08/30/2007-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: City Council August 30, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Thomas Muir OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Mike Brice, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Rose Chavez, Steve & Teresa Koch, Rod Zielke, Chairperson -Advisory Committee (Tomlin Development), Gary Bilyeu. 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor called meeting to order 2. Discussion on Tomlin Development. Gary Bilyeu, gave the Council a brief report concerning Tomlin Development. Mr. Bilyeu expressed that if there is not city water or sewer, then there will not be a development. These two issues are at the top of the list. The committee has had seven meetings with the last meeting on August 23rd. They are at the point where they have narrowed down options from the committee; the cost of the project in every aspect, and determined the developer's fair share of the cost. The final step is to get this on paper to prepare a draft Developer's Agreement that will come to Council. City Manager, Mike Brice ,commended Mr. Bilyeu for the outstanding work and the time he has volunteered toward this project. City Manager continued with a presentation concerning this development. A review of the need to acquire the CCN, sewer capacity challenges, master plan compliance, impact on City services, impact on the Sanger ISD and parks, trails and open space. The developer will make every effort to acquire CCN from Bolivar Water Supply Corporation. If this can not be done, it is the general consensus of the committee that the project can not be done. City Manger discussed the concerns regarding providing sewer to this development and the advantages and disadvantages of a package plant. The developer will construct and operate a package plant or allow the city to operate it. Discussion concerning the effluent and the need for the package plant to meet the needs of the development. The development will meet or exceed all current city codes. It will comply with the Land Use Plan. There will be dedication and construction of V2 of a four- lane (two lanes) on McReynolds Road. Discussion on the cost of 10 million dollars fora 2 million gallon plant. City Manager continued with his presentation concerning the following issues: a. Development will pay 100% of assessed ad valorem taxes. There will be not be any rebates or reductions. b. All building fees will be paid, dedication of necessary property for infrastructure, ie, fire station, water meter stations, pump stations elevated and/or ground storage facilities. c. Home Owner's Association will maintain parks, trails and open space at no cost to the city. d. District could assist with street maintenance and the cost to oversize infrastructure, and will extend water services to the east side of town. e. Developer is to reserve the school sites, and dedicate open space for use by the school district and the city. The developer will work with the school district to identify and prioritize needs. f. There has not been any decision on what type of a district. There has been discussion on pro-rata agreements for reimbursements. The rates for water and sewer will be the same as everyone else in the city. The residents in that development will pay higher taxes due to the amenities that will be available provided by the development. 3 Adjournment. Mayor declared meeting adjourned.