05/15/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements. M"IN DAY, May 15, 2006 7*00 P.M. ►iTl3i i€17�1�:7 April 3, 2006 -Workshop April 3, 2006 -Minutes April 17, 2006 - Minutes 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation #OS/Ol/06 "Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month." 5. Consider and Possible Action on Reciprocal Agreement with Atmos Energy regarding Damage to Distribution Facilities. 6. Discussion on Drainage Issues on Rising Star and Duck Creek. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Scheduling Tax Collection Interlocal Agreement with Denton County. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution R# 05-06-06 Authorizing the Filing of a Project Application with North Central Council of Governments for a Solid Waste Program Local Implementation Project. 9. Consider and Possible Aetion on Request for Proposals (RFP'S) for Comprehensive Master Plan. 10. Consider and Possible Action on the Appointment of a Comprehensive Master Plan Steering Committee. 11. Consider and Possible Action on ®rdinance # 05-06-06 Amending Appendix A -Fee Schedule, Section 4.1800 Guard Light Rates of the Code of ®rdinances. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution # 05-07-06 Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Ilearings on Proposed Annexations on the Following Properties: 13. Discussion Concerning Proposal from IESI Regarding Use of Carts for Solid Waste Collections. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Private Drive in the ETJ of Sanger. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Letter of Agreement with Carter & Burgess for providing Professional Services for the Planning and Design of the Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5. 16. Discuss Bidding the Services for Janitorial on all City Facilities. 17. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551,072 (REAL ESTATE): L Property Acquisition. 18. RECONVENE: into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. 19. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. Pursuant to the 7Cexas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that li I Pjoticeit Texas, a place convenient and readily accessibK toe Jenei timer © 6? a Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from the official was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, t all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and 9ffa11 remain posted until meeting is adjourned. - This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicle Maintenance Kristian Lindberg, Electric Superintnedent Mike Prater, Liz Springer, John Springer, Joe Falls, Andy Garza, Kathy Floyd, C.G. McNeill, Paul Edelman, Johnny Ray Looper, Rod Zielke, Woodrow Barton, Lee Allison City Engineer, Polly Dwyer, Beverly Howard, Dan Almon 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on Capital Improvements for Streets, Water/Wastewater and Electric. Lee Allison, Ciiy Engineer, addressed the Council. He indicated that he had delivered a report to them a few weeks ago outlining the proposed capital improvements. The report included all of the candidates for the CIP, and with feedback from Council and staff they have come up with a new proposal. The areas in yellow are the recommended areas to be included in the base bid. The green areas are alternative bid projects, if funds are available. This will include a full 25 year storm drainage system. It starts at the low end and drains back to the treatment facilities. During these projects we will need to work with the franchise utilities to see about possible repairs to their lines at the same time. The total for the projects is projected to be $3,124,480 for streets and drainage and $1,670,400 for water and sewer. Mr. Allison recommended the project be started in Indian Springs and on Holt Road. Councilman Ervin asked if the right -of --way had been obtained on Holt Road. Staff indicated it had not. Discussion regarding that Holt Road has a prescriptive right of way, the road can be improved but not widened. Mr. Woodrow Barton asked if cross sections and a plan profile would be provided. Mr. Allison indicated it would be at the time of design. Mr. Andy Garza indicated he felt they should consider widening holt Road to the bus traffic on that road. Discussed width of Holt Road. Council agreed to schedule a workshop to discuss funding. 3. Discussion concerning amendments to Home Rule Charter. Polly Dwyer addressed the Council concerning this item. She indicated some of the corrections were typographical errors the Charter committee had agreed to go with the attorney recommendations to correct them. There was removal a statement that was in conflict and she addressed the proposed changes. Ms. Dwyer indicated they are recommending adding a section that includes the responsibilities and purposes for all boards and commissions in the Charter. She indicated the attorney had recommended they reduce the number of registered voters required to petition a recall or referendum, and the committee had elected to leave that as is. Ms. Dwyer also indicated they would like to add a provision that would require a councilmember to resign his seat on election day if he had chosen to run for an open seat in the election. Robert Dillard, City Attorney, addressed the council concerning the proposed changes. He indicated that the procedures and purposes for the committee would be difiicult to include in the Charter, they were lengthy and can be found in the state codes. He also indicated that it would be near impossible to get 33% of the registered voters to sign a petition, he recommended a percentage of the voters who voted in a prior election be used instead. Mr. Dillard discussed the resignation requirement for Council members, he indicated this would not serve the purpose that the committee had intended for it to serve. Discussion continued on this item, and it was agreed that the City Attorney would help word this according to state law. 4. Discussion on Planning for New City Hall Building. No Discussion 5. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 3, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicie Maintenance Kristian Lindberg, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Liz Springer, John Springer, Joe Falls, Andy Garza, Kathy Floyd, C.G. McNeill, Paul Edelman, Johnny Ray Looper, Rod Zielke, Woodrow Barton, Polly Dwyer, Beverly Howard 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order, Councilman James led the invocation, followed by Councilman Walker leading the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 20, 2006 — Workshop March 20, 2006 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. Rod Zielke, Tomlin Investments, indicated he was representing the project on the Lane and Miller property east of the High School. He indicated they had been working on this project for over a year. On October 17, 2005 the Council had encouraged them to proceed. In February 2006 the planning process had gone as far as it could go without Council input. On March 10, 2006 he submitted a revised draft for a workshop, but was told a Council member had to request that workshop be scheduled. He requested that a council member request a workshop to be held for this project. Diana Cruz, owner of Miguelito's restaurant, addressed the Council. She discussed the issue of the smoking ordinance that was passed at the previous council meeting. She discussed the amount of taxes she paid to the city and indicated that she felt she should have been given the opportunity to speak on issues that affected her business. Mustafa, owner of Hunter's Drive -In, addressed the council concerning the smoking ordinance as well. 4. Consider and Possible Action on resolution #04-05-06 —Government Capital Corporation Regarding Lease Purchase for the Purpose of Procuring a "Chipper Truck" City Manager indicated this had been typed incorrectly on the last agenda, and needed to be passed. The bid had already been awarded. Councilman James moved to approve the resolution as presented, Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 (Real Estate) . 1. Property Acquisition. Mayor convened into executive session at 7:43 p.m. 6. Reconvene into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. No action taken. 7. Possible List of li'uture Agenda Items. John Looper indicated he would like to see discussion on Rising Star Drainage Issues on the next agenda. Dan Almon indicated he would like to discuss debt service for the capital improvements. Council agreed to schedule a workshop. 8. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL APRIL 17, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Kristian Lundberg, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, David Smith, Laura Smith, Kathy Floyd, Scott Johnson, Chase Johnson, Carolyn Frazier, Elizabeth Higgs, Jan Looper, Johnny Looper, Paul Edelman, Bobby Swan, Bret Chance, Tyler Rothlisberger, Darla Rothlisberger, Roger Otwell, Ken Perry, Rod Zrielta, Vickie Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Karen Dill, Glenn Larsen, Michael Dill, Andy Garza 1. 2. 3. Call Meeting to Order Mayor Joe Higgs called Meeting to Order and led Invocation. Councilman Mike Lawler led the Pledge of Allegiance. a) Approve Minutes: b) Disbursements CONSENT AGENDA April 3, 2006 April 3, 2006 - Workshop Councilman Mike Walker tabled to allow correct set of minutes to be included. Motion Seconded by Councilman Robert Patton. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Councilman Glenn Ervin to approve disbursements, Seconded by Councilman Robert Patton. Motion Carried Unanimously. Citizen's Input. Bobby Swan, 207 Osage, addressed the City Council concerning the possibility of the City to pursue the option of providing uniform trash cans. He advised that he had contacted the trash company about the cost for this option which was a five cent difference. He asked if this could be researched by a City employee to get more information. Mr. Swan expressed that this would improve our City since the City still has an animal control problem. He asked the City Council to consider once a week pickup and a 96 gallon trash can. This would have a 50% less impact on our streets and citizens should have an option. Mayor advised City would look into this. 4. Presentation and Recognition of "Make A Difference Award" by Keep Sanger Beautiful for efforts at Community Center Park. Carolyn Frazier of Keep Sanger Beautiful addressed the City Council and recognized two other board members in attendance: Elizabeth Higgs and Peggy Sanford. Carolyn Frazier introduced Chase Johnson with his father Scott Johnson and Tyler Rothlisberger, who are freshman at Sanger High School and are both sponsored by the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints, Ms. Frazier indicated that they had started a project at Sanger Community Park, adding a new basketball goal, adding a tennis court net and a sand volleyball court. Carolyn presented them with a "Make A Difference Award" for deep appreciation for service to the community by Keep Sanger Beautiful. City Council applauded in appreciation for their efforts. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Annexation Ordinance # 04-05-06 Annexing Property Legally Described as Follows: A0029A R. BEBEE, TRACT 23, ACRES 651.478 OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 2 Mayor informed public of location of property. Motion made by Councilman Lawler to Approve Ordinance #04-05-06 Annexing Property Legally described as follows: A0029 R. BEBEE, TRACT 23, ACRES 651.478, OLD DCAD SHT 2, TR 2 Caption as follows: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion Carried Unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Drainage Issues on Rising Star and Duck Creek - John Looper. City Manager addressed this item "JULd referenced the letter the City received from Carter and Burgess. City Manager advised the County will match up to $75,000 to put culverts in on Duck Creek bridge. City Manager advised to Carter and Burgess this is not a workable solution. Issues discussed. City can remove vegetation, however, cannot alter the flood plain without conducting an engineering study. Discussed that Councilman Lawler had talked to Cynthia White and again she advised it would cost about $140,000 to put culverts in and the County would match. Mrs. John Looper addressed the City Council and Administration that the problem has been caused by all the new development. Mrs. Looper explained that the City is responsible by allowing new development to cause the problem. Mr. Looper discussed the flood plain map and the fact they have not been in a flood plain until 1986. Discussed liability. Discussed options for addressing the issue, possibly contacting FEMA to see what can bIce done. City Manger indicated he had called to see if there was any kind of program to help. He will get any information he can. This will be the individual delaing with the State, not the city. Councilman James asked if permits were received from the County. Ms. Looper indicated they were. Discussion continued on the issue. Discussion regarding culverts and drainage in Heritage West. John Springer addressed Council and asked if bridge and culverts could be built to a satisfactory standard and put on the thoroughfare plan using county funds. Mayor indicated the plan was being addressed and it would be looked at. Bobby Swan indicated there is a problem at 207 Osage as well. The drainage is a city wide problem and he felt it was due to poor planning. He indicated the state, city and county should work together to address these issues. Discussion continued. Councilman James indicated they are trying to address the issue; however, he'd like them to understand that it might not correct their problem. Their home is still in the flood plain. Discussed need for comprehensive plan. Council indicated staff should contact the County Commissioner, FEMA and Carter Burgess to find out what information they can and put this back on the next agenda. Mayor indicated he would not be present at the next meeting, advised to move to May 15" meeting. Patton moved to put this item on the May 15, 2006 agenda. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Park Board Recommendations for Improvements for Quail Run Park. John Henderson indicated the Sanger Parks Board had been working on development of Quail Run Park. They have received input from residents and have come up with a plan for the park. They were seeking Council input on the plan. Mr. Henderson showed Council the proposed park plan. Paul Eddleman indicated the retention pond area encompasses a little over 7 acres, they propose to put a children's playground portion on the side close to the homes, then to have a buffer zone with a pavilion and picnic areas, add a basketball area, and a skating area. On the North side of the retention area they propose to include parking. They are showing a walkway around the entire park area. They decided not to light the park to possibly encourage people to go home at dusk. They wanted to put something in that all people in the area could use. Also, the water retention should not affect any of the things they have proposed for the park. They have been working on this plan for about a year and have tried to think of all of the different possibilities, and feel they have come up with something that is best for everyone in the area. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Designate Two Weekdays to be Open for 12 Hours during Early Voting, Beginning May 1 and Ending May 9, 2006 (New Law: HB 2309, 791h Legislative Session). City Manager indicated the voting will be in the Council Chambers, and the recommended dates are May 4'h and May 91h. Councilman Ervin suggested doing the days consecutively, the first two days of early voting. Councilman James indicated he felt the last two days would be better. Councilman James moved to make May 8th and May 9th the two days to be open 12 hours for early voting. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Meeting Adjourned. Councilman Ervin asked how the citizen's were notified. Mr. Eddleman indicated there has been some citizen input, but they did not notify all of the homeowners. He felt they should come up with an approved plan before notifying the home owners and holding public hearings. Discussion regarding the park and notification to citizens. Citizens indicated this park is needed, and it will help get the kids off the streets. Mr. Eddleman indicated they have also checked into liability, and the City will have no liability as long as the necessary signs are posted. Glen Jensen, 129 Maned, indicated he felt this would be a drop off spot for kids and would eventually become a nuisance. He expressed concerns regarding traffic and safety. Discussion continued, citizens expressed concerns about the possibility of a skate park, but were supportive of the rest of the plan. Paul Eddleman indicated the Parks Board was looking for approval from the Council to proceed with this plan or any portion of it so that they can get started. Discussed park area and homeowner responsibility. Councilman Walker asked what the skate board ramps were made of and could they be removed. John Henderson indicated they were made of a durable plastic material, they were anchored down and could be removed. Discussion regarding parks and need to develop in other areas of the city. City Manager asked if they were requesting the Council to approve 4B funding for this project. John Henderson indicated they were. City Secretary indicated a more detailed proposal needs to be presented to 4B, and public hearings will need to be held. Councilman Walker moved to approve this allocation out of 4B as is. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. PROCLAMATION #05/01HO6 WHEREAS, today's society is finding more citizens involved in motorcycling on the roads of our county; and, WHEREAS, motorcyclists are roughly unprotected and much more likely to be injured or killed in a crash than other vehicle drivers; and; WHEREAS, campaigns have helped inform riders and motorists alike on motorcycle safety issues to reduce motorcycle related risks, injuries, and most of all fatalities, through a comprehensive approach to motorcycle safety; and, WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of all who put themselves behind the wheel, to become aware of motorcyclists, regarding them with the same respect as any other vehicle traveling the highways of this country; and, F NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joe Higgs; Mayor of the City of Sanger, Texas, do hereby proclaim the month of May as; "MOTORCYCLE SAFETY AND AWARENESS MONTH" in the City of Sanger and urge all citizens of our community to become aware of the inherent danger involved in operating a motorcycle and encourage them to give the operator the respect on the road they deserve. Passed, Approved and Adopted this day of May 2006. Joe Higgs Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez City Secretary Date: May 125 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager The attached Atmos Energy Reciprocal Agreement addresses issues concerning damage to facilities during excavation activities. If Mid -Tex (operation facility of Atmos Energy) employees damage the facilities owned by the City of Sanger within the public right of way, the City of Sanger agrees to repair at no cost to Mid -Tex. Mid -Tex will notify the City of Sanger of each occurrence. The City of Sanger agrees to the same under said agreement. 4/11/2006 Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Re: Reciprocal Agreement on Damage to Distribution Facilities Dear: Jack As we have discussed, City of Sanger and Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division (Mid -Tex) both operate facilities within the public rights -of -way of City of Sanger. On occasion, our respective employees damage those facilities during excavation activity. In order to avoid future misunderstandings concerning the responsibility for the cost of repairing facilities damaged during excavation activities, City of Sanger and Mid -Tex are entering into this reciprocal agreement concerning property damage claims. Tf Mid -Tex employees damage the facilities owned by City of Sanger within the public rights -of -way of City of Sanger, City of Sanger agrees to repair the damage to its facilities at no cost to Mid -Tex. Mi&Tex agrees to notify the appropriate official of City of Sanger as soon as reasonably possible after the occurrence of such damage. If City of Sanger employees damage the distribution facilities owned by Mid-T'ex within the public rights -of --way of City of Sanger, Mid -Tex agrees to repair the damage to its facilities at no cost to City of Sanger. City of Sanger agrees to notify the appropriate personnel of Mid=Tex as soon as reasonably possible after the occurrence of such damage. This reciprocal agreement will remain in full force and effect until one party gives written notice to the other party of termination at least 30 days prior to the proposed termination date. Any such termination will not affect either party's obligation to pay for any damage that occurs prior to the termination date. Atmos Energy Corporation 106 N. Bradshaw, Denton, TX 76205 If this reciprocal agreement is acceptable to City of Sanger, please have both copies of this letter executed by the appropriate City of Sanger official and return one fully executed copy to me. Sincerely, ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION, Wnn TEX DIVISION --L-�— ar�agex of lic Affairs AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED THIS DAY OF , 2006 By: CITY OF SANGER Printed Name: Title: Date: May 129 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Attached is the Interlocal Agreement with Denton County for collection services. Please note the only two changes in the memorandum from Steve Mossman reflects wording and an increase from $0.65 to $0.67 per statement. The Office Of STEVE MOSSMAN State and County Assessor/Collector of Taxes AD VALOREM DEPARTMENT Denton County Tax Office MOTOR VEHICLE DEPARTMENT PHONE: 940-349-3500 P.O. Box 90223 Phone: 940-349-3510 METRO: 972434-8835 Denton, Texas 76202 METRO: 972434-9810 FAX: 940-349-3501 E FAX: 940-349-3511 MAIL: steve.mossman@dentoncounty.com TO: Tax jurisdictions served by the Denton County Tax Office FROM: Steve Mossman DATE: May 1, 2006 Subject: 2006 Interlocal Agreements for Property Tax Collection Enclosed are two (2) copies of the 2006 Interlocal Agreements for Property Tax Collection. This agreement is substantially the same as it has been for several years. There are two (2) significant changes in this year's Interlocal Agreement. '—` The first is the inclusion of the paragraph relating to Property Tax Code, Section 33.11. This deals with the February notice on Personal Business Property and Manufactured Housing tax accounts. The wording mirrors the wording for Section 33.07, for May delinquent tax notices. This is detailed in Section VII, Paragraph 3. The second change is related to the charges for collection, In order to avoid majorlsudden cost adjustments for property tax collections the Commissioners' Court has asked for an. annual review of the cost justifications. Following this annual review the per statement (parcel), per October, February and Maystatement will increase from $.65 (sixty-five cents) to $ .67 (sixty-seven cents) in each jurisdiction. This is detailed in Section II, Paragraph 7 and Section VII, Paragraph 1. The Tax Office staff appreciates your continued confidence and trust. INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT -TAX COLLECTION THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2006, by and between DENTON COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," and, the City of SANGER, Denton County, Texas, also a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WHEREAS, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY mutually desire to be subject to the provisions of V.T.C.A. Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Section 6.24; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY has the authority to contract with the COUNTY for the COUNTYto act as tax assessor and collector for MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY has the authority to so act; NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements herein contained, do agree as follows: I. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the lst day of October, 2006. The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one year, from October 1, 2006, to and through September 30, 2007. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for an additional one (1) year term at the discretion of the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY, unless written notice of termination is provided by the terminating party to the other party prior to one hundred -fifty (150) days of the expiration date of the initial term of the Agreement. Page 1 of 10 I� For the purposes and consideration herein stated and contemplated, COUNTY shall provide the following necessary and appropriate services for MUNICIPALITY to the maximum extent authorized by this Agreement, without regard to race, sex, religion, color, age, disability, or national origin: 1. COUNTY, by and through its duly elected tax assessor -collector, shall serve as tax assessor -collector for MUNICIPALITY for ad valorem tax collection for tax year 2006, and each tax year for the duration of this Agreement. COUNTY agrees to perform all necessary ad valorem assessing and collecting duties for MUNICIPALITY and MUNICIPALITY does hereby expressly authorize COUNTY to do and perform all acts necessary and proper to assess and collect taxes for MUNICIPALITY. COUNTY agrees to collect base taxes, penalties, interest, and attorneys fees. 2. COUNTY agrees to prepare and mail all tax statements; provide monthly collection reports to MUNICIPALITY; prepare tax certificates; develop and maintain both current and delinquent tax rolls; meet the requirements of Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code; and to develop and maintain such other records and forms, as are necessary or required by State law, rules, or regulations. 3. COUNTY further agrees that it will calculate the effective tax rates and rollback tax rates for MUNICIPALITY and that such calculations will be provided at no additional cost to MUNICIPALITY. The information concerning the effective and rollback tax rates will be published in the form prescribed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, and as required by Section 26.04 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. It is understood and agreed by the parties that the expense of publication shall be borne by MUNICIPALITY and that COUNTY Page2of10 shall provide MUNICIPALITY's billing address to the newspaper publishing the effective and rollback tax rates. 4. COUNTY agrees, upon request, to offer guidance and the necessary forms for posting notices of required hearing and quarter -page notices as required by Sections 26.05 and 26.06 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code. Should MUNICIPALITY vote to increase its tax rate above the rollback tax rate, or more than three percent (3%) above the effective tax rate, whichever is lower, (or other limits required by current legislation) the required publication of quarter -page notices shall be the responsibility of MUNICIPALITY. 5. COUNTY agrees to develop and maintain written policies and procedures of its operation. COUNTY further .agrees to make available full information about the operation of the County Tax Office to MUNICIPALITY, and to promptly furnish written reports to keep MUNICIPALITY informed of all financial information affecting it. 6. MUNICIPALITY agrees to promptly deliver to COUNTY all records that it has accumulated and developed in the assessment and collection of taxes, and to cooperate in furnishing. or locating any -other information and records needed by COUNTY to perform its duties under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 7. COUNTY agrees to allow an audit of the tax records of MUNICIPALITY in COUNTY'S possession during normal working hours with at least 48 hours advance, written notice to COUNTY. The expense of any and all such audits shall be paid by MUNICIPALITY. A copy of any and all such audits shall be furnished to COUNTY. 8. If required by MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY agrees to obtain a surety bond for the County Tax Assessor/Collector. Such bond will be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the Tax Assessor/Collector's lawful duties, will be made .payable to Page 3 of 10 MUNICIPALITY and in an amount determined by the governing body of MUNICIPALITY. The premium for any such bond shall be borne solely by MUNICIPALITY. 9. COUNTY agrees that it will place quarter -page advertisements in newspapers serving Denton County in January, 2007, as a reminder that delinquent tax penalties will apply to all assessed taxes which are not paid by January 31, 2007. The advertisements will be printed two times in each paper between January Sth and January 25th. Delinquent tax statements itemizing all taxes due per property account will be mailed in February per V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Section 33.11 and in May per V.T.C.A., Tax Code, Section 33.07. MUNICIPALITY will pay Sixty -Seven Cents ($.67) for each delinquent tax statement. The statements will be mailed on or about May 1st. 10. COUNTY agrees that it will fax, mail or post to a secure website collection reports to MUNICIPALITY listing current taxes, delinquent taxes, penalties and interest on a aily basis between October 1, 2006 and March 31, 2007 and on a weekly basis between April 1, 2007 and September 30, 2007; provide monthly Maintenance and Operation (hereinafter referred to as "MO"), and Interest and Sinking (hereinafter referred to as "IS") collection reports; provide monthly recap reports; and provide monthly attorney fee collection reports. 11. MUNICIPALITY retains its right to select its own delinquent tax collection attorney and COUNTY agrees to reasonably cooperate with the attorney selected by MUNICIPALITY in the collection of delinquent taxes and related activities. COUNTY hereby designates the Denton County Tax Assessor/ Collector to act on behalf of the County Tax Office and to serve as Liaison for COUNTY with MUNICIPALITY. The County Tax Assessor/Collector, and/or his/her designee, shall ensure the performance of all Page 4 of 10 duties and obligations of COUNTY; shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of COUNTY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the County Tax Office employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance %J the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit %J .COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY. IV. COUNTY accepts responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all COUNTY employees and agents, sub -contractors and /or contract laborers, and for those actions of other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with COUNTY to the extent allowed bylaw. V. MUNICIPALITY accepts responsibility for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all MUNICIPALITY employees and agents, sub -contractors Al contract laborers, and for those of all other persons doing work under a contract or agreement with MUNICIPALITY to the extent allowed bylaw. VI. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that MUNICIPALITY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representatives of COUNTY. COUNTY understands and agrees that COUNTY, its employees, servants, agents, and representatives shall at no time represent themselves to be employees, servants, agents, and/or representatives of MUNICIPALITY. Page 5 of 10 VII. For the services rendered during the 2006 tax year, MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay COUNTY for the receipting, bookkeeping, issuing, and mailing of tax statements as follows: 1. The current tax statements will be mailed on or about October ZOth. This requirement will be deemed to have been met if the tax statement bears a postmark of not later than October 24th. The fee for this service will be Sixty -Seven Cents ($.67) per statement. If MUNICIPALITY does not adopt a tax rate before September 29, 2006, the tax rate for MUNICIPALITY will be set at the lower of the effective tax rate calculated for that year or the tax rate adopted by MUNICIPALITY for the preceding tax year. Before the fifth day after establishment of a tax rate under this provision, MUNICIPALITY must ratify the applicable tax rate in the manner required by Article 26.05(b) of the Texas Tax Code. 2. An additional notice will be sent during the month of March following the initial ':nailing provided that MUNICIPALITY has requested such a notice on or before February 28th. The fee for this service will be charged at the existing first class letter rate set by the United States Postal Service (currently $.39) plus a $.OS processing fee per statement. - 3. At least 30 days, but no more than .60 days, prior to April 1st, and following the initial mailing, a statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.11 of the Texas Property Tax Code will be mailed. The fee for this service will be Sixty -Seven Cents ($.67) per statement 4. At least 30 days, but no more than 60 days, prior to July lst, and following the initial mailing, a statement meeting the requirements of Section 33.07 of the Texas Property Tax Code will be mailed. The fee for this service will be Sixty -Seven Cents ($.67) per statement. (see Part II, paragraph 7) Page 6 of 10 5. In event of a successful rollback election which takes place after tax bills for MUNICIPALITY have been mailed, MUNICIPALITY agrees to pay COUNTY a programming charge of $1,000.00 and an additional postage charge at the first class letter rate (currently z0v) plus a $.05 processing fee per statement to comply with Property Tax Code Section 26.07 (f) and (g). Property Tax Code Section 26.07 requires refunds to be sent to those taxpayers who have already paid and requires a corrected statement to be sent to those taxpayers who have not yet paid their taxes. 