12/18/2006-CC-Minutes-Work SessionMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DECEMBER 18, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Mike James ABSENT: Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Doug Hufsey, Chris Hartung, Russell Martin 1. Call Meeting to Order. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Consulting Firms for the Hiring of the New City Manager. Councilman Patton indicated there were three firms he contacted which were the Jacob Group from McKinney, Waters-Oldani and Gerald Plock Associates. Gerald Plock Associates were unable to attend to make a presentation. The two firms addressed City Council concerning their services. Doug Hufsey of the Jacob Group addressed the Council. He advised they have been in business for 15 years. Mr. Hufsey gave a brief presentation regarding his firm and their search techniques for executive recruitment. They don't have a practice that focuses on municipalities; however, what they search for is key executives. The City is looking for a Chief Operating Officer. Their firm operates nationally. He emphasized on his expertise in finding leaders. He would be the contact for the City to help find the City's next City Manager. Their standard fee is 30% of the first year of compensation for the employee. Mr. Hufsey could not give reference on any City Managers that they have placed in any city. Their goal is to find a Chief Operating Officer, who can be a leader. Mr. Hufsey is a consultant for this firm. He advised he needed a list from the City Council on what this person will do, a job description is great, but it is paper. In order to pursue a solid search he will visit with the City Council on what this person does. He will have various questions to ask the City Council before he pursues his search. He emphasized that when you hire someone to fit in an organization, there is more detail. Mr. Hufsey ended his presentation. Councilman Patton introduced Mr. Chris Hartung from Waters-Oldani Consultant Group. Manager. This firm is Dallas based and is one of the largest private held executive searches in the country. This firm has provided high quality services for local governments for 30 years. Mr. Hartung advised that several cities have used their firm in their search for City Managers. He has personally conducted the search for the last three City Managers in Kerrville since 1987. Currently he is conducting a search for the City of Sachse. Mr. Hartung discussed his support team and areas of expertise. He explained the preliminary screening and initial interview process. He also reviewed their background process. Mr. Hartung continued to explain their process in their search for their recruitments. He advised that they will narrow the candidates between four to six finalists. Councilman James expressed a concern in their professional fees. Discussion included advertising, production of brochures, consultants, travel and telephone fees. 3. Meeting adjourned.