020-94-Ordinance-Amending Cable TV Rate Regulations-10/03/1994GITY sEmEwy CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORIGINAL Copy ORDINANCE NO. #020-94 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MODEL CABLE TV RATE REGULATION ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SECTION 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTIONS 1 - 21 - Amendments to Cable T.V. Rate Regulation with Annotated Version For Discussion Only. SECTION 2. Definitions. (g) 2 Small system. A small system is a cable television system that serves 1,000 or fewer subscribers. The service area of a small system is determined by the number of subscribers that are served by a syste&s principal headend, including any other headends or microwave receive sites that are technically integrated to the system's principal headend. Section 3.3 Information to be provided by cable operator on monthly bills. A cable operator must provide the following information to subscribers on monthly bills: (a) A statement substantially the same as the following: "The basic service tier rates and related equipment and installation charges are regulated by the City. If you have any questions or comments regarding these rates, you may call or write the City at P. O. Box 578, Sanger, Texas 76266, 817-458-7930"; TFor all cable systems subject to regulation, the rates permitted between September 1, 1993 and May 16, 1994, and refund liability with respect to such rates, will be determined by the initial FCC regulations adopted on April 1, 1993, on which the original rate regulation ordinance was based. The lawfulness of rates in effect on or after May 15, 1994, and refund liability with respect to such rates, will be determined in accordance with the FCC's revised rules effective on May 15, 1994, upon which these ordinance amendments are based. 2§ 7CL901 (c). Change from "system that serves fewer than 1,000 subscribers" to 0system, that serves 1,000 or fewer subscribers. 3 § 76.952 The 5/15/94 revision adds subparagraph (b). 1 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY (b) The name, mailing address and phone number of the Cable Services Bureau of the FCC; and (c) The FCC community unit identifier for the cable system. Section 4. Negative Option Billing.` Section 6.5 Rates for the basic service tier.' (a) Basic service tier rates. Basic service tier rates are subject to regulation by the City in order to assure that they are in compliance with the requirements of 47 U.S.C. § 543. Rates that are demonstrated, in accordance with this ordinance, not to exceed the "Initial Permitted Per Channel Charge" or the "Subsequent Permitted Per Channel Charge" as described below, or the equipment charges as specified in Section 7, will be accepted as in compliance. The maximum monthly charge per subscriber for the basic service tier offered by a cable operator shall consist of a permitted per channel charge multiplied by the number of `The FCC has clarified that the negative option billing prohibition applies to all cable services offered by all cable operators, regardless of whether the operators are subject to effective competition. The FCC has stated that this is more in the nature of a consumer protection measure rather than a rate regulation provision per se. As such, it could just as well fit into a franchise ordinance as in a rate regulation ordinance. There is no change to the text of this section. s§ 76.922. With the exception of subparagraph (a), the 5/15/94 revision substantially rewrote and reorganized this section. `The FCC has clarified that the Act requires a uniform rate structure throughout the operator's franchise areas, regardless of whether the operator is exempted from rate regulation in some portions of its service area by the "effective competition" provisions of the Act. 1206\000-007.ORD 2 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY channels on the tier, plus a charge for franchise fees. The maximum monthly charges for the basic service tier shall not include any charges for equipment or installations. Charges for equipment and installations are to be calculated separately pursuant to Section 7 of this ordinance. (b) Permitted Charge on May 15, 1994. (1) For purposes of this section, the initial date of regulation for the basic service tier shall be the date on which the City gives written notice to the cable operator that (A) the City has been certified by the Commission to regulate rates for the basic service tier' and (B) this ordinance has been adopted by the City.' (2) For purposes of this section, rates "in effect on the initial date of regulation" or "in effect on September 30, 1992," shall be the rates charged to subscribers for service received on that respective date. 'The FCC has determined that it will allow certified cities to notify the FCC that they have decided not to regulate rates, upon their determination that rate regulation would no longer serve the best interests of local cable subscribers. Cities are specifically prohibited from accepting consideration in exchange for their decision to decertify. The FCC has retained, however, the right to review such determinations and seek an explanation from the City concerning the factual finding underlying its decision to decertify. The FCC will not prohibit a City from again seeking certification, even after it has decertified. 'The FCC will continue to assert jurisdiction over basic rates when the City's certification is denied for failure to adopt regulations that are consistent with the FCC's rate rules. This is intended to be an interim solution, to avoid a regulatory vacuum when the City has affirmatively sought certification, until the City can conform its regulations or overcome its legal impediment to satisfy federal regulations and become certified. The FCC will, however, allow a City to cure any nonconformance with the FCC rules that does not involve a substantial or material regulatory conflict before it will revoke the City's certification and assume jurisdiction. The FCC will revoke the jurisdiction of the City for non-conformance when the state and local laws involve a substantial and material conflict with the FCC's regulations. 1206\000-007.onn 3 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY (3) The permitted charge for the basic service tier shall be, at the election of the cable operator, either: (i) A rate determined pursuant to a cost -of -service proceeding; (ii) The full reduction rate; (iii) The transition rate, if the system is eligible for transition relief; or (iv) A rate based on a streamlined rate reduction, if the system is eligible to implement such a rate reduction. Except where noted, the term "rate" in this subsection means a rate measured on an average regulated revenue per subscriber basis. (4) Full reduction rate.' The "full reduction rate" on May 15, 1994, is the system's September 30, 1992 rate, measured on an average regulated revenue per subscriber basis, reduced by 17 percent, and then adjusted for the following: (i) the establishment of permitted equipment rates as required by Section 7; (i i) inflation measured by the GNP -PI between October 1, 1992 and September 30, 1993;10 9A system whose rate level being justified is below the full reduction rate will be permitted to raise its rate level up to the full reduction rate level. This is because the full reduction level establishes the reasonable rate level for that system under these rate regulations. Any system that sets its rates at the full reduction level will be entitled to adjust those rates in the future for annual inflation, changes in external costs, and changes in the number of regulated channels. 