6. MUNICIPALITY understands and agrees that COUNTY will bill MUNICIPALITY following each mailing for which charges are permitted. Payment is due upon receipt of the statement. 7. MUNICIPALITY further understands and' agrees that COUNTY (at its sole discretion) may increase or decrease the amounts charged to MUNICIPALITY for any renewal 'rear of this Agreement, provided that COUNTY gives written notice to MUNICIPALITY sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of the initial term of the Agreement. VIII. COUNTY agrees to remit all taxes, penalties, and interest collected on MUNICIPALITY'S behalf and to deposit such funds into the MUNICIPALITY'S depositories as designated: 1. For deposits of tax, penalties, and interest, payment shall be wire transfer or by check sent by mail to MUNICIPALITY's accounts only, and segregated into the appropriate MO and IS accounts. 2. If MUNICIPALITY uses the same depository as COUNTY, the deposits of tax, penalty and interest shall be by deposit transfer. Page 7 of 10 3. In anticipation of renewal of this Agreement, COUNTY further agrees that from October 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007, deposits will be made daily and from April 1, 20075 through September 30, 2007, deposits will be made weekly. For end of month reporting, there will be a deposit made at the end of each month. It is expressly understood, however, that this obligation of COUNTY shall not survive termination of this Agreement, whether by termination by either party or by failure of the parties to renew this Agreement. IX. In the event of termination, the withdrawing party shall be obligated to make such payments as are required by this Agreement through the balance of the tax year in which notice is given. COUNTY shall be obligated to provide services pursuant to this Agreement, during such period. X. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and/or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended .only by written instrument signed by the governing bodies of both MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY or those authorized to sign on behalf of those governing bodies. XI. Any and all written notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be delivered or mailed to the listed addresses: COUNTY: County Judge of Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Telephone 940-349-2820 MUNICIPALITY: The City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Telephone: 94045 &793 0 Contact: Rose Chavez XII. MUNICIPALITY hereby designates to act on behalf of MUNICIPALITY, and to serve as Liaison for MUNICIPALITY to ensure the performance of all duties and obligations of MUNICIPALITY as stated in this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY's designee shall devote sufficient time and attention to the execution of said duties on behalf of MUNICIPALITY in full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the MUNICIPALITY employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and/or laborers, if any, in the furtherance of the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of MUNICIPALITY and COUNTY. XIII. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XIV. The undersigned officers and/or agents of the parties are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the parties. Each party hereby certifies to the other that -any resolutions necessary for this Agreement have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. Page 9 of 10 Executed in duplicate originals this, COUNTY Denton County 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 BY: Honorable Mary Horn Denton County Judge ATTEST: BY: Cynthia Mitchell Denton County Clerk day of 2006. MUNICIPALITY The City %J Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 APPROVED FORM AND CONTENT: Steve Mossman Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector Page 10 of 10 BY: Title. ATTEST: Name_ Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: Denton County Assistant District Attorney Date: May 129 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Attached are Staff reports from our Economic Development Director, Cecile Carson, who will be at the meeting to address any questions. Item #8, which is the resolution for funding, authorizing the filing of a project application with the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Items #9 & #10 are for approval of the Comprehensive Master Plan and to appoint a Steering Committee. City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Approval of Resolution related to submittal of NCTCOG Solid Waste Local Project Grant DATE: May 15, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City of Sanger is eligible to submit a request for funds to implement local projects related to the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding Program. The City will submit, by the June 16, 2006, one of more grant applications for funding of public education of solid waste handling and illegal dumping, employment of a code enforcement officer to provide education to the community as well as enforcement illegal dumping, litter and trash and debris code violations, support the efforts of Keep Sanger Beautiful and educate Sanger youth. The grant does not require matching funds but budgeted amounts for publications and projects will be used to show sustainable support for the projects. A resolution for the entity seeking funding is a requirement. ACTION: Approval of resolution RESOLUTION #05-06-06 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER AUTHOR►Z►NG THE FILING OF A PROJECT APPLICATION WITH THE NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FOR A REGIONAL SOLID WASTE PROGRAM LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT AND PLEDGING THAT IF FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT IS RECEIVED CITY OF SANGER WILL COMPLY WITH ALL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCOG, TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYAND THE STATE OF TEXAS. WHEREAS, the North Central Texas Council of Governments is directed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to administer solid waste project funds for the implementation of NCTCOG's adopted SEE Less Trash Regional Solid Waste Management Plan; and WHEREAS, City of Sanger in the State of Texas is qualified to apply for project funds under the Request for Project Applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY CITY OF SANGER IN TEXAS; 1. That Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development, is authorized to request project funding under the North Central Texas Council of Governments' Request for Project Applications of the Regional Solid Waste Local Project Funding Program and act on behalf of City of Sanger in all matters related to the project application and any subsequent project contract that may result. 2. That if the project is funded, City of Sanger will comply with the requirements of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State of Texas. 3. The project funds and any project -funded equipment or facilities will be used only for the purposes for which they are intended under the project. 4. That activities will comply with and support the adopted regional (and local) solid waste management plans adopted for the geographical area in which the activities are performed. PASSED AND APPROVED by City Council in Sanger, Denton County, Texas, on this the day of , 2006.. Joe Higgs, Mayor Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Approval of Distribution of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Comprehensive Master Plan ITEM: Consideration of the Appointment of a Comprehensive Master Plan Steering Committee DATE: May 15, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City of Sanger is located in a rapidly growing Metroplex area with numerous planning issues related to transportation, land development, utilities and economic development. The most current Comprehensive Plan is dated December 1987. The Request for Proposal will seek qualified consulting firms to assist in the creation of a new planning document. The firms replying to the Request for Proposal shall provide the following information over a 16- 18 month process: • Analysis of Existing Conditions and Growth Projections • Public Participation • Preservation and Aesthetic Quality • Transportation Infrastructure • Future Land Use Planning • Community Utilities • Economic Development • Parks and Recreation • Environmental Considerations The proposal shall be submitted by June 23, 2006. The City Council shall appoint a Steering Committee of six (6) members that will be responsible for selecting the firm and monitoring the project. The selection meeting is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 10, 2006. ACTION: Approval of the distribution of the Request for Proposal for a Comprehensive Master Plan ACTION: Appointment of a six (6) member Steering Committee City of Sanger Request for Proposals (RFP) Comprehensive Master Plan The city of Sanger is soliciting requests for lump sum proposals for a comprehensive master plan. Sanger is currently operating under the 1987 Comprehensive Plan. The city is seeking qualified consulting firms to assist in the creation of a new planning document to guide the vision of Sanger related to growth management issues. The budget range for this project will depends on proposals submitted by estimated at $451000-$751000. BACKGROUND Sanger, on Interstate Highway 35 approximately 49 miles north of Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex in north central Denton County, was founded in 1886 as a stop on the Santa Fe Railroad. Sanger is located centrally in Denton County, is home to approximately 6,200 residents. The City is seeing increasing pressures from the outward expansion of DFW and its superb location. SCOPE OF SERVICES This Comprehensive Master Planning process is proposed to be completed over a 1&18 month period, to encompass all growth, planning and development issues and to include all relevant studies on local, county and state levels. The City Staff will be the direct day-to-day contact point for the selected firm. An appointed Steering Committee of six Sanger City officials and residents will guide the policy aspects of the project. This project will include the following major areas of study, but will also take into consideration other aspects of planning and development that are consistently referred to as comprehensive master planning. • Analysis of Existing Conditions and Growth Projections This project will begin with a series of data collection and reporting to the Steering Committee on the existing conditions of the Community. This should include breakdowns on population, housing, income and other relevant demographics. Existing research data completed for the City of Sanger and Sanger Independent School may be used to assist in the completion of this item. • Public Participation This project will include a thorough public participation process, including a community visioning session and statistically valid Community survey. The selected firm will be expected to execute the survey as well as provide a statistical report on the entire survey, and provide an executive summary of key observations based upon the cross tabulation formulas to the Steering Committee. The results of this survey will then be reported at a City of Sanger City Council public hearing. The selected firm will perform three community meetings for involvement and participation. These meetings are not intended to be presentations, but rather an opportunity for the public to be actively engaged in the process which may include the survey process. These meetings are up to the discretion of the selected firm but it is suggested that these meetings take place in the beginning, middle and end of the project. The finalized plan will also be presented to the Community in a meeting of the City of Sanger City Council. • Preservation and Aesthetic Quality The Comprehensive Master Plan will take into consideration the historic residential and commercial structures and develop strategies to ensure the design and aesthetic quality continues through the implementation of the Plan. The Plan will include strategies and recommendation for the redevelopment of downtown Sanger. City of Sanger RFP — Comprehensive Master Plan Page 2 of 4 • Transportation Infrastructure This project has been partly spurred by the expansion of the 1-35 and the Comprehensive Master Plan should take into consideration the expansion plans for the k35 corridor, widening of FM 455 and any additional improvement plans by TXDOT which could have direct impact on the growth and development of Sanger. Non -motorized methods of transportation, walkability and pedestrian movements are an important element to the City of Sanger community and should also be considered. Priority will be given to the creation of the transportation plan. • Future Land Use The future development of the Community will be based upon a series of projections provided by the selected firm, the projections performed by the Sanger ISD, and existing documents created for the City of Sanger. These projections will be used to create the Future Land Use Map for the City of Sanger. In addition to the Map, the selected firm will provide a series of goals, objectives and implementation steps to all the relevant topics of this plan and provide strategies to other applicable topics, such as sustainable development, community design and housing. This portion of the project will provide the Community with a framework and guide for the implementation of the plan. • Community Utilities In conjunction with this project, the City of Sanger will be completing a Plan for the expansion of the wastewater facilities. The City of Sanger will provide documentation from the proposed expansion of the waste waster treatment facility. The Plan is not part of the scope of services for the Comprehensive Master Plan, however the selected firm should be prepared to incorporate this document into the project. The project will develop proposal for the expansion of City of Sanger utilities service which includes water and electric service. • Economic Development This project will include strategies to enhance the property tax base for the Sanger area. The Community has been working with the School Board and the Chamber of Commerce to foster new ideas in providing additional tax revenue. This project will consider strategies that may be implemented by the Sanger Texas Industrial Development Board (funded by 4A sales tax), Sanger Texas Development Corporation (funded by 4B sales tax), the Chamber of Commerce and the City. • Parks and Recreation Sanger strives to promote and maintain the use of open space and recreational opportunities. The Community has worked toward creating new recreational opportunities for the residents and visitors. This plan will take into consideration the existing park and recreation infrastructure and indicate areas for improvement and expansion. This should also include future steps for connecting Sanger 2s parks and recreation systems with those planned systems in Denton County, Lake Ray Roberts, and other neighboring Communities. • Environment Considerations The Community's environmental features will be placed as a priority to this project. This Plan will encompass all the existing environmental features and provide a framework and strategies for the future protection of these sensitive natural features. • Digital Mapping All mapping for the project will be done both on paper and in a digital format. At the end of the project, the selected firms will submit all relevant map project files (.mxd) and all relevant shapefiles (.shp) to the City for future use. These maps include but are not limited to future land use, current land use, transportation, infrastructure and park and recreation facilities. City of Sanger RFP — Comprehensive Master Plan Page 3 of 4 It will be expected at the end of this project, the selected firm will submit final plans to the City in both hard copy (minimum 25) and digital forms. The submitted materials should include: • Future land use map and all digital files associated with the project • Final document, which will include goals and objectives for each of the critical areas of this project including but not limited to Land Use, Transportation, Redevelopment of Downtown, Community/Public Facilities including parks, Economic Development, and Utilities. • Any recommended changes to the existing zoning codes of the City of Sanger. This is not meant to be a zoning code update, but it is expected that generalized recommendations will be presented to the City • All presentation and printed materials for all public and steering committee meetings These listed submittals are the minimum required deliverables, but will not be the complete list of deliverables on the project. The selected consultant and steering committee for the project will finalize the list of deliverables at a later date. The selected firm will also be required to submit monthly progress reports that will document what has been completed, what is still to be completed and any anticipated problems. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS A selection committee using the same evaluation criteria shall evaluate all proposals. Based upon the evaluation of the submitted proposals, the selection committee will select no less than three (3) firms to perform formal presentations to the Steering Committee and/or City of Sanger City Council. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 10, 2006. The proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: • Technical Approach The selected firm will have shown a thorough work plan and schedule that will meet or exceed the project scope as listed in this RFP. This evaluation will be based upon the scope agreed to by the Sanger City Council and created by the administrative staff. • Qualifications of Consultant The selected firm will have shown an experienced background in similar communities and on similar projects. This evaluation will be based upon references from previous projects, success and reputations of previous projects and experience and qualifications of key personnel. • Cost Project cost estimates must be included with the proposal, including a detailed breakdown of cost associated with project tasks and deliverables. City of Sanger RFP — Comprehensive Master Plan Page 4 of 4 SUBMISSION In order to be considered, ten (10) copies of the proposals and one (1) digital copy should be submitted to the City of Sanger to the attention of Cecile Carson no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, June 23, 2006. Proposals should include: • Work Plan/Scope of Services Detailed Timeline for completion of project • Statement of Qualifications, Relevant Experience and Key Personnel Minimum of three (3) professional references of similar scope including project description, cost, time to completion and contact information. • Detailed Cost Breakdown To inquire about the project, please contact Cecile Carson, City of Sanger at the contact information below. Sanger reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, and is not responsible for any costs incurred by the Consultant in responding to this RFP. Contact Information Cecile Carson Director of Economic Development ccarson(speednet. com Direct Phone: 940-230-6035 Phone: 940458-7930 ext 38 Fax: 940458-4072 www.sangeredc.com Mailing Address: City of Sanger PO Box 1729 Sanger, Tx 76266 Shipping Address City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Tx 76266 Date: May 125 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Mike Frater, Electric Superintendent has requested that Council consider raising this rate. Attached are cost comparisons between CoSery and the City of Denton. Mike Prater will be at the meeting to address any questions. ORDINANCE 05-06-06 THAT APPENDIX A - FEE SCHEDULE SECTION 4.180 GUARD LIGHT RATES, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Appendix A -Fee Schedule, Section 4.180 Guard Light Rates of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 4.1800 Guard Light Rates (a) 100W H.P.S.: $8.62 per month plus a set usage of 55 kwh at the current rate. (b) 400W H.P.S. Directional flood light: $14.39 per month plus a set usage of 160 kwh at the current rate. (c) 100W Metal halide flood light: $26.04 per month." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.1002 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULL' PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 1.3 day of May A.D., 2004, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Joe Higgs, Mayor Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary P62 MEMO Date: April 17, 2006 To: Jack Smith, City Manager Rose Chavez, Asst. City Manager From: Mike Prater Re• SecurityLights I am requesting we revise our City Ordinance for the charge of security lights as follows: 150W-$8.62 400W - $14.39 This would be the base rate. Then we would add the set kwh usage as follows: 150W-SS kwh 400W - 160 kwh And charge the current PCRF for each kwh. Please put me on the next agenda for City Council. j / e MEMO Date: April 6, 2006 To: Jack Smith, City Manager Rose Chavez, Asst. City Manager From: Mike Prater Re: Securitg Lights I am suggesting we review security light charges based on Brazos Electric's latest Benchmark rates and fluctuating Fuel charges. I will provide estimated cost for 150 Watt, 400 Watt security lights and cost comparisons for the surrounding area. City of Denton 100W $8.14 + 48 kwh x current perf = $11.98 250W $10.76 + 105 kwh x current perf = $19.16 400W $12.97 + 159 kwh x current perf = $25.69 Current perf is $ .08 and changes every 3 months. CoSery 150W $8.80 + 55 kwh x current perf = $11.00 400W $15.45 + 160 kwh x current perf = $21.85 Current perf is $ .04 City of Saner 150W $7.62 400W $14.75 Date: May 12, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Mgr. Re: Item #lam Resolution # OS-07-06 Annexations The attached Resolution is setting the date, time and place for Public Hearings on said property. Please find attached map with location of site. In talking with Samantha, she advised that we can only annex 65 more acres after this annexation. This annexation is approximately 30 acres. RESOLUTION NO.05-07-06 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7900 P.M. on June 5, 2006 and June 19, 2006 for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: A. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A LOT 1 B. ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 331, BEING 26.971 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS PASSED AND APPROVED, this 15" day of May, 2006 Mayor, Joe Higgs Attest: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Page I of 1 etreral raicarrr7atian New FAQ Searches � Property IQ Search � Account Search � Otivner Searcl7 � Address Search � History Datasheet Other a Taxing Units Abstracts � Subdivisions Reports ® Resources and Forms : Supplements e Employment a Online Maps/GIS Appraisal Analysis e GIS Help 2005 Tax Rates a Public Notices Data � Disclaimer History Denton Central Appraisal District WORK TN PROGRESS Values are a work in progress and may change at any time. Property Detail Sheet (R201511) GIS M Im Datasheet Owner Information Owner ID: 0361286 Owner Name: EDMONDS INV INC ETAL Owner Address: 2400 FM 2181 CORINTH,TX 76210=2114 Property Address: MARION RD Parcel Information Legal Description: NL HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 1 Acreage: Cross Reference: SS0179A-00000A-0000-0001-0000 Undivided Interest: 100% Exemption Codes: AG (Agriculture Use) Entity Codes: G01 (Denton County) S14 (Sanger ISD) W04 (Clearcreek Watershed Authority) Deed Type: Warranty Deed Deed Book: Deed Page: 00-84134 Map Page: Values Breakdown Land HS: Land NHS: Improvement HS: Improvement NHS: Ag Market: Ag Use: Timber Market: Timber Use: Assessed: ID Type 2gg6 Preliminary Value $0 + $0 + $0 + $0 + $29,357 $347 + $0 $0 + $347 = 6tiC�3 Land Acre Land1 PI (Improved Pasture) D1 (D1 -Acreage Ranch Land) 3.15� $ 29,357 http://www.dentoncad.com/Appraisal/PublicAccess/PropertyDetail.aspx?PropertyID=2760... 5/12/2006 Page 1 of 1 t erteral 6rrfcr;��atian News FACE Searches � Property ID Search Account Searcli � Owner Search � Address Search I Me s History Datasheet Other Taxing Units Abstracts � Subdivisions : Reports � Resources and Forms : Supplements o Employment o Online Maps/GIS o Appraisal Analysis e GIS Help e 2005 Tax Rates � Public Notices � GIS Data � Disclaimer History Denton Central Appraisal District WORK IN PROGRESS Values area work in progress and may change at any time. Property Detail Sheet (R84530) GIS Map Datasheet Owner Information Owner ID: 0498037 Owner Name: FALLS FAMILY PARTNERS LTD Owner Address: 4489 MCREYNOLDS RD SANGER,TX 76266=5708 Property Address: MCREYNOLDS RD Parcel Information Legal Description: A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 331, ACRES 26.971, OLD DCAD SHT 1,TR1 Acreage: 26.971 Cross Reference: A1241A-000=0331-0000 Undivided Interest: 100% Exemption Codes: AG (Agriculture Use) Entity Codes: G01 (Denton County) S14 (Sanger ISD) W04 (Clearcreek Watershed Authority) Deed Type: Special WD Deed Book: Deed Page: 02-168889 Map Page: Values Breakdown Land HS: Land NHS: Improvement HS: Improvement NHS: Ag Market: Ag Use: Timber Market: Timber Use: Assessed: Type 2006 Preliminary Value $0 + $0 + $0 + $0 + $5%336 $5,664 + $0 $0 + $5,664 = SPTB Land Land1 C2 (Cropland II) D3 03 -Farmland) Acre 26.9 $ 59,336 http ://www. dentoncad. com/Appraisal/PublicAccess/PropertyD etail. aspx?PropertyID=4070... 5/ 12/2006 Date: May 12, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Asst. City Manager Re: Item #13 -IESI Cart Fees I have attached a letter from Mr. Bulaich concerning the cart fees. At the last Council Meeting, the Council instructed staff to get information concerning these rates. I have also attached the Municipal Service Agreement from IESI. Please refer to Page 2 (ii) in the Agreement where the contractor is required to pick up solid waste that is in plastic bags. Also, included is a survey of solid waste services in the Metroplex area. 04/13/2006 15:24 15122396412 111I PAGE 01/01 lE � GorForatio" May 10, Zoos Rose Chavez, City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266=1,729 lam+ : Ca�rks Acar Ms Chavez: Rose, ) am sorry about the delay getting titis information. 1 time per week pick-up with carts would. he $9.67 2 times per week pick-up with carts would he $l146 We would be using the sane size truck (25 yd. rear load) to dump tlae Darts. We truly value and. appreciai:e your business. Sincerely, Norm Bulaich Municipal Market Manager 4001 Old Denton Rd, Fark Worth, Texas 75117 (817) 547�9014 AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL SERVICE AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL SERVICE AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is entered into this Z rti day of A/ o vGrw to z r 2002, by and between IESI TX Corporation (". ESI") and the City of Sanger, Texas ("City"), to be effective as of the date the last party affixes its signature to the Amendment. WHEREAS, IESI and City entered into a Municipal Service Agreement dated January 1, 1999, for the collection, transportation and disposal of waste in the City ("the Agreement"); WHEREAS, the Agreement was modified by written amendment at least one time prior to this Amendment; and WHEREAS, the City and IESI desire to extend the term of the Agreement for a period of ten (10) years in exchange for the sale of a piece of property owned by IESI to the City; NOW TI�REFORE, for the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows, 1. Amendments to the Municipal Service Agreement. The parties hereby agree to amend certain provisions of the Municipal Service Agreement as follows: (a) Section 2 (B) of the Municipal Service Agreement is hereby amended and restated, effective as of the Effective Date, in its entirety to read as follows: "The initial five (5) year term of this Agreement shall automatically be extended for a period of ten (10) years from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013. This extension is based on the agreement of IESI to sell the City a 2 acre tract of land desirable to the City for a price agreed upon by the parties. " 2. Consideration. In consideration of the above amendment to the contract, IESI agrees to sell to City for $10 the 2 acre parcel of land more fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. This sale shall occur three (3) days after the signing of this amendment by an authorized representative of the City of Sanger. The real property shall be transferred to the City via Special Warranty Deed from IESI. 3. Effect of this Agreement. This Amendment shall amend the Municipal Service Agreement only to the extent expressly specified above; otherwise the provisions of the Municipal Service Agreement remain in full force and effect. 4. Governing Law. This Amendment shall be deemed to be a contract made under, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to conflicts of law. o 5. Section Headings. The headings in this Amendment have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be deemed to limit or otherwise affect the construction of any provisions thereof or hereof. 6. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. It is not necessary that each party hereto execute the same counterpart, so long as identical counterparts are executed by all parties. 7. Entire Agreement. This Amendment constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. IN W111NE33 WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Amendment as of the day and year first above written. IESI TX CORPORATION, a Texas corporation Jeff eciMWVicerresiderit Date: ZA149 Y E THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS By: Name: Title: Date: // -D-Z - 2 DEC 29 '98 10�35 FR NICHOLS JCK50N DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404ttH418U N.02111 UCU, CO, 1�d CUM nULT, UM h rIALLMAN Olt 010SIOU IN. lIyq r. U l t MMCIPAL SERIUM1 THIS AGIZIiEM1±NT made of%etive this lst day of January, 1999 by and between IESI TX CORPORATION, a Texas Corporation ("contractor") and the CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ("City"), WITNESS>✓TH WI'11✓1�AS, Contractor is engaged in the business of providing cornrn�ercial and residential solid waste removal; and WHEREAS, City desires to have Contractor perfozlm such solid waste removal services to the residents within its legal boundaries; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and considerations herein contained, City and Contractor hereby agree as follows: 1. ExcIusive Rieht. City hereby grams to Contractor the exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services for residential dwellings and all commercial businesses wimin the City's legal boundaries as they exist as of the date hereof and as may be extended during the term of this Agreement. Curbside recycling will be included should City decide to include it in the services. A. The initial term of this Agmement shall be for a period of fsve (5) years commencing on January 2, 1999 and terminating on December 31, 2003, subject to extension as provided in Paragraph 2.B. below. E, The initial five (5) year terns of this Agreement will be extended automatically for successive 5 year renewal terms unless written notice of non -renewal ig delivered by either party to the other party at least ninety (90) days before the end of the initial term or the then current renewal term. The initial term, together with any renewal terms, are referred to herein collectively as the "Term". 1bi12�A 3. Covenants of Contractor. Contractor agrees to perform the following Services during the Term: A. Residential Collection. (i) Residential collection shall be twice a week, except for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, July 4th, New Years bay, Memorral Day, aml Labor Day. If a collection day falls on one of those holidays, collection shall occur on 1 DEC 28 '9B 17:02 817 B78 9280 PAGE.02 DEC 29 ' 9)b JU: �J`J f K N1 UHUL`J JUKSUN VLL..KV Z14 7OJ YJUIU I U 17" U4JO"IOU r . U, )/ 11 DEG, 28. 