09/04/2007-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Citizen Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: August 13, 2007 -Budget Workshop August 20, 2007 -Workshop August 20, 2007 -City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Resolution #08-13-07 - 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. d) Approve City of Sanger Logo. e) Approve Bid from Jagoe Public Company for Quail Run Parking Improvements. 4. Consider any Items Removed from Consent Agenda. 5. Conduct Public Hearing on Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2007/2008. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-36-07 -Adopting Budget for Fiscal Year 2007/2008. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #09-37-07 -Adopting Tax Rate for Fiscal Year. 8. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Sadau Addition. Property is Located off of Mc Reynolds Road, in the ETJ. 9. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Sadau Addition. Property is Located off of Mc Reynolds Road, in the ETJ. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Hackberry Addition. Property is Located on Railroad Avenue. 11. Consider and Possible Action on the Preliminary Plat for Lois Business Park. Property is Located South of Lois Road and East of IH-35. 12. Executive Session. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Section 551.072 Real Estate. 13. Reconvene: Into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. 14. Adjourn. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a plate convenient and r adMj to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the follo}king date and time:p•m, and shall remain posted until meeting is , ad' ned. Rosalie Chavez, City City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from the official by YI1Iil This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45 &793 0 for further information. MINUTES: City Council Workshop August 13, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Pro -Tern Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Thomas Muir MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, City Engineer Rob Woods, Water/Wastewater Supt. Eddie Branham, Electric Supt. Mike Prater, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Fire Chief David Pennington, City Mechanic Kristen Lindberg, Municipal Court Clerk Christy Punches, Librarian Vicky Elieson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx. 1. Mayor Pro-Tem Glenn Ervin called workshop to order. 2. City Manager, Mike Brice addressed City Council and advised that he will provide Council with enough information to make an informed decision on the budget. He advised that the budget currently is based on the $0.59960 tax rate. The roll back tax rate can go as high as $0.70580. He advised Council that if they wanted to do anything else in the budget then they needed to consider a higher tax rate. City Manager gave thanks of appreciation to Rose for all the work she did on the budget which allowed him to get closer to a completed budget to present to Council. City Manager continued with discussion concerning the 2007-2008 budget for next year. City Manager discussed the revenues in the General Fund and Enterprise Fund. City Manager advised that the budgeted revenues this year are very conservative. Councilman Garza asked why the revenues from water and sewer tap fees were not the same amount. City Secretary advised that the amount for the actual tap for water is different than the sewer. Discussion continued on revenues. City Manager continued with discussion concerning the contractual fees in Mayor & Council. City Secretary advised that the budget in the General Fund will always be higher due to the 2002 Settlement. In the Library, there were additional funds allocated for personnel, to allow the Library hours to be extended. There were additional funds budgeted for books. The line item for $14,000 in capital outlay will be reduced. In this line item it included carpet throughout the building and after inspecting the building, the conference room is the area that is needing new carpet at this time. The line item will be reduced to $2,000.00. In the Administration Budget, he is budgeting for an Administrative Assistant, the City Secretary has her own Assistant, and he feels both of those positions are needed and will be needed more in the future. He will generate enough work for one person. He would like to add to the General Fund and the Enterprise Fund $17,500.00 in salaries for that person. In the Engineering Department salaries increased due to fees for contractual were reduced. The line items for dues and registration fees were discussed. Discussion concerning tuition reimbursement for all employees. City Manager advised he will work this out at a later date. Manager advised that there are two vehicles budgeted in the Police Department, which will be purchased, instead of having a lease agreement. City Manager advised he would like to revise his equipment replacement policy. Salaries and overtime were discussed. City Manager indicated that 5% of the total salaries for overtime was not unreasonable. There were not any raises allocated in the budget this year. This will be something that he will address later during the budget year. Discussion followed concerning Animal Control, the Fire Department and Ambulance. City Manager advised that the Fire Department and Ambulance budget will be a work in progress all year long. It is his goal and intent that the Revenue side of EMS pay for the expense side of the Ambulance budget. Salaries will be contractual. Currently, the Personnel in the Fire Department are used for EMS. The fee for Ambulance Service has been set at $750.00 and there are always additional charges that are added to the fee. City Manager discussed a possible charge on the water bill which would allow people the service, and help subsidize the service fee to the citizens in the city limits. Additional personnel in the Municipal Court was discussed. City Manager advised that he did not include that part-time position in the Court budget. There was a correction to aline item that needed to be moved from R & M Building to R & M Equipment. Currently, the salaries for custodial are taken from salaries in Administration Department. This budget year those expenses are grouped into a department to monitor cost more effectively. Salaries have increased in the Building Inspection department to allocate for Code Enforcement, a Building Inspector, and the Secretary. Discussed allocating funds for a new vehicle for building inspections. City Manager will add that into the budget. City Manager discussed the separation of Streets and Parks Departments. He discussed that there will be street construction within the next few years and he needs a full-time superintendent that can stay on top of these projects. He discussed the salary increase in that department. Discussion followed regarding the employees and utilizing employees within each department. The worker's compensation rate the city is currently paying for one employee is extremely high. This is the reason the salaries are budgeted higher in Parks. Discussion continued that employees in parks that work in streets are still covered if they are injured in streets. He advised that John will remain in Parks. He will try to fill the position internally; however, if he can't, he will consider someone outside of city staff. Discussion concerning repair of vehicles and whether they are getting repaired. City Secretary advised that the deductibles are $I,000.00 and if it does not exceed that amount then the department has to repair those vehicles out of repair and maintenance. Discussion. City Manager advised that the Debt Service is exactly what it is and those numbers cannot be changed. Discussed the interest on the 4A and 4B funds. Discussion continued on certain line item expenses. In vehicle maintenance, the capital outlay expense for a lift was $30,000.00. City Manager advised that he revised the line item from $5,000 to U5,000.00 to be budgeted from General Fund and Enterprise Fund. Discussion continued on the additional bay that is needed in the mechanic shop. City Manager advised that the Sullivan Center and Community Center budgets are lower than last year. In Economic Development there is $709000 budgeted for planning and zoning revisions. He has visited with Cecile and he is not sure that it will cost that much, however, it is better to budget higher than lower. He is proposing to request from 4A and 4B $40,000.00 each to be transferred to General Fund for economic development. He advised that he will be make this request next week in their budget workshops. He asked council to let him know if they supported this request before he approached those boards. He would like, in the future, for the budget in that EDC department to be split in three ways, between the City, 4A and 4B. Discussion continued with Council supporting City Manager's request concerning the $40,000.00. Solid Waste Budget is an in and out cost to IESI. Discussion continued on the length of the contract and the franchise fee of 6%. In Data Processing, dues and registrations were also higher than last year and it was discussed. Council inquired if the City paid the entire tuition for city employees. City Secretary advised that Jack Smith, (ex- City Manager) negotiated a contract with Samantha Renz concerning her education. City Secretary advised she had checked with the CPA and he indicated that paying tuition for employee is not any different from paying for the training of any employee, and the example he referred to was fire and EMS employees. Discussed the contracts in place for those employees attending college. Council asked that City Manager to review this item. City Manager advised his philosophy is different concerning tuition. He supports education and that all employees that have this type education need to have contracts. This will be an item he will addressed at a later date with Council. The overtime in Data Processing was discussed and City Secretary advised that when an employee resigns that the staff in place has to pick up that workload plus keeping up with their own. The policies in place, which were set by our CPA, require that a cashier does not balance the drawer and staff that signs checks cannot balance the drawer, which leaves only two people in the office. There are times when the drawers do not balance and that creates overtime or there are issues with billing. City Manager continued to give a review of the proposed budgets for the water department, wastewater and wastewater collections. The contractual fees and water purchase from Upper Trinity were discussed. Discussion continued concerning the contractual fee of $280,000 that was budgeted in 2006/2007. Eddie Branham, Water/Waste Water Superintendent, advised that he was not sure what that line item was budgeted for. City Manager also indicated that the price for the engineering service from Carter and Burgess is too high. He will be requesting RFP's in the future. Discussed that the electric department needed an amount budgeted for meter maintenance. The amount that was agreed to budget was $10,000.00. Discussion continued concerning the debt service. City Manager indicated that staff will make the necessary changes to the budget as discussed and will get corrected copies to the council. He asked council that unless the Council wanted to have another meeting, this should be the budget that will be in place. Council agreed. 3. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP August 20, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager, Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, City Engineer, Rob Woods 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Indian Springs Drainage. City Manager presented Council with staff comments concerning the Preliminary Analysis of Indian Springs Estates drainage study, that was conducted by DEH consultants. He addressed the alternatives and the cost factor for each. He also emphasized that the city can not use street construction bond funds for drainage. Councilman Patton expressed a concern regarding whether the City was legally bound to correct the problem. City Manager indicated that the City is not obligated in any shape or form. Councilman Muir asked that based on the information that has been provided, what would actually be required to be done? City Manager indicated that they would start at the top of the hill and coming down the hill they would deepen and widen the ditch. They would then come on the Northeast side and would take all existing driveways and put in larger piping. Then at the bottom they would come in with a retention pond. The piece of property to put in the retention pond would cost around $40,000 which does not include the cost to put in the pond. City Manager expressed that regardless of which Alternative, # 1 or #2 that is listed, the retention pond still has to be done. If the City decides to go in and create this ditch, the city will be diverting water to other property owners, which is the reason for the retention pond. Alternatives # 1 or #2 do not include utility relocations, acquisition of land, drainage easements or street paving removal and replacement. Discussion continued concerning the construction cost. 3. General Discussion. City Manager continued with general discussion and briefed Council on the Request for RFQ's for the Public Works Facility. This is on the agenda for tonight. He would like to demo the current offices. The floor in that building needs to be raised to keep it from flooding. In the Electrical Building they are proposing to put a new roof and pour a floor 8 inches higher to prevent future flooding and make some minor adjustments to utilize the area for warehouse space. The shed in the back will be demolished. They will need a new lift for the bigger vehicles and the only area to put that in is in the center bay. The shop needs additional room to expand. His intention is to build a building with two or three bays to store vehicles to prevent freezing. In the office, he would like to keep the footprint of the building and extend them out to allow more office space. The roof will be a shed roof. They will also have to lower another area to keep the entire area from flooding. He would re -do the parking area and possibility have an alternative area for parking. This will accommodate the facility for future growth. City Manager discussed with council the possibility to have a work session prior to the regular council meetings. This will allow council to discuss items prior to meetings to where the meetings can move a little faster. City Manager briefed the council on the new procedure with the consent agenda. If council has a general question when the consent agenda comes up a council member can request that it be pulled for discussion. Discussion followed on the disbursements that are paid monthly. Councilman Muir expressed that he would like to see a financial report, at least quarterly to give Council a status report of the operating budget as a whole. City Manager advised staff will provide a summary report of revenues verses expenses. Council agreed that staff could provide the report quarterly. 4. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL August 20, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Higgs, Councilman Muir, Councilman Walker, Councilman Patton, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Tami Taber, City Engineer Rob Woods, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Liz Springer, John Springer, Bobby Swan 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor called meeting to order, led the Invocation followed by Councilman Muir leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: August 6, 2007 -City Council b) Disbursements c) Approve Lease on 803 N. St'' for Temporary Public Works Facility d) Approve Parks Board Appointment e) Approve Resolution #08-12-07 -Preserve America Community Designation. f) Approve Soliciting a Request for Qualifications on Architecture and Engineering for the Construction of a new Public Works Facility. Councilman Ervin moved to approve consent agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None 4. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-34-07 -Buyback Provision with TMRS City Manager explained that the TMRS buyback provision allows employees to buy back their time if they have been employed by another municipality in Texas. The cost would be approximately $1,000 month over what we are paying now into the retirement system, assuming that all those employees bought their time back. There are about ten employees eligible for the buy back. Councilman Garza inquired as to why it should cost the City instead of the employee. City Manager explained that the employee does have to pay the money back with interest and penalties during that time. Councilman Patton advised that this is usual and customary for most municipalities. City Manager agreed that a lot of municipalities have this in place. Councilman Muir made a motion to approve Ordinance #08-34-07 Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY WHO HAVE TERMINATED PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIPS IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, TO DEPOSIT THE SUMS SO WITHDRAWN, PLUS ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL CHARGES, AND ALLOWING AND UNDERTAKING THE COST OF ALLOWING ANY SUCH EMPLOYEE CREDIT IN SUCH SYSTEM FOR ALL SERVICE TO WHICH SUCH EMPLOYEE HAD BEEN ENTITLED AT DATE OF SUCH WITHDRAWAL, WITH LIKE EFFECT AS IF ALL SUCH SERVICE HAD BEEN PERFORMED AS AN EMPLOYEE OF THIS CITY. 5. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Audit Services for Fiscal Year End 2007. City Manager advised that we had received two bids for audit services. One from Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn and Seay for $12,720, and one from John Baines for $27,000. City Manager reviewed both of these firms proposals with the City Secretary. Councilman Muir stated that based on his knowledge in this area, that Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn and Seay are set up for municipalities and independent school districts. Councilman Walker asked what firm was doing the previous audits. City Secretary advised Bill Spore and that he did not submit a bid this time. Councilman Patton advised that he has been the auditor for the last eleven to twelve years and that it is good business practice to change auditors every three to four years. Brief discussion. Councilman Muir made motion to award the bid to Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, Tonn and Seay for the amount of $12,720. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Indian Springs Drainage. City Manager indicated that this was discussed in the work session prior to the Council meeting, and staff recommendation to council was that we don't do any drainage work in Indian Springs at this time. Bobby Swan, 207 Osage, addressed the Council that this has been an ongoing problem and does not believe that the homeowners want the City to have to pay $250,000 to $300,000. The neighborhood has been promised a new street and drainage work which has been brought up in past Council meetings. He stated that when he bought his house on Osage, he had knowledge of the drainage issues and that it flooded in that area. He indicated he didn't have knowledge of the easements which were not recorded. The ditch is next to his property, not on his property. Currently there is an 18 culvert and up the street there is a 12" culvert and what is being recommended is two 36" culverts underneath those driveways. Mr. Swan expressed to the Council that they do not spend that kind of money but to take some measure to protect them as homeowners. City Manager stated that he understood Mr. Swan's situation; however, we have an engineer that prepared the analysis and if we ask the to do this, then that would create a liability for the City. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to go with staff s recommendation to deny. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Garza - no Walker - no Motion carried 3-2. 7. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Specific Use Permit for a Communications Tower on Property Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 22. Property is Located on 51h Street. (Sanger Government Center) Public Hearing opened. City Manager explained that this is the County's tower at the Constable's office and it is currently a 78' tower and they want to replace this with a 100' tower. No one spoke for or against. Public Hearing closed. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-35-07 - Regarding a Specific Use Permit for a Communications Tower on Property Legally Described as OT Sanger, Block 22. Property is Located on 5th Street. (Sanger Government Center) Councilman Ervin moved to approve Ordinance #08-35-07. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A COMMUNICATIONS TOWER ON PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS OT SANGER, BLOCK 22, LOTS 1 & 4; PROVIDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider a Zoning Request Change from B-1(Business-1) to B-2 (Business-2) on Properties Legally Described as Follows: A) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 1(N53.3') - 807 4`" Street B) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 2,3 (N44') - 800-808 N. 5`" Street C) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 3, (W50' of S81') - 511 Plum D) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 1,2 (all) 3,4 (North part) 805 N. 5`" E) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 1- 807 N. 5`" F) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2A - 809 N. 5`" G) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2B - 801 N. 6`" H) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 3 - 808 N. 6`" Public Hearing opened. No one spoke for or against. Public Hearing closed. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Zoning Request Change from B-1(Business- 1) to B-2 (Business-2) on Properties Legally Described as Follows: A) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 1(N53.3') - 807 4`" Street B) Original Town Sanger, Block 77, Lot 2,3 (N44') - 800-808 N. 5`" Street C) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 3, (W50' of S81') - 511 Plum D) Original Town Sanger, Block 78, Lot 1,2 (all) 3,4 (North part) 805 N. 5`" E) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 1- 807 N. 5`" F) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2A - 809 N. 5`" G) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 2B - 801 N. 6`" H) Towne North (Sanger ISD) Lot 3 - 808 N. 6`" Councilman Patton made a motion to approve. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. None 12. Meeting adjourned. pity of %: Mayor and Council From: Mike Brice, City Manager Date: 8120/2007 Re: ICMA Deferred Compensation plan On the agenda is a resolution to allow City employees to participate in a deferred compensation plan (457 Plan) through the International City Managers Association. 457 plans are similar to a 401 K and serve as a voluntary supplemental retirement tool. Employees may voluntarily contribute to a 457 and the contributions are invested by ICMA as instructed by the employee. This plan in no way effects their traditional retirement plan administered by TMRS. There is also no cost to the City. The City will make no contributions to the 457 plan and all administration fees will be paid by the employee. It is a rare event when we can offer our employees a benefit and not encumber additional costs. Therefore, I recommend approval of the resolution. RESOLUTION NO, 084M7 A RESOLUTION ON A 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF SANGER WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a deferred compensation plan for such employees serves the interests of the City of Sanger by enabling it to provide reasonable retirement security for its employees, by providing increased flexibility in its personnel management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of competent personnel; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger has determined that the establishment of a deferred compensation plan to be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation serves the above objectives; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger desires that its deferred compensation plan be administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and that some or all of the funds held under such plan be invested in the Vantage Trust Company, a trust established by public employers for the collective investment of funds held under their retirement and deferred compensation plans; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Sanger hereby adopts the deferred plan (the "Plan") in the form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust, referred to as Appendix A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Sanger hereby executes the Declaration of Trust of the Vantage Trust Company, attached hereto as Appendix B, intending this execution to be operative with respect to any retirement or deferred compensation plan subsequently established by the City of Sanger, if the assets of the plan are to be invested in the Vantage Trust Company. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the assets of the Plan shall be held intrust, with the Employer serving as trustee, for the exclusive benefit of the Plan participants and their beneficiaries , and the assets shall not be diverted to any other purpose. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Sanger hereby agrees to serve as trustee under the Plan. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Steven Glickman, Human Resource &Accounting Technician, shall be the coordinator for this program; shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. from the ICMA Retirement Corporation or the Vantage Trust Company; shall cast, on behalf of the City of Sanger, any required votes under the Vantage Trust Company; Administrative duties to carry out the plan may be assigned to the appropriate departments, and is authorized to execute all necessary agreements with ICMA Retirement Corporation incidental to the administration of the Plan. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger this day of 2007. APPROVED: Joe Higgs, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AND TRUST As Amended and Restated Effective January 1, 2006 Article I. Purpose The Employer hereby establishes and maintains the Employer's Deferred Compensation all and Trust, hereafter referred to as the "Plan." The Plan consists of the provisions set forth in this document. The primary purpose of this Plan is to provide retirement income and other deferred benefits to the Employees of the Employer and the Employees' Beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). This Plan shall be an agreement solely between the Employer and participating Employees. The Plan and Trust forming a part hereof are established and shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries. No part of the corpus or income of the Trust shall revert to the Employer or be used for or diverted to purposes other than the exclusive benefit of Participants and their Beneficiaries. Article II. Definitions 2.01 Account. The bookkeeping account maintained for each Participant reflecting the cumulative amount of the Participant's Deferred Compensation, including any income, gains, losses, or increases or decreases in market value attributable to the Employer's investment of the Participant's Deferred Compensation, and further reflecting any distributions to the Participant or the Participant's Beneficiary and any fees or expenses charged against such Participant's Deferred Compensation. 2.02 Accounting Date. Each business day that the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading, as provided in Section 6.06 for valuing the Trust's assets. 2.03 Administrator. The person or persons named in writing to carry out certain nondiscretionary administrative functions under the an, as hereinafter described. The Employer may remove any person as Administrator upon 75 days' advance notice in writing to such person, in which case the Employer shall name another person or persons to act as Administrator. The Administrator may resign upon 75 days' advance notice in writing to the Employer, in which case the Employer shall name another person or persons to act as Administrator. 2.04 Automatic Distribution Date. April 1 of the calendar year after the Plan Year the Participant attains age 704/2 or, if later, has a Severance Event. 2.05 Beneficiary. The person or persons designated by the Participant in his or her Joinder Agreement who shall receive any benefits payable hereunder in the event of the Participant's death. In the event that the Participant names two or more Beneficiaries, each Beneficiary shall be entitled to equal shares of the benefits payable at the Participant's death, unless otherwise provided in the Participant's Joinder Agreement. If no beneficiary is designated in the Joinder Agreement, if the Designated Beneficiary predeceases the Participant, or if the designated Beneficiary does not survive the Participant for a period of fifteen (15) days, then the estate of the Participant shall be the Beneficiary. If a married Participant resides in a community or marital property state, the Participant shall be responsible for obtaining appropriate consent of his or her spouse in the event the Participant designates someone other than his or her spouse as Beneficiary. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to a Deemed IRA under Article IX. 2.06 Deemed IRA. A separate account or annuity established under the Plan that complies with the requirements of Section 408 (q) of the Code, the Income Tax Regulations thereunder, and any other IRS guidance. 1 2.07 Deferred Compensation. The amount of Includible Compensation otherwise payable to the Participant which the Participant and the Employer mutually agree to defer hereunder, any amount credited to a Participant's Account by reason of a transfer under Section 6.09 or 6.10, a rollover under Section 6.11, or any other amount which the Employer agrees to credit to a Participant's Account. 2.08 Dollar Limitation. The applicable dollar amount within the meaning of Section 457(b)(2)(A) of the Code, as adjusted for the cost -of -living in accordance with Section 457(e)(15) of the Code. 2MY Employee. Any individual who provides services for the Employer, whether as an employee of the Employer or as an independent contractor, and who has been designated by the Employer as eligible to participate in the Plan. 2.10 Employer. ,which is a political subdivision, agency or instrumentality of the [State/Commonwealth] of , described in Section 457(e)(1)(A) of the Code. 2.11 457 Catch -Up Dollar Limitation. Twice the Dollar Limitation. 2.12 Includible Compensation. Includible Compensation of a Participant means "compensation," as defined in Section 415(c)(3) of the Code, for services performed for the Employer. Includible Compensation shall be determined without regard to any community property laws. For purposes of a Participant's Joinder Agreement only and not for purposes of the limitations in Article U, Includible Compensation shall include any employer contributions to an integral part trust of the employer providing retiree health care benefits. 2.13 Joinder Agreement. An agreement entered into between an Employee and the Employer, including any amendments or modifications thereof. Such agreement shall fix the amount of Deferred Compensation, specify a preference among the investment alternatives designated by the Employer, designate the Employee's Beneficiary or Beneficiaries, and incorporate the terms, conditions, and provisions of the Plan by reference. 2.14 Normal Limitation. The maximum amount of Deferred Compensation for any Participant for any taxable year (other than amounts referred to in Sections 6.09, 6.10, and 6.11). 2.15 Normal Retirement Age. Age 70-1/2, unless the Participant has elected an alternate Normal Retirement Age by written instrument delivered to the Administrator prior to a Severance Event. A Participant's Normal Retirement Age determines the period during which a Participant may utilize the 457 Catch -Up Dollar Limitation of Section 5.02(b) hereunder. Once a Participant has to any extent utilized the catch-up limitation of Section 5.02(b), his Normal Retirement Age may not be changed. A Participant's alternate Normal Retirement Age may not be earlier than the earliest date that the Participant will become eligible to retire and receive immediate, unreduced retirement benefits under the Employers basic defined benefit retirement plan covering the Participant (or a money purchase pension plan in which the Participant also participates if the Participant is not eligible to participate in a defined benefit plan), and may not be later than the date the Participant will attain age 704/2. If the Participant will not become eligible to receive benefits under a basic defined benefit retirement plan (or money purchase pension plan, if applicable) maintained by the Employer, the Participant's alternate Normal Retirement Age may not be earlier than 65 and may not be later than age 70-1/2. In no event may a Participant's normal retirement age be different than the normal retirement age under the Employer's other 457(b) plans, if any. In the event the Plan has Participants that include qualified police or firefighters (as defined under Section 415(b)(2)(H)(ii)(I) of the Code), a normal retirement age maybe designated for such qualified police or firefighters that is not earlier than age 40 or later than age 704/2. Alternatively, qualified police or firefighters may be permitted to designate a normal retirement age that is between age 40 and age 704/2. 2.16 Participant. Any Employee who has joined the Plan pursuant to the requirements of Article IU . For purposes of section 6.11 of the Plan, the term Participant includes an employee or former Employee of the Employer who has not yet received all of the payments of benefits to which he/she is entitled under the Plan. 2.17 Percentage Limitation. 100 percent of the participant's Includible Compensation available to be contributed as Deferred Compensation for the taxable year. 2.18 Plan Year. The calendar year. 2.19 Retirement. The first date upon which both of the following shall have occurred with respect to a participant: Severance Event and attainment of age 65. 2.20 Severance Event. A severance of the Participant's employment with the Employer within the meaning of Section 457(d)(1)(A)(ii) of the Code. In general, a Participant shall be deemed to have experienced a Severance Event for purposes of this Plan when, in accordance with the established practices of the Employer, the employment relationship is considered to have actually terminated. In the case of a Participant who is an independent contractor of the Employer, a Severance Event shall be deemed to have occurred when the Participant's contract under which services are performed has completely expired and terminated, there is no foreseeable possibility that the Employer will renew the contract or enter into a new contract for the Participant's services, and it is not anticipated that the Participant will become an Employee of the Employer, or such other events as may be permitted under the Code. 2.21 Trust. The Trust created under Article VI of the Plan which shall consist of all compensation deferred under the Plan, plus any income and gains thereon, less any losses, expenses and distributions to Participants and Beneficiaries. Article III. Administration 3.01 Duties of the Employer. The Employer shall have the authority to make all discretionary decisions affecting the rights or benefits of Participants which may be required in the administration of this an. The Employer's decisions shall be afforded the maximum deference permitted by applicable law. 3.02 Duties of Administrator. The Administrator, as agent for the Employer, shall perform nondiscretionary administrative functions in connection with the Plan, including the maintenance of Participants' Accounts, the provision of periodic reports of the status of each Account, and the disbursement of benefits on behalf of the Employer in accordance with the provisions of this Plan. Article IV. Participation in the Plan 4.01 Initial Participation. An Employee may become a Participant by entering into a Joinder Agreement prior to the beginning of the calendar month in which the Joinder Agreement is to become effective to defer compensation not yet earned, or such other date as may be permitted under the Code. A new employee may defer compensation in the calendar month during which he or she first becomes an employee if a Joinder Agreement is entered into on or before the first day on which the employee performs services for the Employer. 