08/20/2007-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP August 20, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager, Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, City Engineer, Rob Woods 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Indian Springs Drainage. City Manager presented Council with staff comments concerning the Preliminary Analysis of Indian Springs Estates drainage study, that was conducted by DEH consultants. He addressed the alternatives and the cost factor for each. He also emphasized that the city can not use street construction bond funds for drainage. Councilman Patton expressed a concern regarding whether the City was legally bound to correct the problem. City Manager indicated that the City is not obligated in any shape or form. Councilman Muir asked that based on the information that has been provided, what would actually be required to be done? City Manager indicated that they would start at the top of the hill and coming down the hill they would deepen and widen the ditch. They would then come on the Northeast side and would take all existing driveways and put in larger piping. Then at the bottom they would come in with a retention pond. The piece of property to put in the retention pond would cost around $40,000 which does not include the cost to put in the pond. City Manager expressed that regardless of which Alternative, # 1 or #2 that is listed, the retention pond still has to be done. If the City decides to go in and create this ditch, the city will be diverting water to other property owners, which is the reason for the retention pond. Alternatives # 1 or #2 do not include utility relocations, acquisition of land, drainage easements or street paving removal and replacement. Discussion continued concerning the construction cost. 3. General Discussi Gon. City Manager continued with general discussion and briefed Council on the Request for RFQ's for the Public Works Facility. This is on the agenda for tonight. He would like to demo the current offices. The floor in that building needs to be raised to keep it from flooding. In the Electrical Building they are proposing to put a new roof and pour a floor 8 inches higher to prevent future flooding and make some minor adjustments to utilize the area for warehouse space. The shed in the back will be demolished. They will need a new lift for the bigger vehicles and the only area to put that in is in the center bay. The shop needs additional room to expand. His intention is to build a building with two or three bays to store vehicles to prevent freezing. In the office, he would like to keep the footprint of the building and extend them out to allow more office space. The roof will be a shed roof. They will also have to lower another area to keep the entire area from flooding. He would re -do the parking area and possibility have an alternative area for parking. This will accommodate the facility for future growth. City Manager discussed with council the possibility to have a work session prior to the regular council meetings. This will allow council to discuss items prior to meetings to where the meetings can move a little faster. City Manager briefed the council on the new procedure with the consent agenda. If council has a general question when the consent agenda comes up a council member can request that it be pulled for discussion. Discussion followed on the disbursements that are paid monthly. Councilman Muir expressed that he would like to see a financial report, at least quarterly to give Council a status report of the operating budget as a whole. City Manager advised staff will provide a summary report of revenues verses expenses. Council agreed that staff could provide the report quarterly. 4. Meeting Adjourned.