1998 4:48FM KELLY, HART & HALLMAN 817 878MU NU, lly4 F, .i/11 the next regular collection day. Hours of collection shall commence not earlier than 7;00 a.m. and conclude no later than S:QO p.m. on the collection day. WMMV (ii) Contractor shall be required to pick up only solid waste that is in plastic ba s (not to exceed 30 gallons) or bundles approved by Contractor (not to exceed 40 pounds and 3 feet in leng ), UMMV OR) Contractor will place in the City (in the downtown area, cemetery and City parks) receptacles for trash collection as mutually agreed by City and Contractor, In addition, Contractor will, upon reasonable request by City, provide temporary placement of up to four 30 yard roll -off trash containers annually at no charge to the City for special events sponsored by the City and located within the City, each to be pulled one time annually at no charge to the City; Rrovided however, that City will be charged $341.20 for each additional container or collection pull. City will provide the necessary security for such receptacles to assure that (a) use of the same is restricted to bonafide City residents, and (b) abuse of Contractors equipment by vandals is prevented (i.e., fire, paint, spraying, etc.) City will reimburse Contractor for the reasonable cost of repair or replacement of any such receptacles that are stolen, damaged or destroyed while provided for use in the City. B. Conztnercial Co lection. Commercial collection, including multiple unit dwellings of four (4) or more units and all businesses (commercial and/or industrial establishments), are to be serviced on an "As -Needed" basis. The solid waste receptacle used by any commercial customer shall be used at the sole expense of such commercial customer. Hand pick up customers shall use a 9600gallon container provided by Contractor. The hours of collection for commercial services shall commence not prior to 6,00 a.m. aril conclude not later than 9:00 p,m. on each day except for Christmas Day and other holidays as authorized by the City. Apartments and/or multi -family residences will be collected between 7.00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on each collection day. C. franchise Fee, Contractor will pay monthly to City arz amount equa! to six percent (6%) of its monthly gross receipts for its commercial collections within the City ("Franchise Fee") which represents a charge for use of the City's streets. A. Due Care. Contractor sisal] exercise reasonable care to protect and preserve public and private property including City streets and parking areas while performing its services hereunder. Vehicles used by the Contractor in performing its residential services hereunder shall not zigzag from one side of a residential street to the other. E. Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall maintain general liability insurance in the amount of $3,000,000.00 in the aggregate. The City shall be named as aA additional insured on such policy and such policy will contain a provision that the insurar will not cancel the policy without giving the City thirty (30) days' written notice, F_ hndemnification. Contractor shall indernztify and hold harmless City and its agents against any and all claizzts, including attorney fees, for injury uz persons or property z62127,4 2 DEG 28 '9A �,7=03 81? e78 9280 PAGE.@3 DEC 29 ' 9B 10:35 FR NI CHULS JCKSUN ULLKV d14 'jb5 eele l u 174104Jtf41tfb r. uq/ 11 S/CL. to, I�yD 4.40NA AtLLt, 11RA1 61 BHLLMR11 611 6/1}`JM NU. IIV14 Y, 4/11 which result from the acts or omissions of Contractor (or Contractor's employees or agents) in the performance of this Agreement, City shall promptly notify Contractor in writing of any claim for Which City claims it is entitled to indemnification hereunder, and Contractor shall have the right to defend such claim walla attorneys of its choosing. G. Geneica Conditions: (i) Contractor shall not deny employment to any person for reasotas of race, creed, national origin or religion in violation of any applicable law. Employees of the Contractor shall at all times carry a valid Texas Operator's j ice^we applicable to the type of vehicle that such employee is operating. (ii) Contractor shall not liner any zesidential or couair>ercial dwelling in the process of performing its services hereunder; provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required to collect any solid waste material that has not been placed in plastic trash bags, approved ,containers, or bundled (as described above). In the event of spillage by Contractor, the Contractor shall properly clean up any and all litter. (iii) l`Iazardous waste (as defined in applicable law), body waste, dead ataa,�t►,.als, abandoned vehicles, parked vehicles, large equipment and parts thereto will not be required to be collected by Contractor unless Contractor agrees in writing to collect such items. Contractor shall collect appliances and other "white goods" once per month at no additional charge, except for refrigerators and air conditioning units containing freon. The freon must be removed by a certified technician and tagged or customer Will be required to pay a $15.00 fee to have Contractor handle the removal. Special Waste as defined on Contractor's Definition of Special 'Waste, Schedule A attached hereto, shall not be collected unless a separate Special Waste service agreement is executed between Contractor and the generator of such Special Waste, and a rate negotiated for any extra disposal charges. (iv) Contractor shall have on hand, at all times, sufficient equipment to permit Contractor to adequately and efficiently perform its duties hereunder. Solid waste collection equipment shall be of the enclosed load packer type and shall be kept in good repair and working order. Contractor shall have reserve equipment available that can be put into service and operation in case of any breakdown of its equipment. (v) Title to all solid waste materials getaErated within the Cary shall vest in Contractor upon loading into Contractor's vehicles. 4. Covenants of the City. city agrees as follows: A. City will remit all amounts billed to zesidential, co.*tlmercial null indusu5al customers to Gonuactor by the tenth (10th) of each month com=raencing in February i�99. B. City will provide the Contractor with confiitmation of all Zesideratial annd commercial customers to be served by Contractor on a rnozathly basis. 3 DEC 28 '9B 17:03 DEC 29 ' 98 10 36 FR N I CHOLS JCK50N llLLKll 214 yb5 b010 I U 174F�4�tS41YSt� r. n�/ u uet,. CO, I y 0 4.4yrIM1 AELL 1, 11RA 1 & r1HLLMRII 01 1 0 I0y10U IVU, C. City will collect all state and local taxes due on the services provided by Contractor hereunder and will remit all such amounts due to the appropriate authorities, D. City grants to Contractor the right to pursue any cause of action Contractor may have against any third party for interfering with the Contractor's exclusive right and obligation to provide solid waste collection services hereunder. Contractor shall be entitled to pursue such remedies without notice to City, E_ i?aymertt for Services Rendered. City Shall pay to Contractor for its services rendered pursuant to Paragraph 3 above, the amount calculated each month in accordance with the Rate Schedule attached hereto as Schedule B. adjusted as follows: (i) Effective on the first anniversary date of this Agreement and each subsequent anniversary date, the rates shown on Schedule B will be increased by an amount equal to the sum of (x) 2% and (y) the percentage increase, if any, in the CPI (defined below) for the month of December immediately preceding the adjustment date and the month of December 1998. "CPI" as used herein sha11 mean the revised Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CP143), all items, published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics 1982-1984 100, In the event of the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics ceases to publish the CPI, the parties hereto agree to substitute another equally authoritative measure of change in the purchasing power of the U. S. dollar as may be then available so as to carry out the intent of this provision. (ii) Contractor shall additionally be paid. the amount of any increase in landfill disposal costs or fees incurred by Contractor upon presentation by Contractor of evidence of such increase and approval by the City Council of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (iii) A11 payments to be paid to Contractor shall be for services provided to the City at the time such services are rendered, and shall be paid out of revenues derived during the fiscal year in which such services are rendered, F. Payment of Taxes_ The rates shown on Schedule B do not include state and local taxes, which shall be added to the amounts billed by City to Contractor's customers and remitted by the City to the appropriate taxing authorities. Payments by City to Contractor sSall be net of such taxes. All solid waste disposal or other landfill or disposal fees currently charged by the state are included in the rates shown on Schedule B and shall be paid by Contractor. G. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, Contractor shall always have the right to petition the City for rate changes which Contractor requests by reason of extraordinary changes in its costs of operations as required by changes in the law or other regulation imposed upon Contractor, Contractor shall present satisfactory written documentation of such extraordinary increase in operating costs. Any such increase in rates necessitated by such cost increases Shall be mutually agreed upon between City and Contractor; provided, aetlxr.e n DEC 28 ' 98 1?= 03 Rt 7 G7Gt g7CJCa onr_r nc DEC 29 398 10:36 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 lu 1y4b451341tib t'wUbi11 DES Zii. 1996 4:49Pm KELLY, HART & HALLMAN 817 8789280 N4, 1194 P. 6/11 however, such increases, if sufficiently justified as being extraordinary and beyond the normal operational control of Contractor, shall not be unreasonably denied by City. 5. General Provisions. A. Mod' ication. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto, and shall not be n?odif1Pd, altered, changed or amended in any respect except in writing signed by both parties hereto. B. Governing X aw. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. C. Effect. This Agreemern shall be binding upon ar.� i>nlre to tlse benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. �_ Assi�ent. This Agreement may not be assigned by the Co>atractor without the written consent of the City, which consent shall not be urireasoriably vaithl'xld. E. Sanitary Landfill in Saneer's ETJ. A,s part of the comsit%ration herein, the Contractor agrees that during the Term of this Municipal Service Agreement, the Contractor will not build, establish or operate a sanitary landfill within the exttaterritorial jurisdiction area of the City. [the remainder of this page is intentionally left blank] 2H2127.4 DEC 28 '98 i7:Gta ^•^ ^--� ��-- --- DEC 29 198 10836 FR NIC:HULS JUKSUN VLLKll UEU. Ltl. MO 4:4� K hULC, HAKi & nALLMHIt �14 7bD l' UJU 1 U 1'Z1gUgD0c410U r . ejo� 11 nir dld?Ou W ►ty4 r. d/11 SCHEDULE A CONDOR CTOIt'S DEFINITION OF SPECIAL WASTE I. "Special Waste" means any waste meeting any of the following descriptions; a. Containerized waste (e.g., a drum bazrel1 portable tank, box, pall, etc.). b. Waste transported in a bulk tanker. e. Liquid waste. d. Sludge waste. e, Waste from an industrial process. f. Waste from a pollution control process. g. Residue and debris from the cleanup of a spill oz release of chemical substances, commercial products or wastes listed in a. - f_ or h. h. Contaminated soil, water, residue, debris and articles from the clean up of a site or facility formerly used for the geueration, storage, treatment, recycling, reclamation or disposal of wastes listed in a. - g. i. "Miscellaneous Special 'Waste^ as defined in paragraph 2 of this Contractor's Definition of Special Waste. 2. "Miscellaneous Special Waste" -Any waste meeting the descripdons wbiclt #ollow is a "special waste," but is referred to as "miscellaneous special waste"; a. Chemical waste froze a laboratory. (This is limited � discarded. containers of laboratory chemicals, lab equipment, lab clothing, �bris from Iab spills or cleanup and floor sweepings). b. Articles, equipment and clothing containing or contaminated withi polychior3nated biphenyls ("PCB"s). (Examples are: capacitors or transfozxners containing PCB, gloves or aprons from draining operations, empty drums that formerly held PCB's, etc. Note: PCB solids, semi -solids or liquids delivered in bulk or drums are not "miscellaneous special waste", but are "special waste".) c. "Empty" containers of waste commercial products or chemicals, (This applies to a portable container which has been emptied, but whch may }sold t�esiduals of the product or chemical. Examples of containers are: portable tanks, drums, barrels, cans, bags, liners, etc. A container shall be determined "empty" according to the criteria specified at 40 C.P.R. 26L?), sr�Ix�.a DEC 28 '98 17�04 DEC 29 '98 :+4v. GU. l JJU 10*37 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 yb5 eele iu 1'JQUQ5tf41dU r.n7/11 @, JUiM 1%ree 6LO I, IiA1kI U [ln LLit All U I I UlUy L U U IV V. II 4 r, J/II 262127.4 d. Asbestos containing waste from building demolition or cleaning. (This applies to asbestos-beazing waste insulation materials, such as wall board, wall spray coverings, pipe insulation, etc. Note: "special waste, " but not a "miscellaneous special waste"). e. Commercial products or chemicals: 0114pec_ificauon, outdated; contaminated or banned. (This also includes products voluntarily removed from the market place by a manufacturer or distributor,t.*n response to allegations of adverse health effects associated with product use), f, Residue and debris #from cleanup of spills or releases oY a single chemical substance or commercial product or a single waste which would otherwise qualify as a miscellaneous special waste, (Note: residue and debris from spills or releases not meeting this definition are "special waste" not "miscellaneous special waste"). g. Waste from a medical practitioner, hospital, nursing home, medical testing laboratory, mortuary, taxidermist, veterinarian, veterinary hospital or animal testing laboratory. (This includes any waste produced at these facilities, except residue from incinerators, septic tank pumpings or wastewater treatment sludges which are all "special wastes", but not "miscellaneous special wastes". Note: discarded chemicals from the above facilities should be treated as "chemical waste from a laboratory", as provided in subsection 2.a above). h. Animal waste and parts from slaughterhouses or rendering plants. t"Il�is excludes wastes from fur or leather products manufacturers, whielt are "special wastes"). i. Waste produced by the mechanical processing of fruit, vegetables or grain. ('This includes such wastes as finds, hulls, husks, pods, shells and chaff. Food processing wastes which are aqueous or sludges, or which have been contaminated with dyes, additives or preservatives are "special waste", but not "miscellaneous special waste"), j . Pumpings from septic tanks used exclusively by dwellit'�g units. (Single family homes, duplexes, apar�ttetat buildings, hotels or motels). k. Sludge from a publicly owned sewage treatment plant serving primarily domestic users. (i.e., with no substantial industrial or chemical influent). 