09/08/2009-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 7*00 PM 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 17, 2009 -- Work Session August 17, 2009 -- City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Amended Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Denton County, Texas, and the City of Sanger, Texas Regarding View Road Construction d) Approve Development Agreement with Skiles Property Trust for Construction of View Road Extension 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Presentation of 2009 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence. 6. Conduct Public Hearing on Fiscal Year Budget 2009/2010; Providing for the Appropriation of Funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures. 7. Conduct Public Hearing on a Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop Within a B-2 Business District 2 on Property Legally Described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0943-09 -Request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service ood &Beverage Shop Within a B-2 Business District 2 on Property Legally Described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, Located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. 9. Information Items: a) Memo Regarding new State Mandated Holiday for Police and Fire. b) Articles from TML Regarding Water Fees and Graffiti Removal. 10. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible, to the general Dublic at allImes, and said notice was posted on the following date and time: ( Q ,(,(Qj,(S'� at ,� �j� p.m. and shall remain posted eting iS' adyoyxned. Rosalie Chavez, City Secrelitry � `, •' �;• '' `� �; City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from /',,the r #' %1 ,.ulletin board on at This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MIN U ES: CITY COUNCIL August 17, 2009 WORK SESSION MINUTES PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Rob Woods City Engineer 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. Capital Improvement Update and Discussion. The City Manager continued with a Power Point presentation on the 2006 Capital Improvement Update as follows. • Resurface Bolivar from 2nd to Railroad tracks. • Resurface Wayne & Jackilu from 1st to 2nd • Resurface 1st from Wayne to Jackilu • Resurface Pecan from 2nd to 5th • Resurface 3rd from Elm to 455 • Resurface Plum from 1st to 2nd &'/z block West • Resurface 1st Street from Plum to 455 • Discussion continued concerning these improvements. The 2006 CIP Utilities and Drainage improvements were as follows: • Bridal Path Interceptor Line • Sewer line extension North from Lois & Int. 35 (partial) • 5th Street Sewer Improvements • Drainage from 3rd & Jackilu North then East to 2nd • Discussion concerning the undersize culverts, cleaning the ditches, and the problem with drainage The City Manager indicated the City has accumulated earned interest of about $600,000 on the 2006 CIP bond funds. The requirements on spending these funds are they have to be used for similar type projects. There are two utility projects he would like to do with the remainder of the funds. The construction of the Bridal Path Interceptor line and to partially fund the reconstruction and extension of the wastewater lines north along the north bound M35 service road. This will replace the undersized line coming back into town and will eliminate the lift station behind Miguelitws and upsize the 6" line to a 24" line north to Lois Road allowing for future growth on both sides of the Interstate. The southern interceptor line will tie in on the service road and go underneath the railroad tracks and tie into the 21 inch line on the other side of the railroad tracks. This is a needed improvement for future development. The other improvement, as part of the settlement agreement of the Wal-Mart and Wolski lawsuit, is to extend water and sewer lines up to View Road. This improvement is estimated to cost about two hundred thousand dollars. It will partially be funded from the 2006 bond funds, and 4A has committed to participate on half the cost up to $100,000. The City Manager advised that he is trying not to utilize the wastewater capital improvement funds. He would like to target those funds for the new sewer plant. The City Manager proceeded with a discussion concerning the 2007 CIP projects as follows: • City Hall drainage, lighting and parking. The new street lights were installed to match the downtown street lights. There will be some improvements to help with the drainage problem and repaving on 6' street to allow for some off-street parking. • Fleet Maintenance building yard and improvements • Water storage yard with sheds that will be South of their new building • Public Works parking, resurface the parking between the Fire Station and Public Works • Camera system for Public Works, Electric, and Water buildings and a system on the Parks building • Sports Park maintenance building - City Manager anticipates we will have additional funds from this bond issue to build the maintenance building • Quail Run pavilions, two smaller pavilions to be built that will have metal roofs • Rebuild the well houses, several well houses that need new roofs. The City Manager addressed the pool issues. The pool needs some reconstruction work. He asked the Council if they would like to make the necessary repairs or possibly look at having a Splash Park. The estimate to replace the pumps and filters at the pool is $28,500. If we consider investing more monies into the pool for repairs, we also need to put in the ultra -violet filtration system. This cost is another $18,500. If we build a new Splash Park in its place it will cost about $150,000. It is more expensive for the Splash Park; however, it has advantages. It is more appealing to children. The risk of anyone drowning is eliminated. Discussion continued on the operation cost of the pool and the revenues that are generated. The last three years the revenues have been consistent at about $7500.00. The operating loss is $43,000 a year and this figure has been consistent every year. The City is not in the business to make money from the pool operations, but we are losing money in maintenance and repairs. If we replace the pool with the Splash Park, the City will save about $23,000 a year. Discussion continued concerning the liability issues in having a pool. The City Manager also discussed entry fee to the Splash Parking could be free. He indicated that this is the time for Council to decide the direction they want to take concerning the pool. Councilman Patton indicated he would like some more viable alternatives. He personally prefers to have a pool. He would like to see more possibilities. The City Manager indicated this covers the 2006 and 2007 CIP Improvements and moved with a discussion on the funding some CIP projects from the Water Capital Reserve Fund. The fund currently has over $900,000. They are proposing two projects with these funds. One is replacing the water line on Bolivar Street from the Service Road to 5th Street. This line is in major need of repairs and is causing problems. The estimated cost for repair is estimated at $130,000. This is a main line that serves the downtown area and comes from the Acker water tower under the Interstate. This will allow the capability to tie into the 8 inch line on loth Street and the 8 inch line on 5th Street. The other improvement is to bring a 20 inch water line down Lois Road from the water tower to the service road then take a 12 inch line north to View Road. This is another improvement indicated in the Wolski settlement agreement. The cost for this project is an estimated $440,000. The City Manager advised that Council has to approve the expenditures from the Water Capital Reserve Fund. These two projects will be on the Council agenda in September. Discussion continued. The City Manager discussed the proposed projects for the 2009 CIP bond issue. There is about $8009000 to be used on City CIP Projects which are as follows: • Resurface Plum from 5th to 10th Street • Resurface 8th from Plum to 455 • Drainage 4th & Locust • Drainage Sims & Willow • Drainage loth & Bolivar • Drainage 6th from Bolivar to Cherry, then East to 5th • Various ditch cleaning and widening The discussion continued concerning the improvements. Mayor Higgs asked about the possibility of cleaning the ditch at Rising Star. This has been a problem in the past and it will continue each time there is a heavy rain. The City Manager continued with the improvements budgeted for 2009/2010 budget. • Cowling Road (InterlOva l with County) The City Manager advised the problem with the road is that the base. This road is a priority to repair. • Cowling Road sewer line. If this project for the road improvement is done, they would like to lay an interceptor line from the top lift station from Quail Run down to the bottom lift station and do away with the top lift station. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 4. Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the meeting. MINUTES: CITY COUNCH. MINUTES August 17, 2009 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Russell Martin Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Robert Patton OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Rob Woods City Engineer 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Patton led the invocation, followed by Councilman Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues brought up during this section. Ed Doub, 1023 Porter Place in Sanger, addressed the Council concerning the homes that are getting built in his subdivision. Mr. Doub indicated he spoke to the City Manager and to the building department concerning this issue. Apparently, the association has covenants and restrictions on the type and size of homes that are built in their subdivision. He has been told that the City does not have jurisdiction over enforcing the covenants. Currently, there is a builder who is building homes that are not in conformance with their covenants and restrictions. He indicated that the City should have some responsibility in controlling the type of homes that get built in their subdivision by not accepting the plans. At least, give the association control committee the opportunity to review the plans before a building permit is issued. He does not want to see the homes that are getting built in the subdivision not conform to the standards set by the association. This will make all the neighborhoods comply with association requirements. This is not a difficult process if the City can help to control the development in this subdivision. Their only alternative is that the association sue the builder. There is one home built and another one is in the process. He hopes that the Council will help in keeping the homes in their subdivision consistent. John Stenzel, 1025 Porter Place in Sanger, also addressed the Council concerning the same issue. He indicated the reason he bought his home in that neighborhood was for the reason that they had their covenants and restrictions registered in the County. He indicated that the homes that are built in the subdivision are smaller with flat roofs. It does not conform to the scheme of homes in their neighborhood and does not help with the value of their homes. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 3, 2009 -- Work Session August 3, 2009 -- City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Interposal Cooperation Agreement between Denton County, Texas and the City of Sanger, Texas Regarding View Road Construction. d) Consideration and Approval of Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. Scope of Services Covering the Development of the City of Sanger Sports Complex. Councilman Muir asked if they could discuss item (d). He asked if this would be on the agenda for discussion on the meeting scheduled with the Parks Board and the 4B board. The City Manager indicated that Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc. will be at the meeting to discuss their scope of services to the members. He indicated that he researched some architectural firms that specialized on these types of development. They have done several parks for Lewisville. One benefit is that they also have done a lot of work for various small cities. The partners in the firm have been in this type of business for 21 years. A discussion continued concerning their base fees. Councilman Muir noted a correction to the regular minutes, on #5, the last paragraph by adding the following to the motion: Seconded by Councilman Martin. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve the minutes with the correction as presented. Seconded by Councilman Martin. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Approve Resolution 44R08-11-09 -Nominating a Representative to the 911 District Board of Managers. The City Manager advised there were two nominations to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District, Olive Stephens and Bob Radder. Motion was made to appoint Olive Stephens as the representative to the 911 District. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Adopting Ordinance #0840-09 Amending Article 4.000 Of Appendix A "Fee Schedule" "Utility Related Fees" of the Code of Ordinances. The City Manager addressed the proposed fee schedule. He discussed paragraph (c) on page 50 concerning multi -family dwellings. There was some wording that was added that made it the responsibility of the owner to notify the city by the 20th of each month on how many units were occupied. If the City is not notified by the owner by the 20th of each month then highest count in the last twelve months will be used to calculate the bill. This language is also added for the manufactured home parks. The language can then be codified into the code. Councilman Ervin indicated he has a problem with this change. He did not understand that if a customer uses so much water out of one meter then why are they charge differently for the sewer service. The City Manager explained that if a business has one master meter and has multiple units they are charged for each unit. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like the City to bill differently than this method of calculating. Councilman Garza indicated this is a concern. Councilman Ervin asked if we could simplify the process by billing of the one meter for water and service and establishing one rate. The discussion continued concerning the process of billing multi -units. The City Manager was given direction to check into this further and possibly come up with a better method for calculating bills for multi -unit dwellings. The Council discussed that they need to proceed with approving the ordinance and then allow staff to bring back some alternatives. Councilman Garza indicated he was not in support of raising the rates for the same reason he had mentioned at a previous meeting. Councilman Muir made some suggestions on the wording on page 45. It seems those rates were redundant and asked if this could possibly be simplified. The City Manager indicated he would make sure that when he brings it back that this section will be modified. Councilman Ervin also inquired on the sanitation charges for the multi -units. The City Manager was not sure on the method of how the rate is calculated. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to adopt Ordinance # 0840-09 amending Article 4.000 of Appendix A "Fee Schedule" "Utility Related Fees" of the Code of Ordinances. Seconded by Councilman Martin. Motion carried 44. Voted for: Councilman Muir, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Martin, Councilman Patton, Voted Against: Councilman Garza 7. Consider and Approve the Purchase by the Sanger 4A Economic Development Corporation of Approximately .905 Acres Described as Tract 151A of the R. Bebee Survey, Old DCAD Sheet 4, Tract 20, for Economic Development Purposes. Authorize the City Manager to take the Necessary Steps to Purchase the Property and Sign the Closing Documents. The City Manager advised he was approached by a representative of Ampco on purchasing a piece of property that is less than an acre. He took it to the 4A board and the members all agreed this would benefit the We Package It property that they recently purchased for economic development. The City Council has to approve any action that is taken by the 4A board. The 4A will own the property. The final offer on the property was $15,300 and the 4A approved up to $16,500, Motion was made by Councilman Garza to approve the purchase by the Sanger 4A Economic Development Corporation of approximately .905 acres described as Tract 151A of the R.Bebee Survey, for economic development purposes, and authorize the City Manager to take necessary steps to purchase the property and sign closing documents. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Information Items: a) Library Monthly Report 10. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the meeting. 8/07/2009 2:44 PM PACKET: 02522 FU VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 18430 FIRST UNITED BANK I-200908072035 AEP JULY 09 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT R 8/07/2009 452,440.B2CR 040220 4521440w82. * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 1 0400 452,440.82 452,440.82 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0900 0000 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0600 0000 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0400 0600 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0000 CORRECTIONS: 0 0000 0.00 0200 REGISTER TOTALS: 1 0000 452,440*82 452,440*82 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 8/07/2009 3:02 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 19240 BANKERS CREDIT CARD SERVICE I-200908072028 DL RECORDS R 8/07/2009 331.84CR 040221 331.84 00430 EDDIE BRANHAM I-200908072029 REIMB FOR MEALS JULY 29 R 8/07/2009 5.94CR 040222 5.94 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200908072031 CITY UT 6/19 - 7/20/09 R 8/07/2009 451121.19CR 040223 45,121.19 00800 COSERV ELECTRIC I-200908072025 ELECT SERVICE 6/16 - 7/16 R 8/07/2009 945.02CR 040224 945.02 00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, INC. I-10023629 CLR,LQ CMT COTTA R 8/07/2009 5.49CR 040225 I-10023756 LANDSCAPE MAINT D-TOWN R 8/07/2009 ll6.59CR 040225 I-10023773 WATER HOSE / RAT TRAPS R 8/07/2009 26.26CR 040225 I-10023795 REPAIR TOILET -MENS ROOM R 8/07/2009 2.99CR 040225 I-200908072033 PAST DUE BALANCE R 8/07/2009 765903CR 040225 916.36 18190 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCE I-9060893T LONG DISTANCE JUNE 09 R 8/07/2009 74.6BCR 040226 74.68 '80 HCSB I-0809 2004096 #57 R 8/07/2009 736.00CR 040227 736.00 05510 IESI I-0809 JULY 09 R 8/07/2009 431259.95CR 040228 43,259995 17090 JEREMY SEESE 1-200908072032 CPR R 8/07/2009 30.00CR 040229 30.00 , 1 JULIE PRICE I-200908072026 POOL PARTY DEPOSIT R 8/07/2009 75900CR 040230 75.00 01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-176744 REEL TAP,UT HOSE,SHUTOFF R 8/07/2009 114.01CR 040231 114.01 08060 RANELL QUAM I-200908072030 BATTERIES R 8/07/2009 11.56CR 040232 11.56 1 REBECCA SMART I-200908072027 POOL PARTY DEPOS R 8/07/2009 75.00CR 040233 75.00 8/07/2009 3:02 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 13380 SANGER BANK I-0809 07071866 00055 #49 R 8/07/2009 I-0809- 07071866 00065 #49 R 8/07/2009 16480 STATE FIREMANS & FIRE MARSHALS' ASSOC. OF TEXAS C-080709 STATE FIREMANS & FIRE MARSHALS R 8/07/2009 I-200907211970 CERTIFICATIONS R 8/07/2009 1 WILLIAM STEVENS I-200908072034 CC DEPOSIT REF R 8/07/2009 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 1,542.07CR 040234 1,120.04CR 040234 2662.11 10.00 040235 170.00CR 040235 160.00 100.00CR 040236 100.00 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 16 0.00 94,618,66 94,618.66 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0.00 94,618.66 99,618.66 8/19/2009 2:24 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02515 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB—ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 19970 ACE AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING I-15766 REPAIRS 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-334918 500' ROLL SERVICE TUBING I-345027 REPLACE STOCK ITEMS 15890 ALL AMERICAN SURVEYING I-13169C EAGLES FARMS/PLOTTING I-13169D EAGLES FARMS/PLOTTING 18100 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERVICES I-4406 WARRANT COLLECTION 00270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL ON MILAM RD, P.C. I-108717 VET SERVICE JULY09 20410 CARE NOW CORPORATE I-829690 D/S STANDARD 10 PANEL 11670 CHEM—SERV, INC I-071738 EVAPORATOR CLEANER � J90 CITY OF DENTON I-200908192050 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST 08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2335698-0 COPY PAPER I-2337824-0 COPY PAPER,TONER,BOXES 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-71842 LETTERHEAD — COURT 03800 DEMCO I-3618242 TAPE,CARDS,SCISSORS 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL — CHARGED SALES I-103092 CUPS,TEA,COFFEE,SUGAR,CRE I-103103 DETERGENT 06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER I-242417 FERTILIZER CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# R 8/19/2009 169.SOCR 090245 R 8/19/2009 150.00CR 040246 R 8/19/2009 21096.87CR 040246 R 8/19/2009 B4OOO.00CR 090247 R 8/19/2009 400aOOCR 040247 R 6/19/2009 587.19CR 040298 R 8/19/2009 330.SOCR 040299 R 8/19/2009 225.00CR 090250 R 8/19/2009 111.85CR 040251 R 8/19/2009 180600CR 040252 R 6/19/2009 199.40CR 040253 R 6/19/2009 84.67CR 040253 R 8/19/2009 147.94CR 040254 R 8/19/2009 58.11CR 040255 R 8/19/2009 99.00CR 040256 R 8/19/2009 20.00CR 040256 R 8/19/2009 75.00CR 040257 PAGE: 1 CHECK AMOUNT 169.50 2,296.87 8,900.00 587.19 330.50 225.00 111.85 180.00 284.07 147.94 58.11 119.00 75.00 8/19/2009 2:29 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02515 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 SANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 03170 ESS/FUTURE EQUIPMENT, INC. I-G72183 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER 20710 CHERYL HAZS4LWOOD-ESTES I-474 COMPLETE DEBT SERVICE FUN 08400 FRANKLIN LEGAL PUBLISHING I-2001496,2001652 CD-DILLARD,UPDATE ORDINAN 18790 FUELMAN I-200908192047 FUEL 8/10 - 8/16 I-NP20135815 FUEL 7/20 - 7/26/09 I-NP20302110 FUEL 7/27 - B/2/09 I-NP20913562 FUEL 8/3 - 8/9 I-NP20507184 FUEL B/10 - B/16 1451J RONDEY GARRETT I-200908192099 REIMB FOR BLEACH 20910 BRIAN GILMORE I-200908192048 MOVIING 70 HEWLETT-PACKARD I-46306555 HP DESIGN PLOTTER 14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC I-007895 KENNEDY 7/26/09 I-007896 ALBERT 7/26/09 I-200908102037 PERSONNEL SERVICES O5510 IESI I-9309717 R/0 RENTAL JULY 09 20220 INGRAM I-44775620 17 BOOKS I-44775621; 20 BOOKS I-49843268 17 BOOKS 09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-96675 AIR NIBBLER, CIRCUIT TESTS I-96676 AIR NIBBLER, CIRCUIT TESTS I-96939 OBD11 PROGRAM UPDATE I-96990 ENGINE SUPPORT BRACKET I-97163 VIDEO SNAKE VIEWER I-97164 CHARGER FOR REFRIG MACHIN CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R B/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 6/19/2009 R B/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 6/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 6/19/2009 PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 946.37CR 040258 446.37 1,539.69CR 040259 1,539.69 2,370.00CR 040260 2,370.00 1,895.38CR 090261 2,185.29CR 090261 1,395.89CR 090261 1,531.12CR 040261 129.29CR 040261 7,136.92 2.83CR 040262 2.83 695.00CR 090263 695.00 6,641.00CR 040264 6,641.00 565.50CR 040265 606.80CR 040265 1,186.80CR 040265 2,363.10 93.69CR 090266 93.69 137.09CR 040267 13.B1CR 040267 92.13CR 040267 243.03 210.99CR 040268 210.99CR 040268 1,199.99CR 040268 243.98CR 040268 499.99CR 040268 259.97CR 040268 2,620.91 8/19/2009 2:24 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02515 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 01380 KARL-KLEMENT FORD, INC. I-208456 FUEL TUBE & PUMP ASSEM I-208574 FUEL TUBE & PUMP ASSEM I-210862 VALVE ASSEM & HOSES I-211264/211017 VALVE ASSEM & HOSES 08210 KWIK KAR I-2616522 STATE INSPECTION I-2616650 INSPECTION I-2616829/2616203 STATE INSPECTION 1 LEILANI SCHAFFER I-200908192043 POOL PARTY DE 19930 LONE STAR TINT & ACCESSORIES I-1201 WINDOW TINT I-1202 WINDOW TINTING I-1203 WINDOW TINT UNIT# 19-58 CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R B/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 R 8/19/2009 CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# 266.63CR 040269 26.20CR 040269 214.36CR 040269 214.04CR 040269 39.75CR 040270 39.75CR 040270 79.SOCR 040270 75.00CR 040271 250.00CR 040272 240.00CR 040272 100.00CR 040272 PAGE: 3 CHECK AMOUNT 721.23 159.00 75.00 590.00 11600 LUGIE'S ELECTRIC WORK I-153 REPAIR SPARKING OUTLET R 8/19/2009 100.000R 040273 100.00 ',0 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-512870 INSPECT,FUEL LINE,ARM RES R 8/19/2009 13.24CR 040274 I-512945 INSPECT,FUEL LINE,ARM RES R 8/19/2009 61.06CR 040274 I-512973 FAN RELAY UNIT 09-20 R 8/19/2009 7.70CR 040274 I-512986 INSPECT,FUEL LINE,ARM RES R 8/19/2009 709.64CR 040274 I-CVCS488904 INSPECT,FUEL LINE,ARM RES R 8/19/2009 39.75CR 040274 I-CVCS489704 REPAIRS UNIT 01-20 R 8/19/2009 218.88CR 040274 11050.27 15060 MITCHELLI , I-3841793 SYSTEM UPGRADE R 8/19/2009 3,596.00CR 090275 3,596.00 O1800 MUIR AGENCY, INC. I-90677 NOTARY BOND - N. VARNER R B/19/2009 71.00CR 040276 71.00 19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-172925 HYD FLUID, PUMP FOR SHOP E R 8/19/2009 177.58CR 040277 I-172451 FUEL FILTERS,FUSES,SPARK R 8/19/2009 172.08CR 040277 I-172623 FUEL FILTERS,FUSES,SPARK R 8/19/2009 256429CR 040277 I-172663 STOCK ORDER WHEEL WEIGHTS R 8/19/2009 226.07CR 040277 I-172960 FUSES,SPARK PLUGS,WIRES R 8/19/2009 6.70CR 040277 I-173230 FUSES,SPARK PLUGS,WIRES R 8/19/2009 106.64CR 040277 I-175742 HYD FLUID,PUMP FOR SHOP F R 8/19/2009 115.79CR 040277 I-175968 AIR FILTERS R 8/19/2009 91.96CR 040277 I-175993 OIL FILTERS,HUB ASSEM,HYD R 8/19/2009 21.12CR 040277 I-176003 OIL FILTERS,HUB ASSEM,HYD R 8/19/2009 272.77CR 040277 I-176017 OIL FILTERS,HUB ASSEM,HYD R 8/19/2009 289.75CR 040277 I-176017/17,5992 OIL FILTERS,HUB ASSEM,HYD R 8/19/2009 317.48CR 040277 2,054.23 8/19/2009 2:24 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02515 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 20870 NORTH TEXAS LADDER TECHS I-0709 8 LADDER TEST R 8/19/2009 410.00CR 040278 410.00 19200 PATH MARK TRAFFIC PRODUCTS OF TEXAS,INC. I-0059241-IN 9" ST NAME SIGN 2 SIDED R 8/19/2009 3,620.1OCR 040279 I-0059242-IN 7 STREET SIGNS R 8/19/2009 230w37CR 040279 3,850.47 12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-P47467 FLEX ROD FOR STICK EDGER R 8/19/2009 135.57CR 040280 135.57 17260 QUEST CARE I-0709 JULY DUES R 8/19/2009 500.0OCR 040281 500.00 02140 RADIO SHACK I-10036525 ANTENNA END,WIRE R 8/19/2009 48.98CR 040282 I-10036706 ANTENNA END,WIRE R 8/19/2009 48.98CR 040282 I-10036882 ANTENNA END,WIRE R 8/19/2009 53.68CR 040282 151.64 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-236895 160Z MOP HEAD R 8/19/2009 28.00CR 040283 28.00 11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-14864312 COPIER R 8/19/2009 227.71CR 040284 227.71 02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-8395 LABOR, WIRE R 8/19/2009 250.80CR 040285 250.80 02300 SANGER COURIER: LEMONS NEWSPAPERS, INC. I-11498 LEGAL NOTICE/SPORTS PAGE R 8/19/2009 80.00CR 040286 80.00 1 SARAH DUKE I-200908192045 POOL PARY DEPOSIT R R 8/19/2009 75.00CR 040287 75,00 16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-176147 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 8/19/2009 11.00CR 040288 I-176216 MEDICAL OXYGEN R 8/19/2009 16.00CR 040288 I-176342 MEDICAL OXYGEN/JULY RENT R 8/19/2009 27900CR 040288 I-70229 MEDICAL OXYGEN/JULY RENT R 8/19/2009 7w00CR 040288 61.00 09320 SPAN, INC. I-889 SENIOR SUPPORT SERVICE R 8/19/2009 51000*00CR 040289 51000.0D 8/19/2009 2:24 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02515 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB—ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 5 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK vc;NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 11820 STEWART ORGANIZATION I-107900 COPIER CONTRACT R 8/19/2009 43.94CR 040290 43.94 15250 SUDDENLINK 1-200908192051 INTERNET R 8/19/2009 111.65CR 040291 111.65 19460 TCI TIRE CENTERS I-6270002283 4 TIRES R 8/19/2009 516.68CR 040292 I-6270002290 4 MUD TIRES/4 PURSUIT TIR R 8/19/2009 11227.12CR 040292 I-6270002346 4 TIRES UNIT 53-58 R 8/19/2009 500.12CR 040292 I-6270002418 TIRES/DISPOSAL R 8/19/2009 lr049*24CR 040292 I-6720002337 BACKHOE TIRE R 8/19/2009 131.19CR 040292 3,424.35 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1442598-00 BALL FINIAL FOR HADCO POL R 8/19/2009 281.80CR 040293 I-1442658-00 COPPER POLE BOTTOM R 8/19/2009 176a00CR 040293 457.B0 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-09-4565 MESSAGE FEES FOR JULY 09 R 8/19/2009 77.90CR 040294 77.90 02770 TEXAS PUBLIC POWER ASSC, I-29224 ANNUAL DUES B/l/09-7/31/1 R 8/19/2009 723684CR 040295 723.84 TIANN FRAZIER I-200908192046 POOL PARTY REFUN R 8/19/2009 75a00CR 040296 75.00 02670 TML I-200908102038 INSURANCE R 8/19/2009 141.000R 040297 141.00 1 TRACY HUCKABEE I-200908192044 POOL PARY DEPOS R 8/19/2009 75.000R 040298 75.