10Inflation adjustments are allowed on an annual basis. Cable systems will be able to file for an inflation adjustment for the period beginning October 1, 1993 and ending June 30, 1994 once the final GNP -PI for the quarter ending June 30, 1994 is released. The FCC is using a June 30 cycle for inflation because the final GNP -PI is generally released 90 days after the end of each quarter. The FCC anticipates that operators will have the final GNP -PI figure for June, 30, 1994 by September 30, 1994, in time for their first annual rate adjustment. 1206\000-007.ORD 4 CITY [ i Y ONGINAL COPY (iii) changes in the number of program channels subject to regulation that are offered on the system's basic service tier between September 30, 1992 and the earlier of the initial date of regulation for basic service or February 28, 1994;11 and (iv) changes in external costs that have occurred between the earlier of the initial date of regulation for basic service tier or February 28, 1994, and March 31, 1994. (5) March 31 1994 benchmark rate.12 The "March 31, 1994 benchmark rate" is the rate so designated using the calculations in Form 1200.13 11Channels added to or deleted from regulated tiers between September 30, 1992 and the date of initial regulation (or February 28, 1994, whichever occurs earlier) are handled through application of the old benchmark methodology pursuant to the calculations set forth in FCC Form 393. Channel changes that occur between the date of initial regulation (or February 28, 1994, where applicable) and the effective date of the new rules are accorded external cost treatment only (to reflect changes in programming costs), since going -forward rules to govern those changes had not yet been adopted. Channel changes occurring after 5/15/94 will be governed by the going -forward methodology adopted in these rules. 12March 31, 1994 is used as the measure for determining transition treatment because that date is the end of the first quarter in calendar year 1994. The FCC has adopted standardized quarters for calculating quarterly changes in external costs (and annual changes for inflation). 11 To compare its rates to the benchmark, a cable system will first calculate its "regulated revenue per subscriber" for the franchise area at issue as of March 31, 1994. The "regulated revenue per subscriber" is the cable system's revenue from its basic and cable programming service tiers, plus its regulated equipment revenue, divided by its number of subscribers. The cable system will then calculate its "benchmark regulated revenue per subscriber" using the revised benchmark formula. This benchmark rate will be based on the system's characteristics as of March 31, 1994. The benchmark rate will incorporate the 17W competitive differential and will be adjusted for inflation to enable the cable system to make a proper comparison between its actual March 31, 1994 rates and the benchmark. The inflation adjustment is necessary because the benchmark formula is based on data reflecting industry rates as of September 30, 1992. The formula therefore must be inflated forward to March 31, 1994 to permit a comparison with a system's actual March 31, 1994 rates. If, on March 31, 1994, a system is involved in a pending rate proceeding before either the City or the FCC, its March 31, 1994 rate will be the rate that the regulator ultimately decides is reasonable. If the March 31, 1994 rates used 1206\000-007.01W 5 CI'FY SECRETARY G iGINAL COPY (6) Transition rates." (A) A "system owned by a small operator" is a system owned by an operator that has a total subscriber base of 15,000 or fewer subscribers as of March 31, 1994. Such systems shall be eligible to establish a transition rate for the basic tier in accordance with 47 CFR § 76.922.15 (B) A "low -price system" is a system (i) whose March 31, 1994 rate is below its March 31, 1994 benchmark rate, or (ii) whose March 31, 1994 rate is above its March 31, 1994 benchmark rate, but whose March 31, 1994 full reduction rate is below its March 31, 1994 benchmark rate, as defined above. Such systems shall be eligible to establish a transition rate for the basic tier in accordance with 47 CFR § 76.922,16 (C) Notwithstanding paragraphs (A) and (B) above, the transition rate for the basic service tier shall be adjusted to by the operator on FCC Form 1200 are subsequently found not to be lawful by the City or the FCC, the operator will be required to update the rates submitted in the form to reflect the proper rates. "Systems eligible for transition relief will not be required to make the full reduction otherwise required until the FCC has collected and analyzed data about such operators' prices and costs, and determined whether such a reduction is not inappropriate. The FCC anticipates that the price/cost data will be collected through a cost study to be conducted by the FCC staff over a period of six to nine months, beginning March 30, 1994. At the conclusion of the FCC's analysis, systems eligible for transition relief will be required to make the full reduction unless the analysis reveals that application of the 17W competitive differential to these systems is inappropriate. 15The transition rate for qualifying systems with below -benchmark rates will be their March 31, 1994 rates, as appropriately updated since that date. For qualifying systems whose March 31, 1994 rate is above the benchmark, but whose full reduction rate is below the benchmark, their transition rate will be the benchmark rates, as appropriately updated. "Although systems qualifying for transition treatment are relieved from immediate application of the full competitive differential, they are not relieved from other requirements, and must (1) set equipment rates at cost, (2) unbundle equipment charges from programming rates, and (3) apply an average rate per channel when setting program tier charges. 1206\000-007.DRD 6 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY reflect any determination by the City that the rate in effect on March 31, 1994 was higher (or lower) than that permitted under applicable regulations. Refund liability for such rates shall be as set forth in 47 CFR § 76.922. (7) Streamlined rate reductions.l' Small systems that are not owned by or affiliated with any other system ("independent systems"), and small systems owned by small multiple system operators ("MSG's"), that have not already restructured their rates to comply with the City's ordinance, may establish rates for the basic service tier and related equipment by making a streamlined rate reduction, in accordance with 47 CFR § 76.922.182 "Small MSO's" are those multiple system operators that: (i) service 250,000 or fewer total subscribers, (ii) own only systems with less than 10,000 subscribers each, "The FCC intends to develop average cost schedules for equipment. Until this is accomplished, eligible small operators may make rate reductions by reducing each regulated billed item by 14% (which equals the 17% competitive differential reduced by approximately 3V