06/16/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MEETING WORKSHOP SESSION JUNE 169 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Presentation by Fire Chief Regarding SAFER Grant. City Manager indicated the Fire Chief could not be at the meeting to brief the Council on the SAFER grant. He explained the grant information is the same as what was submitted last year. The Fire Department did not receive funding for this grant last year and the difference in the application this year is the request is for six people. This is a 5-year program and the city has to agree to keep the positions for the 5-year term. The purpose of the grant is to increase the numbers of paid fire fighters and provides assistance to cities in the start-up cost of paid positions. The City Manager reviewed the cost share of the City which is based on year one -90 percent, year two-80 percent, year three-50 percent, year four-30 percent and on year five, the City is responsible for the entire cost. Discussion regarding the basis that is considered for funding. Growth is a main priority factor in getting funding. There was a brief review of the incident reports provided by the Fire Chief. City Manager also advised the City will not receive notice of funding until March or April of next year. 3. Questions from the Council. There were some questions concerning disbursements. The items in question were clarified. There was one item noted for correction to the proper expense account. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. City Manager gave an overview of all the items that were on the consent agenda and the regular agenda. A brief discussion concerning the sidewalk ordinance followed. The amendment is adding the new City Hall property at 502 Elm Street to the ordinance. The City Manager explained that on item 5 concerning the annexation ordinance, there were two items removed from the ordinance. There were agreements made on the two properties that requested not to be annexed. On Kim & Don Hall's property, an agreement was made not to annex for a period of 7 years. This property currently has storage units. On Ms. Eline Kerr's property, it is currently undeveloped and the agreement made was not to annex for 15 years subject to the property not developing. The new legislation allows a owner prior to annexation to be offered the opportunity to enter into an agreement to allow them to remain outside the City limits if the property is to be used for agriculture, wildlife management or timber related purposes. The state law allows 15 years. Discussion continued concerning the properties and the ETJ boundary limits. City Manager explained that the City's ETJ limits would not be extended, however, the City could annex past her property since the agreement was in place. The terms of the agreements were also discussed. All the property owners of the properties to be annexed were sent a letter to give them the option to enter into an agreement. City Manager advised that he will visit with TX DOT concerning our city limit signs. Discussion continued concerning future ETJ annexations. City Manager continued with discussion concerning the agenda item # 6 Amending Ordinance # 06-24-08 franchise fees from 3% to 5%. A detail explanation was given indicating this fee will continue to not be passed on to the customer. It is an expense to the Enterprise Fund and a revenue to the General Fund. It will reduce the inter - fund transfers to the General Fund which impacts future bond rating. City Manager advised on items 7 & 8 the Planning &Zoning Commission approved the preliminary and final plats for the Fasano Addition Lot 1, Block A. The owner is selling 1.24 acres of this property. Items #10 & 11 concerned a zoning change request from Steve Koch. The request for SF 8 zoning allows for a 1,000 square - foot home to be built at 311 S. 7th. Discussion following concerning the masonry and the parking requirements that have to be met. Items 12 & 13 considered a zoning change on the property that is located North of the Wal-Mart Distribution Center. The request is from AG zoning to I-1 zoning. Brief discussion concerning the distribution prospect. Brief discussion on the park donation of $1,000 received from Ned Harris, Communities Foundations of Texas. The Investment Report was briefly discussed. There was clarification on the General Fund operating contingencies. The funds are utilized when needed during the budget year. 5. Mayor declared meeting adjourned.