06/04/2007-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES: CITY COUNCIL DUNE 49 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Higgs, Councilman Muir, Councilman Walker, Councilman Patton, Councilman Ervin, Councilman Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Secretary Tami Taber, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Court Administrator Christy Punches, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Russell Madden, Kevin Murphy, L Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation followed by Councilman Muir leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: May 21, 2007 -Minutes May 24, 2007 - Special Called Meeting b) Disbursements a) Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to approve minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion carried unanimously. b) Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve disbursements as presented. Seconded Councilman Patton. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizeus are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Municipal Court Prosecuting Attorney. City Secretary addressed Council and advised that she was unaware of the resignation letter from former Municipal Court Prosecuting Attorney, Steve Poston. Mr. Poston submitted his resignation on April 26, 2007 and was paid a fee of $300.00 per court appearance. Councilman Patton asked Municipal Court Administrator, Christy Punches, when she found out about the resignation. Ms. Punches advised it was on the same day the resignation was submitted, and a copy of Mr. Poston's resignation was forwarded to Mr. Smith. Councilman Muir indicated that the letter acknowledged the municipal court staff, municipal judges, and law enforcement personnel under direction of Chief Amyx for their fine performance and abilities. Councilman Ervin moved to accept the resignation of Steve Poston as City Prosecutor. Councilman Muir seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion. Councilman Patton made motion to appoint Hugh Coleman as Municipal Court Prosecuting Attorney at a fee of $300.00 per session. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Muir stated that Mr. Coleman seems qualified, but he would have liked to have seen more resumes. City Secretary advised that this is not a contract and the City can change at any time. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Final Plat for Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision, Phase II -A, Lots 14, Block B and Lots 14, Block C; and Phase HmB, Lots 54, Block B and Lots 5-7, Block C. Property is Located on Lakecrest Drive, North of FM 455. Mayor asked if this plat connects the two developments together. Kevin Murphy, developer on the project, indicated that this is the middle phase and it will connect to the first phase which is off 455 and the second phase that is accessed off Union Hill Road. Mr. Murphy advised that this would be a continuous road from Union Hill and Ridgecrest North to 455. City Secretary advised that Planning &Zoning unanimously approved this plat at their last meeting. Councilman Garza made a motion to accept the final plat for Lakecrest Meadow Subdivision, Phase H-A, Lots 1-4, Block B and Lots 1-4, Block C; and Phase II-B, Lots 5-7, Block B and Lots 5-7, Block C. Property is Located on Lakecrest Drive, North of FM 455. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Receive an Update and Consider Action Related to Economic Development and Economic Development Funded Projects. Councilman Ervin advised that he requested this item be placed on the agenda. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, addressed the City Council with an update on economic development projects that were authorized for funding on April 26, 2006 from the economic sales tax funds. She mentioned that on the May 21, 2007 agenda she had included a copy of the Buxton report, and in that report, it provided the retail matches based on Sanger customer spending habits. She recently attended a shopping center conference in Las Vegas. The Vegas trip resulted in getting free software from Buxton worth $22,000. This software will allow developers and property owners the ability to do searches. Mayor asked if it would also be available to citizens and what the cost would be. Ms. Carson advised they could receive that information electronically at no cost and that she has not released any information pending the City Council's approval. Discussion. Ms. Carson proceeded to discuss the Downtown Plan and advised that Nelson Morgan has completed the initial survey work and layout of the street lightning. The Electric Department is in the process of ordering the lightning, with a goal to install by the end of August. The bidding information and the final plans will be available in 4=6 weeks. Ms. Carson advised that Keep Sanger Beautiful will be landscaping in the Park and Texas Department of Transportation will be here on Friday to film the newly improved park. Councilman Walker asked if Keep Sanger Beautiful has heard anything concerning their grant. Ms. Carson advised Keep Sanger Beautiful was notified that they will receive the grant funding from TX DOT in the amount of $70,000 on July 12 in San Antonio. She advised that Channel 8 and Channel 11 news broadcasted a brief story. Ms. Carson briefed Council regarding the ITNT study. She advised that the surveys were sent out to the major employers in Sanger and mixed results were received. The agenda presented by the Center of Economic Development included attention to the downtown area, marketing Sanger as a gateway or compliment to Lake Ray Roberts, target Sanger's amenity -based potential development, labor supply and address problems for industrial and retail trade. Discussion followed regarding Sanger citizens being able to work here in Sanger instead of commuting due to lack of available jobs in Sanger. Ms. Carson advised the Council that Sanger will soon have competition with Valley View on retail and commercial. Ms. Carson discussed that City Council approved construction for a pavilion, playground equipment, basketball court and parking on the Quail Run Park Project. The bids were advertised and only one bid was received for the concrete work. Staff is pursuing to re -bid the concrete work. There was lengthy discussion concerning the Presbyterian Church Project. The cost estimated for completion was $135,000. Ms. Carson advised that Quana Childs, Texas Historical Commission, THC, Architect has informed staff that any construction plans and specifications for any proposed changes have to be reviewed by THC. Mr. Weinman was the architect for the foundation project and was contacted to submit a bid for the architect plans. His bid for $12,000.00 included $10,000 for the architect plans and $2,000 for mechanical, plumbing and engineering work. Ms. Carson indicated she was unsure if Mr. Weinman could complete the plans at the amount indicated, since there was such a delay in starting the project. Mayor Higgs disagreed and said that a study did not have to be done and that he contacted Brian Martin to complete the restoration. Mayor advised he also spoke to Quana Childs " and she had indicated the City did not have to have an architect. Ms. Carson advised that Mr. Martin was just a building contractor and they can use him; however, he still needs a set of plans to be able to start the project. Lengthy discussion continued on how long it has taken to begin this project. The cost of the architect fees was a concern and whether the project could proceed without utilizing Mr. Wienman's services. Councilman Muir made a motion to hire Mr.Weinman to prepare architectural plans including plumbing, mechanical, electrical engineering at any amount less than $14,000. Councilman Patton seconded motion. Motion carried 44, Councilman Walker abstained. 7. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. a. Set an Executive Session on next agenda regarding interviewing applicants for City Manager. b. Schedule workshop regarding Palomino Bay on June 18, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. c. Councilman Walker advised that he will be absent for the July 2, 2007 City Council meeting. 8. Mayor adjourned meeting. ATTEST: VA 0 V G RJAYAq M Rose Chavez, City