01/05/2009-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 59 2009 7*00 P.M. 502 ELM STREET 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes December 15, 2008 - Work Session December 15, 2008 = City Council b) Disbursements 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the eneral publics at all timesvanO said Notice was posted on the following date and time: �Q,0 0,m�" & 3� / o�y ii��) su't� ���'� rn p.m. and shall remain posted until meeting i djourned. U , Rosalie Chavez, City Sec ary City of Sanger, Texas This notice was re owed from the official ulletiic bo.4t�d on — - l u cj `% at I:uP/�by ' a This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION December 15, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Scott Hoelzle with KSA 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Presentation by K.S.A. Engineering on Proposed Water/Wastewater Master Plan. Mr. Scott Koelzle gave a Power Point presentation consisting of their corporate profile and technical competence. KSA is a full service engineering firm, celebrating 30 years of service and employs approximately 140 employees. They have offices in McKinney, Austin, Longview, Lufkin, Sugar Land, and Tyler. KSA has completed over 10,000 public works projects for hundreds of municipalities throughout Texas. Their expertise is in the area of wastewater collection and treatment, water distribution and wastewater treatment, utility master planning, streets, drainage, parks, public facilities, airports, and industrial facilities. Mr. Koelzle discussed their project proposal consisting of a master plan for the City's water and wastewater system. The scope of the plan that has been discussed with staff is to collect data and review existing maps that are available in Auto CAD. This will be use as a foundation for the City's model. They will conduct a cursory review of our existing facilities, including water treatment plants, wastewater plant, pump stations, and tanks. This will not be an in-depth analysis. They will be conducting water system pressure testing, and the data will be used to support the model. There will be some flow monitoring conducted on the wastewater side. All this information will be used in the development and calibration of the water and the wastewater system models. After the model is built they will begin to look at the future development of the water and wastewater system. They will add demands to the both systems from future growth to determine how the models will react to the increase flows. This will allow them to develop a Capital Improvement plan to meet the demands of increased growth. They will also define the deficiencies in the existing system that the City may want to get done before any projected growth is added to the system. They will prioritize the improvements that can be implemented to meet existing and future demands. They will also develop an impact fee schedule for the improvements needed for future growth that can be allocated for future services. This will be summarized in a master plan report that the City can use as a working document. Mr. Koelzle continued in discussing the benefits to the City by having this master plan in place. He discussed the two contracts; the master agreement provides the foundation for all the work they will conduct for the City and the supplemental work which will be done with task orders. The City Attorney has already reviewed these agreements. Discussion continued concerning the existing deficiencies, the maintenance cost to keep the old plant operating, and the current information in Auto CAD. City Manager advised that TCEQ conducted their inspection, and it went well; but if the City is to keep this plant operating the City has to have a second power source. There was discussion on the cost. Councilman Muir asked if KSA has conducted similar studies for other cities. Mr. Koezlle advised that their firm has completed similar studies for the City of Longview, City of Tyler, City of Mt. Pleasant, City of Collinsville, City of Honey Grove, Central Bowie Water Supply Corporation, The Colony, and Diana Special Utility District. Discussion followed concerning the pricing of their contract. Councilman Walker inquired as to who will own the model. Mr. Hoelzle indicated the City will own the model. He was not sure the City could run it. The software is all in Auto CAD. Councilman Walker asked how KSA was found. City Manager indicated they had talked to three different firms concerning the project. He and Rob Woods, City Engineer, felt that KSA had the experience to do this project. There was another firm that was also qualified, but they are doing some major work for the City of Ft. Worth. The pricing for this firm was about double of KSA's. 3. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda.. Discussion on the proposal from AuldridgeGriffin audit firm. Councilman Walker asked the City Secretary for the cost of the audit that was conducted two years ago. The City Secretary indicated that audit cost was $5,500.00. Councilman Walker expressed a concern on the cost for the audit for this year which was $15,000. Discussion continued concerning the cost to conduct the audit and the new GASB requirements that have to be met. AulridgeGriffin included an increase in their three-year cost proposal. This does not commit the City for the next three years. The discussion continued concerning our previous auditor, the cost of his audit, and the reasons that kept him from conducting the audit this year. 4. Adjournment. Mayor adjourned the work session. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir MEMBERS ABSENT. OTHERS PRESENT: Councilman Glenn Ervin Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst. City Manager, Scott Hoelzle with KSA, Larry Klein, Bill Wright, Shannon Graves, Norman Bulaich with IESI, and Carolyn Bucher. 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Garza led the invocation, followed by Councilman Patton leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. Bill Wright addressed the City Council concerning the minutes of the September 2nd meeting. He expressed a concern with the minutes and the statement where it indicates he would be devaluating Miguelito's property. He indicated he did not come to Sanger run down someone else's property nor did he come to invest money in something that goes "hay wire". Mr. Wright discussed the type of building and the type of road that will access his business. He wanted to let everyone know he is not here to devaluate anyone's property. Jim Bob Klein indicated there was a lady on a wheel chair on 5th Street trying to get back from the Post Office. His thought was that if the City had sidewalks up to the Post Ofiice it would keep this lady from getting on the street to get back home. He expressed this was a safety issue. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: November 17, 2008 - Work Session November 17, 2008 - City Council b) Disbursements c) Award Bid to Auldridge Griffin, C.P.A. on Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 d) Approve- Integrated Library System Agreement Between North Texas Regional Library System and the Sanger Public Library e) Approve Resolution #111247-08 -Providing for a New Article 13.26, Establishing an Identity Theft Prevention Program, to set out Definitions, Policies and Procedures for Implementation of the Identify Theft Prevention Program Pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission's Red Flags Rule f) Approve K.S.A. Engineering Agreement for Professional Services on a Water/Wastewater System Master Plan Motion was made by Councilman Patton to approve the consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None 5. Consider and Possible Action on the Preliminary Plat of Wright Way Park. The City Manager advised there was an error in the plat. The correction is in the plat dedication on third line where it states Wright Way Industrial Park Addition. He requested that if it is approved, the motion needs to include the deletion of Industrial and the correction of the plat to be referred to as Wright Way Park Addition, Councilman Garza asked if the Planning and Zoning had approved the current plat as Industrial Park. City Manager indicated the plat was approved as Industrial. This does not keep the Council from approving it correctly. The Council is the final authority. Councilman Garza expressed a concern as to how the Planning and Zoning approved the plat. Discussion concerning the plat. Mr. Wright indicated the Planning and Zoning approved it as industrial property. Councilman Walker indicated that on one hand this is a zoning issue and on the other it is name correction of the plat. City Manager advised even if the plat is called Industrial Park, it does mean the burden is on thIL; Council to allow it as industrial use. Councilman Garza continued to express that if the plat was approved by Planning &Zoning with the wording as an Industrial Park, he would like to see it approved correctly. The Planning and Zoning reviews all plats first, and the plat was approved with the name of Industrial Park. City Manager advised this is correct, but the Council is the final authority. Councilman Garza advised that in a prior Council meeting there was a request for zoning change from Business 2 District to Industrial Zoning use. City Manager advised this is correct, and the zoning change was denied by Council. Discussion continued. The City Manager advised that the only change on this plat is a word change. The property is still zoned as Business 2 and not Industrial. Councilman Garza indicated that as long as it conforms to business zoning he has no problem. Councilman Walker made a motion to approve preliminary plat for Wright Way Park as presented. It is to be approved as Wright Way Park instead of Wright Way Industrial. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Public Hearing on a Proposed Zoning Change From Old S11-3 Single Family Residential District - 3 to SF-8 Single Family Residential District - 8 on Property Legally Described as Tract 194 and Tract 195 of the Reuben Beebee Survey, Abstract 29, Located at 105 and 107 North 7th Street. Mayor Higgs declared public hearing opened. Carolyn Bucher a 25 year resident of Sanger, addressed the Council concerning her request to rezone two lots on the west side of 7th Street and Locust Street from SF-3 to SF-8. Mrs. Bucher advised she has currently purchased this property. The SF-8 zoning will allow for a 1,000 sq. ft. home. Mrs. Bucher advised she has researched the value of the existing homes in the area, and the value of those homes range from $85,000 and higher. The homes they want to build will range in property value of $85,000. Mr. Klein addressed Council and indicated this property is directly north of his property. The change in zoning will allow for a smaller home, and this will devalue the properties in the area. He presented a petition from the property owners in the area who are opposing this zoning. City Manager indicated the proper notices were sent to the property owners. Discussion concerning the property that consists of two tract numbers. Joe Miff, Director of Development Services indicated there was only one letter sent back to the City for approval, and it was from the property owners. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #12-37-08 -Amending the Comprehensive Ordinance and Central Zoning Map by Changing the Zoning Classification From Old SF-3 Single Family Residential District - 3 to SF-8 Single Family Residential District - 8 on Property Legally Described as Tract 194 and Tract 195 of the Reuben Beebee Survey, Abstract 29, Located at 105 and 107 North 7th Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial. Mayor Higgs asked Mr. Klein if the property owners listed on the petition are within 200 ft of the property that is for re -zoning. It was determined that the list is from the property owners who were mailed the notices. Discussion followed concerning the notices and the petition. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to deny the request. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. s. Consider and Possible Action on Request from I.E.S.I. for the Consumer Price Index Increase of 3.7% Effective January 1, 2009 on Solid Waste Charges as Allowed per Their Contract. Norman Bulaich gave Council thanks of appreciation for the City's business. He continued in addressing the consumer price increase of 3.7%. He advised that per their contract IESI is allowed to go up on the CPI each year. This is the cost for doing business. Brief discussion concerning the monthly increase of 42 cents. Motion was made by Councilman Walker to approve the request from IESI for the Consumer Price Index Increase of 3.7%. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Information Items: a) City of Sanger Investment Report b City of Sanger Monthly Financial Statement c) Chamber of Commerce Financial Report d) Library Monthly Report e) Legislative Update 10. Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the meeting. 11/26/2008 2:53 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01944 INSURANCE VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GN999 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK JOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# 13080 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD I-200811261363 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD R 11/26/2008 21,106.22CR 038486 I-INS200811061327 HEALTH INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 1,850900CR 038486 I-INS200811201353 HEALTH INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 11850.00CR 038486 03320 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE C-200811261364 COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 0.03 038487 I-COL200811061327 HEALTH INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 11.80CR 038487 I-COL200811201353 HEALTH INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 11.80CR 038487 I-LIF200811061327 LIFE INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 73.26CR 038487 I-LIF200811201353 LIFE INSURANCE R 11/26/2008 73.26CR 038487 06770 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL C-200811261365 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL R 11/26/2008 0.24 038488 1-53571 SUN LIFE FINANCIAL R 11/26/2008 1,456.12CR 038488 I -GE 200811061327 DENTAL PLAN R 11/26/2008 461.96CR 038488 I -GE 200811201353 DENTAL PLAN R 11/26/2008 461.96CR 038488 15210 VISION BANK I-53573 LOAN 10000410 R 11/26/2008 2,644.12CR 038489 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 4 0.00 30,000,23 301000.23 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: TOTAL ERRORS: 0 0.00 30,000.23 30,000.23 PAGE: 1 CHECK AMOUNT 24,806.22 170.09 2,379.80 2,644.12 11/26/2008 2:53 PM PACKET: 01944 INSURANCE VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB—ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND 2OR NAME / I.D. DESC A / P CHECK REGISTER FUND 001 008 ALL CHECK CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** PERIOD AMOUNT 11/2008 15,906.91CR 11/2008 14r093a32CR ------------------------------------ 30,000.23CR PAGE: 2 CHECK AMOUNT 12/02/2008 4:59 PM PACKET: 01947 INSURANCE VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK )OR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 09600 AFLAC C-200812021367 SHAWN HAYES OVERPAYMENT R 12/02/2008 43.31 038490 I-AFK200811061327 INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 130.30CR 038490 I-AFK200811201353 INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 130.30CR 038490 I-AFL200811061327 INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 914.24CR 