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 54 0600 61,404.92 61,404*92 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0000 0400 0.00 PRE —WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0000 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0000 0000 0000 VOID CHECKS: 0 0000 0.00 0000 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0000 REGISTER TOTALS: 54 0000 61,404.92 61,404*92 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 8/25/2009 2:02 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02544 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND VENDOR NAME / I.D *VOID* VOID CHECK O1550 ATMOS I-200908252065 I-200908252068 I-200908252069 11570 CULLIGAN I-04039478 13780 DLT SOLUTIONS I-S1055451 DESC GAS UT 7/O1 - 8/11/09 GAS UT 7/O1 - 8/11/09 GAS UT 7/O1 - 8/11/09 V]ATER SERVICE SEPT 09 2 2009 SUBSCRIPTIONS 02490 EMBARQ: PHONE SERVICE I-200908252053 940-958-3128 I-200908252054 990-958-4531 I-200908252055 990-458-9721 I-200908252056 990-458-4510 I-200908252057 940-458-4933 I-200908252058 940-458-4180 I-200908252059 940-458-3257 I-200908252060 940-458-2571 I-200908252061 940-458-2059,458-4072 I-200908252062 940-458-7595 I-200908252063 940-458-7909 I-200908252069 990-458-2064/990-458-9096 I-200908252066 940-458-7930 I-200908252067 940-458-7444/458-7131 18380 RAT MECHANICAL I-18695 11790 TAMI TABER I-200908252052 02910 OPPER TRINITY I-W270908 20930 VERIZON WIRELESS I-62983383824 INSTALLATION OF CONDENSER HOTEL, MEALS VOLUME & DEMAND JULY 09 DULY 09 CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE V 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R B/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R B/25/2009 R B/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R B/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 R 8/25/2009 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 090303 **VOID** 91.91CR 040299 16.95CR 040299 21.13CR 040299 129.49 38.45CR 040300 38.45 1,890.SBCR 040301 1,890.58 39.93CR 040302 53.49CR 090302 80.08CR 040302 90.18CR 040302 75.29CR 040302 96.86CR 040302 81.31CR 040302 55.02CR 090302 128.89CR 040302 85.28CR 040302 41.18CR 040302 188.42CR 040302 419.99CR 040302 502.41CR 040302 1,887.83 1,200.00CR 040304 1,200.00 [�I I:l�il�I�I3iI:SileI�F'�cISL1 17,922.21CR 040306 17,422.21 1,507.77CR 090307 1,507.77 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 8 0.00 24,966.03 29,466.03 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 0 0.00 24,466.03 24,466.03 8/27/2009 11:10 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02550 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE 21060 AUTO GLASS RUSS I-202869 BACKHOE WINDSHIELD R 8/27/2009 09380 GEORGE HUDGINS I-217183 WINDOW CLEANING R 8/27/2009 11690 RESERVE ACCOUNT/PITNEY BOWES PURCHASE POWER I-200908272070 POSTAGE R 8/27/2009 13380 SANGER BANK I-200908272071 JUNE 21 - JULY 20 2009 R 8/27/2009 17400 PRECIOUS STAFFORD I-81309 IT SUPPORT 8/4 - 8/13/09 R 8/27/2009 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 70.00CR 040308 70.00 265.00CR 040309 265.00 21182.00CR 040310 2,182.00 68,923.35CR 040311 68,923.35 lt408,93CR 040312 lf408o93 NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 5 0.00 72,849.28 72,849.28 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 72,849.28 72,849.28 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BU.^'^T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-7.7640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-3585 001-10-5215 FOOD CUPS 000000 2.00 I-3586 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.00 I-3586 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.10 I-3586 001-10-5215 FOOD COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 24.75 I-3586 001-10-5215 FOOD COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.50 DEPARTMENT 10 CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 30.35 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-JULY 09 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE JUL 000000 192.00 99-03970 TMCCP I-200908282076 001-15-5235 DUES AND REGI ACHIEVING & SUSTAINING EX 000000 115.00 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-3585 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BATTERIES 000000 3.50 99-18110 STRATEGIC GOVERNMENT RE I-4145 001-15-5235 DUES AND REGI BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING 000000 44.50 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 355.00 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. BANK: SB99 BU"'T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483611986001- 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TIME CLOCK CARDS,FOLDERS 000000 39.11 I-483772326001 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BLACK & COLOR INK 000000 48.55 99-11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-15001002 001-18-5332 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER 000000 51.34 DEPARTMENT 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. TOTAL: 139.00 -_------------------------------------------- 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUP:r T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V SEAL KIT 000000 10.97 I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V COVER 000000 51.13 I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V LAMP 000000 73.70 I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V BEZEL 000000 14.02 I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V GASKET-VL 000000 15.61 I-513067 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V GASKET KIT 000000 22.51 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-238277 001-20-5245 JANITORIAL SU JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 000000 75.90 99-08210 KWIK KAR I-2110005/2110460 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V VEHICLE INSPECTION 000000 39.75 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2351148-0 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TAPE 000000 10.46 I-2351148-0 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BINDER CLIPS 000000 11.50 I-2351148-0 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INK FOR FAX 000000 98.70 I-2351148-0 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INK FOR 77 PRINTER 000000 107.67 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 001-20-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL B/17 - B/23/09 000000 499.35 9S �00 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177251 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V HUB,TIE ROD ENDS, PADS #03 000000 388.07 I-177260 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V OXYGEN SENSOR 000000 83.59 I-177312 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE ROTORS UNIT # 03-20 000000 260.40 I-177663 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V AIR FILTER 000000 86.20 I-178181 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL/AIR FILTERS,BATTERIES 000000 397.53 I-178279 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V FRONT BRAKE ROTOR & PADS 000000 346.83 I-178283 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V BOOT KIT 000000 328.63 I-178294 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V PLUGS,TUNE UP PRTS O4-20 000000 272.37 I-178433 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V RADIATOR 000000 199.00 I-178527 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V HEADLIGHT BULBS 000000 79.98 I-178562 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V FRONT BRAKE PADS 000000 72.69 I-178720 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V FRONT STRUTS 000000 170.33 I-178731 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V RADIATOR HOSES 000000 44.1E I-178738 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V RAD FAN ASSEMBLY 000000 189.28 I-178855 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V ALTERNATOR 000000 233.58 I-178855 001-20-5325 R& M MOTOR V V-BELT 000000 51.49 I-178877 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V DISC PAD 000000 61.39 I-179428 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V SERPENTINE BELT 000000 45.49 99-21050 MULTI SERVICE CORPORATI I-14313/ 001-20-5326 R & M MINOR E COMPUTER & SOFTWARE 000000 11079.97 I-18992 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI DVR RECORDER 000000 34.99 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 5,457.26 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUr"�T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 001-24-5345 LEASE EQUIPME ICE MACHINE 000000 100.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 001-24-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 105.05 99-19270 FAMILY DOLLAR I-062509 001-24-5245 JANITORIAL SU PAPER TOWELS,TP,SOAP 000000 39.75 I-200908282074 001-24-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 131.75 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 376.55 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 25 AMBULANCE BANK: SB99 BUS"T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 001-25-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 147.62 DEPARTMENT 25 AMBULANCE TOTAL: 147.62 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BLT"�"T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-238277 001-26-5245 BLD.& JANITOR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 000000 75.89 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2349149-0 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI MARKERS,HIGHLIGHERS,TAPE 000000 106.98 99-19260 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES I-80505 001-26-5724 TECHNOLOGY FU MAG STRIPE READER 000000 85.00 99-19970 ACE AIR CONDITIONING & I-15818 001-26-5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIRS ON COURTROOM A/C 000000 84.00 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 351.87 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 27 CUSTODIAL BANK: SB99 BUP T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 001-27-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 16.10 DEPARTMENT 27 CUSTODIAL TOTAL: 16.10 ------------------ 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUD"T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483772326001 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BLACK & COLOR INK 000000 97.11 99-11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-15001002 001-28-5332 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER 000000 102.66 99-19620 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUN I-2736550 001-2B-5235 DUES & REGIST MEMBERSHIP 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TOTAL: 299.77 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BU�T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 001-30-5345 LEASE EQUIPME ICE MACHINE 000000 50.00 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPP I-35942 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483611986001 I-483611986001 I-483611986001 99-08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-MP40210 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 99-19460 TCI TIRE CENTERS I-6270002198 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177821 I-178181 I-178261 I-178389 99-20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-97829193-3 I-97850734-1 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 9" EXT HIP CHURCH ST SIGN 000000 137.00 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI DRY ERASE BOARD 000000 25.40 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BLACK INK 000000 30.59 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INK JET CART 000000 20.00 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 000000 135.19 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 204.55 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V 9 ALL TERRAIN TIRE #27-30 000000 422.32 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V HYDROLIC FITTINGS 000000 90.13 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V BACKHOE BATTERY 000000 196.98 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTER 000000 11.87 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V SPRAY PAINT CANS 000000 15.17 001-30-5110 REGULAR SALAR HOBBS 