06/04/2007-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularCITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JUNE 49 2007 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: May 21, 2007 - Minutes May 24, 2007 - Special Called Meeting b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Municipal Court Prosecuting Attorney. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision, Phase II -A, Lots 14, Block B and Lots 1.4, Block C; and Phase II-B, Lots 54, Block B and Lots 5-7, Block C. Property is Located on Lakecrest Drive, North of FM 455. 6. Receive an Update and Consider Action Related to Economic Development and Economic Development Funded Projects. 7. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. 8. Adjournment. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby cep tify:that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas,, lace conv nient an e�dtly aci�essible the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following dat a d time: '( p.m. and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. Rosalie Chavez, City Secretar City of Sanger, Texas \ '� This notice was renov&d J'from the %q'fficial bulletin board on ________________at by r, This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES. CITY COUNCIL MAY 219 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Higgs, Councilman Muir, Councilman Walker, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Patton, Councilman Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Jim Williams, Marie Putt, Joyce Fuller, Annette Williams, Travis Underwood, Barbara Martin, Kem Green, Russell Martin, Buster Kirkland, Malinda Kirkland, Robert Welton, Joyce Welton, Linda Thaten, Mike Thaten, Lynelle Stroope, David Stroope, Margaret Lange, Ann Miller 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, led Invocation, followed by Councilman Walker leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Canvass Votes from General Election held May 12, 2007. a. Issue Certificates of Elections Results from early voting and May 12, 2007 election: Place Name Early Election Total 1 Thomas Muir 251 146 397 3 Mike Walker 154 99 253 Jimmy Evans 74 50 124 Kay Van Hauen 50 29 79 5 Joe Falls 42 34 76 Rusty Patton 161 94 255 Ken Wilson 84 49 133 Motion made by Councilman Garza to approve canvass of the votes Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA 3. a) Approve Minutes: May 7, 2007 b) Disbursements Seconded by Councilman Patton asked if staff could check the spelling on Cammie Patton. Councilman Muir made a correction on page 7 - 4t" paragraph to change "require" to "acquire" and change "on" to "continued regarding". Councilman Ervin reviewed the billing from Nichols, Jackson &Dillard and questioned the fees for the contract of the City Manager. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve consent agenda. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Citizens's Input Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None. 5. Conduct Public Hearing in Regards to the Adoption of a Local Safe Routes) to School Plan and Submission of Application to Texas Department of Transportation. Mayor declared Public Hearing open. City Manager advised that Rob Woods was to address this item; however, his father was in the hospital and he could not make it to the meeting. City Secretary advised that this is a grant through the Texas Department of Transportation. The deadline for submittal is May 25, 2007. The Sanger Independent School District is supporting this grant. This grant will provide the development with pedestrian/bicycle improvements including sidewalks, signage, and crossing upgrades within two miles of Sanger schools. Discussion continued and council requested that they would like more information. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #OS-09-07 that Adopts Local Safe Routes to School Plan and Authorizes Submission of an Application to the Texas Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program for Funds to Construct Infrastructure Improvements in the Areas of Sanger Schools. Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve Resolution 44OS-09-07. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. City Secretary advised that she will send the City Council all the information and plans concerning this grant. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution 40540-07 Authorizing and Approving Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation; and Providing for an Effective Date. Ted Christensen with Government Capital addressed the City Council concerning this item. Mr. Christensen advised this is a twenty year obligation with a loan payment of $131,000.00 a year which will start next budget year. Councilman Walker made the motion to approve Resolution #0540-07 approving Publication of Notice of Intent to issue Certiiicates of Obligation. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Muir inquired on the fee structure for this bond issuance. Mr. Christensen indicated that the bond fees, Attorney General fees and Government Capital will be under $30,000.00. 8. Consider and Possible Action for Use of the Park on the Square for Movies. Russell Martin, President of the Sanger Downtown Association, addressed the City Council regarding movies to be shown this summer in the downtown park. Mr. Martin indicated all of the movies will be free. Two years ago this project went real well. He indicated that they will serve some food. All the movies will be on Saturday and some of the movies include Charlotte's Web, Sponge Bob, and Cheaper by the Dozen. Motion was made by Councilman Muir to authorize the Sanger Downtown Association to use the park on the square for movies in the park. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider Public Hearing to Consider a Concept Plan Relating to a Future Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 103, P.S. Black Survey, Tract 18, Being 8.301 Acres. Property is Located North of Indian Springs Subdivision and East of Choctaw Ridge Estates. Motion made by Councilman Muir to table Item 9 & 10. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Concept Pian Relating to a Future Zoning Request Change from AG (Agriculture) to PD (Planned Development) on Property Legally Described as Abstract 103, P.S. Black Survey, Tract 18, Being 8.301 Acres. Property is Located North of Indian Springs Subdivision and East of Choctaw Ridge Estates. See motion on Item 9. 11. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Preliminary Plat for Indian Lane Elementary School. Property is Located on Indian Lane, North of McReynolds Road, and South of Sanger High School. Bryan Waddey of Isbell Engineering advised that when the high school was built it was never platted. The preliminary plat includes the three tracts that are affected by the development. Discussion on the three tracts. Thomas Muir inquired if this plat would include a drainage study. Bryan Waddey indicated that it would and advised that a detention pond is indicated on the plat. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to approve preliminary plat for Indian Lane Elementary school. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on 2007 Denton County Interlocal Agreement for Property Tax Collection. Council had a brief discussion on the contract. Motion was made by Councilman Muir to approve the 2007 Denton County Interlocal Agreement. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Waiving Permit Fees for New Elementary School. Mayor advised that this probably can't be done, but if we could take a percentage of students outside the city limits versus those inside the City then a percentage could be calculated on the waiver of the permit fees. Councilman Ervin expressed that the City has laws just like the school that it has to follow and referenced the email the City Attorney had sent regarding this matter. Councilman Garza expressed that the City waives fees for non-profit organizations like Habitat for Humanity and the school is a non-profit organization. Discussion followed. Kem Green, 1002 Keaton, asked if the City could charge the fees and donate them to the Sanger Education Foundation, City Manager advised that the City cannot give away public funds. Councilman Muir expressed that all citizens pay their fair share of school taxes and waiving the fees is placing a burden on taxpayers. Discussion continued. Councilman Patton made a motion for the waving of the permit fees for the new elementary school. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried 3-2. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Muir voted no. 14. Consider and Possible Action to Adopt Ordinance #0548-07 Amending Fiscal Year Budget 06-07. Councilman Ervin asked if the raises had been included in the budget. City Manager advised that they were not included. Discussion followed. Councilman Muir advised that the letter from the City Attorney indicated that the City Manager is also the budget officer. He also clarified on what can be done with the budgets as long as it does not exceed appropriations that were budgeted. Councilman Garza expressed that he had a concern with the wording "unforeseen requirements". He indicated that unforeseen is a broad statement. Councilman Muir indicated in the same paragraph that it states, "the ordinance provides that the City Manager is authorized to make intra and interdepartmental fund transfers during the fiscal year as may be necessary in order to avoid depletion of funds in a particular account. Councilman Walker expressed that if the City has good people then it is warranted to keep them. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to adopt Ordinance #OS-18-07 amending fiscal year budget 06-07. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AMENDING THE 2006-2007 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET, ORDINANCE NO.0945-06, TO TRANSFER FUNDS AMONG VARIOUS ACCOUNTS AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED TO PROVIDE FOR SALARY INCREASES FOR EMPLOYEES THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 15. Consider and Possible Action to Appoint a Member to the Comprehensive Master Plan Steering Committee. Motion made by Councilman Patton to appoint Gary Bilyeu to the Master Plan Steering Committee. Seconded by Councilman Muir. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #0547-07 Amending Article 8.300, Curfew Declared on Public Property and Article 12.1100 Parking Regulations At Community Center/Switzer Park, Kammie Patton Park and Any Future Community Park. Council discussed the wording on Section I to remove "future" and "community" and to insert "neighborhood" in the ordinance. Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve Ordinance #05-17-07 with approved changes as discussed. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER BY AMENDING ARTICLE 8.300 "CURFEW DECLARED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY" AND ARTICLE 12.1100 "PARKING REGULATIONS AT COMMUNITY/SWITZER PARK" TO INCLUDE KAMMIE PATTON PARK AND ANY FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 17. Executive Session: Pursuant to Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.072, (Real Estate) Property Acquisition and 551.074 Personnel Matters (City Manager Professional Service Agreement & Employment Agreement). Mayor convened City Council into executive session at 8:29 p.m. 18. Reconvene: Into Regular Session and Consider Action, if any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Mayor reconvened City Council into regular session at 9:29 p.m. Mayor indicated that City Council agreed to accept Jack Smith's resignation as of May 31, 2007 as City Manager and appoint Rose Chavez as interim City Manager until a new City Manager is hired. Mr. Dillard is to be contacted to draw up a contract for the purchase of two properties and to proceed with paperwork on lease agreements on the two pieces of property. Mayor asked for a motion on these items. Councilman Muir made the motion to proceed with Mr. Dillard's law firm for the purchase oI the two pieces of property with an interim lease agreement on both properties. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Muir made the motion to accept Jack Smith's resignation as City Manager as of May 319 2007 as indicated on his letter dated November 39 2006. Seconded by Councilman Garza. City Manager was thanked for his years of service to the City. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to appoint Rose Chavez as interim City Manager to perform City Manager duties until such time that a new City Manager is hired. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 19. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Member to Serve on Board of Directors - Upper Trinity. Councilman Ervin made the motion to appoint City Engineer, Rob Woods to serve on Board of Directors - Upper Trinity. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. 20. Mayor adjourned meeting. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED MAY 249 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Muir, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Patton, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Tami Taber, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Rod Zielke, Russell Martin, Chris Hartung 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order led Invocation which was followed by Councilman Patton leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Discuss and Possible Action on Service Agreement with John Baines, C.P.A. Concerning Utility Audit. City Secretary advised that Mr. John Baines met with Paula and herself on Tuesday. He also visited with Mike Prater that same day. He obtained information that he needed on the receivables, ordinances and billings from Brazos. During the meeting with Mr. Baines, they discussed the Brazos bill that had a discrepancy between what they billed the City during the December 151h to January 15" billing cycle, which was the month that everyone experience the high usage. The difference in what Brazos billed was over a million kwh that was unaccounted for. City Secretary also explained to the Council how the City bills customers and the formula that is used to calculate the recovery factor. Lengthy discussion concerning the discrepancy. City Secretary advised that Brazos nit Ccity at "la Cof $0.0623570 per kwh. The city's residential rate is $0.0761635. The city's profit margin on this rate is $0.0138065. Line loss was discussed. The accuracy of the technology on the new meters was also discussed. Councilman Garza inquired if a test had been done to check the meter from Brazos. City Secretary indicated she was not aware that it had been done. Lengthy discussion concerning City buildings, if they are metered correctly, and the street lights and how those are considered in the calculations. City Secretary indicated it is her understanding that all city buildings are metered. Councilman Ervin asked if Mr. Baines could come up with a formula to determine what the percentage of line loss is based on the number of miles the city serves. Discussed was that this was out of Mr. Baines' expertise. The council discussed the different phases in his engagement letter. Councilman Ervin made motion to approve the service agreement as presented. Motion seconded by Councilman Garza. Councilman Muir indicated that it is not necessary to tell Mr. Baines to cut out some of the phases. He is suggesting that council be allowed an opportunity to put them in order. He is curious on Mr. Baines' findings on the first phases before he is authorized to proceed with the rest of the phases. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Garza both expressed that Mr. Baines has presented a contract and council is trying to change it by eliminating or taking phases out of the examination. Councilman Walker expressed that he would like the ability to stop Mr. Baines without having to go through the entire examination. Councilman Walker gave an example, that if Mike Prater could conduct his own investigation and come up with a reasonable explanation, then at that point he wants the flexibility to stop Mr. Baines from pursing further. Councilman Muir indicated that staff should report back to council on any significant findings to allow council to review the completion of the last phases. Motion was amended by Councilman Ervin and seconded by Councilman Garza that the service agreement was accepted as presented with the option to opt out at any phase. Motion carried unanimously. Staff instructed to contact Mr. Baines on the possibility of not completing all the phases of the examination based on his findings at each phase. 3. Consider and Possible Action on Waters Consulting Group -Concerning Search for New City Manager. Chris Hartung with the Waters Group was present to discuss the status of the search for the new City Manager. Mayor convened City Council into Executive Session at 7:18 p.m. Mayor reconvened City Council into regular session at 8:03 p.m. Motion was made by Councilman Muir for Mr. Hartung to continue the search for a City Manager as discussed in executive session. Motion was seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Discussion on Palomino Bay Development. Item tabled for June 49 City Council meeting. 5. Meeting Adjourned. Date: June 1, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Municipal Court Prosecuting Attorney Hugh Coleman of Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant has been appointed to the municipal court as prosecuting attorney. JAYES, B + RRYWHITE c VANZANT, LEY llyroii 12. Ltcrry A7 I %JMIre Ys A'T I�AW R;cl:arl ia. Hat, s i)on k. W 11W Jr. Lance Vnnzant 511 W. hickory, suite 100 11.0. Box 50M4 Denton, Texas 76,06 'ems \l'Al'iElt'S �-hdAiL,lrcuicn:ar�ri_hixvsia;reprn PiriGp 11. i�udm;tlunrzlCirtif7crL 7�rns tfuarrf ajingaf.Sprciulitruins L11 LcCom)xc ^Conrnioreicf a+ut Rcsittanrin! Rea! f'slnr< Law J Ison A. Burri; Shauna Marti:: I luv,6 Culcnnn May 3 I , 2Ot)7 Christy Punches Court Administrator City of Sanger Mttnicipal Count Sancr, "I 7(i7(�6 Dear Christy: U! Counsel: i'atr^ia A, ;\camas UOnCtNt1 hcic�'xnw (74()) s7-3jl8 hJcue ($Mk)434.38A9 tacsin,ife (gar;) 617-4941 f>aLtcsville: Ciairesil(c. l�tx�e 'r+�-iti 1 a�71 honored to tie cc�nsidel•ed for the appointment as the City Qt VLunicipal Court Praseentor. the staff of the City of Sanger. }-(Cieh Tease know that I look forward to working with Per your request, I ant er�elosing a cuts}' of nay resru��e. �t�closurc Sincerely, " Sanger you and HAYES, BGIZIZI'a WHIt'is c4:'. Vfi?'3IAN"T', L�1)� Wt ugh Coleman ` -- I UGH COLEMAN 512 W. Hickory, Suite 100 Denton,'l'e%as 7620: (9410 387-3518 hcolenian(� ,libwviaw.conu PROFFESSZONAL EXPERIENCE I-IA�'I15, BERRY, WHITE & VAN'LANT, LLP, I�cntan>'1"exas Attorne)r, 2007—Present Practice areas include employment law, civil litigation and representation of local governtile ntaI entities. Lxtensive expertise in representinglocal p> re.cnmental entities any law enforcement agencies in matters regarding- the Texas Tort Claims Act, constitutional torts, civil rights and correction law isares. 