038490 I-AFL200811201353 INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 914.24CR 038490 21045.77 1 BENTON E. CRIPPS I-1658 R 12/02/2008 10.00OR 038491 10.00 10610 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY C-200812021368 LEADERSLIFE INS. COMPANY R 12/02/2008 0.04 038492 I-LLI200811061327 LIFE INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 60.68CR 038492 I-LLI200811201353 LIFE INSURANCE R 12/02/2008 60.68CR 038492 121.32 05400 PRE -PAID LEGAL CASUALTY I-PPL200811061327 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 12/02/2008 27.91CR 038493 I-PPL200811201353 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES R 12/02/2008 27.91CR 038493 55.82 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 4 0.00 2,232.91 2,232.91 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 4 0.00 21232.91 21232.91 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 12/02/2008 4:59 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01947 INSURANCE VENDOR SET: 99 BANK GNB99 GNB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND JOR NAME / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- 001 12/2008 1,300.51CR 008 12/2008 932.40CR ALL 2,232.91CR 12/03/2008 9:45 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 01950 add on cc packet 12/1/08 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK )OR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 18510 ABEL GONZALES I-200812031370 REIMB FOR CDL R 12/03/2008 60.00CR 038494 60.00 15100 JOSH BISHOP I-200812031372 MEAL MONEY REIMB R 12/03/2008 14.89CR 038495 14.89 19330 EMBROIDED BLESSINGS, LLC I-10 SHIRTS & JACKETS R 12/03/2008 140.00CR 038496 140.00 18790 FUELMAN I-np15373724 FUEL 11/17-11/23 R 12/03/2008 1,378.17CR 038497 I-npl5461934 FUEL 11/24-11/30 R 12/03/2008 930.83CR 038497 2,309.00 09460 SHAWN HAYES I-200812031373 REFUND ON OVERPYMT AFLAC R 12/03/2008 43.30CR 038498 43.30 15540 JAMES HUCKABEE I-200812031369 REIMB FOR CDL R 12/03/2008 60.00CR 038499 60.00 19850 LAWRENCE STEVENSON I-dec08 DEC CELL PHONE ALLOWANCE R 12/03/2008 50.00CR 038500 50.00 17400 PRECIOUS THOMPSON I-103108 IT SUPPORT & WEBSITE R 12/03/2008 11322.60CR 038501 11322.60 14510 RONDEY GARRETT I-200812031371 REIMB FOR CDL R 12/03/2008 60.00CR 038502 60.00 15210 VISION BANK I-2008 payment LOAN#10000414 R 12/03/2008 251008.29CR 038503 251008.29 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 10 0.00 29,068.08 29,068.08 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 10 0.00 29,068.08 29,068.08 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 12/03/2008 9:45 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01950 add on cc packet 12/1/08 VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND JOR NAME / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE PAGE : 2 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO## AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT -------------------- 001 12/2008 27,351.73CR 008 12/2008 1,716.35CR ALL 29,068.08CR 12/08/2008 12:08 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01963 CITY BILLS,PHONE,LOAN,EMPLOY VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK JOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 00600 CITY OF SANGER I-200812081389 ELECT/WATER/SEWER R 12/08/2008 331292.73CR 038549 33,292.73 19170 DEWAYNE DOUTHITT I-200811261359 MILEAGE TO PLMB TRAINING R 12/08/2008 57.87CR 038550 57.87 02490 EMBARQ: PHONE SEVICE I-NOV 08 PHONE, FAX, INTERNET R 12/08/2008 21126.92CR 038551 21126,92 13280 HCSB I-200812081390 LEASE#2004096 R 12/08/2008 736.00CR 038552 736.00 19830 JOE ILIFF I-200811261360 MILEAGE/PERDIEM R 12/08/2008 155.00CR 038553 155.00 1 MARGERY COOPER I-200812081387 REFUND COMM. CE R 12/08/2008 100.00CR 038554 100.00 06750 MIKE RILEY I-200812051386 REIMB FOR BATTERIES R 12/08/2008 7,03CR 038555 7.03 13380 SANGER BANK I-dec 08 pymt LOAN#07071866 R 12/08/2008 4,998.65CR 038556 4,998.65 D/S50 CASEY WELBORN I-200812051385 REIMB FOR PARAMEDIC TEST R 12/08/2008 110.00CR 038557 110.00 17930 ROBERT WOODS I-200812051379 MILEAGE OCT/NOV UTRWD R 12/08/2008 59.09CR 038558 59.09 * * T O T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 10 0.00 41,643.29 41,643.29 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 10 0.00 41,643.29 41,693.29 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 12/08/2008 12:08 PM A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 01963 CITY BILLS,PHONE,LOAN,EMPLOY VENDOR SET: 99 BANK S999 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK ODOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT --......................... ---------------- 001 12/2008 18,415.21CR 008 12/2008 231228.08CR ALL 41,643.29CR 12/12/2008 8:56 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01977 BANKERS CREDIT.BELL/JURY DUTY VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 1 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK OR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT N04 AMOUNT 19240 BANKERS CREDIT CARD SERVICE I-200812111397 MEALS/HOTEL/APPLEGATE/TCE R 12/12/2008 1,140.20CR 03B560 1/140420 11910 BRAD BELL I-200812111396 REIMB FOR PARAMEDIC APPL R 12/12/2008 110.00CR 038561 110.00 1 DAVID HARPER I-200812111407 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038562 6.00 1 