8/02/09 000000 574.80 001-30-5110 REGULAR SALAR HOBBS 8/09/09 000000 459.84 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 2,373.84 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BU^"T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023934 001-32-5311 R & M EQUIPME PVC,ADAPTER,HOE,TEFLON 000000 85.85 99-01490 LAWN LAND, INC. I-261926/262146 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V WEEDEATER PARTS 000000 42.36 I-261926/262146 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V WEEDEATER PARTS 000000 4.02 99-03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-F50989 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V HYDROLIC MOTOR 000000 484.48 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-DE56531 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V WEEDEATER PARTS 000000 12.44 99-06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZ I-242461 001-32-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP WEEK KILLER PRAMITOL 000000 33.60 I-242461 001-32-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP WEEK KILLER KILLZALL 000000 183.60 99-08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-MP40210 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 000000 405.58 99-08210 KWIK KAR I-2210402 99-_�710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-P49729/P49730 99-14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES I-007946 I-007971 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 99-19460 TCI TIRE CENTERS 1-6270002198 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177868 I-178180 I-178181 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V STATE INSPECTION #31-32 000000 39.75 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V IDLER PULLEY,GASKETS 000000 97.89 001-32-5110 REGULAR SALAR KENNEDY 8/09/09 000000 565.50 001-32-5110 REGULAR SALAR KENNEDY 8/16/09 000000 580.00 001-32-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 237.11 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V 4 RIDING MOWER TIRES 000000 47.82 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V SPARK PLUGS 000000 9.16 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL FILTERS 000000 12.98 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL/AIR FILTERS,BATTERIES 000000 46.24 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 2,888.38 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BANK: SB99 BU" T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 001-34-5345 LEASE EQUIPME ICE MACHINE 000000 80.00 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH I-74909 001-34-5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIR LOCK AT POOL 000000 100.00 99-10980 AQUA-REC, INC. I-21189 001-34-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP ACCU-TAB BLUE 000000 481.25 I-21189 001-34-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP FREIGHT 000000 85.00 99-11530 SANGER AIR & ELECTRIC I-8192009 001-34-5326 R & M MINOR E TROUBLESHOOT POOL LIGHT 000000 261.00 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 1,007.25 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUr'"T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023905 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP GARDEN HOSE & DRILL BIT 000000 33.49 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-10037063 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP BATTERIES 000000 5.99 99-08210 KWIK KAR I-2110005/2110460 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V VEHICLE INSPECTION 000000 19.87 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97416/97661 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP MAGNET,METRIC HEX DRIVERS 000000 175.45 I-97662/97411 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP NUT DRIVER SETA/C FITTIN 000000 164.47 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-103141 001-36-5215 FOOD COFFEE & CREAMER 000000 10.75 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 001-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 33.02 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177264 001-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP FUEL PUMP TESTER 000000 67.50 I-177730 001-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP REGULATOR,FILTER,FITTINGS 000000 61.88 I-1777726 001-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP HOSE 000000 28.11 I-178181 001-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP HOSE CLAMPS 000000 5.70 I-178183 001-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP SHOP TOWELS 000000 43.96 I-178539 001-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP ELECTRICAL TAPE 000000 4.33 DEPARTMENT 36 FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 654.52 8/28/2009 10:20 AM PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BJT"" T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # 99-01860 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC I-200908282075 I-200908282075 I-200908282075 I-200908282075 I-200908282075 I-200908282075 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-237922 I-237922 I-237922 I-237922 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.L I-308286 I-309097 I-309097 I-309887 99-08520 SMART APPLE MEDIA I-102978 I-102978 I-102978 I-102978 99-08580 AMIGOS LIBRARY SERVICES I-220027 99-20220 INGRAM I-45075530 I-45075531 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 BANK: SB99 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER GOSPEL OF JUDAS 000000 11.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER SACRED PLACES OF A LIFETI 000000 19.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER LADIES FIRST 000000 13.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER SEA MONSTERS 000000 3.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER SEA MONSTERS POP UP 000000 12.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER NAT GEO TRAVELER LONDON 000000 10.00 001-42-5295 JANITORIAL SU TRASH CAN LINERS 000000 22.42 001-42-5245 JANITORIAL SU MIST AWAY 000000 15.64 001-42-5245 JANITORIAL SU MULTI -FOLD TOWELS 000000 32.74 001-42-5245 JANITORIAL SU FUEL SC 000000 2.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 6 AUDIO BOOKS 000000 108.93 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 6 AUDIO BOOKS 000000 14.99 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 6 AUDIO BOOKS 000000 19.95 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 6 AUDIO BOOKS 000000 29.99 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER BOOKS 000000 77.88 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER BOOKS 000000 26.96 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER BOOKS 000000 104.20 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER SHIPPING 000000 15.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER DATABASE FEES 000000 97.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 30 BOOKS 000000 15.22 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 6 BOOKS 000000 15.20 DEPARTMENT 42 LIBRARY TOTAL: 666.12 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 COMMUNITY CENTER BANK: SB99 BLT"-�T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 001-44-5345 LEASE EQUIPME ICE MACHINE 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 44 COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL: 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUr "T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-12210 TEDC I-47485 001-46-5235 DUES AND REGI MEMBERSHIP FEE 000000 400.00 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ----------------- TOTAL: FUND 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 400.00 15,263.63 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: N/A NON -DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET BANK: SB99 VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-10380 OAKLEY I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI PRAYER/REPLACEMENT LENSES 000000 35.00 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI PRATER/ HALF JACKET 000000 55.00 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI GRACE/11-004 FLAK JACKET 000000 70,00 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI GRACE/13-662 FLAK JACKET 000000 45900 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI CLAYTON/11-075 HALF JACKE 000000 55.00 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI CLAYTON/13-406 HALF JACKE 000000 50400 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI NEIGHBORS/11-326 LENSES 000000 35900 I-707159579 00B-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI NEIGHBORS/13-406 HALF JAC 000000 25400 I-707159579 008-00-2111 A/P PYMT/REI SHIPPING 000000 7,60 DEPARTMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL: 377,60 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BUS'' T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-3585 008-10-5215 FOOD CUPS 000000 2.00 I-3586 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.00 I-3586 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.15 I-3586 008-10-5215 FOOD COFFEE,CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 30.00 I-3586 008-10-5215 FOOD COFFEE.CREAMER,CUPS,CLEAN 000000 1.50 DEPARTMENT 10 CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 35.65 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BU""".T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-JULY 09 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE JUL 000000 192.00 99-03970 TMCCP I-200908282076 008-15-5235 DUES & REGIST ACHIEVING & SUSTAINING EX 000000 115.00 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-3585 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BATTEREIS 000000 3.50 99-18110 STRATEGIC GOVERNMENT RE I-4145 008-15-5235 DUES & REGIST BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING 000000 44.50 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 355.00 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. BANK: SB99 BUP�FT TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-483611986001- 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INK, MESSAGE FLAGS 000000 39.11 I-483772326001 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BLACK & COLOR INK 000000 48.56 99-11170 RICOH AMERICAS CORP:QDS I-15001002 008-18-5332 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER 000000 51.33 DEPARTMENT 18 PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. TOTAL: 139.00 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 DATA PROCESSING BANK: SB99 BU^"7T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET .VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-72215 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CASE RECIEPT TAPE 000000 53.69 I-72215 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI SHIPPING 000000 10.77 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-3585 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BAGGIES 000000 1.00 99-18100 AMERICAN MUNICIPAL SERV I-4528 008-19-5745 MUNICIPAL SER DEL COLLECTION JULY 09 000000 163.41 99-21050 MULTI SERVICE CORPORATI I-14313- 008-19-6025 COMPUTER HARD COMPUTER HARDWARE 000000 lf079997 DEPARTMENT 19 DATA PROCESSING TOTAL: 1,308.84 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 27 CUSTODIAL BANK: SB99 Bit ',T TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 008-27-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 16.09 DEPARTMENT 27 CUSTODIAL TOTAL: 16.09 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUn'PT TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023905 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP GARDEN HOSE & DRILL BIT 000000 33.49 I-10037063 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP BATTERIES 000000 6.00 99-08210 KWIK KAR I-2110005/2110460 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V VEHICLE INSPECTION 000000 19.88 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-97416/97661 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP MAGNET,METRIC HEX DRIVERS 000000 175.46 I-97662/97411 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP NUT DRIVER SETA/C FITTIN 000000 164.47 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGE I-103141 008-36-5215 FOOD COFFEE & CREAMER 000000 10.75 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 008-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 33.01 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177264 008-36-5250 TOOLS & EQUIP FUEL PUMP TESTER 000000 67.50 I-177730 008-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP AIR FILTER,HOSE,FITTINGS 000000 61.87 I-1777726 008-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP AIR FILTER,HOSE,FITTINGS 000000 28.10 I-178181 008-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP HOSE CLAMPS 000000 5.69 I-178183 008-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP SHOP TOWELS 000000 43.96 I-178539 008-36-5252 MECHANIC SUPP ELECTRICAL TAPE 000000 4.34 DEPARTMENT 36 FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 654.52 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 WATER BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET BANK: SB99 VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 008-50-7006 LEASE PAYMENT ICE MACHINE 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023907 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT, INC. I-513063 99-03170 ESS/FUTURE EQUIPMENT, I I-G73368 99-07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-348459/348458 I-348459/348456 99-14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES I-007947 I-007972 99-18790 FUELNAN I-NP20590580 9 iJ500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-177940 I-178282 I-179203 I-179203 I-179203 I-179425 I-179425 008-50-5358 V]ATER MAIN AP COUPLING, PVC, PRIMER 000000 28.94 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V FUEL PUMP UNIT # 25-50 000000 381.49 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WINDSHIELD FOR BACKHOE 000000 237.63 008-50-5358 WATER NAIN AP REPAIR CLAMPS 000000 254.76 008-50-5358 WATER MAIN AP STIFFENERS 3/4 000000 25.60 008-50-5110 REGULAR SALAR ALBERT 8/09/09 000000 487.04 008-50-5110 REGULAR SALAR ALBERT 8/16/09 000000 608.80 008-50-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 360.50 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V FUEL PUMP RELAYS #25-50 000000 34.63 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V SHOCKS 25-50 000000 98.18 00B-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V IGNITION COIL 000000 122.55 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V SPARK PLUGS 000000 20.72 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V BELT - SERPENTINE 000000 51.49 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V CAMSHAFT SENSOR 000000 70.19 008-50-5325 R& M MOTOR V C S SENS 000000 41.59 DEPARTMENT 50 S•]ATER TOTAL: 2,874.11 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 WASTE WATER COLLECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10023984 008-52-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM MARKING PAINT 000000 5.49 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-8400 008-52-5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIRS TO QUAIL RUN LIFT 000000 3,186.09 DEPARTMENT 52 WASTE WATER COLLECTION TOTAL: 3,191.53 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 26 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 WASTE WATER TREATMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENUOR NAME ITEM it G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-8811 008-54-5535 SOLID WASTE 20YDS WASHED SAND 000000 580.