00-00-00-Resolution-Appointing members to the 4A Industrial Development Board-12/22/1986RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Sanger Industrial Development Board has been inactive over the past few years, and, WHEREAS, some of the members are no longer available to serve; and, WHEREAS, a new and more active effort is now being undertaken to attract industry to the Sanger economy; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Sanger deems it essential that the membership of the Industrial Development Board be,updated and current at all times. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following members by position and title: Nel Armstron Carolyn Adkins Danny Spindle John W. Coker Mayor Councilwoman Economic Banker to t airman C/C mlttee are hereby appointed to serve for a period of six years as prescribed by Section 1 of Article II (Board of Directors) of the Industrial Developers Commission By Laws. PASSED AND APPROVED the ATTEST: City cr 22nd day of December 1986. Mayor 0