ERICA TIPTON I-200812111405 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008, 6.00CR 038563 6.00 1 GLEN JENSEN I-200812111408 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038564 6400 19830 JOE ILIFF I-200812111399 TRAVEL EXP, R 12/12/2008 130.00CR 038565 130,00 1 JAMES ALEXANDER I-200812111413 JURY DUTY CHEC R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038566 6.00 1 KENNETH D HORN I-200812111406 JURY DUTY SERVI R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038567 6.00 i MICHALE DURHAM I-200812111411 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038568 6400 1 MICHELLE BENTLEY I-200812111410 JURY DUTY CHE R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038569 6.00 1 NATALIE WEAVER I-200812111409 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038570 6,00 1 PATRICIA HARDY I-200812111412 JURY DUTY CHECK R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038571 6.00 1 RITA LOVETRO I-200812111402 JURY DUTY SERVICE R 12/12/2008 6900CR 038572 6.00 1 SAN JUANITA ROMO I-200812111404 JURY DUTY SER R 12/12/2008 6.00CR 038573 6900 12/12/2008 8:56 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01977 BANKERS CREDIT.BELL/JURY DUTY VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND PAGE: 2 CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK JOR NAME / I.D. DESC TYPE DATE DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 1 THERESA CARROW I-200812111400 JURY DUTY R 12/12/2008 6.000R 038574 6.00 * * T 0 T A L S * * NO# DISCOUNTS CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED REGULAR CHECKS: 15 0.00 1,452.20 1,452.20 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE -WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 REGISTER TOTALS: 15 0.00 11452,20 1,452.20 TOTAL ERRORS: 0 12/12/2008 8:56 AM A / P CHECK REGISTER PACKET: 01977 BANKERS CREDIT.BELL/JURY DUTY VENDOR SET: 99 BANK SB99 SB-ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FUND DOR NAME / I.D DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE PAGE: 3 CHECK CHECK DISCOUNT AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- 001 12/2008 696.1OCR 008 12/2008 756.1OCR ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ALL 1,452.20CR 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PICKET: 02011 Regular Payments - VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: N/A NON -DEPARTMENTAL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENi NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-1 MISC. VENDOR JENNA LANG I-200812231423 001-00-4140 COMMUNITY CEN COMR4 CENTER REFUND 000000 125.00 ELIZABETH REEDY I-200812231424 001-00-4140 COMMUNITY CEN COM34 CENTER DEPOSIT REFUN 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL: 225.00 ................ _______________________________________________________________________________ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEN[ NAME ITEM k G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK'# AMOUNT 99-00450 SUPER SAVE I-121508 001-15-5215 FOOD COFFEE CREAMER 000000 _ 7.14 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSONr DILLA - I-200812111395 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE LEGAL SERVICE 000000 542.72 99-12820 RICOH ffi3ERICAS CORP. I-502560513- 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER FOR COPIER 000000 30.96 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 580.82 __________________________________________........ ___________________________ ------ _............ ________________________ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT' NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01380 KARL-KLEMENT FORD, INC. I-192015 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V HEADLIGHT/TAIL LIGHT FLAS 000000 418.58 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-227127 001-20-5245 JANITORIAL SU JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 000000 84.58 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2156342-00 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER 000000 65.33 I-2156342-00 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER FOR FAX 000000 86.10 I-2156342-00 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE FOLDERS 000000 17.19 99-11570 CULLIGAN I-02147919 001-20-5215 FOOD WATER BOTTLE SERVICE 000000 54.47 99-12820 RICOH A14ERICAS CORP. I-404176431 001-20-5332 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER MAINT AGREEMENT 000000 257.43 99-15100 JOSH BISHOP 1-200812161416 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS TRAVEL 000000 13.71 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP15674364 001-20-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 304.60 99_: NAPA AUTO PARTS I-200812161417 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V MISC AUTO PARTS 000000 1,024.14 99-19880 TEXAS STATE NOTARY BURE I-200812171420 001-20-5235 DUES AND REGI AMYX NOTARY STAMP 000000 21.00 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 2,347.13 .......... __________........ _______........... _______........... ______............... _____.......... ______...........