09/21/2009-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2009 7900 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 24, 2009 -Special Called Joint Meeting With 4B and Parks Board September 8, 2009 -- Work Session September 8, 2009 -- City Council b) Disbursements c) Appoint Penny Juarez to Keep Sanger Beautiful Board Appoint Sonja Iliff to Library Board Appoint Mary Wise and James "Scott" Harp to Parks Board Appoint JC Smith to the Historic Preservation Commission 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-11-09 -Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010, Providing for the Appropriation of Funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 2009 and Ending September 30, 20100 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-12-09 -Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, Providing Levying the Ad Valorem Taxes for the Year 2009, 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-14-09 - Amending Article 8.800, Regulating Smoking and the Use of Tobacco Products in Certain Locations. 8. Information Items: a) City of Sanger Investment Report b) City of Sanger Financial Statement as of August 31, 2009 c) Monthly Library Report d) Memo from Library Regarding Surplus e) Chamber Investment Report 9. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do herel��,;c�,},�ify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City H�•11''�efth�r'G�t'�'�,of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the ge raj < i blic" •t' all ti iies, a d said notice was posted on the following date and time: _ at _p.m* an hall remain posted untjl'' fifig sc'61 riled. Cot 0 4a Rosalie Chavez City Sec tart' City of Sanger, Texas //// 1011111 101IN7%111 °° This notice was removed from the official bulletin board on at by This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. MINUTES: SPECIAL CALLED JOINT MEETING City Council, 4B Board, & Parks Board August 24, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton PRESENT 4B BOARD: President John Payne, Beverly Howard, Jeff Springer, Barbara Martin, Will Dutton, Beverly Branch, Scott Stephens PARKS BOARD: Robert Koger, Carrie Bilyeu, Cora Harner, Allen Chick OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Dennis Sims with Dunkin Sims Stoffels 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called the City Council meeting to order. President Payne, 4B Board, called meeting to order. Cora Harner, Chairperson of the Parks Board, called meeting to order. 2. Discussion and Input on the Design and Layout of the New Sports Complex. The City Manager addressed all the boards and introduced Mr. Dennis Sims with Dunkin Sims Stoffels. He indicated that this meeting was to allow all the members input on the design and layout of the new sports complex. Dennis Sims, representing Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. and as one of the owners of the firm, gave a brief introduction. Their firm is unique, and they are recognized as landscape architects. In the last 27 years they have worked strictly for municipalities in Texas, and they strictly do park planning. The majority of their work is in the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex, but they have also worked throughout the State. They have done numerous athletic complexes, and they understand the mechanics of how those work. He understands that they will have approximately 40 acres to work with. He is there to get their input and answer any questions. It is his understanding that this park is primarily soccer and baseball and/or soccer. After he gets their input he will go back to his office and produce schematic plans for staff to review. Then they will come back with some final recommendations. John Payne asked if Mr. Sims had a vision on the park. Mr. Sims indicated he does not have a vision. He needs their input on what they would like to see in this sports complex. He did comment that the park would be irrigated, designed to where it is long-lasting, and ADA-compliant. He does not have a grand scheme on what to plan until after he hears their input. Barbara Martin addressed concerns with the walking paths for people to be able to walk to the fields. She asked if the fields would be used for soccer tournaments and addressed issues concerning lighting the fields. She also asked if the park should be used as a multi -use complex or is it better to use it just for a single -use complex. A discussion continued concerning the number of baseball fields that are currently in use and the possibility of having a younger age group playing baseball at Railroad Park, Rob Koger indicated there is not a baseball field or a softball field that meets all the baseball requirements. They have to share the ball fields. Under this new complex, if some of the fields can be designed for baseball and other fields designed for softball, then they can hold tournaments. The following issues were addressed: • A discussion continued concerning the pros and cons of using the fields for baseball or softball. • The acreage consisting of 40 acres and how much can feasibly be done, taking into consideration the baseball, soccer, and softball fields, and the parking • Parking is based on 50 spaces per field and goes higher for T-Ball complexes that require 60=70 spaces. • Railroad Park ball fields have to be converted whether they stay as baseball or softball. Mr. Sims indicated when they try to design a complex they need to try to take the minimum amount of parking to make the complex work. One of tfie most expensive components in this complex is the parking. If they do not have the monies for the lights in the first phase, then they can conduit the area where the poles are to be placed. Conduit is deeper than the irrigation line. On the issue concerning the walking paths, he advised that everything on the site will have picnic ADA accessibility. Most of the time, this is concrete or a hard surface paths. The baseball fields are unique, and it is best from a maintenance standpoint not to do both soccer and baseball. On the same fields baseball outfielders do not tear up the turf as much as soccer and football. This affects the long term maintenance of the complex. He has seen some cities do adult softball; however, he does not recommend this. The field is a 300-ft radius and the entire field is red clay. If they do this type field and don't have a pitching mound, they can adjust the base lines. It is still not a baseball field, it is a softball field. Baseball fields are different because the only age group that they control is 5, 6, 7 and 8 year olds. A lot of times the distances are not the same. The problem is you are ruining the pitching mound. The cost to light little baseball fields are less costly than lighting fields for Junior High to High School age groups. Mr. Sims indicated that designing Little League baseball fields to accommodate each age group with their fixed dimensions, plus the soccer fields, then adding the parking and concessions will utilize those 40 acres rapidly. The purpose of the meeting is to take the 40 acres and determine what everyone wants to see in the park. The discussion continued concerning the dimensions of a regulated field. The discussion continued concerning the property and how many acres are needed to put in soccer fields. Mr. Sims indicated that a soccer field takes at least two acres. Beverly Branch inquired about the original plan for the park and the number of soccer fields and baseball fields that would be placed at the park. The City Manager indicated that they originally had 3 or 4 baseball fields and 6 to 8 soccer fields. He recommended that they try to not think about a number but allow the architects to make the best use of the land. Barbara Martin expressed a concern that when this was presented it was about soccer, not softball or baseball. She indicated that as soon as these fields are built, soccer will start to multiply since it is in town. She asked if the master plan was to make this multi- use or if two years from now they need to be planning for a baseball complex somewhere else. She continued to express her concerns concerning a multi -use complex. The City Manager indicated that soccer may have been the driving point, but no one ever said we did not need baseball fields. Mr. Koger indicated in their Parks Board meetings that when they did their master plan, they cated they needed dedicated baseball and soccer fields. This is what they discussed and planned from the beginning. John Payne, President of the 4B Board, said they needed to get back to where they need to be, whether they need to have baseball andfor soccer fields. His other concern is that restroom facilities are adequately built and are centrally located. John Payne expressed a concern that it is upsetting to know that once again they have to redesign Railroad Park. The 4B has spent so much money, not counting all the volunteer work to get it completed. It is frustrating and he wants to make sure this park is done correctly. Discussion continued concerning the improvements to Railroad Park and the possibility to leave Railroad Park for younger children. The members discussed the following issues at length: • The amount of trees left on the property • The amount of property that is in the flood -plain • The risk of building baseball fields in the flood -plain • The soccer fields will be built in the flood -plain • The location area for the pavilions • The complex to be a dual complex • The revenue source and tournament possibilities for adult softball Councilman Patton indicated that it was obvious that there have been a lot of opinions that have been made. The City wants to build a complex that is long lasting and will draw people into Sanger. This is the first one that will be developed, and it is important we build it top notch and future sites will be just as good. He wants everyone to focus on what direction we need to take. In his opinion, he thinks we need to get involved with youth soccer activities. We have development structures for football, little league baseball, and softball. We have those building 'links in process, and we don't have anything for soccer. We need to develop the components of the land to be turned toward soccer fields. If we build one or two smaller fields for softball or baseball he does not have a problem. He wants to have flexibility to move things around, and to have adequate parking. He proposed to consider moving in this direction. Councilman Muir indicated that there was a broad community use for this area. If we have tournaments then they have the picnic areas to use. He expressed a concern that if they had a master plan to where they make one facility look really good and then meet the other needs that are out there, then they can look at longer term projects instead of cramming everything into one project. He also agrees that it is important that we develop the complex with the intent that we want the appearance to have an impact on people when they come into town. The cost to him is another obvious thing, especially if there is a possibility of having to redo the Railroad Park. If we could put in a soccer field that is cost efficient and have a nice green area as you come into town, then we can take some of the money to upgrade and adjust the other field. He indicated that the tournaments versus the ongoing play, he likes the idea of drawing pcoplc; however, he does not think there will be a tournament every weekend. He thinks the idea of tournaments and economic development is great, but the park, in his opinion, is getting done for the kids and the general community that are here. If we can take it and possibly have some tournaments it is fine; however, it will not happen often enough to have a major effect. Unless it could be some sort of a master plan, then he does not know how you can phase this to fit and meet all the objectives that everyone has talked about. If we can be good at one project, then we can expand and plan to make the other facility better. The discussion continued concerning the 125 parking spaces per acre. The concession stand will need at least half an acre. The location of the restroom facilities was discussed. Bob Koger emphasized that every single sports group needs