4.02 Amendment of Joinder Agreement. A Participant may amend an executed Joinder Agreement to change the amount of Includible Compensation not yet earned which is to be deferred (including the reduction of such future deferrals to zero). Such amendment shall become effective as of the beginning of the calendar month commencing after the date the amendment is executed, or such other date as may be permitted under the Code. A Participant may at any time amend his or her Joinder Agreement to change the designated Beneficiary, and such amendment shall become effective immediately. 3 Article V.Limitations on Deferrals 5.01 Normal Limitation. Except as provided in Section 5.02, the maximum amount of Deferred Compensation for any Participant for any taxable year, shall not exceed the lesser of the Dollar Limitation or the Percentage Limitation. 5.02 Catch -Up Limitations. (a) Catch-up Contributions for Participants Age 50 and Oven A Participant who has attained the age of 50 before the close of the Plan Year, and with respect to whom no other elective deferrals may be made to the Plan for the Plan Year by reason of the Normal Limitation of Section 5.01, may enter into a Joinder Agreement to make elective deferrals in addition to those permitted by the Normal Limitation in an amount not to exceed the lesser of. (1) The applicable dollar amount as defined in Section 414(v)(2)(B) of the Code, as adjusted for the cost- 441ving in accordance with Section 414(v)(2)(C) of the Code; or (2) The excess (if any) of (i) The Participant's Includible Compensation for the year, or (ii) Any other elective deferrals of the Participant for such year which are made without regard to this Section 5.02(a). An additional contribution made pursuant to this Section 5.02(a) shall not, with respect to the year in which the contribution is made, be subject to any otherwise applicable limitation contained in Section 5.01 above, or be taken into account in applying such limitation to other contributions or benefits under the Plan or any other plan. This Section 5.02(a) shall not apply in any year to which a higher limit under Section 5.02(b) applies. (b) Last Three Years Catch-up Contribution, For each of the last three (3) taxable years for a Participant ending before his or her attainment of Normal Retirement Age, the maximum amount of Deferred Compensation shall be the lesser of, (1) The 457 Catch -Up Dollar Limitation, or (2) The sum of (i) The Normal Limitation for the taxable year, and (ii) The Normal Limitation for each prior taxable year of the Participant commencing after 1978 less the amount of the Participant's Deferred Compensation for such prior taxable years. A prior taxable year shall be taken into account under the preceding sentence only if (x) the Participant was eligible to participate in the Plan for such year, and (y) compensation (if any) deferred under the Plan (or such other plan) was subject to the Normal Limitation. 5.03 Sick, vacation and. Back Pay. If the Employer so elects, a Participant may defer all or a portion of the value of the Participant's accumulated sicic pay, accumulated vacation pay and/or back pay, provided that such deferral does not cause total deferrals on behalf of the Participant to exceed the Dollar Limitation or Percentage Limitation (including any Catch-up Dollar Limitation) for the year of deferral. The election to defer such sick, vacation and/or back pay must be made in a manner and at a time permitted under Section 1.4574(d) of the Income Tax Regulations. Pursuant to proposed IRS regulations issued under Section 415 of the Code, the Plan may permit deferrals from compensation, including sick, vacation and back pay, so long as the amounts are paid within 2'/a months following severance from employment and the other requirements of Sections 457(b) and 415 of the Code are met. Additionally, the agreement to defer such amounts must be entered into prior to the first day of the month in which the amounts otherwise would be paid or made available. 5.04 Other Plans. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the amount excludible from a Participant's gross income under this Plan or any other eligible deferred compensation plan under Section 457(b) of the Code shall not exceed the limits set forth in Sections 457(b) and 414(v) of the Code. 5.05 Excess Deferrals. Any amount that exceeds the maximum Dollar Limitation or Percentage Limitation (including any applicable Catch -Up Dollar Limitation) for a taxable year, shall constitute an excess deferral for that taxable year. Any excess deferral shall be distributed in accordance with the requirements for excess deferrals under the Code and Section 1.4574(e) of the Income Tax Regulations or other applicable Internal Revenue Service guidance. 5.06 Protection of Person Who Serves in a Uniformed Service. An Employee whose employment is interrupted by qualified military service under Section 414(u) of the Code or who is on leave of absence for qualified military service under Section 414(u) of the Code may elect to contribute additional Deferred Compensation upon resumption of employment with the Employer equal to the maximum Deferred Compensation that the Employee could have elected during that period if the Employee's employment with the Employer had continued (at the same level of Includible Compensation) without the interruption or leave, reduced by Deferred Compensation, if any, actually made for the Employee during the period of the interruption or leave. This right applies for five years following the resumption of employment (or, if sooner, for a period equal to three times the period of the interruption or leave). Article VI. Trust and Investment of Accounts 6.01 Investment of Deferred Compensation. A Trust is hereby created to hold all the assets of the Plan (except Deemed IRA contributions and earnings thereon held pursuant to Article M for the exclusive benefit of Participants and Beneficiaries, except that expenses and taxes may be paid from the Trust as provided in Section 6.03. The trustee shall be the Employer or such other person that agrees to act in that capacity hereunder. 6.02 Investment Powers. TM trustee or the Administrator, acting as agent for the trustee, shall have the powers listed in this Section with respect to investment of Trust assets, except to the extent that the investment of Trust assets is directed by Participants, pursuant to Section 6.05 or to the extent that such powers are restricted by applicable law. (a) To invest and reinvest the Trust without distinction between principal and income in common or preferred stocks, shares of regulated investment companies and other mutual funds, bonds, loans, notes, debentures, certificates of deposit, contracts with insurance companies including but not limited to insurance, individual or group. annuity, deposit administration, guaranteed interest contracts, and deposits at reasonable rates of interest at banking institutions including but not limited to savings accounts and certificates of deposit. Assets of the Trust may be invested in securities that involve a higher degree of risk than investments that have demonstrated their investment performance over an extended period of time. (b) To invest and reinvest all or any part of the assets of the Trust in any common, collective or commingled trust fund that is maintained by a bank or other institution and that is available to Employee plans described under Sections 457 or 401 of the Code, or any successor provisions thereto, and during the period of time that an investment through any such medium shall exist, to the extent of participation of the Plans the declaration of trust of such commonly collective, or commingled trust fund shall constitute a part of this Plan. (c) To invest and reinvest all or any part of the assets of the Trust in any group annuity, deposit administration or guaranteed interest contract issued by an insurance company or other financial institution on a commingled or collective basis with the assets of any other 457 plan or trust qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code or any other plan described in Section 401(a) (24) of the Code, and such contract may be held or issued in the name of the Administrator, or such custodian as the Administrator may appoint, as agent and nominee for the Employer. During the period that an investment through any such contract shall exist, to the extent of participation of the Plan, the terms and conditions of such contract shall constitute a part of the Plan. 5 (d) To hold cash awaiting investment and to keep such portion of the Trust in cash or cash balances, without liability for interest, in such amounts as may from time to time be deemed to be reasonable and necessary to meet obligations under the Plan or otherwise to be in the best interests of the Plan. (e) To now, to authorize the holding of, and to register any investment to the Trust in the name of the an, the Employer, or any nominee or agent of any of the foregoing, including the Administrator, or in bearer form, to deposit or arrange for the deposit of securities in a qualified central depository even though, when so deposited, such securities may be merged and held in bulk in the name of the nominee of such depository with other securities deposited therein by any other person, and to organize corporations or trusts under the laws of any jurisdiction for the purpose of acquiring or holding title to any property for the Trust, all with or without the addition of words or other action to indicate that property is held in a fiduciary or representative capacity but the books and records of the Plan shall at all times show that all such investments are part of the Trust. (f) Upon such terms as maybe deemed advisable by the Employer or the Administrator, as the case maybe, for the protection of the interests of the Plan or for the preservation of the value of an investment, to exercise and enforce by suit for legal or equitable remedies or by other action, or to waive any right or claim on behalf of the Plan or any default in any obligation owing to the Plan, to renew, extend the time for payment of, agree to a reduction in the rate of interest on, or agree to any other modification or change in the terms of any obligation owing to the Plan, to settle, compromise, adjust, or submit to arbitration any claim or right in favor of or against the Plans to exercise and enforce any and all rights of foreclosure, bid for property in foreclosure, and take a deed in lieu of foreclosure with or without paying consideration therefor, to commence or defend suits or other legal proceedings whenever any interest of the Plan requires it, and to represent the Plan in all suits or legal proceedings in any court of law or equity or before any body or tribunal. (g) To employ suitable consultants, depositories, agents, and legal counsel on behalf of the Plan. (h) To open and maintain any bank account or accounts in the name of the Plan, the Employer, or any nominee or agent of the foregoing, including the Administrator, in any bank or banks. (i) To do any and all other acts that may be deemed necessary to carry out any of the powers set forth herein. 6.03 Taxes and Expenses. All taxes of any and all kinds whatsoever that maybe levied or assessed under existing or future laws upon the Plan, or in respect to the Trust, or the income thereof, and all commissions or acquisitions or dispositions of securities and similar expenses of investment and reinvestment of the Trust, shall be paid from the Trust. Such reasonable compensation of the Administrator, as may be agreed upon from time to time by the Employer and the Administrator, and reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred by the Administrator in performance of its duties hereunder (including but not limited to fees for legal, accounting, investment and custodial services) shall also be paid from the Trust. 6.04 Payment of Benefits. The payment of benefits from the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Plan may be made by the Administrator, or by any custodian or other person so authorized by the Employer to make such disbursement. The Administrator, custodian or other person shall not be liable with respect to any distribution of Trust assets made at the direction of the Employer. 6.05 Investment Fonds. In accordance with uniform and nondiscriminatory rules established by the Employer and the Administrator, the Participant may direct his or her Accounts to be invested in one (1) or more investment funds available under the Plan; provided, however, that the Participant's investment directions shall not violate any investment restrictions established by the Employer. Neither the Employer, the Administrator, nor any other person shall be liable for any losses incurred by virtue of following such directions or with any reasonable administrative delay in implementing such directions. 6 6.06 Valuation of Accounts. As of each Accounting Date, the Plan assets held in each investment fund offered shall be valued at fair market value and the investment income and gains or losses for each fund shall be determined. Such investment income and gains or losses shall be allocated proportionately among all Account balances on a fund -by- fund basis. The allocation shall be in the proportion that each such Account balance as of the immediately preceding Accounting Date bears to the total of all such Account balances as of that Accounting Date. For purposes of this Article, all Account balances include the Account balances of all Participants and Beneficiaries, 6.07 Participant Loan Accounts. Participant loan accounts shall be invested in accordance with Section 8.03 of the Plan, Such Accounts shall not share in any investment income and gains or losses of the investment funds described in Sections 6.05 and 6.06. 6.08 Crediting of Accounts. The Participant's Account shall reflect the amount and value of the investments or other property obtained by the Employer through the investment of the Participant's Deferred Compensation pursuant to Sections 6.05 and 6,06. It is anticipated that the Employer's investments with respect to a Participant will conform to the investment preference specified in the Participant's Joinder Agreement, but nothing herein shall be construed to require the Employer to make any particular investment of a Participant's Deferred Compensation, Each Participant shall receive periodic reports, not less frequently than annually, showing the then current value of his or her Account. 6.09 Post -Severance Transfers Among Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans. (a) Incoming Transfers: A transfer maybe accepted from an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) In the case of a transfer for a Participant, the Participant has had a Severance Event with that employer and become an Employee of the Employer; (2) The other employer's plan provides that such transfer will be made; and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer. The Employer may require such documentation from the predecessor plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer in accordance with Section 457(e)(10) of the Code, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of Section 457(b) of the Code, and to assure that transfers are provided for under such plan. The Employer may refuse to accept a transfer in the form of assets other than cash, unless the Employer and the Administrator agree to hold such other assets under the Plan. (b) Outgoing Transfers: An amount may be transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another employer, and charged to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under this Plan, if: (1) In the case of a transfer for a Participant, the Participant has a Severance Event with the Employer and becomes an employee of the other employer; (2) The other employer's plan provides that such transfer will be accepted; (3) The Participant or Beneficiary and the employers have signed such agreements as are necessary to assure that the Employer's liability to pay benefits to the Participant has been discharged and assumed by the other employer; and (4) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer. The Employer may require such documentation from the other plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the transfer, to confirm that such plan is an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of Section 7 457(b) of the Code, and to assure that transfers are provided for under such plan. Such transfers shall be made only under such circumstances as are permitted under Section 457 of the Code and the regulations thereunder. 6.10 Transfers Among Eligible Deferred Compensation Plans of the Employer. (a) Incoming Transfers. A transfer may be accepted from another eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by the Employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) The Employer's other plan provides that such transfer will be made; (2) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer, and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the Plan unless the Participant or Beneficiary is performing services for the Employer. (b) Outgoing Transfers. A transfer maybe accepted from another eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by the Employer and credited to a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account under the Plan if: (1) The Employer's other plan provides that such transfer will be accepted; (2) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer; and (3) The Participant or Beneficiary whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the Employer's other eligible deferred compensation plan unless the Participant or Beneficiary is performing services for the Employer. 