02/04/2008-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2008 7*00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes January 24, 2008 - Work Session January 24, 2008 - City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Resolution # ROl-OS-08 -Supporting the Use of Housing Tax Credits to Develop the Apartments Known as Chisum Trail Apartments, 1100 Austin Street, Sanger, Texas d) Approve Local Agreement With the Denton County District Attorneys Office 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #02-OS-08 -Ordering the Election for the Purpose of Electing a Mayor and Two Council Members and Authorizing a Joint Election with Sanger ISM 6. Information Items: a) Monthly Financial Statement as of December 31, 2007 7. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, 551.074 Personnel Matters. (a) Performance Review of City Manager 8. Reconvene: Into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. 9. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times . gnd`shId Notice was posted on the following date and timer (� a Q,.m. and shall remain posted until meeting adjourne °° aOA l Rosalie Chav City of Sang( This notice wa W t tx) ml by at This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. AGENDA _ CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 49 2008 7*00 P.M. Q� i � ��i/� ►� 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes January 24, 2008 -Work Session (Page 1-3) January 24, 2008 - City Council (Page 4-8) b) Disbursements (Page 9-29) c) Approve Resolution # RO1-05-08 -Supporting the Use of Rousing Tax Credits to Develop the Apartments Known as Chisum Trail Apartments, 1100 Austin Street, Sanger, Texas (Page 30-31) d) Approve Local Agreement With the Denton County District Attorneys Office (Page 32-37) 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #02-05-08 -Ordering the Election for the Purpose of Electing a Mayor and Two Council Members and Authorizing a Joint Election with Sanger ISD. (Page 3843) 6. Information Items: (Page 44) a) Monthly Financial Statement as of December 31, 2007 (Page 45-60) 7. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, 551.074 Personnel Matters. (a) Performance Review of City Manager 8. Reconvene: Into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. 9. Adjournment. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times,,andI§WId Notice was posted on the following date and time: �.,_. &.m. and shall remain posted until meeting jyadjo S Rosalie Chavez, City City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from the official by This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: City Council Meeting -Workshop January 24, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineer Coordinator Samantha Renz, Jim Fieser, (Fieser Development, Katy, Texas), Shannon Graves, Sanger Courier, Don Freeman, Chase Morgan, Will Tate, Jeff Morgan, Billy Ezell, Bill Fuller, Eddie Lane, Russell & Barbara Martin Bret Chance, Ross Martin, Candace Murphree & Tracy Murphree, Alan Henny, Gary Bilyeu, Clint, Cody, and Michaele Mack, Michael & Jackson Sweet, Kem Green 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. City Manager indicated that this item will be added to all future workshop agendas. City Manager advised that Mr. Fieser with Fieser Development was present at the meeting in regards to item 3(e). The attached Resolution authorizes them to act on the City of Sanger's behalf to apply for TDHCA Home Funds for Chisum Trail Apartments. They are planning to do about a $600,000 remodel on the apartment complex with some landscape to be included. Mayor inquired about Item 4, removing items from the agenda. City Manager explained if they wanted to act on an item separately they would make a motion to remove it from the consent agenda and act on it under Item 4. Councilman Ervin inquired about item 3(e) if this was an additional truck. City Manager advised this was purchased last year and it just came in this year. The first payment will be due in next year's budget. Councilman Muir inquired on the financing and the lease purchase. Councilman Muir asked about Chapter 10, Section 5 & 6 and if he could get a recap of the changes as Council potentially will enter into the Tomlin Agreement. City Manager indicated the changes were most clean up. There were drainage changes that apply to the new regulations, thoroughfare corrections, corrections to misprints concerning right -a -ways, and the width of the streets from 36 ft to 31 ft. Samantha Renz, Engineer Coordinator indicated that some of the other requirements were constructions standards for alleys, gated communities, private streets, and park completion requirements. Councilman Muir inquired on the masonry requirements. City Manger indicated it is not in this section, but it is 100% brick. Discussion continued on masonry requirements. Discussion on Sanger Ranch Agreement. Councilman Muir clarified that the debt of the district is not the City's debt unless some future Council decides to dissolve the district and take over the debt. City Manager indicated that was correct. Councilman Garza concerns were that this is a big development and you could have the majority of voters inside the district. In this situation the current citizens of Sanger would be paying for a lot of that debt. His other concern was that the City should not be getting into the development business since the City is not helping current developers in the same manner. Discussion continued regarding the taxes, bonds, and obligations. Councilman Walker indicated the City is still responsible for providing services to all subdivisions and this is the same situation. Discussion continued regarding the taxes, bonds and obligations. Councilman Garza indicated the City won't have to take over their bonds. He expressed concerns regarding the taxes and foreclosures down 380 with similar developments. Discussion continued with the development agreement. Concerns regarding foreclosures. 3. Discuss Future Annexation. City Manager advised Council he needs some general guidelines from the Council on how they want to do annexations and when. The intent in the past is to try to get parcels of land that are adjacent to the City prior to the development of those properties. The extension of the City's ETJ to protect the City's future growth is also a concern. Discussion continued concerning annexations and ETJ. City Manager advised in annexing these properties if there are roads, the City is taking the responsibility for any future maintenance of those roads. The County will not maintain those roads in the future. There are service requirements when you annex properties. In Tomlin's situation they have waived those rights. Currently, all the property that is in the City limits can be serviced by the City. Discussion concerning the City limits East and West of 455. Discussion on getting the signs updated. Discussion concerning CCN for water from Bolivar. City Manager asked the Council if they all agree with staff looking at undeveloped property and annexing those properties, extending the City's ETJ, identifying those properties and moving toward those annexations, knowing that the City is taking liability of some of the streets and other areas. Discussion concerning the process of the annexation and making sure property owner letters are sent. The only requirement if the property is uninhabited is publication in the paper. The notice to the property owner is sent thirty days prior. Councilman Walker inquired on the status of the renovations to new city hall building. City Manager indicated that progress is moving forward and he is having a meeting tomorrow regarding time line of renovations. 4. Questions from the Council. 5. Adjournment.' Mayor Higgs adjourned the workshop. MINUTES: City Council Meeting January 24, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Norman Bulaich, (IESI Municipal Manager), Jim Fieser, (Fieser Development, Katy, Texas), Shannon Graves, Sanger Courier, Don Freeman, Chase Morgan, Will Tate, Jeff Morgan, Billy Ezell, Bill Fuller, Eddie Lane, Russell & Barbara Martin, Bret Chance, Ross Martin, Candace Murphree & Tracy Murphree, Alan Henny, Gary Bilyeu, Clint, Cody, Michaele Mack, Michael & Jackson Sweet, Kem Green 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Garza led the invocation followed by the Scouts leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizens Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 3. a) Approve Minutes b) Disbursements CONSENT AGENDA January 7, 2008 -Work Session January 7, 2008 - City Council c) Approve Ordinance #O1-01-08 -Amending the Personnel Policy Manual Dated January 1, 2008 d) Approve Proclamation #01-24-OS -Scouts Appreciation Day e) Approve Resolution #RO1-03-(IQ -Appointing FDI- Cho sum Trail, LTD. to Act on Behalf of the City of Sanger in Applying for TDCHA Home Funds for Chisum Trail Apartments e) Approve Resolution #RO1-04-08 -Lease Purchase Agreement to Procure a 2008 F550 Truck for the Electric Department City Manager indicated there is a Proclamation on the consent agenda recognizing Cub Scout Pack 199, Boy Scout Troop 361, and Girl Scout Troop 8080 for their participation in the Angel Tree Project this year. The Scouts helped serve over 120 families during Christmas. Motion was made by Councilman Muir to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. None 5. Consider and Possible Action on Price Increase Request from IESI. Norman Bulaich, with IESI addressed Council concerning the 4.08% price index to be effective February 1, 2008. Mr. Bulaich advised per their contract they have the opportunity to raise their rates by the Consumer Price Index yearly plus 2%. Last year they did not increase it by the 2% and this year they will do the same. The price of diesel last year was $2.50 and last week it was $3.13 per gallon. The increase covers the overall cost to do business. Mr. Bulaich formally gave thanks of appreciation for the City's business. City Manager indicated this is an operational cost and is a reasonable request. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve the price increase from IESI. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Walker inquired on the possibility of this increase to be reduced or to keep the rates the same. Mr. Bulaich advised the City can cut down expenses by going to once a week service and using a container. The fee depends on the size of the container. This would not include take all service. He indicated if the City was to utilize once a week service, rates would probably be cheaper. He asked if the residents were ready to go to once a week service. Councilman Walker indicated that he felt they were not. Motion carried unanimously. 6. A) Conduct Public Hearing on Ordinance #O1-04-08 -Amending Chapter 10, Section 5 "General Plat Requirements" and Section 6 "Improvements" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. Mayor declared Public Hearing opened. No one spoke for or against. Mayor declared Public Hearing Closed B) Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #01-04-08 -Amending Chapter 10, Section 5 "General Plat Requirements" and Section 6 "Improvements" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. City Manager advised that staff is currently reviewing all of Chapter 10 and revising it. The changes to the subdivision regulations in Section 5 & 6 needed to be in place prior to the signing of the agreement with Sanger Ranch. If the agreement is approved it puts in place these revisions to allow those changes to be incorporated into the agreement. In the future staff will be bringing to the Planning and Zoning the other revisions to Chapter 10. Motion made by Councilman Patton to accept Ordinance # 01-04-08 Amending Chapter 10, Section 5 & 6, "General Plat Requirements" and Section 6 "Improvements" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Councilman Garza inquired on the changes. City Manager indicated there was a lot of changes in the language concerning drainage that were not in Chapter 10. There were two other drainage ordinance that had been approved in the past that had to be incorporated. There were some misprints and some clarifications in the park requirements in a subdivision. There were some loopholes in the section that did not specify when parks had to be developed, this was added and the amount of money in lieu of not putting a park was increased. Councilman Garza asked if the right -a -way widths on streets had changed. He also asked if the width on two lanes undivided had changed. City Manager advised that the right -a -ways were changed on the minor arterial roads. It was 120 ft and this was a misprint so it was corrected to reflect 80 ft. The two lanes width did not change. The residential street did change from 36 ft to 31 ft curb to curb. This was a request from two of the builders and their concern was the 36 ft streets allowed people to drive down the streets faster. He agreed with their concern and this is the reason for the change. Councilman Garza expressed a concern with street parking and ambulance access. City Manager indicated that he did not think reducing the street by 5 ft is going to create a problem. Motion carried 44. Voting For: Councilman Muir, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Patton, Councilman Walker Voting No: Councilman Garza Caption as follows: THAT CHAPTER 10, SECTION 5, "GENERAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS' AND SECTION 6 "IMPROVEMENTS" THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER9 TEXAS IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Approving a Development Agreement with Land Advisors, Ltd. City Manager indicated this is the development agreement that was reviewed during executive session at the last meeting. All the people who served in the committee agreed that the agreement be approved. Councilman Muir indicated that in that executive session all the different parties, including the Council voiced their pros and cons concerning the development. The attorney, the consultants, school board representative, the citizens who serve in the committee, and the chairperson who conducted the meetings worked on this project for seven or eight months. He expressed that the committee put in a lot of time and effort to get this accomplished. City Manager advised that there was an attorney, engineer, chairperson from Planning & Zoning, city engineer, bond advisor, school board representative, and himself who served on this committee. All these people looked at this from every different angle and with all these people they walked out with a unanimous recommendation. City Manager indicated that the comments made by people who have had experience with these type of agreements were that this was a superior agreement in comparison to other cities. This provides the City of Sanger over and above of what a City gets from a normal development. This is the reason he thinks this is good for Sanger. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve the Development Agreement with Land Advisors LTD. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Councilman Walker, and Councilman Patton gave recognition to Gary Bilyeu and to all members who served on the committee, their professionalism and their efforts in getting this accomplished. Councilman Patton indicated this development will impact the city within the next ten to fifteen years and is definitely a win situation for Sanger. Councilman Garza also thanked Gary Bilyeu and all the committee members for the excellent job and effort they put into this agreement. He continued with his concerns regarding the subdivision. His emphasis was taxes, the free credits, CCN issue with Bolivar. He feels there are a lot of loose things in the agreement that concern him. Councilman Ervin indicated over the last two years it has been a battle in getting this accomplished. He appreciates the efforts of the committee and emphasized this will be good for the City. This will benefit the City in regards to the infrastructure improvements. Councilman Muir discussed the development and the impact it will have on commercial development. The commercial establishments will definitely have an impact on lowering the tax rate since they carry a heavier part of the tax burden. Discussion continued. Motion carried 4-1. Voting For: Councilman Muir, Councilman Walker, Councilman Patton, Councilman Ervin Voting No: Councilman Garza 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #O1-03-08 - Consenting to the Creation of a Political Subdivision Within the City's Corporate Limits. City Manager advised this ordinance is the consent for the development to create a district. Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve Ordinance #01-03-08- Consenting to the creation of a Political Subdivision within the City's Corporate limits. Seconded Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried 44. Voting For: Councilman Muir, Councilman Walker, Councilman Patton, Councilman Ervin Voting No: Councilman Garza Caption as follows. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER9 TEXAS, CONSENTING TO THE CREATION OF A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE CITY'S CORPORATE LIMITS; PROVIDING FINDINGS OF FACT; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND A SAVINGS CLAUSE; REPLEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9. A) Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Plat for O'Reilly, Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Being 0.620 Acres of Land out of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 21. Property is Located on Chapman Drive. Motion made by Councilman Garza to approve the Preliminary Plat for O'Reilly addition, Lot I, Block 1. Seconded Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. B) Consider and Possible Action on a Final Plat for O'Reilly Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Being 0.620 Acres of Land out of the Henry Tierwester Survey, Abstract 21. Property is Located on Chapman Drive. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve the Final Plat for O'Reilly Addition, Lot 1, Block 1. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Information Items: a) City of Sanger Investment Report b) Library Monthly Report 11. Adjournment. Mayor declared meeting adjourned. 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02300 SANGER COURIER: LEMONS I-9557 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING ORD./P&Z/COUNCIL 000000 67.50 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 30.11 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE ROLL UPRIGHT 000000 30.00 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 127.61 ---------- -------------............................. ----------......... ----------------........ -----..........---------------------- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET `` R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-18-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 15.06 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE ROLL WIRE 000000 40.00 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 55.06 -............................... ------------------............ -------------....... -----------------------......................----- 1/28/2008 11:02 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V"'R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-200801240446 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTALS 000000 100.00 99-01380 KARL-KLEMENT FORD I-171394 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V ENGINE OIL DIPSTICK 000000 15.88 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-24-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONES 000000 90.38 99-03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIR C-0011012-C 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIRE 000000 289.47- I-0011012 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V FRONT END REPAIR & ALIGNM 000000 1,100.00 99-10120 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLA I-200801240443 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI ADJ. WOOD MAIL BOX ORG. 000000 239.98 99-18600 ON THE CUFF I-32983 001-24-5255 WEARING APPAR SFD PATCHES 000000 220.00 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 11476.77 --............ -------------............ -------........ --------....... --------......... 