1�}F.N'I'QN CQL.INTZ' CRIMINAI: DISTRICT A'TTQRNEI''S OFFICE, I7cnton, 'Texas Assistant District Attorney/Covmsel to the Sheriff, 1999 — 2006 AS counsel, providedadvice to the Denton County Sheriff's Departments anci DentonCount; Crnsr alley a 10 11 lezal matters and daily business. Specific duties included providing representation to the Dcmmi Cammy Yimf':; CXfice and Denton County in all types of litigation ranging from civil rights and emplo%munt luwsu;ts to tort and negligence chlltns, drafting and implementing policies and standard operating lxocedurc , ch-afti ug, and ncgot,atit:lr contr ;ets for Denton Countty and the Denton (;ountyy Sheriffs Office, and providing guidance w counu, ia*av etliorcemeut agencies in pending; criminal matters. EL PA50 CQtTN'TY ATTORNEI''S OFFICE, F.l Paso, 'f eras Assistant Count3y Attorney, '1995 — 1908 ,Advised and defended 1.1 Paso Country, the El Paso County Commissioners Court, the 1`13 Paso County Detention 144acilify, the'RI Paso County Sheriff's Office, the Paso County District Clerk, the I.;l Paso County lkledie.al PXan-liner's Office and other County agencies in all types of civil litigation to County untty ate. District Court. Proviccuted bail bond proceedings and other criminal matters on behalfof the State ofTetas. Substantial appellate expertetice represc-nting' 1 11'aso County before. the Eighth Court of Appeals, the'IIexas Supreme Court and the Teats Court of Criminal Appeals. EDUCATION university of Tttlsa College of La�v, `Tulsa, c_)1;Iahotna,J"uris Iloctor, 199.1 Trinity University, S .tr Aratotuio,'i esas I3.A. P/lrlosmllo i0 I.,ICEi�ISED `{' C.'uited States Distict Court, Northern District of Texas, 199) * C�nited States District Court. i :astern District of 1`csas, 1999 United States Court of Appeals, Fifth District, 1996 united States District Court, Western District oi'1'cxas, 1996 State liar ofTexas, iNlfay 1995 T)S & I3AR - RELATED ACTIVITIES , Texas aung ilawyers Associatiot>, Director, District C;ha.r of Got2�ttiunit� 1';ciucation Comrnireec, 20C)1-2t10.1 C li;rr of Local Affiliates Committee, 2004-2005 Texas Young Lmvyers Association, President's award of il,lerit for exemplary performance of dudes in sere=ice to the public and the bar 2002-2003, 2004-2005 Greater Denton Young Lawyers Association President, 2000-2001 Denton County Bar Association, 1 4eznber, 1999 - present, President Elect 2007-2008 Denton County Alternative Dispute Resolution Progratn,Director, 200*1-- present '.Texas District and Coutity Attorneys Association IAember, 1996 present North Central Texas Narcotics Tash Force,Certilicate of Appreciation for Outstanding; Support P.O. Box 1729 * 201 Bolivar St* Sanger, TX 76266 940-45&7930 May 31, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Samantha Renz, Engineering Coordinator Re: Final Plat for Lakecrest Meadow Attached is the information on this request, including the Engineer's briefing. The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this plat. �J 7 CITY UUUNCIL AGENDA DRIEFING Meeting Date: 6-04-2007 I Prepa Robert Woods, P. Lakecrest Meadow— Final Plat of a Phase Ik& Lots 14, Subject: Blk B, Lots 14, Blk C Acre, Ph IkB: Lots 5-7, Blk B, Lots 5-71 Blk C, being a 22.678 Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, located within the City of Sanger ETJ. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS: Lakecrest Meadow, LP is the applicant for the proposed final plat of Lakecrest Meadow— Final Plat of a Phase II -A: Lots 14, Block B, Lots 14, Block C Acre, Ph I B: Lots 5-7, Block B, Lots 5-7, Block C, being a 22.678 Tract in the R. Bebee Survey, located within the City of Sanger ETJ. Zoning: Does not apply in this case since it lies within the ETJ of City of Sanger. Right -of -Way Dedication: Lakecrest Drive is classified as a local street, which requires a right-of-way width of 60 feet. The developer is dedicating full width of 60 feet as shown on the plat document. Drainage Improvements: The applicant's engineer has submitted construction plans which show the necessary drainage improvements. SUMMARY: The proposed Final Plat appears to satisfy the platting standards contained within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanger. PUBLIC HEARING TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: May 31, 2007 no RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision —Final Plat. ATTACHMENTS: ■ at —Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision —Final Plat Phase II -A: Lots 1-4, Blk B, Lots 1-4, Blk C; Ph I I-B: Lots 5-7, Blk B, Lots 5-7, Blk C. Apr 09 07 08:43a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.1 Altura Real Estate Company, Inc. l)atc Sent: 4/9/0/ Tune Sent. 'l:'o: Samantha. Renz, City of Sanger 940-485-4180 Bridgett McBride, Allison Engineering 940-380-9431 Dan Rick, KAZ Surveying 940-382-3447 Sent From: Kevin Murphy lZe: Subrnittizzg Ijinal PlLzt &Engineering plans to City of Sanger Folks, Please find- attached a transmittal letter for the �.al�ecrest 1Vle�zdo��r, Phase II -A and II-B (combined) Final Plat and Engineering Plans. As we have discussed, Allison will deliver such to Samantha tomorrow. My rea& ing of the Subdivision Rules & Regulations indicated that 6 copies of the liinal Plat and 2 seas of the Engineering Plans are needed :for the prelimi- nary review. Please coordinate amongst yourselves to male certain everyT thing goes smoothly. Sam, the original of the letter and. the checks are in the mail to you. Thanks, Ketirin (505-239-4235) ■ Number of pages including cover page: 9 C`AUTI: 'fhe inforn-iation contained in this facsimile in and an�attachnxents is c:on�itlential and it�tenc-ied sc�lc*l�ktat• the ��se ��F tl�e individual �}r eiztit5' named ai���*e. If thy: z'�;cShient of this rttGs- sage is not the intended recipient or the employer: or agent responsible foil delivering it to theiii� tended recipient, you art hereby notified tilat any disscill illation , copy, or unauthorized use of this c�onitnanication is strictly prohibited. if you have received this docnnit+nt in error, please notify the sei)(ler immediately by telephone and rc_turn the ftesiniila <and all attachntents to the redder at the adt clreas below Via the U.S. postal service, t'l2allli 'I'elephone: (505) �.I�l»ll.quetque, MINI 87�9�-34z8 6o- oO82 Fax: (505) 265-4648 npr 09 07 08:43a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.2 Altura , . P-0- 13ox 3428 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87190-3428 Telephone: (505) 260-0082 FaCSitllile: (505) 265w4648 1Vis. Samantha Lenz City of Sanger )o1 Bolivar SazTgeT', TGXas '%f3`.�E3f} Dear' Samalitna. April �, 2t�o7 IiAX: �40180 AS �r'e dTSCUSSed the C?tliet' dat-", the FTzial Plat aI1C1 E IigiIieering P1aT1S for LalieCT'C'.St MeadoAv, Phase 11-A and 11_B (Conibined) will be delivered to the Cite of Sanger offices by Tuesda}=, April iota, for reV1CXNO% `ihis subinittal. is f:or 14 lots along the "connecting" road from the existing culAe-sac of Phase 1 to the temporan� cul-de-sac associated. with Phase 11-C to the north. These residential lots are within Sanger's E.T.J. and. will be noininallN 1.5 acres each with Bolivar W.S.C. water service, CoSery electric Sel vice, and private septic systenis. .Enclosed please tizid the fc�llo�ti�zng: T. CoznpleteEl Deyeloptnent Application. checks, one for the lanai rich fee (Cnecl: #xBSS for $G40) and another for fine Engineering Plans (Check #M 34 for $540)4 3. A cope of the City Council Meeting Minutes of Decembez• 15, 2003 that shows alaproyal of the Idlkeczest Meado«PreliniiziarcPlat. q.. Currant Denton County flax records for the two parcels that comprise the Final Plat area. 1 brie#]�- revie��•ed the project with Robert tiifoads oli Mal•cli ?St�i and agreed to target the P�Z agenda fair Ma3� 3«►and the Council nleetilig an May 7t►,. �eve1€��iers ts�'.�,€ekecr€�s€ lb�eauv�u urac� It�c%eci�esf li%prila �SYL�c#iL+iSi�nS C1111 Close. Country Quiet. "' Apr 09 07 08:44a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.3 zfrou slzotzld harre any questions, Please call me Oil 50-239-4235 (cellular). Thanits for �rotzr assistance. Szncez°ely, Keti,win D. Murphy �'opy: Lee Allison, P.F., Allison Ez�giz�eering Group Dan Rick, KAZ Surveying, Inc. i)euettspeas c�F ttkt�eresf Meaclatc+ c��� :C�i�icyec�a•�st �'�'c�rEfx Sstdlc�ia.+asicrazs 05,E 16/ 2003 08: 45 Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.4 9404534180 CITY O . SA IGER PAGE 02j06 Subdivision Name Survey Blame: i # of proposed lots: Abstract # The applicant is encouraged to review development plans wiger or Staff as weft as the area proper owners prior to submitting a development application. A checklist of flat Requirements is available at City Nall Current Property Omer: & A 0hems submitted {plans should be 18x24) 1=fling Fee Company: Address: Concept/Preiirninary Site Plan No Chic City, State, and Lip ,i�+t,r'�) • !- Phone #: '- D -ot7} Preliominary Plat (20 copies) Fax #: & 5 �' (abc ptirns for fnidal review) Owner's Signature: - ❑ RepEat (20 copies) (olx prints for initial review) Applicant Name: VIA ' 14 Final Plat (20 ooples) Company AmaeA, gc,' (i* prtrft for iniiiat review} Address: P 0 , f, [� Construction Plans (b copies) City, State, and Zip' t Phone #: � a . Go �~ � Amended Plat (7 copies) go Fax It: ip Applicant's Signature; i [ Civil Engineering Plans (5 sets) . fVe Representative's Name: Landsscape Plan (4 copies) Company: Address: Tree Survey City, State, and Zip:_ Phone #: [ Traffic Impact Analysis "** Fax #: Representative's Signature: [ -Drainage Studies (7 copies) _ �u°�lfi jt��C4 BEFORE lull*, a rotary Public in and for the State of's personally appeared �1� the undersigned applicant who, under oath, stated the following " 1 hereby verify that I am the owner o� than representative of the o procip,t is application, and that all information submitted f7ereit true and ccorrect,,I& - f s pawitiffir Kitt �.Y[urpity �� °; ` NOTARY PUBLIC � � Owner, Applicant, cr epr entative •„or.i* STATE CI �4V EXIC My Commission Expires: 5 "_ _ mil• SUBSCRIBED rail AND SVMR�i'+ ff R 1V1y commission expires !f Location of Propertyy_:_ Requested Coning Fees Paid/Nnaunt �__ This application meets the requirements for proceeding: Signatvra of City Employee Apr 09 07 08:45a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.5 MINUTES* CITY CGI1NCJiI, DECEMBER 15, 2003 PRESEN`I`. Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Joe Diggs, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Glenn Ervin ®`I"IIEItS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Assistant City Secretary/Administrative Assistant Samantha Renz, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Bra nhain, Police ChiefCurtis Amyx, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Greg Russell, Kevin Murphy, Georgia Royal, Shelley Ruland i. Mayor called meeting to order, and led the invocation, Councilman Evans led tine Pledge of Allegiance. 2, a} approve Minutes. f9ecernber 1., 2003 b) Disbursements �'ounciIman Evans anovecl to approve the consent agenda as presented, Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3< Citizen's Input. �rOne. �. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary Flat for Lake�:rest I�Ieadows, Phase II -A, �- f3,and . Property is located within the Council cnnsideretl items 4 and S together, See next item) S. Consider and Possible Action on a Preliminary flat for Itidgecrest North, Phase I�-I3, and :Phase ItI. Property is located within the E."I'<J. Itievirt Murphy, developer of I.akecrest Meadow and Ritigecrest North, addressed the I"reliminary lalah for the remainder of both projects. ffe wanteal to get the preliminaries oat of the way and then will submit the Final plats in phases. He indicated that Ridgecrest North, Phase 2-A is under construction. He addressed the layout on the plats. City Mana ger, Jack Smith, indicated thePlao;ning and honing Commission had approved. the plats with conditions regarding file drainage. `I'Itey approved the Preliminary flat :for I:.akeerest Meadows, Phase II A, II Ii, II C, and .M with the provision that lots 140 have a l6 foot drainage easement and that lots I 1-1.5 have at least a 20 foot drainage easement and that it meet all engineering requirements. They approved R.idgecrest North, Phase If with the stipulation that the unclear area between drainage areas 1 and. 4 be addressed with the north neighbor or construction of drainage swalcs. Apr 09 07 08:46a Kevin D. Murphy VICK0617=4 RY101 p.6 i�ascussion. Councilman .Higgs moved to accept both plats with the conditions as stated by Planning and Zoning. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. G. Consider and Possible action on Licensing agreement with NCTCCa+G for Aerial Photography. Caty►Ianager indicated these are digitized C ]ID's to help with contours to layout area an and around Sanger. 1'�ayor asked if this was a budgeted item, City Ii�anager indicated at was, CouticilrrYan Higgs mow7ed to approve the licence agreement. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider• and Possible action on r�ppointazent of Streetl'I'horoughfare Committee, City Mfanaget• indicated they have finished the Capital Improvements plan/Impact l+ee study. The committee that wonted on that is finished with their job. He felt that planning should: begin on streets and thoroughfares in Sanger and the surrounding area to deal with traffic in the future. He recommended they use the Planning and Zoning members , Jerry Jenkins and Merric Lou Abney. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Jerry Jenkins, Mferrie Lora Abney, and the Planning and Zoning members to the Street/Thoroughfare Committee. Councilman Higgs seconded, Motion carried unanimously. $. Consider and .Possible �.ction on lesolution #12-16-Q3 -authorizing, anti Settirrl;.l�ate, Time and Place for Public Hearing on Systemwide Land Ilse assumptions anti Capital Improvement Plan for the Designated Water/Wastewater Service Areas Under Which and Impact Pee May be Imposed. City �Viana ;er indicated this is the first step in Setting the impact fee. C'.ouncilman .Ervin moved to approve Resolution #1246-03. Councalznan Garza seconded. ii�Iotion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Decorating l{ammie fatten Parlt at Christmas Time. Councilman Evans moved to Decorate the Park. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 1Q. Consider and Possible action. on Parks Board appointments. Ge orcriza Royal aaadicateci she would be willing to serve can the Perks ix3oard, Item tabled. 00�JO?. Apr 09 07 08:47a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.7 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle bids, discussion regarding the bids. Garza moved to award the police Car bid to Huffines Chevrolet in the amount of $16,526.53 and the 1 ton truck to Friendly Chevrolet fro $20,274.35. Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 12. fleeting Adjourned. Apr 09 07 08:47a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.8 Pent0II C< WIN -Tax Records/Tax Payments Online Account No. 12004<)777 Name LAKECIZ ESF MKA1. OW LTD P/S Address PO BOX 3428 AL BUQUEC2QUE , NM 87190-3428 Descrioti ir�. t At?U2�3A Lt, €3t C3LE , TitACT'28(C CWA), ACl2tiS I fi.72 N t)E_LD DC:AD SILT E, TR 34 Property 000000 ivlarket `value 1,840 Cu1.1c11E Agency 1 `ix.t€}Ee Exemptions Levy 1'ellalty %J1110 .� 111011nt LaSt 1'ay A1;101111t Value Due Due Paid Date Due ID€:NTON 1MO 0 $().00 $00) $0.00 $4,27 20070127 $0.00 C`01,tNiY SAA GFIZ 1,840 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30,36 20070127 x0.00 15I) C'E.LA1t ]Z E:E K 1,840 o S0.00 $0.0o $o.00 $1.20 2007011~ 7 S0.00 roteals S0.00 $0.00 S0.00 $35.83 S0.00 13tt{�:f;'tax�ve�.dentc)ncc)unt�.cr�n�/tag!details.•js{�'?accc�un[NGtmber—Rt)i)��)777&1'ollYeat•--2{30(i �li'I/?(i{i7 Apr 09 07 08:48a Kevin D. Murphy 505-265-4648 p.9 Denton County -Tax Records/Tax c)rcts/'1'z3x Payments OnlineDenton Page I of I �+CCount No. mo mG0.? Name t AK1 CREST MEADOW 1.JD F/S Address 170 C3C)X 3428 ALBUQUERQUE7 NN1 87190-3€28 c>r A0029A R. BEB E, TRACT 28, ACRES 2U460 Property Location 000000 FM4555 Market Value 3,162 C'ua•a•caat Agency Taxaame Fxenaptions Levy Penalty Other Amount Last Pay Amount Value DueDue Paid Date flue t)INFON 3,162 0 $0.00 $0.00 Woo $7.33 20070127 $0.00 C'Ot)N'IN i1 SC.�t N:-:R ., � SA 11621 0 $0} 00 $0.00 WOO $ 2.17 20070127 $0.00 a'olaats $0400 S0w00 $t 00 $519.50 $0.00 httlr./�taxcv�a�.�i�3�tc�nce�ztz7iy,can�h�zxl����its..jsp`'accouz�tNun�t�er==R(ll6�fiU7&ec>IIZPear�=�'?(?(}ti City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City Council ITEM: Receive an Update and Consider Economic Development Funded Projects DATE, June 4, 2007 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City Council authorized he August 21, 2006 meeting, funding of projects using the economic development sales tax at t Retail Study In May, the Buxton Co. completed the retail analysis and provided the retail matches based on Sanger customer spending habits. The company also completed a Boating and Sporting Analysis. The targeted retailers are been contacted by Buxton and the City is following up with them. A copy of the report was provided to the City Council in the May 21, 2007 Council packet. Sanger will receive access to a new service from Buxton called Scout at no cost, an approximate $22,000 donation. The computer based data system was introduced at the International Council of Shopping Center Conference held in May. Downtown Plan Nelson and Morgan Architects have completed the initial survey work and layout of the street lighting. Sanger Electric is in the process of ordering the lighting with a goal to install the lights by the end of August 2007. The final plan will be submitted including bid information should be available in 4-6 weeks... UNT Study The study completed by Bernard L. Weinstein, Ph.D. and Terry L. Clower, Ph.D. with the assistance of Michael Seman was released in May. The study included a survey of major employers. The survey provided mixed results with an overall rating of fair to poor of the current business climate but the results gave high makes to "cooperation amongst Sanger businesses" and "business friendly local government." Over half of the responders see an increase in product line or service in the next 3 years. The quality of Sanger's labor market contributed to the business climate rating with 55 percent of businesses dissatisfied with the quality of the available workforce and 77 percent claim to have had difficulty recruiting qualified employees in the past two years. Employee retention issues included transportation for employees, education, housing affordability, and childcare. The items listed as way to improve included help with applying for developmental incentives, assistance with licensing and building permits, and routine communication, Respondents also expressed interest in training opportunities that might be offered by the Office of Economic Development including "Marketing for your business" with the greatest number of first place rankings. Other training needs included accounting, software, and governmental programs. The agenda presented by the Center for Economic Development, includes: ■ Attention to the downtown core. "The city square is underutilized, yet it still retains all of the original structures that could be leveraged for low -impact tourism -based business such as wine shops, loft -style B&B's, galleries, restaurants, and other niche establishments." City of Sanger 4B Funding Request Page 2 of 2 ■ Market Sanger as a gateway, or complement, to Lake Ray Roberts. ® Target Sanger's amenity®based potential development ■ Stimulate labor supply and address problems for industrial ■ Retail trade is an unexploited opportunity. As "retail follows rooftops," the encroaching residential