10-12-1938-Resolution-Financing Construction Public Works Project-10/12/193802 ACCEPTAi CE bSOT UTION I lII1ZTUTES PE"PTAIT iIi G TO ITS liI OPTI0 3 COtITVTY ® ' I TTG' CITY OF S. d G EI, The Board, of Commissioners of the City of Sanger, Te s, ^or. ened ®n Special meeting, at the regular meeting place on this 12th day -of October, 1938, with the following members present, tomwits (The members named constitute all the members of said Board®) I[1 T iayo r Coiissioner Commissioner Con . i s s i on er C OZ!7TTil S 51011 P, r C ®i;1 11 S S 1 oY1eY' City Seoretar r wi .,h the 1"ollovving absents N J N E, constituting a quorum, at v hich + _ te the following, among other business, was transaoted, -to®,^rite Comr issioner IFclTeil1 introduced a proposed resolution and moored its adoption® The resolution was .r°ead in fu11® Commissioner Stinson seconded the motion® the notion was carried by the following emotes AYES* Commissioners Wilson, Stinson, pate, 'McNeill, Uorst® 1:u0ES s N O I`a E The Fwaa;.or° ar n.oLanced that the resolution had been finally passed® SOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES OF ,P1.liE.1d.ICA TO AID$ BY WAY OF GPL&YNT, IN FINANCI11G TEE CONSTRUCTION OF A PROJECT THEREIN DESCRIBED 10THE'I�EAS, the United States of jcaerica has offered to aid the City of Sanger, Texas, by gray of grant, in f inancing the construction of a project fully described in said Offer; and, 1;VTH , 4 is, it is deemed desirable that the said Offer be accepted by the City at this time; , Th'?�uFOPF, BE IT I;rSOLVci3 BY TnF SOARD Op CJIduISIulr-S OF THE CITY OF SANGER T A�r S c That the Offer of tl�e united States of e�lnerica, reading as FpDEa��1l� Fa�.G%T�;+"`1 .��IiTuiIlUI�TI?i?TICiN OF PU�I,IC �`>`OIZYS ?��ashington, D w C pateds Set, 303 1S38 Docket No. Tees 2452®PMF City cf Sannger, Sanger, Tex�.s pal � Subject to the Terms and. Condi Lions (I�d>1:A Fox° Igo ® 230, as amended to the date of this Offer), which are made a part hereof, the united States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construction of alterations and improvements to the electric generating plant, including necessary equipment (herein called the "Project"', by making a grant to -the City of Sanger (herein called the 4°Applicant'') in the amount of 45 percent of the cost of the Project upon completion, as detemined by the Federal emergency Administrator of Public VV'orks (herein called the ".Administrator"), but not to exceed, in any event, the sun of 24,75 " 2® By acceptance of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin �rork on the Project as early as possible but in no event later than lO eeks frorn the date of this Offer and to complete such Project with all practicable dispatch, andin any event within S months froy:_ the commence dent of construction, 3® This Offer is made subject to the empress condition that, if the ...Administrator s�aall determine at any time that the ��-pplicazat has paid or agreed to pay, whether directly or indirectly, a bonus, ccuraciis® lion or fee to any person, firm or corporation for attempting to procure an approval of the Applicant's application, or for alleged services in procuring or in attempting to procure such approval, or for activities of the nature commonly known as lobbying performed or agreed to be per« formed in connection with the application, then the .Administrator shall have the right in his discretion, to rescind this Offer and any agreersients resulting herefrom, and, in the event of such rescission, the United States of .America shall be under no further obligation hereunder. U14ITED STATES OF ai�4ERICA. F'ede,ral tuLergency A.dmiin istrator of Public N''orks Ti d .- A .av m Azi s_i s tan', _dm? n s_t r� i-�' -- be and the same is herebyr in all respects accepted. 2® That said City of Sanger agrees to abide and Conditions of said offer, including the Terms and hereto and made a part thereof by all the TerIT S Conditions annexed ® That the Secretary be and he as hereby authorized and directed forth with to send to the .Federal Mnergencyr Administration of public =:Yorks three certified copies of the proceedings of the Board of Conu.issioncrs ixz connection with the adoption of this Resolution, setting forth this IlResolu- tion in full, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Federal Eluergency AdI= ministration of Public Works. TTPSTS P1l.SS�Li 1b1vD 1iFP��O�D T��IS 12T3 DAY QF QCIQBFP, l93£i� Secretary® Wm Mayor Then there came on for a.iscussian the letter reeeived frown. x����a., dated Ser,tember 28, 1938 and in aocordanoe with the stated therein, t he following resolution was introduced by L. L. I'doNeill and seconded. by T® C® afilson® The motion was unanimously carried by the Poll ng votes; A`iDS: Comrdssianers liilsan, Stinson, Pate, P:cNeill, Horst* T`?vEC a NONEe The Mayor aninounced that the resolution had been fioally passed® RESOLUTION NQMTi1ATTIvG ENQrNFP B� IT �`SQ1.,VijD, That the Board of Aldermen, of the City of Sanger, Texas, havin investigated -the qualifications of Municipal engineering � Finance Company, of Dallas, Texas, and having confidence in t:le:lr ability, do hereby nominate the said kunicipal Exri�ine�ring v4 Finance Company as Engineer, to prepare plans, specifications and other contract documents, and to super® vise the construction and improvements of the project for which an allocatinn of funds has been made by the Public forks Administration under Docket No. Texas 2432®P'F, and in accordance with the executed gineering Service Contract heretofore entered into by and between City of Sanger, Texas and T unicipal :Engineering Finance Company of date August 3, 1938.