1/28/2008 10:59 AM PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 25 AMBULANCE BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 BANK: SB99 V. "R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-80042384 001-25-5220 POSTAGE FREIGHT 000000 9.00 I-80042384 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI PULSE OX DISPOSABLE 000000 129.60 99-01570 LOVdE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-200801280452 001-25-5310 R & M BUILDIN STEEL SHELVING UNITS 000000 219.88 99-05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. I-80754173-EI 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 444.54 99-16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-169991 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI OXYGEN CYLINDERS LARGE 000000 13.00 I-169991 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI OXYGEN CYLINDERS SMALL 000000 30.00 I-170131 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI llarge oxygen cylinder 000000 13.00 I-170131 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI 1 small oxygen cylinder 000000 10.00 DEPARTMENT 25 AMBULANCE TOTAL: 869.02 ------------------------------------------------------------................ -------------------------------------................--- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V:' Z NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-28-5510 TELEPHONE CELL PHONES 000000 60.22 99-11730 ICC I-0625911-IN 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 6 2006 CODE BOOKS/6 TABS 000000 343.25 I-0625911-IN 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 6 TABS 000000 57.00 I-0625911-IN 001-28-5220 POSTAGE S&H 000000 12.00 DEPARTMENT 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL: 472.47 ----------------------------------.......... -------- --------......... -----------------------------------........ --------------...... 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V" R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-200801240446 001-30-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTALS 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10019308/1009325 001-30-5245 JANITORIAL SU ANC WED 000000 3.37 I-10019308/1009325 001-30-5245 JANITORIAL SU ANC WED 000000 13.49 I-10019308/1009325 001-30-5245 JANITORIAL SU BIT MASONRY 000000 6.49 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-14511 001-30-5420 CONTRACTUAL S PHONE WORK @ 803 STH 000000 234.54 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-30-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 62.21 99-12290 TRIPLE JB TRANSPORTATIO I-923 001-30-5370 STREETS PICK UP UPM IN CHICO TX 000000 300.00 99-16550 UNIQUE PAVING MATERIALS I-180961 001-30-5370 STREETS UPM C/M BULK 000000 1,748.02 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 21418.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V:'...'':2 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-14511 001-32-5420 CONTRACTUAL PHONE WORK @ 803 5TH 000000 234.54 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-32-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONES 000000 30.11 ------------------------............. -------------------------............ DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS -------------.......... ------...... TOTAL: -------------........-- 264.65 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V' 3 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDERS SUPPLY, I-10019405 001-36-5375 MINOR EQUIPME CONDUIT BENDER 000000 14.99 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY 1-200801280454 001-36-5520 99-08680 LOCKE SUPPLY I-7265183-00 001-36-5310 I-7265183-00 001-36-5310 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-78558 001-36-5375 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONES R & M BUILDIN CONNECTORS/#8 ROMEX SVIRE R & M BUILDIN CONNECTORS/#8 ROMEX WIRE MINOR EQUIPME 1700 AMP JUMPSTARTER 000000 000000 000000 000000 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: FIGfL•I3 10.00 261.95 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V""........Z NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI SPRAY BOTTLES 000000 1.58 I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI SPRAY TOPS 000000 3.06 I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI HAND SOAP 000000 12.30 I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI TOILET TISSUE 000000 28.45 I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI BOWL CLEANERS 000000 28.33 I-212461 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI KLEENEX 000000 18.24 99-08410 CHAMPION CARPET CLEANIN I-28393 001-42-5310 R & M BUILDIN CARPET CLEANING @ LIBRARY 99-10760 BRODART CO I-U799790 001-42-6050 99-16870 SEBCO I-142432 001-42-6050 BOOKS BOOKS & PROCESSING BOOKS 17 BOOKS & PROCESSING DEPARTMENT 42 LIBRARY ------------------------------- 000000 159.75 000000 270.35 000000 374.07 TOTAL: 896.13 ------------------------ 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 COMMUNITY CENTER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT -------------------- 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-200801240446 001-44-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTALS 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 44 COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL: 100.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V.`'+2 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02300 SANGER COURIER: LEMONS I-9557 001-46-5230 ADVERTISING D0WNTOWN STREETSCAPE 000000 270.00 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 001-46-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 24.78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: 294.78 VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 71436.06 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V.,.....,2 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02300 SANGER COURIER: LEMONS I-9557 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING ORD/P&Z/COUNCIL 000000 67.50 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE ROLL UPRIGHT DEPARTMENT 15 Administration 000000 TOTAL: 29.99 97.49 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V: 3 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION -------------- CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 008-18-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 15.05 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE ROLL WIRE 000000 39.99 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 55.04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V`'I NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02050 PITNEY BOWES I-200801240450 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINE POSTAGE MACHINE 000000 185.00 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI POST IT NOTES 000000 72.90 I-1901628-0 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 256.56 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 514.46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: AMOUNT 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VF".........'R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-200801240446 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTALS 000000 50.00 99-01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS, INC I-18-96226 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V PTD VALVE REPLACEMENT 000000 958.60 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-14511 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S PHONE WORK @ 803 5TH 000000 234.54 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-200801240449 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S PROGRAM MODEM/SOFTWARE M2 000000 1,178.10 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONES 000000 60.22 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1885076-0 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI 2008 CALENDER 000000 17.79 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL I-82612 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP 15 BOTTLES OF CHLORINE CY 000000 1,215.00 DEPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL: 31714,25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------............ ---------..... ------......------------------- 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V- Z NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 008-54-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONES 000000 31.95 99-05510 IESI I-200801220435 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ROLL OFFS 000000 81.60 I-3302204 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 301 JONES ROLLOFF 000000 81.60 I-3302204 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 302 RAILROAD ROOLOFF 000000 81.60 DEPARTMENT 54 Platte Plater Treatment TOTAL: 276.75 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 01222 CC PACKET 02/04/08 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VT Z NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00560 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PAGE: 18 BANK: SB99 DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT I-SCC07522 008-58-5950 ECONOMIC DEVE MEMBERSHIP DUES 000000 325.00 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-200801240446 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTALS 000000 100.00 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-14511 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S PHONE WORK @ 803 5TH 000000 234.53 99-02300 SANGER COURIER: LEMONS I-9557 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVE SPORTSPAGE 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-200801280454 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELE CELL PHONES 99-02610 HD SUPPLY, INC I-687917-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 477-477 SHOOT ONS I-687917-00 008-56-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 477-STIRRUPS I-687917-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS YELLOW AMPACT SHELLS 99-02690 TECHLINE I-1435977-00 008-58-6020 I-1935977-00 008-58-6020 I-1628314-00 008-58-6020 I-1628760-00 008-58-6020 I-1628778/89/88/227/ 008-58-6020 I-1628803-00 008-58-6020 99-02730 TEXAS METER & DEVICE I-0075715-IN 