6.11 Eligible Rollover Distributions. (a) Incoming Rollovers: An eligible rollover distribution maybe accepted from an eligible retirement plan and credited to a Participant's Account under the Plan. The Employer may require such documentation from the distributing plan as it deems necessary to effectuate the rollover in accordance with Section 402 of the Code and to confirm that such plan is an eligible retirement plan within the meaning of Section 402(c)(8)(B) of the Code. The Plan shall separately account (in one or more separate accounts) for eligible rollover distributions from any eligible retirement plan. (b) Outgoing Rollovers: Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's election under this Section, a distributee may elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Administrator, to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. (c) Definitions: (1) Eligible Rollover Distribution: An eligible rollover distribution is any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of the distributee, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include: any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annually) made for the life (or life expectancy) of the distributee or the joint lives (or joint life expectancies) of the distributee and the distributee's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more; any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under Sections 401(a) (9) and 457(d) (2) of the Code; and any distribution made as a result of an unforeseeable emergency of the employee. For purposes of distributions from other eligible retirement plans rolled over into this Plan, the term eligible rollover distribution shall not include the portion of any distribution that is not includible in gross income (determined without regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to employer securities). (2) Eligible Retirement Plan: An eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a) of the Code, an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b) of the Code, an annuity plan described in Sections 403(a) or 403(b) of the Code, a qualified trust described in Section 401(a) of the Code, or an eligible deferred compensation plan described in Section 457(b) of the Code which is maintained by an eligible governmental employer described in Section 457(e)(1)(A) of the Code, that accepts the distributee's eligible rollover distribution. (3) Distributee: A distributee includes an employee or former employee. In addition, the employee's or former employee's surviving spouse and the employee's or former employee's spouse or former spouse who is the alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order, as defined in Section 414(p) of the Code, are distributees with regard to the interest of the spouse or former spouse. (4) Direct Rollover: A direct rollover is a payment by the plan to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee. 6.12 Trustee -to -Trustee Transfers to Purchase Permissive Service Credit. All or a portion of a Participant's Account may be transferred directly to the trustee of a defined benefit governmental plan (as defined in Section 414(d) of the Code) if such transfer is (a) for the purchase of permissive service credit (as defined in Section 415(n)(3)(A) of the Code) under such plan, or (b) a repayment to which Section 415 of the Code does not apply by reason of subsection (10(3) thereof, within the meaning of Section 457(e)(17) of the Code. 6.13 Treatment of Distributions of Amounts Previously Rolled Over From 401(a) and 403(b) Plans and IRAs. For purposes of Section 72(t) of the Code, a distribution from this Plan shall be treated as a distribution from a qualified retirement plan described in Section 4974(c)(1) of the Code to the extent that such distribution is attributable to an amount transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan from a qualified retirement plan (as defined in Section 4974(c) of the Code). 6.14 Employer Liability. In no event shall the Employer's liability to pay benefits to a Participant under this Plan exceed the value of the amounts credited to the Participant's Account, neither the Employer nor the Administrator shall be liable for losses arising from depreciation or shrinkage in the value of any investments acquired under this Plan. Article VII. Benefits 7.01 Retirement Benefits and Election on Severance Event. (a) General Rule: Except as otherwise provided in this Article VII, the distribution of a Participant's Account shall commence as of a Participant's Automatic Distribution Date, and the distribution of such benefits shall be made in accordance with one of the payment options described in Section 7.02. Notwithstanding the foregoing, but subject to the following paragraphs of this Section 7.01, the Participant may elect following a Severance Event to have the distribution of benefits commence on a fixed determinable date other than that described in the preceding sentence, but not later than April 1 of the year following the year of the Participant's Retirement or attainment of age 70-1/2, whichever is later. The Participant's right to change his or her election with respect to commencement of the distribution of benefits shall not be restrained by this Section 7.01. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator, in order to ensure the orderly administration of this provision, may establish a deadline after which such election to defer the commencement of distribution of benefits shall not be allowed. 9 (b) Loans: Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 7.01, no election to defer the commencement of benefits after a Severance Event shall operate to defer the distribution of any amount in the Participant's loan account in the event of a default of the Participant's loan. 7.02 Payment Options. As provided in Sections 7.01, 7.04 and 7.05, a Participant may elect to have value of the Participant's Account distributed in accordance with one of the following payment options, provided that such option is consistent with the limitations set forth in Section 7.03: (a) Equal monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments in an amount chosen by the Participant, continuing until his or her Account is exhausted; (b) One lump -sum payment; (c) Approximately equal monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments, calculated to continue for a period certain chosen by the Participant; (d) Annual Payments equal to the minimum distributions required under Section 401(a) (9) of the Code, including the incidental death benefit requirements of Section 401(a) (9) (G), over the life expectancy of the Participant or over the life expectancies of the Participant and his or her Beneficiary; (e) Payments equal to payments made by the issuer of a retirement annuity policy acquired by the Employer; (f) A split distribution under which payments under options (a), (b), (c) or (e) commence or are made at the same time, as elected by the Participant under Section 7.01, provided that all payments commence (or are made) by the latest benefit commencement date permitted under Section 7.01; (g) Any other payment option elected by the Participant and agreed to by the Employer and Administrator. A Participant's selection of a payment option under Subsections (a), (c), or (g) above may include the selection of an automatic annual cost -of living increase. Such increase will be based on the rise in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) from the third quarter of the last year in which a cost-of4ivmg increase was provided to the third quarter of the current year. Any increase will be made in periodic payment checks beginning the following January. 7.03 Limitation on Options. No payment option may be selected by a Participant under subsections 7.02(a) or (c) unless the amount of any installment is not less than $100. No payment option may be selected by a Participant under Sections 7.02, 7.04, or 7.05 unless it satisfies the requirements of Sections 401(a)(9) and 457(d)(2) of the Code, including that payments commencing before the death of the Participant shall satisfy the incidental death benefit requirements under Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Code. 7.04 Minimum Required Distributions. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall comply with the minimum required distribution rules set forth in Sections 457(d)(2) and 401(a)(9) of the Code, including the incidental death benefit requirements of Section 401(a)(9)(G) of the Code. 7.05 Post -Retirement Death Benefits. (a) Should the Participant die after he or she has begun to receive benefits under a payment option, the remaining payments, if any, under the payment option shall continue until the Administrator receives notice of the Participant's death. Upon notification of the Participant's death, benefits shall be payable to the Participant's Beneficiary commencing not later than December 31 of the year following the year of the Participant's death, provided that the Beneficiary may elect to begin benefits earlier than that date. (b) In the event that the Beneficiary dies before the payment of death benefits has commenced or been completed, the remaining benefits payable under the payment option applicable to the Beneficiary shall, subject to the IV$ requirements set forth in Section 7.04, be paid to an additional beneficiary designated by the Beneficiary. If no additional beneficiary is named, payment shall be made to the Beneficiary's estate in a lump sum. (c) In the event that the Participant's estate is the Beneficiary, payment shall be made to the estate in a lump sum. 7.06 Pre-Retireme= Death Benefits. (a) Should the Participant die before he or she has begun to receive the benefits provided by Section 7.01, the value of the Participant's Account shall be payable to the Beneficiary commencing not later than December 31 of the year following the year of the Participant's death, provided that the Beneficiary may elect to begin benefits earlier than that date. (b) In the event that the Beneficiary dies before the payment of death benefits has commenced or been completed, the remaining value of the Participant's Account shall be paid to the estate of the Beneficiary in a lump sum. In the event that the Participant's estate is the Beneficiary, payment shall be made to the estate in a lump sum. 7.07 Unforeseeable Emergencies. (a) In the event an unforeseeable emergency occurs, a Participant or Beneficiary may apply to the Employer to receive that part of the value of his or her Account that is reasonably needed to satisfy the emergency need. If such an application is approved by the Employer, the Participant or Beneficiary shall be paid only such amount as the Employer deems necessary to meet the emergency need, but payment shall not be made to the extent that the financial hardship may be relieved through cessation of deferral under the Plan, insurance or other reimbursement, or liquidation of other assets to the extent such liquidation would not itself cause severe financial hardship. (b) An unforeseeable emergency shall be deemed to involve only circumstances of severe financial hardship of a Participant or Beneficiary resulting from an illness or accident of the participant or beneficiary, the Participant's or Beneficiary's spouse, or the Participant's or Beneficiary's dependent (as defined in Section 152 of the Code, and, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2005, without regard to Sections 152(b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) of the Code); loss of the Participant's or Beneficiary's property due to casualty (including the need to rebuild a home following damage to a home not otherwise covered by homeowner's insurance, e.g., as a result of a natural disaster); or other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of the Participant or the Beneficiary. For example, the imminent foreclosure of or eviction from the Participant's or Beneficiary's primary residence may constitute an unforeseeable emergency, In addition, the need to pay for medical expenses, including non-refundable deductibles, as well as for the cost of prescription drug medication, may constitute an unforeseeable emergency. Finally, the need to pay for the funeral expenses of a spouse or a dependent (as defined in section 152 of the Code, and, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2005, without regard to Sections 152(b)(1), (b)(2), and (d)(1)(B) of the Code) may also constitute an unforeseeable emergency. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Section 7.07(b), the purchase of a home and the payment of college tuition are not unforeseeable emergencies. 7.08 In -Service Distribution of Rollover Contributions. Effective January 1, 2006, the Employer may elect to allow Participants to receive an in-service distribution of amounts attributable to rollover contributions to the Plan. If the Employer has elected to make such distributions available, a Participant that has a separate account attributable to rollover contributions to the Plan, may at any time request a distribution of all or any portion of the amount attributable to his or her rollover contribution. 11 7.09 In -Service Distribution to Participants Age 70-1/2 or Older. A Participant who has reached age 701/2 and has not yet had a Severance Event, may, at any time, request a distribution of all or a part of his or her Account. A Participant may only receive two (2) such distributions pursuant to this Section 7.09 in any calendar year. 7.10 Distribution De Minirnis Accounts. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article VII: (a) Mandatory Distribution. If the value of a Participant's Account is less than $1,000, the Participant's Account shall be paid to the Participant in a single lump sum distribution, provided that: (1) No amount has been deferred under the all with respect to the Participant during the 2-year period ending on the date of the distribution; and (2) There has been no prior distribution under the Plan to the Participant pursuant to this Section 7.10. (b) Voluntary Distribution. If the value of the Participant's Account is at least $1,000 but not more than the dollar limit under Section 411(a)(11)(A) of the Code, the Participant may elect to receive his or her entire Account in a lump sum payment if (1) No amount has been deferred under the Plan with respect to the Participant during the 2-year period ending on the date of the distribution, and (2) There has been no prior distribution under the Plan to the Participant pursuant to this Section 7.10. Article VIII. Loans to Participants 8.01 Availability of Loans to Participants. (a) The Employer may elect to make loans available to Participants in this Plan. If the Employer has elected to make loans available to Participants, a Participant may apply for a loan from the Plan subject to the limitations and other provisions of this Article. However, no loans are available from Deemed IRAs. (b) The Employer shall establish written guidelines governing the granting of loans, provided that such guidelines are approved by the Administrator and are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, and that loans are made available to all Participants on a reasonably equivalent basis. 8.02 Terms and Conditions of Loans to Participants. Any loan by the Plan to a Participant under Section 8.01 of the Plan shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Availability. Loans shall be made available to all Participants on a reasonably equivalent basis. (b) Interest Rate. Loans must be adequately secured and bear a reasonable interest rate. (c) Loan Limit. No Participant loan shall exceed the present value of the Participant's Account. (d) Foreclosure. In the event of default on any installment payment, the outstanding balance of the loan shall be a deemed distribution. In such event, an actual distribution of a plan loan offset amount will not occur until a distributable event occurs in the Plan. (e) Reduction ofAccount. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, the portion of the Participant's Account balance used as a security interest held by the Plan by reason of a loan outstanding to the Participant shall be taken into account for purposes of determining the amount of the Account balance payable at the time of death or distribution, but only if the reduction is used as repayment of the loan. 12 (f) Amount of Loan. At the time the loan is made, the principal amount of the loan plus the outstanding balance (principal plus accrued interest) due on any other outstanding loans to the Participant from the Plan and from all other plans of the Employer that are either eligible deferred compensation plans described in section 457(b) of the Code or qualified employer plans under Section 72(p)(4) of the Code shall not exceed the lesser of. (1) p50,000, reduced by the excess (if any) of (i) The highest outstanding balance of loans from the Plan during the one (1) year period ending on the day before the date on which the loan is made; or (i1) The outstanding balance of loans from the Plan on the date on which such loan is made; or (2) One-half of the value of the Participant's interest in all of his or her Accounts under this Plan. (g) Application for Loan. The Participant must give the Employer adequate written notice, as determined by the Employer, of the amount and desired time for receiving a loan. No more than one (1) loan may be made by the Plan to a Participant's in any calendar year. No loan shall be approved if an existing loan from the Plan to the Participant is in default to any extent. (h) Length of Loan. Any loan issued shall require the Participant to repay the loan in substantially equal installments of principal and interest, at least monthly, over a period that does not exceed five (5) years from the date of the loan; provided, however, that if the proceeds of the loan are applied by the Participant to acquire any dwelling unit that is to be used within a reasonable time (determined at the time of the loan is made) after the loan is made as the principal residence of the Participant, the five (5) year limit shall not apply. In this event, the period of repayment shall not exceed a reasonable period determined by the Employer. Principal installments and interest payments otherwise due may be suspended for up to one (1) year during an authorized leave of absence, if the promissory note so provides, but not beyond the original term permitted under this subsection (h), with a revised payment schedule (within such term) instituted at the end of such period of suspension. (i) Prepayment. The Participant shall be permitted to repay the loan in whole or in part at any time prior to maturity, without penalty. (j) Promissory Note. The loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note executed by the Participant and delivered to the Employer, and shall bear interest at a reasonable rate determined by the Employer. (k) Security. The loan shall be secured by an assignment of the participant's right, title and interest in and to his or her Account. (1) Assignment or Pledge. For the purposes of paragraphs (f) and (g), assignment or pledge of any portion of the Participant's interest in the Plan and a loan, pledge, or assignment with respect to any insurance contract purchased under the Plan, will be treated as a loan. (m) Other Terms and Conditions. The Employer shall fix such other terms and conditions of the loan as it deems necessary to comply with legal requirements, to maintain the qualification of the Plan and Trust under Section 457 of the Code, or to prevent the treatment of the loan for tax purposes as a distribution to the Participant. The Employer, in its discretion for any reason, may also fix other terms and conditions of the loan, including, but not limited to, the provision of grace periods following an event of default, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article and Section 72(p) of the Code, and any applicable regulations thereunder. 13 8.03 Participant Loan Accounts. (a) Upon approval of a loan to a Participant by the Employer, an amount not in excess of the loan shall be transferred from the Participant's other investment fund(s), described in Section 6.05 of the Plan, to the Participant's loan account as of the Accounting Date immediately preceding the agreed upon date on which the loan is to be made. (b) The assets of a Participant's loan account maybe invested and reinvested only in promissory notes received by the Plan from the Participant as consideration for a loan permitted by Section 8.01 of the Plan or in cash. Uninvested cash balances in a Participant's loan account shall not bear interest. Neither the Employer, the Administrator, nor any other person shall be liable for any loss, or by reason of any breach, that results from the Participant's exercise of such control. (c) rajyment of principal and payment of interest shall be made by payroll deduction or, where repayment cannot be made by payroll deduction, by check, and shall be invested in one (1) or more other investment funds, in accordance with Section 6.05 of the Plan, as of the next Accounting Date after payment thereof to the Trust. The amount so invested shall be deducted from the Participant's loan account. (d) The Employer shall have the authority to establish other reasonable rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of the Plan, governing the establishment and maintenance of Participant loan accounts. Article IX. Deemed IRAs 9.01 General. This Article IX of the Plan reflects section 602 of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (" EGTRRA"), as amended by the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002. This Article is intended as good faith compliance with the requirements of EGTRRA and is to be construed in accordance with EGTRRA and guidance issued thereunder. This Article IX shall supersede the provisions of the Plan to the extent that those provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this Article IX. Effective for Plan Years beginning after December 31, 2002, the Employer may elect to allow Employees to make voluntary employee contributions to a separate account or annuity established under the an that complies with the requirements of Section 408(q) of the Code and any regulations promulgated thereunder (a "Deemed IRA"). The Plan shall establish a separate account for the designated Deemed IRA contributions of each Employee and any earnings properly allocable to the contributions, and maintain separate recordkeeping with respect to each such Deemed IRA. 9.02 Voluntary Employee Contributions. For purposes of this Article, a voluntary employee contribution means any contribution (other than a mandatory contribution within the meaning of Section 411(c)(2) of the Code) that is made by the Employee and which the Employee has designated, at or prior to the time of making the contribution, as a contribution to which this Article applies. 9.03 Deemed IRA Trust Requirements. This Article shall satisfy the trust requirement under Section 408(q) of the Code and the regulations thereto. IRAs established pursuant to this Article shall be held in one or more trusts or custodial accounts (the "Deemed IRA Trusts"), which shall be separate from the Trust established under the Plan to hold contributions other than Deemed IRA contributions. The Deemed IRA Trusts shall satisfy the applicable requirements of Sections 408 and 408A of the Code, which requirements are set forth in section 9.05 and 9.06, respectively, and shall be established with a trustee or custodian meeting the requirements of Section 408(a)(2) of the Code ("Deemed IRA Trustee"). To the extent that the assets of any Deemed IRAs established pursuant to this Article are held in a Deemed IRA Trust satisfying the requirements of this Section 9.03, such Deemed IRA Trust, and any amendments thereto, is hereby adopted as a trust maintained under this Plan with respect to the assets held therein, and the provisions of such Deemed IRA Trust shall control so long as any assets of any Deemed IRA are held thereunder. 14 9.04 Reporting Duties. The Deemed IRA Trustee shall be subject to the reporting requirements of Section 408(i) of the Code with respect to all Deemed IRAs that are established and maintained under the Plan. 9.05 Deemed Traditional IRA Requirements. Deemed IRAs established in the form of traditional IRAs shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Exclusive Benefit. I he Deemed IRA account shall be established for the exclusive benefit of an Employee or his or her Beneficiaries. (b) Maximum Annual Contributions. (1) Except in the case of a rollover contribution (as permitted by Sections 402(c)3 402(e)(6)3 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), 403(b)(10), 408(d)(3) and 457(e)(16) of the Code), no contributions will be accepted unless they are in cash, and the total of such contributions shall not exceed: $3,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2005 through 2007; and $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. After 2008, the limit will be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for cost -of -living -increases under Section 219(b)(5)(C) of the Code. Such adjustments will be in multiples of $500. (2) In the case of an Employee who is 50 or older, the annual cash contribution limit is increased by: $500 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2005; and $1,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 and thereafter. (3) No contributions will be accepted under a SIMPLE IRA plan established by any employer pursuant to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of funds attributable to contributions made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan will be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, that is an IRA used in conjunction with a SIMPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. (c) Collectibles. If the Deemed IRA Trust acquires collectibles with within the meaning of Section 408(m) of the Code after December 31, 1981, Deemed IRA Trust assets will be treated as a distribution in an amount equal to the cost of such collectibles. (d) Life Insurance Contracts. No part of the Deemed IRA Trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. (e) Minimum Required Distributions. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this Deemed IRA to the contrary, the distribution of the Employee's interest in the account shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 408 (a) (6) of the Code and the Income Tax Regulations thereunder, the provisions of which are herein incorporated by reference. If distributions are made from an annuity contract purchased from an insurance company, distributions thereunder must satisfy the requirements of Q&A4 of Section 1.401(a) (9)-6T of the Income Tax Regulations (or Section 1.401(a) (9)-6 of the Income Tax Regulations, as applicable), rather than paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) below and Section 9.05(f). The minimum required distributions calculated for this IRA may be withdrawn from another IRA of the Employee in accordance with Q&A-9 of Section 1.40&8 of the Income Tax Regulations. (2) The entire value of the account of the Employee for whose benefit the account is maintained will commence to be distributed no later than the first day of April following the calendar year 4n which such Employee attains age 704/2 (the "required beginning date") over the life of such Employee or the lives of such Employee and his or her Beneficiary. (3) The amount to be distributed each year, beginning with the calendar year in which the Employee attains age 704/2 and continuing through the year of death shall not be less than the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA (as determined under section 9.05(f)(3)) as of the end of the preceding year by the distribution period in the Uniform Lifetime Table in Q8&A-2 of Section 401(a) (9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations, using the Employee's age of his or her birthday in the year. However, if the Employee's sole Beneficiary is his or her surviving spouse and such spouse is more than 10 years younger than the Employee, then the distribution period is determined under the Joint and Last Survivor Table in Q&A-3 of Section 1.401(a) (9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations, using the ages as of the Employee's and spouse's birthdays in the year. (4) The required minimum distribution for the year the Employee attains age 70-1/2 can be made as late as April 1 of the following year. The required minimum distribution for any other year must be made by the end of such year. (f) Distribution Upon Death. (1) Death On or After Required Beginning Date. If the Employee dies on or after the required beginning date, the remaining portion of his or her interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is someone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the remaining interest will be distributed over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary, with such life expectancy determined using the Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death, or over the period described in paragraph (1)(iii) below if longer. (ii) If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the remaining interest will be distributed over such spouse's life or over the period described in paragraph (1)(iii) below if longer. Any interest remaining after such spouse's death will be distributed over such spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death, or, if the distributions are being made over the period described in paragraph (1)(111) below, over such period. i) If there is no Beneficiary, or if applicable by operation of paragraph (1) (1) or (1)(ii) above, the remaining interest will be distributed over the Employee's remaining life expectancy determined in the year of the Employee's death. (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (1)(i), (ii), or (iii), beginning with the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death, is the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&A-1 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary, such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to such spouse's age in the year. In all other cases, remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's or Employee's age in the year specified in paragraph 1(i), (ii), or (iii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (2) Death Before Required Beginning Date. If the Employee dies before the required beginning date, his or her entire interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is someone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of 16 the Employee's death, over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary, with such life expectancy determined using the age of the Beneficiary as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2) (iii) below. If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death (or by the end of the calendar year in which the Employee would have attained age 70412, if later), over such spouse's life, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies before distributions are required to begin, the remaining interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the spouse's death, over the spouse's Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy determined using such Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the death of the spouse, or, if elected, will be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)(m) below. If the surviving spouse dies after distributions are required to begin, any remaining interest will be distributed over the spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death. (iii) If there is no Beneficiary, or if applicable by operation of paragraph (2) (i) or (2) (ii) above, the entire interest will be distributed by the end of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Beneficiary's death (or of the spouse's death in the case of the surviving spouse's death before distributions are required to begin under paragraph (2)(ii) above). (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (2)(6) or (ii) is the quotient to be obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&A4 of Section 1.401(a) (9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary, such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's age in the year specified in paragraph (2)(i) or (ii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (v) The "value" of the IRA includes the amount of any outstanding rollover, transfer and recharacterization under Q&.As-7 and -8 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. (vi) If the sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the spouse may elect to treat the IRA as his or her own IRA. This election will be deemed to have been made if such surviving spouse makes a contribution to the IRA or fails to take required distributions as a Beneficiary. (g) Nonforfeitable. The interest of an Employee in the balance in his or her Deemed IRA account is nonforfeitable at all times. (h) Reporting. The Deemed IRA Trustee of a Deemed Traditional IRA shall furnish annual calendar -year reports concerning the status of the Deemed IRA account and such information concerning required minimum distributions as is prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (i) Substitution of Deemed IRA Trustee. If the Deemed IRA Trustee is a non -bank trustee or custodian, the non - bank trustee or custodian shall substitute another trustee or custodian if the non -bank trustee or custodian receives notice from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that such substitution is required because it has failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1.40&2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations and Section 1.40&2T of the Income Tax Regulations 17 9.06 Deemed Roth IRA Requirements. Deemed IRAs established in the form of Roth IRAs shall satisfy the following requirements: (a) Exclusive Benefit. The Deemed Roth IRA shall be established for the exclusive benefit of an Employee or his or her Beneficiaries. (b) Maximum Annual Contributions. (1) Maximum PermissibleAmount.. Except in the case of a qualified rollover contribution or recharacterization (as defined in (6) below), no contribution will be accepted unless it is in cash and the total of such contributions to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for a taxable year does not exceed the applicable amount (as defined in (2) below), or the Employee's compensation (as defined in (8) below) if less, for that taxable year. The contribution described in the previous sentence that may not exceed the lesser of the applicable amount or the Employee's compensation is referred to as a "regular contribution." A "qualified rollover contribution" is a rollover contribution that meets the requirements of Section 408(d)(3) of the Code, except the one -rollover -per -year rule of Section 408(d)(3)(B) does not apply if the rollover contribution is from another IRA other than a Roth IRA (a "nonRoth IRA"). Contributions may be limited under (3) through (5) below. (2) ApplicableAmount. The applicable amount is determined under (i) or (ii) below: (i) If the Employee is under age 50, the applicable amount is: $3,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2005 through 2007; and $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. (ii) If the Employee is 50 or older, the applicable amount is: $3,500 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; $4,500 for any taxable year beginning in 2005; $5,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 through 2007; and $000 for any taxable year beginning in 2008 and years thereafter. After 2008, the limits in paragraph (2)(i) and (ii) above will be adjusted by the Secretary of the Treasury for cost -of -living increases under Section 219(b)(5)(C) of the Code. Such adjustments will be in multiples of $500. (3) If (i) and/or (ii) below apply, the maximum regular contribution that can be made to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for the taxable year is the smaller amount determined under (i) or (ii). fE3 (i) The maximum regular contribution is phased out ratably between certain levels of modified adjusted gross income ("modified AGI," defined in (7) below) in accordance with the following table$ Modified AGI Filing Status Full Phase -out No Contribution Range Contribution Single or Head $95,000 or less Between $95,000 $110,000 of Household and $110,000 or more Joint Return or Qualifying $150,000 or less Between $150,000 $1603000 and $160,000 or more Widower Married - Separate Return $0 Between $0 $10,000 and $10,000 or more If the Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is in the phase -out range, the maximum regular contribution determined under this table for that taxable year is rounded up to the next multiple of $10 and not reduced below $200. (ii) If the Employee makes regular contributions to both Roth and nonRoth IRAs for a taxable year, the maximum regular contribution that can be made to all the Employee's Roth IRAs for that taxable year is reduced by the regular contributions made to the Employee's nonRoth IRAs for the taxable year. (4) Qualified Rollover Contribution Limit. A rollover from a nonRoth IRA cannot be made to this IRA if, for the year the amount is distributed from the nonRoth IRA(i) the Employee is married and files a separate return, (ii) the Employee is not married and has modified AGI in excess of $100,000 or (iii) the Employee is married and together the Employee and the Employee's spouse have modified AGI in excess of $100,000. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a husband and wife are not treated as married for a taxable year if they have lived apart at all times during that taxable year and file separate returns for the taxable year. (5) SIMPLEIRA Limits . No contributions will be accepted under a SIMPLE IRA plan established by any employer pursuant to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of funds attributable to contributions made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan w(11 be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, that is, an IRA used in conjunction with a SIMPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. (6) Recharacterization. A regular contribution to a nonRoth IRA may be recharacterizedpuysuant to the rules in Section 1.408A-5 of the Income Tax Regulations as a regular contribution to this IRA, subject to the limits in (3) above. (7) ModifiedAGl. For purposes of (3) and (4) above, an Employee's modified AGI for a taxable year is defined in Section 408A(c)(3)(C)(i) of the Code and does not include any amount included in adjusted gross income as a result of a rollover from a nonRoth IRA (a "conversion"). (8) Compensation. For purposes of (1) above, compensation is defined as wages, salaries, professional fees, or other amounts derived from or received for personal services actually rendered (including, but not limited to, commissions paid salesmen, compensation for services on the basis of a percentage of profits, commissions on insurance premiums, tips and bonuses) and includes earned income, as defined in Section 401(c)(2) of the Code (reduced by the deduction the self-employed individual 19 takes for contributions made to a self-employed retirement plan). For purposes of this definition, Section 401(c)(2) of the Code shall be applied as if the term trade or business for purposes of Section 1402 of the Code included service described in subsection (c)(6). Compensation does not include amounts derived from or received as earnings or profits from property (including but not limited to interest and dividends) or amounts not includible in gross income. Compensation also does not include any amount received as a pension or annuity or as deferred compensation. The term "compensation' shall include any amount includible in the Employee's gross income under Section 71 of the Code with respect to a divorce or separation instrument described in subparagraph (A) of Section 71(b)(2) of the Code In the case of a married Employee filing a joint return, the greater compensation of his or her spouse is treated as his or her own compensation but only to the extent that such spouse's compensation is not being used for purposes of the spouse making a contribution to a Roth IRA or a deductible contribution to a nonRoth IRA. (c) Collectibles. If the Deemed IRA Trust acquires collectibles within the meaning of Section 408(m) of the Code after December 31, 1981, Deemed IRA Trust assets will be treated as a distribution in an amount equal to the cost of such collectibles. (d) Life Insurance Contracts. No part of the Deemed IRA Trust funds will be invested in life insurance contracts. (e) Distributions Before Death. No amount is required to be distributed prior to the death of the Employee for whose benefit the account was originally established. (f) Minimum Required Distributions. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this IRA to the contrary, the distribution of the Employee's interest in the account shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 408(a)(6) of the Code, as modified by section 408A(c) (5), and the regulations thereunder, the provisions of which are herein incorporated by reference. If distributions are made from an annuity contract purchased from an insurance company, distributions thereunder must satisfy the requirements of section 1,401 (a) (9)-6T of the Temporary Income Tax Regulations (taking into account Section 408A(c)(5) of the Code) (or Section 1.401(a) (9)-6 of the Income Tax Regulations, as applicable), rather than the distribution rules in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) below, (2) Upon the death of the Employee, his or her entire interest will be distributed at least as rapidly as follows: (i) If the Beneficiary is someone other than the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the year of the Employee's death, over the remaining life expectancy of the Beneficiary, with such life expectancy determined using the age of the beneficiary as of his or her birthday in the year following the year of the Employee's death, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2) (iii) below. (ii) If the Employee's sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the entire interest will be distributed starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the Employee's death (or by the end of the calendar year in which the Employee would have attained age 704/2, if later), over such spouse's life, or, if elected, in accordance with paragraph (2)(11i) below. If the surviving spouse dies before distributions are required to begin, the remaining interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the calendar year of the spouse's death, over the spouse's Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy determined using such Beneficiary's age as of his or her birthday in the year following the death of the spouse, or, if elected, will be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) below. If the surviving spouse dies after distributions are required to begin, any remaining interest will be distributed over the spouse's remaining life expectancy determined using the spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death. 20 (iii) If there is no Beneficiary, or if applicable by operation of paragraph (2)(1) or (2)(ii) above, the entire interest will be distributed the end of the calendar year containing the fifth anniversary of the Employee's death (or of the spouse's death in the case of the surviving spouse's death before distributions are required to begin under paragraph 2(ii) above). (iv) The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph (2)(i) or (ii) is the quotient obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy is determined using the Single Life Table in Q&A4 of Section 1.401(a) (9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations. If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary, such spouse's remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to such spouse's age in the year. In all other cases, remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to the Beneficiary's age in the year specified in paragraph (2) (i) or (ii) and reduced by 1 for each subsequent year. (3) The "value" of the IRA includes the amount of any outstanding rollover, transfer and recharacterization under Q&As-7 and -8 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. (4) If the sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the spouse may elect to treat the IRA as his or her own IRA. This election will be deemed to have been made if such surviving spouse makes a contribution to the IRA or fails to take required distributions as a Beneficiary. (g) Nonforfeitable. The interest of an Employee in the balance in his or her account is nonforfeitable at all times. (h) Reporting. The Deemed IRA Trustee of a Deemed Roth IRA shall furnish annual calendar -year reports concerning the status of the Deemed IRA account and such information concerning required minimum distributions as is prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (i) Substitution of Deemed IRA Trustee. If the Deemed IRA Trustee is a non -bank trustee or custodian, the non - bank trustee or custodian shall substitute another trustee or custodian if the non -bank trustee or custodian receives notice from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that such substitution is required because it has failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1.40&2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations and Section 1.408-2T of the Income Tax Regulations, Article X. Non -Assignability 10.01 General. Except as provided in Article VIII and Section 10.02, no Participant or Beneficiary shall have any right to commute, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise conveyor encumber the right to receive any payments hereunder, which payments and rights are expressly declared to be non -assignable and non -transferable. 10.02 Domestic Relations Orders. (a) Allowance of Transfers: To the extent required under a final judgment, decree, or order (including approval of a property settlement agreement) that (1) relates to the provision of child support, alimony payments, or marital property rights and (2) is made pursuant to a state domestic relations law, and (3) is permitted under Sections 414(p)(11) and (12) of the Code, any portion of a Participant's Account may be paid or set aside for payment to a spouse, former spouse, child, or other dependent of the Participant (an "Alternate Payee'). Where necessary to carry out the terms of such an order, a separate Account shall be established with respect to the Alternate Payee who shall be entitled to make investment selections with respect thereto in the same manner as the Participant. Any amount so set aside for an Alternate Payee shall be paid in accordance with the form and timing of payment specified in the order. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to authorize any amount to be distributed under the Plan at a time or in a form that is not permitted under Section 457(b) of 21 the Code and is explicitly permitted under the uniform procedures described in Section 10.2(d) below. Any payment made to a person pursuant to this Section shall be reduced by any required income tax withholding. (b) Release from Liability to Participanp The Employer's liability to pay benefits to a Participant shall be reduced to the extent that amounts have been paid or set aside for payment to an Alternate Payee to paragraph (a) of this Section and the Participant and his or her Beneficiaries shall be deemed to have released the Employer and the Plan Administrator from any claim with respect to such amounts. (c) Participation in Legal Proceedings; The Employer and Administrator shall not be obligated to defend against or set aside any judgment, decree, or order described in paragraph (a) or any legal order relating to the garnishment of a Participant's benefits, unless the full expense of such legal action is borne by the Participant. In the event that the Participant's action (or inaction) nonetheless causes the Employer or Administrator to incur such expense, the amount of the expense may be charged against the Participant's Account and thereby reduce the Employer's obligation to pay benefits to the Participant. In the course of any proceeding relating to divorce, separation, or child support, the Employer and Administrator shall be authorized to disclose information relating to the Participant's Account to the Alternate Payee (including the legal representatives of the Alternate Payee), or to a court. (d) Determination of Validity of Domestic Relations Orders: The Administrator shall establish uniform procedures for determining the validity of any domestic relations order. The Administrator's determinations under such procedures shall be conclusive and binding on all parties and shall be afforded the maximum amount of deference permitted by law. 10.03 IRS Levy. Notwithstanding Section 10.01, the Administrator may pay from a Participant's or Beneficiary's Account balance the amount that the Administrator finds is lawfully demanded under a levy issued by the Internal Revenue Service with respect to that Participant or Beneficiary or is sought to be collected by the United States Government under a judgment resulting from an unpaid tax assessment against the Participant or Beneficiary. 10.04 Mistaken Contribution. To the extent permitted by applicable law, if any contribution (or any portion of a contribution) is made to the Plan by a good faith mistake of fact, then after the payment of the contribution, and upon receipt in good order of a proper request approved by the Administrator, the amount of the mistaken contribution (adjusted for any income or loss in value, if any, allocable thereto) shall be returned directly to the Participant or, to the extent required or permitted by the Administrator, to the Employer. 10.05 Payments to Minors and Incompetents. If a Participant or Beneficiary entitled to receive any benefits hereunder is a minor or is adjudged to be legally incapable if giving valid receipt and discharge for such benefits, or is deemed so by the Administrator, benefits will be paid to such persons as the Administrator may designate for the benefit of such Participant or Beneficiary. Such payments shall be considered a payment to such Participant or Beneficiary and shall, to the extent made, be deemed a complete discharge of any liability for such payments under the Plan. 10.06 Procedure When Distributee Cannot Be Located. The Administrator shall make all reasonable attempts to determine the identity and address of a Participant or a Participant's Beneficiary entitled to benefits under the Plan. For this purpose, a reasonable attempt means (a) the mailing by certified mail of a notice to the last known address shown on the Employer or Administrator's records, (b) notification sent to the Social Security Administration or the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (under their program to identify payees under retirement plans), and (c) the payee has not responded within 6 months. If the Administrator is unable to locate such a person entitled to benefits hereunder, or if there has been no claim made for such benefits, the Trust shall continue to hold the benefits due such person. Article XI. R elationship to Other Plans and Employment Agreements This Plan serves in addition to any other retirement, pension, or benefit plan or system presently in existence or hereinafter established for the benefit of the Employer's employees, and participation hereunder shall not affect benefits receivable under any such plan or system. Nothing contained in this Plan shall be deemed to constitute an employment contract or agreement 22 between any Participant and the Employer or to give any Participant the right to be retained in the employ of the Employer. Nor shall anything herein be construed to modify the terms of any employment contract or agreement between a Participant and the Employer. Article XII. Amendment or Termination of Plan The Employer may at any time amend this Plan provided that it transmits such amendment in writing to the Administrator at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the amendment. The consent of the Administrator shall not be required in order for such amendment to become effective, but the Administrator shall be under no obligation to continue acting as Administrator hereunder if it disapproves of such amendment. The Administrator may at any time propose an amendment to the Plan by an instrument in writing transmitted to the Employer at least 30 days before the effective date of the amendment. Such amendment shall become effective unless, within such 30-day period, the Employer notifies the Administrator in writing that it to such amendment, in which case such amendment shall not become effective. In the event of such disapproval, the Administrator shall be under no obligation to continue acting as Administrator hereunder. The Employer may at any time terminate this Plan. In the event of termination, assets of the Plan shall be distributed to Participants and Beneficiaries as soon as administratively practicable following termination of the Plan. Alternatively, assets of the Plan may be transferred to an eligible deferred compensation plan maintained by another eligible governmental employer within the same State if (a) all assets held by the Plan (other than Deemed IRAs) are transferred; (b) the receiving plan provides for the receipt of transfers; (c) the Participants and Beneficiaries whose deferred amounts are being transferred will have an amount immediately after the transfer at least equal to the deferred amount immediately before the transfer; and (d) the Participants or Beneficiaries whose deferred amounts are being transferred is not eligible for additional annual deferrals in the receiving plan unless the Participants or Beneficiaries are performing services for the employer maintaining the receiving plan. Except as maybe required to maintain the status of the Plan as an eligible deferred compensation plan under Section 457(b) of the Code or to comply with other applicable laws, no amendment or termination of the Plan shall divest any Participant of any rights with respect to compensation deferred before the date of the amendment or termination. Article XIII. Applicable Law This Plan and Trust shall be construed under the laws of the state where the Employer is located and is established with the intent that it meet the requirements of an "eligible deferred compensation plan" under Section 457(b) of the Code, as amended. The provisions of this Plan and Trust shall be interpreted wherever possible in conformity with the requirements of that Section of the Code. In addition, notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the Plan shall be administered in compliance with the requirements of Section 414(u) of the Code. Article XN Gender and Number The masculine pronoun, whenever used herein, shall include the feminine pronoun, and the singular shall include the plural, except where the context requires otherwise. 