inflation that occurred between October 1992 and September 1993). These systems are not required to file Form 1200. All operators of small systems that do file FCC Form 1200 may aggregate their equipment costs for their small systems when establishing equipment rates. Rates established using the streamlined rate reduction process shall remain in effect until (1) adoption of a further order by the FCC establishing a schedule of average equipment costs; (2) the system increases its rates using the calculations and time periods set forth in FCC Form 1211; or (3) the system elects to establish permitted rates under another available option. "If the City has been certified as of May 15, 1994, the operator must notify the City and its subscribers in writing that it is electing to set its rates by the streamlined rate reduction process. Such notice must be given by June 15, 1994, and must also describe the new rates that will result from the streamlined rate reduction process. These rates must then be implemented within 30 days after the written notification has been provided. If the City has not been certified as of May 15, 1994, the small system must provide written notice to the City and subscribers, as previously mentioned, within 30 days from the date it receives the initial notice of regulation from the City. The rates must then be implemented 30 days after the written notification. A small system is required to give written notice of, and to implement, the rates that are produced by the streamlined rate reduction process only once. 1206\000-007.ow 7 a C" SECRETARY and ORIGINAL COPY (iii) have an average system size of 1,000 or fewer subscribers. (8) Establishment of initial regulated rates. Cable systems, other than those eligible for streamlined rate reductions, shall file FCC Forms 1200, 1205, and 1215 for the basic service tier by June 15, 1994, or thirty days after the initial date of regulation. A system that becomes subject to regulation for the first time on or after July 1, 1994, shall also file Form 1210 at the time it files FCC Forms 1200, 1205 and 1215. (c) Subsequent Permitted Charge. The permitted charge for the basic service tier after May 15, 1994 shall be, at the election of the cable operator, either: (1) A rate determined pursuant to a cost -of -service showing, or (2) a rate determined by application of the price cap requirements set forth below to a permitted rate determined in accordance with this section. (d) Price cap requirements. After May 15, 1994, adjustments for changes in external costs shall be calculated by subtracting external costs from the system's permitted charge and making changes to that "external cost component" as necessary. The remaining charge, referred to as the "residual component," will be adjusted annually for inflation. Cable systems shall use FCC Form 1210 (or Form 1211 where applicable) to justify changes in permitted rates made pursuant to the price cap requirements. 120e\000-007.oRD 8 I I F CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY (1) Calendar year quarters. All systems must use a calendar year quarter when adjusting rates under the price cap requirements. The starting date of adjustments on account of external costs for the basic service tier shall be the earlier of the initial date of regulation or February 28, 1994. (2) Inflation adjustments. The residual component of a system's permitted charges for the basic service tier may be adjusted annually on account of inflation. The annual inflation adjustment shall be based on inflation occurring from June 30 of the previous year to June 30 of the year in which the inflation adjustment is made, except that the first annual inflation adjustment shall cover inflation from September 30, 1993 until June 30 of the year in which the inflation adjustment is made. The adjustment may be made after September 30, but no later than August 31 of the next calendar year. Adjustments shall be based on changes in the Gross National Product Price Index ("GNP -PI") published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce. Cable systems that establish a transition rate pursuant to 47 CFR § 76.922, shall not be permitted to adjust rates on account of inflation until the transition rate adjusted for external costs and changes in numbers of regulated channels is less than, or equal to, the system's full reduction rate adjusted for inflation, external costs and changes in numbers of regulated channels. (3) External costs. 120e\000-007.OM 9 CITY SECRETARY ORIGINAL COpy (i) Permitted charges for the basic service tier may be adjusted up to quarterly to reflect changes in external costs experienced by the cable system. In all events, a system must adjust its rates annually to reflect any decreases in external costs that have not previously been accounted for in the system's rates. A system must also adjust its rates annually to reflect any changes in external costs, inflation and the number of channels on the basic tier that occurred during the year if the system wishes to have such changes reflected in its regulated rates. A system that does not adjust its permitted rates annually to account for these changes will not be permitted to increase its rates subsequently to reflect the changes. (ii) A system must adjust its rates in the next calendar year quarter for any decrease in programming costs that results from the deletion of a channel or channels from the basic service tier. (iii) Any rate increase made to reflect an increase in external costs must also fully account for all other changes in external costs, inflation and the number of channels on the basic service tier that occurred during the same period. Rate adjustments made to reflect changes in external costs shall be based on any changes in those external costs that occurred from the end of the last quarter for which an adjustment was previously made through the end of the quarter that has most recently closed preceding the filing of the FCC Form 1210 (or 120e\000-007.ORn 10 CI T Y SECRETARY ORIGINAL COPY FCC Form 1211, where applicable). A system may adjust its rates after the close of a quarter to reflect changes in external costs that occurred during that quarter as soon as it has sufficient information to calculate the rate change. (iv) External costs shall consist of costs in the following categories: (1) State and local taxes applicable to provision of cable television service; (2) Franchise fees, which shall be calculated separately as part of the maximum monthly charge per subscriber for the basic service tier; (3) Costs of complying with franchise requirements, including costs of providing public, educational, and governmental access channels as required by the City; (4) Copyright fees incurred for the carriage of broadcast signals offered on the basic service tier; (5) Retransmission consent fees incurred after October 6, 1994, for the program channels or broadcast signals offered on the basic service tier; and (6) Other programming costs for the program channels or broadcast signals offered on the basic service tier. Adjustments to permitted charges to reflect changes in the costs of programming purchased from affiliated programmers, as defined in Section 2, shall be permitted as long as the price charged to the affiliated system reflects either prevailing company prices offered in the marketplace