008-58-6020 99-04160 COMET CLEANERS I-200801220437 008-58-5255 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY SY I-07-225 008-58-5420 99-05510 IESI IMPROVEMENTS RECLOSER IMPROVEMENTS USB CABLE RECLOSER IMPROVEMENTS PHOTO EYE W/ BRACKETS IMPROVEMENTS 477-1/0 SHOOT ON IMPROVEMENTS 10 KV DIST CLASS ARRESTOR IMPROVEMENTS 2 HOLE CONDUIT IMPROVEMENTS PADMOUNT METER SET/SOCKET W7EARING APPAR ELECTRIC CLEANING CONTRACTUAL S DEC MESSAGE FEES I-200801220435 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ROLL OFFS 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-200801240444 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS TEK SCREWS DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 55.00 63.90 162.50 810.00 95.00 4,150.00 350.00 92.40 364.00 1,975.00 6.50 881.00 81.60 000000 29.88 TOTAL: 9,418.11 -------------------------- VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL REPORT GRAND TOTAL 19,117.07 21,553.13 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** ANNUAL BUDGET OVER Y`: ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 2007-2008 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 30.00 1,390 538.74 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING 67.50 31500 21600.85 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 30.11 41300 31496.77 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 40.00 11200 768.66 001-18-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 15.06 800 444.27 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 239.98 31000 905.33 001-24-5255 WEARING APPAREL 220.00 12,000 61647.10 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 826.41 10,000 61765.62 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100.00 31300 21265.00 001-24-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 290.38 2,500 1,846.11 001-25-5220 POSTAGE 9.00 11050 780.48 001-25-5310 R & M BUILDING 219.88 3,000 21780.12 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVICES 640.14 23,000 6,099.89 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 400.25 21500 11266.89 001-28-5220 POSTAGE 12.00 400 265.50 001-28-5510 TELEPHONE 60.22 700 314.31 001-30-5245 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 23.35 700 477.51 001-30-5370 STREETS 2/048602 54,000 45,167.33 001-30-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 284.54 41500 1,578.80 001-30-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 62.21 11200 243.42 001-32-5420 CONTRACTUAL 234.54 0 234.54- Y 001-32-5520 CELLULAR PHONES 30.11 11800 11600.44 001-36-5310 R & M BUILDING 220.48 1,500 486.93 001-36-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 24.99 51000 4,682.63 001-36-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 15.98 500 422.48 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 91.96 550 205.04 001-42-5310 R & M BUILDING 159.75 21600 1,384.45 001-42-6050 BOOKS 644.42 14,000 11,083.46 001-44-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100.00 0 300.00- Y 001-46-5230 ADVERTISING 270.00 41000 2/567612 001-46-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 24.78 11500 1,000.52 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.99 1,390 568.79 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING 67.50 31500 21600.85 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 39.99 1,200 729.42 008-18-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 15.05 800 494.36 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 329.46 41700 3,542.52 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINES 185.00 18,830 15,907.32 008-36-5375 MINOR EQUIPMENT 25.00 5,000 41682.60 008-36-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 15.97 500 422.52 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 17.79 600 139.93 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 1,215.00 15,000 10,140.00 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 958.60 10,000 61680.35 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11462.64 190,000 1251640.50 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHONE 60.22 3,200 21472.10 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 244.80 10,000 9,347.20 ------------------------------ ====GROUP BUDGET------= ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** PAGE: 20 YEAR ACCOUNT NAME 008-54-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 008-58-5255 WEARING APPAREL 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS ** 2007-2008 YEAR TOTALS ** AMOUNT 31.95 80.00 457.93 380.00 63.90 8,436.28 21,553913 BUDGET------ - ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 31000 2,375.31 8, 600 61848.75 175,000 141,328.26 51600 5,110.00 31000 1,975.36 1501000 107,582.77 1/28/2008 10:59 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 ** DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** ACCT NAME AMOUNT 001-15 ADMINISTRATION 127.61 001-18 ENGINEERING 55.06 001-24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,676.77 001-25 AMBULANCE 869.02 001-28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 472.47 001-30 STREETS 2,418.12 001-32 PARKS 264.65 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 261.45 001-42 LIBRARY 896.13 001-44 COMMUNITY CENTER 100.00 001-46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 294.78 -------............. 001 TOTAL -------------------.......... ------------......... GENERAL FUND -----.......... 7,436.06 008-15 Administration 97.49 006-18 ENGINEERING 55.04 008-19 Data Processing 514.46 008-36 Vehicle Maintenance 40.97 008-50 Water 3/714925 008-54 Waste Water Treatment 276.75 008-58 Electric Department 9,418.11 ---------................ ---------------......... -----------------------........ ----- 008 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 14,117.07 ** TOTAL ** 21,553.13 NO ERRORS ** END OF REPORT ** COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE ❑ Regular ❑ Special © Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑Executive ❑Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By. February 4, 2008 Samantha Renz City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials o Date r ^ ACTION REQUESTED: ❑ORDINANCE # ❑ RESOLUTION # R01-05-08 ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Approve Resolution #R01-05-08 — Supporting the Use of Housing Tax Credits to Develop the Apartments Known as Chisum Trail Apartments, 1100 Austin Street, Sanger, Texas FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P []BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR CURRENT YEAR FUTURE YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM This resolution is also required along with the resolution passed at the January 24, 2008 City Council meeting. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Approval. List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Resolution Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: Prior Resolution #RO1-03-08 passed on January 24, 2008 RESOLUTION #RO1-05-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE USE OF HOUSING TAX CREDITS TO DEVELOP THE APARTMENTS KNOWN AS CHISUM TRAIL APARTMENTS, 1100 AUSTIN STREET, SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS WHEREAS, the Chisum Trail Apartments are located at 1100 Austin Street and; WHEREAS, according to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs QAP 50.5(a)7, the proposed development is located in a municipality that has more than twice the state average of units per capita supported by Housing Tax Credits or private activity bonds. When this level of Federal funds for Housing Tax Credits is already present in a community, the municipality is required to formally acknowledge support. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS: That the governing body of the City of Sanger supports the efforts to use Housing Tax Credits for the redevelopment of the property at 1100 Austin Street. The City further supports a waiver to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs QAP 50.5(a)7 rule that states ineligibility to proposed developments located in a municipality that has more than twice the state average of units per capita supported by Housing Tax Credits or private activity bonds. The City of Sanger further supports these efforts to improve the existing housing stock in our City. PASSED AND APPROVED on the day of , 2008. APPROVED: Joe Higgs, Mayor ATTEST: Rose Chavez City Secretary COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM r� i AGENDA TYPE L.11 Regular ❑ Special Lk Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Yes Lff N t Applicable ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal ❑ Yes Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ORDINANCE # ❑ RESOLUTION # ❑ APPROVAL F'] CHANGE ORDER AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ❑BUDGETED ❑NON -BUDGETED PRIOR CURRENT FUTURE FISCAL YEAR: YEAR YEAR YEAR(S) TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General ❑$ Utility ❑ $ Special ❑ $ BACKGROUND/SUMMARY OF ITEM h 0 6 �4 F .� 4 In®f s 1b 15 4-`7r., c - 4- v12%-7-4) tal F 7r �4 STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION FEb 1i7 e of " 151�� /ee Pk List of Supporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: PAUL JOHNSON CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY CIVIL DIVISION Kim Gilles, Chief John Feldt Jennifer McClure Hardy Burke Claire Yancey Dawn Bracket January 14, 2008 Chief Curtis Amyx Sanger Police Department P.O. Box 578 Sanger, TX 76266 1450 East McKinney, Suite 3100 P. O. Box 2850 Denton, Teas 76202 (940) 3494750 Fax (940) 349-2751 RE: Local Agreement between the Sanger Police Department and the Denton County Criminal District Attorney for Chapter 59 Seizures and Forfeitures Dear Chief Amyx: Enclosed please find an original Local Agreement between the Denton County Criminal District Attorney and the Sanger Police Department. Per Chapter 59.06 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, in the absence of such a Local Agreement, proceeds from said forfeited property will ultimately be deposited in the State's General Revenue Fund. Accordingly it is extremely important that the Agreement is executed prior to any forfeitures occurring after January 1, 2008. We submit this original agreement (this is our standard form) for your consideration and execution. Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated. We appreciate the opportunity to serve your Department and look forward to working further with you. I have enclosed aself-addressed envelope Sincerely, Rebecca Cormier Administrative Manager Enclosure LOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE DENTON COUNTY CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON This LOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Sanger Police Department, hereinafter called "AGENCY', and the Criminal District Attorney of Denton County, Texas; hereinafter called "DISTRICT ATTORNEY'. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the AGENCY and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY desire to enter into an agreement regarding disposition of forfeited contraband seized under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; WHEREAS, Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure provides for the forfeiture to the State of Texas of property found to be "contraband" as defined by Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; and . WHEREAS, the DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Denton County, Texas, represents the State of Texas regarding forfeiture of contraband seized pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, NOW THEREFORE, THIS LOCAL AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by the AGENCY and the DISTRICT ATTORNEY of Denton County for the mutual considerations stated herein: ARTICLE I A. In consideration for the services provided by AGENCY and DISTRICT ATTORNEY associated with the forfeiture of contraband, AGENCY and DISTRICT ATTORNEY agree to the following disposition of contraband forfeited under Chapter 59 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. (1) AGENCY will receive two-thirds (66.66%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY one-third (33.33%) of all money seized and forfeited. (2) AGENCY will receive two-thirds (66.66%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY one-third (33.33%) of the proceeds from the sale of real property seized and forfeited. (3) For each final judgment of forfeiture of a motor vehicle, AGENCY shall pay DISTRICT ATTORNEY the sum of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS CE 59 Local Agreement Pagel of 4 AND 00/100 ($300.00) CURRENT MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES. If a motor vehicle is the subject of final forfeiture, the AGENCY has the option of taking title to said vehicle and using it for law enforcement purposes in the investigation of alleged violations of the criminal laws of the State pursuant to the requisites of Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. If the AGENCY then sells it at a later date, then the AGENCY shall receive two-thirds (66.67%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY one-third (33.33%) of the final sum received from the sale of the vehicle, respectively. If AGENCY declines the first refusal of a forfeited vehicle, then the DISTRICT ATTORNEY may claim said vehicle for Denton County. If neither the AGENCY nor the DISTRICT ATTORNEY claims a forfeited vehicle, the vehicle shall be sold and AGENCY shall receive two-thirds (66.67%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY one-third (33.33%) of the final sum received from the sale of the vehicle. All costs associated with the use of the motor vehicle shall be borne by the party using said vehicle. (4) AGENCY will receive two-thirds (66.67%) and DISTRICT ATTORNEY one-third (33.33%) of the proceeds from the sale of personal property forfeited that the AGENCY does not use in its law enforcement operations. AGENCY shall pay for all court costs and litigation expense related to forfeiture proceedings. All costs of title searches and title policies shall be paid by the AGENCY when the forfeiture of real property is involved. All other costs and expenses related to forfeiture proceedings, including the costs of auctions and maintenance of property held pending a final forfeiture judgment, shall be deducted from the net proceeds prior to distribution to AGENCY and DISTRICT ATTORNEY. (5) It is further specifically agreed by the parties that should special circumstances dictate that a different percentage than that set out in this Local Agreement be awarded to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, that this Local Agreement may be specifically modified in writing by the consent of both parities. B. The proceeds from the sale of all contraband forfeited under Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (including money) shall be received by the AGENCY and deposited in the City of Sanger's Treasury. AGENCY will then transfer to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY money and proceeds from the sale of contraband as noted in Article I.A. above. Payments to DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall be made pursuant to Article II. C. In accordance with Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, all money and proceeds from the sale of contraband received by the DISTRICT Ch. 59 Local Agreement Page 2 of 4 ATTORNEY shall be deposited in a special fund in the County Treasury for the benefit of the office of the DISTRICT ATTORNEY to be used by the DISTRICT ATTORNEY solely for the official purposes of his office. D. In accordance with Chapter 59 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, all money and proceeds from the sale of contraband received by the AGENCY shall be deposited in a special fund in the City Treasury to be used by the Sanger Police Department solely for law enforcement purposes. ARTICLE II This Local Agreement shall apply to money or property seized for forfeiture purposes by the AGENCY on or after January 1, 2008. Money and property shall be considered forfeited to the State once a forfeiture judgment has become final, and no Motion for New Trial or Notice of Appeal has been taken. Payments to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY shall be made monthly. Each payment shall be based upon the amount of money, if any, forfeited to the Sate in that period and upon the proceeds of the sale, if any, or forfeited property sold by the AGENCY in that period. All costs of court proceedings shall be paid by the AGENCY including the cost of titles searched and title policies issued. ARTICLE III In the event that the DISTRICT ATTORNEY is required to expend significant time and effort in preseizure planning of a seizure an/or arrest, the case will be developed as a joint investigation with the percentage apportioned between parties commensurate with the time and effort required by each and an Addendum to this Local Agreement will be executed by the parties as it pertains to the particular seizure and/or arrest. ARTICLE IV The term of this Local Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year from January 1, 2008. This Agreement shall automatically be renewed on a yearly basis after the initial one (1) year term. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof to the other of its intention to terminate upon the date specified in such notice. Any pending forfeiture under this Agreement filed prior to the termination date, however, shall not be affected by such notices. ARTICLE V Any notice, payment, statement, or demand required or permitted to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected by personal delivery in writing or by mail, postage prepaid. Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing below, but each party may change its address by written notice in accordance with this section. Mailed notices shall be deemed communicated as of three days after mailing. Ch. 59 Local Agreement Page 3 of 4 If intended for the Agency: Sanger Police Department P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 If intended for the DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Criminal District Attorney P.O. Box 2850 Denton, Texas 76202 SIGNED this _day of CRI�INAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY DENfTON COUNT, TEXAS t�- Paul Johnson Criminal District Att Denton County, Texas 2008. SANGER PO Chief of Police CITY OF SANGER Mayor EP Ch. 59 Local Agreement Page 4 of 4 CITY OF SANGER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM AGENDA TYPE 0 Regular ❑ Special Consent Reviewed by Finance ❑ Workshop ❑ Executive ❑ Public Hearing Reviewed by Legal Yes 0 Not Applicable L.1 Yes Ll Not Applicable Council Meeting Date: Submitted By: January 24, 2008 Rose Chavez City Manager Reviewed/Approval Initials Date ACTION REQUESTED: ®ORDINANCE # 02-05-08_ ❑ RESOLUTION # _ ❑ APPROVAL ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AGREEMENT ❑ APPROVAL OF BID ❑ AWARD OF CONTRACT ❑ CONSENSUS ❑ OTHER AGENDA CAPTION Consider and Possible Action on Adoption of Ordinance #02-05-08 Ordering the Election, for the Purpose of Electing a Mayor and two Council Members and Authorizing a Joint Election with Sanger ISD. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ❑N/A ❑GRANT FUNDS ❑OPERATING EXPENSE ❑REVENUE ❑CI P ®BUDGETED [:]NON -BUDGETED FISCAL YEAR: PRIOR YEAR G'UI ENT YEAR FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Proposed Expenditure Amount Encumbered Amount BALANCE FUND(S) TO BE USED: General $ Utility $ Special $ Jack Biggerstaff, Superintendent Sanger ISD has visited with our City Manager concerning the upcoming General Election and is requesting to have a joint election with the City. They have suggested that the City consider a neutral site for early voting and for the May 10, election date. Staff is recommending utilizing the Community Center for the early voting and for election day. It is required that the polls be opened for 12 hours on two week days. The ordinance specifies Monday and Tuesday the 5"' and the 6t' of May. STAFF OPTIONS & RECOMMENDATION Recommends approval. upporting Documents/Exhibits Attached: E Prior Action/Review by Council, Boards, Commissions or Other Agencies: ORDINANCE 02-03A8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND TWO CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS; AUTHORIZING A JOINT ELECTION WITH THE SANGER INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TO BE HELD ON MAY 109 2008; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF NOTICE PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council desires to conduct an election on May 105 2008. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That a general municipal election is hereby ordered to be held on the loth day of May, 2008, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two City Council members for a two year term. Section 2. Should any candidate in the municipal election fail to receive a majority vote, then in that event it shall be the duty of the Mayor to order a runoff election as required by the Texas Election Code. j Section 3. That the election be held jointly with the City of Sanger general municipal election and the Sanger Independent School District May 10, 2008 pursuant to Section 271, Texas Election Code. The costs of said election are to be shared by the two governmental entities and the City Secretary is authorized to arrange the City's share of said costs on a fair and equitable basis. Section 4. The City Secretary is expressly authorized to obtain election supplies and equipment required by law and necessary to conduct said election. Section 5. The office of the City Secretary shall perform all duties normally required in the general elections by giving notice of the election and preparing the official ballots. Section 6. The election precinct and voting places of said election shall be as follows: Polling Location Voting Precincts Sanger Community Center 105 & 128 Section 7. Early voting shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code, Section 83.005. The Early Voting Clerk for said Election shall be the City Secretary, Rosalie Chavez. In accordance with the Texas Election Code Section 83.032, the Deputy Early Voting Clerk shall be designated staff members and/or persons employed by the Early Voting Clerk. Early Voting by personal appearance shall be held at 101 Freese as follows: Monday, April 28, and ending Tuesday, May 6, 2008. Early Voting by personal appearance shall be conducted between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5900 p.m. Additional early voting will be held at the same location on May 5, 2008 and May 6, 2008 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Section 8. The City Secretary (Early Voting Clerk) shall be responsible for the Early Voting by mail applications and ballots. Applications for early voting by mail may be delivered to Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary, City of Sanger, P.O. Box 1729, Sanger, Texas, no later than March 11, 2008 and no later than the close of business April 2, 2008. Section 9. Early Voting, both by personal appearance and by mail, shall be canvassed by the Early Voting Board which is hereby created. Liz Springer, is duly appointed as Presiding Judge of said Board, and she shall appoint such other members as provided in the Texas Election Code. Section 10. All residents, qualified voters of the City of Sanger shall be permitted to vote in said election. In addition, the election materials as outlined in Section 272.005, Texas Election Code, shall be printed in both English and Spanish for use at the polling places and for early voting for said election. Section 11. The Mayor is authorized to sign an Order of Election and Notice of Election prescribed by the State of Texas and attached hereto. The Notice of Election shall be published in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and the City Charter. Section 12. Should any part, section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase contained in this ordinance , but in all respects said remaining portion shall be and remain in full force and effect. Section 13. That this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon adoption. DULY APPROVED AND PASSED by the City Council of the City of Sanger the day of February 2008. Joe Higgs, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 17-A140 Notice of Election (2/92) Prescribed by Secretary of State Hart imerCiv�c Sections 4.00A, 83,010, 85.004, 85.007, V.T.C.A., Election Code NOTICE OF General ELECTION (AVISQ"DE.ELECCION. General � a Registered Voters of Sancjer ,Texas: (A los votantes registrados del � ang e r Texas;) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m„ on May 1.0 , 20 08,forvotingina General .election,to.elect Mayor and two Co,,cil members (Notiflquese, par las presant e, qua las casillas electorales shades abajo de abrirdn desde las 7r00 a.m. pasta las 7:00 p.m, el 10 de May de20. 08 paravotarenlaEleccidnPara elecdir un Al-C al de v adOs Con ceja1es. LOCATION(S) OF POLLING PLACES (DIRECCION(ES) DE LAS. CASILLAS ELECTORALES) 101 Freese Early voting by personal appearance will'be-conducted each weekday at (La vatacidn eaadelantada en persona se llevard a cabo de lanes a viernes en) between the hours of _$_ a.m. and r p,m. beginnigg on.— Anr i 1 2g , �00R (date) Centre las 8 de la maitana y las 5 de to tarde empezando eC 28' de Abr i l 2068 • and ending on May F r 9t)nR . (date) (ytermtnandoel 6" de Mayo 2008 (fecha)' .Additional early voting will be held at the same location as follows:* (' �tacrda en adelantada edemas se llevard a cabo en, el mitntositio de al manera:) Date (I'echa) Hours (Horas) Mav�_ 7008 ( Aa M3.yo 9008) 7-00 a m -7.00 p May 6, 2008 (6 de Mayo 2a0.8). 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.. Applications for ¢allot by mail shall be mailed ro: - (Las solicitudes pare boletas que se.votardn en mrsencia por correo deberkn envtarse a:) �t Larly Voting Clerk) del Secretarlo de la Votacidn En Adelantada) P.O. Box 1729 (Address) (Direccidn) _ Ra»crar TX 7Fi�F,h ' (City) (Ciudad) (Zip Code).(Zona Postal) • Recommended'butoot requtred Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on (Las solicitudes pare boletas que se votarbn en auseneta_par correo deberdnrecibirse Para elfin de las /torus de negocio el) —Ma3r �r �n(lFl . (date) (fecha) Issued this the 4th day of February 20 08 , (Endtada este d(a 4 de Febrero 20 08 ) Signature of Presiding Officer (puma del Official que Preside) yvottng is not going, to be conducted on either Sanrrday or the last Sunday during t/te period of early voting, delete this part 17-4136 Otder of L+ ection (2p() Han IntcrCivic Prescribed by Secremry of State Sutions 3.006, 83.030, 85.004, 85.007, V.T.C.A., Ckction Code ORDER OFiELECTION An election is hereby ordered to be held on May 1 0 ? 0 0 8 for the purpose of: (date) To elect a Mayor and two Council Members Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at between the hours of 8 a.m, and 5 p.m. beginning on A n r; l 8, 0 O A and ending on M� F, 2 n n A (date) (date). Additional early voting will beheld as follows: Location Date Houts 101 Freese May 5 7�00am-7.O(lnm 101 Freese May 6 7:OOam-7:OOpm Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Name of Eazly Voting Glerk) P.O. Rox 17 (Address) danger, TX 76266 (City) (Zip Code) Applications for ballotsby mail must bereceived no later than the close of business on (date) Issued this the 4 day of February 20 08 Other Political Subdivisions Member Member Member Signature of Presidiug Officer Member Member Member �4ItDENDE EL-ECGIOZV Por la p>•esente se ordena que se 1(evazk a cabo una eleccikn el - � 0 de Mavo 2008 con el propksito de: (fecha) ,Elegir�un Alcalde y dos Concejales. La votacikn en adelaniada en persona se llevark a cabo de, lanes a viernes en (sUioJ entre las 8 � 00 del la manana y las 5 : 00 de la idrde.empezando.el 28 de Abr it 2008 �. � - (fecha) y terminando el fi de Mavo 2008 (fecha) La votacikn en adelantada ademks se llevark a cabo de tal manera: Sitio Fecl:a Horas 101 Freese � �A �;, 7:OOam-7:OOpm 101 Freese 6 de Mavo 7:OOam-7:OOpm Las soliciktdes para boletas que se votarkn en auseneia por correo deberkrt enviarse a: �osa3ie Chavez (Nombre del Secretario de la Yotacidn Ln Adetantada}. P n. nnx 1790 � ' (Direcci6rz} —' Sanger, TX 76266 (Cnidad} (Zona Postal) Las solicitudes para boletas que se votmkrz en adelanCada por-correD deberkrt recibirse para el fin de las Jtoras de negocio el 9�de Mavo 200�5 (fedra). Emitida este dia 4 de—Febrero 20 08 On•a Subdivision 2vliembro Miembro Miembro �Firnta del Ojcial Que Preside Miembro M1embI0. Miembro 1-28-2008 11*10 AM �ZiiiQlf �iiii ���iil►�ii7 REVENUE SUNIMARY C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET CHARGES FOR SERVICES 33,600.00 2,624.12 10,635.12 31.65 SOLID WASTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SWIMMING POOL 7,500.00 0.00 3.02 0.04 TAXES, PENALTIES & INTERE 21150,000.00 283,365.95 398,752.01 18.55 HOTEL TAX 14,000.00 0.00 31051.09 21.79 STATE SALES TAX 510,000.00 35,923.23 1311420.16 25.77 MIXED DRINK TAX 21000.00 0.00 944.49 47.22 BUILDING PERMITS 100,000000 71945.00 15,015.40 15.02 HEALTH PERMITS 22,575.00 81765.00 81765.00 38.83 LICENSES 31000.00 320.00 400.00 13.33 MUNICIPAL COURT 1521570.00 12,887.70 28,228.02 18.50 FRANCHISE FEES 2991000.00 525.54 57,158.19 19.12 LIBRARY 251869.00 51086.70 32,788927 126.75 FIRE 4351000.00 38,561.18 51,704978 11.89 INTEREST 38,000.00 12,240.10 38,468.91 101.23 SANITATION TRANSFERS 498,000.00 45,871929 1361311.08 27.37 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 31988,333.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS 138,800.00 16,536.99 58,698.96 42.29 BUDGET TRANSFER 2741557.00 0.00 3121000.00 113.64 *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 8,692,804.00 470,652.80 1,284,344.50 14.77 ��►I��iiiiTuilliij i�.`iilui5i��`J 00-NON-DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 182.24 997.24 0.00 Ol-CIP BOND EXPENSES 3,988,333.00 1,693.26 207,377.73 5.20 10-MAYOR AND COUNCIL 53,149.00 71325.98 57,258.55 107.73 15-ADMINISTRATION 222,383.00 12,591.68 44,648.55 20.08 18-ENGINEERING 971780.00 81933.72 24,189904 24.74 20-POLICE 859,712900 63,850.10 190,231.35 22.13 22-ANIMAL CONTROL 68,192.00 41255.97 14,040.93 20.59 24-FIRE 334,426.00 38,977.84 981215.88 29.37 25-AMBULANCE 2221045.00 16,084.55 46,728.73 21.04 26-MUNICIPAL COURT 142,906.00 12,198.85 35,183.10 24.62 27-CUSTODIAL 161543.00 11322.54 21368.01 14.31 28-ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 185,835.00 13,905.69 45,961.76 24.73 30-STREETS 2781703.00 19,278.43 74,141.05 26.60 32-PARKS 442,496.00 29,412.38 85,221.89 19.26 34-POOL 491311.00 480.37 21409.84 4.89 36-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 87,172.00 41385.90 13,660906 15.67 40-SULLIVAN CENTER 8,350.00 5,114.57 51586.49 66.90 42-LIBRARY 161,728.00 16,325.94 37,114.34 22.95 1-28-2008 11:10 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET .......... 