it own identity. If the fields are shared, then they don't have this. They need baseball, softball, and soccer fields. Soccer is not as big as it will be, and currently, they are not big enough to have their own league. He would like every sport to have there own area. Councilman Garza inquired about the 100-plus acres the City bought some time ago. This land was bought for the new sewer plant with the intent that the rest of the area would be utilized for soccer, baseball fields or whatever. No one has talked about this and he would like for someone to take this into consideration. City Manager indicated that the problem with this property is there is not any access, and to get access will be extremely expensive. Also, the advisability of building a park next to a sewer plant is a concern. He does not think this sends a good message to the community. The discussion continued that Gainesville has their park next to their sewer plant. The City Manager continued to discuss the road that will access the property. The road will not be in the park and it will be at the far north end of the property. Mr. Sims indicated that all the elements that were discussed will be considered in the planning phase. He will take a look at Railroad Park to determine the feasibility. Jeff Springer indicated that there seems to be a strong consensus that there are two places to consider in the long-term planning. The long-term is getting baseball, softball, and soccer complexes that will look nice and need to be tournament ready. They have to determine the most economical way to get to the long-range plan. ivfr. Sims indicated he will need at least three weeks to bring back a presentation. There was a citizen who expressed a concern regarding the road since she lives behind this property. She has heard it will be a four -lane road and wanted to know how close it will be to her property. The City Manager indicated the road will start as a two-lane road. The road in front of her house will take a turn and go on the school's property and go south from there. It will not come any closer to her house. The City Manager thanked everyone Co their input. 3. Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the work session. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Joe Iliff Director of Development Services 1. Call iieeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on Smoking Ordinance. City Manager proceeded to review the changes in the tobacco use ordinance. This was addressed in a previous session, and then it was tabled for further review. It was at the request by Council at that time to include all tobacco products. The changes are reflected in the ordinance and include: use is prohibited in any City property other than the designated areas and prohibits use in any city owned vehicle. The Director is responsible for making an exception and designating an outdoor smoking area at a city owned facility. Councilman Martin asked how this would be policed. The City 1�'danagcr indicated thcrc would be signagc at the cntranccs. He also informed Councilman Martin that it was the Parks Board who brought an ordinance to the Council prohibiting smoking at the ball fields. The ordinance was discussed in a Council meeting, and at that time Council wanted to expand the ordinance by including banning all tobacco use on City -owned buildings and vehicles. The Mayor asked if the City employees had given their thoughts about the ordinance. The City Manager advised that he is not sure the employees know about the ordinance; however, the vehicles do not belong to them and they have to adhere to the ordinance. Discussion continued regarding the ordinance. Councilman Martin asked a question with the Exceptions on item (2) Hotel and 1!'Iotcl mccting rooms and `vented to know if this would also covcr the mansion that 0s off the service road that is getting remodelled. He asked if we needed to define this differently. The City Manager indicated that he would change the wording to read "meeting room and assembly room". A brief discussion continued. Councilman Garza indicated that the Council took the responsibility of passing an ordinance for non-smoking restrictions on restaurants and such establishments some time ago. The Council needs to consider banning tobacco use on City owned vehicles and buildings to be in compliance with our own rules. Councilman Patton and Councilman Ervin agreed. Councilman Ervin indicated that by possibly banning tobacco product use in city vehicles and buildings it could lower our City's insurance cost. A brief discussion continued concerning cost for the signage. City Manager advised that currently the City does not have that many signs and this is the time to get those in place. There was discussion concerning the wording on the signage and the designated areas. Coucilman Martin asked if there were repercussions if someone continues to violate the ordinance. The City Manager discussed that the fine is $500.00. A discussion continued concerning incorporating the wording that is prohibiting the use into the personnel policy. Employees will be made aware of the ordinance and if an employee violates the ordinance they will be properly disciplined. The ordinance will include anything that is an enclosed cab. The City 1!'Ianager advised that this will be on the agenda for the next Council meeting. This will allow some more time for Council to review it for any further changes. It was also discussed that the Director would be the City Manager. The City Manager advised that he may include this as an agenda item to appoint the City Manager or his designee as the Director. 3. Discussion on Swine Flu Contingency Plan. The City Manager reviewed the flu contingency plan with the Council. The main purpose of having a plan is to make sure that services are not disrupted and that we can continue to provide basic services to the community. His concern is that if it gets to the 50% level as it has been predicted, there is a possibility that schools may have to be closed. If this happens the City has a lot of employees with small children who are limited on who takes care of their children. This is the reason for his implementing a plan to allow us to continue operations. This will be done by setting the system to allow employees to work from home. The procedures are in place to have at least two people cross -trained for each position preferably three that can do any job at the City. The main priority is to keep the office at City Hall opened. The other offices include Inspections/Public Works, Court and the Police Lobby. The Department Heads have reviewed this information and are in agreement with the plan. The discussion continued concerning temporary employment agencies. The City Manager advised that we are established with two agencies as an alternative source in case we get in a difficult situation. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. The City Manager advised that under the consent agenda the Interlocal agreement with the County is a revision of what has already been to Council. After the agreement was executed with all the signatures, the County had a problem with the wording. The agreement was sent back with the correction to be approved. The change was in the method the payment was to be made. The City inspects the work, Dr. Wolski submits invoices to the City, and we verify that the work has been done. The County will send a check to the City, and then we will cut a check to Dr. Wolski. This will allow the City to make inspections and make sure the work is properly constructed. The other item that ryas addressed by the City Manager was the DcvcIopmcnt Agreement with Stiles Property Trust. The agreement outlines developer's responsibility for the construction of View Road. He has to construct a 31-foot wide concrete, curb and gutter roadway approximately 1200 feet as an extension of View Road, and all drainage improvements; and the developer will use one of his wastewater connect fee waivers that was granted under the settlement agreement. Mayor asked for an explanation on item 445. The City Manager advised that this is an award that Joe Miff applied for through the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association. The City of Sanger received the award. Joe Miff explained that each year the association recognizes cities that have achieved excellence in city planning. Cities are evaluated on having certified professionals on staff and providing ongoing training for staff and commissioners. Cities qualify by adopting major planning documents and updating land use regulations. In the last two years the City adopted the 2007 Sanger Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the 2007 Thoroughfare Plan, and the 2008 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The City has also hired a certified professional planner and updated major land use regulations such as the Subdivision and Sign Ordinance, enough score cities are awarded a certificate of achievement. this award during regular session. If you receive a high He will be presented Brief discussion concerning the September 11 holiday for Firelighters and that rolice Officers are exempt from receiving the holiday. 5. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the work session. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL, MINUTES September 8, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Joe Iliff Director of Development Services, Troop 755 Boy Scotts that included Danny Dunn, Danny Mcza, Brcndon Cochran and Conner Johnson. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, led the invocation, followed by Troop 7.5.5 Soy Scotts leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section. Danny Meza, Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 755 introduced himself and advised two of his troop members would like to address the Council. Brendon Cochran, Patrol leader for Troop 755, addressed Council. He indicated that as he was walking home he noticed the road is really close to the walking space and maybe Council can consider putting sidewalks for safer walking space to get home. Conner Johnson also addressed Council and stated that he thinks Sanger should have more fun activities and possibly a new playground. Mayor Higgs informed Conner Johnson that the City does have plans to build a new park. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 17, 2009 -- Work Session August 17, 2009 -- City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Amended Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Denton County, Texas, and the City of Sanger, Texas Regarding View Road Construction d) Approve Development Agreement with Skiles Property Trust for Construction of View Road Extension There was an inquiry concerning an accounts payable expense. The City Manager explained the expense. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Presentation of 2009 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence. Joe Miff indicated that every year the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association recognizes cities in Texas that have achieved excellence in planning. There are about ten to twenty cities in the State that qualify. The cities are evaluated on having professional staff and providing ongoing training for staff and commissioners. He presented Council with a Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence, recognizing a commitment to professional planning by City Administration, Elected and Appointed Officials, and exemplary professional standards demonstrated by the Planning Staff. 6. Conduct Public Hearing on Fiscal Year Budget 2009/2010; Providing for the Appropriation of Funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures. Mayor declared public hearing opened. There was not any public opinion. Mayor declared public hearing closed. 