totaling the reimbursement amount found eligible for State reimbursement. Alternatively, the State agrees to pay the Utility an agreed lump sum of $N/A as supported by the attached estimated costs. The State will, upon satisfactory completion of the adjustments, removals, and relocations and upon receipt of a final billing, make payment to the Utility in the agreed amount. Upon execution of this agreement by both parties hereto, the State will, by written notice, authorize the Utility to perform such work diligently and to conclude said adjustment, removal, and relocation by the stated completion date which is attached hereto in Attachment "C". The completion date shall be extended for delays caused by events outside the Utility's control, including an event of Force Majeure, which shall include a strike, war or act of war (whether an actual declaration of war is made or not), insurrection, riot, act of public enemy, accident, fire, flood or other act of God, sabotage, or other events, interference by the State or any other party with the Utility's ability to proceed with the work, or any other event in which the Utility has exercised all due care in the prevention thereof so that the causes of other events are beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Utility. This agreement in its entirety consists of the following elements: Standard Utility Agreement — ROW-U-35; • Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs (Attachment "A"); • Accounting Method (Attachment "B"); • Schedule of Work (Attachment "C"); • Statement Covering Contract Work — ROW-U-48 (Attachment "D"); Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility F31 Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 3 • Utility Joint Use Agreement — ROW-U-JUA and/or Utility Installation Request — Form 1082 (Attachment «E„ ). • Eligibility Ratio (Attachment "F"); • Betterment Calculation and Estimate (Attachment "G"); and • Proof of Property Interest — ROW-U-Affidavit (Attachment "H"). All attachments are included herein as if fully set forth. In the event it is determined that a substantial change from the statement of work contained in this agreement is required, reimbursement therefore shall be limited to costs covered by a modification or amendment of this agreement or a written change or extra work order approved by the State and the Utility. This agreement is subject to cancellation by the State at any time up to the date that work under this agreement has been authorized, and such cancellation will not create any liability on the part of the State. However, the State will review and reimburse the Utility for eligible costs incurred by the Utility in preparation of this Agreement. The State Auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract. Acceptance of funds directly under this contract or indirectly through a subcontract under this contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor, under the direction of the Legislative Audit Committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. The Utility by execution of this agreement does not waive any of the rights that the Utility may have within the limits of the law. It is expressly understood that the Utility conducts the adjustment, removal, and relocation at its own risk, and that the State makes no warranties or representations regarding the existence or location of utilities currently within its right of way. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility F32 Form ROW-U-35 Item 7. (Rev. 10/20) Page 4 The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party represented. UTILITY Utility: The City of Sanger Electric Name of Utility By: Authorized Signature John C. Noblitt Print or Type Name Title: City Manager Date: Initial Date Initial TxDOT Utility EXECUTION RECOMMENDED: Director of TP&D (or designee), Dallas District THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. By: Date: District Engineer (or designee) F33] Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 5 Attachment "A" Plans, Specifications, and Estimated Costs All material items within cost estimate that must meet Buy America or Steel and Iron Preference Provision requirements must be indicated with an asterisk (*). ❑ Currently, we do not have Buy America required materials planned for this project. In the event that Buy America compliant materials are used during construction on this project, compliance documentation will be provided. ❑ There are non -domestic iron and steel materials in this project that fall under the De Minimus equation. Calculation showing the total cost does not exceed one -tenth of one percent (0.1 %) of the individual utility agreement amount or $2,500.00, whichever is greater is required. ® We understand the Buy America Compliance Requirements and will supply the required documentation to TxDOT indicating compliance with this provision. The following documents will be supplied prior to installation of the materials: 1) Form 1818 - Material Statement 2) Material Test Reports or Certifications Initial Date TxDOT Initial Date Utility 34 IH35 ML Baseline 029 Remove: P40-3, Al / I 037'' I 030 Remove:P40-3, A5, E1-2, F1-2 S 0 2 9 Remove: (2) #2 ACSR 031 Remove: P40-3, J10, ST/L, Sec Riser S030 Remove: (2) #2 ACSR 032 Remove: P30-3, J10 S031 Remove: #6 DUP 033 Comm Pole SO32 Remove: #2 TRI 034 Remove: P30-3, J10, S/L SO33 Remove: #2 TRI 035 Remove:P30-3, J10, S/L S034Remove: #6 DUP 036 Remove: P30-3, J10 SO35 Remove: #6 DUP 037 Remove: J10 S051 Existing: #2 TRI 053 Existing: P40-3, (2)J10, S/L 0 50' 100, Item 7. I STA. 2553+74.1 N 60 O STA. 2552+07.8 OFFSET 185.4' + STA.2550 46 OFFSET 185.2' ROW=34.5 OFFSET 185.4' , ROW=1.5 ROW=1.5' 301 66' 302 LEGEND 162' 300 5310 EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE -_ - - PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE 186' REMOVE EXISTING LINE 209' S079 - 0---- S{t3 PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY --- EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY 01 EXISTING POLE - -------------- --- REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE Q CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE p PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE — — — — — O COSERV LINE — — -- ---- 2551+00 2552+00 2553+00 COSERV EXISTING POLE 2 +0 25 0+00 _ COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER _ — — — A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER A PROPOSED TRANSFORMER O ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE N ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE — — — — — — EXISTING GUY LOCATION __ ---- — E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER 169' STA. 2553+42.8 OFFSET OW 12.575 2 OFT�tI ......... Jj O / :k.:....... ............ 51NGLETARY� ROBERT A57279 c� 300 Install: P45-2, C7-1, E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5 M2-2 3 11 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 3 22 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 6/5/23 APPROVED n FOR CONSTRUCTION S310 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S311 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional SCAM. DAM DW ND w� surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 1:100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: SHEET NO. Rev 35 LSS RAS 1 OF 23 Proposed Drainage Easement 62 61 STA. 2555+34.4 STA.2557+49.' I OFFSET OFFSET 17 .5' ROW=44.9' ROW=1.5' 61' 303 215' 304 312 S313 __- 215' 185' S021 S028 - 0 �i ---------- STA 2559+0 OFFSET 173.�; , STA. 2560+63.�6 ROW=1.5' co ' `O ROW 15173.5' 157' 306 157' 305 /off 5315 ' "'� S316 _-- �, 192' Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 63 STA. 2564+12.4 STA. 2562+38.4 OFFSET 173.5' OFFSET 173.5' ROW=1.5' =1.5' 174' 13 4' 307 S 74' 308 S3 C 174' -- '---- 502' S020 S022 O- 0 ---- -- - - --- _ --- -- ----- CD - - p.. O _ -- ------------- _ rn __ - - __- --- __ _ _ - -------------------2S 61+00 + I#55 CD-------- � 2562 00 'r --- 1---II - - - - 7+025 00 ~ - IIIII 2558+00 2559+00 � 2556+00 0 2 54+00 2555+00 - ❑E U) FT] z z 028 Remove: P40-3, Al S028 Remove: (2) #2 ACSR 027 Remove:SP40-3, A5 C7-1, E6-2, E1-2 (2)F1-2, MS-10 S027 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR Fo 2-61 Remove: SP40-3 C1-2, (2)J10, ST/L G9, T2� SO26 Remove: #2 TRI 025 Remove: SP40-3, CI-2, G9, T25, J10, ST/L S 0 2 5 Remove: 1/0 TRI 024 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S024Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 023 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S023Remove: 1/0 TRI S022 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S021 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR SO20 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR n O CD - - CD - 2564+00 +00 O 2563+00 O rA CD cDCD IN D F- _G z 303 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S312 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 3 44 Install: P45-2, C1-2, K14, S/L, M2-2 S313 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 305 Install: P45-2, C1-2, G9, T25, K14, M2-1, M2-2 S314 Install: 1/0 TRI 306 Install: MZ 2'S//L 2, G9, T25, K14, M2-1 S315 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 3 77 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S316 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 308 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S317 Install: 1/0 TRI S318 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S319 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S320Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 : 100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CIEOM W. SHEEP N0. REV. LSS RAS 2 OF 23 36 ---------------------- o C 66 69 63 O Proposed � I Drainage Easemen STA. 2572+03.3 OFFSET 180.1' -� 565+86.4 D-O--F--F--S-ET2567360.4 k. 569+6 OF 017 S���R 1 5 2. OFSET 14448' STA. 2576+21.7 OFFSE ROW=1.5' _STA. 2 _ 311 99 25 )55.7 8 `r,�.OFFSET 155.7225' ROW=1.5' b��� 015 OFFSET 142.3' ROW=1.5' 310 22 5323 �s ROW=1.5' S326 � S� �ti, 18 8 314 309 S rn o 022 171' S017 o�--- - 5015 4 S300 016 161' 014 S013 198' 013 161' n 5018 -- --- 018 �a --- ..... CD 021CD o CD _ - - IH35 ML Baseline - - - - --- --- nn 00 - ---- - --- - - - - 2568+00 2569+00 2570+00 2571+00 ACD - 2567+00 2566+00 - - - - - - - 0 ----------- _ -- - - - - - - - - ------ - ------------------------------------- N---------------------------- -------------------------------- --------- ------- - - - n u o D O r- z 022 Customer Meter Pole F0211 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2, G310, (3)T15, J10 Fo-201 Remove: SP40-3, CI-2 019 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2, G9, T15, US2 F0181 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 017 Remove: P40-3 C8 E1-2 F1-2 Install: P40-3, N, i�1-2, PI-2, M2-2 016 Remove: TP10-3�TC- 1, C1 Slack, G9 F0151 Existing P40-3 014 Remove: SP40-3, C2-2, C1 Slack F0131 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S019 Rem6: �/0 SQUAD 11 S018 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S017 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S016 Remove: 1/0 TRIU S015 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S302Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S301 Remove: (4) #2 ACSR S 3 0 0 Remove: 1/0 TRI S014 Remove: (4) #2 ACSR S013 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S012 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR n C n 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER I 309 Install: P45-2, CI-2, M2-2 S321 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 310 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S322Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 3 11 Install: P45-2, C8, E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5, M2-2 S323Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 312 Install: P45-2, C1-2, C7, (3)M5-10, M2-2 S324Install: (4)#2 ACSR 2 99 Install: P40-3, Cl, G9, ST/L, T1.5, M2-1, M2-2 S325Install: (4)#2 ACSR 3 33 Install: P45-2, C1 Slack, M5-10, M2-2 S326Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 314 Install: P45-2, CI-2, M2-2 S327Install: (4)#2 ACSR S328Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR SCALE Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional 1:100 surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. DRAWN By.LSS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 t88 Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEOM W. SHEEr NO. REV. RAS 3 OF 23 37 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and 4ny additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installatioi i. 70 STA. 2577+73.3 STA. 2579+22.7 OFFSET 144.5' OFFSET 151.9' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' STA.2580+73. 317 1329 315 S330_ OFFSET 155.9' 316 154ROW=1.5' wo 164 -- --- - -_ - 33. S011 012 129' jj�0 - 011 w ---------------- CD IH35 ML easeFne O CAI --- CCD - - - CD - - - - 012 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S009 Remove: (4) 1/0 ACSR 011 I Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S008 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 010 Remove: P40-3 C8, 3)M5-10, E1-2 F1-2 Install: P45-2, C'1-2, 1 Slack, (3)0-10 S007 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 009 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2, Cl Slack S303Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR FO-0-81 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S304Remove: 1/0 TRI 007 Remove: SP50-3, C8 C20-2, (2)E1-2 (2)F1-5, Jld S006Remove: 1/0 TRI 006 Remove: P30-3, Sec Riser, K14, S/L SO05 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 005 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2, J10, S/L S004Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR #2 DUP 004 Remove: P40-3, C1-2, US2, G9, T25, K14 S/L S305Remove: 1/0 TRIU, UPED 074 Remove: SP55-2(2)C7-1, (2)E6-2, (2)E1-2 (4) F 1-5, J 10, ST S003 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S011 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S010 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 0 STA.2582+33.4 71 OFFSET 163.5' ROW=1.5 318 165' ' S A.2583 9 . , 0 6 .5 STA. 5 5+ 2 ------ 319� ; RO = 172' OFFS T 172 4 - '5' ---�` STA. 2587+29.8 08 so 20 172' OFFSET 175.4' `� ROW=1.5' 008 n1� S_0_0 - --' S' S338 321 - 007 IS005 006 ----- --- 181' 2' --'---5004 --'-------- 17n• 004 �-2586-f 00_ ---------- 074 --- �- Existing Anchors to be Replaced at Same Location STA. 2584+34.6 OFFSET 170.9' ROW=1.5' 0 50' 100, Item 7. N - LEGEND - EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER O REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE tD s? ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION CA E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION CD v 140 8 PARCEL NUMBER 3 55 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 316 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 3 77 Install: P45-2, C7, E6-2, F1-5, M2-2 318 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S332Install: (4)1/0 ACSR 319 Install: P60-H1, C8 C20-2, M2-2 S333Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR (2)E1-21(2)PI-5, K14, S/L ( ) 320 Install: P45-2, C1-2, K14, S/L, M2-2 S334Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 321 Install: P45-2 C1-2 G9 T25 US2 S335Install: 1/0 TRI K14, S'/L, 92-1,'M2-J, 074 Install: P60-H1 2)C7-1 (2)E6-2, (2)E1-2 S336Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR (4) F1-5, K14, , M2-5, S329Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S337Install: (3a�7395MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR UP S330Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S338Install: 1/0 TRIU, UPED S331 Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S339Install: (3)795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION �.t. \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE: I DWI 10. APPROVED. 1:100 1/28/23 2000 6/5/23 DRAWN BY.- CHECKED M. I SHEET 10. REV. LSS RAS 4 OF 23 38 O CD O ty C (D xDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional irveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 02, 0 �6 S/L 322 Install: P45-2, C1-2, (2)KI4, S/L, M2-2 ;lack, E6-2, E1-2 323 Install: P45-2 C7-1 Al Slack M5-10 K14 E6-2, M-2, �2) F1-5, S'T/L, M�-2 1-2 324 Install: P40-3, A5, E1-2, F1-2, M2-2 Z S340Install: (3a�79I5PMCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S341 Install: (2) #4 ACSR 0 50' 100' 66r!l 0 SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xe1a►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION /0`"� \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated Item 7. DAIS DWC NO. MPROVED. 1128/23 2000 6/5/23 CHEDNED BY: SHEET N0. I REV. r RAS 5 OF 23 I 0 CSJ: 0195-02-076 083 Install: P45-2, C7-1, �. „L, -V -X k-jx � — —, x.x— 273 Install: P45-2, C7-1, UP613, E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5, M2-1, M2-2 280 Remove: C20-2 489Remove: SP55-2 C2-2 S/L, J10 Install: P35-3, S1, K14 S269 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S307 Install: (6) 750MCM AL URD in 2-6" HDPE with (2)8" Directional Bores SS21 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR W, Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 66r!l 0 50' 100' 0 SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xe1a►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated Item 7. DATE DWG NO. APRROMD. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEDKED W. SHEEf NO. REV. RAS 6 OF 23 40 W, 7 325 STA.2647+37.7 �OFFSET 259 ROW=1.5' 690' 248 Remove: SP45-3 CF1-2V S2S9 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR T 6+ 1.7 66' 6 S344 ' 327 249 Remove: SP45-3, CF1-2V S260 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 331 Install: SSP45, C4-1, M2-2, M2-1 =1. rn 6 N 255 Existing: SP45-3, CF1-2V S261 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S343Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR _ 256 Remove: SP45-3, (2)C5-1, E6-2, F1-5 S342 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S3441nstall: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR `N m N� 2S7 Remove: C8, E6-2, F1-5 325 Install: C10-2 S345Install: 3 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR ( ) 258 Remove: C20-2 326 Install: SSP45, C4-1, M2-2, M2-1 S346Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR SA. 2647+37.7 OFFSET 547.4' 1 ROW 1.5' 328 259 Remove: C20-2 327 Install: SSP45, C4-1, M2-2, M2-1 S347Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 258 5251 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 328 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S348Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR N� 5252 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 329 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 S349Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S258 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 330 Install: SSP45, C4-1, M2-2, M2-1 S3S0 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR rn o w `O (V N4 1 329 STA.2647+37.7 OFFSET 404.8' F ROW=1.5' N r_ 5149 �m Mgt 0 0% S 56 ta `' 2S5 - STA. �647+37.7 OFFSET 262.2' 0W=1.5' 2648+00 1?Fnolnn — IH�5 ML Beseline�� -- ---------- ------------ Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. S350 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE D PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE — COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION CD SANGER CD ELECTRIC UTILITIES CD 00 IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE Dwc No. APRRDYED. 1 : 100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CHDCNED W. I SNDR NO. I REV. LSS RAS 7 OF 23 41 STA.26 6 07 OFFSET 7 .3' ROW 1.5 332 n � S250 151' i� 247 sy G� C (D Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be dete fined on the ground and any additional 5150 surveys required by TxDOT p ocured before installation. Proposed 5149 Drainage Easement STA. 2657+77.3 OFFSET 177.7' ROW=1.5' F338 33S17502 STA. 2659+42.6 OFFSET 180.8' ROW=1.5' 1166 334 S3593 STA. 2661+10.7 OFFSET 186.3' ROW=1.5' 116�99 3A5 5354 STA. 2662+80.1 STA. 2664+49.5 STA. 2666+98.7 OFFSET 191.3' OFFSET 6+98 ROW=1.5' OFFSET 193.5' 7 ROW=1.5' 99 ROW=1.5' 336 t� 337 5356"3— 0 50' 100 Item 7. 6� N - =_ • S248 236' S247 S246 236' • 5 ------ --------- • u 2 242 0 • • - ---- -- CD a IH35 ML BOseline� — o `.3 O oa�szi nn oF�oinn oFan+ �Ff 90 2�-62 94. o ;'� � �� 2664 120,- + C/� �3' - — CD CD `O --- - — — E-- ----------- 4. 2657+�53..5- n1=1.5' + — — OFFSET 196.7' - 200' 400 200' 401 432 ' V, STA. 2659+53. OFFSET 8 5.5 FFSET 196.2'ROW ROW=33.7' \ Proposed Drainage Easement N155 100 Remove: SP45-3 C7-1 C20-2 E6-2, E'1-2, (2)Fl-5 101 Remove: P45-2, C1-2 SO98 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR Flo-21 Remove: P45-2, CI-2 SO99 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR E51 Remove: SP45-3 C1-2 Al Slack, M5-10 Install: P45-2, Cf-2, Ai Slack, M5-10, M2-2 S1oo Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 242 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S245Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 243 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S246Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 244 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S247Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 245 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S248Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 246 Remove: SP45-3, C5-1 CFI-2V E6-2, E 1-2, (2)F 1-5 S249Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR Remove: SP45-3 C5-1 CF1-2V 247 E6-2, El-2, (2)F1-5 F3 3-21 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 333 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 334 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 F3 3-51 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 336 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 337 Install: P45-2, C8, E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5, M2-2 F33-81 Install: P45-2, C8, E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5, M2-2 400 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 401 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S351 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S352 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S353 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S354Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S355 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 5356 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S430Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S431 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR SCALE. 1:100 S432Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xeta►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE; DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEIONED W. SHEEr NO. REV. RAS 8 OF 23 42 O CD O 0y O G� N Q 00 237 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 238 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 239 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 240 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 F2-4-11 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S 2 4 0 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S241 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S242Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S243Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S244Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR n F3 3 91 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 3 00 Install: P45-2, C 1-2, M2-2 3 11 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 F3 4 21 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 3 33 Install: P45-2, C 1-2, M2-2 F3474 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 O CD O Q- O C O O N S357 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S358 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S359 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S360Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S361 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S362 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 0 50' 100' 66r!l 0 SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xeta►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated Item 7. DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1128/23 2000 6/5/23 CIEIONED W. SHEEr NO. REV. RAS 9 OF 23 43 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 5152 STA. 2689+49.6 OFFSET 253.6' ROW=1.5' STA. 2679+46.5 STA. 2681+25.7 STA. 2683+04.9 351 OFFSET 198.3' OFFSET 198.2' OFFSET 198.5' STA. 2684+84.1 STA. 2686+63.3 STA. 2688+49.5 ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' OFFSET OW 1 5198.4' OFFSET 198.4' OFFSET 198.6' S3"� 345 179' 346 0 ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' S364 S365 347 179' 348 179' 349 S3 5366 5367 186 U -- S368 248, - - - S239 _245'-------- !D 114 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 115 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 116 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 233 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 234 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 235 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 236 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 236 234 116 \ -� 51623 402 5163' -S113 - 5162' 5163' - 403 404 405 STA. T 193. ' OFFSET 193.8' \ ROW=7.3' N164 OFF 268i7U.I 3 STA. 2686+46.7 OFFSET 195.4' ROW=38.2' STA.9�$ ROW=36 8' S111 Remove: (4)477MCACSR S112 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S113 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S114 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S235 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S236 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S237 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S238 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S239 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR ROW=33.8 S364Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 345 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S365 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 346 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S366 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 347 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S367 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 348 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S368 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 349 Install: P45-2, CI-2, M2-2 S369 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 350 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S370 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 351 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S433Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR F4 0 21 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S434Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 4 33 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S435Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 4 44 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S436Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 405 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S437Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S437 145' C CD C 0 50' 100 Item 7. 