23 DECLARATION OF TRUST This Declaration of Trust (the "Group Trust Agreement") is made as of the 19th day of May, 2001, by Vantage trust Company, which declares itself to be the sole Trustee of the trust hereby created. WHEREAS, the ICMA Retirement Trust was created as a vehicle for the commingling of the assets of governmental plans and governmental units described in Section 818(a)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, pursuant to a Declaration of Trust dated October 4, 1982, as subsequently amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as set out below (the "ICMA Declaration")a, and WHEREAS, the trust created hereunder (the "Group Trust") is intended to meet the requirements of Revenue Ruling 81- 100, 19814 C.B. 326, and is established as a common trust fund within the meaning of Section 391:1 of Title 35 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, to accept and hold for investment purposes the assets of the Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plans held by and through the ICMA Retirement Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, the Group Trust is created by the execution of this Declaration of Trust by the Trustee and is established with respect to each Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plan by the transfer to the Trustee of such Plan's assets in the ICMA Retirement Trust, by the Trustees thereof, in accord with the following provisions: (a) Incorporation ofICMA Declaration by Reference; ICMA By -Laws. Except as otherwise provided in this Group Trust Agreement, and to the extent not inconsistent herewith, all provisions of the ICMA Declaration are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, to be read by substituting the Group Trust for the Retirement Trust and the Trustee for the Board of Trustees referenced therein. In this respect, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, all capitalized terms used herein and defined in the ICMA Declaration have the meanings assigned to them in the ICMA Declaration. In addition, the By -Laws of the ICMA Retirement Trust, as the same may be amended from time -to -time, are adopted as the By -Laws of the Group Trust to the extent not inconsistent with the terms of this Group Trust Agreement, Notwithstanding the foregoing, the terms of the ICMA Declaration and By -Laws are further modified with respect to the Group Trust created hereunder, as follows: 1. any reporting, distribution, or other obligation of the Group Trust vis-�-WWI s any Deferred Compensation Plan, Qualified Plan, Public Employer, Public Employer Trustee, or Employer Trust shall be deemed satisfied to the extent that such obligation is undertaken by the ICMA Retirement Trust (in which case the obligation of the Group Trust shall run to the ICMA Retirement Trust); and 2. all provisions dealing with the number, qualification, election, term and nomination of Trustees shall not apply, and all other provisions relating to trustees (including, but not limited to, resignation and removal) shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the appointment of a single corporate trustee, (b) Compliance with Revenue Procedure 81-100. The requirements of Revenue Procedure 81400 are applicable to the Group Trust as follows: 1. Pursuant to the terms of this Group Trust Agreement and Article X of the By -Laws, investment in the Group Trust is limited to assets of Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plans, investing through the ICMA Retirement Trust, 2. Pursuant to the By -Laws, the Group Trust is adopted as a part of each Qualified Plan that invests herein through the ICMA Retirement Trust. 3. In accord with the By -Laws, that part of the Group Trust's corpus or income which equitably belongs to any Deferred Compensation and Qualified Plan may not be used for or diverted to any purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of the Plan's employees or their beneficiaries who are entitled to benefits under such Plan. 1 4. In accord with the By -Laws, no Deferred Compensation Plan or Qualified Plan may assign any or part of its equity or interest in the Group Trust, and any purported assignment of such equity or interest shall be void. (c) Governing Law. Except as otherwise required by federal, state or local law, this Declaration of Trust (including the ICMA Declaration to the extent incorporated herein) and the Group Trust created hereunder shall be construed and determined in accordance with applicable laws of the State of New Hampshire. (d) judicial Proceedings. The Trustee may at any time initiate an action or proceeding in the appropriate state or federal courts within or outside the state of New Hampshire for the settlement of its accounts or for the determination of any question of construction which may arise or for instructions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Trustee has executed this Declaration of Trust as of the day and year first above written. VANTAGETRUST COMPANY By:e Name: Paul E Gallagher Title: Secretary 1 TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Discuss and consider City of Sanger logo DATE: September 4, 2007 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development In 2003, a City of Sanger logo was designed and has appeared on numerous publications and documents. Last year staff was advised to use the logo on the website and Master Plan documents. For the past year, the logo has been used extensively for all economic development materials for the past year. The logo design has also been used on Chamber of Commerce publications. The logo includes a black and white, provided below, and color version that is red (Sanger), blue (Texas and lines) and yellow (star). In order to create a consistent marketing image, staff requests the adoption of the logo. This design is more effective on a variety of electronic and print materials. Staff will continue to use printed materials with the older design until those materials need to replaced. New vehicles, new printed materials and electronic media will begin to use the logo design upon adoption by the City Council. IM ACTION: Recommend that City of Sanger adopt the logo �J CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BRIEFING MeetingDate: 9-04-2007 Prepared by; I RobertWoods, P.E. Subject: Consent Agenda — Quail Run Parking Improvements Recommendation of Award STAFF COMMENTS: Staff is recommending the award of Quail Run Parking Improvements to Jagoe Public Company for the amount of $40,359.00. This is the only bid received for this project. This project includes the off-street parking improvements for the Quail Run Park located off of Teal Road within the Quail Run subdivision. Bid Packets Company: Name: Address: Phone: Fax: e-mall: Company: Name: Address: Phone: Fax: e-mail: Company: Name: Address: Phone: Fax: e-mail: Company: Name: Address: Phone: Fax: e-mail: ORDINANCE NO. #09-36-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2007 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 PROVIDING FOR THE INTRA AND INTER DEPARTMENT AND FUND TRANSFERS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing on the budget for the City of Sanger, Texas, for the fiscal year 2007-2008 has been published in accordance with law; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary, at this time, that said budget be adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AS FOLLOWS. SECTION l : That the budget presented by the City Council and reviewed during the public hearing is hereby approved and adopted for the fiscal year 2007-2008. General Fund Enterprise Fund $8,692,804.00 $119940,846.00 SECTION 2: That the City Manager or his designee is authorized to invest any funds not needed for current use, whether operating funds or bond funds, in United States Treasury bills, savings accounts or certificates of deposit. Accrued interest from such investment maybe deposited in the General Fund, all of which investments shall be in accordance with law. SECTION 3: That the City Manager be and is hereby authorized to make intea and inter department fund transfers during the fiscal year as becomes necessary in order to avoid expenditure oI a particular account. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall take effect and shall be in full force and effect from after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this the day of September 2007. ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez Joe Higgs City Secretary Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 09-3747 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2007 (FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008) AT A RATE OF $0.59960 YEK UlVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) ASSESSED VALUATION ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SANGER AS OF JANUARY 1, 2008, TO PROVIDE REVENUE FOR THE PAYMENT OF CURRENT EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR ALL OUTSTANDING DEBT OF THE CITY OF SANGER; PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied for the year 2007 on all taxable property, real, personal and mixed, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Sanger, and not exempt by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, a tax of $0.59960 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed valuation of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows: (a) For the purposed of defraying the current operations and maintenance expenditures of the municipal government of the City of Sanger, a tax of $0.3 6893 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value on all taxable property. (b) For the purpose of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal maturities of all outstanding debt of the City of Sanger, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $0.23067 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property within the City of Sanger, and shall be applied to the payment of interest and maturities of all such outstanding debt. SECTION 2. That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on October 1, 2007 and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent if not prior to February 15 2008. There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to February 1, 2008. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by law, to wit: (a) A penalty of six per cent on the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent, plus one percent for each additional month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1 of the year in which it becomes delinquent. (b) Provided, however, a tax delinquent on July 1, 2008 incurs a total penalty of twelve per cent of the amount of delinquent tax without regard to the number fo months the tax has been delinquent. A delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at the rate of one percent for each month of portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. Taxes for the year 2007 and taxes for all future years that become delinquent on or after February 1 but not later than May 1, that remain delinquent on July 1 of the year in which they become delinquent, incur an additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code Section 6.30 and 33.07, as amended. Taxes for the year 2006 and taxes for all future years that remain delinquent on or after June 1 under Texas Property Tax Code Sections 26.07(f), 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032 or 31.04 incur and additional penalty in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Code Section 6.30 and Section 33.08, as amended. SECTION 3. Taxes are payable in Sanger, Texas, at the City of Sanger, City Hall Offices. The City shall have available all the rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. SECTION 4. That the tax roll as presented to the City Council, together with any supplements thereto, be and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 5. That all ordinances of the City of Sanger in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed. SECTION 6. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part thereof decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on Second and Final Reading on the day of September 2007. APPROVED: JOE HIGGS, MAYOR ATTEST: ROSALIE CHAVEZ, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY 7 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING Meeting Date: Jul 5 2007 Prepared Y by: Robert Woods, P.E. Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres Subject ' tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Or. Carl B. Sadau is the applicant for the Sadau Addition — Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. Zoning: This properly has obtained R-2 zoning from the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Commission which has jurisdiction in this case. This property lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right-ofwWay Dedication: The applicant has obtained a variance from the standard City of Sanger street requirement. Therefore, the maintenance of this road shall be the responsibility of the homeowners and not of Denton County as noted in plat note number 4. SUMMARY: The proposed preliminary plat appears to satisfy within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning Commission: July 5, 2007 City Council: July 16, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: the platting standards contained Staff recommends approval for the Sadau Addition —Preliminary Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Plat—Sadau Addition —Preliminary Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING Someplace Sped I Meeting Date: August 16, 2007 P"epa I Robert Woods, P.E. 1 y ► Sadau Addition — Final Plat of a 13.840 acres tract subject: located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Carl B. Sadau is the applicant for the Sadau Addition — Final Plat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. Zoning: This properly has obtained R-2 zoning from the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Commission which has jurisdiction in this case. This property lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right -of -Way Dedication: The applicant has obtained a variance from the standard City of Sanger street requirement. Therefore, the maintenance of this road shall be the responsibility of the homeowners and not of Denton County as noted in plat note number 4. SUMMARY: The proposed preliminary plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: August 23, 2007 September 4, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Sadau Addition —Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Plat —Sadau Addition — Finalmat of a 13.840 acres tract located in the C. Manchaca Survey, Abstract No. 790, located within the ETJ limits of Sanger. �� lv 1 • 1 I 1 • rj Q AGENDA BRIEFING Someplace Meeting Date: August 16, 2007 Prepa . [ Robert Woods, P. E. Y� Hackberry Addition — Final Plat , Lot 1, Block A, Subject. Being 0.494 Acres in the H., Tierwester Survey A- 1241, City of Sanger STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS; Mr. Donald Jones is the applicant for the Hackberry Addition — Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, located within the city limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property is currently zoned Old Single Family 3. The minimum lot size in this district is 6000 sa. ft. Right -of -Way Dedica#ion; The applicant is dedicating 60' Right of Way from the center of the existing street. SUMMARY: The proposed Final plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: August 23, 2007 September 4, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Hackberry Addition — Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ Plat —Hackberry Addition — Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, located within the city limits of Sanger. 7 FL/INNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA BRIEFING LUJI Someplace Special E Meet+n Date: August 16, 2007 Prepared g 9 by. Robert Woods, P.E. Subject Lois Business Park — Preliminary Plat , Lots 14, STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Mr. Randall Smith is the applicant for Lois Business Park —Final Plat of a 131 acre tract located in the R. Bebee Surrey, Abstract No. 29, located within the city limits of Sanger. Zoning: This property is currently zoned I-1 (Industrial 1). Right -of -Way Dedication: The applicant is dedicating 40' Right of Way from the center of Lois Road. Per City of Sanger Ordinance Chapter 10 "Subdivision Regulations", Section 1 — "Improvements," Article 6.02 titled "Street Paving — Concrete": The subdivider shall, at his own cost and expense, pay for constructing afl streets and alleys within his subdivision and one-half (1/2) of all existing and/or proposed perimeter streets. Monies for the construction of the one-half (1/2) street shall be placed in an escrow account if the construction of the street is to be deferred to a later date. The developer has been made aware of this requirement. SUMMARY: The proposed Final plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: August 23, 2007 September 4, 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval for the Hackberry Addition - Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ❖ Pla#—Hackbeny Addition —Final Plat of a 0.494 acre tract located in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No. 1241, located within the city limits of Sanger. 