7. Conduct Public Hearing on a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop ithin a B-2 Business District 2 on Property Legally described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. Mayor Higgs declared public hearing opened. Nadia Bolas address Council concerning her request for this SUP permit for a snow -cone stand. She advised she has two locations in City of Denton, one is located in Londonderry and the other is on Sherman Drive. She has been in business for two summers in Denton. She would like to set up a business in Sanger. This is a family owned and operated business, providing friendly and great customer service, steady hours of operations and offering a variety of over fifty flavors. Their snow cone stands are in compliance with all health and fire codes. Brief discussion followed. Mayor declared public hearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0943-09 - Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service food & Beverage Shop Within a B-2 Business District on Property Legally Described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway, Councilman Ervin moved to approve Ordinance #09-13-09. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as Follows: ORDINANCE 09-13-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND CENTRAL ZONING MAP, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A QUICK SERVICE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SHOP WITHIN A B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT 2 ON PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 52b OF THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, 9. Information Items: a) Memo Regarding new State Mandated Holiday for Police and Fire. b) Articles from TNIL Regarding Water Fees and Graffiti Removal. i0. Adjournment. Mayor declared meeting adjourned. 8/23/2009 3:49 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02560 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND Vi:NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 17950 ZAC CLAYTON I-200908282077 REIMB FOR DEDUCTION 04230 RONNIE GRACE I-200908282078 REIMBURSE FOR DEDUCTION 16060 ANDREW NEIGHBORS I-200908282082 REIMBURSEMENT DEDUCTION 04240 MIKE PRATER I-200908282083 REIMBURSE DEDUCTION TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 8/28/2009 R 8/28/2009 R 8/28/2009 R 8/28/2009 NO# DISCOUNTS 4 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 107.53CR 040321 107.53 116.69CR 040322 116.69 61.69CR 040323 61.69 101.69CR 040324 101.69 CHECK AMT 387.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 �CRy7US� TOTAL APPLIED 387.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 387.60 9/03/2009 9:57 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02570 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 21050 MULTI SERVICE CORPORATION I-14313 LAPTOP & SOFTWARE R 9/03/2009 700.00CR 040352 I-14313- COMPUTER HARDWARE R 9/03/2009 1,079.97CR 040352 I-14313/ COMPUTER & SOFTWARE R 9/03/2009 lr079.97CR 040352 2,859.94 19270 FAMILY DOLLAR I-062509 PAPER TOWELS,TP,SOAP R 9/03/2009 39.75CR 040353 I-2009082B2074 CLEANING SUPPLIES R 9/03/2009 131.75CR 040353 171.50 07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-4311773 2X4X10 R 9/03/2009 25.83CR 040354 25.83 1 LISA NORMAN I-200909032107 POOL PARTY DEPOSIT R 9/03/2009 75.00CR 040355 75.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-18545 DW TOOL COMBO KIT R 9/03/2009 349.00CR 040356 349.00 08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-20310901 26 GALLON SPRAYER R 9/03/2009 170.13CR 040357 170.13 11530 SANGER AIR & ELECTRIC I-8192009 TROUBLESHOOT POOL LIGHT R 9/03/2009 261.00CR 040358 261.00 08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-MP40210 CLUTCH ASSEMBLY R 9/03/2009 540977CR 040359 540.77 19160 WORKERS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, INC. I-200909032108 AUG 09 WAP R 9/03/2009 152.19CR 040360 152.19 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 9 0.00 4,605.36 4,605.36 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 9 0.00 4,605.36 41605.36 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/03/2009 8:26 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02567 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 09600 AFLAC C-0909 AFLAC R 9/03/2009 0.04 040345 I-200909022106 PENNINGTON R 9/03/2009 43.30CR 040345 I-AFK200908132041 INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 101.70CR 040345 I-AFK200908272072 INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 101.70CR 040345 I-AFL200908132041 INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 844.37CR 040345 I-AFL200908272072 INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 844.37CR 040345 11935.40 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD I-0909 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD R 9/03/2009 20,178.01CR 040346 I-INS200908132041 HEALTH INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 11900oDOCR 040346 I-INS200908272072 HEALTH INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 lf900.00CR 040346 23,978.01 03320 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE C-090209 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 0.02 040347 I-COL200908132041 HEALTH INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 11.80CR 040347 I-COL200908272072 HEALTH INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 11.80CR 040347 I-LIF200908132041 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 62.62CR 040347 I-LIF200908272072 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 62.62CR 040347 148.82 18650 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE I-0909 FORT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 206.25CR 040348 206.25 o LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY C-0909 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY R 9/03/2009 0.04 040349 I-LLI200907021949 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 60.68CR 040349 I-LLI200907161966 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/03/2009 60.68CR 040349 121.32 05400 PRE -PAID LEGAL CASUALTY I-PPL200908132041 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 9/03/2009 14.96CR 040350 I-PPL200908272072 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 9/03/2009 14.96CR 040350 29.92 06770 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL I-0909 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL R 9/03/2009 1,357.40CR 040351 I -GE 200908132041 DENTAL PLAN R 9/03/2009 491.16CR 040351 I -GE 200908272072 DENTAL PLAN R 9/03/2009 491.16CR 040351 21339,72 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 7 0.00 28,759.94 28,759.49 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 7 0.00 281759.44 28,759.94 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/08/2009 1:59 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02573 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21100 COLEMAN LAW FIRM I-200909082111 JULY & AUG 09 R 9/08/2009 21080 CPR ASSOCIATES I-200909082110 INSTRUCTOR LEVEL CPR COUR R 9/08/2009 14940 KRISTIAN LINDBERG I-200909082109 CDL LICENSE - K LINDBERG R 9/08/2009 17400 PRECIOUS STAFFORD I-82709 IT SUPPORT 8/l/ - 9/3 R 9/08/2009 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 1,325.00CR 040361 1,325.00 375t00CR 040362 375.00 60.00CR 040363 60.00 400.13CR 040364 400.13 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 4 0.00 2,160.13 2,160.13 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 2,160.13 2,160.13 9/11/2009 10:09 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02580 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / Z.D. DESC TYPE DATE 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY C-200909112123 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY R 9/11/2009 I-LLI200908132041 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/11/2009 I-LLI200908272072 LIFE INSURANCE R 9/11/2009 00100 TMRS I-RET200908132041 TMRS R 9/11/2009 I-RET200908142042 TMRS R 9/11/2009 I-RET200908272072 TMRS R 9/11/2009 T� 'ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 0.04 040436 60.68CR 040436 60.68CR 040436 121.32 12,427.38CR 040437 58.84CR 040437 12,440.30CR 040437 24,926952 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 2 0.00 25,047984 25,047.84 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 25,097.84 25,047.84 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 21040 A & A ACTIVE BACKFLOW I-1205 2 BACKFLOW TEST R 9/11/2009 200.00CR 040371 200.00 19970 ACE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING I-15818 REPAIRS ON COURTROOM A/C R 9/11/2009 84.00CR 040372 84.00 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-348459/348458 REPAIR CLAMPS R 9/11/2009 280.36CR 040373 280.36 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-9516631 HYDROLIC CONTROL VAVLE R 9/11/2009 108.03CR 040374 108.03 18100 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES I-4528 DEL COLLECTION JULY 09 R 9/11/2009 163441CR 040375 163.41 08580 AMIGOS LIBRARY SERVICES I-220027 DATABASE FEES R 9/11/2009 97.00CR 040376 97,00 10980 AQUA-REC, INC. I-21189 ACCU-TAB BLUE R 9/11/2009 566.25CR 040377 566.25 15640 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT COMPANY I-7197886 SILICONE TUBING R 9/11/2009 336.26CR 040378 336.26 04160 COMET CLEANERS I-200908282073 ELECT CLEANING MAY - JULY R 9/11/2009 147.50CR 040379 147.50 00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 ICE MACHINE R 9/11/2009 480900CR 040380 480.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-8811 20YDS WASHED SAND R 9/11/2009 580900CR 040381 580.00 08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-85818 CITY DECALS UNIT# 47-58 R 9/11/2009 32.49CR 040382 32.49 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-200909092113 7/16 - 8/17/09 R 9/11/2009 11469.59CR 040383 1,469.59 I 08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2349149-0 MARKERS,HIGHLIGHERS,TAPE R 9/11/2009 106.98CR 040384 I-2351148-0 TAPE,CLIPS,INK FAX & 77 P R 9/11/2009 228933CR 040384 335.31 PAGE: 2 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-72215 CASE RECIEPT TAPE R 9/11/2009 64.46CR 040385 64.46 00740 DCAD I-5012 4TH QTR ALLOCATION R 9/11/2009 41823.02CR 040386 4,823.02 03710 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEPT I-200909092112 LAY -OUT FEES R 9/11/2009 60.000R 040387 60.00 03720 DFW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. I-30908397/961309087 PAGER REPAIR R 9/11/2009 318.4OCR 040388 318.40 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-103141 COFFEE & CREAMER R 9/11/2009 21.50CR 040389 I-103371 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 9/11/2009 11.000R 040389 I-3585 CUPS,BATTERIES,BAGGIES R 9/11/2009 12.000R 040389 I-3586 COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN R 9/11/2009 62.000R 040389 106.50 06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER I-242461 WEEK KILLER R 9/11/2009 217.20CR 040390 I-242641 2.5 GALLON WEED KILLER R 9/11/2009 281.25CR 040390 498.45 `70 ESS/FUTURE EQUIPMENT, INC. I-G73368 WINDSHIELD FOR BACKHOE R 9/11/2009 237.63CR 040391 237.63 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-97818848-0 HOBBS 7/26/09 R 9/11/2009 574.80CR 040392 I-97829143-3 HOBBS 8/02/09 R 9/11/2009 574.8OCR 040392 I-97850734-1 HOBBS 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 459.84CR 040392 I-97864380-7 HOBBS 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 459.84CR 040392 2,069.28 18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 R 9/11/2009 21086954CR 040393 2,086.54 02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-1281479-00 4/0 TRIPLEX OH, BOLTS R 9/11/2009 11455.00CR 040394 I-1283283-00 RED PAINT R 9/11/2009 66.000R 040394 1,521.00 14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC I-007946 KENNEDY 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 565.50CR 040395 I-007947 ALBERT 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 487.04CR 040395 I-007971 KENNEDY 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 580.00CR 040395 I-007972 ALBERT 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 608w8OCR 040395 21241.34 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 bnNDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-32999 JULY 09 LAB 05510 IESI I-4334345 DUMP & RETURN 05510 IESI I-AUG09 AUG 09 20220 INGRAM 1-45075530 38 BOOKS I-45075531 17 BOOKS 19310 INTERMEDIX TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I-JULY09 EMS BILLING JULY 09 19620 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC. I-2736550 MEMBERSHIP 09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97416/97661 MAGNET,METRIC HEX DRIVERS 1-97662/97411 NUT DRIVER SET,A/C FITTIN 60 KSA ENGINEERS I-40155 W/WVI MASTER PLAN 08210 