to third 1206\000-007.ORD 11 i a � CITY SECRETAPff 01ilGI AL COPY parties (where the affiliated program supplier has established such prices) or the fair market value of the programming. Adjustments to permitted charges on account of increases in costs of programming shall be further adjusted to reflect any revenues received by the operator from the programmer. In calculating programming expense, operators may add a mark-up of 7.5% for new programming added after May 15, 1994, and shall reduce rates by decreases in programming expense plus an additional 7.5t for decreases occurring after May 15, 1994. (e) Changes in the number of channels on regulated tiers. A system may adjust the residual component of its permitted rate for the basic service tier to reflect change in the number of channels offered on the tier on a quarterly basis, in accordance with 47 CFR § 76.922.19 (f) Cost of Service Charge. A monthly cost -of -service charge for the basic service tier is an amount that is calculated in accordance with 47 CFR § 76.922(g).20 (g) Network upgrade rate increase. (1) Cable operators that undertake significant network upgrades requiring added capital investment may justify an "Cable systems must use FCC Form 1210 to justify rate changes made on account of changes in the number of channels on a regulated tier. § 76.922(e) provides a table indicating the cents per channel per subscriber per month by which cable operators will adjust the residual component of their rates using FCC Form 1210. 20§ 76.922(g) sets out detailed requirements for a cost -of -service showing whereby an operator will compute a monthly cost -of -service charge based on its annual revenue requirement for the basic service tier. The FCC's rules follow the utility model in describing the revenue requirement, the return component, the expense component, and the rate base. 1206\000-007.ORD 12 CITY SEC RETARY ORIGINAL Copy increase in rates for the basic service tier by demonstrating that the capital investment will benefit subscribers. (2) A rate increase on account of upgrades shall not be assessed on customers until the upgrade is complete and providing benefits to customers of the basic service tier. (3) Cable operators seeking an upgrade rate increase have the burden of demonstrating the amount of the net increase in costs, taking into account current depreciation expense, likely changes in maintenance and other costs, changes in regulated revenues, and expected economies of scale. (4) Cable operators seeking a rate increase for network upgrades shall allocate net cost increases in conformance with the cost allocation rules as set forth in 47 CFR § 76.924. (5) Cable operators that undertake significant upgrades shall be permitted to increase rates by adding the benchmark/price cap rate to the rate increment necessary to recover the net increase in cost attributable to the upgrade. (h) Hardship rate relief. A cable operator may adjust charges by an amount specified by the City for the basic service tier if it is determined that: (1) Total revenues from cable operations, measured at the highest level of the cable operator's cable service organization, will not be sufficient to enable the operator to attract capital or maintain credit necessary to enable the operator to continue to provide cable service; 1206\000-007.ORD 13 CITY SECRETARY 0 RIGINAL COPY (2) The cable operator has prudent and efficient management; and (3) Adjusted charges on account of hardship will not result in total charges for regulated cable services that are excessive in comparison to charges of similarly situated systems. (i) Cost of service showing. A cable operator that elects to establish a charge, or to justify an existing or changed charge for the basic service tier, based on a cost -of -service showing must submit data to the City in accordance with forms established by the FCC. The cable operator must also submit any additional information requested by the City to resolve questions in cost - of -service proceedings. (j) Subsequent Cost of Service Charges. No cable operator may use a cost -of -service showing to justify an increase in any charge established on a cost -of -service basis for a period of 2 years after that rate takes effect, except that the City may waive this prohibition upon a showing of unusual circumstances that would create undue hardship for a cable operator. 1206\000-007.oRD 14 Section 6A.21 "A la carte" offerings.2Z ;t�,, COPY (a) Cumulative offerings of unregulated per -channel or per - program ("a la carte") video programming is not regulated if: (i) the price for the combined package does not exceed the sum of the individual charges for each component of service, and (ii) the cable operator continues to provide the component parts of the package to subscribers separately in addition to the collective offering. The second condition will be met only when the per channel offering provides consumers with a realistic service choice. Collective offerings available on April 1, 1993 shall not be regulated if subsequently offered on the same terms and conditions as were in effect on that date. (b) In reviewing a basic service rate filing, the City shall make an initial decision addressing whether a collective offering of "a la carte" channels will be treated as an unregulated service or a regulated tier. The City shall make this initial decision within the 30 day period established for review of basic cable rates and equipment costs in Section 13, or within the first 60 days of an extended 120 day period (if the City has requested an 2'47 CFR § 76.986. 22Under the 1992 Cable Act, video programming offered on a per channel or per program ("a la carte") basis is not subject to rate regulation. The FCC is concerned that operators have been removing programming from regulated tiers in an effort to circumvent regulation. Under its revised regulations, the FCC is permitting cities to make the initial determination as to whether a collective offering of "a la carte" channels should be considered a regulated tier, even if the collective offering would be a cable programming service tier if it were regulated. 1206\000-00?.0RD 15 TA Ry nIrAL copy additional 90 days) pursuant to Section 13. The City shall provide notice of its decision to the cable operator and shall provide public notice of its initial decision within seven days. Operators or consumers may make an interlocutory appeal of the initial decision to the FCC. Operators shall provide notice to the City of their decision whether or not to appeal to the FCC within this period. Consumers shall provide notice to the City of their decision to appeal to the FCC within this period. (c) A limited initial decision under paragraph (b) shall toll the time periods under Section 13 within which the City must decide a rate case. The time period shall resume running seven days after the FCC decides the interlocutory appeal, or seven days following the expiration of the period in which an interlocutory appeal pursuant to paragraph (b) may be filed. (d) The City may alternatively decide whether a collective offering of "a la carte" channels will be treated as an unregulated service or a cable programming services tier as part of its final decision setting rates for the basic service tier. That decision may then be appealed to the FCC as provided in the FCC's rules. 