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, - I-10023900 008-54-5250 MINOR TOOLS BROOMS 000000 39.98 99-15640 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT I-7197886 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP SILICONE TUBING 000000 12.26 I-7197886 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP SILICONE TUBING 000000 324.00 99-19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, IN I-32999 008-54-5377 TESTING JULY 09 LAB 000000 540.00 99-21030 SEW EURODRIVE I-325203 008-54-5329 99-21040 A & A ACTIVE BACKFLOW I-1205 008-54-5377 R & M SEWER P DRIVE MOTOR PLANT #3 TESTING 2 BACKFLOWI TEST 000000 DEPARTMENT 54 WASTE WATER TREATMENT TOTAL: 358.83 200.00 2,055.07 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 27 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-0909 008-58-7006 LEASE PAYMENT ICE MACHINE 000000 100.00 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-237526 I-237526 I-237526 I-237526 99-02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-1281479-00 I-1281479-00 I-1283283-00 99-02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1441877-00 I-1442794-00 I-1442955-00 I-3041983-00/01 I-3041983-00/01 I-3041983-00/01 I-3042725-00 I-3042725-00 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-DE56531 99-04160 COMET CLEANERS I-200908282073 99-08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-20310901 99-08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-85818 99-12970 PELCO PRODUCTS, INC I-9080347 I-9080347 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP20590580 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-178181 99-21050 MULTI SERVICE CORPORATI I-14313 I-19313 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER 000000 60.00 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI SPOONS 000000 16.13 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FUEL CHARGE 000000 2.00 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU HAND SOAP 000000 18.10 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST 4/0 TRIPLEX OH 000000 1,900.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST 12"X5/8" MACHINE BOLTS 000000 55.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST RED PAINT 000000 66.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST FIBERGLASS 36" BRACKET 000000 1,053.84 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST PHOTO CELL CONTROLS 000000 425.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST H-TAP WR379 CONNECTORS 000000 62.00 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS SHARP SHOOTERS 000000 219.80 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS SHOVELS 000000 117.00 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS RAKES 000000 110.20 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS IMPACT 7/16 X 1/2 DRIVE 000000 15.00 008-58-5250 MINOR TOOLS IMPACT 7/16 X 1/2 DRIVE 000000 5.68 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V POLE SAW PARTS 000000 3.49 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR ELECT CLEANING MAY - JULY 000000 147.50 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V 26 GALLON SPRAYER 000000 170.13 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V CITY DECALS UNIT# 97-58 000000 32.49 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST CAPACITOR BANK WIRING HAR 000000 318.00 008-58-6080 ELECTRIC SYST CAPACITOR BANK WIRING HAR 000000 8.59 008-58-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 8/17 - 8/23/09 000000 434.19 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V BACKHOE BATTERY 000000 98.49 008-58-6025 COMPUTER HARD LAPTOP 000000 480.00 008-58-6026 COMPUTER SOFT SOFTWARE 000000 220.00 8/28/2009 10:20 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 28 PACKET: 02556 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM 41 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-9516631 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V HYDROLIC CONTROL VAVLE 000000 98.84 I-9516631 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V SHIPPING 000000 9.19 DEPARTMENT 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 5,741.61 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 16,749.02 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 32,012.65 8/05/2009 10:04 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02494 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK .6NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 07860 ACT PIPE SUPPLY, INC I-334917 CIRCLE CLAMPS R 8/05/2009 338w00CR 040157 338.00 10980 AQUA-REC, INC. I-21079 5 55LB ACCU TABS R 8/05/2009 581.25CR 040158 581.25 00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-80282889 CPAP MACHINE FOR BOTH MED R 8/05/2009 21200900CR 040159 2,200.00 00590 CITY OF DENTON I-200907271985 REPAIR LED FACE PLATE R 8/05/2009 127946CR 040160 127.46 00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-AUG09 ICE MACHINE LEASE R 8/05/2009 480.000R 040161 480.00 00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-8771 20 YD CUSHION SAND R 8/05/2009 580.000R 040162 I-8793 CUSHION SAND R 8/05/2009 650v00CR 040162 1,230.00 00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP I-317089-CRC-1 NO BITE WRIST BANDS R 8/05/2009 350.000R 040163 350.00 ^^770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2330031-0 HOLE PUNCH,COPY PAPER R 8/05/2009 381.89CR 040164 I-2330031-00 ENVELOPES,INK,BACKREST, R 8/05/2009 198.13CR 040164 580.02 00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I-71417 CERTIFIED COPY STAMP R 8/05/2009 35.34CR 040165 35.34 03710 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEPT I-200907271984 LAY OUT FEES R 8/05/2009 80.000R 040166 80.00. 17640 DOLLAR GENERAL - CHARGED SALES I-2653 CUPS,PIATES,COFFEE,CREAME R 8/05/2009 59.70CR 040167 59.70 09820 DURABLE COMPONENT TECH, CORP. I-317090-DCT-1 CHILL ITS TRIANGLE R 8/05/2009 72.37CR 040168 I-317092-DCT-1 DAMKWIK R 8/05/2009 253.39CR 040168 325.76 03150 VICTORIA ELIESON I-200908042006 ERASERS,BUBBLES,SPONGES R 8/05/2009 30.87CR 040169 I-200908042007 READING CLUB PARTY SUPPLY R 8/05/2009 28.13CR 040169 I-200908042008 REIMB FOR BOOKS -PIANO LIB R 8/05/2009 80.000R 040169 I-200908042009 REIMB FOR LIFE GUARDS R 8/05/2009 40.000R 040169 179.00 8/05/2009 10:04 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02494 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK VENDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 20980 EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. I-97756606-6 6/28/09 SCOTTY HOBBS R 8/05/2009 229.92CR 040170 I-97770288-5 7/5/09 SCOTTY HOBBS R 8/05/2009 459.84CR 040170 I-97786823-1 7/12/09 SCOTTY HOBBS R 6/05/2009 567.62CR 040170 I-97801238-3 SCOTTY HOBBS 7/19/09 R 8/05/2009 574.80CR 040170 1,832.18 20890 FLOW CYCLE LLC 1-399996 55 GAL FOAM R 8/05/2009 420.95CR 040171 420.95 18790 FUELMAN I-NP20040443 FUEL 7/13 - 7/19/09 R 8/05/2009 1,675.60CR 040172 1,675.60 16900 GST PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPLY I-2009005210.2009006 JOB SHIRTS & PATCHES R 8/05/2009 402.05CR 040173 402.05 08760 GT DISTRIBUTORS INC I-INV0274470 CAGES,EXTENION PLATES R 8/05/2009 947.57CR 040174 947.57 02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-1245257-00 RAINBOW MULTI -BUG KILLER R 8/05/2009 108.00CR 040175 108.00 14050 HOUR PERSONNEL SERVICES, INC I-007844 7/6 - 7/11 GARZA/KENNEDY R 8/05/2009 11102900CR 040176 I-007845 7/6 - 7/10 ALBERT R 8/05/2009 608980CR 040176 I-007868 KENNEDY,GARZA 7/19/09 R 8/05/2009 928.00CR 040176 I-007869 ALBERT 7/19/09 R 8/05/2009 608.80CR 040176 3,247.60 19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, INC I-32880 LABS JUNE 09 R 8/05/2009 675.00CR 040177 675.00 05510 IESI I-0004307010 20YRD ROLL OFF SLUDGE DUM R 8/05/2009 537974CR 040178 537.74 20220 INGRAM I-44397512 20 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 45.11CR 040179 I-44618046 38 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 363.O1CR 040179 I-44618047 20 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 28.47CR 040179 I-44637159 38 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 53.86CR 040179 490.45 09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-96674 ELECT VOLTMETER/GROUND R 8/05/2009 299.00CR 040180 299.00 8/05/2009 10:04 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 02494 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB—ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK ."NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 20820 JOHN DEERE I—E01533 4X4 JOHN DEERE GATOR R 8/05/2009 7,806.89CR 040181 7,806.89 08680 LOCKE SUPPLY I-10843275-00 PHOTOCELL 120V WORK COVER R 8/05/2009 22.07CR 040182 I-10871224-00 PARTS TO REPAIR SEWERLINE R 8/05/2009 24.43CR 040182 46.50 04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC.LLC I-102965 4 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 37.84CR 040183 I-304515 5 AUDIO BOOKS R 8/05/2009 187.86CR 040183 I-306244 4 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 22.70CR 040183 I-306575 4 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 27.25CR 040183 275.65 04170 MIDWEST RADAR & EQUIPMENT I-140141 RADAR CERTS ON ALL PD CAR R 8/05/2009 390oOOCR 040184 390.00 20050 MODERN MARKETING I—MM1066750 PUB ED MATERIAL R 8/05/2009 11129.O1CR 040185 1,129.01 05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. I-81067411.81067641. MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 8/05/2009 675.78CR 040186 I-81073529 MEDICAL SUPPLIES R 8/05/2009 650a43CR 040186 1,326.21 20 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD,HAGER & SMITH, LLP I—JUNE09 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES R 8/05/2009 304.00CR 040187 304.00 08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-20047078 TRASH PUMP,HOSE KIT R 8/05/2009 11048.40CR 040188 1,048.40 08690 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS I-163662 CHAINSAW SPARK PLUG R 8/05/2009 1.99CR 040189 1.99 02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-480344662001 BLACK & COLOR INK R 8/05/2009 60.60CR 040190 60.60 10120 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN I-071309 DRY/ERACE,STAMP,KEYBOARD R 8/05/2009 100.23CR 040191 100.23 14220 ARLENE PEREZ I-200907241983 COURT INTERPRETER 7/21 R 8/05/2009 50.00CR 040192 50.00 02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL, INC. I-235724 PAPER TOWELS R 8/05/2009 62.23CR 040193 I-236913 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES R 8/05/2009 229.07CR 040193 291.30 8/05/2009 10:04 AM PACKET: 02494 CC PACKET VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 4 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK �NDOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 20780 RESCUE TECH I-546 RESCUE BAG R 8/05/2009 248.000R 040194 248.00 02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-8382 FLANGED SPOOL,BUTTERFLY R 8/05/2009 11309400CR 040195 lt309aOO 18620 STERICYCLE I-4001013313 BIO PICK UP R 8/05/2009 16.71CR 040196 16.71 02690 TECHLINE, INC. I-1442476-00 3/8" GREY DEADEND PREFORM R 8/05/2009 210900CR 040197 I-1442477-00 1" PVC COUPLING R 8/05/2009 14600CR 040197 1-1442493-00 40OW HPS BULBS R 8/05/2009 106420CR 040197 330.20 05350 TEXAS EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST I-09-3929 MESSAGE FEES FOR JUNE 09 R 8/05/2009 112910CR 040198 112.10 03930 THE LIBRARY STORE, INC. I-752360 SPINE LABELS,CD ALBUM R 8/05/2009 85.60CR 040199 85.60 11520 THE LIFEGUARD STORE I-123878 SWIM SUITS R 8/05/2009 398.20CR 040200 398.20 30 TOW DISTRIBUTION 1-42466 7 BOOKS R 8/05/2009 219.99CR 040201 219.99 12780 UNIVERSITY COMPUTER STORE,LLC I-18268 2 COMPUTERS R 8/05/2009 11030.000R 040202 11030.00 16640 WATCH GUARD VIDEO I-STDIN0003907 DVI-IN CAR CAMERA SYSTEM R 8/05/2009 51019.000R 040203 5,019.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 47 0.00 38,802925 38,802.25 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0200 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 47 0.00 381802.25 38,802.25 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 8/07/2009 12:14 PM PACKET: 02517 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND vLNDOR NAME / I.D. DESC 00100 TMRS I-RET200907021949 TMRS I-RET200907161966 TMRS I-RET200907302003 TMRS TOTAL ERRORS: 0 ** T O T A L S REGULAR CHECKS: HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: PRE -WRITE CHECKS: DRAFTS: VOID CHECKS: NON CHECKS: CORRECTIONS: REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 A / P CHECK REGISTER CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE R 8/07/2009 R 8/07/2009 R 8/07/2009 NO# DISCOUNTS 1 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 12,563.27CR 040219 12,546.33CR 040219 12,480.18CR 040219 37,589.78 CHECK AMT 37,589.