KWIK KAR 1-2110005/2110460 VEHICLE INSPECTIONS I-2210402 STATE INSPECTION #31-32 01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-74909 REPAIR LOCK AT POOL 01490 LAVIN LAND, INC. I-261926/262146 WEEDEATER PARTS 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-513063 FUEL PUMP UNIT # 25-50 I-513067 SEAL KIT,VAVLE COVER,GASK 04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.LLC I-308286 6 AUDIO BOOKS I-309097 6 AUDIO BOOKS 1-309887 6 AUDIO BOOKS CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 540.00CR 040396 540.00 537.74CR 090397 537.74 43,190.38CR 040398 43,190.38 15.22CR 090399 15.20CR 040399 30.42 3,371.38CR 040400 3,371.38 100.00CR 040901 100.00 350.91CR 040402 328.94CR 090402 679.85 1,202.00CR 040903 1,202.00 79.SOCR 040404 39.75CR 040904 119.25 100.00CR 040405 100.00 46.38CR 040406 46.38 381.49CR 040407 187.99CR 040907 569.43 108.93CR 040908 34.94CR 09040E 29.99CR 040408 173.86 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. I-81092244 EMS SUPPLIES 01860 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC I-200908282075 BOOKS 04300 NCTCOG I-61561 UTILITY SAFETY CLASS -BRAN 01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGER & SMITH, LLP I-JULY 09 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE JUL 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-173561 TENSIONER & BELT,GAUGE I-176534 TENSIONER & BELT,GAUGE 10380 OAKLEY I-707159579 REPLACEMENT LENSES 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483611986001 DRY ERASE BOARD, INK I-483611986001- TC CARDS,FOLDERS,INK I-483772326001 BLACK & COLOR INK 12470 PELCO PRODUCTS, INC I-9080347 CAPACITOR BANK WIRING HAR 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-P49729/P49730 IDLER PULLEY,GASKETS 02140 RADIO SHACK I-10037063 BATTERIES 21070 REDFEARN PLUMBING I-3142 NEW FILL VALVE & FLAPPER 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-237526 COPY PAPER,HAND SOAP,SP00 I-237922 TRASH CAN LINERS,MIST AWA I-238277 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-15001002 COPIER I-15088509 COPIER CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NON AMOUNT 518.49CR 040409 518.49 68.000R 040910 68.00 200.000R 040411 200.00 16.98CR 040413 60.05CR 040413 77.03 377.60CR 040419 377.60 75.99CR 090415 78.22CR 090415 199.22CR 040415 348.43 326.59CR 040916 326.59 97.89CR 090917 97.89 11.99CR 040418 11.99 93.00CR 040419 93.00 96.23CR 090420 72.80CR 040420 151.79CR 040920 320.82 205.33CR 040421 227.71CR 040421 933.04 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC. 1-35942 9" EXT HIP CHURCH ST SIGN R 9/11/2009 137.000R 040422 137.00 02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-8400 REPAIRS TO QUAIL RUN LIFT R 9/11/2009 3,186.04CR 040423 311B6.04 21030 SEW EURODRIVE 1-325203 DRIVE MOTOR PLANT #3 R 9/11/2009 358.83CR 040424 358.83 08520 SMART APPLE MEDIA I-102978 8 BOOKS R 9/11/2009 224.04CR 040425 224.04 18620 STERICYCLE I-4001082329 BIO PICK-UP R 9/11/2009 16.71CR 040426 16.71 18110 STRATEGIC GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, INC. I-4145 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING R 9/11/2009 89.000R 040427 89.00 19460 TCI TIRE CENTERS I-627000219B 8 TIRES R 9/11/2009 470.14CR 040428 470.14 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1441877-00 FIBERGLASS 36" BRACKET R 9/11/2009 lr053.84CR 040429 I-1442794-00 PHOTO CELL CONTROLS R 9/11/2009 425.000R 040429 I-1442955-00 H-TAP WR379 CONNECTORS R 9/11/2009 62.000R 040429 1-3041983-00/01 SHARP SHOOTERS,SHOVELS R 9/11/2009 442.000R 040429 1-3042725-00 IMPACT 7/16 X 1/2 DRIVE R 9/11/2009 20.68CR 040429 2,003.52 12210 TEDC I-47485 MEMBERSHIP FEE R 9/11/2009 400.000R 040430 400.00 21.090 TEXAS BUSINESS CONFERENCE - TWC I-200909092114 TEXAS BUSINESS CONF R 9/11/2009 85.000R 040431 85.00 03970 TMCCP I-200908282076 ACHIEVING & SUSTAINING EX R 9/11/2009 230.000R 040432 230.00 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-80505 NAG STRIPE READER R 9/11/2009 85.000R 040433 I-81052 SUPPORT/HOST WEB SITE R 9/11/2009 110.000R 040433 I-81053 WEB SITE HOST/SUPPORT R 9/11/2009 125.000R 040433 I-81346 ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINT R 9/11/2009 21451.000R 040433 21771.00 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NOi{ AMOUNT 03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-F50989 HYDROLIC MOTOR R 9/11/2009 484.48CR 040434 484.48 03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP., INC. I-DE56531 WEEDEATER PARTS,SAW PARTS R 9/11/2009 15.93CR 040435 15.93 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 65 0.00 83,296.08 83,296.08 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 65 0.00 83,296.08 83,296908 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC A / P CHECK REGISTER CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT 001 9/2009 65,891.34CR 008 9/2009 17,404.74CR I1 83,296.08CR PAGE: 7 CHECK AMOUNT 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB—ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK 'vc.NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 21040 A & A ACTIVE BACKFLOW I-1205 2 BACKFLOW TEST R 9/11/2009 200.00CR 040371 200.00 19970 ACE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING I-15818 REPAIRS ON COURTROOM A/C R 9/11/2009 84.00CR 040372 84.00 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-348459/348458 REPAIR CLAMPS R 9/11/2009 280.36CR 040373 280.36 ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-9516631 HYDROLIC CONTROL VAVLE R 9/11/2009 108.03CR 040374 108.03 18100 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES I-4528 DEL COLLECTION JULY 09 R 9/11/2009 163.41CR 040375 163.41 08580 AMIGOS LIBRARY SERVICES I-220027 DATABASE FEES R 9/11/2009 97.00CR 040376 97.00 10980 AQUA—REC, INC. I-21189 ACCU—TAB BLUE R 9/11/2009 566425CR 040377 566.25 15640 COLE—PARMER INSTRUMENT COMPANY I-7197886 SILICONE TUBING R 9/11/2009 336.26CR 040378 336.26 04160 COMET CLEANERS I-200908282073 ELECT CLEANING MAY — JULY R 9/11/2009 147.50CR 040379 147.50 00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 ICE MACHINE R 9/11/2009 480.00CR 040380 480.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-8811 20YDS WASHED SAND R 9/11/2009 580900CR 040381 580.00 08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-85818 CITY DECALS UNIT# 47-58 R 9/11/2009 32.49CR 040382 32.49 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-200909092113 7/16 — 8/17/09 R 9/11/2009 1,469.59CR 040383 1,469.59 08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2349149-0 MARKERS,HIGHLIGHERS,TAPE R 9/11/2009 106.98CR 040384 I-2351148-0 TAPE,CLIPS,INK FAX & 77 P R 9/11/2009 228.33CR 040384 335.31 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK "ODOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-72215 CASE RECIEPT TAPE R 9/11/2009 64.46CR 040385 64.46 00740 DCAD I-5012 4TH QTR ALLOCATION R 9/11/2009 41823602CR 040386 4,823.02 03710 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEPT I-200909092112 LAY -OUT FEES R 9/11/2009 60.00CR 040387 60.00 03720 DFW COMMUNICATIONS, INC. I-30908397/961309087 PAGER REPAIR R 9/11/2009 318.40CR 040388 318.40 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES 1-103141 COFFEE & CREAMER R 9/11/2009 21.50CR 040389 I-103371 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 9/11/2009 11.00CR 040389 I-3585 CUPS,BATTERIES,BAGGIES R 9/11/2009 12.00CR 040389 I-3586 COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN R 9/11/2009 62.00CR 040389 106.50 06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER I-242461 WEEK KILLER R 9/11/2009 217920CR 040390 I-242641 2.5 GALLON WEED KILLER R 9/11/2009 281.25CR 040390 498.45 "170 ESS/FUTURE EQUIPMENT, INC. I-G73368 WINDSHIELD FOR BACKHOE R 9/11/2009 237.63CR 040391 237.63 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-97818848-0 HOBBS 7/26/09 R 9/11/2009 574.8OCR 040392 I-97829143-3 HOBBS 8/02/09 R 9/11/2009 574.80CR 040392 I-97850734-1 HOBBS 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 459.84CR 040392 I-97864380-7 HOBBS 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 459.84CR 040392 2,069.28 18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 R 9/11/2009 2,086.54CR 040393 2,086.54 02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-1281479-00 4/0 TRIPLEX OH, BOLTS R 9/11/2009 11455.00CR 040394 I-1283283-00 RED PAINT R 9/11/2009 66.00CR 040394 1,521.00 14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC I-007946 KENNEDY 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 565.50CR 040395 I-007947 ALBERT 8/09/09 R 9/11/2009 487.04CR 040395 I-007971 KENNEDY 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 SBO.000R 040395 I-007972 ALBERT 8/16/09 R 9/11/2009 608.8OCR 040395 2,241.34 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 3 'V�NDOR NAME / I,D, DESC 194BO HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-32999 JULY 09 LAB 05510 IESI I-4334345 DUMP & RETURN 05510 IESI I-AUG09 AUG 09 20220 INGRAM I-45075530 38 BOOKS I-45075531 17 BOOKS 19310 INTERMEDIX TECHNOLOGIES, INC. I-JULY09 EMS BILLING JULY 09 19620 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC, I-2736550 MEMBERSHIP 09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97416/97661 MAGNET,METRIC HEX DRIVERS I-97662/97411 NUT DRIVER SETA/C FITTIN 60 KSA ENGINEERS I-40155 4]/WW MASTER PLAN OB210 KWIK KAR I-2110005/2110460 VEHICLE INSPECTIONS I-2210402 STATE INSPECTION 431-32 01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-74909 REPAIR LOCK AT POOL 01490 LAWN LAND, INC. I-261926/262146 WEEDEATER PARTS 01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-513063 FUEL PUMP UNIT # 25-50 I-513067 SEAL KIT,VAVLE COVER,GASK 04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.LLC I-308286 6 AUDIO BOOKS I-309097 6 AUDIO BOOKS I-309887 6 AUDIO BOOKS CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 R 9/11/2009 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT Fi[�l[�I1I��iLIiXiZ�'iIi 11 537,74CR 090397 537,74 43,190.38CR 040398 43,190.38 15.22CR 040399 15.2OCR 040399 30t42 3,371.38CR 090400 3,371.38 100.00CR 040401 100.00 350.91CR 040402 328.94CR 040402 679.85 1,202.000R 040403 1,202.00 79.50CR 040404 39.75CR 040404 119.25 100.000R 040405 100.00 46.38CR 040906 46.38 381.99CR 040407 187.94CR 040407 569.43 108.93CR 040406 39,94CR 040408 29.99CR 040408 173.86 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 9/11/2009 8:55 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK \,6NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO#{ AMOUNT 05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. 