120e\000-007.ORD 16 C"' Y'�ECRETAny OnIGINAL Copy Section 7.23Rates for equipment and installation used to receive the basic service tier. (1) Company -wide averaging of equipment costs. For the purpose of developing unbundled equipment charges as required by Section 7(b), a cable operator may average the equipment costs of its small systems at any level, or several levels, within its operations. This company -wide averaging applies only to an operator's small systems as defined in Section 2 above; is permitted only for equipment charges, not installation charges; and may be established only for similar types of equipment. When submitting its equipment costs based on average charges to the City, an operator that elects company -wide averaging of equipment costs must provide a general description of the averaging methodology employed and a justification that its averaging methodology produces reasonable equipment rates. The City may require the operator to set equipment rates based on the operator's level of averaging in effect on April 3, 1993, as required by Section 8(c). (m) Cable operators shall maintain adequate documentation to demonstrate that charges for the sale and lease of equipment and for installations have been developed in accordance with the rules set forth in this section. 21 § 76.923. The 5/15/94 revisions add paragraphs (1) and (m). 1206\000-007.ORD 17 Copy Section 8.24 Cost accounting and cost allocation requirements. (a) Applicability. The requirements of this section are applicable for purposes of rate adjustments on account of external costs and for cost -of -service showings. (b) Accounting requirements. Cable operators electing cost - of -service regulation or seeking rate adjustments due to changes in external costs shall maintain their accounts: (1) in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and (2) in a manner that will enable identification of appropriate investments, revenues, and expenses. (c) Accounts level. Except to the extent indicated below, cable operators electing cost -of -service regulation or seeking adjustments due to changes in external costs shall identify investments, expenses, and revenues at the franchise, system, regional, and/or company level(s) in a manner consistent with the accounting practice of the operator on April 3, 1993. However, in all events, cable operators shall identify at the franchise level their costs of franchise requirements, franchise fees, local taxes, and local programming. (d) Summary accounts. (1) Cable operators filing for cost -of -service regulation shall report all investments, expenses, and revenue and income 24 § 76.924. The 5/15/94 revisions require cable operators to keep their accounts according to a Uniform System of Accounts, similar to that system required of telephone companies. The revisions also clarified several allocation issues that had proved troublesome under the original regulations. 1206\000-00?.0RD 18 C"ry 'RETARY ()'IIGINAL Copy adjustments accounted for at the franchise, system, regional, and/or company level(s) to the summary accounts listed in 47 CFR § 76.924(d). (2) Cable operators shall not be required to report their investments, expenses and revenues to the summary accounts listed in 47 CFR § 76.924(d) for the purposes of adjusting rates based on changes in their external costs. (e) Allocation to service cost categories. (1) For cable operators electing cost -of -service regulation, investments, expenses, and revenues contained in the summary accounts identified in 47 CFR § 76. 924 (d) , shall be allocated among the Equipment Basket, as specified in Section 7 (c) , and the service cost categories specified in 47 CFR § 76.924(e). (2) Cable operators seeking an adjustment due to changes in external costs identified in FCC Form 1210 shall allocate such costs among the Equipment Basket and the service cost categories specified in 47 CFR § 76.924(e)(2). (f) Cost Allocation Requirements. (1) Allocations of investments, expenses and revenues among the service cost categories and the Equipment Basket shall be made at the organizational level in which such costs and revenues have been identified for accounting purposes pursuant to Section 8(c). (2) Costs of programming and retransmission consent fees shall be directly assigned or allocated only to the service cost category in which the programming or broadcast signal at issue is offered. 1206\000-007.ORD 19 C11-Y ( CRETA Y ORIGINAL COPY (3) Costs of franchise fees shall be allocated among the Equipment Basket and the service cost categories in a manner that is most consistent with the methodology of assessment of franchise fees by the City. (4) Costs of public, educational, and governmental access channels carried on the basic tier shall be directly assigned to the basic tier where possible. (5) All other costs that are incurred exclusively to support the Equipment Basket or a specific service cost category shall be directly assigned to that service cost category or the Equipment Basket where possible. (6) Costs that are not directly assigned shall be allocated to the service cost categories in accordance with the following allocation procedures: (i) Wherever possible, common costs for which no allocator has been specified are to be allocated among the service cost categories and the Equipment Basket based on direct analysis of the origin of the costs. (ii) Where allocation based on direct analysis is not possible, common costs for which no allocator has been specified shall, if possible, be allocated among the service cost categories and the Equipment Basket based on indirect, cost -causative linkage to other costs directly assigned or allocated to the service cost categories and the Equipment Basket. 120e\000-007.ORD 2 0 ORIGINAL CCPy (iii) Where neither direct nor indirect measures of cost allocation can be found, common costs shall be allocated to each service cost category based on the ratio of all other costs directly assigned and attributed to a service cost category over total costs directly or indirectly assigned and directly or indirectly attributable. (g) Cost identification at the franchise level. After costs have been directly assigned to and allocated among the service cost categories and the Equipment Basket, cable operators that have aggregated costs at a higher level than the franchise level must identify all applicable costs at the franchise level in the following manner: (1) Recoverable costs that have been identified at the highest organizational level at which costs have been identified shall be allocated to the next (lower) organizational level at which recoverable costs have been identified on the basis of the ratio of the total number of subscribers served at the lower level to the total number of subscribers served at the highest level. (2) Cable operators shall repeat the procedure specified in subsection (1) of this section at every organizational level at which recoverable costs have been identified until such costs have been allocated to the franchise level. (h) Part-time channels. In situations where a single channel is divided on a part-time basis and is used to deliver service associated with different tiers or with pay per channel or pay per view service, a reasonable and documented allocation of that 120e\000-007.ORD 2 1 CITY S CRETARY GINAL COPY channel between