spillover from the city of Denton should eventually position Sanger as an economically sound choice for retail development. Park Project The City Council approved Quail Run Park for construction of a pavilion and playground equipment, a basketball court and parking in the amount of $58,559. The project has been designed and bids are scheduled for opening on June 1. Presbytert!ar Ci�urch Project The project encompasses: exterior restoration including doors, windows, roof, and painting; utilities including air conditioning and heating and electrical and plumbing; and interior restoration including doors, flooring, walls and ceiling, and interior painting. The cost estimate for completion of the restoration was $135,000, Quana Childs, Texas Historical Commission, THC, Architect has informed staff that any construction plans and specification for any proposed changes to the property would need to be reviewed by the THC. This would include review of any fixtures and manufacturer cut sheets on lighting fixtures and plumbing fixtures. She stated any major architectural plans for flooring, siding, or the structure of the building would need to be reviewed. Art Weinman served as the architect for the foundation project. Once funds became available at the end of October, Mr. Weinman was contacted. After negotiation, in January he submitted a bid for $10,000 for architect plans plus $2,000 for mechanical, plumbing and electrical engineering. Two additional bids one for an estimated $15,000 ad one for $11,000-13,000 were received. Mr. Weinman estimated in January that that the improvements and restoration including the architectural planning could be done for the amount for $135,000. Based on Mr. Weinman's knowledge of the project and expertise, staff has recommended that he be hired. Due to the delay in starting the project, staff is unsure if all the work can be completed for the amount allocated but solicitations and donation may cover any additional costs. 5th 5th STREET dth STnGGT I 3rd STREEr--- ° Ep # BANGER DOWNTOWN D STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTSg� € r i PHASE I I a SAN6Ht lIXAB � � a n i Page 1 of 1 Rose Chavez From: Rose Chavez [rose_chavez@dtnspeed.net] Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:20 AM To: ' Subject: issues discussed 5/22 Glen, spoke with Roxanne Bell and Pat Dunlap concerning Quail Run Phase III. Roxanne was advised to go and talk to the builder and get him to take care of his trash and build an enclosed container to keep the trash from going from blowing. Pat Dunlap advised me today that you had already talked to him about two weeks ago about this problem and he indicates that he has talked v✓ith Nick Neyray, the superintendent who told him that the trash would be removed by the following Monday. Roxanne was advised that if the problem still exists to proceed with issuing citations. Curtis advised me today that Artis Price and his family are currently cleaning up the properties. Rob Woods, City Engineer is working on the drainage concerns at Quail Run Phase III. Rob and Pat Dunlap are to meet with the builder and inform that the CO's will be withheld until the drainage problems in that area are corrected. The plan is to re-establish original grade per approved drainage plans. Rob advised me last week that he is trying to get with Nim Ashley concerning the drainage collection that is on Nim's property. I advised Rob that we need an easement or it needs to be relocated at developer's expense. John Henderson and P.cb are working on the ditch west of the Library. Atmos Energy gas lines have not bee.. relocated as of this date. Rob has contacted them and will have a staff report on this issue. I talked to John and he will take care of the drainage concerns on Bolivar as soon as it gets dry enough to cut and clean the ditches. I talked to Curtis concerning the parking on the street at the 600 block of 3rd. He advised that legally we can not enforce any laws since they have not broken any. We discussed the parking on the street. I did ask him if he could please talk to both parties and see if they can resolve their problem. Curtis advised that both neighbors are upset with each other and that the other neighbor also parks on the street. He will follow with a staff report. Try to have a great day today. Thanks, Rose Chavez City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 rose_chavez@dtnspeed. net Eliminate 100% of junk mail today. Get your copy of ZAPaSPAM. http://www zapaspam com OE/01/2007 �J CTlY COUNCIL '� AGENDA BRIEFING Meeting Date: I 6-04-2007 I Pre 3 Robert Woods, P.E. byea Subject: Issues —non agenda items STAFF COMMENTS: Status of Bolivar and 6�' Street Culvert —City staff is working with Atmos Energy to relocate several gas lines that are currently in conflict with the location for the new culvert. The weather is hampering the efforts of the relocation and installation of the new culvert. Drainage Issues along the westerly property line of Quail Run Development — City staff is working with the stakeholders of the affected lots along the westerly property line to reestablish the drainage swales and minimize any existing standing water along the said lots. 11�' Street —City staff has worked on cleaning the culverts) out. Staff will take a look at the overall drainage area and see if any additional culverts are blocked or collapsed and work on restoring positive drainage flow along a the street ngWof-way. Date: June 4, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Staff Report 1. Attached are the minutes provided by Gary Bilyeu concerning the meeting that was held May 22, 2007 with the Advisory Group for the proposed Sanger Ranch project. 2. I have attached memos from Electric Superintendent, Mike Prater, concerning some of the questions that were raised at the May 24, 2007 meeting concerning power losses. 3. I am meeting with Mr. Baines tomorrow and we have discussed the possibility of not completing all of the phases and we will review those options tomorrow. 4. I inserted in the packet some information from the City Engineer concerning the culvert at and Bolivar. 5. Sam Renz went to the County today to get deeds to forward to Mr. Dillard for preparation of lease and purchase agreements on the two properties discussed in Executive Session. Members: Subject: Time 15004515 15154530 15304545 15454600 16004615 16154630 Gary Bilyeu Rusty Patton Trent Petry Dr. Stucky Rod Zielke May Lz, 200 7 Initial Advisory Committee Meeting (Tomlin Project - Sanger) Topic Formal introductions. Proposed project overview (Rod Zielke). Discuss City of Sanger's interests and/or concerns (Rusty Patton). Discuss School Board's interests and/or concerns (Dr. Stucky). Recommendations / input (Trent Petty). Summary / assign deliverables / schedule follow-up meeting. Prepared: 5-20-07gwb MEMO To: Sanger City Council From: Gary Bilyeu, Chairperson, Advisory Committee for the Proposed "Sanger Ranch" Project. Present: Gary Bilyeu Dr. Lyn Stucky Robert "Rusty" Patton Rod Zielke Trent Petty Topic: Minutes from Initial Meeting of the Advisory Committee may 22, 2007). Enclosures: (1) Meeting Agenda. (2) Contact Roster. (3) Updated Concept Plan, 1. Purpose of meeting: a. Identify committee members / introductions / exchange contact information (see enclosures 1 & 2). b. Address the purpose of the Advisory Committee as a "fact-finding" body that reports findings to the City Council. c. Provide overview of proposed project. d. Provide initial planning guidance / exchange ideas and/or considerations. e. Provide opportunity for questions & answers. f. Assign deliverables to individual committee members. g. Establish tentative timeline. 2. Proposed project overview: (Mr. Zielke) a. Provided updated Concept Plan (see encl 3). He disclosed the intent to acquire undeveloped land surrounding the Choice Home Addition and vacant land between Union Hill Rd and Hwy 455. b. Explained that a "district" was the only feasible means of financing an project of this scope and magnitude in relations to utilities, services, and amenities. c. Explained the initial evaluation by Tomlin Investments indicated that a Freshwater District was best means to proceed. However, Mr. Zielke added that the "type" of district is definitely negotiable. d. Explained that this project will be modeled after his firm's current project in Frisco, TX. 3. City of Sanger's initial input: (Mr. Patton) a. Stated this project must be in the City's best interest in order to move forward. b. Recommended strict adherence to current ordinances with little deviation / variance requests. Discussion followed. Mr. Zielke stated it is his firm's "intent to meet or exceed all of the City's ordinances." c. Addressed the City's interest in the Bolivar CCN. Discussion followed. Mr. Zielke indicated that he would begin researching options. Prepared by: Gary Bilyeu 1 MEMO d. Addressed the impact this project will have on current sewage / waste- water capabilities. Discussion followed. Mr. Zielke indicated his firm would re-evaluate the various district types in order to determine which district provides the most flexibility to 4. Sanger School Board's input: (Dr. Stucky) a. Addressed the need for dedicated land for future schools. Discussion followed. Mr. Zielke indicated that land would be donated, but the exact amount has not been determined. b. Addressed the need for quality / higher -end housing to build the tax base. Discussion followed. Mr. Petty requested the most recent demographic data supplied to the school board. S. Consultant's input: a. Q1: Is there a particular district that provides more or less exposure financially to the City of Sanger? b. Al: (Mr. Petty) The type of district should not be the concern as it relates to financial exposure. The focus should be on the Developer's Agreement. These agreements are common to all districts. They outline all of the details and requirements of the development; they are legally binding; and —if prepared properly —will insulate the City from any exposure. c. Q1: Do you have a copy of a similar project / proposal that the committee could view as a reference? d. A2: (Mr. Petty) Yes. Actually, there are two in Rockwall County (a MUD and a PID) that could be used as a reference only. Please keep in mind that no two districts are exactly the same. 6. Summary: (Mr. Bilyeu) a. Reiterated the purpose of the advisory committee as a fact-finding body. b. Member's contact information will be collected and disseminated by Mr. Bilyeu no later than 01 June. c. Minutes will be documented and submitted to the Council by Mr. Bilyeu no later than the next scheduled City Council meeting. d. Scheduled the next meeting for 07 June at 3:00 pm. 7. Meeting adjourned. Prepared by: Gary Bilyeu 2 C Q Ill (D Q cn N .A 0 v 20oN�fn-p-pW 00 0 �. 