1-81092244 EMS SUPPLIES R 9/11/2009 518.49CR 040409 518.49 01860 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC I-200908282075 BOOKS R 9/11/2009 68.00CR 040410 68.00 04300 NCTCOG I-61561 UTILITY SAFETY CLASS -BRAN R 9/11/2009 200.00CR 040411 200.00 01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGER & SMITH, LLP I-JULY 09 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE JUL R 9/11/2009 384.00CR 040412 384.00 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-173561 TENSIONER & BELT,GAUGE R 9/11/2009 16.98CR 040413 I-176534 TENSIONER & BELT,GAUGE R 9/11/2009 60.05CR 040413 77.03 10380 OAKLEY I-707159579 REPLACEMENT LENSES R 9/11/2009 377.60CR 040414 377.60 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483611986001 DRY ERASE BOARD, INK R 9/11/2009 75.99CR 040415 I-483611986001- TC CARDS,FOLDERS,INK R 9/11/2009 78.22CR 040415 I-483772326001 BLACK & COLOR INK R 9/11/2009 194622CR 040415 348.43 12470 PELCO PRODUCTS, INC I-9080347 CAPACITOR BANK WIRING HAR R 9/11/2009 326.59CR 040416 326.59 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-P49729/P49730 IDLER PULLEY,GASKETS R 9/11/2009 97.89CR 040417 97.89 02140 RADIO SHACK I-10037063 BATTERIES R 9/11/2009 11.99CR 040418 11.99 21070 REDFEARN PLUMBING I-3142 NEW FILL VALVE & FLAPPER R 9/11/2009 93.00CR 040419 93.00 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-237526 COPY PAPER,HAND SOAP,SP00 R 9/11/2009 96.23CR 040420 I-237922 TRASH CAN LINERS,MIST AWA R 9/11/2009 72.80CR 040420 I-238277 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 9/11/2009 151.79CR 040420 320.82 11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-15001002 COPIER R 9/11/2009 205.33CR 040421 I-15088509 COPIER R 9/11/2009 227.71CR 040421 433.04 PAGE: 5 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT ,NO# AMOUNT 02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY, INC. I-35942 9" EXT HIP CHURCH ST SIGN R 9/11/2009 137.00CR 040422 137.00 02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-8400 REPAIRS TO QUAIL RUN LIFT R 9/11/2009 31186.04CR 040423 3,186.04 21030 SEW EURODRIVE I-325203 DRIVE MOTOR PLANT #3 R 9/11/2009 358.83CR 040424 358.83 08520 SMART APPLE MEDIA I-102978 8 BOOKS R 9/11/2009 224404CR 040425 224.04 18620 STERICYCLE I-4001082329 BIO PICK-UP R 9/11/2009 16.71CR 040426 16.71 18110 STRATEGIC GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, INC. I-4145 BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING R 9/11/2009 89.00CR 040427 89.00 19460 TCI TIRE CENTERS I-6270002198 8 TIRES R 9/11/2009 470.14CR 040428 470.14 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1441877-00 FIBERGLASS 36" BRACKET R 9/11/2009 11053.84CR 040429 I-1442794-00 PHOTO CELL CONTROLS R 9/11/2009 425.00CR 040429 I-1442955-00 H-TAP WR379 CONNECTORS R 9/11/2009 62.00CR 040429 I-3041983-00/01 SHARP SHOOTERS,SHOVELS R 9/11/2009 442600CR 040429 I-3042725-00 IMPACT 7/16 X 1/2 DRIVE R 9/11/2009 20.68CR 040429 2,003.52 12210 TEDC I-47485 MEMBERSHIP FEE R 9/11/2009 400.00CR 040430 400.00 21090 TEXAS BUSINESS CONFERENCE - TWC I-200909092114 TEXAS BUSINESS CONF R 9/11/2009 85.00CR 040431 85.00 03970 TMCCP I-200908282076 ACHIEVING & SUSTAINING EX R 9/11/2009 230.00CR 040432 230.00 19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-80505 MAG STRIPE READER R 9/11/2009 85.00CR 040433 I-81052 SUPPORT/HOST WEB SITE R 9/11/2009 110.00CR 040433 I-81053 WEB SITE HOST/SUPPORT R 9/11/2009 125.00CR 040433 I-81346 ANNUAL SOFTWARE MAINT R 9/11/2009 21451.00CR 040433 21771.00 9/11/2009 8:55 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK vENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NOH AMOUNT 03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-F50989 HYDROLIC MOTOR R 9/11/2009 484648CR 040434 484.48 03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP., INC. I-DE56531 WEEDEATER PARTS,SAW PARTS R 9/11/2009 15.93CR 040435 15.93 * * T 0 T A L S * * N04 DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 65 0.00 83,296.08 83,296.08 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 65 0.00 83,296.08 830296.08 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/14/2009 6:00 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02589 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 19240 BANKERS CREDIT CARD SERVICE I-200909142141 IBACKUP.COM R 9/14/2009 233.90CR 040458 I-200909142142 TML CONF 10/21/09 R 9/14/2009 l50vOOCR 040458 I-200909142143 TML REGISTRATION R 9/14/2009 150w00CR 040458 I-200909142144 TML CONFERENCE R 9/14/2009 150.00CR 040458 I-200909142145 TML CONFERENCE R 9/14/2009 300aOOCR 040458 983.90 04240 MIKE PRATER I-200909142146 MUNICIPAL ELECT SAFETY EX R 9/14/2009 380.46CR 040459 380.46 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 2 0.00 1,364.36 1,364.36 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 2 0.00 1,364.36 1,364.36 T� a'ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 9/14/2009 5:53 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02588 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 21050 MULTI SERVICE CORPORATION I-18992 DVR RECORDER R 9/14/2009 34.99CR 040438 34.99 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142124 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 784.00CR 040439 784.00 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142125 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 530.05CR 040440 530.05 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142126 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 344.30CR 040441 344.30 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142127 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 71106676CR 040442 7/106676 00600 CITY OF SANGER 1-200909142128 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 189676CR 040443 189.76 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142129 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 11108.09CR 040444 1,108009 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142130 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 231.40CR 040445 231.40 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142131 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 934.40CR 040446 934.40 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142132 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 430.40CR 040447 430.40 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142133 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 257.68CR 040448 257.68 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142134 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 773.32CR 040449 773.32 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142135 7/20 - 8/20 R 9/14/2009 271.16CR 040450 271.16 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142136 7/20 -8/20 R 9/14/2009 12,217.64CR 040451 12,217.64 9/14/2009 5:53 PM PACKET: 02588 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142137 7/20 - 8/20 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142138 7/20 - 8/20 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142139 7/20 - 8/20 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200909142140 7/20 - 8/20 13280 HCSB I-0909 2004096 # 58 13380 SANGER BANK A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 I-0909 07071866 00055 4 50 I-0909- 07071866 00065 # 50 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT R 9/14/2009 499.36CR 090452 499.36 R 9/14/2009 1,170.90CR 090453 1,170.40 R 9/19/2009 136.00CR 040454 136.00 R 9/19/2009 14,534.60CR 040955 14,539.60 R 9/14/2009 736.00CR 040456 736.00 R 9/14/2009 11542.07CR 040457 R 9/14/2009 11120.04CR 040457 2,662.11 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 20 0.00 44,952*42 44,952.42 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 0.00 44,952.42 44,952.42 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-80900136 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE LEGAL SERVICES O8/09 000000 164.00 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 164.00 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. BANK: SB99 BUDET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-72216 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI PARKS BOARD NAME PLATES 000000 24.50 I-72216 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI SHIPPING 000000 3.14 DEPARTMENT 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. TOTAL: 27.69 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-513084 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V COOLANT FAN MOTOR 000000 123.68 I-513091 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V COOLANT FAN MOTOR 000000 121.98 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 238.20 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-20-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 597.91 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 1,081.77 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 22 ANIMAL CONTROL BANK: SB99 BUnr;ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL ON MILA I-109906 001-22-5248 ANIMAL CARE E VET SERVICE 815 - 8/24 000000 443.00 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 38.70 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-22-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/29 - B/30 000000 65.54 DEPARTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL: 547.24 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 149.70 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-24-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 198.55 99-20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-831673 001-24-5180 MEDICAL/PHYSI WILCOX 000000 73.00 I-831673 001-24-5180 MEDICAL/PHYSI JEFF MORRIS 000000 73.00 I-831673 001-24-5180 MEDICAL/PHYSI WILLIAM MORRIS 000000 73.00 99-20730 TELREPCO I-00114042 001-24-6025 COMPUTER HARD PANASONIC TUFF BOOK 000000 1,315.00 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 1,882.25 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 25 AMBULANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENUOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-25-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 73.20 99-17060 LEAD 11 EXCELLENCE I-07312008E 001-25-5235 DUES & REGIST CE JUNE/DULY 09 000000 432.00 99-17260 QUEST CARE I-0809 001-25-5235 DUES & REGIST AUG 09 000000 500.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-25-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 184.36 DEPARTMENT 25 AMBULANCE TOTAL: 1/189656 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUnr_ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-72216 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI P&Z MEMBER NAME PLATES 000000 107.80 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-28-5325 R & M VEHICLE ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 11.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-28-5320 VEHICLE FUEL FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 39.54 DEPARTMENT 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TOTAL: 158.34 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VELNliOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 105.70 99-08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-178898 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V TRAILER PLUG CONNECTORS 000000 17.97 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 255.98 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 379.65 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEi\uOR NAME ITEM if G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023934 001-32-5311 R & M EQUIPME PVC,ADAPTER,HOE,TEFLON 000000 85.85 99-01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC I-29043 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V DOT INSPECTION UNIT412-32 000000 62.00 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 100.70 99-08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-MP41406 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V RADIATOR INSULATORS/BRACK 000000 78.98 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-93524 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V TIRE GAUGE & NIPPLE 000000 54.08 99-12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-50204 001-32-5325 R& M MOTOR V V-BELT 000000 103.80 I-50204 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V AUTOCUT HEAD 000000 37.05 I-50204 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V 105 STRING 000000 38.14 I-50204 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V PRESPOOL 000000 33.87 I-50204 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V SPOOL 000000 17.06 90 `1050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES I-007994 001-32-5110 REGULAR SALAR KENNEDY 8/23 000000 348.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 001-32-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/29 - 8/30 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS 000000 253.09 TOTAL: 1,212.62 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUDr,ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023905 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP GARDEN HOSE & DRILL BIT 000000 33.49 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-79985 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP KEY CABINET & TAGS 000000 152.00 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 001-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 29.60 99-08870 NORTHERN TOOL 1-20441351 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP WORKBENCH & TOOL STORAGE 000000 180.53 I-20447139 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP TOP TOOL BOX /TOOL STORAG 000000 257.55 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97911 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP TIRE REPAIR KIT, WRENCH S 000000 129.98 I-97912 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP DRILL SET W/ CHARGER 000000 126.00 I-98169 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP REPLACE SOCKETS/WRENCH 000000 190.46 I-98340 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP WRENCH SETS 000000 235.98 I-98341 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP REPLACEMENT SOCKET/WRENCH 000000 211.43 99-09820 DURABLE COMPONENT TECH, I-319654 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP MAGNETIC HOOKS 000000 79.38 9. 