04/07/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Meeting Workshop April 7, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir and Councilman Mike Walker MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst, City Manager Rose Chavez 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. City Manager advised Council on some informative items that did not get included in the regular council packet. He discussed a memo that was given to the department supervisors discussing the budget, his concerns with fuel cost and the impact the economy will have in next year's budget. The other item was the letter received from Cynthia White concerning their preparation of issuance of bonds for road improvements. In visiting with their office, the County feels that the road that would have the heaviest regional impact in our area is F.M. 455. We are asking for the County to consider a four -lane from F.M. 455 from Metz Road to Marion Road. The City is also asking as a secondary project for the County to widen Indian Lane from 455 on down to McReynolds. Discussion followed. City Manager continued with discussion concerning an explanation received from Mike Prater regarding Brazos' increase on the transmission rate. The increase of 14 '/Z only applies to a small portion of their rate. The monies will go back into a Capital fund to offset their cost on new transmission lines. The total increase once it is calculated is about 1.75%. The rate is reflected on the billing statement we get from Brazos. An explanation was given using March's invoice from Brazos and the increase on that bill would be $415.00. 2. Discussion on Sex Offender Ordinance. City Manager reviewed the distance requirement in the map. The ordinance does not make anyone move that is currently living in the area and it only applies if the victim was less than 17 years of age. A thorough review was given concerning the ordinance. The City currently has nine registered sex offenders in the City. Sex offenders do have to register as part of their parole process. Councilman Muir had an inquiry concerning the TML Legislative update regarding (The City of Commerce) sex offender residence ordinance that was challenged in Federal District Court. Their ordinance referenced a sex offender may not loiter within 300 ft. He indicated if this language can possibly be legally added to our ordinance. City Manager indicated that he will check the legality of adding the wording to the ordinance. Councilman Muir discussed the sexually oriented business that is in town. He is concerned since there is already one business and asked if a distance of 1,000 ft. can be a requirement from Interstate 35 for any business of this kind. City Manager advised in a recent seminar that he attended concerning zoning, he asked the question concerning the distance requirement. He was advised that cities can't require the 1,000 ft. from the interstate. These type businesses are to be regulated by our zoning ordinance. Discussion concerning the impact these type businesses have in our community and the need to have the appropriate zoning to regulate them. 3. Discussion on Fee Schedule. City Manager discussed in detail the fee schedule. The Council discussed the dangerous dog impound fees and agreed the first time offense should be raised and the second offense should be higher. The building construction fees were all raised and a set fee of a $35.00 minimum fee is added for any permit. The schedule will go up from that point. City Manager asked Council to review the schedule and the fees and to let him know if they had any questions or concerns. The revisions will be more user friendly. He continued with the electrical, plumbing and mechanical licenses and the changes were to comply with the State regulations. The changes to the fire sprinkler and alarm systems are new areas that were not included and have been added with the new language and corrections. Discussion concerning fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm system were basically for commercial businesses. City Manager again reviewed the proposed changes that were discussed at the last meeting regarding business related fees, utility related fees, service connections, deposits, and miscellaneous fees. Lengthy discussion followed. Council discussed certain institutions that should be exempt from the Itinerant Merchants permitting process. The City Manager to be the authoritative representative to grant the exemptions. An issue that Council expressed concerns with the changes in the multi -unit commercial billing. City Manager will continue to evaluate and determine the method that is more feasible for the City regarding multi -units for commercial. City Manager advised Council he will try to get a final draft to them before the next meeting. 4. Discussion on Sign Ordinance. City Manager provided some ordinances from Frisco, McKinney and Denton. This is an item that is more of a policy issue. He would like a couple of people from the Council and a couple of people from the Planning and Zoning to become a sub- committee to review and make their recommendations. This is important as the City continues to grow. Mayor Higgs indicated the Council had already made changes to the sign ordinance. Brief discussion on the time frame this was done. City Manager advised the sign ordinance has some areas that need to be addressed and clarified. Councilman Garza expressed concerns that Council is accepting variances for any new business that comes to Sanger and the ordinance is not followed. We need to follow the ordinance and be consistent. Discussion concerning the latest request for the sign variance from O'Reilly's and the importance of consistency. City Manager indicated that the new ordinance is going to be either more restrictive or less restrictive than people want. He would like for Council to consider whom they would like to appoint to the Committee and he will have this on the next agenda. 5. Questions from the Council. 6. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. 7. Adjournment. Mayor Higgs adjourned the meeting.