6� N - C 0 SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xe1a►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEONED W. SHEEf NO. REV. RAS 10 OF 23 44 S377 Install: (3) 77MCM ACSR 5378 Install: (3) 795MCM CSR ' l 5380 Install: ((l3) 795MCM ACSR, 358 8p 1-477MCM ACSR 5377 359 =S37Z p 223STA. 2702+29.9 STA. 2704+12.8OFFSET 253.5' OFFSET 253.4'1 ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' A.2705+96.1 FSET 253.6'W=1.5' 129' 522 S229 225 226 F2970 Remove: C7-1 129 Remove: SP45 -3 CF,8, E6-2 S223 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR, S381 Install: 3) 795MCM ACSR, -477MCM ACSR S383Install: 3) 795MCM ACSR -477MCM ACSR ' STA. 2712+66.7 ''<-STA. 2710+90.8 OFFSET 212.7' OFFSET 213.6' ROW=1.5' 1.5' c#u� 364 218 Ii QQ „ i --- -- STA.2712+ SET 192.9' ROW=1.5' 4L1,' 5140 9' N167 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE (7 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE O A EXISTING TRANSFORMER r+ A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER O • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER >y O ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE G� EXISTING GUY LOCATION CD r? E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY w E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional 132 surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 358 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 359 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 361 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-2 9 �.� Install: SSP45 2 C7-1 M2-2 198' STA. 2707+56.2 7 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 362 M2-1 ' O ' S S127 OFFSET 412.9' 26 ROW=1.5' 130 S130 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR64 3Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 CD 415 6497 S131 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 128 Remove: C7-1 133 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 Install: C2-2 2 77 Remove: SP45-3, CF1-2V S220 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 414 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-1 O M2-2 2 88 Remove: SP45-3, CF1-2V S221 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 115 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-1 M2-2 ,o N� 219 Remove: SP 4 -3 CFl 2V S222 RS/Lemove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 417 Install: �5, C2-2, M2-1 220 Remove: J10' 1- S/L S227 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S445Install: ((3) 795MCM ACSR 477MCM ACSR ' 224 Remove: SP45-3 CF1-2V S308 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S4461nstall: (3) 795MCM ACSR ' 128 5445 414 I-477MCM ACSR 208 225 Remove: SP45-3 CF1-2V S228 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S447Install: O 795MCM ACSR ' I-477MCM ACSR ' SGA� STA. 27 7+50.6 OFFSET 6043 O 477MCM ACSR Remove: 477MCM ACSR S126 Remove: 4 S229 4 S448Install: r3) 795MCM ACSR ROW=1. O r n�7A40A4 Arcn DRAWN BY: ass APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION /0 0 '" �18 8 \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE'. DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEONED W. SHEEr NO. REV. RAS 12 OF 23 46 STA. 2714+42.6 OFFSET 213.3' STA. 2716+10.7 ROW=1.5' OFFSET 212.7' ROW=1.5' 176, S384 365 17 366 175' S 3 8 6 �1 J 154 37' - -- 216 215 229' n O 2714+00 CD O C CD N STA. 2717+87.4 OFFSET 214.4' STA. 2719+66.9 ROW=1.5' OFFSET 213.5' 367 ROW=1.5' c�o� 368 S217 S216 �Q' n 225_ - ILIJI 2715+00 71ase ine\ 26 � � , 136 ------------ ------------------------- --___-_ STA. 2719+56.9 Nm -_---- 137 419 1611 _ _ Row=f.5' ,�, - - STA. 27 23�in 4 OFFSET 420 S4 161' OW 1519 +44.7 IET 193. A.-2716+05.9 421 162' 4 2 13 =1.5' OFFSET 193.8' ROW =1.5' -------------_STA 2717+68.4 OFFSET -19 3.3-------------------OFFSET STA. 271 +27.2 1 3.4' v, 1340 Remove: SP45-3, C8, G9 T1.5, J10 E6-2, E 1-2, (2)F°1-5 S132 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR, #6 DUP• J 135 Remove: SP45-3, C8-1, J10, MOS S133 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 365 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 136 Remove: SP45-3 C1-2 C7-1, G9 (3)M5-f0, Jld S134 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 366 Install: P45-2, CI-2, M2-2 137 Remove: SP45-3, C8-1, Pri Mtr S135 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 367 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 138 Remove: SP45-3, C10-2, M3-15, UP4 S136 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 368 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 F1391 Remove: SP45-3, C7-1, M3-15, UP4 S137 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR, #6 DUP 369 Install: P45-2, CI-2, M2-2 140 Remove: SP45-3, C8-1, J10, MOS S138 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 370 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 141 Remove: P45-2, C1-2, UP2-3 S214 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 371 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2 M2-1 211 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S215 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 4 99 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 212 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S216 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 420 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 213 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S217 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 421 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 F2141 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 S218 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 429 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 215 Remove: SP45-3, C5-1 CF1-2V (2)E6-2, (2)Ff-5 S219 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 4 00 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 216 0 Remove: SP45-3, C5-1, CF1-2V E6-2, F1-5 S462Remove: 3) 1/0 URD, 4" PVC Conduit 431 Install: P45-2, C1-2, UP2-3, 0 M2-1, M2-2 STA. 2721+43.8 OFFSET 209.1' ROW=22' STA. 2723+21.5 OFFSET 202.4' ROW=11.7' 140 260' S138 ROW=1.5' y 5460 Y429 189' 430 Proposed Drainage Easement S 84Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 85 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S386 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S387 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S388 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S389 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S390 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S450Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S451 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S452Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S453Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S459Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S460Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S461 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR STA. 2724+94.9 OFFSET 193.5' ROW=1.5' 371 S461 188' n STA.2725+44.2 OFFSET 193.3' ROW=1.5' e 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE (� PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE O COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE CD ¢ COSERV PROPOSED POLE O A EXISTING TRANSFORMER cn A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER CD • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE: I DWG N0, APPROVED. 1 : 100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CIEDKED BY: I SHEEP 10. 1 REV. LSS RAS 13 OF 23 47 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional 5155 surveys required by xDOT procured before installation. STA.2726+47.7 OFFSET 192.7' STA.2727+95.2 STA.2729+41.9 OFFSET 189.3' OFFSET 189.4' STA.2732+49.8 ROW=1.8' 147' 372 ROW=373 ROW=374 sJ` OFFSET 185.9' ROW=1.5' 147' 147' 147' u N ---3 -__ 376 66' _----- `- ------ - r� L=�------ �Q10 -- -- ---- ----------- mTsr --------- ------------ ------ ------------------ ��� STA. 2730+88.7 I -- — — — OFFSET 189.5' --------- -------------- R 0 W =1.5' (7 O ---- - - - - ------- - - - - I - Co- MOO - v)r" CD - 4k 35 ML-43aseline_ 2119 - - - -------------2737+00 O CD O r+ - 257' 2 142 ten S140 ------------ 1 S142 S143 183' -------------- 432 182' 433 1835 '— 182' 543' 183 2 436 182' 437 183' STA.2727+24.9 STA. 2729+08.5 OFFSET 193.5' OFFSET 193.5' ROW'-1.5' STA. 2 30+90.1 STA. 32+72.7 OFFSET 193.5' OFFSET 193.4' STA. 2734+55.3 STA. 2736+37.9 OFFSET 193.4' OFFSET 193.5' N168 ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' 372 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S393Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR \ 373 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S394Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 374 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 S395Install: (4) 1/0 ACSR 375 Install (3)M5'--101 I�14, �/I, S396Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR F14-21 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S139 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 376 Install: P45-2, C1-2, UP613 S397Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR M2-1, M2-2, (2)K14 143 Remove: SP45-3 C1-2 ' S140 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 432 Install: P45-2 C1-2 M2-2 S398Install: (6) 750MCM AL URD in 6" HDPE with (2)8" Directional Bores 144 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S141 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 433 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S463Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 145 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S142 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 4 44 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S464Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 208 Remove: SP45-3, Cl-2, C20-2, S/L, J10 S143 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 4 55 Install: P45-2, C1-2, UP6B S465Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR M2-1, M2-2, (2)K14 209 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S210 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 436 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S466Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 210 Remove: P45-2, Cl-2, Cap Bank S211 Remove: (4) 1/0 ACSR 437 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 S467Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S212 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S391 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S468Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S213 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S392 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S469Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 0 50' 100 Item 7. 6� N SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xe1a►i. EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEONED W. SHEEf NO. REV. RAS 14 OF 23 48 - (7 O CD O CD 1461 S144 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additior surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 5157 STA.2742+81.4 STA.2744+14.6 OFFSET 186.5' OFFSET 188.9' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' �qo� 203 133' 377 117' S399 S400 ---- / -------I--- ------ 204 _ � 378 IML baseline2742+00 ----------------------------------- S145 148 205' 149 S146 STA.2744+48 OFFSET 205.5' ROW=1.5' 438 182 439 183' 440 104? S 4 7 3 443 STA.2738+20.5 STA.2740+03.1 STA.2741+85.6 441 159' OFFSET 193.5' OFFSET 193.5' OFFSET 193.4' STA. 2742+88.9 "C/) ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW 15205.5' 8 44 EJ 150 - 445 STA. 2746+24.3 OFFSET 205.5' ROW=1 5' 2747+ S144 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 446 146 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S145 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR Install: P45-2 C1-2 M2-2 203 K14, S�/L, Install: 3 795MCM ACSR OFF ET 5399 (1 -477MCM 'ROW 1.5 + $ 9.9 17 8 ACSR 147 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 S146 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 377 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S400Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 148 0 Remove: S 55-3' -1, C8, (2)E6-2 (2)E1-21 �43F1-5 S147 Remove: 4 #4 ACSR () 378 Install: SSP45, C2-2 M2-2, M2-1 0 Al Slack, M�-10 S401 Install: 2 #2 ACSR ( ) 149 Remove: SP50-3, C7, C8, (2)El-2 F1-2 S148 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 438 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S470Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 443 Remove: P40-3 C7 (3)M5-10, (6)M5-5 S149 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR E6-2, P1-S 439 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S471 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 150 Remove: SP45-3, C8 S150 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 440 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S472Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 151 Remove: SP40-3, C2-2, El-2, Fl-2 S151 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 441 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S473Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 152 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S203 Remove: (2) #4 ACSR 442 Install: P45-2-001-2, C1 Slack, M2-2 S475Install: (4) #4 ACSR 202 Remove: FP40-3, A5, Al Slack, E1-2 S204Remove: (2) #4 ACSR 44 Install: P40-3, C7, E6-2, F1-5 M2-2 S476Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 203 0 Remove: SP55-3, 2 C7-1, A5 JIO S205 Remove: 4 477MCM ACSR (2)E6. 2 E 1-2, (4)1~ 1-5, S/L () 445 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 0 S477Install: 3 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR () S474Remove: (4) #4 ACSR 446 Install: E6 2, 1 52' M2-2 S478Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 2/1 e W, 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE I DWG ND. MPROVED. 1 : 100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CHEOM W. SHEET W. REV. LSS RAS 15 OF 23 49 5159 Proposed / Drainage Easement K ase ine� CD -- _ ---- 3 159 - 0 113' - 1 160 5159 16 — STA. 2753+21.1 OFFSET 23E 157 0 ROW=1.5' 447 �. 