6 (D (D Q M o o `< a o Q Cr !v n O IIOIIlDIC1. QI y K C (;1 itrt�{Y S �� )'� �1a� _�' y r1-�' -'�- �F ' :.��Y Jaa J �l �:.. rCnL-. 1 .. � dt -„j �._ y ,� j t., 47t i xrt }� t'f ' I ��' s, �, `..vt� t 4v. r ,E ,F F � , r""'YtL,i. .• x �A •1f i'., yi 1 y �y �� ' + j5 �yi� t iy`��y 1 41 �� 1 i i ��t�s�i � �. i;' �1 � {t �! it F�i b4 � {.� (i �5 "S It'�. .�' Sad 1— ' 1 i �le � � �.+�, � 4s ° � I 1:1 � lhiy 3s tJ ��0'. 1f a�S� _ i i0 J d' �� .i Y MW �lI' { 0 ��`4 , r, Y h fir, < I i f y ; „ac � �. � ; �t�i`. Y r' r v4 ��pp � � •...,t r=t�3 '11F7 � l+'lt �4., i'L 44 h � <' t I �iy �.� �. �.. _. ��E�;�t .rJ. �3 � ri o FY Y Qp S•�. � tl' J'y 5 Sl:Y �� v rs <(t ..�p" � :hus � :.I �� { S °Sj4 \ y w i ,'. . � � .. m V � 4 '� /'j— a a. _ 1�°i]✓� �'T �� �py �, a'ti✓�j� �t r L .,,,� L( i 'lI mW'. op � ���� F' YI i) a�Y:::1, ^i- r I �.' }�irit t:�"Ii1Y I �is 1� ��)� i.hl ,' Ip 1 ; t r 1. lnY,y. { 6s i � � 125 �t�V,���, �q i��4 ;.,. n,� Tr rq r�., i •sl,i �'1I(�Yi;! tr.:'i! �j/3rh 41'k 'tdi� `1' t �1 ° � 4� '�{.}}il�iG' )� tjti;'.`iYry f A .1 �fi... {" aJ 1 n i r'��li I . i c j�Y [�j;ih4 3 (� � b H�� s7a�'at��E tl tt � t y; f i dF {{ Y4 1) Y) a, [ Yl P } � 4 vla� J �1�r r �:�1 i �ylr � sfl',��1��F t�a� 4 ( �A�iB §�( ) y 1>'1 ia1l�+� � r �r, I�( �f�fl i � �i �Ils, zs � Y.i �ASY��� ti i i �� } �l$(,i 1 3 1 9u4 � s l IF1;T+q t �' �t r ly it J�' �'rlr��"g Yl+�,i c I i l„ I �,, � NpG i 4M �� N '`� �..5t3 1 � ii Ph�.77j'i �' dt�; I . ., �T r! { eft i } .J'J )l P7�Si��J i 1ry�7i{yl �Y� �2 �b Ii��J `�i,�y �L r� t } „v�4 If G t t � �Y � i � x�� '��6 �, S I A� Q ) tt7 ( �s {i Y J I; { it � i f . a �m r, II J `+ t f ' It, �� � ; Y i' :y I • '�v Y � � 1 es ' I 5�, ,'�pF . - _�.��+---..3 MEMO Date: May 311 2007 To: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Interim City Mgr. From: Mike Prater, Electric Department Superintendent As per your request: Who determines usage for street lights? Usage is determined by the following formula: Wattage times average number of hours of darkness per day time average month (30 days) divided by 1000 times current KWH charge. Are all City buildings being metered correctly? Business or Residential? Yes, all City buildings have business meters. Has the main meter at the Substation ever been tested? This would be Brazos Electric's responsibility. When we have power outages, can or does it change how the meters at Walmart work? Does Walmart have new meters? Power outages do not change how a meter works. Walmart does have the new Solid State Meters. Date: June 4, 2007 To: Rose Chavez, City Secretaryllnterim City Manager Fr: Mike Prater, Electric Department Superintendent Brazos Electric reports that an average Municipality line loss will range from 4 to 6 percent, excluding the substation transformer line loss which will run 1 1/2 to 2 percent. Sanger substation transformer line loss is approximately 1 1/2 percent. Cooperatives currently in Texas strive to achieve 6 percent line loss. True line losses for cooperatives range in average from 6 to 9 percent. Currently Sanger Electric Utilities has an accumulated average over the past 28 months of 4 1/2 percent including the substation transformer losses. With the system upgrades currently being made it would be reasonable to anticipate even better efficiencies in the future. Listed are some of the areas which cause line losses. 1. Trees touching power lines 2. Resistance due to longer lines and undersized conductor 3. Poor power factors 1. Theft of Electricity 5. Poor metering (old meters) 6. Street lighting Also listed are correcting measures Sanger Electric Utilities has taken to insure the lowest line loss possible: 1. We currently budget $25,000.00 yearly for tree trimming maintenance. 2. The main lines in Sanger are being replaced with larger conductors, which will decrease the amount of pressure required to transfer power to the area especially the outlying portion of the Electric System. 3. Over the past five years new automated line capacitors have been placed on all feeders in order to correct the power factor. Ercot requires a power factor no less than 97 percent. We currently maintain a power factor of 99 to 100 percent. 4. The change in the meter system will enable us to automatically check the status of a meter that should be idle but when tampering has occurred will send an active signal. Also, currently all meter seals are being changed out from the standard style to a new stamped SEU meter seal to avoid a meter seal from another area being brought to this system. 5. Non -mechanical meters introduced in the new meter system will collect more KWHs used. And will not slow down with age of the meter. 6. Mercury vapor street lighting has a very poor efficiency rating. Over time through lighting change out systems and new subdivisions only High Pressure Sodium Lamps are used on the City grid. Apr zo ur is iup yaw umce ur oteven � ro .y4V009tI (VJ Lawn ice of Steven S. Poston,- P.C. 2220 San Jacinto Blvd. , #102 Denton, Texas 76205 Telephone (94[}} 384-77aQ Facsimile (940) 239-2129 e-mail: snostow'a7charterinternet.com April 26, 20Q7 YW fax: 940.458 41S(i ATM &. Jack Smith City of Sanger 201 Boliver St_ P.O. Box 578 Sanger, Texas 76266 .Re: 8�signati©rt as Mra�icr`�af Prosecut�ir Mr. Smith: r. ,F-/ t ///, . - i . .�- . • /- . is � ' tccept this letter as my resignation of those duties effective upon your receipt of this zrrespondence. In my opimon, the City of SangWs court administration excels at all hcets of A operatiom I have - been t . - • 1 numerous other municipal c 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: N/A NON -DEPARTMENTAL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET \1 I NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-17330 INTERACTIVE COMPUTER DE I-INV:54277 001-00-4624 TECHNOLOGY FE ANNUAL MAINT. RECPT PRINTER 000000 307.00 DEPARTMENT NON -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL: 307.00 --------------------------- ---........... ------------------------- 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V. NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-16630 THE WATERS CONSULTING G I-INV:1220-9665 001-10-5420 CONTRACTUAL S SEARCH FOR CITY MNGR 000000 2,625.00 DEPARTMENT 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 2,625.00 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V. NAME ITEM 0 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK!! AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 9.41 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 9.41 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V1 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-18-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 9.41 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 9.41 ----------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------- 5/31/2007 3:58 PM PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V. NAME ITEM # ------------------------------------- 99-01070 GALLS INC. REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER G/L ACCOUNT NAME I-INV:5884093800011 001-20-5325 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I-INV:511234 001-20-5325 I-INV:511234 001-20-5325 I-INV:511255 001-20-5325 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 001-20-5325 I-INV;5559404 001-20-5325 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-INV:13749 001-20-5310 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-20-5245 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 001-20-5325 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 001-20-521C 99 160 GT DISTRIBUTORS INC I-INV:0185200 001-20-526C I-IV:H052400653-50 001-20-5920 99-11570 CULLIGAN I-INV:14050266 99-17340 L3 COMMUNICATIONS I-INV:0102970-IN 99-17350 LEROY DANIELS, JR. I-INV:178280 99-17390 THOMAS RUBBER STAMP CO. I-INV:112320 001-20-5311 001-20-5325 001-20-5255 DESCRIPTION R & M MOTOR V LIGHT HEAD ASSEMBLY PAGE: 5 BANK: SB99 CHECK# AMOUNT --------------------------------- 000000 242.97 R & M MOTOR V LOCK CYLINDER 000000 R & M MOTOR V IGNINTION SWITCH 000000 R & M MOTOR V HEADLAMP FLASHER/HEADLIGHT ASM 000000 R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS REPAIR & NAIN REPAIR PHONE LINES JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 000000 ;IIIZIIIIIII7 000000 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS 000000 SAFETY EQUIPM TRAFFIC HEAD CONTROL CAR 15 000000 CONTRACTUAL S COPIER MAINTENANCE CONTRACTUAL S PIATER BOTTLE SERVICE 000000 000000 R & M EQUIPME BATTERIES FOR IN CAR CAMERA 000000 R & M MOTOR V Y7INDOVI TINT POLICE CAR WEARING APPAR NE4l BADGES 000000 000000 112.59 95.20 692.19 43.39 22.43 [cYlI:S. �III�i1] 234.03 34.62 168.80 1,154.00 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 