03/03/2008-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: City Council Meeting -Workshop March 03, 2008 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir, Councilman Mike Walker MEMBERS Glenn Ervin ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT. City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Peggy Hinklewolfe, Denton Record Chronicle? 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor called meeting to order. City Manager briefed Council on the Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for proposed 2008 road improvements. This will include an asphalt overlay to include Railroad Avenue from Bolivar Street to Willow, Railroad Avenue from Willow South to the ballfields and chip seal on Utility Road. This will be an agenda item for the next council meeting for their consideration. City Manager advised that he will find funds in the existing budget to take care of the cost which is 1/3 of what it would normally cost. 2. Discussion on Accessory Building Ordinance. City Manager indicated the Accessory Building Ordinance was discussed at the last meeting and there were two issues that have made it necessary for the ordinance to be reviewed for clarity and changes. This ordinance is also on Planning and Zoning Agenda for Thursday night. City Manager reviewed Section 34.2, which added some definition and restrictions on what can be allowed in these buildings. In Section 34.3. & 34.4 there were not any changes and in Section 34.5 is where it regulates the maximum use of accessory buildings and square footage. In Ag-District the number of accessory buildings shall not exceed 30% of the square footage. In Residential Districts the number of accessory buildings shall be limited to two and the total square footage shall be limited to 3,000 square feet. In no case shall the gross area of the lot covered exceed the limitations provided under each specific zoning district. Warehouses in the Industrial District are not considered accessory buildings. In other districts other than Agricultural, Industrial and Residential the gross floor area shall not exceed 30% of the square footage of the main building or 3,000 square feet, whichever is more. In no case shall the total square footage of all accessory buildings exceed 6,000 square feet. There were two special cases that had to be addressed, the first one was churches, since the City has a Church in every zoning district in the City. In order to be fair to all the churches, there needs to be one regulation that addressed churches. The revised section calls for no more than two accessory buildings and cannot exceed 30% of the main building or 3,000 square feet. They are to be exempted from the masonry requirement if they are in B-3 districts. There are churches in the City that are exempt from the masonry requirement due to their zoning category which makes it not fair to a church that is in B-3 zoning. There is also a provision for schools, regardless of the zoning district, that allows them to utilize accessory buildings only as approved by Planning and Zoning and City Council. Discussion continued concerning the square footage allowed for all accessory building. A carport is considered an accessory building and needs to meet the required setback requirements. City Manager advised he will incorporate all the minor changes and on Thursday when the Planning and Zoning Commission have their meeting it will give them an opportunity to review and make recommendations. 3. Discussion on Future Park Land. City Manager gave an update on future park land. Property is being looked at for future soccer fields, especially where it can consolidate some of the sporting venues and for a possible regional -type park. This is actively being pursued to try to find property that will work. There is a 4B meeting that will be scheduled on Monday night to discuss this, as well. There are several park projects, including the Presbyterian Church and the Streetscape project, that will require funding in order to move forward. He will discuss these projects with the members in an effort to prioritize projects according to what they think the need is. There is not enough money in their fund balance to take care of all the projects. Discussion concerning funding. Councilman Garza inquired about the property that the City purchased for the new sewer plant and he remembered that it was discussed that some of that property could be utilized for soccer fields. He asked if that was a possibility. City Manager advised that the property is in the flood way. There is not any way that a concession stand can be built on the property or restrooms. To access the property would be difficult. Discussed the expense to build a road to the property. Discussion continued. 4. Discussion on Future Annexation. City Manager identified the properties for annexation and indicated he would like to move forward with the proceedings. This is necessary to push Sanger's ETJ to protect the area around the City. All the property in question is undeveloped. City Manager advised the process for property owners to voluntarily agree to come into Sanger's ETJ is not difficult. There was a meeting Tuesday night concerning this and five people were in attendance. It was suggested to the two property owners that were in attendance that the City could have a community meeting to provide all necessary information that is needed. Staff is actively pursuing this to make sure this gets done. Discussion continued regarding properties and the minimum width of any annexation. City Manager advised the intent is to get voluntary ETJ for all of the 2450 corridor and not to exceed beyond that point. City Manager advised if Council is not in opposition, staff will move forward with process for annexation, advertising and the public hearings. 5. Questions from the Council. 6. Overview of Items on Regular Agenda. Councilman Muir inquired on the Atmos Settlement Agreement and if the Franchise Fee increase impacts the user fee. City Manager advised that is does. 7. Adjournment. Meeting Adjourned.