1. Grease trap wastes from residences, restaurants, or cafeterias not located at industrial facilities. m. Waslrwater wastes frotn, commercial car washes. (Note: this does not include facilities used for washiatg the exterior off bulk chemical or waste tank trucks or for washing out the interior of any truck. Schedule A _Page 2 of DEC 28 '98 17�04 B17 F7A AAA oorc ao DEC 29 '96 10*37 FR NICHULS JUKSUN VLLKD Z14 u�c. la. 19y8 4:50PM KELLY, HART & HALLMAN 817 7bb UUIU IU 1C1/11 8?89280 194 P. 10/11 282127.d n. Washwater wastes from commercial laundries or laundroma (Note. this does not include waste from a dry cleaning facility or waste from a commercial laundry used by an industry to wash chemical- contaminated clothing from its workers, such wastes are "special wastes"). o. Chemical -containing equipment removed from service. {Example: cathode ray tubes, batteries, fluorescent light tubes, etc.). p. Waste produced from the demolition or dismantling of industrial process equipment or facilities contaminated with chemicals from the process. (Note, chemicals or wastes removed or drained from such equipment or facility are "special wastes"). q. Closed cartridge filters from dry-cleaning establishments. {Such filters being used to filter used dry-cleaning fluids or solids). DEC 28 '98 17�05 Schedule A -Page 3 of 3 817 87@ 9280 PAGE•10 DEC, 213 t j)U 1U: S( t"H NI UHULS JUKSUN ULLKU e'14 7bb UUIU I U 17ye74't3ylbf7 r. l l/ 11 1 �yo 41 �VrM HLL It HN I & hALLMAN d I 1 d /dUy U IvU, I r, I I/ 1 1 RAVE SCHEDULE EPFECTWE JANUARY 1, 1999 2 PICKUPS PER WEEK u • $8%86 PEIt INDIYIDUAI.. X�.L�,SIDENCE HAND PICK UP (ONCI; PER WEEK), MAXIMUM ONE-96 GAI, CONTAINER $i7.65 r 17f/WEEK $37.65 $47-07 $ 64.7I $ 8i,18 2X/WEEK $64.71 $8097 $129.42 $147M EXTRA PICK UP (EACH) I$17.40 $20.68 $ 2186 $ 40.17 ROLL-oFF CONTAINERS 30Yb RENT $ 70.60 DELIVERY $ 88.24 COST PER PULL $341.20 CU SIDE RECYCLING PICKUP IP SERVICE PLECTED TO BE ADDED BY CITX, 12A7E WILT✓ BE AS MUTUA.X,Z,Y AGREED BY CITY ANT? CONTRACTOR. 24ii27,a Sc,Itedule B -Page 1 of 1 ** TOTAL PAGE.11 ** DEC 29 198 10s36 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 19404584180 P.0?i11 KiLLY, HARP & HALLMAN UJY BYdyZHU NO, 1194 Y. 7/11 nN WITNESS WHEREOF, City anti Contactor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. "W" �i 117.E DEC 28 '98 1?�04 0 MwiNWIN N ONE N N 0 N O N 0 D O O O C) O O G O 3 off' 0 w o°' o a oo a o°' w coi, -- � 00 7 �- � v N . s -o o �- s a v Q wU A(Cp NU) (n� w(A I o 1, i o I (o � -� (a A J (o N o0o co W 0 C J w C N V C C O N C Con cyl O OD(n N O UU/ co N N V OD ( w O ku (D N d w o o* ° w o;t =m m n3i=m � 0 � c (o En c w �c 'a v (0 < N (0D w N N N co CAM m m 0 m c n 3 0 O.'< (C `< r � n' O O x. = O Q .CO•. Q Q C (D O = (D my cv cr �a 1> :3 m= lD NON :3 ry Q <c 0 n I< OD 30G)n0 s0 oG) n 00�mmZ w En "(D w 3-o O N n �. O.N N o 0)0 w 3 'L O w (D 0 (D O O Co(D U'oo a�N�oo o ?�m�� = o = o crQo o(o 0 m� v zv(�� Q. (C m -• �U' =- o r '� (A o N 0' 3 m -� (C CD (p �a n�i Qo fl w s (o < v c w ig' m tNn A o (a (D W (D 0 '"' 0 td O O 6 0 a W O O A M W (D to n 0 Q ci X C= p� • w C (D -� .A C (D (D 0= m X C= N • w 0 ,Cy, O O vQ(Sino Q ��•N �� 0' aN 7r� = m 3 a 0.y X3 ���' m 5 0 A 0 (D fD CL N (D `G (D Q O CL A W Q a -Ai, 'C (D (Qp w :n y, �G N x '" C O toil a (D w �,c o CC o =gym=..Q o o(A o'"cQ .� o3 o o �,C.� coo Q o� w o (� c CD Qom= c 14 ?o 0 = (n m �v o w Qo mc: cr 0 N (O 3 = (D �' cr p CO M `G Q O C (D C N V7 Q_ O (O fD (D (p w CO (p (A :3 mC En 0. CL Q �. .� _ ? 0 0 ? (D m Q fU 0. o Z� 3 X K Qm D m 0 m-o 0 r.n M m w0= y0�No 3w3 (D m CL —= �0mw�. CO CO °'m�' �m �.n'ol<Q ^^ y 0 w CL o f Cr o M w 0 0 0 .w-. p C D . 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N N S2 M p N 3 a o m o o"m a o �o 0 ?Mm 2 vi Sm m S o4�0 um) 3"):3EP �. v Wm"iflmmom (O 'so a) m N N m 3 (-30` W 3 � CL (o 3 (V O '' C 3 m = 00 p O Q, N Hi W � 0) ry (O m O m ' Co MEMO May 12, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Engineering Coordinator, Samantha Renz Re: Consideration for private drive in ETJ Attached is a request from Jimmy Newton, Realtor for the Colter Family, regarding the possibility of a gravel private drive in our E.T.J. Below is a citation from the subdivision regulations dealing with this issue: 9.03 - A street variance may be given on a street in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction if it conforms to a following requirements: (a) There are no more than six lots touching the street. (b) No lot shall be less than 3.5 gross acres. (c) Required 1800minimum dwelling size. (d) All dwellings must be site built, standard construction. (Ordinance 10-27-00 adopted 12/4/00) a1." �� i �' d i "' � , , . � , i' � � � x �� ���. �' '� ����� ! 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Use of information Contained lit, or derived from, these tiles as a s€sbstiture for dhe practice of registered engineers and sur'c yors (it lit instances rs°here examination tat original doi aumenfs is required is strictly prohibited, There is ini watrrnl expressed or implied of dre. acc;u€acy or cornpledctress of material cofitainr xd in the digital fifes supplied by Wilton CAD. 417 Voteo r Precincts t hkatketa Hearse ct Rc�ptesetiiati:res f�,-{or�ai Gtsrsttit�r^us Cust�asz Ein s 3 Senate 911 Addresses ' DCAD Abstracts en 15 DCAD Su')dMsion Bdadi s DCAD Se"visian Parcels ry 7 DCAD Abstract Pan ers ti. Lakes JP and Constable Ponds Gomm ss 14Estwv�r# $ri�kjas Educatarra4 D1s#rids Count EMS �m tSD � k Fite Districts _ .. Zipcocles Reamed cornburs Streams Roads y Maintained Ami WiAv wise http:/l�;i�.etrtocounty.con�lservleticorn.esri.esriz°t�a�,Esrira�a?ervicc�l�Iate=�et�ticC',li... J? 1 /20� Date: May 123 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members rrom: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #15-Agreement Carter and Burgess I will address this item concerning the agreement for the Planning and Design of Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. Carter ���Burgess LETTER OF AGREEMENT Subject to the Provisions of the Professional Services Agreement executed March 21, 2005, Carter & Burgess, Inc. is authorized to proceed with the attached Phase 2,3,4,& 5 as presented in the Scope of Work in Section I. Compensation shall be as identified in Section II. Accepted for CITY OF BANGER By: Name: Title: Date: Accepted for CARTER &BURGESS, INC. By: Name: Al Petrasek, Ph.D, P.E. Title: Vice President Date: Sanger Clear Creek WWTP —Scope of Services Page 1 of 9 SECTION I SCOPE Ur WORK Carter &Burgess, Inc. ("C&B") will provide Professional Services for the planning and design services of the new Sanger Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (CCWWTP). The services are generally grouped within five (5) phases. Phase 1 has already been authorized. It should be noted that the order of the phases and the items within the phases are general in nature and do not necessarily dictate the order that the services will be performed. Some services will be performed concurrently. The plant will be designed for a treatment capacity of 2 MGD average flow and 8 MGD peak 2=hr flow. The effluent characteristics shall be 10 CBOD6, 15 TSS and 3 NH3N. Provisions will be made for Phosphorous removal. Components will generally consist of: 1. Lift station w/ self prime or submersible pumps. 2. Fine screens (two (2)) in concrete channels. 3. Grit removal, concrete basin or steel structure. 4. Aeration (2) with fine bubble aeration in concrete basins. 5. Clarifiers (2) in concrete basins. 6. Sludge processing consisting of the Envirex Cannibal® system (screen, cyclone, concrete basins (2)). 7. Sludge waste facilities consisting of a dewatering box with polymer system. 8. Disk filters in concrete or steel basin with steel shed (no wall panels). 9. Ultraviolet disinfection in concrete channels with steel shed (no wall panels). 10. Post -aeration structure (non mechanical) in concrete basin with steel shed (no wall panels). 11. Non -potable water system (on -site). 12. Administration building with two (2) offices, laboratory, electrical room, two (2) restrooms with showers and lockers (prefabricated metal building with masonry fagade, architectural features, and HVAC). 13. Blower shed (prefabricated metal building with no wall panels). 14. Storage shed (prefabricated metal building with metal wall(s), no HVAC). 15. Security fencing. 16.On-site access roads. 17.Off-site access road improvements. 18. Entrance landscape feature. 19. Miscellaneous piping, sidewalks, walkways, electrical, lighting, and security. 20. SCADA system. 21.Outfall pipeline. Where applicable, the plant will be designed as two (2) parallel treatment trains. Provisions will be made for future plant expansion, future odor control and further waste sludge processing. In addition, a design for a new sanitary sewer line ("Ranger Branch Sanitary Sewer Line") to convey wastewater from the existing WWTP to the new CCWWTP will be included. This sanitary sewer line will extend from the existing WWTP, along Ranger Branch to the Sanger Clear Creek WWTP —Scope of Services Page 2 of 9 CMM I P site. It is the intent for this sanitary sewer line to be gravity flow, without any lift stations. The sanitary sewer line will be bid separately. Services provided will include the following: PRELIMINARY DESIGN SERVICES: 1. Develop a site plan for the initial plant. This site plan will include an equipment layout, piping locations, site access, building locations, electrical locations and security issues. Provisions for the ultimate plant will be shown. 2. Prepare detailed calculations for the proposed equipment to be constructed. Unit dimensions for the components will be determined. 3. Calculate the hydraulic profile of the i 4. Conduct two (2) meetings with City regardng_administration building layout, architectural features and entrance landscaping features. It is assumed that the administration building will incl showers and lockers and ele controlled (air conditioning & hi where applicable. The building be a shed type, or partially encli building type, with or without limited to, blowers, filters, UV combined into a single structu 5. Determine the ade two (2) offices, laboratory, two (2) restrooms with arical room. The entire building will be climate ating).'All components shall meet ADA requirements exterior shall be masonry. All other "buildings" shall sed. These buildings would be a prefabricated metal walls. These buildings would include, but not be dinfection, storage, etc. Some buildi sings may be features and layout for final 6. Determine entrance landscaping:#eatures. 7. Conduct a walk through, with City staff, to determine a preferred alignment for the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. This will be conducted to facilitate field survey. 8. Conduct a field topographic survey, along the alignment determined in the field, suitable for design. Establish horizontal and vertical control to be used during construction. 9. Submit the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to TCEQ as required in 30TAC§317. 10. Prepare 30% ("Conceptual") construction plans for the CCWWTP. These plans will be sufficient for conceptual review and will consist of a site plan, hydraulic profile, basic mechanical components, administration building plan, basic yard piping, basic electrical requirements, entrance concept, and structure layouts. Sanger Clear Creek V1NVtP —Scope of Services Page 3 of 9 11. Prepare 301/6 ("Conceptual") construction plans for the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. These plans will consist of basic plan sheets (1 "=100') to finalize the alignment. If a gravity sanitary sewer line is not feasible due to topography or other factors, a lift station would be required. Design of a lift station would be an additional service. 12. Provide one (1) full size set and two (2) 11x17 size sets of both 30% construction plans to the City for review. 13. Upon approval of Ranger Branch sanitary sewer alignment,,prepare permanent and temporary construction easements for execution by the City. ,It is anticipated that four (4) easements will be required. Additional easements will be considered an additional service. 14. Submit the Final Engineering Report (FER) to 15. Prepare 75% ("Preliminary") construction plat These plans and specifications will address c be sufficient for City review. The 75% plans Iw paving plan, hydraulic profile, mechanical plai administration plan and elevations, electrical sections, perimeter landscaping, and miscella consist of preliminary bid form, contract doc 16. Prepare 75% ("Preliminary") const Branch sanitary sewer line. The T profile sheets (1 "=40' H, 1 "=5' V) an Specifications will consist of prelimi specifications. 17. Provide one (1) full'size se plans and specifications to PHASE`'3 required in 30TAC§317. and specifications forthe CCWWTP. �ments from the 30% review and will consist of site plan, on -site &off -site nd sections, equipment information, rout, yard piping, structure plan and ous components. Specifications will tents, and technical specifications. �n plans and specifications for the Ranger onstruction plans will consist of plan and nstruction details sufficient for City review. bid form, contract documents, and technical x17 size sets of both 75% construction 1. Prepare 90% ("Pre -Final") construction plans and specifications for the CCWWTP. These plans and specifications will be suitable for final review by the City. The 90% plans will include plans, sections, details and elevations of the components to be constructed. Specifications will include bid form, contract documents, equipment specifications, and technical specifications. 2. Prepare 90% ("Pre -Final") construction plans and specifications for the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. The 90% plans will include plan and profile sheets and construction details. Specifications will include bid form, contract documents and technical specifications. 3. Provide two (2) full size sets and two (2) 11x17 size sets of both 90% construction plans and specification to the City for review and comment. Sanger Clear Creek W1N'fP — 5cope of Services Page 4 of 9 4. Prepare 1006 ("Final") construction plans and specifications for the CCWWTP and Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. These plans and specifications will incorporate comments from the 90% review and will be suitable for bidding purposes. 5. Provide two (2) full size sets of both 100% construction plans far City records and for availability of bidders to review. Bidders will be able to purchase plans and specifications from Carter &Burgess. PHASE 4 BIDDING SERVICES 1. Prepare both (CCWWTP &Ranger Branch sa and provide to the City for placing in the advertisement will be the City's responsibill 2. Provide Contractors bid construction pia charged a non-refundable fee). 3. Conduct apre-bid conference for he CCVWIITP. 4. Conduct two (Z) bid openings. 5. Tabulate bids 6. Prepare process. line) Advertisement for Bid ►oaner. Placement of the ►'Rtiti:� the City for award. incorporating any addendums issued during the bid suitable for construction of the project. 7. Prepare contract documents for execution by the Contractors) and Client. 8. Provide eight {8) full size sets of CCWWTP construction plans to the Contractor and two (2) full size and four(4) 11x17 size CCWWTP construction plans to the City. Provide two (2) executed copies each of the CCWWTP contract documents and specifications to the Contractor and City. 9. to the Cont sewer line t Contractor he Ranger PHASE 5 (5) full size sets of Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line construction plans 3 actor and two (2) full size and four (4)11 x17 size Ranger Branch sanitary onstruction plans to the City. Provide two (2) executed copies each of anch sanitary sewer line contract documents and specifications to the Ind City. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1. Conduct a preconstruction conference with the Contractor, Client, inspector(s), and C&B. Sanger Clear Creek WWfP —Scope of Services Page 5 of 9 2. Review and provide recommendations on Contractor's request for changes of construction methods and Requests for Information (RFI). 3. Review submittals and provide Client two (2) copies of approved submittals. 4. Make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress of all construction activity and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. This quality review should not be used in lieu of work performed by Client's inspectors, but will be more general in nature. Periodic site visits will consist of approximately one (1) site visit per month, These site visits will also include meeting with the contractor and Client's Inspector to address concerns and/or clarify issues that may have arisen during construction. 5. Prepare any change orders that may be necessaryfor the project. 6. Conduct approximately monthly progress meetings (10 total) with Contractor, Client, and C&B for the CCWWTP project. 7. Review monthly and final applications for payment to the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8. Conduct a final walkthrough for each project and identify items to be completed ("Punch list") prior to final acceptance by the Client. 9. Prepare Record Drawings from "As -Built" drawings provided by the Contractor. 10. Provide the Client :one (1) full size (24"x36") mylar, three (3) full size (24"x36") blackline and two (2) 11"x17" blackline copies of the Record Drawings for each project. 