services shall be required along with the associated revenues and costs. (i) Transactions with affiliates. Adjustments on account of transactions with affiliates shall be determined as set forth in 47 CFR § 76.924 (i) .25 (j) Unrelated expenses and revenues. Cable operators shall exclude from cost categories used to develop rates for the provision of basic service tier and equipment, any direct or indirect expenses and revenues not related to the provision of such services. Common costs of providing basic service tier and equipment, and unrelated activities shall be allocated between them in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section. Section 11.26 Notification of proposed rate increase. (a) A cable operator shall provide written notice to a subscriber and the City of any increase in the price to be charged for the basic service tier or associated equipment at least 30 days before any proposed increase is effective. The notice shall state the precise amount of any rate change and briefly explain in readily understandable fashion the cause of the rate change (e.g., inflation, changes in external costs or the addition/deletion of 2S§ 76.924(i) provides detailed instructions for adjustments on account of affiliate transactions in order to ensure that the expenses and revenues are properly allocated. "§ 76.964. The 5/15/94 revisions require more explanation to be given by the operator regarding proposed rate increases, and also require the operator to provide to subscribers the address and phone number of the Cable Services Bureau of the FCC, and inform the subscribers of their right to file complaints with the Bureau. 1206\000-007.OM 22 channels). When the change involves the addition or deletion of channels, each channel added or deleted must be separately identified. (b) The notice to subscribers shall include a provision stating that protests to such prices for the basic service tier and related equipment may be filed with the City at Sanger,201 Bolivar, Sanger, TX [address of City]. The notice shall also include a statement that such protests must be filed with the City no later than 30 days after the notice is received by the subscriber. Notices to subscribers shall also inform them of their right to file complaints about changes in cable programming service tier rates and services with the FCC within 45 days of the rate or service change being reflected in their bill, and shall provide the address and phone number of the Cable Services Bureau of the FCC. Section 12.17 Initiation of review of basic cable service and equipment rates. A cable operator shall file its schedule of rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment with the City within 30 days of receiving written notification from the City that the City has been certified by the Commission to regulate rates for the basic service tier. Basic service and equipment rate schedule filings for existing rates or proposed rate increases (including increases in the baseline channel change that results from "§ 76.930. The 5/15/94 revisions require the operator to use the appropriate FCC forms, and to include rate cards and channel line-ups in their rate filings. 1206\000-007.ORD 2 3 reductions in the numbers of channels in a tier) must use the appropriate official FCC form, a copy thereof, or a copy generated by FCC software.'' Failure to file on the official FCC form, a copy thereof, or a copy generated by FCC software, may result in the imposition of sanctions specified in Section 15(d). A cable operator shall include rate cards and channel line-ups with its filing and include an explanation of any discrepancy in the figures provided in these documents and its rate filing." "If a cable operator has made a rate filing on a non -FCC form prior to 5/15/94, the City may order that the form be ref iled within 14 days. The City's deadline to rule on the reasonableness of the rates is tolled pending receipt of the correct form. "The FCC has recognized that some operators promptly revised their rates in response to the first FCC rules, based on rate -setting facts in existence at the time of the revisions. Some of the facts upon which the rate -setting is based may have changed, and, therefore, these rates may not now be reasonable. The FCC has stated that it is important that regulatory authorities be able to verify accurately the reasonableness of a current rate, and avoid compounding any inaccuracies as subsequent rate increases are introduced, which are a function of the level of initial rates. Therefore, when current rates are accurately justified by analysis using the old data (and that data was accurate at the time), operators will not be required to change their rates. However, when such operators make any subsequent changes in their rates (such as when seeking their annual inflation increase), those changes must be made from rate levels derived from the updated information. When current rates are not justified by analysis using the old data (so that a rate adjustment would be necessary in any event), the operator will be required to correct its rates pursuant to current data. The FCC has stated that in any case, the City retains the discretion to permit retention of an established rate that is close to, but not exactly, the rate justified by the benchmark system, with a corresponding reduction taken from the next rate increase, in order to reduce rate churn, if it determines that this best serves the interests of the cable subscribers within its jurisdiction. 1206\000-007.ORD 2 4 Section 13.30 City review31 of basic cable rates and equipment costs." (a) After a cable operator has submitted to the City for review its existing rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment costs, or a proposed increase in these rates (including increases in the baseline channel charge that results from reductions in the number of channels in a tier), the existing rates will remain in effect or the proposed rates will become effective after 30 days from the date of submission to the City. Provided, however, that the City may toll this 30-day deadline for an additional time by issuing a brief written order as described in paragraph (d) within 30 days of the rate submission explaining that it needs additional time to review the rates. The City may, at any time, require the cable operator to produce additional information, including proprietary information, that the City deems necessary 30§ 76.933. The 5/15/94 revisions added the provisions found in (f) and "The Act does not prohibit cities, if so authorized by state and/or local law, from delegating their rate -making responsibilities to a local commission or other subordinate entity, even if that entity is not the "franchising authority" entitled to certification under the Act. "The FCC continues to defer to the City in determining the most appropriate use of formal hearings. The FCC suggests, however, that the City examine its current procedural requirements for other local proceedings (such as zoning) and determine the best forum for providing due process to cable operators. If the cable operator believes that the City has denied the operator due process, pursuant to § 76.944, the operator may raise that argument in its appeal to the local courts of the City's written decision. Although not specifically included within this ordinance, it should be noted that the FCC has amended § 76.944(b) to require any party filing an appeal of a local rate decision to serve a copy of the appeal on the appropriate decision -making authority. 