162a S480 v1 r S481 130' h 5482 156 51�� 448 131' 449 145' a -445' S48 1:7/ �ti STA. 2754+53.7 ST 2755+86.4 450 -4 S 2 OFFSET 239.6' OF ET 239.6' STA. 2757+32.8 ROW-1.5' R =1.5' OFFSET 238.4' STA. 27S8+80.1 STA. 2760+27.6 ROW=2.4' OFFSET 238.9' OFFSET 238.5' ROW=21.1' ROW=21.5' N168 e Proposed Drainage Easement F1S71 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S155 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 158 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2, E1-2, F1-5 S156 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR F1591 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2, UP4 S157 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 160 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S158 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 161 Remove: SP45-3, C8, (2)E1-2, (2)F1-5 S159 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 162 Remove: P45-2, C1-2, C7 S160 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 62a Remove: P40-3, C1 S160a Remove: (4) 1/0 ACSR S160b Remove: (4) 1/0 ACSR S521 Remove: (3) 1/0 URD, 4" Conduit 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE C COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER 447 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-2, M2-1 S479Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 448 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S480Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 449 Insta11: M2 1 , C1-2, UP4, M2-2 S481 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 450 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S482Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 451 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S483Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 452 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S484Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S484aInstall: (4) 1/0 ACSR S485Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional SCALE-- 1 : 100 surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. DRAWN By. LSS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE; DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CHEONED W. SNEET NO. REV• RAS 16 OF 23 5120 00 453 STA. 2762+04.1 174' 454 OFFSET 235.9' ROW=4.1' STA. 2763+80.1 OFFSET 231.4' ROW=8.5' 0 50' 100 Item 7. CSJ: 0195— 01— p81 N � CSJ: 0195-02-084 6=?!!!1 STA. 2765+57.4 OFFSET 225.1' ROW=14.3' N170 163 Remove: SP40-3, C8, E6-2, E1-2 (2)F 1-5 S162 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 164 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 5163 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 165 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S164 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 166 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S165 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 167 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S166 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 168 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2, G9, T10, J10 S167 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 457 Customer Meter Pole S 16 8 Remove: 1/0 TRI 169 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S169 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 170 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S170 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 171 Remove: SP40-3, C8, E6-2, E1-2 (2)F 1-5 — LEGEND 5160 EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE _ REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE — — — — — COSERV EXISTING POLE ML Baseline — (� 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE O A EXISTING TRANSFORMER -- A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER _ — — CD C • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER a p ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE —_ - -- E- EXISTING GUY LOCATION �* � REMOVE EXISTING GUY 136' 167 - 2' - 168 152' 669 119 I�'�,1 137. 171 — � PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ------ 5169 S170 ## PARCEL NUMBER 00 1 00 -------------------- OF T�k1S�l /� 457 -- - _ --___.-----___ ________ -_____---------------------------- ___________ .q .y 1 *�...........,........ *+�Y 456 174' 458 ;ROBERT ALIEN SIKGLmpo �................_........ ;.... 67+31.1 175' STA.2769+02.5 S 4 91 459 175' ' �` 57979 i 4rff OFFSET218.2' OFFSET ROW=12.4' OFFSET 212.9' STA. 2770+75.7 460 175' ROW-1.5' - OFFSET 213.4' STA. 272+48.4�J3� s�� ROW=1.5' OFFSET 213.3' ROW=1.5' 453 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 454 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 455 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 456 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 458 Install: P45-2, CI-2 G9 T10, K14, M2-1, M2-� 459 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 460 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S486Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S487Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S488Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S489Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S490Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S491 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S492Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated SCALE DATE DWc Ro. APRRDNED. 1 : 100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CHEIOM W. I SHEET W. REV. LSS RAS 17 OF 23 5 1 20 51 W, O CD CD Q.. O O CD CD cv -190, S171 e -------------- ---------------- 17 ZP,5- 72a -- 172 N ` S49 461 167' 462 1: STA. 2774+21.3 STA. 2775+94.7 OFFSET 213.3' OFFSET 211.8' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' N171 172 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2 72a Remove: P45-2, C1-2, C7 172b Remove: P40-3, Cl 173 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 174 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 175 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 176 Remove: SP40-3, C1-2 177 Remove: SP45-3, C1-2, G310 (3)T25, J10 5�se 727 S495 463 167' 464 STA. 2777+26.2 STA. 2778+90.7 OFFSET 212.2' OFFSET 212.6' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' S171 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S172 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S172aRemove: (4) 1/0 ACSR S172bRemove: (4) 1/0 ACSR S173 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S174 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S175 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S176 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR S 17 7 Remove: 1/0 QUAD S496 S497 167' 465 167' 167' 467 166' 468 STA. 2780+55.4 466 OFFSET 211.8' STA. 2782+20.1 STA. 2783+84.8 STA. 2785+4 .6 ROW=1.5' OFFSET 212.3' OFFSET 212.5' OFFSET 211.7' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' O N O. O 0 Cn 461 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S493Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 462 Remove: C75-2, C1-2, C7, UP2-3, M2-1, M2-2 S494Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 463 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S495Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 464 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S496Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 465 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S497Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 466 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S498Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 467 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S499Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 468 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 0 50' 100, Item 7. 660!1 - N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir BANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional SCALE DAIS I DWG N0. APPROVED. surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 1:100 1 / 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CIEOM W. I SHEEP NO. • LSS RAS 18 OF 23 5 / 20 22 379 Remove: P30-3, US2, J10 S504Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S505Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR STA.2787+04.8 ❑ OFFSET 195.2' . ROW=1.5' L� 1 1�9' n O fVrn or cP CD - C. 0 C4 '3 CD 00 201 Remove: SP45-3, A5, G9, T25, US2 5407 S202 Remove: (2) 477MCM ACSR S p6 384 385 S p8 201 Proposed Drainage Easement\ STA.2792+79.4 OFFSET STA.2794+13.4 383 ROW=15.1' 1' OFFSET 379.2' ROW=15.1' 200 ° STA. 2791+55) OFFSET 348.7' 386 �8o STA. 2795+26.4 7�9 5163 5164 O O ROW=15.2' OFFSET 321.3' I ROW=15.1' S0� 382 I S410 STA. 2790+60.6 387 388 OFFSET 298.3' ROW=3' STA. 2796+34.3 2797t12.9-- OFFSET 233.6' 80 - - - - 1 --------180 SR, F3 ilj - - STA. 278 - OFFSET 209.6' ROW=10.8' ------------ - _-- TNDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by T procure a or i tallation. `- N172 N171 �8 �7M �F SFT-21n- - - ROW=1.5' FSET 213.5' QFFSE 5' 167' 469 5501 S502 167' 470 167' 181 178 Remove: SP45-3 C8 E6-2, E1-2 G9, T2�, (2jF1-5 S181 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 179 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2 S182 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 180 Remove: SP40-3, C2-2, E1-2, F1-5 S183 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 181 Remove: SP40-3, C2-2, (3)M5-6 S186 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 185 Remove: SP40-3, CI-2, UP4 S187 Remove: (3) 1/0 URD 186 Remove: SP45-3, C2-2, UP2 EI-2, F1-5 S188 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 187 Remove: SP40-3, C8, E6-2, (2)F1-5 S189 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 200 Remove: SP45-3, UP2-3 379 Install• P45-2 C7-1, G9, T25 K14 E6-2, E1-2, (�)F1-5, M2-1, M2-2 S178 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 380 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S179 Remove: (3) 1/0 TRIIJ 381 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S180 Remove: (4) 477MCM ACSR 382 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 -� STA 2790+46 7 - 471 OFFSET 213.6' ROW=1.5' \ S!S s r1j SfA. 2797-14.5 187 OFFSET 203.5' \tr' 182 Install• P45-2 C2-2 M2-2 383 E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5' Install• P45-2 C2-2, M2-2 384 E6-2, E1-2, (2,)F1-5 S11 85 1 3 I _ 472 n STA. 2795 46. = I OFFSET 2 1' ROW=1.5' ❑ Instil: 3 95MCM ACSR, 471 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-2, M2-1 5407 (1-477MCM ACSR Inst4: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 472 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 5408 1-477MCM ACSR Install• P45-2 C2-2 M2-2 385 E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5' 474Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-2, M2-1 Install: 3 795MCM ACSR 5409 (1-477MCM ACSR' Install• P45-2 C2-2, G9 T25, M2-2 386 E6-2, E1-2, (2)F1-5 USi, M2-1 Install: 3 795MCM ACSR S402 (1-477MCM ACSR' Install: 3 795MCM ACSR S410 (1-477MCM ACSR' 387 Install: SSP45, (2)C7-1, M2-2, M2-1 S403Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S500 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 388 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S501 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 469 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S405Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S502Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 470 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S406Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR 1-477MCM ACSR S503Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR 1-477MCM ACSR Ci O I CD O CD C N O 0 50' 100 Item 7. 6� N - • • • • O SCALE 1:100 DRAWN BY: LSS 11111xe1a►i. - EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE - PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE - REMOVE EXISTING LINE - PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY - EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE - COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE COSERV PROPOSED POLE EXISTING TRANSFORMER REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER PROPOSED TRANSFORMER - EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE - PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE EXISTING GUY LOCATION REMOVE EXISTING GUY PROPOSED GUY LOCATION PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� Ir �11. a SANGER, ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE; DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 CIEONED W. SHEEr NO. REV. RAS 19 OF 23 53 u Proposed Drainage Easement 389 4. 2T :SET ud=1.5 �� 188 189 S507 5508 ill, 475 110' 476 OFFSET 203.5' OFFSET 203.4' ROW=41.5' e ROW=41.5' 188 Remove: P30-3, (2)C7, E1-2, F1-2 189 Remove: P30-3, Cl 190 Remove: P30-3, Cl 191 Remove: P30-3, Cl, G9, T5, US2 192 Remove: P30-3, Cl 193 Remove: P30-3, Cl 5165 S419 Install: 1/0 TRIU in TxDOT provided conduit STA. 2801+57.8 STA. 2803+42.8 OFFSET 1927 OFFSET 189.5' 149' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' 390 S413 391 5414 392 183' 2800+12.2 — e 5509 S510 191' 477 185' OFFSET 203.9' ROW=41.5' S190 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S191 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S192 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S193 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S194 Remove: 1/0 TRIU S195 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S196 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR 389 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 3 00 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 391 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 392 Install: US22 Q112, G9, T25, M2-2 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. STA. 2807+12.7 STA. 2808+84.2 STA. 2805+27.7 OFFSET 175.9' OFFSET 168.9' OFFSET 183.9' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' ROW=1359'3 1R2' 394 183� 395 — 311 selire- ^c 2 222' 1193 213' 3 uimi—S194 i S195C10� 478 185' 479 STA. 2804+89.4 ')ET 206.7` OFFSET 211.7' N174 =ROW=1.5' 41.5' _ Proposed Drainage Easement 3 33 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 394 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, UP6B, M2-2 395 Install: P45-2 C7-1 M2-2 M2-1 E6-2,1✓ 1-2, (2)F l -� 47S Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 476 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 477 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 478 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 479 Install: P45-2, Cl-2, M2-2 480 Install: P45-2, C1-2, UP613, M2-2, M2-1 481 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S411 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S412 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE C COSERV EXISTING POLE Ci O COSERV PROPOSED POLE ' A EXISTING TRANSFORMER CD A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER ¢ • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER O ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE CD CD E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION N ~ E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER 880 185' 481 1°' STA. 2806+71.2 STA. 2808+60.7 OFFSET 219.1' OFFSET 277.3' ROW=1.5' ROW=1.5' S413 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S414Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S415 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S416 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S417 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S418 Install: (6) 750MCM AL URD in 6" HDPE with (2)8" Directional Bores S507 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S508 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S509 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S510 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S511 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S512 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR S513 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 1:100 DRAWN EN: S514 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR ass APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 0`"� \Ir BANGER ELECTRIC UTILITIES IH35 Widening Mandated DATE DWG NO. APPROVED. 