10/06/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION OCTOBER 6, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Higgs, Councilman Garza, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Patton, Councilman Walker, and Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Brice City Manager, Rose Chavez City Secretary/Asst City Manager 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on New Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City Manager addressed this item with a review of the housing market in Sanger for the year. He also continued with a discussion concerning the benefits and risks of delaying the new wastewater treatment plant. In delaying the sewer plant it gives the ability to raise the utility rates which will be done over a period of years. It also allows them to collect additional tap fees, and establish some impact fees. The more money that is collected up front, the less debt that needs to be issued. There are two bond debt issues that will be paid, one is in 2009 and the other is in 2011. Paying off these debts will allow these monies to be utilized for future debt. The plan is to continue with the engineering planning process and then wait on the bidding process. This will provide two advantages; timing the issuance of the debt, and timing the construction. This also gives the opportunity to get a better interest rate on the debt. The delay will also allow the completion of the comprehensive water/wastewater study. Freese & Nichols is one engineering firm that was contacted, and they will also contact one other firm. The study will give the City and advantage by identifying the needs of the City for the next five, ten and twenty years. This will help in the design of the treatment plant. City Manager indicated there are two risks that are a concern. The interest rates for the bond debt are unpredictable, and the economy is also a factor. The interest rate could possibly be higher when the bond debt is issued. The construction cost is another factor. Currently, with the economy factors as they stand, there are contractors that need to work, and this is an advantage. City Manager advised that the pressure to build the new sewer plant is not as it was two or three years ago. It does not eliminate the need for the new plant, only defers it. Councilman Ervin indicated he had a problem in getting the project engineered for the planning preparations. If it is delayed, he does not want the City to have to completely re -do the engineering process. He does not want to get into a situation as they have done in the past with a previous engineering firm. City Manager advised this will not happen. The City has an advantage by having a City Engineer and Upper Trinity's Engineers reviewing the plans. Discussion continued and the City Manager advised that the City will still be complying to the State requirements by continuing with engineering the planning process. There was discussion concerning infiltration. In the comprehensive wastewater study they will look at putting flow -meters in the wastewater system to identify areas where infiltration is a problem. The impact fee study was discussed. The City Manager discussed reimbursement to the General Fund for the Impact Study by the Impact Fees. This is after the fees are established and collected. Mayor Higgs indicated that there was an Impact Fee study done a couple years ago; however, this was not a study that set the fees in place. The study justified the tap fee charges. The Comprehensive Study of the system is necessary to determine the deficiencies and to allow for future growth. It will also makes the necessary recommendations to the City on what size lines to put in the ground. Councilman Garza inquired on how old is the existing sewer plant. City Manager indicated that he thinks it was started in the 70's and the last major improvements were made in 2002. Councilman Garza asked if there have been abnormal breakdowns in the last couple of years. City Manager indicated there has not been anything abnormal. There are repairs that occur and currently a blower motor was replaced. The old sewer plant is 4 separate plants and in the past we have added to what was there to get by during the years. The City Manager indicated he is not saying we do not need a new sewer plant, but he is asking for it to be deferred for at least 6- to 12-months. The planning process and the engineering will be completed by mid -summer and at that time they can proceed forward. Discussion continued concerning the old sewer plant. Councilman Muir indicated that he asked previously asked on the possibility of keeping the old plant with the new plant. The City Manager advised that everyone he has talked to has indicated this would not be a good idea. It was discussed that the new sewer plant will take at least two years to complete. There was discussion and concerns if the housing market improved. City Manager discussed utilizing Upper Trinity's package plant if this were to occur. The City would bear the cost to operate. 3. Discussion on Banning Cell Phone Use in School Zones. City Manager advised that Councilman Patton had requested this item to be on the agenda for discussion. Most of the ordinances that cities have in place are basically the same wording. They basically ban the use of hand-held devices in school zones when the school zone is active. North Richland Hills is the most restrictive. City Manager advised that currently there is a State Statue that prohibits anyone less than 18 years of age to be using a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Patton both discussed the safety issues concerning the use of cell phones. Councilman Patton discussed there have been several incidents in some of the schools concerning this situation. This is a safety issue. Councilman Ervin indicated this should apply to Police Officers, and there should not be an exception. Discussion followed concerning passing an ordinance and enforcement measures. City Manager advised he will have an ordinance for their consideration on the next agenda. 4. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. City Manager reviewed item 447 regarding the residential estate roadway requirements. They removed the asphalt option from the ordinance. The road has to be concrete and can be open ditch. Mayor Higgs discussed the problem concerning the semi -trailers turning on the overpass by Keaton Road and on Cowling Road by Hunter's. The Mayor asked if the State has done anything to rectify this problem by the overpass. The City Manager indicated the State has not done anything and it is a lengthy process to get the State to correct the problem. The Mayor suggested that the City could get some crush rock and put it on those two places to help correct the problem. The City Manager indicated that crush rock would not work; it would need to be done in asphalt. The City can fix the problem, but it has to meet TX -DOT standards. Discussion continued concerning the problem when a semi -trailer gets stuck in those corners. Mayor Higgs commented that it would be to the City's advantage to correct the problem. City Manager advised he will get a cost estimate and the standards that have to be met for TX -DOT. Councilman Patton expressed a concern regarding items 5 & 6 with the special use permit for the business that is to be located at Cotton Patch. The special use permit is for a veterinary establishment. The current establishments that are located in this center are businesses that need to maintain a sterile environment. He thinks having a veterinary establishment in this area will create a problem. City Manager gave a brief overview of the use request. Discussion continued and concerns were expressed regarding allowing the specific - use permit. The possibility of large animals, noise and odor were concerns. There was also discussion concerning the process of the removal of an SUP if a business was non -compliant. 5. Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the meeting.