08-93-Ordinance-Annexing land in R Prather Survey and Tierwester Survey-07/06/1993RAy CRt i AL CCPy ORDINANCE #08-93 CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, CERTAIN LANDS SITUATED IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS OF SANGER, TEXAS, DESCRIBING SAID ANNEXED TERRITORY BY METES AND BOUNDS, AND PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the hereinafter described territory lies within the extra- territorial jurisdiction of the City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, as provided by law, and said land, when annexed to the City of Sanger, Texas, taken together with all other land presently within the City Limits of Sanger, Texas, will not exceed authorized territorial limits of the said City of Sanger, Texas, as provided by law, and the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, has determined that such annexation is proper and in the best Interests of the City of Sanger, Texas, and its inhabitants; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The hereinafter described territory, lying and being situated in Denton County, Texas, adjacent and contiguous to the incorporated limits of the City of Sanger, Texas, described as follows, to -wit: All that certain tract of land situated in the R. Prather Survey, Abstract Number 1024 and the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract Number 1241, Denton County, Texas and being all of the called 1.023 acre tract described in the Deed from Bennie Earl Parrent et, al. to Benny L. Bridges et ux, recorded in Volume 1741 Page 436 of the Real Property Records of Denton County, Texas, as recognized and occupied on the round; the subject tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING for the Southwest Corner of the tract being described herein at an iron rod found for the Southwest corner of said 1.023 acres, same being the Southeast corner of Lot 1 in Block B of Indian Springs Estates Phase Two, an addition in said county, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet F Page 19Z Plat Records; THENCE North 01 Degrees 06 Minutes 29 seconds East with the West line said tract and the East line said Lot a distance of 188.15 feet to an iron rod found for the Nothwest Corner of said 1.023 acre tract; ORD. #08-93 PAGE. 2 THENCE South 88 Degrees 58 Minutes 01 Seconds East with the North line thereof a distance of 285.83 feet to an iron rod found for the Northeast corner of said tract in the West line of Benjoy Drive; (not built); THENCE South 23 Degrees 49 Minutes 02 Seconds West with the East line said tract along said Drive a distance of 94.77 feet to an iron rod found at the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius of 280.0 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 81.26 feet (chord bearing of south 15 Degrees 29 Minutes 30 Seconds West a distance of 80.98 feet) to an iron rod found for the Southeast Corner of said tract in the occupied North line of Duck Creek Road; THENCE North 89 Degrees 05 Minutes 26 Seconds West with the South line said 1.023 acres along said road, with a fence part of the way a distance of 113.96 feet to an iron rod found in the apparent West line of said Tierwester Survey and the East line of said Prather Survey; THENCE South 00 Degrees 55 Minutes 46 Seconds West a distance of 22.30 feet to an iron rod found for the most Southerly Corner of said 1.023 acre tract; THENCE North 88 Degrees 52 Minutes 42 Seconds West continuing with said South line a distance of 115.24 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. shall be and the same is hereby annexed to the said City of Sanger, Texas, a municipal corporation, and said land and territory shall hereafter be and constitute a part of the said City of Sanger, Texas, and all present and future inhabitants of said annexed territory shall be subject to all ordinances of said City of Sanger, Texas, now in force or hereafter adopted and shall have, hold, and possess all rights, duties, and obligations held and possessed by all other inhabitants of said City of Sanger, Texas, and all taxable property in said annexed area shall bear its pro-rata part of all taxes levied, assessed, and collected by said City of Sanger, Texas. CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL. COPY ORD. #08-93 PAGE. 3 SECTJD-N-- This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its passage, as set forth below. APPROVED this the 6th _ day of July , A.D. 1993. 2 Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary RIGI CAW" lab ,aa n aw •sa> \�\\ ON ol P ,v ►.•�+*-.+7fn+41't.m.......c1ir—•t,...,.. ...•. ice,.» .,,�m�,�, • .\ ,' \\�(v J�� ' . N rc in (nun I ;h,! .\ 1+, v M \ v O W.�T I^ d+ �'� ►1� /' 1 0 `\ /,M milt i �` • �jl? CU rr- oca �� �� ca� • V fu �r — 1 GPa ,T C (nil I .> . 1S/ I 10.Lin Lf 0 14 ---�,...,�� I. _ _ _ova f,�yyy� • N IV�� i �J✓O ' 9 U ! 7D inI I— II / in in cu tuee �O s `/ •i _ N�� �`! I�61 to I cr is U-9 IntoI--D _7 o013/ /I in I� o X lya— in e I-- I 24 3 t" ab a . ro ., O I I_ _ __'1H5: lllxlllfl�8�_ oof oat .2f'062i M,62,Jr, ,UUN I a M July 8, 1993 Voting Section Civil Rights Division U.S. Department of Justice F.G. Sox 66128 Washington, D.C. 20035-6128 Dear Sir: Enclosed are supporting documents on proposed annexation for the City of Sanger, Texas. Final approval of proposed annexation was July 6, 1993. There is no past or pending lawsuits concerning this annexation. This property was annexed into the City due to request by property owner. The area that was annexed will presently accommodate only one house to be constructed. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. RG:eh Enclosures Sincerely, Rosalie Garcia City Secretary �. . TsleI N MOO WN101110 T%T -N� S. X10 A 1IW E. R P*pR. RON- 4$. SANGER, TEXAS 7 266 1 � _ I, Blake Lemons, Publisher of the Sanger Courier do hereby swear that the attached Legal Notice (ORDINANCE #08-93) was Published July 8, 1993 in the Sanger Courier. The Sanger Courier has general circulation in Denton & Cooke counties. Publisher Sworn to befo day of Notary N tary Public, in and for the County of Denton, this the 1993. ,5'' ° VIRGINIA KILLG® NOTARY PUBLIC State of Texas 96 f-,