01/24/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Meeting -Workshop January 24, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineer Coordinator Samantha Renz, Jim Fieser, (Fieser Development, Katy, Texas), Shannon Graves, Sanger Courier, Don Freeman, Chase Morgan, Will Tate, Jeff Morgan, Billy Ezell, Bill Fuller, Eddie Lane, Russell & Barbara Martin Bret Chance, Ross Martin, Candace Murphree & Tracy Murphree, Alan Henny, Gary Bilyeu, Clint, Cody, and Michaele Mack, Michael & Jackson Sweet, Kem Green 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. City Manager indicated that this item will be added to all future workshop agendas. City Manager advised that Mr. Fieser with Fieser Development was present at the meeting in regards to item 3(e). The attached Resolution authorizes them to act on the City of Sanger's behalf to apply for TDHCA Home Funds for Chisum Trail Apartments. They are planning to do about a $600,000 remodel on the apartment complex with some landscape to be included. Mayor inquired about Item 4, removing items from the agenda. City Manager explained if they wanted to act on an item separately they would make a motion to remove it from the consent agenda and act on it under Item 4. Councilman Ervin inquired about item 3(e) if this was an additional truck. City Manager advised this was purchased last year and it just came in this year. The first payment will be due in next year's budget. Councilman Muir inquired on the financing and the lease purchase. Councilman Muir asked about Chapter 10, Section 5 & 6 and if he could get a recap of the changes as Council potentially will enter into the Tomlin Agreement. City Manager indicated the changes were mostly clean up. There were drainage changes that apply to the new regulations, thoroughfare corrections, corrections to misprints concerning right -a -ways, and the width of the streets from 36 ft to 31 ft. Samantha Renz, Engineer Coordinator indicated that some of the other requirements were constructions standards for alleys, gated communities, private streets, and park completion requirements. Councilman Muir inquired on the masonry requirements. City Manger indicated it is not in this section, but it is 100% brick. Discussion continued on masonry requirements. Discussion on Sanger Ranch Agreement. Councilman Muir clarified that the debt of the district is not the City's debt unless some future Council decides to dissolve the district and take over the debt. City Manager indicated that was correct. Councilman Garza concerns were that this is a big development and you could have the majority of voters inside the district. In this situation the current citizens of Sanger would be paying for a lot of that debt. His other concern was that the City should not be getting into the development business since the City is not helping current developers in the same manner. Discussion continued regarding the taxes, bonds, and obligations. Councilman Walker indicated the City is still responsible for providing services to all subdivisions and this is the same situation. Discussion continued regarding the taxes, bonds and obligations. Councilman Garza indicated the City won't have to take over their bonds. He expressed concerns regarding the taxes and foreclosures down 380 with similar developments. Discussion continued with the development agreement. Concerns regarding foreclosures. 3. Discuss Future Annexation. City Manager advised Council he needs some general guidelines from the Council on how they want to do annexations and when. The intent in the past is to try to get parcels of land that are adjacent to the City prior to the development of those properties. The extension of the City's ETJ to protect the City's future growth is also a concern. Discussion continued concerning annexations and ETJ. City Manager advised in annexing these properties if there are roads, the City is taking the responsibility for any future maintenance of those roads. The County will not maintain those roads in the future. There are service requirements when you annex properties. In Tomlin's situation they have waived those rights. Currently, all the property that is in the City limits can be serviced by the City. Discussion concerning the City limits East and West of 455. Discussion on getting the signs updated. Discussion concerning CCN for water from Bolivar. City Manager asked the Council if they all agree with staff looking at undeveloped property and annexing those properties, extending the City's ETJ, identifying those properties and moving toward those annexations, knowing that the City is taking liability of some of the streets and other areas. Discussion concerning the process of the annexation and making sure property owner letters are sent. The only requirement if the property is uninhabited is publication in the paper. The notice to the property owner is sent thirty days prior. Councilman Walker inquired on the status of the renovations to new city hall building. City Manager indicated that progress is moving forward and he is having a meeting tomorrow regarding time line of renovations. 4. Questions from the Council. 5. Adjournment.' Mayor Higgs adjourned the workshop.