09/04/2007-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionAGENDA
6:00 P.M.
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Discussion on Revising the Phasing of the Street CIP Program.
3. Discussion on Future Sewer Needs and Options.
3. General Discussion.
4. Adjournment.
I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting vas posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the
City of Sanger, Texas, a pl convenient and r�eadily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the
following date and time: Uzi /(, (�, ;;ck)(1 r/ at, //) p.m. and shall remain posted until meeting is
CPA' 1pt,tti Ott
Rosalie Chavez, City
City of Sanger, Texas
This notice was removed from the official
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lletin boat d on AA
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This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for
accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact
the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information.
Meetin Date. 9-04-2007 I Prepared
9 by. Robert Woods, P.E.
Subject: Workshop — Modifying the CIP phasing schedule
In developing the Capital Improvements Program it was determined that the following
phasing would occur.
Phase I —Indian Springs Pavement Rehabilitation
Phase II —Holt Berry Street Paving Improvements
Phase III —South of Downtown Square Area
Phase IV- North of Downtown Square Area
Staff is requesting that Phase III and IV improvements be moved ahead of Phase II. This
request is based upon the Holt -Berry (Phase II) being a major bus route and that work would
be scheduled during the school year. In turn, Phase II would be scheduled to be completed
during non -school events.
Staff is also requesting that Phase III and IV be combined to one project to increase the
probability of obtaining a more competitive price.
Staff recommends approval of the phasing modifications as presented.
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Meetin Date: M4-2007 ( Prepared
g by; Robert Woods, P.E.
Subject: j Workshop — City Developer Agreement
Please find attach a copy of the City Developer Agreement (CDA) covering the
Marion Rd. Townhome/Condo Development, The CDA shows the maximum
amount of $7,000.00 that the City will waive in water tap fees.
Staff recommends approval of the CDA as presented.
City of Sanger
City -Developer Agreement
That S&T Custom Homes, hereinafter called "Developer" and the City of Sanger, Denton
County, Texas hereinafter called "City", enter into the following agreement.
In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained and for the 11118 Marion Road, an
addition to the City of Sanger, Texas as filed of record in Document Number 143053, of the Plat
Records of Denton County, Texas, the parties hereto do agree:
1. The "Developer" agrees to dedicate the Water Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
(CCN) covering the 2.054 acres of land as described in Document Number 143053 to
the "City" for their CCN use.
2. The "City" agrees to waive the not to exceed amount of $7,000.00 in water tap fees with
any development of this property.
3. The "Developer" understands that he has no authority to cancel or amend the terms of
the agreement without specific written authority of the "City".
4. If for any reason the ownership of the property should change prior to the acceptance by
the "City" of the improvements at 11118 Marion Road, it is agreed that these conditions
will pass from this "Developer" to the next owner and the "City" will require proper
signatures of the new "developer" agreeing to the terms of this agreement.
5. Upon completion of the work, good and sufficient title to all public facilities constructed,
warranted free of any liens or encumbrances, is hereby vested in the City of Sanger.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parkies to these presents have executed this contract in three (3)
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original on this day of ,
Mr. Steve Koch, President
S&T Homes
Joe Higgs, Mayor
Rose Chavez, City Secretary