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE. .n NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-243384-00 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BUSINESS CARDS G. ERVIN/BLANK 000000 36.37 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 25.46 99-17830 JOHN E. BAINES, P.C. I-INV:5426 001-10-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERIM BILLING STUDY ON UT BI 000000 1,250.00 DEPARTMENT 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 1,311.83 ------------------------ --------- -------- ------- -------------------- 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VVL a ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT .NAME 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY 1-52280 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 17.38 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 85.00 I-1786266-0 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE FOLDERS & PAPER CLIPS 000000 25.00 99-17670 PILOT POINT POST SIGNAL I-INV:1690 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING AD FOR BLDG INSPECTOR 000000 15.00 99-17890 LABOR LAW CENTER I-52266 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TX COMPLETE FED POSTERS 000000 19.97 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 162.35 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL ,R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-18-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 14.89 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 20.66 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 35.55 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-52065 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V P225/60/R16 000000 596.00 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-INV:5035773 001-20-5310 REPAIR & MAIN LIGHT FOR POLICE DEPT. 000000 81.96 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1782694-0 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE FOLDERS 000000 9.94 99-11570 CULLIGAN I-15735768 001-20-5420 CONTRACTUAL S WATER BOTTLE SERVICE 000000 26.87 99-13490 ALL AMERICAN SALES CORP I-INV:48438 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V TRAFFIC ADVISOR FACEPLATE 000000 73.85 99-17870 INTEGRITY CAR CARE, LLC I-1501 & 1752 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V FOUR WHEEL ALIGNMENT 000000 77.39 I-1501 & 1752 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V FOUR WHEEL ALIGNMENT 000000 168.87 99-17880 JOHN WRIGHT ASSOCIATES, I-INV:22570 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V TADCTLI CONTROL HEAD 000000 97.40 99-17890 LABOR LAW CENTER I-52266 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TX COMPLETE FED POSTERS 000000 39.93 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 1,172.21 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE. .R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-24-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE BILL 000000 139.77 99-03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIR I-233139 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V BALANCE 2 TIRES UNIT R671-24 000000 30.00 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 44.42 99-10470 MARTIN APPARATUS I-INV:3002113 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V SUPER 30 AUTO EJECT 000000 513.66 99-16900 GST PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPL I-52162 001-24-5255 WEARING APPAR UNIFORMS/JACKETS/PANTS/ 000000 416.55 99-17890 LABOR LAW CENTER I-52266 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TX COMPLETE FED POSTERS 000000 39.93 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 1,284.33 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 25 AMBULANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00420 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC I-INV:50532060 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 203.36 99-05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. I-IV:94835989 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 107.36 I-IV:94844986-RI 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI MEDICAL SUPPLIES 000000 111.30 99-16240 SCHAD & PULTE I-INV:168653 001-25-5440 MEDICAL SERVI MEDICAL OXYGEN 000000 10.00 DEPARTMENT 25 AMBULANCE TOTAL: 432.02 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE. 1 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-17860 HUMMER HOUSE/TEXAS GEMS I-INV: 483 001-26-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS TCCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 000000 175.13 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 175.13 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL t NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-28-5520 CELLULAR TELE CELL PHONE BILL 000000 34.76 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 001-28-5210 99-17850 GREEN FROG LAWN & TREE I-52243 001-28-5420 I-52244 001-28-5420 I-52245 001-28-5420 I-52246 001-28-5420 I-52247 001-28-5420 I-52248 001-28-5420 I-52249 001-28-5420 I-52250 001-28-5420 I-52293 001-28-5420 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 41.32 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING JONES ST 8/21 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING JONES ST R56767 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING JONES ST R56771 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S JONES ST R56735 8/21 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING JONES ST R56732 000000 175.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING LOT JONES ST 8/21 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING QUAIL CRS. LOT 8/21 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING QUAIL CRS. 8/21 R257265 000000 100.00 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING 119 TEAL R257256 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL: 1,051.08 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL A NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-INV:7614 001-30-5370 STREETS 40 YARDS FLEX BASE 000000 1,925.00 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10018188 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPME DUCT TAPE 000000 11.97 99-01170 HOLLINGSWORTH MFG CO IN I-INV:10/06-5365A 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM STEEL SLATE FOR SIDEWALK 000000 90.00 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. I-52184 001-30-5370 STREETS HMAC PICK UP 000000 338.00 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-52099 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN KEYS 803 N. 1ST 000000 8.63 I-52186 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPME CAR CHARGER & PHONE CASE 000000 34.98 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPP I-INV:33225 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS STREET NAME SIGNS 000000 143.40 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-30-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 93.14 99-10030 AMERICAN PLUS, INC I-INV:30279 001-30-5360 R & M OTHER BARRICADES/TRAFFIC CONES 000000 2,682.66 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 5,377.78 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL A NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1-10018165 001-32-6015 SPRINKLER MAI PVC/COUPLING 000000 5.93 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-52065 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V ST205/75R16 UNIT 63-32 000000 157.22 99-10030 AMERICAN PLUS, INC I-INV:30279 001-32-5360 R & M OTHER BARRICADES/TRAFFIC CONES 000000 2,682.66 99-12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-52191 001-32-5311 R & M EQUIPME REPAIR STRIPPED OUT SCREW 000000 100.77 99-13890 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO I-INV:5102249 001-32-6015 SPRINKLER MAI REPLACE CONTROLLER/VALVE WALKO 000000 312.70 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 3,259.28 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEiN.jR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 001-34-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 80.00 99-03100 SPORTS SUPPLY GROUP I-51269 001-34-5245 JANITORIAL/OT WATER PARK TUBE/LINE FLOATS 000000 279.56 99-11540 LINCOLN I-INV:SI73924 001-34-5324 R & M EQUIPME ANTI -VORTEX COVER 000000 517.62 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 877.18 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE,. R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10018118 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP WATER SHUT OFF VALVE 000000 1.64 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-36-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE BILL 000000 14*89 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-52069 001-36-5360 REPAIR & MAIN STEERING WHEEL PULLER 000000 72.99 99-12840 TEXAS EMISSIONS PROGRAM I-IV:415235-9501 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER MONTHLY INSPECTION 000000 2.73 99-17840 DISS, INC. I-INV:4823 001-36-5360 REPAIR & MAIN COMPRESSOR MOTOR REPAIR 000000 366.25 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 458.50 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEtN��R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-17890 LABOR LAW CENTER I-52266 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TX COMPLETE FED POSTERS 000000 39.91 DEPARTMENT 42 LIBRARY TOTAL: 39.91 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 COMMUNITY CENTER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE.._�R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 44 COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL: 100.00 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VEiN�oR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 001-46-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 127.28 99-15480 TEXAS DOWNTOWN ASSOCIAT I-52263 001-46-5230 ADVERTISING 07/08 TDA COOP ADVERTISING PRG 000000 1,600.00 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: 1,727.28 ------------------------ VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 17,464.43 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 Mayor and City Council BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE.._.R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-243384-00 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BUSINESS CARDS G. ERVIN/BLANK 000000 36.37 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 25.46 99-17830 JOHN E. BAINES, P.C. I-INV:5426 008-10-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERIM BILLING STUDY ON UT BI 000000 1,250.00 DEPARTMENT 10 Mayor and City Council TOTAL: 1,311.83 ------------------------------ 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE. .R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 17.38 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1786266-0 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE FOLDERS & PAPER CLIPS 000000 24.99 99-17670 PILOT POINT POST SIGNAL I-INV:1690 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING AD FOR BLDG INSPECTOR 000000 15.00 99-17890 LABOR LAW CENTER I-52266 OD8-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TX COMPLETE FED POSTERS 000000 19.96 DEPARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAL: 77.33 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE. �R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-18-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 14.88 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 20.66 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 35.59 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE,_,R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1784851-0 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPY PAPER/PENS/LEGAL PADS 000000 127.27 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 127.27 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V6. R NAME ITEM # dG/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10018118 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP WATER SHUT OFF VALVE 000000 1.65 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-36-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE BILL 000000 14.88 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-52069 008-36-5360 REPAIR & MAIN STEERING WHEEL PULLER 000000 73.00 99-12840 TEXAS EMISSIONS PROGRAM I-IV:415235-9501 008-36-SS10 TELEPHONE SER MONTHLY INSPECTION 000000 2.73 99-17840 DISS, INC. I-INV:9623 008-36-5360 REPAIR & MAIN COMPRESSOR MOTOR REPAIR 000000 366.25 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: 458.51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL A NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON I-52153 008-50-5377 WATER TESTING BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING 000000 141.41 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-INV:14138 008-50-5510 TELEPHONE SER FOWARD WATER DEPT PHONE TO FD 000000 180.00 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-52094 008-50-5310 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-50-5520 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-52065 008-50-5325 99-15600 US METERING & TECHNOLOG I-INV:207965-00 008-50-5420 99-17460 MORRISON SUPPLY CO. I-INV:70000634 008-50-5360 I-INV:70000697 008-50-5360 99-17900 LOWER COLORADO RIVER AU I-INV:LB43496 008-50-5377 R & M BUILDIN KEYS 803 N. 1ST CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE BILL R & M MOTOR V LT215/85R16 UNIT 21-50 CIPjI 1 1 1 000000 000000 CONTRACTUAL S ITRON 50W-2 AMCO/BADGER DIGITA 000000 R & M OTHER PVC/LID V7/ AMR SLIDE 000000 R & M OTHER CHECK VALVE/BOLT/NUT/GSKT KIT 000000 WATER TESTING V7ATER TEST DEPARTMENT 50 V7ater 000000 TOTAL: 6.63 173.79 FL'Xffi� 961.82 364.80 418.70 1,853.00 4,343.91 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 Waste Water Collection BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE,. JR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-05920 IMC WASTE DISPOSAL I-INV: 48761 008-52-5315 R & M LIFT ST CLEAN OUT LIFT STATION 000000 255.00 99-10580 KELLEY SAND & EXCAVATIO I-INV:2889 008-52-6070 SEWER MAIN & SACKS OF CEMENT 000000 DEPARTMENT 52 Waste Water Collection TOTAL: 200.00 455.00 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE,4.JR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKik AMOUNT 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-INV: 7563 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S SAND 000000 1,425.00 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-54-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE BILL 000000 31.81 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-IV5302994&7312304 008-54-5250 MINOR TOOLS PROBE SET/CUTTER/CHALK/ANALOG 000000 292.49 99-09990 SCHERTZ FARM & SEED I-52207 008-54-5329 R & M SEWER P WOOD CHIPS 000000 7.00 99-12240 HARTWELL ENVIRONMENTAL I-INV:D07-252 008-54-5329 R & M SEWER P MULTI PURPOSE DIFFUSER/ 000000 1,689.00 DEPARTMENT 54 Waste Water Treatment TOTAL: 3,445.30 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL t NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECKi{ AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-52242 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10018204 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS PLUG BOX FOR CITY HALL 000000 2.99 99-01380 KARL-KLEMENT FORD I-INV:22324 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V TRANSMISSION SHIFT TUBE PARTS 000000 72.98 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-52094 008-58-5310 R & M BUILDIN KEYS 803 N. 1ST 000000 4.64 99-02450 SOLOMON I-INV:167879 008-5B-5365 TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS TESTED 000000 1,000.00 99-02460 AT&T MOBILITY I-52280 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELE CELL PHONE BILL 000000 137.30 99-02690 TECHLINE I-INV:1626491-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 4/0 THHN CU WIRE 000000 1,725.00 I-INV:1626667-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS CABLE CLEAN SPRAY 000000 79.80 I-INV:1626754-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 400 W MH BULB 000000 172.80 9( 30 TEXAS METER & DEVICE I-51976 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM SLEEVE BAGS/GLOVE BAG/CANVAS 000000 248.64 I-INV:73284 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS METER SOCKET NEW CT'S 000000 708.27 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-52065 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V LT215/85R16 UNIT 56-58 000000 193.76 99-05510 IESI I-INV:2906861 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ROLLOFF ON UTILITY RD 000000 81.60 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-INV:7310334 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS SELLABRATION ITEMS 000000 212.66 I-INV:8572435 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS SCREWS 000000 54.78 99-10170 DIVERSIFIED INSPECTIONS I-INV:156588 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM ANNUAL SAFETY INSPECTION 000000 2,448.00 99-10730 MABAK DIRECTIONAL DRILL I-INV:2051 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S BORE @ 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH @ 5T 000000 600.00 99-15600 US METERING & TECHNOLOG I-INV:205795-00 & 01 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS FORM 45:165:95 CLASS 20 & 200 000000 15,936.00 99-17500 ELECTROMARK I-243771 & 240530 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS COMPANY MEMBERS START 17000 000000 551.00 8/30/2007 4:01 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 01017 CC PACKET 9/4/07 VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VE.._JR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-INV:5547190 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V REPAIR LOWER CONTROL LEVERS 000000 478.66 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: TOTAL: 24,808.88 35,063.57 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 52,528.00