1 128 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 OIEOM W. SNEET NO. REV. RAS 20 OF 23 54 Proposed Drainage Easement W OCD — O G I=. O 0 CA CD C N O — 82 S515 190' STA. 2810+57.6 OFFSET 233.8' STA. 2812 9.3 ROW=25.3' L OFFSET 2 6.8' ROW=25.7 Proposed N174 Drainage Easement 194 Remove: P30-3, Cl 195 Remove: P30-3, Cl 196 Remove: P35-3, C1 197 Remove: P35-3, Cl 198 Remove: P35-3, Cl 199 Remove: P35-3, C7, El-2, F1-2 STA. 2814+60.7 OFFSET 230.3' ROW=17.7' S197 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S198 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S199 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S200 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR S201 Remove: (3) #2 ACSR ase ine� 486 STA. 2818+59.3 OFFSET 187.8' ROW=1.5' END CSJ: 0195-02-084 RCSJ: 0195-02-079 3+00 0 50' 100, Item 7. 6� N - LEGEND EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED ELECTRIC LINE REMOVE EXISTING LINE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY EXISTING POLE REMOVE EXISTING POLE PROPOSED POLE CHANGE OUT EXISTING POLE PROPOSED SELF SUPPORTING POLE COSERV LINE COSERV EXISTING POLE 0 COSERV PROPOSED POLE A EXISTING TRANSFORMER A REMOVE EXISTING TRANSFORMER • PROPOSED TRANSFORMER ------- EXISTING SECONDARY OR SERVICE ------- PROPOSED SECONDARY OR SERVICE E-- EXISTING GUY LOCATION E-- REMOVE EXISTING GUY E-- PROPOSED GUY LOCATION ## PARCEL NUMBER APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 882 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S515 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR �I Cr 84T 483 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S516 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR SANGER 484Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S517 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR ELECTRIC UTILITIES 485 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 S518 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR 486 Install: SSP45, C2-2, M2-2, M2-1 S519 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR IH35 Widening Mandated 487 Install: P45-2, C1-2, M2-2 5520 Install: (3) 795MCM ACSR, 1-477MCM ACSR Power 488 Install: P45-2 C7-1, M2-2 E6-2, tl-2, (2)F1-5 Note: TxDOT's ROW shall be determined on the ground and any additional SCALE W7E: DWG N0. APPROVED. surveys required by TxDOT procured before installation. 1 : 100 1 1 28 / 23 2000 6 / 5 / 23 DRAWN BY: CIEOM W. SNEET NO. REV. LSS RAS 21 OF 23 55 485 STA. 2816+61.1 OFFSET 213.9' ROW=9.7' 6 487 S520 STA. 2820+29.9 162 OFFSET 185.8' ROW=1.5' 488 STA. 2821+99.6 OFFSET 184.9' ROW=1.5' N177 CITY OF SANGER ELECTRIC Cost Estimate IH35 Project STA 2542+20 — STA 2822+00 Labor Contract Construction Labor & Equipment -------------------------------- $1,621,117.00 Contractor Provided ROW Marking ------------------------------------------ $ 32,000.00 Material In -Kind Replacement Materials ----------------------------------------------- $1,612,029.98 * There are Buy American Required Materials on this Project Salvaged Material----------------------------------------------------------------- ($23,610.77) Professional Services Design, Engineering, Staking & Support ------------------------------------ $78,050.00 Project Management/Oversight City of Sanger Electric Personnel ----------------------------------------------- $14,800.00 Total Estimated Cost---------------------------------------------------------- $3,334386.21 F58] IH35 REIMBURSABLE POINT UNIT REMOVALS CONST UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT LABOR PRICE CITY TOTAL PRICE Al SINGLE PHASE TANGENT ea. $ 79.01 2 $ 158.02 Al Slack SINGLE PHASE SLACK TAKEOFF ea. $ 123.13 3 $ 369.39 A5 SINGLE PHASE DEADEND ea. $ 115.26 6 $ 691.56 C1 13 PHASE TANGENT SM ea. 1 $ 189.19 12 $ 2,270.28 C1-1 3 PHASE DBL SUPPORT SM ea. $ 228.40 1 $ 228.40 C1-2 3 PHASE TANGENT LG ea. $ 206.95 67 $ 13,865.65 C1 Slack 3 PHASE SLACK TAKEOFF ea. $ 241.61 3 $ 724.83 C2-2 3 PHASE DBL SUPPORT LG ea. $ 271.58 20 $ 5,431.60 C5-1 3 PHASE VERT DEADEND LG ea. $ 313.10 10 $ 3,131.00 C20-2 3 PHASE FLAT DBL SUPPORT LG ea. $ 243.82 6 $ 1,462.92 C7 3 PHASE DEADEND SM ea. $ 338.42 8 $ 2,707.36 C7-1 3 PHASE DEADEND LG ea. $ 338.42 12 $ 4,061.04 C8 3 PHASE DBL DEADEND W/JUMPERS ea. $ 620.09 14 $ 8,681.26 C8-1 3 PHASE DBL DEADEND WO/JUMPERS ea. $ 620.09 3 $ 1,860.27 C10-2 3 PHASE FLAT SINGLE SUPPORT LG ea. $ 181.26 1 $ 181.26 CF1-2V 3 PHASE VERTICAL FBRGLASS SUPPORT ea. $ 232.19 15 $ 3,482.85 G9 SINGLE PHASE XFMR FRAMING ea. $ 414.68 13 $ 5,390.84 G310 3 PHASE 120/240 XFMR BANK FRAMING ea. $ 1,278.24 2 $ 2,556.48 E1-2 SINGLE DOWN GUY ea. $ 145.80 32 $ 4,665.60 E6-2 DBL DOWN GUY ea. $ 263.02 30 $ 7,890.60 F1-2 SINGLE HELIX ANCHOR ea. $ 158.30 15 $ 2,374.50 F1-5 MULTI HELIX/TOUGH ONE ANCHOR ea. $ 168.08 48 $ 8,067.84 J10 SECONDARY CLEVIS ea. $ 35.92 26 $ 933.92 K14 J-HOOK ea. $ 36.35 2 $ 72.70 M5-6 ARRESTER ea. $ 79.40 3 $ 238.20 M5-10 ICUTOUT ea. $ 120.86 11 $ 1,329.46 M3-15 GANG OPEREATED SWITCH ea. $ 1,971.58 2 $ 3,943.16 M5-5 INSULATOR & PIN ea. $ 35.59 6 $ 213.54 MOS MOTOR OPEREATED SWITCH ea. $ 1,971.58 2 $ 3,943.16 P30-3 WOOD POLE 30FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 463.78 14 $ 6,492.92 P35-3 WOOD POLE 35FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 463.78 4 $ 1,855.12 P40-3 WOOD POLE 40FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 500.99 10 $ 5,009.90 P45-2 WOOD POLE 45FT CLASS 2 ea. $ 563.62 6 $ 3,381.72 SP40-3 STEEL POLE 40FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 662.15 35 $ 23,175.25 SP45-3 STEEL POLE 45FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 662.15 81 $ 53,634.15 SP50-3 ISTEEL POLE 50FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 723.84 2 $ 1,447.68 SP55-2 STEEL POLE 55FT CLASS 2 ea. $ 832.42 2 $ 1,664.84 SP55-3 STEEL POLE 55FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 832.42 2 $ 1,664.84 PRI MTR 3 PHASE PRIMARY METER ea. $ 1,401.47 1 $ 1,401.47 M9-13 CAP BANK W/CONTROLER ea. $ 1,401.47 2 $ 2,802.94 F5-9 IH35 REIMBURSABLE POINT UNIT REMOVALS (CONT) CONST UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT LABOR PRICE CITY TOTAL PRICE ST/L STREET LIGHT ea. $ 188.52 5 $ 942.60 S/L SECURITY LIGHT ea. $ 188.52 12 $ 2,262.24 SEC RISER SECONDARY RISER SM ea. $ 250.75 2 $ 501.50 T1.5 JXFMR 1.5kVA ea. 1 $ 414.68 2 $ 829.36 T5 XFMR SkVA ea. $ 414.68 4 $ 1,658.72 T10 XFMR 10kVA ea. $ 414.68 2 $ 829.36 T15 XFMR 15kVA ea. $ 414.68 4 $ 1,658.72 T25 XFMR 25kVA ea. $ 414.68 6 $ 2,488.08 US2 SECONDARY RISER 2" ea. $ 250.75 5 $ 1,253.75 UP2 SINGLE PHASE PRIMARY RISER 2" ea. $ 500.39 1 $ 500.39 UP2-3 3 PHASE PRIMARY RISER 3-2" ea. $ 1,114.10 1 $ 1,114.10 UP4 3 PHASE PRIMARY RISER 4" ea. $ 927.97 5 $ 4,639.85 UPED SECONDARY PEDESTAL ea. $ 122.00 1 $ 122.00 IH35 REIMBURSABLE SPAN UNIT REMOVALS CONST UNIT DESCRIPTION SPAN UNIT LABOR PRICE/ft QTY TOTAL PRICE 4ACSR #4ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 0.71 1212 $ 860.52 2ACSR #2ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 0.80 8428 $ 6,742.40 1/OACSR 1/OACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 0.92 340 $ 312.80 477ACSR 477ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.67 90676 $ 151,428.92 6DUP #6 DUPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.06 386 $ 409.16 2DUP #2 DUPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 0.96 814 $ 781.44 2TR1 #2 TRIPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.43 186 $ 265.98 1/OTRI 1/0 TRIPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.45 1005 $ 1,457.25 1/OTRIU 1/0 TRIPLEX UG CONDUTOR ft $ 1.76 596 $ 1,048.96 1/OQUAD 1/0 QUADRAPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.73 103 $ 178.19 1/OURD 1/0 URD UG CABLE ft $ 2.70 2744 $ 7,408.80 4PVC 4" PVC IN GROUND ft $ 9.01 185 $ 1,666.85 TOTAL $ 384,820.46 F60 IH35 REIMBURSABLE POINT UNIT INSTALLS CONST UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT MATERIAL PRICE LABOR PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE CITY TOTAL PRICE P35-3 WOOD POLE 35FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 825.00 $ 610.00 $ 1,435.00 1 $ 1,435.00 P40-3 WOOD POLE 40FT CLASS 3 ea. $ 948.00 $ 681.35 $ 1,629.35 5 $ 8,146.75 SSP45 SELF SUPPORTING POLE 45' EQ ea. $ 2,630.00 $ 6,833.30 $ 9,463.30 25 $ 236,582.50 P45-2 WOOD POLE 45FT CLASS 2 ea. $ 990.00 $ 772.96 $ 1,762.96 145 $ 255,629.20 P60-H1 WOOD POLE 60FT CLASS H1 ea. $ 3,177.00 $ 1,139.10 $ 4,316.10 2 $ 8,632.20 Al -Slack SINGLE PHASE SLACK TAKEOFF ea. $ 386.36 $ 202.09 $ 588.45 3 $ 1,765.35 A5 SINGLE PHASE DEADEND ea. $ 172.00 $ 189.16 $ 361.16 1 $ 361.16 Cl 3 PHASE TANGENT SM ea. $ 242.90 $ 276.31 $ 519.21 1 $ 519.21 C1-2 3 PHASE TANGENT LG ea. $ 269.70 $ 286.13 $ 555.83 128 $ 71,146.24 Cl-Slack 3 PHASE SLACK TAKEOFF ea. $ 623.28 $ 390.89 $ 1,014.17 4 $ 4,056.68 C2-2 3 PHASE DBL SUPPORT LG ea. $ 359.76 $ 459.68 $ 819.44 19 $ 15,569.36 C4-1 3 PHASE VERTICAL 30-60 ea. $ 744.16 $ 823.68 $ 1,567.84 4 $ 6,271.36 C7 3 PHASE DEADEND SM ea. $ 686.00 $ 519.28 $ 1,205.28 5 $ 6,026.40 C7-1 3 PHASE DEADEND LG ea. $ 730.00 $ 519.28 $ 1,249.28 25 $ 31,232.00 C8 3 PH DBL DEADEND W/JUMPERS ea. $ 1,316.62 $ 925.84 $ 2,242.46 5 $ 11,212.30 C10-2 3 PHASE FLAT SINGLE SUPPORT LG ea. $ 302.92 $ 256.42 $ 559.34 1 $ 559.34 C20-2 3 PHASE FLAT DBL SUPPORT LG ea. $ 416.72 $ 387.76 $ 804.48 1 $ 804.48 E1-2 SINGLE DOWN GUY ea. $ 89.00 $ 214.56 $ 303.56 20 $ 6,071.20 E6-2 DBL DOWN GUY ea. $ 147.50 $ 405.28 $ 552.78 20 $ 11,055.60 F1-2 SINGLE HELIX ANCHOR ea. $ 37.75 $ 273.62 $ 311.37 2 $ 622.74 F1-5 MULTI HELIX/TOUGH ONE ANCHOR ea. $ 88.00 $ 281.44 $ 369.44 38 $ 14,038.72 G9 SINGLE PHASE XFMR FRAMING ea. $ 350.00 $ 585.14 $ 935.14 8 $ 7,481.12 K14 J-HOOK ea. $ 4.33 $ 55.38 $ 59.71 19 $ 1,134.49 M2-1 GALV 8' GROUND ROD ea. $ 17.44 $ 39.58 $ 57.02 42 $ 2,394.84 M2-2 POLE GROUND W/BUTT PLATE ea. $ 11.06 $ 107.32 $ 118.38 177 $ 20,953.26 M5-10 CUTOUT ea. $ 108.95 $ 189.37 $ 298.32 19 $ 5,668.08 M9-13 CAP BANK W/CONTROLER ea. $ 18,100.00 $ 2,524.51 $ 20,624.51 3 $ 61,873.53 S/L SECURITY LIGHT ea. $ 150.00 $ 253.63 $ 403.63 9 $ 3,632.67 ST/L STREET LIGHT ea. $ 275.00 $ 253.63 $ 528.63 1 $ 528.63 T1.5 XFMR 1.5kVA ea. $ 770.00 $ 515.14 $ 1,285.14 1 $ 1,285.14 T10 XFMR 10kVA ea. $ 2,280.00 $ 585.14 $ 2,865.14 1 $ 2,865.14 T25 XFMR 25kVA ea. $ 3,800.00 $ 585.14 $ 4,385.14 6 $ 26,310.84 UP613 3 PHASE PRIMARY RISER 2-6" ea. $ 2,868.00 $ 4,165.93 $ 7,033.93 6 $ 42,203.58 UP4 3 PHASE PRIMARY RISER 4" ea. $ 1,661.00 $ 2,030.45 $ 3,691.45 1 $ 3,691.45 UP2-3 3 PHASE PRIMARY RISER 3-2" ea, $ 2,316.00 $ 2,211.11 $ 4,527.11 1 $ 4,527.11 UPED SECONDARY PEDESTAL ea. $ 890.00 $ 192.00 $ 1,082.00 1 $ 1,082.00 US2 SECONDARY RISER 2" ea. $ 1,356.00 $ 592.60 $ 1,948.60 3 $ 5,845.80 XFRCAB 600A AUTO TRANSFER PM CABINET ea. $ 92,111.00 $ 3,836.92 $ 95,947.92 1 $ 95,947.92 MTRCAB 200A PRIMARY MTR CABINET ea. $ 31,847.00 $ 2,027.54 $ 33,874.54 1 $ 33,874.54 a IH35 REIMBURSABLE SPAN UNIT INSTALLS CONST UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT MATERIAL PRICE LABOR PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE QTY TOTAL PRICE 795ACSR 795ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 6.99 $ 2.70 $ 9.69 83178 $ 805,994.82 477ACSR 477ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 6.50 $ 2.51 $ 9.01 27726 $ 249,811.26 2ACSR #2ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.01 $ 1.10 $ 2.11 782 $ 1,650.02 4ACSR 1#4ACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 0.62 $ 1.01 $ 1.63 82 $ 133.66 1/OACSR 1/OACSR OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.39 $ 1.30 $ 2.69 424 $ 1,140.56 1/OTRI 1/0 TRIPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 3.54 $ 2.02 $ 5.56 305 $ 1,695.80 1/OTRIU 1/0 TRIPLEX UG CONDUTOR ft $ 3.16 $ 1.39 $ 4.55 5 $ 22.75 6DUP #6 DUPLEX OH CONDUCTOR ft $ 1.05 $ 1.58 $ 2.63 352 $ 925.76 750URD 750MCM URD UG CABLE ft $ 33.40 $ 13.07 $ 46.47 7218 $ 335,420.46 6DBORE DIRECTIONAL BORE W/6" HDPE ft $ 25.00 $ 157.25 $ 182.25 2406 $ 438,493.50 TOTAL MATERIAL $ 1,612,029.98 TOTAL LABOR I I I I I $ 1,236,296.54 TOTAL $ 2,848,326.52 IH35 REIMBURSABLE MISC UNIT INSTALLS UNIT DESCRIPTION SPAN UNIT LABOR PRICE/hr QTY TOTAL PRICE SURVEYOR FIELD SURVEYOR TO MARK ROW hr $ 400.00 80 $ 32,000.00 F62 POWER-D UTILITY SERVICES, LLC. Estimated Level of Effort IH35 Project STA 2542+20 — STA 2822+00 Professional