3,802.98 5/31/200V 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 22 ANIMAL CONTROL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V! i NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08810 ANIMAL CARE EQUIP & SVS I-INV:1067218-IN 001-22-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP SKUNK OFF 000000 307.49 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. I-INV:35861 001-22-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP DEODORANT FOR POUND 000000 135.44 99-17390 THOMAS RUBBER STAMP CO. I-INV:112320 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXP NEW BADGES 000000 208.00 DEPARTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL: 650.93 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V' 't NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-51509 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES 000000 43.38 I-INV;5559404 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS 000000 22.43 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-INV:10027528 001-24-5210 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 001-24-5325 99-10800 RDJ SPECIALTIES, INC I-INV:278326 001-24-5220 I-INV:278326 001-24-5230 99-17310 FREEDOM PHOTOGRAPHY & D I-51354 001-24-5210 99-17370 SHELTON STATE BOOK STOR I-INV:MO-011774-1 001-24-5210 I-INV:MO-011774-1 001-24-5220 OFFICE SUPPLI GP23 BATTERIES 000000 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 POSTAGE POSTAGE ADVERTISING 500 RULERS 000000 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI BUSINESS CARDS D PENNINGTON 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE BOOK LIST FIRE DEPT 000000 POSTAGE POSTAGE 000000 39.66 29.34 277.76 52.39 217.65 30.00 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 828.59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET Vie NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-26-5245 BLD.& JANITOR CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 18.82 99-17290 STEPHANIE M. BERRY I-51259 001-26-5420 CONTRACTUAL S PROSECUTOR 5/01/07 000000 300.00 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 318.82 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET Vi NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 5/31/2007 3:5B PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V I ------------------------------------------------------------ NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL I-INV:7376 001-30-5370 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-51509 001-30-5420 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-51464 001-30-5325 I-51478 001-30-5375 I-INV:10017252 001-30-5375 I-INV:10017313 001-30-5375 99-01240 INLAND TRUCK PARTS CO. I-INV:18-86286 001-30-5325 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I-INV:511197 001-30-5325 I-INV:511216&511215 001-30-5325 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 001-30-5325 I-INV;5559404 001-30-5325 9' `•70 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-51427 001-30-5375 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-30-5245 99-02290 DENTON BOLT Z-INV:00200961 001-30-5325 DESCRIPTION STREETS CONCRETE PULL CART CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL R & M MOTOR V SPRAY PAINT & TAPE MINOR EQUIPME ANCHOR/MASNRY BIT/BULBS MINOR EQUIPME 8D5 DBL HN NAL MINOR EQUIPME 3" BRUSH/PAINT PAIL 5QT R & M MOTOR V DOT TRUCK INSPECTION R & M MOTOR V SWITCH BLOWER MOTOR R & M MOTOR V TRAILOR LIGHT CONNECTORS R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR V FUSES/F7ASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS MINOR EQUIPME PAINT TRAY/TAPE/ROLLER OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR V NUTS & WASHER PAGE: 10 CHECK# 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 1111/1 11/111 �IIZIId1I17 000000 000000 AMOUNT FGi1Ed17 50.00 18.89 20.06 6.49 4.77 60.00 19.28 20.57 43.38 22.93 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-382032259-001 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI SHREDDER ATIVA 000000 69.99 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 39.66 99-03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIR I-#227632 & 228366 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V SERVICE CALL 000000 60.00 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS 000000 18.9E 99-05510 IESI I-INV:2463044 001-30-5420 CONTRACTUAL S 302 RAIL ROAD ROLL OFF 000000 81.60 99-08880 COOPER'S COPIES I-INV:73864 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI COPIES OF BOOKS & PLANS 000000 82.00 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB' -CURRENT BUDGET V NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-09830 G&G TRACTOR SUPPLY I-INV:87982 & 87449 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V BOLT WHEEL/HYDROLIC FILTER 000000 16.80 99-09990 SCHERTZ FARM & SEED I-INV:29908 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V BOLTS 000000 1.10 99-17050 EQUIPMENT SUPPORT SERVI I-INV:G57957 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V ELECTRIC RELAY 000000 50.91 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 1,353.72 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V. NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT -------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-INV:240267-00 001-32-5333 FLAGS US & TEXAS FLAGS 000000 394.51 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-51464 001-32-5325 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 001-32-5325 I-INV;5559404 001-32-5325 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 001-32-5325 99-03560 BRISCOE ALIGNMENT & TIR I-#227632 & 228366 001-32-5325 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-51452 001-32-5325 99-05280 TRINITY TURF I-INV:48662 001-32-5211 99-12710 PETTIT MACHINERY, INC I-50941 001-32-5375 I-51460 001-32-5325 99-13890 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO I-INV:5102215 001-32-6015 99-17320 GP7G 4700D GROUP I-INV:12958 001-32-5260 R & M MOTOR V SPRAY PAINT & TAPE R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS 000000 000000 000000 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 R & M MOTOR V 13X16.5X6 SMOOTH MOVIER 000000 R & M MOTOR V 225/75R16 & 225/70R195 TIRES 000000 LANDSCAPE MAT CELEBRATION PALLET DEPOSIT 000000 MINOR EQUIPME WOOD EATER/HELMET/BLADES 000000 R & M MOTOR V MISC REPAIR ITEMS FOR MOWERS 000000 SPRINKLER MAI REMOVED LEAKING VALVE/RAISED 000000 93.38 22.93 39.66 38.94 242.10 L•XI�L•: 948.10 647.22 292.20 SAFETY EQUIPM PLAYGROUND MULCH 000000 1,870.00 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 41150.68 PAGE: 13 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET Vi k NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME ---------- 99-00450 ------------------------- SUPER SAVE I-51477 001-34-5245 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-51474 001-34-5310 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-51475 001-34-5245 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-INV:7154 001-34-5324 99-03660 GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY I -ORDER ID40592 001-34-5223 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 001-34-5210 99-08870 NORTHERN TOOL I-INV;16044859 001-34-5324 BANK: SB99 DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT ------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ OPERATING SUP CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR POOL 000000 26.14 R & M BUILDIN EPDXT/PRUNER/BOLTS/SW EYE OPERATING SUP TRASH CAN/WASTE BASKET R & M EQUIPME SOLENOID VALVES CHEMICAL SUPP GRANULES/BANISH OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS R & M EQUIPME UTILITY PUMP IIIIIZIIIII 000000 [IIIIIIIPI� 000000 000000 000000 219.73 959.20 899.75 216.48 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 1,858.62 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION - CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-INV:268048-CRC-2 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP CASE OF SPRAY ALL CLEANER 000000 77.27 I-INV:269912-CRC-1 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP WASP & INSECTICIDE SPRAY 000000 341.10 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-50739 001-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MISC. SHOP ITEMS 000000 63.60 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-51457 001-36-5345 LEASE/PURCHAS WINDSHIELD LIGHT/DRILL SET 000000 97.48 99-12840 TEXAS EMISSIONS PROGRAM I-51463 001-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER PHONE SERVICE FOR EMISSION CON 000000 2.34 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 581.79 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 40 SULLIVAN CENTER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V': NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-51506 001-40-5310 R & M BUILDIN LIGHT BULBS/DOOR W LOCK 000000 19.56 DEPARTMENT 40 SULLIVAN CENTER TOTAL: 19.56 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 LIBRARY BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V: N NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02120 QUILL I-INV:6986605 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI HEADPHONES/PAPER/DRIVERS 000000 204.74 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-42-5265 CLEANING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 18.82 99-03150 VICTORIA ELIESON I-51438 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND REIMB CRAFT SUPPLIES SUMMER RD 000000 89.40 I-51495 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI REIMB SUPPLIES: PAPER/TRVL DRV 000000 89.88 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC. I-IV:197702 & 197486 001-42-6050 BOOKS BOOKS & AUDIO 000000 131.63 99-10760 BRODART CO I-INV:F308745 I-INV:F333525 99-12780 UNIVERSITY COMPUTER