120e\000-007.0RD 2 5 in order to make a rate determination.33 The City shall state a justification for each item of information requested and, where related to a specific FCC Form, indicate the question or section of the form to which the request specifically relates. If proprietary information is provided, the provisions of Section 14 hereof will apply to such information." (f) The City reserves the right to request that the FCC examine a cable operator's cost -of -service showing, in accordance with 47 CFR 9 76 . 933 (d) .35 (g) Cable operators shall comply with the City's requests for information, orders, and decisions. No cable operator shall, in any information submitted to the City in making a rate determination pursuant to a Form 393 or Form 1200 filing, or a cost -of -service showing, make any misrepresentation or willful "The FCC clarified that the City can request proprietary information that is reasonably necessary to make a rate determination, whether pursuant to a cost - of -service showing or when applying the competitive differential. "If the City is unable to determine whether a particular portion of a proposed rate increase is reasonable, and if that portion is clearly severable, the City may, in its discretion, permit the implementation of those portions of a rate increase it finds reasonable while it reviews the reasonableness of other portions. 'SIn order to request the FCC's assistance, the City must file a petition for special relief under § 76.7 of the FCC's rules, within 30 days of receipt of a cost -of -service showing. The City must, prior to the 30-day deadline, issue a brief order that it is seeking assistance from the FCC, and it must serve a copy of the order on the cable operator. In its request for FCC assistance, the City must explain its reasons for seeking such assistance, such as lack of adequately trained personnel, lack of financial resources, or other circumstances. When the operator is notified of the City's request, it must deliver its cost showing to the FCC within 15 days. The FCC will issue a ruling that makes cost determinations for the basic service tier. The ruling will also set an appropriate cost -based rate, and will become binding on the City and the cable operators. The operator or the City may seek reconsideration by the staff, or review by the full Commission. 1206\000-007.ORD 2 6 material omission bearing on any matter within the City's jurisdiction. Section 14.36 Proprietary Information. Section 15." Burden of proof. (d) The City may find a cable operator that does not attempt to demonstrate the reasonableness of its rates in default and, using the best information available, enter an order finding the cable operator's rates unreasonable and mandating appropriate relief, as specified in Sections 18 and 19 hereof.38 (e) The City may order a cable operator that has filed a facially incomplete form to file supplemental information, and the City's deadline to rule on the reasonableness of the proposed rates will be tolled pending receipt of such information. The City may set reasonable deadlines for the filing of such information, and may find the cable operator in default and mandate appropriate "§ 76.938. The FCC has made it clear that the City should proceed in accordance with applicable local and state law rather than mandating the adoption of procedures analogous to the FCC's rules. The existing Section 14 in the ordinance complies with the Texas Open Records Act, Chapter 552 Government Code, and need not be revised. "§ 76.937. The 5/15/94 revisions set out the ability of the City to declare an operator in default, and to toll its action deadlines pending receipt of information from the operator. The FCC has further clarified that to the extent the City has the power, under state or local law, to impose forfeitures or fines for violation of its rules, orders, or decisions, including filing deadlines and orders to provide information, there is nothing in the Act or the FCC's rules which would prevent the City from taking such action. The City can also report to the FCC any violations of the FCC's rules, and the FCC will take appropriate action. Because the City's rules are almost identical to the FCC's rules, a violation of one will almost always be a violation of the other. "The appropriate relief can include, for example, ordering a prospective rate reduction and a refund, based on the best information available at the time. 1206\000-007.0" 2 7 relief, pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section, for the cable operator's failure to comply with the deadline or otherwise provide complete information in good faith. Section 16.39 Small systems.40 Option 1: (a) A small system, as defined in Section 2, may certify that the small system's initial rates for basic service and associated equipment comply with Section 6 hereof. A certification by a small system under this Section shall be filed with the City within 30 days of receiving written notification from the City that the City has been certified by the Commission to regulate rates for the basic service tier. The certification shall be in writing, shall be signed by the General Manager of the system, and shall be verified. (b) Such certification shall be subject to verification by the City on its own motion or upon complaint by a subscriber. The City may request additional information from the operator in order to verify the certification. In the event proprietary information is requested by the City, the provisions of Sections 13 and 14 hereof shall control the request for and the availability of such information to the public. 79S 76.934 "Although small systems can use the streamlined rate filing process, these options are still available to the City. For cities that have already provided initial notices of regulation to operators during the stay of regulation, the notices are deemed to have been made as of May 15, 1994. 1206\000-007.oen 2 8 (c) As used in this section, "initial rates" shall mean those rates charged by the small system operator on the date on which the City gives written notice to the cable operator that (A) the City has been certified by the Commission to regulate rates for the basic service tier and (B) this ordinance has been adopted by the City. (d) If the City determines that the small system's certification is in error, it shall so notify the small system operator and shall require the small system to comply with all filing requirements for non -small systems in this ordinance. (e) Subsequent rate filings by a small system operator shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this ordinance. (f) Small systems may obtain an extension of time to establish compliance with rate regulations, provide they can demonstrate that timely compliance would result in severe economic hardship. Requests for extension of time are to be addressed to the City. The filing of a request for an extension of time to comply with the rate regulations will not toll the effective date of rate regulation for small systems or alter refund liability for rates that exceed permitted levels after May 15, 1994. Option 2: (a) A small