460 SUPREME PARTS WASHERS I-S16514 001-36-5345 LEASE/PURCHAS PARTS WASHER & MAINT 000000 75.00 DEPARTMENT 36 FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 1/701940 9/14/2009 6:40 PM PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR ------------------------------------- NAME ITEM # 99-03800 DEMCO I-3641756 I-3641756 I-3641756 I-3641756 I-3641756 99-11820 STEWART ORGANIZATION I-111175 99-12300 NAEIR I-H309501 I-H309533 I-H309533 99-20220 INGRAM I-45366621 99-21010 CORPORATE SOURCE LTD. I-25480 I-25480 I-25480 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 BANK: 0079 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND LIBRARY CARDS 000000 42.50 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND DATE DUE SLIPS 000000 44.59 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND PAPERBACK COVERS 8.5 X 5. 000000 27.75 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND PAPER BACK COVERS 9X6.5 000000 33.31 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND SHIPPING 000000 21.64 001-42-5332 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER LEASE 000000 26.00 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND SHIPPING 000000 26.37 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND BULLETIN BOARD SUPPLIES 000000 24.00 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND HATS ASSORTMENT 000000 28.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 1 BOOK 000000 16.47 001-42-5610 GRANT EXPENSE NON STOP HEAVY DUTY -SZ3 000000 447.72 001-42-5610 GRANT EXPENSE NON STOP HEAVY DUTY SZ1 000000 1/154992 001-42-5610 GRANT EXPENSE NON STOP HEAVY DUTY SZ1 000000 314.32 DEPARTMENT 42 LIBRARY TOTAL: 21207.59 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BURET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-18880 MARCOA PUBLISHING DALLA I-200909142147 001-46-5230 ADVERTISING DISPLAY AD 000000 2,390.00 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: 2,390.00 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 62 HEALTH BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET " VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION -------------------- CHECK# AMOUNT 99-12680 BAILEY ENVIRONMENTAL, C I-0809 001-62-5420 HEALTH SERVIC HEALTH INSPECTIONS 000000 2,200.00 I-0809 001-62-5420 HEALTH SERVIC HEALTH INSPECTIONS 000000 150.00 DEPARTMENT 62 HEALTH TOTAL: 2,350.00 ----------------------- FUND 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 15,292.06 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-B0900136 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE LEGAL SERVICES 08/09 000000 164.00 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 164.00 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-72216 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BOARD MEMB. NAME PLATES 000000 29.50 I-72216 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BOARD MEMB. NAME PLATES 000000 3.14 DEPARTMENT 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. TOTAL: 27.69 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUDr=.ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023905 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP GARDEN HOSE & DRILL BIT 000000 33.49 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-74985 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 99-08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-20441351 I-20447139 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97911 I-97912 I-98169 I-98340 I-98341 99-09820 DURABLE COMPONENT TECH, I-319654 9� 460 SUPREME PARTS WASHERS I-S16514 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP KEY CABINET & TAGS 000000 152.00 008-36-5245 JANITORIAL SU ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 29.60 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP WORKBENCH & TOOL STORAGE 000000 180.53 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP TOP TOOL BOX /TOOL STORAG 000000 257.54 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP BLOW GUN 000000 129.98 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP DRILL SET W/ CHARGER 000000 125.99 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP REPLACE SOCKETS/WRENCH 000000 190.46 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP WRENCH SETS 000000 235.98 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP REPLACEMENT SOCKET/WRENCH 000000 211.43 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP MAGNETIC HOOKS 000000 79.38 008-36-5345 LEASE/PURCHAS PARTS WASHER & MAINT 000000 75.00 DEPARTMENT 36 FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 11701.38 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 WATER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM H G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023907 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP COUPLING,PVC,PRIMER 000000 28.94 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-75019 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 99-07850 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-349936 I-349936 I-349936 I-349936 I-354317 99-14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES I-007995 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20678855 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V 2 KEYS 000000 20.00 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 125.70 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP REPAIR CLAMPS 000000 159.12 008-50-5358 STATER MAIN AP NIPPLES 000000 107.10 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP METER COUPLINGS 000000 151.20 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP 2" BRASS GATE VALVES 000000 460.20 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP REPAIR CLAMPS 000000 170.50 008-50-5110 REGULAR SALAR ALBERT 8/23 000000 608.80 008-50-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 363.88 DEPARTMENT 50 4TATER TOTAL: 2,195.44 ----------------------- 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 WASTE WATER COLLECTION BANK: SB99 BUPr-ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023984 008-52-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM MARKING PAINT 000000 5.49 99-07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-349937 008-52-5310 R & M BUILDIN GATE VALVE 000000 I-349937 008-52-5310 R & M BUILDIN FITTINGS 000000 DEPARTMENT 52 V]ASTE WATER COLLECTION TOTAL: 428.96 28.80 963.25 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 WASTE WATER TREATMENT BANK: SB99 BUnr'ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023900 008-54-5250 MINOR TOOLS BROOMS 000000 39.98 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 008-54-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 30.70 DEPARTMENT 54 WASTE WATER TREATMENT TOTAL: 70.68 9/14/2009 6:40 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 02592 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUPr=.ET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU ORANGE BLOSSOM SPRAY 000000 11.00 I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU PINK HAND SOAP 000000 9.70 I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU CENTER PULL TOWELS 000000 41.32 I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU 9" TOILET PAPER 000000 30.50 I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU MULTI FOLD WHITE 000000 30.50 I-238856 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU FC 000000 2.00 99-02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1442948-00 I-1443009-00 I-1443009-00 I-1443029-00 99-05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY I-09-5342 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-26728 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-3312469/8114057 9� 3690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-178787 L1>�iEyi•I��i� I-NP20678855 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST #10 TRAY CABLE 000000 600.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST H-TAP WR159 CONNECTOR 000000 35.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST SQUIRREL GUARDS 000000 375.00 00B-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST 15KV DOUBLESEAL CABLE 000000 42.16 008-58-5235 DUES & REGIST AUGUST MESSAGE FEES 000000 114.00 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V ANNUAL FIRE EXTING MAINT 000000 120.70 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEAN SUPPLIES 000000 170.68 00B-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V REAR BRAKE PADS/SEAL 000000 54.59 008-58-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/24 - 8/30 000000 132.31 DEPARTMENT 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 1,769.46 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 6,391.85 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 21,683.91 1 �M AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special ® Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Ej Yes Z Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By. September 21, 2009 Rose Chavez, Vicky Elieson, Rob Woods, and Joseph Iliff City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date — 5 V ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ® OTHER _Board & Commission Appointments AGENDA CAPTION Appoint persons to serve on the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board, Library Board, Parks Board, and Historic Preservation Commission FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ANON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Four city boards/commissions currently have vacant places. The following persons have been nominated to serve on them. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends appointing these individuals to the place on the board/commission indicated below. • Keep Sanger Beautiful Board - Place 9 (2009-2011): Penny Juarez • Library Board - Place 1 (2009-2011): Sonya Iliff • Parks Board - Place 2 (2008-2010): Mary Wise • Parks Board - Place 6 (2008-2010): James "Scott" Harp ® Historic Preservation Commission - Place 7 2009-2011 : JC Smith List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Board & Commission Applications Agencies: • None BOARD AND C4MMISSIUN APPLICATION NAME: Bannq Y C DATE: 0'—11'dD4 ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: 1j4 9� q � 7 CELL PHONE: EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (if retired, Indicate former occupation or pr ession) I 'fc PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COM ISSiON? S NO NEI IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD 4A BOARD 4B BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? ®Yes ❑ No i � Signature: ) L ILt �l Pt lG _ Date:UCT RET RN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger PO Box 1729 - 602 Elm Street Sanger, Texas 76266 This Information will become a public record. BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: Jo nq _ —' DATE: ADDRESS: �i1t Ijtt_C,t? S l S1 HOME PHONE: �� BUSINESS PHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: � OCCUPATION: (if retired, indicate former occupation or profession) PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD 4A BOARD 4B BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): �erY�ICCj �eaCl->zr, aVd recce-� 1 +b CtLN e0.1 ron Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? f1Zl Yes ❑ No a Signature: Date: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger PO Box 1729/201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 This Information will become a public record. I M. : I j\F {y BOARD AND COMMISSIC?N `APICATI01 s . 3 ,,;r; bATE� `� ;17 NAME: > ■ ® ,�/ f ., ;'`- . ;. -Fri:!"" J • ADDRESS: �/ c►, �h I %*% .�i0.: BUSINESS PHONE: ■ HOME PHONES ® CELL PHONE: :EMAIL:::: ® ® OCCUP A ION:.(If retie ,indicate for r ocuga#ion or.profession - ® ® 77 PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOA OiCOMMISSION? ` _.: YES. ;- NO.: : ` '' .''.::; ■ IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE:- V- {FA. /+.)off; C�l•o :L a r': ® ■ CAS PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE;BOARDICOMMISSiON YOU ARE INTERESTED ■ IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERFNCE::. ® BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.` = BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD ® LIBRARY BOARD • PARKS BOARD ■ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ® SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD ® 4A BOARD ■ 413 BOARD ® LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES THAT MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): / y JL-.RIP �=. ...i.-. _-tlt.:L•L.. •.� N 1. �l _ .-!_C_ vf� / _-�^--•;1'--"-' • ® `'y JJ �/ G, Vim-L t' �.•. . L..<.,.i-•.ter � ,�� ° 9Plo Do that attendance and active support is required for each appointee . ? (oYjes you understand ■ Signature:/ ? c t 1 ,�-v-�z J Date: 5'' v L_ _--- ® J RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ■ Office of the City Secretary ® City of Sanger PO Box 1729/201 Bolivar Street ® Sanger, Texas 76266 ® This information will become a public record. 10 BOARD AND COMMIS.SION'APPIGATI4N< ; NAME: ' bATE ADDRESS: -`3 rridea A it w HOME PHONE: BUSINESS;.PHONE:. :; CELL PHONE: _ EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, indicate former occupation or profess on) Le o PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES . IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: :.. - -1 -•. PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED N SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD Gainesville 1ledia �ementary ges Ids ion BQmmu AND Ulvilviloo Nr f`.. 7; N P. �. z r NAM E.�.,, ® Via. 'k5?¢`-:l•r'S?::>: ;:-�'ti YT' ADDRESS, " ®>:: r ® HOME PHONE; . EMAIL: :; " . `_ i A; P ,rh y 1 ! PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARDICOMMISSION? ; ;YES ! I ! IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: i` _ 1 -- ! PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF,PREFERENCE Tf, ! IN SERVING ON WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE-+ ! BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ! BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMIS ! KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD l �t� (A)l LIBRARY BOARD _ ! PARKS BOARD ! PLANNING AND ZONING COMMIT ! SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARC ! 4A BOARD _~ ! 4B BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSION, MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDTE FOR TJUE ABOVI g Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? o eYes o allo 4021 " ° `"'" RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ! Office of the Gity Secretary ! City of Sanger ! PO Box 1729/201 Bolivar Street ! Sanger, Texas 76266 I j This Information will become a public record. �.�a.®®__—-------------._. .. CITY UY SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE M Regular ❑ Special Ej Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes Not Applicable Yes U Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 21, 2009 Rose Chavez City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date �f ACTION REQUESTED: ®ORDINANCE ORD. 09-11-09 ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION 1. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-11-09 —Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010, Providing for the Appropriation of Funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2009, and Ending September 30, 20100 FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE []REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General $ Utility $ Special Ll$ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The Public Hearing on the budget was held at a previous meeting in accordance with LGC 102.00650 This is the final process in the adoption of the City's budget for fiscal year 2009/2010. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: 7 Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: - ORDINANCE NO. #09-11-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR OPPERATING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2009 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 PROVIDING FOR THE INTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENT AND FUND TRANSFERS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing on the budget for the City of Sanger, Texas, for the fiscal year 2009-2010 has been published in accordance with law; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time, that said budget be adopted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the budget presented by the City Council and reviewed during the public hearing is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 2009-2010. General Fund $ 4,835,345.88 Enterprise Fund $ 9,6349988.88 SECTION 2: That the City Manager or his designee is authorized to invest any funds not needed for current use, whether operating funds or bond funds, in United States Treasury bills, savings accounts or certificates of deposit. Accrued interest from such investments may be deposited in the General Fund, all of which investments shall be in accordance with the law. SECTION 3: That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to make intra and inter department fiend transfers during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid expenditure of a particular account. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this day day of September 2009. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Joe Higgs Mayor, City of Sanger CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ElExecutive ElPublic Hearing Reviewed by Legal Lj Yes X Not Applicable Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date. Submitted By: September 21, 2009 Rose Chavez City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials jeoo Date saq ACTION REQUESTED: ®ORDINANCE ORD 09-12-09 ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION L Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0942-09 — An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas Providing Levying the Ad Valorem Taxes for the year 2009. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P []BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR. PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR 5 TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General 7s Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM As required by the Local Government Code 102.006 the Budget must be adopted before the Tax Levy Ordinance can be passed. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: ORDINANCE NV. 09-12-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2009 AT A RATE OF $0.620000 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) ASSESSED VALUATION ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER AS OF JANUARY 19 20099 TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE CURRENT EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR AN INTEREST FUND FOR ALL OUTSTANDING DEBT OF THE PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES PAYMENT OF AND SINKING CITY OF SANGER; TOGETHER WITH A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS. SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied for the year 2009 on all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, and not exempt by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, a tax of $0.620000 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows: (a) For the purpose of defraying the current operations and maintenance expenditures of the municipal government of the City of Sanger, a tax of $0.430090 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value on all taxable property. (b) For the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal maturities of all outstanding debt of the City of Sanger, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $0.189910 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property within the City of Sanger, and shall be applied to the payment of interest and maturities of all such outstanding debt. SECTION 2. That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on October 1, 2009 and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent if not paid prior to February 1, 2010. There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to February 1, 2010. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by law, to wit: (a) A penalty of six percent on the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent, plus one percent for each additional month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1 of the year in which it becomes delinquent. (b) Provided, however, a tax delinquent on July 1, 2010 incurs a total penalty of twelve percent of the amount of delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the tax has been delinquent. A delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at the rate of one percent for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. Taxes for the year 2009 and taxes for all future years that become delinquent on or after February 1 but not later than May 1, that remain delinquent on July 1 of the year in which they become delinquent, incur an additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Section 6.30 and 33.07, as amended. Taxes for the year 2009 and taxes for all future years that remain delinquent on or after June 1 under Texas Property Tax Code Sections 26.07(f), 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032 or 31.04 incur an additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Code Section 6.30 and Section 33.08, as amended. SECTION 3. The City of Sanger has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Denton County which designates the Denton County Tax Assessor -Collector for City of Sanger and is hereby directed to collect the 2009 ad valorem taxes as hereby levied, and when such taxes are collected, to distribute said collection in accordance with the provisions stated in the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement. The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. SECTION 4. That the tax roll as presented to the City Council, together with any supplements thereto be, and the same are hereby, approved. SECTION S. That all ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. SECTION 6. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part thereof decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provided. DULY ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on Second and Final Reading on the day of September 2009. JOE HIGGS, MAYOR ATTEST: ROSALIE CHAVEZ, CITY SECRETARY D ERAS COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: September 21, 2009 Submitted By: Mike Brice City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: NORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0944-09 - Amending Article 8.800, Regulating Smoking and the Use of Tobacco Products in Certain Locations. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE ❑CI P []BUDGETED [:]NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Ordinance #09-I4-09 Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: ORDINANCE #09-14-09 THAT ARTICLE 8.800 "SMOKING" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; BY AMENDING ARTICLE 8.800 SMOKING; ALL SECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Article 8.800 of the Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 8.800 SMOKING AND USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS Sec.8.801 Purpose It is the goal of the city to provide all residents with a healthy and safe environment. The City Council is of the opinion that secondhand smoke is contrary to this goal because it affects those in proximity to a smoker in addition to the smoker. Further, it is the Council's opinion that the use of smokeless tobacco products in public areas creates sanitation and health concerns that are detrimental to the public. As a result it is hereby declared that the city intends to limit the use of tobacco products in certain locations. Sec.8.802 Prohibited The use of All Tobacco Products or carrying of a lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette or any other type of smoking paraphernalia or material is prohibited in the areas indicated in this article. Sec. 8.803 In this article: Definitions Administrative Area. The area of an establishment not genei•aliy accessible to the public, including, but not limited to individual offices, stockrooms, and employee lounges, or meeting rooms. All Tobacco Products. Includes cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff and any other type of tobacco product. Director. The person designated by the City Manager to enforce and administer this article or the person's designated representative. Food Service Establishment. Any fixed or mobile restaurant, coffee shop, cafeteria, short order cafe, luncheonette, grill, tea room, sandwich shop, soda fountain, confectionery, ice cream store, refreshment stand, fruit stand, country club, catering service, industrial feeding establishment, convenience store or grocery store, where food or drink is prepared for sale or for service on the premises or elsewhere; any other establishment where food or drink is prepared for sale or for eating or drinking; or, an establishment or operation where food or drink is served or provided for the public, with or without charge. Outdoor Public Facility. Includes sports facilities, public parks and any other outdoor facilities owned or operated by the City of Sanger. Public Service Area. Any area to which the general public routinely has access for municipal services or which is designated a public service area in a written policy prepared in compliance with this article. Sign. The official placard designating an area or facility where smoking is prohibited, and which conforms to the following format, to wit: (1) "No smoking or use of tobacco products permitted —City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Article 8.800, Violators fined up to $500"; (2) The universal symbol for no smoking or tobacco use; or (3) Any other language indicating that the area marked is designated as a non tobacco use area. All signs must be of sufficient size to accommodate the message contained therein in letters at least one inch in height. Smoking. Burning of tobacco, weed or other plant product in any form. Sec. 8.804 Public Areas (a) A person commits an offense if he smokes or possesses a burning tobacco, weed or other plant product or uses any tobacco product in any of the following areas, to wit: (1) Inside a public library or museum; (2) Any public building owned, managed or operated by the City of Sanger. (3) Inside any food service establishment serving the general public. (4) In any City owned vehicle. (b) The owner or person in control of an establishment or an area designated in subsection (a) of this section shall post a conspicuous sign at the main entrance to the establishment which shall contain the words, "No Smoking or use of tobacco products permitted. City of Sanger Code of Ordinances, Article 8.800. Violations Fined Up to $500." (c) It shall be a defense to prosecution under this article that the public place in which the offense takes place does not have prominently displayed a reasonably -sized sign stating that smoking is prohibited and that an offense is punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). Sec.8.805 Exceptions The following areas are excepted from the provisions of this article: (1) An administrative area within the workplace. (2) Meeting and assembly areas, and rooms while in use for private social functions. (3) Designated outdoor smoking areas at public facilities as designated by the Director. Sec. 8.806 No Smoking Signs The director is authorized to order the posting of "no smoking or use of tobacco products permitted" signs in a conspicuous location in each structure or locations in which smoking is prohibited. The content, lettering, size, color and location of required "no smoking or use of tobacco products permitted" signs shall be approved by the director. Sec. 8.807 Same —Removal Prohibited A posted "no smoking or use of tobacco products permitted" sign shall not be obscured, removed, defaced, mutilated or destroyed. Sec.8.808 Same —Compliance Smoking or use of any tobacco product shall not be permitted nor shall a person smoke, throw or deposit any lighted or smoldering substance in any place where "no smoking or use of tobacco products permitted" signs are posted. 8.809 Outdoor Public Facilities The use of all Tobacco Products is prohibited in ail outdoor public facilities owned or operated by the City of Sanger except in parking lots and other designated areas. 8.810 Penalties (a) A person who violates a provision of this article is guilty of a separate offense for each day or part of a day during which the violation is committed, continued or permitted. Each offense upon conviction is punishable by a fine as set found in Section 1.109 of this code. forth in the general penalty provision Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance A any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage, and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide PASSED AND APPROVED this _day of , 2009 by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. APPROVED: Joe Higgs, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary �000dorO0000Z=000n D� M-,'Om(�� CUDDp�DOO�pnc�000= w cccWXZZWCOZpnc* m a u o u o -I -1 y D Emmil 00 N)immmX�pG�c�mZ W�-ZlmcNn V �D�rUOwzznrmmugmr ( m 0 0� N0 O�' N 0 N �0 W N�kww'�Cio� w-< � O V H O 0) p N W N N �i OD OD N OD co v OQ V W O m(en N.NP OOv W W (0 O O 00000000000000000 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111111111111111110 00000002200000000 O O r •A W.t�.P W W W NN-�����-� N N (O -� O A -� W �I N •-� 'J Ut .A W -� O � OO W wOZ OOO G��t p 00 b 0 K KZ 000 O O N N O O O N r N N -� O v •P •A m O .P A Ui O O U7 (n Ut cn can (O .� 0 0 0 %0 0 0 %0 %0 %0 %0� o %0 %0 0 G. r r W O 0 Ct Cl) m m 69 Wton fo W N to tw 4 0 � tfi W N O) � w (iJi tD CO CO OD (n N V Ul P = P O O Cn OD OD w U1 N •,O? 000 W 0 0) O N 4 G� O ONO W N W (WO 00 � N Vp 'Cn MA X (D N Ms rr N Q. 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Some of the activities that were done in preparation: installed the client version of the software; cleaned up book and patron data; extracted book data and uploaded it to the server; evaluated the test load and edited the mapping documents to fine tune the conversion; practiced circulation and searching on a demo version; and downloaded and printed some of the documentation. ADMII�IISTRATION: Two new volunteers have begun to work. One is indexing births, deaths and marriages in historical copies of the Sanger Courier. The other will help with circulation and cataloging. Clerk Karen Van Patten quit because she has moved too far away to commute easily. Conducted a performance evaluation of a library clerk. Meetings attended: North Texas Library Consortium Meeting, 8/6, Saginaw North Texas Library Consortium Meeting (conference call) 8/11, 8/14, 8/20, 8/27 Library Board & Friends of the Library, 8/11 Denton County Library Advisory Board, 8/20, Denton CIRCULATION: Put together afresh packet of DVDs to circulate between five small libraries in Denton County. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Assembled new office chairs funded by the Tooker grant. These heavy-duty chairs should withstand years of use. PROGRAMS: No Storytimes are presented in August. Final Gaming Tournament of the season was held on the second weekend. Eight people attended on Friday night, 11 kids and 3 adults on Saturday morning and 11 teenagers on Saturday afternoon. Needlework Workshops were held on August 1 and August 15. A Jewelry Making class was held on August 22 and a Scrapbooking workshop on August 30. AUGUST 2009 STATISTICS 2008 2009 BORROWER CARDS Last Month 3885 3918 New Cards 62 53 Cards withdrawn 0 3 Cards reactivated 17 10 TOTAL 3964 3978 CIRCULATION Nonfiction 415 455 Fiction 801 846 Junior Fiction 190 259 Children's Books 420 645 Leased Books 176 182 Interlibrary Loan 15 29 Spanish Materials 10 5 Audio Books 89 144 Music CDs 32 67 Video Materials 633 846 Equipment 0 23 TOTAL CIRCULATION 2781 3501 INTERNET USERS 918 1165 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 1 3 Children Attending 41 30 Adults Attending 24 3 Other Programs 6 4 Number Attending 52 31 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 7 9 Number of Juniors 2 6 Number of Hours 65 90 COLLECTION Books 15305 15487 Leased Books 179 184 Paperback Fiction 2603 2513 Audio Books 590 608 Music CDs 408 388 CD-ROM 200 197 Videocassettes 915 905 DVD 602 589 Microfilm 75 79 Equipment 4 4 TOTAL COLLECTION 20781 20954 REVENUE Fines $187.35 $242.90 Copies $84.00 $117.95 ILL Postage $22.69 $45.07 New Cards $0.50 $2.50 Lost Materials $15.99 $30.91 TOTAL $310.53 $439.33 Sanger Library Book Sale By Lynne S. Smiland The Friends of the Library, Sanger Public Library's volunteer advocacy and support organization, will hold its annual used book and movie sale Sat- urday, September 12, in conjunction with the 31 st annual Sanger Sellabration. The sale will last from S a.m. until 4 p.m. All children's books, movies, and audio books will be sold in the gazebo in the town square, while all other items will be located in the meeting room of the library at 501 Bolivar. Children's items will primarily be 50 cents, with a few items priced as marked. For adults, paperbacks will be priced at 25 cents or 5 for $1, and hardbacks $1. DVD's and VHS tapes, as well as audio books, will also be $1. In the library meeting room, brown paper grocery bags can be filled with books for only $5. At noon, all items will be marked down to half price. When the sale closes, teachers (including homeschoolers) will be able to select items for free. Then at 4:30 the public is invited to choose free books as well. The Friends of the Library uses the book sale as its annual fund raiser. The Friends support library activities, such as providing prizes or special per. formers for the Summer Reading Program, and purchasing special items for the library, such as the LED projector and the revolving paperback towers. Their support allows the library to improve and extend its services to the comMunity. Volunteers also help represent the library at events such as the annual North Texas Book Festival in Denton, and assist with special activities at the library such as the re-barcoding project earlier this year. Information on joining the Friends will be available at the book sale. MEMO To: Mike Brice From: Vicky Elieson, Library Director Date: August 31I 2009 Re: Office Chairs The Library has two chairs that have been in use in the public computer room. Their frames are bent and they are not useable. The wheels will be salvaged and the chairs will be discarded in the trash since they are no longer useable for anyone. 10:18 AM Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce 09/01/09 Profit & Loss Accrual Basis January 1 through September 1, 2009 Jan 1 - Sep 1, 09 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Annual Banquet & Auction 2,610.00 Hotel / Motel Tax 11767,28 Membership Dues 22,200,00 Misc 189.57 Rabies Clinic 723.00 Sellabration 81910,00 Sellabration Street 5k entries 104.00 Total Income 36,503685 Expense Advertising 275.00 Anderson Spector & Company,PC 235.00 Awards & Membership Banquet 41453040 Building Repairs 178.00 Insurance Building Insurance 648.04 Worker Compensation Insurance 188.00 Total Insurance 836.04 IRS TAX RETURN 11175,82 Miscellaneous Flowers & Gifts 131.50 Helium Tank Rental 45.00 Membership Decals 377.29 Total Miscellaneous 553.79 Mixer Expense 150.00 Office Cleaning Window Cleaning 121.75 Total Office Cleaning 121.75 Office Expense Bulk Rate Permit 180.00 Copier Lease 800.00 Phone 11771,43 Postage 355.55 Printer-Ink/Toner 196.99 Supplies 351.82 Total Office Expense 3,655.79 Payroll Taxes Quarterly Payroll Taxes 11217,28 Weekly Payroll Taxes 68.85 Payroll Taxes - Other 734.40 Total Payroll Taxes 2,020.53 Property Taxes 21412013 Sanger Education Foundation 29000.00 Sellabration Expense 59.07 Utilities Electric & Water 1,050.36 Gas 262A 8 Total Utilities 11312,54 Website 310.40 60, Payroll Wage Expense 10,500,00 Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income CoSery Capital Credit Refund Uncategorized Income 30,249.26 6254.59 , ,r�><Er•3 Page 1 10:18 AM 09/01/09 Accrual Basis Sanger Area Chamber of Commerce Profit & Loss January 1 through September 1, 2009 Cash Box Change Uncategorized Income - Other Total Uncategorized Income Total Other Income Other Expense Cash Box Change Total Other Expense Net Other Income ►� ►R.TTiit! Jan 1 -Sep 1, 09 600.00 192,00 792,00 792,78 600,00 600,00 192,78 6,447.37 Page 2