44-COMMUNITY CENTER 61900*00 182962 802987 11.64 48-MAIN STREET 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 46-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 183,276*00 15,547*76 47,975*68 26.18 60-TAX SERVICES 21,580.00 41871*11 71617*19 35930 62-HEALTH SERVICES 8,400.00 0.00 41125*00 49.11 64-AMBULANCE SERVICES 0000 0000 0.00 0000 66-SOLID WASTE 440,000900 39,071*20 116,490*47 26.48 70-DEBT SERVICE 813,584.00 30,146*14 52,705.43 6.48 *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 8,692,804.00 346,138.84 11215,051.18 13.98 ** REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ** 0.00 124,513.96 69,293*32 0.00 274,557.00 0000 312,000.00 113.64 0000 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00 0000 0000 0400 0000 0000 0000 0600 0000 0000 0800 0.00 0.00 0000 0900 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0900 0000 0900 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0600 0000 0000 0800 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 0600 0.00 0800 0.00 0000 0900 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0000 0.00 0600 0400 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0800 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 0000 0000 0600 0000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) ( 274,557*00) 0900 ( 312,000.00) 113.64 1-28-2008 11010 AM 001-GENERAL FUND C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVENUES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 00-4120 COMMUNITY CTR. FEES 00-4130 VARIANCES & PLATS 00-4140 COMMUNITY CENTER DEPOSITS 00-4150 DOG POUND FEES 00-4160 TAX CERTIFICATE 00-4170 LANDFILL FEES 00-4175 GARBAGE BAGS 00-4180 GRANT FUNDS NCTCOG TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES SOLID WASTE 00-4190 SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS (TRFS) TOTAL SOLID WASTE 6,000.00 645.00 1,485.00 24.75 221500.00 2/000900 71845.00 34.87 1/000000 ( 460.00) ( 77.50) 7.75 4/100800 371.00 11142.00 27.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68.12 240.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 33,600.00 0.00 0. 00 2,624.12 101635.12 31.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .5 IMING POOL 00-4210 SWIMMING POOL INCOME 7,500.00 0.00 3.02 0.04 TOTAL SWIMMING POOL 7/500900 0.00 3.02 0.04 TAXES, PENALTIES & INTERE 00-4310 PROPERTY TAX 21130,000.00 2811102.17 3921017.74 18.40 00-4321 PENALTY & INTEREST 20,000900 21263.78 61734.27 33.67 TOTAL TAXES, PENALTIES & INTERE 211501000.00 283,365.95 398,752.01 18.55 HOTEL TAX 00-4410 HOTEL MOTEL TAX 14,000.00 0.00 31051.09 21.79 TOTAL HOTEL TAX 141000.00 0.00 31051.09 21.79 STATE SALES TAX 00-4425 STATE SALES TAX 510,000900 35,923.23 1311420.16 25.77 TOTAL STATE SALES TAX 510,000900 35,923.23 1311420.16 25.77 1-28-2008 11:10 AM C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 001-GENERAL FUND REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIXED DRINK TAX 00-4450 MIXED DRINK TAX 21000.0O 0000 944.49 47.22 TOTAL MIXED DRINK TAX 2,000.00 0000 944.49 47.22 BUILDING PERMITS 00-4510 BUILDING PERMITS 100,000000 71945.00 151015.40 15w02 TOTAL BUILDING PERMITS 100,000*00 7/945900 15,015*40 15.02 HEALTH PERMITS 00-4520 HEALTH PERMITS 22,575*00 81765.00 81765.00 38.83 TOTAL HEALTH PERMITS 22,575*00 81765.00 8,765.00 38.83 LICENSES 00-4530 ELECTRICAL LICENSES 1/000800 100000 120.00 12.00 00-4540 PLUMBING LICENSE FEES 11000*00 140.00 180.00 18.00 00-4550 AC & MECHANICAL LICENSE FEES 11000*00 80000 100.00 10000 TOTAL LICENSES 3/000900 320.00 400.00 13.33 MUNICIPAL COURT 00-4600 DEFAULT/COURT 10,000000 738.00 11815*00 18.15 00-4601 RESTITUTION FEE-LOCAL-RSTL 0000 0800 0000 0000 00-4602 RESTITUTION FEE-STATE-RSTS 0000 0800 0.00 0000 00-4603 JUDICIAL FEE-COUNTY-JFCT 0000 216.75 ( 321*03) 0000 00-4604 JUDICIAL FEE -CITY 0900 273924 358.79 0000 00-4605 TEEN COURT 0900 0.00 0000 0.00 00-4606 EXPUNCTION FEE-EXPUNG 0000 0000 0000 0000 00-4607 STATE TRAFFIC FEE 21000*00 873.79 ( 11323*94) 66.20 00-4608 CONSOLIDATED COURT COST04 41000*00 2/552648 ( 21915*65) 72.89 00-4609 STATE JURY FEE-SJRF 11000*00 255.00 ( 257*38) 25.74 00-4610 CONSOLIDATED COURT COSTS 0.00 34900 ( 4.27) 0800 00-4611 CJP - POLICE 0.00 0000 0000 0000 00-4612 LEMI COURT COST 0000 0.00 0000 0.00 00-4613 LEOA COURT COSTS 0000 0.00 0000 0000 00-4614 JUVENIL CRIME & DELINQUENCY 0.00 1.00 ( 0.13) 0.00 00-4615 CHILD SAFETY COURT COST 1/000000 60.00 61978.74 697.87 00-4616 SECURITY FEES 11200*00 18010 29.02 2942 00-4617 INSURANCE & DISMISSAL FEES 2,000.00 10000 80900 4.00 00-4619 JCPT 0000 4900 ( 0.51) 0000 00-4620 DAP DEFERRED ADJUDICATION 34,500900 21182*00 71542.91 21.86 00-4624 TECHNOLOGY FEE COURT 1,500.00 ( 35.86) 265.70 17.71 00-4625 FINES 73,000.00 3/845910 11,544*90 15.81 1-28-2008 11*10 AM C�I17i Qei�1 � i aii II■i a1i1 C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00-4626 IMPOUND FEES 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4627 WARRANT FEES - FTA 71500.00 814.50 21089.50 27.86 00-4628 ARREST FEES 6/820900 325.16 11088.37 15.96 00-4630 LEOSE-POLICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4631 FUGITIVE APPRENHENSION 0.00 10.00 ( 1.25) 0.00 00-4632 TIME PAYMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4633 CTVOC - POLICE 0.00 30.00 ( 3.77) 0.00 00-4636 CORR.MANGT.INSTIT.CJCF 0.00 1900 ( 0.12) 0.00 00-4637 TRAFFIC CODE 2/600900 92.60 294.00 11.31 00-4640 DEF.DRIVING. DDC (COURT) 2,000.00 30.00 190.00 9.50 00-4642 CASH BONDS COURT 11200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4643 TIME PAYMENT LOCAL 11700.00 106.82 519.73 30.57 00-4644 SEATBELT SAFETY 0.00 0.00 ( 200.00) 0.00 00-4645 MUNICIPAL SERVICE BUREAU 0.00 143.20 637.44 0.00 00-4646 TIME PAYMENT STATE 0.00 106.82 ( 378.03) 0.00 00-4647 BEER & WINE PERMIT FEES 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 00-4648 INDIGENT DEFENSIVE FD. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MUNICIPAL COURT 152,570.00 12,887.70 28,228.02 18.50 FRANCHISE FEES 00-4650 FRANCHISE FEES-ATMOS ENERGY 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O' 4660 FRANCHISE FEES/EMBARG 17,000.00 525.54 41366.64 25.69 0 x670 FRANCHISE FEES-COSERVE DCEC 80,000000 0.00 22,791.55 28.49 00-4680 FRANCHISE FEES-CEBRIDGE 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4685 FRANCHISE FEES EF 150,000.00 0.00 30,000900 20.00 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES 299,000.00 525.54 57,158.19 19.12 LIBRARY 00-4710 LIBRARY - DENTON CO. INT/LOCAL 00-4720 MISC. INCOME LIBRARY TOTAL LIBRARY FIRE 00-4740 FIRE-DENTON CO. INT/LOCAL 00-4750 FIRE RUNS/ REIMB.AMB. DENTON 00-4760 F.I.R.E. INSURANCE BILLING 00-4770 INTERMEDIX REVENUE(AMB) 00-4780 TDHCA GRANT FUNDS** TOTAL FIRE 17,369.00 8,500.00 251869.00 0.00 5,086.70 5,086.70 12,000.00 20,788.27 32,788.27 69.09 �aa_S7 126.'/5 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 100.00 175,000.00 28,561.18 39,604.18 22.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 21100.60 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 435,000.00 38,561.18 51,704.78 11.89 1-28-2008 11:10 AM C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 001-GENERAL FUND REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTEREST 00-4800 INTEREST INC. G.F. 28,000.00 11,593.72 36,968.36 132.03 00-4801 INT. INCOME DEBT SERVICE 10,000000 646.38 11500.55 15.01 TOTAL INTEREST 38,000.00 12,240.10 38,468.91 101.23 SANITATION TRANSFERS 00-4891 SANITATION TRANSFER FR ENT.FDS 498/000900 45,871.29 136,311.08 27.37 TOTAL SANITATION TRANSFERS 498,000.00 45,871029 136,311.08 27.37 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 00-4901 2006 CARRY OVER BOND FDS 3,500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4902 07 CARRY OVER BOND PD. PWKS 488,333.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 31988,333.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS 00-4910 MISC. INC. G.F. 20,000.00 61396.99 12,876.62 64.38 00-4911 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD 61800.00 20.00 386.05 5.68 O' 4912 OVER AND UNDER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 C <914 TDHCA GRANT FUNDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4915 TDCA SECTION VII HOUSING ASST. 21000.00 120.00 480.00 24.00 00-4920 SANGER ISD/RESOURCE OFFICER 30,000.00 0.00 32,456.29 108.19 00-4930 RETURN CHECK FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4940 PARK DONATIONS/GRANT FDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4950 LOAN PROCEEDS FOR POLICE BLDG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4960 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4980 DUE FROM ENT. FD PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4985 TRANSFERS FROM 4A/4B 80,000000 10,000000 12,500.00 15.63 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 138,800.00 16,536.99 58,698.96 42.29 BUDGET TRANSFER 00-4990 BUDGET TRANSFER FROM ENT FUND 274,557.00 0.00 312,000.00 113.64 TOTAL BUDGET TRANSFER 274,557.00 0.00 312,000.00 113.64 *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 81692,804.00 470,652.80 11284,344.50 14.77 1-28-2008 11:10 AM 001-GENERAL FUND 00-NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL OF BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50-CHECK CHARGES 00-5000 CHECK CHARGES TOTAL 50-CHECK CHARGES 0.00 0.00 32.50 32.50 97.50 0.00 97.50 0.00 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 00-7445 SANGER HISTORICAL EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7460 GRANT WORKS- (SAFE ROUTE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75-GRANT AND SVGS EXPENSES 00-7520 TX DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 00-7530 PROPERTY PURCHASE/CARLAW 00-7535 AMBULANCE & FIRE TRK EXPENSE 00-7540 TIF GRANT EXPENDITURES 00-7545 EVA BRUCE PROP. TAXES 00-7550 HOME GRANT EXPENDITURES 00-7560 G.F.EQUIP. REPL SVGS EXP. V 7561 MISC EXP. TECHONOGY FD 0 ,'562 HOTEL MOTEL SVGS. ACCT, EXP 00-7565 LIBRARY MM EXPENSES 00-7570 PARK EXPENSES & (GRANT EXP) 00-7585 BEAUTIFICATION BOARD SVGS EXP TOTAL 75-GRANT AND SVGS EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 149.