system, as defined in Section 2, may certify that the small system's rates for basic service and associated equipment, and subsequent rate increases, comply with Section 6 hereof. A certification by a small system under this Section for its initial rates shall be filed with the City within 30 days of receiving written notification from the City that the City has been 1206\000-007.oen 2 9 certified by the Commission to regulate rates for the basic service tier. Certifications for subsequent rate increases shall be filed with the City at the same time that notice is given to the small system's subscribers of the proposed rate increase, in conformance with Section 11 hereof. All certifications shall be in writing, shall be signed by the General Manager of the system, and shall be verified. (b) Such certification shall be subject to verification by the City on its own motion or upon complaint by a subscriber. The City may request additional information from the operator in order to verify the certification. In the event proprietary information is requested by the City, the provisions of Sections 13 and 14 hereof shall control the request for and availability of such information to the public. (c) If the City determines that the small system's certification is in error, it shall so notify the small system operator and shall require the small system to comply with all filing requirements for non -small systems in this ordinance. (d) Small systems may obtain an extension of time to establish compliance with rate regulations, provide they can demonstrate that timely compliance would result in severe economic hardship. Requests for extension of time are to be addressed to the City. The filing of a request for an extension of time to comply with the rate regulations will not toll the effective date of rate regulation for small systems or alter refund liability for rates that exceed permitted levels after May 15, 1994. 120e\000-007.oen 3 0 Section 17. Written Decision.41 Section 18. Reduction of Rates; Prescription of Rates.42 Section 19." Refunds." (a) The City may order a cable operator to refund to subscribers that portion of previously paid rates determined by the City to be in excess of the permitted tier charge or above the actual cost of equipment, unless the operator has submitted a cost - of -service showing which justifies the rate charged as reasonable. "Although the 5/15/94 revisions do not amend this section, the FCC's report and order clarifies that provided the issuance of the decision by the City satisfies the public notice requirements, the City may determine the particular form such rate decisions will take. "The FCC affirmed its intention to disallow settlement agreements that are based on factors outside the record of a rate proceeding. Parties in a rate - setting proceeding may stipulate to particular facts and even the final rate level itself, so long as the basis for each such stipulation is clearly articulated, there is some support for each stipulation in the record, and it does not circumvent the FCC's rate regulations. "§ 76.942. The 5/15/94 revisions clarified the procedure for ordering refunds, and provided for a refund of franchise fees by the City if a refund of rates is ordered. "In general, regulated systems who select the benchmark approach to setting rates will be required to comply with the revised rules by May 15, 1994, in order to avoid refund liability. For those systems that cannot comply in this time period, they are not subject to refund liability for an additional 60 days after May 15, 1994, as long as certain conditions are met: (1) the system may not change any rate for regulated service or equipment, or restructure any regulated service or equipment offering between March 30 and July 14, 1994; (2) the system must still give at least 30 days notice to subscribers for any rate or service changes they ultimately make in response to the new rules; (3) all rate and service restructuring must be completed by July 14, 1994 in order to avoid refund liability. Restructuring is completed when bills reflecting the rate and service change have been issued to subscribers. 1206\000-007.oan 3 1 An operator's liability for refunds shall be based on the difference between the old bundled rates and the sum of the new unbundled program service charge(s) and the new unbundled equipment charge(s). Where an operator was charging separately for program services and equipment but the rates were not in compliance with the City's rules, the operator's refund liability shall be based on the difference between the sum of the old charges and the sum of the new, unbundled program service and equipment charges. Before ordering a cable operator to refund previously paid rates to subscribers, the City shall give the operator notice and opportunity to comment. The operator's opportunity to comment upon the proposed refunds may be at any meeting of the City Council during the City's period of review of the operator's rates. If the City has extended its review period under Section 13, and has issued an accounting order under Section 13(e), then the operator, prior to refunds being ordered, may request an opportunity to appear before the City Council to comment upon the proposed refunds. (c) The refund period shall run as follows: (1) From the date the operator implements a prospective rate reduction back in time to September 1, 1993, or one year, whichever is shorter. (2) From the date the City issues an accounting order pursuant to Section 13(d) hereof, to the date a prospective rate reduction is issued, then back in time from the date of the accounting order to the effective date of the rules; 1206\000-007.oan 3 2 however, the total refund period shall not exceed one year from the date of the accounting order. (3) Refund liability shall be calculated on the reasonableness of the rates as determined by the rules in effect during the period under review by the City. (f) At the time the City orders a cable operator to pay refunds to subscribers, the City shall return to the cable operator an amount equal to that portion of the franchise fee that was paid on the total amount of the refund to subscribers. The City shall promptly return the franchise fee overcharge either in an immediate lump sum payment, or the cable operator may deduct it from the cable system's future franchise fee payments. 1206\000-007,oxn 3 3 however, the total refund period shall not exceed one year from the date of the accounting order. (3) Refund liability shall be calculated on the reasonableness of the rates as determined by the rules in effect during the period under review by the City. (f) At the time the City orders a cable operator to pay refunds to subscribers, the City shall return to the cable operator an amount equal to that portion of the franchise fee that was paid on the total amount of the refund to subscribers. The City shall promptly return the franchise fee overcharge either in an immediate lump sum payment, or the cable operator may deduct it from the cable system's future franchise fee payments. SECTION 20. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 21. This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of _ October 1994, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. ATTES Rosalie Chavez City Se t, n (�B 0 0 A®L � 33 APPROVED: Nel Armstrong Mayor