Services Design, Engineering & Support Senior Engineer: 100 hrs @ $200/hr------------------------------------------- $20,000.00 Designer: 300 hrs @ $76.67/hr-------------------------------------------------- $23,000.00 Utility Agreement Senior Engineer: 26.25 hrs @ $200/hr----------------------------------------- $5,250.00 Bid Specification, Opening & Council Meeting Senior Engineer: 9 hrs @ $200/hr----------------------------------------------- $5,250.00 Staking Services 2-Man Staking Crew: 40 hrs @ $150/hr---------------------------------------- $6,000.00 Construction Phase Services Senior Engineer: 75.25 hrs @ $200/hr---------------------------------------- $15,050.00 Post Construction Services Senior Engineer: 17.5 hrs @ $200/hr-------------------------------------------- $3,500.00 Total Cost of Services Not to Exceed --------------------------------------- $78,050.00 F63] THE CITY OF SANGER ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT Project/Construction Management Estimated Level of Effort IH35 Project STA 2542+20 — STA 2822+00 Project/Construction Management Personnel Utility Director: 128 hrs @ $50.00/hr---------------------------------------- $6,400.00 Electric Superintendent: 114 hrs @ $42.10/hr---------------------------- $4,800.00 Administration: 41 hrs @ $40.23/hr------------------------------------------ $3,600.00 Total Estimated Cost of Services Not to Exceed ----------------------- $14,800.00 F64] Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 6 Attachment "B" Accounting Method ❑ Actual Cost Method of Accounting The utility accumulates cost under a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the Federal or State regulatory body and proposes to request reimbursement for actual direct and related indirect costs. ❑ Lump Sum Method of Accounting Utility proposed to request reimbursement based on an agreed lump sum amount supported by a detailed cost analysis. Initial Date TxDOT Initial Date Utility F65] Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 7 Attachment "C" Schedule of Work Estimated Start Date: 9/1/2023, (subject to physical work restrictions prior to the issuance of environmental clearance as required by the provisions of this agreement) Estimated Duration (days): 240 Estimated Completion Date: 4/30/2024 Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility F66] Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 8 Attachment "D" Statement Covering Contract Work (ROW—U-48) (ROW—U-48-1, if applicable) Construction Contract: ❑ Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). ❑ Utility will use outside forces to perform the adjustment, complete attached ROW-U-48 or ROW-U-48-1 (joint bid). Engineering Contract: ❑ Utility performing with their own forces (timesheets will be required at the time of billing). ❑ Utility will use consultant contract (continuing contract rate sheets or fee schedule will be required). ❑ TxDOT will procure utility consultant. Initial Date TxDOT Initial Date Utility 67 U-Number: N/A Utility ID: 000017757 ROW CSJ Number: 195-02-079 County: Denton Federal Project No.: NH 2O20(576) I, John C. Noblitt The City of Sanger Electric District: Dallas Highway No.: IH35 , a duly authorized and qualified representative of , hereinafter referred to as Owner, am fully cognizant of the facts and make the following statements in respect to work which will or may be done on a contract basis as it appears in the estimate to which this statement is attached. It is more economical and/or expedient for Owner to contract this adjustment, or Owner is not adequately staffed or equipped to perform the necessary work on this project with its own forces to the extent as indicated on the estimate. Procedure to be Used in Contracting Work ❑X A. Solicitation for bids is to be accomplished through open advertising and contract is to be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. Associated bid tabulations will be provided to the State. ❑ B. Solicitation for bids is to be accomplished by circulating to a list of pre -qualified contractors or known qualified contractors and such contract is to be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. Associated bid tabulations will be provided to the State. Such presently known contractors are listed below: 2. 3. 4. 5. C. The work is to be performed under an existing continuing contract under which certain work is regularly performed for Owner and under which the lowest available costs are developed. The existing continuing contract will be made available to the State for review at a location mutually acceptable to the Owner and the State. If only part of the contract work is to be done under an existing contract, give detailed information by attachment hereto. D. The utility proposes to contract outside the foregoing requirements and therefore evidence in support of its proposal is attached to the estimate in order to obtain the concurrence of the State, and the Federal Highway Administration Division Engineer where applicable, prior to taking action thereon (approval of the agreement shall be considered as approval of such proposal). E. The utility plans and specifications, with the consent of the State, will be included in the construction contract awarded by the State. In the best interest of both the State and the Owner, the Owner requests the State to include the plans and specifications for this work in the general contract for construction of Highway in this area, so that the work can be coordinated with the other construction operations; and the construction contract is to be awarded by the State to the lowest qualified bidder who submits a proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifications for the work to be performed. If this option is chosen, attach form ROW-U-48-1, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. Signature Date City Manager 68 Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 9 Attachment "E" Utility Joint Use Agreement — (ROW-U-JUA) and/or Utility Installation Request — (Form 1082) ❑ Utility Joint Use Agreement (ROW—U—JUA) ® Utility Installation Review/Permit Number: DAL20230323151406 Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility 69 Approval Form Online version 11/2005 APPROVAL To Bobby Singletary City of Sanqer Electric Utilities 202 Railroad Avenue Sanaer. TX 76266 Date 5/10/2023 Application No. DAL20230323151406 Item 7. District App. No. DAL20230323151406 Highway IH 0035 Control Section 019502 Maintenance Section Denton County Maintenance County Denton TxDOT offers no objection to the location on the right-of-way of your proposed utility installation, as described by Notice of Proposed Utility Installation No. DAL20230323151406 (District Application No. DAL20230323151406) dated 5/10/2023 and accompanying documentation, except as noted below. It is understood that it is the responsibility of the utility owner to contact TxDOT 48 hrs prior to the start of construction using the UIR System and by email or phone call to the area office Utility Coordinator. It is also the owners responsibility to contact TxDOT once the construction is complete. When installing utility lines on controlled access highways, your attention is directed to governing laws, especially to Texas Transportation Code, Title 6, Chapter 203, pertaining to Modernization of State Highways; Controlled Access Highways. Access for serving this installation shall be limited to access via (a) frontage roads where provided, (b) nearby or adjacent public roads or streets, (c) trails along or near the highway right-of-way lines, connecting only to an intersecting roads; from any one or all of which entry may be made to the outer portion of the highway right-of-way for normal service and maintenance operations. The Installation Owner's rights of access to the through -traffic roadways and ramps shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as apply to the general public except, however, if an emergency situation occurs and usual means of access for normal service operations will not permit the immediate action required by the Utility Installation Owner in making emergency repairs as required for the safety and welfare of the public, the Utility Owners shall have a temporary right of access to and from the through -traffic roadways and ramps as necessary to accomplish the required emergency repairs, provided TxDOT is immediately notified by the Utility Installation Owner when such repairs are initiated and adequate provision is made by the Utility Installation Owner for convenience and safety of highway traffic. The installation shall not damage any part of the highway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconveniences to traffic and adjacent property owners. In the event the Installation Owner fails to comply with any or all of the requirements as set forth herein, the State may take such action as it deems appropriate to compel compliance. It is expressly understood that the TxDOT does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this highway; and it is further understood that the TxDOT may require the Installation Owner to relocate this line, subject to provisions of governing laws, by giving thirty (30) days written notice. If construction has not started within six (6) months of the date of this approval, the approval will automatically expire and you will be required to submit a new application. You are also requested to notify this office prior to commencement of any routine or periodic maintenance which requires pruning of trees within the highway right-of- way, so that we may provide specifications for the extent and methods to govern in trimming, topping, tree balance, type of cuts, painting cuts and clean up. These specifications are intended to preserve our considerable investment in highway planting and beautification, by reducing damage due to trimming. Special Provisions: General You are required to notify TxDOT 48 hours (2 business days) before you start construction to allow for proper inspection and coordination of work days and traffic control plans. Use the UIR website for the 48-hour notification. DO NOT start construction until you have coordinated the construction start date and inspection with TxDOT. You are also required to keep a copy of this Approval, the Notice of Proposed Installation, and any approved amendments at the job site at all times. Texas Department of Transportation By Justin Braudrick Title Utilitv Coordinator District Dallas 70 Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 10 Attachment "F" Eligibility Ratio Eligibility Ratio established: 100 % ❑ Non -interstate Highway (Calculations attached) ® Interstate Highway ROW Utility Manual Chapter 8, Section 2 In developing the ratio, line length or number of poles is restricted to facilities located within the existing and proposed highway right of way. Facilities located outside the existing and proposed right of way limits will not be used in developing the ratio. Please see example of eligibility ratio calculations below. Plan Sheet or Page# In Easement (Eligible) Existing # of Poles or LF In Public ROW (Ineligible) Existing # of Poles or LF 1 0 0 2 84 22 3 90 385 4 238 96 Totals 412 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) 412 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Ineligible) 503 Total Existing # of Poles or LF 915 Total Existing # of Poles or LF (Eligible) divided by the Total Existing # of Poles or LF 45.03% Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility 71 Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 11 Attachment "G" Betterment Calculation and Estimate ❑ Elective Betterment Ratio established: % (Calculation attached and justification below) ® Forced Betterment (Provide supporting documentation) ❑ Not Applicable Forced betterment justification statement: This project affects our trunk feeder conductor that is presently 477MCM wire. Due to load growth in the area along with limited numbers of feeder circuits, the City of Sanger adopted a new trunk feeder circuit conductor size of 795MCM, see standard on following sheet. Reconductoring will be phased in using feeder extensions and forced relocations then the remainder of the feeder as load justifies. Two existing overhead crossings will be converted to underground. Station 2640+00 crossing is at an approach to an overpass raising the road elevation by approximately 16 feet making an overhead crossing impractacle and more expensive than underground. The crossing at station 2733+00 is replacing an existing overhead crossing at 2743+00. Due to the ROW width expansion to 382 feet along with inability to obtain guying easements, directional boring with HDPE conduit is less costly than self-supporting structures. The new underground crossing at station 2807+00 will replace existing underground crossings at stations 2787+00 and 2796+00. Combining these crossings into 1 is the least costly and most effective way to serve these customers. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility F72 June 12, 2023 Ms. Darla Payberah TxDOT -- Dallas District 4777 East Highway 80 Mesquite, TX 75150 RE: U00017757 Forced Betterment Request, City of Sanger Electric IH 35 from US 380 to north of US 77, ROW CSJ 0195-03-087 Dear Ms. Payberah, The City of Sanger Electric respectfully requests consideration of reimbursing forced betterment costs as for the reasons clarified below: The IH 35 ROW expansion creates conflicts that affect our trunk feeder conductor that is presently 477MCM wire. Due to loading requirements for the area along with the limited numbers of feeder circuits, the City of Sanger adopted a new trunk feeder circuit conductor size of 795MCM. Please see the City standard on following sheet. Reconductoring will be phased in using feeder extensions and forced relocations then the remainder of the feeder as load justifies. Two existing overhead crossings will be converted to underground. Station 2640+00 crossing is at an approach to an overpass raising the road elevation by approximately 16 feet making an overhead crossing impractical and more expensive than relocating it underground. However, the underground crossing at station 2733+00 is replacing an existing overhead crossing at 2743+00. Due to the ROW width expansion to 382 feet along with inability to obtain guying easements, directional boring with HDPE conduit is less costly than self-supporting pole structures. Finally, the new underground crossing at station 2807+00 will replace existing underground crossings at stations 2787+00 and 2796+00. Combining these crossings into 1 is the least costly and most effective way to serve these customers. Please feel free to contact me at 940.458.7930 or at JNoblittesanRertexas.org if you have any questions. Thank you for this consideration. Respec , John Noblitt City Manager City of Sanger, Texas 73 CIRCUIT DESIGN CAPACITY SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FEEDER TRUNKS 900 AMPS Pim»71_T.9=/_1Y601 wIlZe1_1k1% 601 3. SINGLE PHASE TAPS 100 AMPS OVERHEAD STANDARD WIRE SIZES WIRE SIZE RATING AMPS APPLICATION STOCK NUMBER 795ACSR 907 FEEDER TRUNKS 477ACSR 646 NEUTRAL ON FEEDER TRUNKS 1/OACSR 242 3 PHASE TAPS #4ACSR 140 SINGLE PHASE TAPS CONDUCTOR SHALL BE SAGGED ACCORDING TO NESC HEAVY LOADING DISTRICT Form ROW-U-35 (Rev. 10/20) Page 12 Attachment "H" Proof of Property Interest ❑ Supporting documentation of compensable property interest that establishes reimbursement eligibility as referenced in Texas Transportation Code §203.092. ❑ Property interest documented through applicable affidavits and required attachments. ❑ ROW-U-Affidavit ® The roadway improvement project is designated as an Interstate Highway project; therefore, no supporting documentation of compensable interest is required. Initial Date Initial Date TxDOT Utility 75 Item 8. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Kelly Edwards, City Secretary AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Resolution 2023-10, Appointing and Reappointing members to the 4A Industrial Development Corporation; 4B Development Corporation; Board of Adjustment; Library Board; and the Planning and Zoning Commission. SUMMARY: • In the Charter, Article X. Boards, Commission, and Committees establishes the City Council's authority to create and establish boards and commissions. • In April and May, Staff advertised that the city was accepting applications for all boards. The notice was published in the Sanger News newspaper, the city's website, and on social media. • In Charter, Article III, The City Council, Section 3.01, CA., the Mayor shall recommend appointments to boards & commissions. • The resolution does not include the Parks and Recreation / Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: N/A Amount: $0.00 GL Account: N/A N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Mayor Muir recommends the following appointments or reappointments: 4A INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Reappointing — Christopher Kundrock, Shannon Gann, and Drew Hall 4B DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Appointing — Matt Fuller Reappointing — Guy Saenz, Jeff Springer, and Carrie Bilyeu LIBRARY BOARD Appointing — Sherri Wood Reappointing — Alexandra Hamilton and Erica Kaufman PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION and BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appointing — Jacob Gastelum and Lisa Freeman Reappointing — Shane Stone and Jackie Turner ATTACHMENTS: Applications Resolution 2023-10 F76] t 2 SANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME, , DATE M Christopher ADDRESS, is 5003 Villas Drive CONTACT NUMBER, EMAIL, ----------------------- - ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- --- ------------------- ----------------- - ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... OCCUPAUON: (Rt--I---IRED OR FORMFR PROFESSION) PRIOR SERVICE ON CnY Emergency Management Specialist BOARD/COMMISSION, 4A ARE YOB A QUALIFIEDVOTER? ARE YOU REGISTERED IN THE CITY APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? SAVE TO BE RESIDEN BUT MUST BE es es EGIS RED IN DENTON COUNTY y R TIE IF PRIOR SERVICE NAME OF BOARD/COM MISSION 4A Board DESCRIBE WHY YOU ARE INTERE IN SERVING N THE BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION YOU SELECTED x c)ntlnuln ia ry 1 ce n ()a r PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH "1 FOR FIRS PREFERENCE,"211 FOR SECOND . LEAVEBLANK ANY BOARPLCOM MISSION YOU WOULD NOT UKECONSIDERED FOR. 4A"" INDUSTRIALDEVELOPMENT BOARD 4 �DE\/ELOPMENTCORPORATION PARKS & RECREATION / KEEP PLANNING & ZONING MM S N SANGERBF,AU L BOARD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - -- ------ - - �;r.•�—•• �•nr',X" r f'••• •'� r•� '-;n;. .r,.r. l� �k•":•• r'+'Rfr� n.I"' �•-�'.�,y � ,�.. �r�. �- �' �� a• ,....ri+�••f+�',. :rL��. �: � y. 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LIST ANY TRAINING, SKILLS, PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE OR OTHER QUALIFICATIONS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT OR HELPFUL CONSIDERING YOUR APPLICA"HON FOR THIS POSON: Interested in serving on he 4A board to he p br'ing quality jobs to Sanger, ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER INVOLVED IN ANY BUSINESS TRANSACTION W H THE CM OF SANGER? 0 ATTENDANCE AND ACTIVESUPPORT S REQUIRED IF APPOINTED:t An .6 member mlssin,,3 consecutive meetings withou r or notiflcation shall be re ace y e C Council, CHRISTOPHER G Dell signed b KUNDROCK Data: , 4*A01 ;084 �00 � SIGNATURE$,........�t RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO CITY SECRETARY CITY HALL OR EMAIL cl ysecretar { 4 11 i i 77 SANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAMEN E Drew all 5/10/2023 ADDRESS: 1110 0 1 n t dia Tra'1'1 ----------------- CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL, ... . ..... . ... . . OCCUPATnIOPROFESSION PRIOR SERVICEON CnY BOARD/COMMISSION$ Yes B ider/R ea I Esae ro er t B k ARE YOU A QUALIFIED VOTER? ARE YOU REGISTERED IN THE CITE APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? SAVE TO BE RESIDENTS BUT MUST BE Yes es REGIS RED IN DCOUNTY IF PRIOR SERVICE, NAME OF BOARD/COM MISSION 4A, Current DESCRIBE WYOU ARE INTERESTED SERVING O THE BOARD(S) ANCOMMISSION YOU SELECTED. I I Would 1*1ke tcontinure service,, PLEASE NUMBER EACHBOARD/COM MISSION YOU ARE IN RESTED IN SERVING ON W H "llf FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, x%21/ SECOND Po LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BCONSIDERED FOR, --FOR 4A - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4B &-� DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PARKS & RECREA7qON KEEP PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SANGERBEAU FUL BOARD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT �•,t•:r •.• •.... .--••,.,,.., ter•, �r ,• ��.� �� .. ... - r•y,,.r... ,.�;;.;.,, •�-� ��;�' ,�'�'� �•:��; ;�, H�Jr�'„�r,r.�,�,..�„s,«,;:�rr�,,�'.r... r'-���,��•— irr.�,iji�,���'•'�- :�•`�,�'""�`'+�„s�?�'�`T�s'� :��� _N'�' .�•�ti � �r •"�"�,�y= � � ' ' � r{�,�-,,,,--'• "`�r�'�"': • ��vv�� r�' '�' • ��°°'k �"''`.�o�'�,;�,_;r',r�•.,w,'r:`�,,;� tTrr�. ,�. �� „ terry .. ry }%vyr�'' r n'r. h:: •j,�r, ';;f�+ .,,iw '.'��iY •+ r� � ��"'} �� �r••,,,rv,"h {f�tir+�R` � 'rr.Jv,+• r''�"'":;��,• r— r�yy� "' J• Aw'� r �a....r r �+ r rr•c~°'k- ..-i r'`.n�_ 7.^ ',i•r�•Sw'f�'}r•-�� r.�_..��,a „'"r r• ..J"",�r �� .�rtr�}�+.Y�•' �! +r��r '.: �• .-0�''trr'ri�„4���r 'R,+F.���"�7[k .}-�,i,7'•� ¢y�.:•l�� �.j�,i�••u�r�s' �+•�,},�� w!i�.. i�, ;,y f.. � fi^ti-• 't,}��''�t �']� r�`+f'%�•- '�"'�+' "',t`- �'l '+r• `�,�� 7�'^r a,��r••r• "°f �' ri• .✓•at.a:.• �'"": r :'� w'�+„ u„� �•'tiK���'+���� r r��, �' f "M '� ..�'r�. 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"'qi Tay• � � +F�a .� 'f�,�r� u.•,;r. .,�,,y+R'�a,��r�* .���.. �,o..�.•..w•r• ,. rr ..rr+• ra.r. - - ,�.a'. :�,.�•• �. ��r� h}�i�+_",�a C� ,oCr:v.._.�..:'T;.�.r_ r.�. f.• LIST ANY TRAINING, SKILLS, PROSSI KNOWLEDGE OR OTHER QUALIFICA"RONS THAT M" BE RELEVANT OR H E LP FU L CONSI DE R1 N G YOU R A PPLICATIO N FO R TH IS POS ON Real Estate Bro er for 8years Custom Home Bu'['Ide ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER INVOLVED IN ANY BUSINESS TRANSACnON WITH THE COF SANGER? ATTENDANCE AND AMVE SUPPORT IS REQUIRED IF APPOINTED, Any member mIssin t ree 3 consecutive mee n s without nor notii shall be re ace y tie C council-0 SIGNATUREl.-........ .... r DAM -sg 5/10/2023 RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO CITY SECRETARY AT CITY HALL OR EMAI-Li secre @san-ciertexas. I 0 78 BANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: DATE. Jeff Springer May 31, 2023 ADDRESS. P.O. Box 688, 9357 Sam Bass Rd., Sanger, TX 76266 CONTACT NUMBER.: EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (RETIRED OR FORMER PROFESSION) PRIOR SERVICE ON CITY BOARD/COMMISSION: Yes Attorney ARE YOU A QUALIFIED VOTER ? ARE YOU REGISTERED IN THE CITY APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? HAVE TO BE RESIDENTS BUT MUST BE Yes Yes REGISTERED IN DENTON COUNTY IF PRIOR SERVICE, NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Lake Ray Roberts P&Z, Sanger 4B Development Board DESCRIBE WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION YOU SELECTED. I own several properties in Sanger and am interested in having a voice in its growth and development,, PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH "T" FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, 112" FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC. LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COMMISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR. 4A — INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1 48 — DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PARKS & RECREATION KEEP PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION / SANGERBEAU FUL BOARD ---- -- BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - ---- - - - ---- -- ----- - ------ -- LIBRARY ... . .. ... .......... . .. .. . .... % ............. LIST ANY TRAINING, SKILLS, PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE OR OTHER QUALIFICA-HONS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT OR HELPFUL CONSIDERING YOUR APPLICATION FOR THIS POSITION: am a licensed attorney with experience in government and real estate, ------------ ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER INVOLVED IN ANY BUSINESS TRANSACTION WITH THE CITY OF SANGER? Not currently. ATTENDANCE AND ACTIVE SUPPORT IS REQUIRED IF APPOINTED. Any member missing three (3) consecutive meetings without prior notification ❑✓ AGREE � DISAGREE shall be replaced by the City Council, SIGNATURE: � DATE; 05/31/2023 - - --------- - --- ----- ------ RETURN COMPLETED APPL*6aCON TO CITY SECRETARY AT CITY HALL OR EMAIL ci.!ysecretay(a:)sangertexas.org 80 BANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: DATEN N Matt Fuller 4/26/2023 ADDRESS, IP 2501 Santa Fe Trai, Sa'nger, CONTACT NUMBER99 EMAIL, .............. OCCUPAUON: (R RED OR FORMER PROFESSION) PRIOR SERVICE ON CrTY BOARD/COM MISSION ,0 e er ec rn M t El ticia ARE YOU A QUALIFIED VOTER?ARE YOU REGISTEREDINTHE C�APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? HAVE TO BE RESIDENTS BUT MUST BE Yes Yes REGISTERED IN DENTON COUNTY IF PRIOR SERVICE, NAME OF BOARD/COM MISSION$ Planning and Zoning and Board of Adjustments DESCRIBE WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING N THE BOARD(S) ACOMMISSION YOU SELECTED I would I'Ike tmake Sanger place PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COM YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH "I" FOFIRST PREFERENCEt "2" FOR SECOND PREFERENCEL Ck LEAVE BLANK ANY ISSN YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR, 4A INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4B DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION f PARKS & RECREA110N / KEEP PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SANGERBEAU FUL BOARD BOARD OADJUSTMENT .i .+._ •• z.....-•.•.t:-. �. _..r.N .��• ••�.•• .r• r.: �+�x.� ;�}r,�. }ry. .,�-�r• -r.. �"-w�• ���yfr4,yti��+,<. r;, sy�,+�t� __..'Y�.. ..f��..,< .� +��� rM'�� r: r. ,�.� •:•�,.�!..+�- �'v�+�� 'f•�:-'": l• rJ - �+�v.i �•r'� .'?f +I.o-•. � +vr ' . },:�•-a� �•7ia� ~rt''�n- _ �..r�����r:' i "'"�ti ..fir. � ., �. N' �•++'�4 .T �f'�'•�i`•`.__��k.l•• �.:••�. � Jer. ``�� ..ti}i!�".'• � •��".'r'�'�'• '+'�l''!`+=ems' ,r�t.::;�„+!; lr�ti,h'�rt.r+�" �4'�` �'�,:w��.r�^' rs'.�:;J'�w,"4'�;�o-'.::^'y`?w�;�•• „�;ta:. r. .f, r.• •�."�• �.'7�„ `+!/f ��r.�.: rti.�,.-r r„� Y. � k. ,;,:'++r }�fi1+��5: r.r �.:.. r �' �"'�• ,�.� . f..•r.�„�� +�•tiL,C'�r��-• �o-h��ri �...•..,. .t7% r.rr fr-�� +-"s``,�'�`�,,'�;f��-'• � r.�x�� -'�, r+r?�r���. r•' �".;„„ ..�,,,, ,�,r_ J,,,.r. ry,�,...; hr• •,.y• �,,�,,.,,._; ,r•••�.• ,.-+�• ,�:,�• +,_... .r. rr. ,< �,. •. �• �}iiX•=,< � rJt,. r••r<+ 1"•'-x,�. !'• r�..v it•�'. f- }�`_ ^"'.' �"^ �:'.+.' "�'v�+�.r.J.F-•'ir' �r ti�,�r '•,iv.%,''�,_ ••s*ri,�•`�,,.+`�""�'•:�?A:•�•3o-4'...•'r�.�'•�'a„v,rlri�r.�t';"+�r�`r-,r• '-'T'{�! 'rt rJ.w, �r"w��'.fi�f;!ti �}" ;er�'� rr••,�,...:�,rti'� i z•' ,'' ,:�",�•:�•�,� •� � �'a4:' yr• l%• '� ,�,..�;7^ ri:�'.'.' r,..'� kx_•.:. .,. x�,,�.,y�,. u. ,< � f "`' �•��•,� ti'-rf,.,-' �" ,.y4 ,� r• Y�'sr r. ;,Z,. �� µ•�� ,. .�.. 