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,589.78 TOTAL APPLIED 37,589.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,589.78 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special X Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: September 8, 2009 Submitted By: Mike Brice City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date , �-,d ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ® AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Approve Amended Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between Denton County, Texas, and the City of Sanger, Texas Regarding View Road Construction. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS []OPERATING EXPENSE [:]REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED [:]NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM Section 5 has been deleted from the ICA regarding payment. Section 6 reflects the payment options that were originally agreed upon. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Amended agreement. Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: Approved on August 17, 2009. Tamil Taber crom: ent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Mr. Brice: Kim Thornburg [Kim. I nornburg@dentoncounty.comj Monday, August 24, 2009 3:08 PM mbrice@sangertexas.org John Feldt; Tami Taber ICA - Sanger - View Road Final Draft ICA Sanger View Road 2009 FINAL. pdf Please find attached the revised ICA, which deleted Section 5 from the ICA regarding payment. Section 6 reflects the payment options originally agreed upon. Upon acceptance and execution, please forward 3 originals to: John Feldt, Civil Division — Denton County District Attorney's Office, 1450 E. McKinney, Suite 3100, Denton, Texas 76209. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. Thank you, Kim Thornburg Senior Paralegal Denton County District Attorney's Office — Civil Division 1450 E. McKinney, Suite 3100 Denton, TX 76209 7 THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS THIS AGREEMENT is made, entered into and executed by and between Denton County, Texas, a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas, engaged in the administration of county government and related services for the citizens of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter "the County;" and the City of Sanger, Texas, a corporate and political body duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Texas, engaged in the administration of municipal government and related services for the citizens of the City of Sanger, Texas, hereinafter "the City." The County and the City are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Parties." This Agreement shall be fully executed and enforceable as of the date it is signed by the County and the City, hereinafter "the Parties." WHEREAS, the County and the City mutually desire to enter into this Agreement whereby the City agrees to review and inspect construction of an extension of View Road by the Developer located within the municipal limits of the City and Denton County Commissioner Precinct #1, hereinafter "the Project," provided for under Section 3.2 of the Compromise Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release by Edward Wolski; Mark Kempe; Denton County, Texas; the City of Sanger, Texas; Sanger Texas Industrial Development Corporation and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. in Cause Number RT-2004- 343, filed in the Denton County Probate Court and Dismissed on June 21, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 791, provides authorization for a local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act and the County and the City hereby mutually agree to be subject to the provisions of the Act; and WHEREAS, the County and the City value the timely completion of the Project which involves I•oads which are an integral part of the County's road system and the Parties are undertaking the Project to improve safe travel on an improved roadway; and NOW, THEREFORE, this Agreement is hereby made and. entered into by the County and the City upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein: City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 1 of 7 WITNESSETH. I. Pursuant to Texas Government Code §791.011, the County and the City hereby enter into this Agreement in order to perform certain governmental functions and services in the area of streets, roads and drainage. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide a governmental function or service that each party is authorized to perform individually. II. The County and the City hereby agree that the scope of the Project shall be limited to construction of.an extension of View Road located within the municipal limits of the City and Denton County Commissioner Precinct #1, at total proportional cost to the County which shall not exceed THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($300,000.00), hereinafter "the cost of the Project." The County agrees to contribute an amount up to a maximum of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($300,000.00) toward satisfactory completion of the Project. This exchange of in -kind services is deemed adequate consideration for the obligations exchanged by the Parties herein. IV. The City agrees to secure a development agreement for the construction of the Project and to review and approve any necessary engineering which may be required for satisfactory completion of the Project. In addition, the City will provide all project inspections and approve all payments, including requested funding from the County, as construction invoices are received. V. As the Developer proceeds with the completion of the Project, the City shall submit invoices for reimbursement to the Denton County Auditor, James Wells, 401 W. Hickory Street, Suite 423, Denton, Texas 76201, on a monthly basis and the County shall reimburse the City for all approved expenses related to the Project within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of an invoice from the City, provided that all expenditures are made in a manner which is consistent with the terms of this Agreement. Upon satisfactory completion of the Project, the County and the City shall prepare and complete a full audit of the Project. City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 2 of 7 VI. This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part by the County or the City upon thirty [30] days written notice to the other party setting forth a substantial failure by the defaulting party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party. No such termination may be affected unless the defaulting party is given: (1) written notice, delivered via certified mail return receipt requested, of intent to terminate, setting forth the substantial failure to perform; and (2) not less than thirty [30] calendar days to cure the failure; and (3) an opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. In the event of termination by the County, the County shall pay all approved invoices submitted up to and including the date of termination. VII. This Agreement represents the entire integrated agreement between the County and the City and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or agreements, either oral or written. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both of the Parties. Notices shall be directed as follows: For City: Honorable Joe Higgs Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Copy To: Mike Brice, City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 For• County: Honorable Mary Horn Denton County Judge 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Copy To: Denton County Criminal District Attorneys Office Civil Division 1450 East McKinney Street, Suite 3100 Denton, Texas 76209 City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 3 of 7 The covenants, terms and conditions herein are to be construed under the laws of the State of Texas and are performable by the Parties in Denton County, Texas. The Parties mutually agree that venue for any obligation arising from this Agreement shall lie in Denton County, Texas. The County agrees and understands that the County, its employees, servants, agents and/or representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of the City. The City agrees and understands that the City, its employees, servants, agents and/or representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents and/or representatives of the County. 61 The County agrees to accept full responsibility for the acts, negligence and/or omissions of all County employees, agents, subcontractors and/or contract laborers and for all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the County. XII. The City agI•ees to accept full responsibility for the acts, negligence and/or omissions of all City employees, agents, subcontractors and/or contract laborers and for all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with the City. This Agreement is not intended to extend the liability of the Parties beyond that provided for by law. Neither the County nor the City waive, nor shall be deemed to have hereby waived, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims made by third parties. XIV. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the Parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full foI•ce and, effect to the fullest extent possible. City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 4 of 7 XV. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the Parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. XVI. This Agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the respective agreement fully executed and the term of this Agreement is for the life of the Project beginning on the date of execution of this Agreement and continuing until the Project is completed. Executed in triplicate originals this DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 By: Honorable Mary Horn Denton County Judge Acting by and on behalf of the authority the Denton County Commissioners Court ATTEST: By: Denton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Assistant District Attorney day of CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Bv: Honorable Joe Higgs Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas 2009. Acting by and on behalf of the authority of the City of Sanger, Texas ATTEST: By: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: City Attorney City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 5 of 7 COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify funds will be available to accomplish and pay the obligation of Denton County, Texas, under this Agreement. Denton County Auditor City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 6 of 7 APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT Denton County, Texas, acting by and through the Denton County Commissioners Court, having been advised of the Project, with a total cost which shall not exceed THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($300,000.00) which shall be paid to the City of Sanger, Texas, by Denton County, Texas, in return for the City of Sanger, Texas, agreeing to review, approve, and inspect construction of an extension of View Road located within the municipal limits of the City and Denton County Commissioner Precinct #l, herein gives its specific written approval to the Project prior to beginning the Project in satisfaction of the requirements of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 791, and specifically Texas Government Code §791.014. The description of the Project to be undertaken and its location are as follows: construction of an extension of View Road by the Developer and under the supervision of the City located within the municipal limits of the City and Denton County Commissioner Precinct #l. The local governments which requested the Project and with whom the agreement is by and between are Denton County, Texas, and the City of Sanger, Texas. By vote on the date below, the Denton County Commissioners Court has approveI the project identified above and authorized execution of this document by the presiding officer of the Denton County Commissioners Court. Date: By: Presiding Officer of the Denton County Commissioners Court City of Sanger ICA —View Road Page 7 of 7 gee EXA5 COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE L.]Regular L.]Special Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: September 8, 2009 Submitted By: Mike Brice City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials �Date ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ REAPPOINTMENTS AGENDA CAPTION Approve Development Agreement with Skiles Property Trust for construction of View Road extension. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR. PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM This agreement outlines the developers responsibilities for construction of View Road. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Development Agreement. Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) CITY OF SANGER ) This agreement is entered into by and between the City of Sanger, Texas, A home rule city and municipal corporation of Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as CITY, and Skiles Property Trust. hereinafter referred to as Developer. In consideration of flie development of property by Developer and filing of a final plat on a portion of the property, the City and developer mutually agree to the following: 1. Developer will construct a 31 foot wide concrete, curb and gutter roadway approximately 1200 feet long as an extension of view road, as shown on the final plat. Roadway will meet all City of Sanger roadway requirements and will be subject to approval and inspection by City staff. Upon completion and acceptance by the City, the roadway and right of way shall be dedicated to the City as a public roadway. Upon the date of acceptance, Developer shall secure a Maintenance Bond with the City of Sanger as the beneficiary for a two year period from the date of acceptance. Construction of the roadway is the responsibility of the developer and the City will not have any financial obligation in construction of the roadway. 2. All drainage improvements, including detention and retention requirements must be complete before any certificates of occupancy will be issued within the development. 3. City will reimburse developer up to $300,000 for the construction of view road as outlined in the attached interlocal agreement with Denton County (see attachment A). The City and Developer agree that the City is not responsible for any portion of the $300,000 or for the County's failure to pay any or all of the $300,000. The City is only acting in a supervisory role to ensure that payments are in fact for construction of View Road and not for any other purpose. The City and Developer agree that the terms and conditions outlined in the interlocal agreement are hereby incorporated into this agreement. 4. Developer wishes to use one wastewater connect fee waiver as defined in the Amended Sewer line Easement Signed May 25 2005 to cover any fees or permits required for construction of the road. City agrees to waive any fees or permits cost directly associated with this phase of the view road extension project in exchange for one connect fee waiver. I Dr. Edward F. Wolski agree to use one wastewater connect fee waiver as stated in paragraph 4 above to cover any fees or permits required by the City for this phase of the construction of View Road, Dr. Edward F. Wolski Date rM Randall D. Smith, President Geesling Gassaway County Inc. As Trustee for the Skiles Property Trust Joe Higgs, Mayor, City of Sanger Attest: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Date CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ® Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance I ❑Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive El Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Li Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 8, 2009 Joseph D. Iliff, AICP City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials �:-� Date �-� 7� � % ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ® OTHER _PRESENTATION AGENDA CAPTION Presentation of 2009 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association has awarded the City of Sanger a Certificate A Achievement for Planning Excellence for 2009. Each year, the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association recognizes cities that have achieved excellence in city planning. Cities are evaluated on having certified professionals on staff and providing ongoing training for staff and commissioners. Cities also qualify by adopting major planning documents and updating land use regulations. In the last two years the city has adopted the 2007 Sanger Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the 2007 Thoroughfare Plan, and the 2008 Parks & Recreation Master Plan. The city has also hired a certified professional planner and updated major land use regulations such as the Subdivision Ordinance and Sign Ordinance. STAFF OPTIONS &RECOMMENDATION Staff appreciates the hard work of those who have served on the Planning &Zoning Commission in 2009. This certificate recognizes their valuable contribution to the community: Gary Bilyeu (Chairman) Beverly Howard Skip Lindholm (Vice Chairman) Mike Walker Allen Chick Brian Hutcherson Shelley Ruland Glenn Jensen Kay Van Hauen Russell Martin Staff recommends the framed certificate be displayed in City Hall in recognition of the hard work of the City Council, the Planning & Zoning Commission, and city staff. A duplicate certificate will be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 141h and displayed in the Meeting Room of the Public Works & Development Services building. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other American Planning Association Texas Chapter Making Great Communities Happen August 12, 2009 Mr. Joe Higgs, Mayor City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 762664729 Dear Mayor Higgs, It is with great pleasure that the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association presents the enclosed "Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence" to your Planning Department for 2009. This certificate recognizes the professional planning standards demonstrated by your planning staff and the funding and support exhibited by your City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. More specifically, the City of Sanger has met the Chapter's goals for: • Increasing awareness of professional planning, • Recognizing planning departments which meet certain professional requirements, • Enhancing neighborhood and citizen recognition of planning efforts, • Encouraging the funding of professional training for Commissioners and staff, and • Aiding in economic development and community image. I encourage you to share this award with your City Council and Commission at an appropriate time. The Board of Directors and the 2,000 members of the Chapter look forward to your continued success and your leadership in community planning in Texas. Sincerely, John Kaminski, AICP President American Planning Association Texas Chapter American Planning Association Texas Chapter Making Great Communities Happen Presented to the Recognizing a commitment to professional planning by City Administration, Elected and Appointed Officials and exemplary professional standards demonstrated by the Planning Staff Awarded By The American Planning Association —Texas Chapter John Kaminski AICP President. Texas Chapter APA CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE 0 Regular ❑Special ❑Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes Not Applicable Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date, Submitted By: September 7, 2009 Rose Chavez City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date — ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION # ® APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION 1. Conduct Public Hearing on Fiscal Year Budget 2009/2010; Providing for the Appropriation of funds for Operating and Capital Expenditures. FISCAL YEAR, PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General Els. Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The public hearing must be held on the budget in accordance with the Local Government Code 102600654 STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Recommends approval List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE IN Regular ❑ Special ❑ Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑Yes ® Not Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal 0 Yes Ej Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: September 8, 2009 Joseph D. Iliff, AICP City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date �_�„ _ 9 ACTION REQUESTED: ®ORDINANCE 09-13-09 ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Conduct a public hearing, consider and possibly take action on a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service Food & Beverage Shop within a B-2 Business District 2 on property legally described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ®N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM The applicant is proposing to install and operate a snow cone stand at the Horizon convenience store & Chevron gas station. A snow cone stand is permitted in the property's 13-2 Business District with an SUP. The applicant would install a 56 sgft freestanding building and operate the business from March through October, seven days a week. If an SUP is granted, the snow cone stand will be required to comply with the building, electrical, and health codes. Also, the operator will be required to obtain permission from the convenience store to allow employees and customers to use their restroom facilities while the stand is in operation. The proposed structure does not comply with the Metal Building Ordinance, which requires brick or stone within a 13-2 Business District. Most temporary structures would not be able to meet this requirement. If the SUP is granted, a non - masonry exterior can be permitted as well. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed Specific Use Permit with the following conditions: 1. The business be limited to the sale of snow cones and similar confections 2. The sale of snow cones shall be conducted from a structure not larger than 56 square feet installed on a paved surface in the southwest corner of the site. 3. The structure shall be installed on the site no earlier than March 1st of each year and removed no later than October 31 st of each year. 4. The temporary installation of a structure with non-metal and non -masonry exterior walls is permitted between March 1st and October 31st of each year. The structure shall be maintained in a state of good repair during this period. 5. The applicant submit the written consent of the property owner to operate the stand. 6. The applicant locate the stand along the western property line, north near the building, away from FM 455. 7. The applicant not permit customer parking on the adjacent property to the west. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other • Ordinance 09-XX-09 Agencies: • Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Report • Letter of Intent • Photos of stand & site provided by applicant On August 17, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing and recommend approval of the SUP, with the conditions listed in Staff Options & Recommendation. aIg��C PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TEXAS STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 17, 2009 Prepared by: Joseph D. Iliff, AICP Conduct a public hearing, consider and possibly take action on a request for a Specific Use Permit for a Quick Service Food & Beverage Shop within a Subject: B-2 Business District 2 on property legally described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, located at 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. :: l�:Z�Ii1►17 The applicant, Nadia Rojas, is proposing to install and operate a snow cone stand 901 N. Stemmons Freeway. The property is the location of the Horizon convenience store & Chevron gas station. The property is within a B-2 Business District. A snow cone stand is considered a Quick Service Food and Beverage Shop under the Zoning Ordinance, requiring a Specific Use Permit (SUP). It is a permitted use with the property's B-2 Business District with an SUP. PROPOSED ACTION The applicant is proposing to operate a snow cone stand from a freestanding building. The applicant is proposing to install a stand measuring 56 square feet in the southwest corner of the property, and to operate the stand from March through October, seven days a week. The site features a number of parking spaces, and two driveways to each of the adjacent roads. )f an SUP is granted, the snow cone stand will be required to comply with the building, electrical, and health codes. Also, the operator will be required to obtain permission from the convenience store to allow employees and customers to use their restroom facilities while the stand is in operation. STAFF COMMENTS The proposed structure does not comply with the Metal Building section of the Code of Ordinances which requires exterior walls of buildings within a B-2 Business District to be constructed of brick or stone. Most temporary structures, such as those that would house a seasonal business like a snow one stand, would not be able to meet this requirement. If the SUP is granted to permit the installation of the stand, a condition can be included permitting a non -masonry exterior, providing the structure is maintained in good repair during the season, and removed from the site during the off-season. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed Specific Use Permit with the following conditions: 1. The business be limited to the sale of snow cones and similar confections 2. The sale of snow cones shall be conducted from a structure not larger than 56 square feet installed on a paved surface in the southwest corner of the site. 3. The structure shall be installed on the site no earlier than March lst of each year and removed no later than October 3 Is' of each year. 4. The temporary installation of a structure with non-metal and non -masonry exterior walls is permitted between March lst and October 31st of each year. The structure shall be maintained in a state of good repair during this period. POSSIBLE COMMISSION ACTION The Planning &Zoning Commission can recommend approval or denial of the proposed Specific Use Permit to the City Council. The Planning & Zoning Commission can recommend approval with conditions for how the property is improved and how the business is operated. Iri recommending that a specific use permit for the premises under consideration be granted, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine that such uses are harmonious and adaptable to building structures and uses of adjacent property and other property in the vicinity of the premises under consideration, and shall make recommendations as to requirements for the paving of streets, alleys and sidewalks, means of access to public streets, provisions for drainage, adequate off-street parking, protective screening and open space, heights of structures and compatibility of buildings. EXPECTED FUTURE ACTIONS The City Council is scheduled to conduct a public hearing and consider this request at their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 8th at 7:00 PM at City Hall (502 Elm Street). Page 2 of 2 Snowflakes Cone 700 E. Sherman Drive 628 Londonderry Denton, TX July 8, 2009 Nadia Rojas 16717 Windthorst Way Justin. TX 76247 (940)231-3240 I Nadia Rojas, wish to apply for a special use permit, for the following address: 901 N. Stemmons Freeway, intersection with W. Chapman Drive. Location in which the Chevron gas station is located. The zoning for this location is B2. The specific use for this application is for a snow cone stand. The stand is 56 sq. ft. The appearance of the building inside & outside its in great conditions. The current existing building at this property are the Chevron gas station and the Horizon Convenience store. The property owner of this location has assigned us the space of four parking spacing for the stand. There are no trees at this location. The stand will not obstruct any traffic, the entire property has four exit/entrance. It will be an easy access for the public. Items to be sold at this stand are snowcones only. Its a seasonal business, open from the month of March thru October. Operating seven days a week. Its a family owned & operated business. As additional information we'll have a business insurance coverage for the snowcone stand. We have been in business at the city of Denton for the past two summers, we are very responsible and hardworking people. It will be a great pleasure to do business at the city of Sanger. Nadia Rojas t ti ;�, � � x ,� - > � '`"' �. i + ` �;. '?: . A: ,a E � � \\ � ,- \� : § d! ORDINANCE 09-13-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND CENTRAL ZONING MAP, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A QUICK -SERVICE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SHOP WITHIN A 11-2 BUSINESS DISTRICT 2 ON PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT 52b OF THE HENRY TIERWESTER SURVEY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, all Requests for Changes in Zoning Classifications were duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described properties; WHEREAS, due notice of hearings were made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted public hearings for the purpose of assessing zoning classification changes on the hereinafter described properties located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and WHEREAS, an additional opportuniTy for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, at open meetings, with proper notice posted; Now Therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGER, TEXAS: Section 1 That the legal description of the property zoned herein is generally described as Tract 52b of the Henry Tierwester survey. Section 2 A Specific Use Permit for aquick-service food and beverage shop is herby granted for the above described property within a B-2 Business District, subject to the following conditions: 1. The business be limited to the sale of snow cones and similar confections 2. The sale of snow cones shall be conducted from a structure not larger than 56 square feet installed on a paved surface in the southwest corner of the site. 3. The structure shall be installed on the site no earlier than March 1st of each year and removed no later than October 31 st of each year. 4. The temporary installation of a structure with non-metal and non -masonry exterior walls is permitted between March 1st and October 31 st of each year. The structure shall be maintained in a state of good repair during this period. 5. The applicant submit the written consent of the property owner to operate the stand. 6. The applicant locate the stand along the western property line, north near the building, away from FM 455. 7. The applicant not permit customer parking on the adjacent property to the west. Section 3 AN ordinances or parts extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the Section 4 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 5 Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. Section 6 This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on this 8th day of September, 2009. APPROVED: --DRAFT—DO NOT SIGN- - Mayor Joe Higgs ATTEST: --DRAFT—DO NOT SIGN-- C ity Secretary r �`®: Mayor and Council, David Pennington, Fire Chief, Curtis Amyx, Police Chief, Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Tami Taber, Asst. to the City Manager/Human Resources, Dusty Garland, Accounting From: Mike Brice, City Manager Rea New State Mandated Holiday for Police and Fire House Bill 2113 was signed into law this session and goes into effect on September 1, 2009. This new law requires that Police Officers and Firefighters receive the same number of holidays each year as other employees and one of those holidays must be September 11`". To accommodate this new law, 1 am revising the personnel manual and exchanging the day after Thanksgiving for September 11"' for police and fire this year. In subsequent years September 11ii' will be substituted for Presidents Day for police and fire. Holidays for other employees will remain the same. Attached is a copy of the revision to the personnel manual. i, January 19 2 0 0 8 Revised Aug. 26, 2009 201 BOLNAR STREET BANGER, TEXAS 76266 Phone 940-458-7930 P.O.BOX 1729 Fax 940-458-4180 Regular full-time employees may apply for partial tuition reimbursement for university or vocational education not directly related to their job. Tuition reimbursement is capped at $500 per semester and $1000 per year for each employee provided funds are available. The City Manager must approve tuition reimbursement before classes begin. Reimbursement will only be paid after successful completion of the class or classes and completion with a grade equivalent to a C or better. Regular full-time employees receiving tuition reimbursement will be required to sign an agreement requiring them to work for the City an additional one month for each $200, or portion thereof rounded up, received in reimbursement or reimburse the City for any un-forgiven tuition balance at the time of resignation or termination. On the last day of each month $200 will be forgiven from the employee's outstanding tuition balance. This provision in no way changes an employee's status as an At -Will employee, creates any property rights in the employee's employment status, or precludes the employee or employer from terminating the employee's employment. Both paid and unpaid time off may be granted to eligible employees, accorduig to the following leave policies. Please consult Human Resources for further information. In the interest of maintaining a healthy balance between work and home, the City of Sanger offers eligible employees paid time off. Time off is paid using your base hourly rate, excluding overtime compensation, if any. Holidays Regular full-time employees are eligible for eight (8) hours of holiday pay for each holiday approved by the City Council. Holidays that occur on a Saturday or Sunday will be observed on the preceding or following workday as applicable. Authorized holidays include: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday President's Day (Substitute September 11t' for Police and Fire) Good Friday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day rev. 08-26-2009 WITH NEW WATER FEE INCREASES, THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRON... Page 1 of 2 CIOMMISSION ON ENVIRONMF�ENTA�. QUA�LIT�Y DISCOVERS A NEW WAY TO CALCULA"1'r: FISCAL IMPACTS...SIMPLY IGNQRE THEM On July �, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) adopted an increase in three water quality fees applicable to cities: (1) the Public Health Service fee; (2) the Consolidated Water Quality fee; and (3) the Water Use Assessment fee. The rule passed with no amendments from the commissioners and very little discussion, and took effect on July 30. For cities serving fewer than i6o connections, the Public Health Service fee has increased, but remains a flat fee. For cities serving more than i6o connections, the Public Health Service fee calculation has changed from an equation to aper-connection fee of up to $2.15. The Consolidated Water Quality Fee increased rates and minimums for all the fee factors by a percentage across the board and increased the fee multiplier from i.00 to an amount up to a maximum of i.75. The Water Use Assessment Fee will also increase for all levels of water use. When the proposed rule was published in the Texas Register, the TCEQ staff claimed There would be no significant economic impact to cities, because the cost could simply be passed on to the customer. TML Executive Director Frank Sturzl replied with the following comments on the rulemaking: Over fine years, the rule will generate $15.3 million for the state. Incredibly, however, there will be no fiscal implications for local governments since any resulting fee increases "are anticipated to be passed on to their customers."Of course the fees will be passed along; cities can't print money! This fiscal note produces an entirely new and outlandish result: no governmental action will ever impose a negative fiscal effect on any other unit of government. If the federal government were to place an unfunded mandate on the TCEQ, there would be no fiscal note because the TCEQ would simply increase fees, as it is now doing. If Congress were to place an unfunded mandate on the Texas Legislature, there would be no fiscal note because the Legislature would simply raise taxes or fees paid by Texans. The purpose of a fiscal note is to quantz; fy the amount of revenue that an affected unit (or units) of government would be forced to generate as the result of a proposed action. The fiscal note in question clearly and utterly fails to do so. In the final rulemaking package as published in the Texas Register, the TCEQ responded: TML commented that the fiscal note produces an entirety new and outlandish result: no governmental action will ever impose a negative fiscal effect on any other unit of government. For example, TML stated that if the federal government were to place an unfunded mandate on the TCEQ, there would be no fiscal note because the TCEQ would simply increase fees, as it is now doing. Further, TML stated that if Congress were to place an unfunded mandate on the Texas Legislature, there would be no fiscal note because the legislature would simply raise taxes or fees paid by Texans. The fiscal notes to the proposed rule published in the March 13, 2oog, issue of the Texas Register stated that local governments would not see significant fiscal impacts. The commission assumed that municipal utilities would pass the cost of the increase along to its customers. The increase is not projected to significantly impact a utility's customers because http:// .tml.org/leg_updates/legis update081409d �vaterfee.asp 8/13/2009 WITH NEW WATER FEE INCREASES, THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRON... Page 2 of 2 such costs are not anticipated to be significant and are typically spread across a 12-month period. The commission made no change in response to this comment. It seems clear that the fiscal impact analysts at the TCEQ have passed through a magical looking glass into their own private wonderland, where entities (including cities) that must generate revenue for the TCEQ do so without feeling any fiscal impact whatsoever. This must be seen for what it is: an astonishing refusal to properly calculate a fiscal note. The TCEQ is arguing that the fee increases will not "significantly impact a utility's customers." But the agency isn't imposing the increase on individual customers; to do so would require the agency to send a bill to each customer. The agency is imposing the increase on each municipal utility, and that increase will be significant. Each utility will have to decide how to pay for the increase: from utility reserves, from other municipal funds, or by increasing the customers' rates. It is widely known from previous research that any of the methods wdl require a large outlay, an outlay that TCEQ refuses to recognize. http://www.tml.org/leg_updates/legis_update081409d waterfee.asp 8/13/2009 NEW LAW CIIANGES CITY GRAFFITI REMOVAL, ORDINANCES Page 1 of 1 Late in the 2oo91egislativesessfon, unfavorable graffiti provisions were added to House Bi112086, a bill relating to gangs. The new graffiti provisions require a city to have specific provisions in any graffiti removal ordinance, including language that provides that a city may require removal of graffiti by a property owner only if the city has first offered to remove the graffiti free of charge, and the owner has refused to allow the city to remove the graffiti. Then, if the city has offered to remove the graffiti for free and the owner has rejected that offer, a city can remove the graffiti and charge the expenses to the property owner. Many cities have ordinances that require property owners to remove graffiti at their own expense, and these ordinances will be preempted by the new law. These new provisions take effect on September i, 2009. The bill can be found at http:J/www.capitolstate.tx.us/dodocs/8iR/billtext/doc/HBo2086F doc. These unfortunate provisions, which will probably have the effect of reducing graffiti abatement across the state, were added to a House bill during the Senate floor debate on the bill. The provisions had not been considered by either the House or the Senate until that moment, and had never been the subject of a public hearing. http:!/www.tml.org/leg_updates/legis_update081409c_graffiti.asp 8/13/2009