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 149.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 149.74 *** DEPARTMENT TOTAL *** 0.00 182.24 899.74 0.00 997.24 0.00 1-28-2008 11*10 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 001-GENERAL FUND O1-CIP BOND EXPENSES DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D °s OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 01-7460 2006 CIP BOND EXPENSE 01-7470 2007 BOND EXP PWKS FACILITY TOTAL 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL *** DEPARTMENT TOTAL *** 3,500,000.00 390.00 200,342.47 5.72 488,333.00 1,303.26 7,035.26 1.44 3,988,333.00 1,693.26 207,377.73 5.20 31988,333900 1,693.26 207,377.73 5.20 2-01-2008 08:18 AM C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVENUE STJNIMARY WATER 1,140,000.00 81,137.73 262,384.71 23.02 SEWER 802,000900 68,780901 214,748.09 26.78 SANITATION 536,383.00 45,730.60 1371418.49 25.62 ELECTRIC GROUP 71023,584.00 535,330.69 11571,357.14 22.37 WATER TAPS 152,250.00 12,000.00 22,000.00 14.45 SEWER TAPS 155,250.00 10,000000 18,000.00 11.59 CONNECT FEES 37,065900 31364.98 91004.86 24.29 OTHER INCOME 41600.00 360.71 657.74 14.30 INTEREST 160,000.00 25,948.53 78,786.37 49.24 SANITATION TRANSFERS ( 498,000900) ( 45,871929) ( 1361311.08) 27.37 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 21697,861.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 15,200.00 11363.44 91914.49 65.23 BUDGET TRANSFER ( 274,557.00) 0.00 ( 312,000.00) 113.64 *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 11,951,636.00 738,145.40 1,875,960.81 15.70 C 1ON-DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 1,878.48 2,938.08 0.00 O1-CIP BOND EXPENSES 21697,861.00 2/406953 21406.53 0.09 10-MAYOR AND COUNCIL 8/975900 71325.96 13,064933 145.56 15-ADMINISTRATION 222,383.00 15,037.65 53,193.40 23.92 18-ENGINEERING 97,780.00 81976.99 23,609.82 24.15 19-DATA PROCESSING 295,973.00 19,766934 60,774.41 20.53 27-CUSTODIAL 16,543.00 11154.67 61420.18 38.81 36-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 87,172.00 41385.98 13,845.66 15.88 50-WATER 878,465.00 76,634.62 202,013.96 23.00 52-WASTE WATER COLLECTION 188,467.00 11276.67 7,945.31 4.22 54-WASTE WATER TREATMENT 303,778.00 25,030.03 60,490.67 19.91 58-ELECTRIC 61126,854.00 404,519.66 11414,005.70 23.08 70-DEBT SERVICE 1,016,595.00 0.00 87,096.25 8.57 *** TOTAL EXPENDITURES *** 11,940,846.00 568,393.58 1,947,804.30 16.31 ** REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ** 10,790.00 169,751982 ( 71,843949) 665.83 ( 274,557.00) 0.00 ( 312,000.00) 113.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2-01-2008 08:18 AM 008-ENTERPRISE FUND C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D o OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) 274,557.00 0.00 312,000.00 113.64 2-01-2008 08:18 AM C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D o OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVENUES 17. 00-4000 UTILITY UNRESOLVE DIFFERENCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4101 UNRESOLVE CUSTOMER'S DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4110 WATER BILLING 11140,000900 81,137.73 2621384.71 23.02 TOTAL WATER 11140,000.00 81,137.73 262,384.71 23.02 SEWER 00-4120 SEWER BILLING 802,000.00 681780.01 214,748909 26.78 TOTAL SEWER 802,000.00 68,780001 214,748.09 26.78 SANITATION 00-4130 SANITATION BILLING 536,383.00 45,730.60 137,418.49 25.62 TOTAL SANITATION 536,383900 451730.60 137,418.49 25.62 L -'TRIC GROUP 00-4140 ELECTRIC INCOME 51850,000.00 452,837.93 1,319,854.05 22.56 00-4145 SECURITY LIGHTS 39,920.00 31359.81 101035.05 25.14 00-4150 DEMAND CHARGE 990,000800 69,749.67 203,121.92 20.52 00-4155 SALES TAX INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4160 PENALTIES BILLED 143,664.00 91383.28 38,346.12 26.69 TOTAL ELECTRIC GROUP 71023,584.00 535,330.69 11571,357914 22.37 WATER TAPS 00-4200 WATER TAPS 152,250900 12,000900 22,000.00 14.45 TOTAL WATER TAPS 152,250.00 12,000.00 22,000.00 14.45 SEWER TAPS 00-4220 SEWER TAPS 155,250.00 10,000800 18,000800 11.59 TOTAL SEWER TAPS 155,250.00 10,000000 18,000000 11.59 2-01-2008 08:18 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- CONNECT FEES 00-4300 CONNECT FEES 37,065.00 31360.00 81985.00 24.24 00-4400 SALES TAX 0.00 4.98 19.86 0.00 TOTAL CONNECT FEES 37,065.00 31364.98 91004.86 24.29 OTHER INCOME 00-4500 METER BASES 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 00-4510 SAWSET POLE FEE 41600.00 360.00 600.00 13.04 00-4520 DELQ. ACCT. ARRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4530 POLE CONTACT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4540 MINOR TOOLS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4550 OVER & UNDER E.F. 0.00 0.71 ( 2.26) 0.00 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 4,600.00 360.71 657.74 14.30 00-4800 INTEREST INCOME E.F. 50,000.00 23,548.09 71,797.74 143.60 00-4801 INTEREST INCOME DEBT SERV. 110,000.00 2,400.44 6,988.63 6.35 00-4802 INTEREST 91 SERIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O' 4860 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 JTAL INTEREST 160,000.00 25,948.53 78,786.37 49.24 SANITATION TRANSFERS 00-4891 SANITATION TRANSFER TO GF ( 498,000.00) ( 45,871.29) ( 136,311.08) 27.37 TOTAL SANITATION TRANSFERS ( 498,000.00) ( 451871.29) ( 1361311.08) 27.37 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 00-4900 06 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 1,721,194.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4901 07 CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 976,667.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CARRY OVER BOND FUNDS 21697,861.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 00-4910 MISC. INCOME ENTR.FD 10,000000 978.44 81549.49 85.49 00-4920 INSUFF. CHECKS RECOVERED 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4930 RETURN CHECK FEES 5/200900 385.00 11365.00 26.25 00-4935 WALMART PROCEEDS FOR TXCAP.FD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4940 DUE TO E.F. FROM 96 ESCROW CON 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4945 TX.CAPITAL FD. PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4950 PRIOR YEAR INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-4980 GNB LOAN PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 15,200.00 1/363944 91914.49 65.23 2-01-2008 08*18 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D o OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUDGET TRANSFER 00-4990 BUDGET TRANSFERS (OUT) TOTAL BUDGET TRANSFER ( 2741557.00) ( 274,557.00) 0.00 0.00 312,000.00) 113.64 312,000.00) 113.64 *** TOTAL REVENUES *** 11,951,636.00 738,145.40 1,875,960.81 15.70 2-01-2008 08*18 AM C I T Y O F S A N G E R FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND 00-NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 70-DEBT SERVICE 00-7006 99 REV. BOND INTEREST 00-7007 99 REV. BOND FEES TOTAL 70-DEBT SERVICE 50-CHECK CHARGES 00-5000 BANK SERVICE CHARGE ORDERS TOTAL 50-CHECK CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 418.58 0.00 418.58 0.00 59-NON DEPARTMENTAL 00-5900 SAFETY & INCENTIVE SVGS, EXPS. 0.00 11729.50 21469.50 0.00 00-5905 ONE PLUS EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-5910 OF EQUIP REPL. EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-5970 BILLING OVERPAYMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-5980 DUE TO GF FROM EF PY ERROR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 59-NON DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 11729.50 21469.50 0.00 ?ROJECT EXPENSES 00-7100 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT EXPS, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7150 WATER WELL PROJECT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 71-PROJECT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72-NON DEPARTMENTAL 00-7200 DATA MATIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7201 WATER TREATMENT CONST, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7210 WATER WELL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7240 WA. CAPITAL IMPR. EXP, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7245 SEWER CAPITAL IMP. EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7250 BOLIVAR WA.CORP. EXP/SUB/ATT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7260 SEWER EASMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 72-NON DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2-01-2008 08:18 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND 00-NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ............... ......... DEPARTMENTAL 00-7400 SESCO SETTLEMENT 00-7410 TEXAS CAPITAL FD EXPENSES 00-7440 EMPL.OF YR EXP./FLOWERS 00-7445 DOCUMENT SHREDDING 00-7460 2006 REV BD CONST. EXPENSES 00-7470 07 BD EXPENSE PWKS BLDG. TOTAL 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75-GRANT AND SVGS EXPENSES 00-7500 96 SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7501 LEASE PWRKS. BLDG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7503 HOWARD ASHCRAFT REIMB. OV.PY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 00-7504 HOME RULE ELECTION EXP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 75-GRANT AND SVGS EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 *** DEPARTMENT TOTAL *** 0.00 1,878.48 2,938.08 0.00 ------------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------------------ ------ 2-01-2008 08:18 AM C ITY OF SANGER FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2007 008-ENTERPRISE FUND 01-CIP BOND EXPENSES DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT Y-T-D % OF BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 01-7460 2006 CIP BOND EXPENSES 01-7470 2007 BOND EXPS.PWK FACILITY TOTAL 74-NON DEPARTMENTAL 1,721,194.00 976,667.00 2,697,861.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,406953 2,406.53 0.25 2,406953 2,406.53 0.09 *** DEPARTMENT TOTAL *** 2,697,861.00 2,406.53 2,406.53 0.09 ------------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------------------ ------