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ARE YOU. OR A FAMILY MEMBE'R'INV'OLVED IN ANY BUSINESS TRANSA ON W H THE CrTY OF SANGER? F 0 rs. I F . q6 my W1 e is i o an er em lo ee. A`UENDANCE SUPPORT IS REQUIRED IF APPOINTED, Any member missin, t ree 3 consecutive meet1n s without r1or not shall be re lacepb e C1 y. Council, SIG NATU R RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO CITY SECRETARY AT CITY HALL OR EMAILc'i'!Y.selcretary@s.a.na.ertexas,org F81 BANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAMEvv DATE Guy Saenz ADDRESSS 49 Heron Bay Court CONTACT M E. FLAIL. OCCUPA-HONE, 0 PROFESSION) PRIOR SERVICE OCM (RETIRED 0 BOARD/COM MISSION. VP Quality NA ARE YOU A QUALIFIEDVOTER? ARE YOU REGISTERED IN THE CITY APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? ` HAVE TO BE RESIDENTS BUT MUST Yes Yes - - - - ------------- REGISTERED IN DENTON COUNTY t ............. PRIOR SERVICE, NAME OF BOARD/COM MISSION. Currently sit on B board wo Sanger DESCRIBE WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THE BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION YOU SEDV I have a p arftula r set of s0s In h I rke to knd even tho op podurky. I eq1 oy giving b ack to the commurAy h Wch y de to In an e ff-od to rna ke k a bier pla oe br rrry ftn-fly, ffl a nd a nd nefgh rs. In s m le I can In guence b e ss and comnnn*y delis kms med ed to ke S PLEASE NUMBER EACH BOARD/COM MISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED ISERVING ON WITH "" "' FOR FIRST PREFERENCE, "211 FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, ETC, LEAVE BLANK ANY BOARD/COM MISSION YOU WOULD NOT LIKE TO BCONSIDERED FORT 3 4A - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARSDEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PARKS & RECREA-HON / KEEP PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SANGERBEAUTIFUL BOARD BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ... ... .. .... .. .. .. .. ..... r .....v........r r . �",r r 'r r'r...:rr r. r r r .n. r... , . � r , r x r r. r . , ': r.:rrwr•,r.,?h':::::?sr;•rrr::•:n:rrr.y:r ' �•::Y ?rf•� •✓ .i� r ',:,.r.;r�.v ..}v. r w f .�r Lr •w ,/.' +✓' }v rY r stir .r } v+ 1f' ,r}r.•. r r .ir • �?r r: r:}ii1'i: �: rhN iris r't r: f: r: f'?iir ? �'Y . J• r:� 'ir:�r: �.. f .Mr f. !• r �i. .rfv fr xv fr•.,v r•J v } ::}: %' } •Y• rJ•.� xr :r� ? rv. .f r�}. �f .. J•n n 'J•' J n�, }r;•• ./r vrf�J'. rk}rr /l /: :JvrrW hvi�.. ry .�^\l•r r •Lx rl .rl '. . . r }vf rrr,. , ,rtxr f• , x„ trrk ., y ,� rl' i;i �r r'�•i'x':}M;;: tis::}r�:i:r��c:i,, 'r,. err}� ,{'.�.n .,r r.r } .�rr :ti:??rr fik.r r✓'rr v+ •�! wfry % ]^} sr,r. r�rnr vvv \/ i !'fir ��}%v r i'�J•?r• f�i}/ r J^n•:/�r{rv�� ^n � Arvvv .�%x%r J� /y},/+ ��/r r� } v.r � r}v x}v S:. vrt r}vr'. .% � . N r'}%v �. %� f - / rv�'i N rN ' /'i::`� .W ./+.r.% rMx•r v..: r vv!-'J�?:i � •�1. �' r'Y ::/?:/�• �� .l.'%` • i .. f..�r<r : •.rf•N, r� .r ry { x ,r.. 'rfr�!r ��'rr � r • i �: r �/ .� v:� .k�:.?i. fx�n . r.,,ri.,„ ,�:�??rr v „/ir r �/.:.. � f rkk.r. sik l•'ri rr;??ti'rr.,r ff h.sr' vfti v! v /`rrr•:I��r�'/rti :Y•_v� f-:. .h w} ..7�• r.f r J• rJ•: /�{+} vrv'ilivr}x i iv!'f;.. rr r1 .?!'�v�'f�'��f'� r /�v yvr,,v •f?h/�x•n:`h ��`:; }/`..f .r J% /xrr` .}..r %rh I 7i:r•;}r L•.n•r.Y+if rh '�:1: '�' 'h r.r•� r. rl. f r J�.. vwi n.vi' �r' r. f••v. Wr^h J•'rn .. N. rr ]f'hr; r'.nvr. r'... } vr'if+'?. .rf;,nrr'r}rk'nr k�r.r !v .J^. : „ xJ vr. :ry v ::. }f,+:• :. J/��r�J•. x%Jrr i:•:: •., J•N :Jf r/fJrJ•r-r � rv4 ,J•. /' ,/ n.v /_��/'vr J• n/ r .Y. lti ••... i{' v / f/ � :/ ?/'I� \ � of r 'fir} r r/ � 4'l �}Y•rrr �}x .. x.nrrtr .. r.,r x�%.� �%'vJ•r .v i / .. /' v•. }..,r iir•:::.r /v ry }Jf �r�;./�/v n.}�.. �f}v%wv �r ,sir•. v rr' �n ry i.. '�v •..r %., }'y rr.Jv.r� .• r'W;' J.\%: .. }'"� ��' .%" rr Jv /� ri%'v:} �v rr/. r�y,r�/r. n./ rr / /J••�.,/ r�.:•hr'vn�\n'��n.r yr rn /4 xr :;}%.. r.r%fii.k •^r h' v. J^. r v\. hkiii':�:Yr^/r' i"f'::' ..., rr .1.r....r f..N•v v};r: r; rr ����yy..r .rr �• r .r.... }Irr rrr• �..^X r r}i{v. .. }f' ..ry }ff�' i•r rr rr w .Jv ffr�rry .. �{•r .�� .h...ri `r`/•.nr r �.�h . r x �r tit .v �frh k-if'?iv• /�r v?1:•:•^ ./r f` rrr n/! i'i x ••M •. r. ,+4�vnn�. 17v •:. J}I rrr rr .rr .,f•. .r+ r. %' ../niiv� rrJ•'•n �r+r ;r fv. Jv.n.{ Lrr % }�{•rr f/ flr�v. �r r.� J•';..r�..r ?• :'rn %:�h /++ � J'• r ✓': ��' /nit Jl' ': iv�rr� %r rk k.. � ?v /�' %�•. � %r? . v nrf��}.•• .....vr v •.•Wn.�•.i/'%'vY •.sr v :. .•. .�„... rr. : .?nr rl ,r .,r ,}� .,Jvr.'in vv ., rf r r}r' ,fir} .. .�fv. r}r: r�kr� rtik r�%J/ rr�%? . v •Jvr .Jv•v.ry • J •.. ,v rvv v.... r� •.• .. ?v , 'L i} f•.•nr .sv�\� rr Af.r rr ..v .... �.••.. yr yr r?vrx v r .stir tir.!• ,x w.r .}/%J•, .%�%r .n rN �Nf..�vnr ..rfrr vk.. J •r�I nk / ?rfr?rti }v/ ^r•/r � .✓}r'i'Y^' ry :i% ../' •.I4 ri'xi •}r?ry rvY'xr } /./ ^'} /v /ffn / / } vry .:. �J }r ..\/ r r.kn f'•..: x }r?f/ x;ri /r vv •;}x /� ... r• ., v...v ..}� r .r. v .r r .....rr rk'v .r rrr �.,.�� .} .... v.r h Jr"I/ r•h r/••.h r r r r.. �.x,..r v.h vr}••� %'v n• hen v•r n+kr. • r'r •rf•,• rf r :Y�'•f?•r h r�'rf �f{i:'?ri::•i{r •. f�•I •,r';l fk!::•. ff..r •.i r/vr r f. 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J/'wr�r•.ry •, xv r rti. /tif. x�k.Jr}••ir :v Jv��:r..r r J�•:.� wv::f v. v.. .. ..r .rti v.r Jr•,f.. �./ .r ....r r ✓' sv� .... r } •.f v r. v s ..r/-f �J/ fir. x .r .r rrL , Y / .J•n f.'h Y v .rrv,�f, f .n .. hn / / i:}✓ r?;%r/r•.rr r i•'f ..f}/r�:;rxr ti•:} rv. n� ?}L%�:n'rx;4 .} nJr.�v n'ri' r ,%!r / iv.. ���/r} rJ. rv} � :•frr rr .r r r r.r r ..:f � i r nf1• n rv.. f r{ r f vv ./' r �. v �:} ff hf fJ• f r:L'..r n ,•...r .. v � .r .r r .. f ... {+} .. �v fti. � v v .Y r i .. r r / .. }'- .I. r ��,v{ n ,r.. ...^% Jvv � I ��n � f. f'fv':: ': •. hh .r} by '�.i f •�1�•�rr : rrJh': "1:�:r�r1r }%ff:fu J^tir'hntih� � / .f rx irfi::�r.: f}.�. h f v r+vl" ,/"i vv�f i•r: .. .r r .. r•. ... f: � .. v J?` .� }.r J• nr v�} fv J .. 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'••kvir•?r, r ••n•ti rr f • •stir , f r �,•�,r•:r ;' } r w ::::M r•}tivtiy r /r': ,.!'•: f r�Yr•'" ,err r ••rti ! / r�,v� f .r r::: r r r ,y::::'.y..rr r f::.r wrrr. / �• i^`}r/ } :: }^. r;, w•f:; v f:..:... X " wr• h f a"'v•;w• ,. ...•..•f f•. r.f rrr ..r v+r'r v �vvf vrt`?'r ry � � ��r '::!}�::f v> n•.•.r r v ,.}ry v k ,r r..:f r• � nur.x fr• XX � .�.,,.•�•x v•}' ^Nf•'I }r rrr}/}fnn}�l' M'r� x f r s.r � % � +4. Jv.f•• %:i %' frlti r./'rr vY,..; ..f r••fv: r} y •. �fnvfry xf ry :;} nrrr:L•r.f Y• xfr• } r fr r r.}f r v •::::.•.f+r .. ...n :v fv rfr fti+n k / �x rf n�vsnr :r vvn } r....}�rr. rri} .rn f•f• r .r .r fr fvu��,n -wr+'� nYr;xf' .. .}.:.h :r :. fr •.! r :�Y r?sfr.., �/.::i%�f^ i �:� /v':.}r... ry rrs'•••,� .fr ri vinf• n fv.... /'r}r .. r rn } ..f r ry �%::••^f lvrr•Y } sf•?4� rrvr rf %" r.f .f•.. rf s �}± �/v M1l ff v ... ...r vv.... �r r. f.. ry rf r�Jn } rrf hn.r r� ,, r fr::'}. x ... .,.f r � s' .. rr yr r •.. � � fr v �r �}��. iX •. •.. n•.. xv i/:. rf f}1r .f �i ::if�rr }' f fh\•ri :??i h r \rr vr. vfJ,•`�ff ..f r f �1 v xvlf� r fJ";r�/� } Y r s'�ti '•f'fir rvr .stir• v/�A�fr rr7'-Y'r viir'r�rr v. � ry rrf v..r r...... }....: J•. ri�/ xf J•W / i'ir .•� ��r r+4x f% r�v..Y✓ .frl Jf ry !�n }r f'v •.r} �r� rv��s'' r}�vvr fr�f x •..•r .} �r n. 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LIST ANY TRASILLS PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE OR OTHER UALIFICAUONS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT OR HELPFUL CONSIDERING YOUR APPLICA'HON FOR THIS POSMON P&L responsibility, AOP, project management, problem solving, critical thinking, contract negotiation, vendor management, customer* interfacing, regulatory interfacing ARE YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER INVOLVED IN ATRANSAMON W H THE CITY OF SANGER? n a A17EN DANCE AND A VE SUPPOF IS REQUIRED IF APPOINTED. three consecutive meetin s without prior notffication shall be rep ace by the Council. ........ . Digitally signed by Guy Saenz Date" 0 .0 F0 1 1. F — tool SIGNATURE. DATE. RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO CITY SECRETARY T CITY HALL OR EMAIL citysecreta Psangertexas . F82 BANGER BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME. I q DATE arriy.......... . . . . ...... ... . . -------------------- . . . . . . ................... ... .. ..... . .. . B-'il eu 4/13/23 ADDRESS.. 26 S,, Highland Dn . ..... ...... ..... -- - ------- -- EMAILI ............. OCCUPATION: (R RED OR FORMER PROFESSION) PRIOR SERVICE BOARD/COM BSIMION. Yes ired Federal EmployDHS/FEMA ARE YOU A QUALIFIED VOTE R? ARE YOU REGI ERED IN THE CM APPLICANTS FOR 4A OR 4B BOARDS DO NOT OF SANGER? HAVE TO BE RESIDENTS BUT MU BE iYesYe�COUNTY . . . ... ....... .. ....... ... %v1'v!""'__"' MEEEEErEEfflv"WrR%%%q" IF PRIOR SERVICE, NAME OF BOARD/COM MISSION. 4B. Parks,, Keep Sang �� SEL EDESCRIBE WHY YOU ARE INTERE ED IN SERVING ON THE BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMA Cont'inue the work of the 4B oar 'i� e�projects that benefit the residents er. 11" FOR FIRST PLEASE NUMBER F-ACH BOARD/COM MISSION YOU ARE INTER ED IN SERVING ON W H PREFERENCE, FOR SECOND PREFERENCE, C. LEAVE 4A INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4B DEVELOPMENT CORPORAIRON ------------- COMMISSION SANGERBEAUTIFUL BOARD BOARD OF ADJU MENT .... _.. ... ..�•�..•� .• • •••-• t. •• •••• :•�k.. ._r .. � ..�.-::�+ � -- "�� +--��'�'-A+`•N �.• ..�.�• ,.:r•'• � .� '��• L�a,�.• ,�_.i�., ���•+�•'v..�::� •,'w:;'t.-'�::" �:-�; •r:�:ti4;��. ��:r : � :'tip` �.ti.`r'"'�'��y�• ::::'rye, .•4•:.r• ��..,.�.,.,r r- .�r-^.:• . Y:,f•• .. ..�. �r••��•::-f••• :-' ':•-:�'• r .:}.n;:. •r. �.: r,. .�_....,�`.�.�+`.:...�. ��,�. ,....� . .�.,,h...rr".�.r •.� '�. ti.. 'rfn•.y ,:��. ,��;. •-r:.f•:�.r• ~ 'JD•-.c., �••� :��:'°r: �ti. A•{�•,v,... r'%;•;r• ..,�r_:.ti'• : f:: �4.,,..r..�..f•� ' -•.•_ r ,rt.:..r;,r : ti . ,....,. .,. _,,.v:.+✓ ..kw K.., .,rr •�-, �, "• ..�,r. �l, •"k= • � - :'�� ,`•_,. �o�. _�''� ..:•fir: -r. J�.:Y�v.rT. Y .� �,:�• - �.'%: Yr. 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SIGNATURE.R- DATE., JET CITY HALE OR EMAIL 0i sea reta-g@,sa ngertexas or F83 Item 9. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Casey Welborn, Assistant Fire Chief AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $31,574.00 with Spartan for Ladder Truck and authorize the City Manager to execute said Change Order No. 1. SUMMARY: • Change to the Chassis • Change Pump / Pump Compartment • Change to Electrical System • Change Lettering and Striping • Change to Aerial Device FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $31,574.00 • Original Contract Amount $1,793,532.00 • Updated Contract Amount $1,825,106.00 o Change order No. 1 $31,574.00 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: Contract for the change order GL Account: 24-6130 F94] Item 10. 0. 07 788 k+ 6 SANG E R CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Jim Bolz, Public Works Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on a contract with Reynolds Asphalt & Construction Co. to perform pavement resurfacing services in an amount not to exceed $466,788.00, and authorize the Mayor or City Manager to execute said contract. SUMMARY: • Staff would like to utilize the Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie to contract Reynolds Asphalt and construction Company for the reconstruction of sever streets: o 7th Street from Willow Street to Houston Street o Oak Street from Wood Street to dead end o Wood Street from loth Street to I-35 Service Road o Church Street from loth Street to 7th Street o Denton Street from Willow Street to Houston Street o Bolivar Street from 2nd Street to Rail Road Tracks o South Manor Court cul-de-sac concrete portion • We have received numerous complains on the condition of Bolivar Street between 2nd Street and the BNSF Railroad Crossing • We recently cemented the cul-de-sac on South Manor Court and we would like to resurface the remaining asphalt portion to complete repairs to this street FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: Yes Amount: $466,788.00 GL Account: 004-30-6527 RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: • Maps of Project Area • Cost Estimate for 2023 Road Rehabilitation Project 121 Item 11. zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Jim Bolz, Public Works Director AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action on the purchase and installation of backup generators at critical facilities in the amount of $717,351.00 from Clifford Power Systems. SUMMARY: • Utility Road generator is mandated by TCEQ, brought about by Winter Storm Uri (February 2021). • The elevated tower at Water Well #6 is the location of the City's radio repeater and during extended power outages the backup battery system can quit working • During power outages the automatic garage doors at the Fire Station become inoperable and must be manually opened and closed. This causes extended call response times. • 201 Bolivar Street is currently the designated Emergency Command Center location. If a major event rendered the 201 Bolivar location inoperable, the Police Station or City Hall could serve as backup locations. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: NO Amount: $717,351.00 GL Account: N/A RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends approval ATTACHMENTS: Clifford Power -Buy Board Contract #657-21 Quote F126] zlll� 188 s SANGER CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION DATE: July 3, 2023 FROM: Alina Ciocan, Assistant City Manager AGENDA ITEM: Consideration and possible action to reject the bid response for broadband expansion (RFP-2023-04). SUMMARY: • In the past two years, the City received approximately $2.1 million in ARP funds. • On May 1, 2023, the City Council authorized staff to issue a Request for Proposal for the expansion of broadband services in the community utilizing a portion of the ARP funds (up to $1,000,000). • The City received one bid response from Nortex Communication. • Since the issuance of the RFP, several developments have transpired: o Staff received pricing information on a proposed infrastructure project that significantly exceeds the original cost estimate. o Unexpected projects that will need to be accommodated in the upcoming months. • At this time, staff is recommending that the ARP funds be reprioritized for other infrastructure projects. FISCAL INFORMATION: Budgeted: - Amount: - GL Account: - RECOMMENDED MOTION OR ACTION: Staff recommends rejecting the bid response for broadband expansion. ATTACHMENTS: F136]