07/13/2006-4B-Minutes-RegulariIr RESENT* President Nel Armstrong, Glenn Elwin, John Springer, Thomas Mul Beverly Branch, John Payne. 1 PRESENT;SmithManager,in imEconomic DevelopmentDwiector, David Pennington Paul Edleman:..,,i Parks Board, m Green, Paula Morales, family. Chavez and Thomasorrection on page 2" "park spaces" should be changed to "parking spaces". Secondel.-I ,! unanimously, r It s $24,898; the total Expendable Income is $531, 689. This does not include anything hat was budgeted this year, 1 1 ,, ,OAZMAA ,; Co The playground was priced at,$33,09 Do park was pricedat $95,408. Eo The parking lot approximately consists of 20�25 spaces ranging in price -n ', 9 1I' 1 I ; price per Lparking ; . ;I ;1, 1,1 F6 The total cost for trees was .1, Aydro471ulch had 1 estimate cost. based phase will be doneand the square 1 .• i`, 1.,. 1, 1 t F,� 1 t,Exteriorw$40,000 i Utilitiesw$41,000 Ce Interior454,000 If r `I 1' •1 ;�; 1 1 1 i e1 ` � � '�� dBuxton MarketingAnalysis(` i4,00 Bo Retail Marketiner Plan Totalm$5,0004 1 p -. ; 1 . 1 1. , 1, a- 1 sl' i � . ;I; < ; 1 1• ; 71 %' , i P 9CUT11eOuncting scraped, I neir organization has deciclea to hire someone,1 1 the lead in the paint,1 to put 1 drop cloth and roll aint 1,it and dispose of it. She wants to see if they supply f'' materials if the city mployces wouldi paint it. They would1 the doorsreplaced efore winter hat it could be finished. '. I;P,'things, � ' i I+;� `L • l� it y? 1 ' � r; ' 1' j.l ,t - e rmstrong inuicated This Duilding is over 114 years old and has a historical narker. The building cannot be torni ! Historical Committee ' 1 of Ideas of what this building can be used for. It can be used for small weddings, family eunions,and/or another �• � i, (' t 1 Ii't I+ ,�V,�a 1.theirapplication.I' C` commented ?IL '1: 1 1 r our 1 ,1 C 1. own i 1" P, aturn of the centuryw They commented on our downtown structures as well. 1 I I would J` 1 4Sanger. i torical markers, and they are in the process of trying to designate another one. At us I his 1 ;Fi Center, the. Vu?,vimic11 1 1-.i� .sl is ;- r_. rhey are going to try to get grants and raise some money, but she hoped the 4B board vould consider l=rt=1 , '1 1, I I t • s�s ; . , 1 � c. � I ; . 1 � !, u . �, . ; , ; '; 1ITAk` 111W +1 t 11} Of idewalks in downtown, ' I ompany basically studies and1 market and the community. owhere theywant 1 r ,1 but in some cases, agrocery III a different location and my not see the best location, This is an expensive study ut it does give 1 1' only J'' materials,but they 1'(p) hey t i Home �' 1�' almost hiring public elations firm. The retail incentive study is a lower technology based through thl Juiversity of North Texas. They win work1 students to identify possiblez n Me U i soncontinued to discuss reserves and expendituresfor I IT . 1; 1 1' t 1: 1scissioni Zgax 1' communitypark or a city park, He'indicated the City had ordinances re subdivisions1 donate park land.1 I,. to end up with more 1; 1. , 1> 71=. park.with City parks inside of them as open spaces because of this ordinance, This is a City I be a City park. I c.. (: ,. i 1 1 1 1 .' d' i 1 f : 1. . ! I + 1` 1 Ii , :: ' 9 3• eveloper should1 Ian just the land for the IV�s. ��Y°soar indic�t�d they had the option of ph�siug the pieces in, ii�e d®ing � p�viii��� and a playground first. Aiscussi®n continued regarding wail Run Park. L � ' 1 I'• 1 concession 1' d+ J< and 1 g area. They want'1 do it righto start r i4 He 1uld be accomplished with support 1the community. Theyab : 'i ike to work on some addid nal baseball fields. They care also working on a boys and 110 iris club, but didn't feel they wouldcome before 1 board o , on that, They d staff and it will be partnership with the city$ They would like to tually renovate the pool possibly put in a kiddlewater park. oing to Council is even necessary. ! 1 1 1 1WMIJ TOU UK !1'L_ I Lt U:a `n �a li,t1t•tiP He had been told projectclose 1 his t t; not1 be funded bthe '„ Board. This is not true. The fire department currently has a full house of trucks, They have a brand new pumperl also have two ambulances purchased by Jt . but there1 place to put thembecause 6 outgrown station.the The cost imposed 1'I the 'C t by 1e City of Denton is very high. One of thingsthe holding them back at this timeexpansion of i facilities in order i move, forward and provide put the vehicles,1 also fund the ,staff to put them in serVicell lunds can be used for a fire department, 1Y being able to expend funds to build a whole new fire department building. The urpose wouldnot be solely 1 brmig in new p 111 • If i. 1 r,, i 1 r 1 1 �� 1 l '• '1 ! � b. ' 'n 3 oil scheduletentatively is other items on this list forconsideration. is an uncompleted project and an eye sore. -1 JS 9 1! IF 31.411111. Beverly Branch seconded, Motion carrie Imously. l 1 III Fill Pill 1111 111 t �� I am I MUM l Fil 114 Rio MTOry