________ 12/30/2008 2:11 P2.1 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENL NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NA14E DESCRIPTION CHECK'O AMOUNT 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON I-200812181421 001-24-5390 RADIOS FIRE D VHF ANTENNA 000000 38.00 99-02520 S F F t4 A I-2009 001-24-5235 DUES & REGIST DUES FOR OAGiVNIZATION 000000 500.00 I-2009 001-24-5235 DUES & REGIST DUES FOR ORGANIZATION 000000 55.00 99-11810. SPECIALTY RESCUE & FIRE I-2008-151 001-24-5326 R & M MINOR E SERVICE TEST RESCUE EXT 000000 1f100.00 I-2008-151 001-24-5326 R & M MINOR E dust covers 000000 47.50 99-17190 TOMAR ELECTRONICS I-099778 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V LIGHT BAR & CONTROL BOX 000000 2/131424 99-18340 FIRST ADVANTAGE BACKGRO I-77SOYD0811 001-24-5182 BACKGROUND CH BACKGROUND CHECK 000000 5.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP15674364 001-24-5320 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-200612161417 001-24-5325 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/B/OB - 12/14/OB 000000 R & id MOTOR V t4ISC AUTO PARTS 000000 44.30 606.89 DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 4�527.93 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 25 AMBULANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT NP14E ITEM 0 G/L ACCOUNT NA14E DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-05600 MOTRE MEDICAL CORP. I-80942977 001-25-5262 EMS SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 864.29 I-80947161 001-25-5262 EMS SUPPLIES MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 434,39 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-2143611-0 001-25-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI PAPER/FOLDERS/STAPLES/TAP 000000 213.68 99-16240 SCHAD 6 PULTE I-173867r816780 001-25-5262 E14S SUPPLIES MEDICAL OXYGEN 000000 28.00 I-616780 001-25-5262 EMS SUPPLIES MEDICAL OXYGEN 000000 14.00 99-17260 QUEST CARE I-INS09 001-25-5235 DUES & REGIST ANNUAL MALPRACTICE INSUR 000000 500.00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP15674364 001-25-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 118.66 DEPARTMENT 25 AMBULANCE TOTAL: 21173,02 .......... __________________........... ____________............. ____________............... _____________.......__________ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET_: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA 2-227127 001-26-5245 BLD.& JANITOR JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 000000 121.83 99-18100 Ah1ERICAN hUNICIPAL SEAV I-3200 001-26-5745 MUNICIPAL SER COLLECTION ON WARRANTS 000000 288.29 DEPARTMENT 26 h1UN2CIPAL COURT TOTAL: 910.12 _____________________....... ______________.......... _______________________________________________________________________________ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PATMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEND rl NP14E ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-66623 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 500 BLDG PERMITS 000000 81.68 I-66623 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 1000 2-PART INSPECTION FO 000000 93.50 I-66623 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI SHIPPING 000000 10.75 99-17640 DOLLAR GENERAL I-101733 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CUPS,SPOONS,BLEACH,SOAP 000000 55.46 99-18790 FUELAfAN 2-NP15674364 001-28-5320 VEHICLE FUEL FUEL 12/8/OB - 12/14/08 000000 24.86 DEPARTPENT 28 DEVELOPP•SENT SERVICES TOTAL; 266.25 _____.............. ______________............ ____________.........____ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENZ ':' NAME ITEM ' G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-16550 UNIQUE PAVING 14ATERIALS I-192117 001-30-5360 SYSTEM MAINTE UPM HIGH PERF. ASPHALT 000000 796.32 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP15674364 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 155.50 99-19200 PATH MARK TRAFFIC PRODU I-0055581 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS no cell phones in school 000000 392.00 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS 1 I-200812161417 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V MISC AUTO PARTS 000000 338.21 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 1r682.03' ........... _______......... _______......... _____........... 12/30/2008 2:11 P14 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENL Nffi4E ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-42092f41785141459 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V CHIPPER REPAIR PARTS 000000 154.30 99-08040 ELIZABETH HIGGS I-200812231425 001-32-5221 BEAUTIFICATIO DINNER FOR JUDGES 000000 93.40 99-12710 PETTIT MACHINERYf INC I-030541 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V BLADES/BAROIL/IGNITION CO 000000 339.72 99-17380 THE GLOVE GUY I-297-1065 I-297-1065 99-18690 LIBERTY FLAGS, INC. I-47687 I-47687 I-47687 99-18790 FUELt4AN I-NP15674364 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-200812161417 001-32-5260 SAFETY EQUI PP•f 12 LARGE GLOVES 000000 76.80 001-32-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM 12 MED GLOVES 000000 76.80 001-32-5270 PROGRAM SUPPL 2 6X10 US FLAGS 000000 103.50 001-32-5270 PROGRAM SUPPL 2 6X10 TX FLAGS 000000 126.00 001-32-5270 PROGRA14 SUPPL 2 6X10 CUSTOM SANGER FLAG 000000 594.00 001-32-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 163.67 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V MISC AUTO PARTS 000000 76.24 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: lf804v43 ........... ______........ _______.......... ____........._______ 12/30/2008 2:11 Phi REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENL NAME ITE14 # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01550 ATMOS I-200812111398 001-36-5516 GAS SERVICE UTILITY GAS 000000 7.55 I-200812111398 001-36-5516 GAS SERVICE UTILITY GAS 000000 7.55 99-15170 ACTION CLEANING SYSTEMS I-78883 001-36-5326 R & M MINOR E PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR 000000 8.03 99-18590 GDI TIMS I-080900083 99-18790 FUEi:hiAN I-NP15674369 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER INSPECTION TRANSACTION 000000 0.42 001-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 36.33 DEPARTMENT 3'o FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 59.68 ____________________________________________________________...... 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 40 SULLIVAN CENTER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENli NAE3E ITEPf r4 G/L ACCOUNT NAAfE DESCRIPTION CHECK' AMOUNT 99-00450 SUPER SAVE I-121508 001-40-5215 FOOD COFFEE CREAE4ER 000000 4.76 DEPARTMENT 40 SULLIVAN CENTER TOTAL: 9.76 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00690 DALLAS MORNING NEWS I-2008 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & 5 SUBSCRIPTION 000000 252.00 99-02120 QUILL, INC. I-3271091 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-227391 I-227391 I-227391 I-227391 I-227391 I-227391 99-03070 WORLD ALMANAC EDUCATION I-001076790001 99-03800 DE2dCO I-3907184 I-3407184 I-3407184 I-3407184 I-3407184 99-11o<U STEWART ORGANIZATION I-81958 99-15250 SUDDENLINK I-1208 99-16440 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS- I-42666 99-18350 NORTH TEXAS REGIONAL LI I-T2 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI -OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 126.27 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI HAND SOAP 000000 12.30 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEAN LEMON 000000 11.35 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI BATHROO14 CLEANER 000000 15.64 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI BLEACH 000000 4.22 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI MOP 000000 8.82 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI FUEL CHARGE 000000 2.00 001-42-5227 BOOKS & OTHER 2009 ALMANAC 000000 9.95 001-92-5270 PROGRAMS AND 5 BOOK BARCODES 000000 118.95 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND PATRON BARCODES 000000 49.02 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND AUDIO CASSETTE CASE 000000 7.51 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND 10 BOOK EASELS 000000 10.50 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND SHIPPING 000000 19.61 001-42-5332 001-92-5530 001-42-5225 001-42-5951 OFFICE MACHIN COPIER LEASE INTERNET INTERNET ACCESS 000000 MAGAZINES & S iAGAZINE SUBS FOR LIBRARY 000000 ANNUAL SOFTWA ONLINE TUTOR SERVICE FUND 001 GENERAL FUND 000000 TOTAL: TOTAL: 46.56 92.05 561.76 1, 519.00 2,862.51 16, 943.88 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: S1399 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEN1 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# P24OUNT 99-00450 SUPER SAVE I-121508 008-15-5215 FOOD COFFEE CREAMER 000000 7.14 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-200812111395 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE LEGAL SERVICE 000000 542,71 99-12820 RICOH APIERICAS CORP. I-502560513- 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER FOR COPIER 000000 30.96 DEPARTMENT 580.81 ____________________________________________________________________ 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 12/30/2008 2:11.PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 DATA PROCESSING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT ':' NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01830 NOR-TEX C01o9MUNICATIONS I-15351 008-19-5430 PROFESSIONAL 2 HR PROGRAMMING 000000 190100 99-12820 RICOH AMERICAS CORP. I-403624697- 008-19-5332 OFFICE MACHIN 7/l/08 - 9/30/08 000000 404.00 I-403624697- 008-19-5332 OFFICE 14ACHIN 10/1/06 - 12/31/08 000000 404.00 99-15780 ITRON I-84270 008-19-5451 ANNUAL SOFTWA SOFTWARE MAINT 000000 287.04 99-16100 P14ERICAN MUNICIPAL SERV I-3218 008-19-5745 MUNICIPAL SER UT COLLECTION 000000 124.54 DEPARTMENT 19 DATA PROCESSING TOTAL: lo409.58 .......... ________.............. _____________.......... _____________........... ___________.......... ___________.......__ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 FLEET SERVICES BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEN[ -' NAME ITEM '4 G/L ACCOUNT NA14E DESCRIPTION CHECK$ AMOUNT 99-15170 ACTION CLEANING SYSTEMS I-78883 006-36-5326 R fi M MINOR E PRESSURE WASHER REPAIR 000000 6*03 99-18590 GDI TIME I-080900083 008-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER INSPECTION TRANSACTION 000000 0442 99-18790 FUEL�fAPi I-NP15674364 00B-36-5320 14OTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 36.33 DEPARTMENT 36 FLEET SERVICES TOTAL: 44478 ................ _______________.......... ___________............______ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 WATER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENL NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-7316/7318/7323 008-50-5373 R & M WATER W 2 POLE DT/24VAC GOULD SOL 000000 31821*66 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I-W270812 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS VOLUME CHARGE 000000 81158,90 I-W270812 008-50-5386 UTILITY DEMAN DEMAND CHARGE 000000 12,837.29 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL, I N I-84937 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP 15 CHLORINE BOTTLES 000000 1,305.00 99-15780 ITRON I-84270 008-50-5450 TECHNICAL SUP HARDWARE MAINT 000000 719.85 99-17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AU I-LB54384 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING WATER TESTS 000000 11753*00 99-18790 FUELMAN I-NP15674364 008-50-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 191489 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-200812161417 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V MISC AUTO PARTS 000000 211646 DEPARTMENT 50 WATER TOTAL: 28,999*05 ................ _________............. _______................. ________.......... ________.......... _________............ 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 WASTE WATER TREATMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEN-' NACRE ITEi2 # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# At3OUNT 99-05510 IESI I-0004080688 008-54-5535 SOLID'WASTE ROLL OFF @ 301 JONES 000000 90,30 99-19480 HUTHER & ASSOCIATES, IN I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP BIO CHEM OXYGEN DEMAND 000000 140,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP TOATAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS 000000 80400 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP P14ONIA 000000 100400 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP CARBONACEOUD BIO CHEM OXY 000000 140,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLID 000000 80.00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP TCLP 000000 11380,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUP? BIO CHEM. OXYGEN DEMAND 000000 175,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS 000000 200,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP AMONIA 000000 125,00 I-32194 & 32098 008-54-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP CARBONACEOUS BIO CHEM OXY 000000 175,00 DEPARTMENT 59 47ASTE WATER TREATMENT TOTAL: 2, 685.30 ............... _________................. ________............. __________........ ___________......... 12/30/2008 2:11 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 02011 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENT NAME ITEM 0 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# P240UNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER 6 CHEMICA I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU KITCHEN ROLL TOWELS 000000 29.52 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU TOILET PAPER 000000 29.49 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU MIST AWAY RR CLEANER 000000 27.00 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU BLEACH 000000 3.90 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU FLOOR CLEANER 000000 22.84 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU LIQUID HANDSOAP 000000 9105 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU TRASH BAGS 30X37 000000 24.09 I-227257 008-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU TRASH BAGS 38X58 000000 28.42 I-227257 006-58-5245 JANITORIAL SU FUEL CHARGE 000000 2.00 99-02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-1025152-00 008-58-5360 SYSTEM MAINTE FLORECENT BI-PIN LAMP 000000 30.00 I-1041632-00 008-58-5360 SYSTEM MAINTE 30 4' FLORECENT BI PIN BU 000000 30.00 99-04160 COMET CLEANERS I-200812111394 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR PRATER 000000 23.75 I-200812111394 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR GREEN 000000 28.75 I-200812111394 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR CLAYTON 000000 10.00 I-200812111394 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAR NEIGHBORS 000000 23.75 99-05510 IESI I-0004080688 008-58-5535 SOLID FIASTE ROLL OFF @ 302 RAIL ROAD 000000 90.30 99-OiioO HOME DEPOT/GECF I-2312450 008-58-5329 CHRISTMAS DIS GLUE 000000 6.46 I-2312450 008-58-5329 CHRISTMAS DIS 12 PLUGS 000000 35.88 I-2312450 008-58-5329 CHRISTMAS DIS 12 CONNECTORS 000000 59.88 99-15780 ITRON I-84270 008-58-5450 TECHNICAL SUP HARDWARE MAINT 000000 719.85 99-18790 FUEL4AN I-NP15674364 008-58-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 12/8/08 - 12/14/08 000000 165.30 99-19500 NAPA AUTO PARTS I-200812161417 008-58-5325 R 6 M t40TOR V MISC AUTO PARTS 000000 494.82 99-ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-9418431 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V HYDROLIC SOLENOID 000000 277.09 DEPARTMENT 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 21172.14 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 35,891.66 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 52f835.59