STO I-INV:15354 99-15250 SUDDENLINK I-51492 001-92-6050 001-42-6050 001-92-5312 [IIIj�[SaC�j��] BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS & PROCESSING R & M OFFICE FLOPPY DRIVES CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 42 LIBRARY -------------------------- 000000 19.06 000000 65.35 000000 3B.00 000000 105.47 TOTAL: 757.35 ----------------------- 5/31/2007 3:58 PM PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 COMMUNITY CENTER BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VI NAME ITEM # 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-51509 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 BATIK: SB99 G/L ACCOUNT NAME - - DESCRIPTION - - - - - CHECK# - - - AMOUNT 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 44 COMMUNITY CENTER TOTAL: 100.00 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET Vi NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 001-46-5245 JANITORIAL CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 18.82 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: 18.82 VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 17,775.48 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 Mayor and City Council BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V. A NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT -------------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-16630 THE WATERS CONSULTING G I-INV:1220-9665 008-10-5420 CONTRACTUAL S SEARCH FOR CITY MNGR 000000 2,625.00 DEPARTMENT 10 Mayor and City Council TOTAL: 2,625.00 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V1 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 008-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 9.41 DEPARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAL: 9.41 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V.t NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME ---------------------------------------------- 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 008-18-5245 PAGE: 21 BANK: SB99 DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 9.41 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 9.41 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VL NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS 000000 18.98 99-12760 CINTAS I-INV:DK02003905 008-19-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ON SITE SHREDDING 5/9/07 000000 65.00 99-17330 INTERACTIVE COMPUTER DE I-INV:54276 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINE MAINT. BARCODE&SCANNER/RCPT PR 000000 465.00 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 548.98 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V jNAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-INV:268048-CRC-2 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP CASE OF SPRAY ALL CLEANER 000000 77.28 I-INV:269912-CRC-1 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP WASP & INSECTICIDE SPRAY 000000 341.71 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-50739 008-36-5265 CLEANING SUPP MISC. SHOP ITEMS 000000 63.61 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-51457 008-36-5345 LEASE/PURCHAS WINDSHIELD LIGHT/DRILL SET 000000 97.49 99-12840 TEXAS EMISSIONS PROGRAM I-51463 008-36-5510 TELEPHONE SER PHONE SERVICE FOR EMISSION CON 000000 2.34 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: 582.43 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-51509 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-51464 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V SPRAY PAINT & TAPE 000000 18.89 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I-INV:511216&511215 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WIRE CONNECTORS 000000 94.33 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES 000000 43.38 I-INV;5559404 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS 000000 22.43 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 008-50-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 18.82 99-02690 TECHLINE I-INV:1433012-00 008-50-6020 OTHER IMPROVE PHOTO CELL CONTROL/150Vd BULBS 000000 813.50 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I-INV:W270705 008-50-5385 GIATER PURCHAS VOLUME CHARGE 000000 2,599.20 I-INV:W270705 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S DEMAND CHARGE 000000 11,416.67 9 110 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 39.66 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-INV:DE43877 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V TENSION SPRING 000000 43.02 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS 000000 18.98 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-IV:479593 & 480446 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V LT215/85R16 & LT235/85R16 000000 646.50 99-05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I-INV:P176563901018 008-50-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM SAFETY GLASSES 000000 346.09 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-INV:011597/5027265 008-50-5250 MINOR TOOLS 1/2 DRIVE RATCHET 000000 37.96 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL I-INV:80845 008-50-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP CL2 000000 1,215.00 99-11430 USA BLUEBOOK I-INV:359794 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S MGP HIGH PRESSURE BOOSTER PUMP 000000 928.05 99-12410 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY I-INV:704258 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER COUPLINGS/ADAPTERS/WYESW COMBO 000000 878.52 DEPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL: 19,231.00 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 Waste Water Collection BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET Vt NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. I-INV:35879 008-52-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP DEODORANT & THERMAX 000000 2,500.00 I-INV:35879 008-52-5315 R & M LIFT ST DEODORANT & THERMAX 000000 7,069.21 DEPARTMENT 52 Waste Water Collection TOTAL: 9,569.21 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 26 PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V ;2 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 008-54-5325 R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES 000000 43.38 I-INV;5559404 008-54-5325 R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS 000000 22.43 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 008-54-5325 99-05510 IESI I-INV:2463044 008-54-5420 99-09830 G&G TRACTOR SUPPLY I-INV:87982 & 87449 008-54-5325 I-INV:87982 & 87449 008-54-5325 99-11430 USA BLUEBOOK I-INV:348245 008-54-5270 99-15640 COLE-PALMER INSTRUMENT I-INV:6115266 008-54-5329 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 CONTRACTUAL S 301 JONES ROLL OFF R & M MOTOR V BOLT SVHEEL/HYDROLIC FILTER R & M MOTOR V BOLT WHEEL/HYDROLIC FILTER LABORATORY SU STAFF GAUGE R & M SEWER P TUBING M FLEX DEPARTMENT 54 Vlaste Glater Treatment 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 TOTAL: 39.66 25.51 182.97 948.04 PAGE: 27 5/31/2007 3:58 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00935 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET % '2 NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME ---------------------------------------------------- 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-51509 008-58-5420 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-INV:10017214 008-58-5250 I-INV:10017239 008-58-5250 99-00920 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC I-INV:019-69588-01 008-58-6020 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-INV:5464120 008-58-5325 I-INV;5559404 008-58-5325 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV:201641&201378 008-58-5245 99-02690 TECHLINE I-INV:1625123-00 I-INV:1625274-00 I-ORD:1432802-00 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-51455 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-INV:DE44247 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-INV:0185243 99-04930 KAUFFMAN TIRE I-51452 99-08460 DELL COMPUTERS I-INV:XCI2CPPP3 99-09140 GREEN EQUIPMENT COMPANY I-INV:13016X 99-15010 ARBORWORKS LLC I-INV:6347 & 6358 99-17360 PREMIER LAWN & POWER I-INV;1529 99-17380 THE GLOVE GUY I-INV:21 DESCRIPTION CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL MINOR TOOLS WEED CUTTER MINOR TOOLS FRAMING & SPEED SQUARE IMPROVEMENTS LEAD TEST KIT R & M MOTOR V SHOP SUPPLIES R & M MOTOR V FUSES/WASHERS/BULBS/CLAMPS JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES BANK: SB99 CHECK# 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 150Vd GLOBE 000000 00B-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 200AMP 3PHASE SOCKET 000000 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS PHOTO CELL CONTROLS/150W BULBS 000000 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V OIL & AIR FILTERS/GLASS CLEANR 000000 008-58-5325 008-58-5210 008-58-5325 008-58-6010 008-58-5260 [�I�ZII:III:i�Si] 008-58-5235 R & M MOTOR V IDLER ARM SPRING/IDLER PULLEY 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORMS 000000 R & M MOTOR V 225/75R16 & 225/70R195 TIRES 000000 COMPUTER EQUI 512 MB MODULE SAFETY EQUIPM LINE LOCATOR REPAIRS 000000 000000 CONTRACTUAL S TREE TRIMMING WK 3/29 & 4/07 000000 DUES & RE GIST GRASSHOPPER LAWNMOWER 000000 AMOUNT f[IIIEIII7 14.49 36.48 58.50 43.38 22.43 117.00 169.00 647.50 39.66 139.89 GNII�GY7 130.60 L•Ii�[iP] 2,466.81 6,950.00 006-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM COVdHIDE GLOVES-ELECTRICE DEPT 000000 235.00 DEPARTMENT 58 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electric Department TOTAL: 11,695.06 VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 44,718.54 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 62,994.02