11. Provide Client two (2) CD's with Record Drawing files in Adobe (.pdf) format for each project. The following additional services`are not included within the above Scope of Work, but can be provided at the City's request: 1. Provide a full time inspector to provide daily inspection services. 2. Geotechnical investigation along Ranger Branch sanitary sewer alignment. 3. SCADA system for CCWWTP. This system would consist of full control and monitoring capabilities at the administration building and one (1) remote station with control and monitoring capabilities. 4. Floodplain determination, flood studies or floodplain mitigation plans. 5. Environmental assessment, 404 permitting or wetland determination. 6. Odor control facilities. Sanger Clear Creek VWV(P —Scope of Services Page 6 of 9 7. Additional easements. RESTRICTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: 1. The costs are based upon preparation of two (2) bid packages. One bid package shall cover the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line, the other bid package shall cover the Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2. Changes to a pipeline alignment, based upon City preferred alignment may result in additional cost, approved by the City prior to commencing the activil 3. The Scope of Work does not include: a. Material testing (to be included in Contra b. Pipeline testing (to be included in Contr c. Belt press, centrifuge or other dewaterir d. Aerobic or anaerobic digesters for sludt e. Perimeter landscaping (except entrance f. Decorative fencing (except entrance fea, g. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan included in the construction plans. h. Other buildings not identified above. i. Financial analysis. j. Rate study. k. Laboratory analysis. I. Pilot studies. q. 1/1 studies'. r. Services f s' Franchise t. = Notice of u. `GGTV or c v. Easement w. TDLRY Inc x. Lift statiot s bid). s bid). re). t after approval of the additional cost will be Erosion control will be (to be included in Contractor's WWTPite. (Electrical loads will be provided). for'start-up by equipment manufacturers). hearings. (NOI) required for SWPPP. urveillance security system. iegotiations. ;pendent provider review and inspection fees. for Ranger Branch Sanitary Sewer Line (if required). 4. Costs of permit or fees required by regulatory agencies or departments obtained forthe Client shall be reimbursed at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). The Client will have the option to pay the fees directly. 5. Out -of -Pocket expenses related to employee travel and mileage, reprographics, courier expenses, business conferences, etc. (beyond those identified above) shall be reimbursed at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Sanger Clear Creek WWTP —Scope of Services Page 7 of 9 C SECTION II COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES Compensation for services will be on a fee basis as outlined below. PHASE 2 Task Fee Terms 30% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $ 1752200 Progress Payment 30% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 12,100 Progress Payment 75% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $ 243,200 Progress Payment 75% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 257300 Progress Payment $ 4551800 PHASE 3 Task Fee Terms 90% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $ 154,500 Progress Payment 90% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 17,400 Progress Payment 100% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $ 39,700 Progress Payment 100% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 9,000 Progress Payment $ 220,600 PHASE 4 Task Fee Terms Bidding Services (CCWWTP) $ 26,600 Progress Payment Bidding Services (SS Line) $ 15,900 Progress Payment $ 42,500 PHASE 5 Task Fee Terms Construction Administration $ 122,800 Progress Payment (CCWWTP) Construction Administration (SS $ 38,600 Progress Payment Line) Record Drawings (CCWWTP) $ 6,100 Due upon Completion Record Drawings (SS Line) $ 1,900 Due upon Completion $ 169,400 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Task Fee Terms On -site Construction Inspection $ 220,000 Progress Payment (Not to ($900/day) Exceed Fee) SCADA System $ 16,000 Progress Payment (Lump Sum Fee) Additional Easements (Each) $ 2,500 Due upon Completion (Lump Sum Fee) Sanger Clear Creek V�NVfP —Scope of Services Page 8 of 9 For other Additional Services not listed above, fee will be determined based upon the extent of scope desired by the City. Terms Notes: Due upon completion -Upon completion of the identified task, the entire amount will be invoiced. Progress Payment -These tasks will be billed monthly based for the preceding month. work performed Sanger Clear Creek VWVfP —Scope of Services Page 9 of 9 Date: May 125 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Item #16 -Janitorial Services This is the bidding document that I instructed staff to prepare for the bidding of this service. The City is currently in a budget year and monies are allocated presently for this service. I would like to bid this sometime in late August and make it effective October 1, 2006 for the 06/07 Fiscal Year Budget. NOTICE TO BIDDERS -CITY OF SANGER INVITATION TO BID JANITORIAL SERVICES Sealed Bids for Janitorial Services are requested by the City of Sanger, until p.m., 2006 at which time all bids will be opened and publicly read in the Conference Room of City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas. Bids will be considered by City Council at their regular meeting Monday, at 7:00 P.M. Any Bid not received and time stamped by the City of Sanger by 2:00 PM on Thursday, will not be accepted. Bid specifications may be obtained at City Hall, 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX '76266, by the prospective Bidder or his designated representative. A 5% Bid Security and a 100 %Performance Bond will be required. BID SECURITY SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH BID AT THE TIME OF BID OPENING OR BID SHALL BE REJECTED AS MATERIALLY INCOMPLETE. The City of Sanger reserves its right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities and to disregard all non -conforming, non -responsive or conditional Bids. Rosalie Chavez City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas Invitation for Bid — Janitorial Services Closing Date: All bids must be received by the closing date and time to be considered. One (1) original and (1) copy of each bid, including any attachment, shall be mailed or delivered to the City Secretary. All inquiries for information regarding procurement procedures, selection criteria, bid submission requirements, or other fiscal/administrative concerns shall be directed to: City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Phone: 940-458-7930 Fax: 9404584180 In compliance with this Invitation for Bid and all the conditions imposed herein, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods in accordance with the signed bid or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiations. Name and Address: Submitted by: Printed name: Signature Phone #: Fax M Date: FEIN/SSN: CERTIFICATION PAGE RETURN THIS PAGE WITH BID SUBMISSION CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS INVITATION FOR BID DATE OF THIS REQUEST: DESCRIPTION: Janitorial Services BID DEADLINE/OPENING DATE: The City of Sanger is currently seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide professional Janitorial Services for the following City locations: • City Hall, 201 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX. • City Public Safety Facility, 300 Bolivar St, Sanger, • The following specifications apply: TX l . The General Terms &Conditions —Services, attached as Exhibit C shall apply. 2. The "Scope of Janitorial Services To Be Provided" -attached Exhibit A. 3. Contract shall be for a two (2) year term starting approximately October 1, 2006. All contracts are subject to cancellation, at the sole discretion of the City with thirty (30) days written notice for failure to perform. 4. Interested parties are encouraged to visually inspect the facilities prior to submitting their bids. Please call the above contact to make arrangements to walk through the premises. 5. All bids must be placed on the Bid Form - Exhibit B to be considered responsive. Bids are to specify the weekly cost of providing services, other than window cleaning as defined in the scope of services. It is the City's intent to award a contract for all locations to one contractor. 6. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. a) The Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance naming the City of Sanger as additional insured and, if requested a certified copy of said policy or endorsements) before commencement of contract. All insurance shall be place with an insurer licensed to do business in the State of Texas. The underwriter shall be subject to the approval of the City of Sanger. b) The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: c) Commercial General Liability: $150005000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. The general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project of the general aggregate shall be twice the required occurrence limit. d) Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability: Workers' Compensation as required by the State of Texas and Employers Liability with limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 7. Contractor must provide the City with a complete and accurate listing of employees to be used to maintain the City's various facilities. This listing shall be updated annually, or as new employees are assigned to the contract. All authorized employees assigned to perform services under this contract shall be of legal age to perform the services outlined in this IFB. 8. Contractor shall provide the City of Sanger, upon request, a certificate evidencing bonding for Faithful Performance in the amount of $25,000 prior to commencement of contract. 9. Payment terms are net, 30 days. 10. The contractor shall be considered an independent contractor as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. ALL BIDS MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED IN ENVELOPES PLAINLY MARKED ON THE OUTSIDE, "SEALED BID ON JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE OPENED CITY SECRETARY. BIDS RECEIVED THE BIDDER UNOPENED. AND SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL BE RETURNED TO Bids are opened and read aloud by the City Secretary at the appointed hour and date and such of the bidders as choose to attend, at the City Hall, 201 Bolivar, Sanger, TX. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive all formalities. All contracts are awarded by the City Council. In the event the City Council rejects all bids, the City may re -advertise or make the purchase on the open market. JANITORIAL SERVICES BID FORM MM rrr GoMEN, INS �: etY CT73a1 o%s: V� ot:=�..: x-1'eteenc. Cost of weekly janitorial $ $ $ $ Contract Duration 52 wks 52 wks 52 wks 52 wks 52 wks 52 wks Total Bid $ $ $ $ Estimated avg # of hours per week needed to accomplish listed tasks. To be considered responsive, an amount must be entered in all blank spaces above. All bids shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from opening date. Authorized Signature Printed Name Company Name Address City/State/Zip Date Phone Number Fax SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At City Hall, located at 201 Bolivar Street, contractor shall: Daily Tasks • Mop all main entrance hallways and all the areas. • Vacuum Council Chambers, offices and all carpeted areas and entrance rugs. • Inspect for mud or carpet stains, clean as necessary. • Dust offices and clean all office surfaces, counter surfaces, cabinets, picture frames, filing cabinets, etc., excluding desktops • Thoroughly clean, deodorize and supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). • Clean main level entranceways daily. • Empty all trash cans daily, replace trash can liners daily. • Sweep and wet mop all bathroom floors • Clean all wood doors, glass doors, mirrors, picture frames and door frames • Wipe down countertops in bathrooms and clean mirrors Weekly • Dust blinds, baseboards, window sills and trim, including the Council work area • Dust and clean all furniture including office chairs at each desk • Mop Chair Mats at each desk Monthly • Clean all carpet runners monthly and spot clean when necessary and requested. • Empty cigarette butte devices SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At the Public Works Facility, 102 Bolivar St, Contractor shall: Daily Tasks • Sweep all floors daily • Damp mop all floors daily • Empty all trash cans daily. • Dust surfaces in all offices daily, excluding desktops. • Wipe down countertops in breakroom daily. • Wipe down tables in breakroom daily. • Replenish paper products in all restrooms daily. • Clean windows in front doors and receptionist's window daily • Vacuum all offices and entry rugs • Thoroughly clean, deodorize and supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). Weekly • Clean all wood doors, mirrors, picture frames, and door frames. • Clean behind copier and other misc. equipment • Clean and dust blinds, baseboards, widow sills and trim. Monthly • Dust walls &ceilings, including air vents for cob webs. • Spot clean carpet when necessary and requested. EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At the Public Safety Facility, 300 Bolivar St, Contractor shall: Daily Tasks • Dust mop and or vacuum all floors daily, to include corners. • Vacuum and clean in an appropriate manner all mats inside the exterior doors. • Empty all trash cans daily; empty cigarette butt devices as needed. • Clean, deodorize and re -supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). • Clean bathrooms with appropriate cleaning products, wet mop and wipe all surfaces and mirrors. • Clean all glass entry doors, receptionist window, Court clerk lobby window daily. • Clean water fountains. • Dust offices and clean all office surfaces, including desk, counter surfaces, cabinets, etc. Weekly • Clean all wood doors, mirrors, picture frames, and door frames. • Clean behind copier and other misc. equipment • Clean and dust blinds, baseboards, widow sills and trim. • Dust picture frames, signs and wall ornaments Monthly • Dust walls &ceilings, including air vents for cob webs. • Spot clean carpet when necessary and requested. • Perform all high dusting not over 10 feet Contractor shall communicate with the City Secretary's office immediately on any problems which arise or are identified in any location. All offices, bathrooms and kitchens with the floors shall be stripped and waxed within 30 days of acceptance of bid and stripped and waxed annually thereafter. EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At the Library, 501 Bolivar St, Contractor shall: Daily Tasks • Mop and or vacuum all floors daily, to include corners. • Vacuum and clean in an appropriate manner all mats inside the exterior doors. • Empty all trash cans daily; empty cigarette butt devices, if any, as needed. • Clean, deodorize and re -supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). • Clean bathrooms with appropriate cleaning products, wet mop and wipe all surfaces and mirrors. • Clean all glass entry doors • Clean water fountains. • Dust offices and clean all office surfaces, including desk, counter surfaces, cabinets, etc. Weekly • Clean all wood doors, mirrors, picture frames, and door frames. • Clean behind copier and other misc. equipment • Clean and dust blinds, baseboards, widow sills and trim. • Dust picture frames, signs and wall ornaments Monthly • Dust walls &ceilings, including air vents for cob webs. • Spot clean carpet when necessary and requested. • Perform all high dusting not over 10 feet ii\YII.\ SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At the Sullivan Senior Center, 300 Bolivar St, Contractor shall: Daily Tasks • Mop and or vacuum all floors daily, to include corners. • Vacuum and clean in an appropriate manner all mats inside the exterior doors. • Empty all trash cans daily; empty cigarette butt devices, if any, as needed. • Clean, deodorize and re -supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). • Clean bathrooms with appropriate cleaning products, wet mop and wipe all surfaces and mirrors. • Clean all glass entry doors • Clean water fountains. • Dust offices and clean all office surfaces, including desk, counter surfaces, cabinets, etc. Weekly • Clean all wood doors, mirrors, picture frames, and door frames. • Clean behind copier and other misc. equipment • Clean and dust blinds, baseboards, widow sills and trim. • Dust picture frames, signs and wall ornaments Monthly • Dust walls &ceilings, including air vents for cob webs. • Spot clean carpet when necessary and requested. • Perform all high dusting not over 10 feet SCOPE OF JANITORIAL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED At the Community Center, 101 Freese Dr, Contractor shall: Twice Weekly Tasks • Mop and or vacuum all floors to include corners. • Vacuum and clean in an appropriate manner all mats inside the exterior doors. • Empty all trash cans; empty cigarette butt devices, if any, as needed. • Clean, deodorize and re -supply all restrooms daily (all paper products to be provided by City). • Clean bathrooms and kitchen with appropriate cleaning products, wet mop and wipe all surfaces and mirrors. • Clean all glass entry doors • Clean water fountain. • Clean all wood doors, mirrors, picture frames, and door frames. • Clean and dust blinds, baseboards, widow sills and trim. • Dust picture frames, signs and wall ornaments Monthly • Dust walls &ceilings, including air vents for cob webs. Exhibit C CITY OF SANGER9 TEXAS GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES 1. MANDATORY USE OF CITY FORM AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS Failure to submit abid/proposal on the official City form provided for that purpose shall be a cause for rejection of the bid/proposal. Return of the complete document is required. Modification or additions to any portion of the solicitation may be cause for rejection of the bid/proposal; however, the City reserves the right to decide, on a case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether or not to reject such a bid/proposal as nonresponsive. 2. PRECEDENCE OF TERMS In the event there is a conflict between the General Terms and Conditions and any Special Terms and Conditions for use in a particular procurement, the Special Terms and Conditions shall apply. 3. CLARIFICATION OF TERMS If any prospective bidder/offeror has questions about the specifications or other solicitation documents, the prospective bidder/offeror should contact the City Secretary no later than five days before the opening date. Any revisions to the solicitation will be made only by addendum issued by the City. 4. TESTING/INSPECTION The City reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure goods and services conform to the specifications. Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded as requiring payment 30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. This shall not affect offers of discounts for payment in less than 30 days. 6. INVOICES Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted by the bidder/offeror direct to the payment address shown on the purchase order/contract. All invoices shall show the City's contract number and/or purchase order number. 7. DEFAULT In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, the City, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources and hold the bidder/offeror responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which the City may have. 8. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT A contract shall not be assignable by the bidder/offeror in whole or in part without the written consent of the City. 9. ANTITRUST By entering into a contract, the bidder/offeror conveys, sells, assigns and transfers to the City of Sanger all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of the action it may now have or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Texas, relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the City of Sanger under said contract. 10. ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING By submitting their bids/proposals, all bidders/offerors certify that their bids/proposals are made without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any kickbacks or inducements from any other bidder/offeror, supplier, manufacturer, or subcontractor in connection with their bid/proposal, and that they have not conferred on any public employee having official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance, deposit of money, services or anything more than nominal value, present or promised unless consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged. 11. ANTI -DISCRIMINATION By submitting their bids/proposals, all bidders/offerors certify to the City that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. They must also conform to the American Disability Act of 1990. In every contract over $10,000, the provisions in A and B, below apply: A. During the performance of this contract, the bidder/offeror agrees as follows: The bidder/offeror will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. The bidder/offeror, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the bidder/offeror, will state that such bidder/offeror is an equal opportunity employer. Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting requirements of this section. B. The bidder/offeror will include the provisions of A. above in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000 so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. 12. INDEMNIFICATION Bidder/offeror agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Sanger, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials, goods, services or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the bidder/offeror, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence of the City or to failure of the City to use the materials, goods or equipment in the manner already and permanently described by the bidder/offeror on the materials, goods or equipment delivered. The vendor agrees that this clause shall include claims involving infringement of patent or copyright. 13. DEBARMENT STATUS By submitting their bids/proposals, all bidders/offerors certify that they are not currently debarred from submitting bids/proposals on contracts by the City of Sanger, nor are they an agent of any person or entity that is currently debarred from submitting bids/proposals on contracts by the City of Sanger. 14. APPLICABLE LAW AND COURTS Any contract resulting from this solicitation shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Texas and any litigation with respect thereto shall be brought in the courts of the State. The bidder/offeror shall comply with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. 15. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS/OFFERORS The City may make such reasonable investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the bidder/offeror to perform the work/furnish the items) and the bidder/offeror shall furnish to the City all such information and data for this purpose as may be requested. The City reserves the right to inspect the bidder's/offeror's physical plant prior to award to satisfy questions regarding the bidder's/offeror's capabilities. The City further reserves the right to reject any bid/proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigations of, such bidder/offeror fails to satisfy the City that such bidder/offeror is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work/furnish the item(s) contemplated therein. 16. SAFETY All contractors and subcontractors performing services for the City of Sanger are required and shall comply with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and any other applicable rules and regulations. All contractors and subcontractors shall be responsible for the safety of their employees and any unsafe acts or conditions that may cause injury or damage to any persons or property within and around the work site area under this contract. 17. NOTICE OF REQUIRED DISABILITY LEGISLATION COMPLIANCE The City of Sanger is required to comply with state and federal disability legislation: The Rehabilitation Act of 1993 Section 504, and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for 1990 Title II. Specifically, the City of Sanger, may not, through its contractual and/or financial arrangements, directly or indirectly avoid compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 101-336, which prohibits discrimination by public entities on the basis of disability. Subtitle A protects qualified individuals with disability from discrimination on the basis of disability in the services, programs, or activities of all State and local governments. It extends the prohibition of discrimination in federally assisted programs established by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 to all activities of State and local governments, including those that do not receive Federal financial assistance, and incorporates specific prohibitions of discrimination on the basis of disability in Titles I, I1I, and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act. ' REPORT MONTHLY APRIL 11• Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: John Chambers received the North Texas Regional Library System Benefactor Award for 2006 for his contributions to the future of the library (article attached). ADMINISTRATION: Submitted the funding request to the Denton County Commissioners' Court on behalf of the Denton County public libraries. Attended the Texas Library Association Conference in Houston, April 26-28. Meetings itended: Reference Interview Workshop, 4/10, Haltom City, (Lynne Smiland attended) Friends of the Library, 4/11 Search Tips for WorldCat Workshop, 4/12, Fort Worth, (Lynne Smiland attended) North Texas Regional Library System Meeting, 4/18, Fort Worth Denton County Library Advisory Board, 4/20, Sanger NTR.LS Region Meeting, 4/20, Sanger Evaluated the residence information of library patrons for the Denton County Library questionnaire. The library had 3159 registered patrons on March 31. In the City of Sanger 1718 54.4% In rural Denton County 1150 36:4% h other Denton County cities 88 2.8% Outside Denton County 203 6.4% PROGRAMS: Ms. Maria read a Mexican folktale and led several auchence participation songs that taught some Spanish words. The lively program was attended by 20 people. The Storytime theme was "Things That Grow". Elizabeth Muir conducted the program on "Kittens Grow" while the Library Director was in Houston. Other weekly themes were "Kids Grow'.', "Bunnies Grow" and "Plants Grow". Kids got to take home a packet of flower seeds to plant. APRIL 2006 STATISTICS ' Apr 2005 Apr 2006 BORROWER CARDS 2935 3161 Last month 39 47 New cards 5 19 Cards reactivated 2979 3227 TOTAL CIRCULATION 07 284 26 Adult Nonfiction 3 Nonfiction Videos 26 45 8 24 Adult Fiction 21224 Interlibrary Loan 86 56 Junior Fiction 3 Children's Nonfiction 216 30 3 1 Children's Fiction Story Sacks 3 1 131 142 Leased books 314 235 Paperback Fiction 15 5 Magazines & Misc. 62 77 Audio Tapes 64 37 Music CDs 261 284 Videos 240 273 DVD 11 Equipment 263 387 Renewals 2.514 TOTAL _ 2358 INTERNET USERS 460 523 PROGRAMS 7 6 Children's Programs 99 71 Children Attending 46 39 Adults Attending 1 1 Other Programs 10 20 Number Attending VOLUNTEERS: Number of Adults 7 4 Number of Juniors 5 5 g8 63 Number of Houbts COLLECTION: Books 15648 15757 Leased books 167 189 Paperback Fiction 2483 2424 Audio Materials 512 529 Music CDs 308 333 Video Materials 822 865 DVD 167 236 � Microfilm 67 69 3 Equipment 136 CD-ROM 22 20196 20541 TOTAL COLLECTION REVENUE: Fines $167*45 $154645 Copies $78076 $119632 ILL Postage $24"21 $3165 Lost Materials $8,50 New Cards $0625 $1025 50 $20"0000 Miscellaneous $328.67 TOTAL $279067 $ Friends of the Library Financial Summary January -March 2006 Checking account $6589.06 Petty Cash 41.74 Total $6630t8O Designated funds Memorials $821450 Super Save 197.76 Kroger 0.00 SAHS 250.00 Total $1269926 Discretionary funds $5361.54 District Notice Of Public Hearing On Denton Central Appraisal District 2007 Budget The Denton Central Appraisal District will hold a public hearing on a proposed budget for the 2007 fiscal year. The public hearing will be held on May 25, 2006 at 4:00 P.M. at 3911 Morse Street, Denton, Texas. A summary of the appraisal district budget follows: The total amount of the proposed budget. $ s,o51,447.23 The total amount of increase over the current year's budget. $ 1,051,539.85 The number of employees compensated under the proposed budget. 74 The number of employees compensated under the current budget. 71 The appraisal district is supported solely by payments from the local taxing units served by the appraisal district. If approved by the appraisal district board of directors at the public hearing, this proposed budget will take effect automatically unless disapproved by the governing bodies of the county, school districts, cities and towns served by the appraisal district. A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection in the office of each of those governing bodies. A copy is also available for public inspection at the appraisal district office. Denton Central Appraisal District 3911 Morse Denton, Texas 76208 (940)349-3800 DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREET, P O Box 2816 DENTON, TExas 76202-2816 WWW.DENTONCAD.COM MEMO TO: To The Taxing Jurisdictions Served By DCAD and The DCAD Board of Directors FROM: Joe Rogers, Chief Appraiser DATE: April 27, 2006 SUBJECT: Proposed 2007 Budget The Chief Appraiser's proposed 2007 Budget is hereby submitted. The proposed Budget was completed in accordance with the requirements of Texas Property Tax Code Sec. 6.06. The information required by Code Sec. 6.06 is provided in the proposed budget. A public hearing will be held on the proposed budget at 4:00 PM, on May 25, 2006, in accordance with Code Sec. 6.06 and 6.062. The proposed budget totals $9,051,447.23. This amount is $1,051,539.85 greater than the anticipated 2006 fiscal year expenses of $7,999,907.38. The substantial increase in the 2007 Budget was driven primarily by growth in the district and the continually increasing demand for additional services from the district by the public. With the growth in the County, the number of parcels has increased substantially which allowed us to decrease the cost per parcel for 2007. The 2007 proposed budget includes a 4.1 %cost of living increase for personnel with $75,000.00 set aside for salary adjustments and three new employees. PHONE: (940) 349-3800 METRO: (972) 434-2602 FAX: (940) 349-3801 2007 Revenues & Expenses SUMMARY OF 2007 REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET AND COMPARISON TO THE 2006 REVENUES AND EXPENSES BUDGET CLASSIFICATION REVENUES: FUNDING FROM JURISDICTIONS FUNDING FROM INTEREST, COPIES, MISC. TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES: TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSES TOTAL BUDGET 2006 BUDGET $7,849,907.37 $150,000000 $0.00 2007 BUDGET $8,901,447.23 $150,000.00 $0.00 $7,999,907.37 $9,051,447.23 $7,999,907.37 $9,051,447.23 $7,999,907.37 $9,051,447.23 Although the District's budget is increasing, the number of parcels that the District processes is increasing substantially, which drives the increased cost. The District's cost per parcel is actually decreasing. BUDGET PER PARCEL 2006 YEAR 312,904 $7,999,907 $25.57 2007 YEAR 361,0001 $9,051,447 .07 CHANGE PERCENTAGE 48,096 15.37% $110511540.23 13.14% ($0.493) -1.93% As the information above indicates, the cost per parcel decreased by 1.93%. Each year the District attempts to avoid having the cost per parcel increase. 2007 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS WORKSHEET OF DENTON OUT OF 2007 2005 TOTAL COUNTY COUNTY BUDGET JURISDICTIONS TAX LEVY LEVIES CHARGES CHARGES ALLOCATIONS SCHOOL DISTRICTS: S01 ARGYLE ISD $12,731,874.17 1.4738% $129,774.71 $12%774.71 S02 AUBREY ISD $6,343,209.61 0.7343% $643655.70 $64,655.70 S05 DENTONISD $120,243,829.31 1399194% $152253633.23 $1,225,633.23 S07 KRUM ISD $%328,538.47 1.0799% $955084.85 $953084.85 S08 LAKE DALLAS ISD $18,549,091.25 2.1472% $189,069.02 $189,069.02 S09 LEWISVILLE ISD $310,0965754.25 3598969% $31160,784.96 $35160,784.96 S10 LITTLE ELM ISD $195692,064.47 292796% $200,719.23 $2005719.23 S11 NORTHWEST ISD $104,7213479.57 12.1226% $1,067,415A9 $7%200.00 $13146,615.49 S12 PILOT POINT ISD $6,86%759.98 0.7952% $705022977 $16,210.00 $86,232.77 S13 PONDER ISD $101652,745.71 1.2332% $108,582.36 $108,582.36 S14 SANGER ISD $105148,5%70 191748% $1039443.26 $103,443.26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TOTALS $629,377,907.49 72.8569% $6,415,185.58 $95,410.00 $6,510,595.58 G01 DENTON COUNTY $93,725,165.01 10.8496% $955,331.16 $955,331.16 CITIES: C26 CITY OF ARGYLE....... $1,122,002.75 0.1299% $11,436.46 $11,436.46 C01 CITY OF AUBREY....... $498,718.66 0.0577% $5,083.39 $5,083.39 C31 CITY OF BARTONVILLE.. $308,96T58 0.0358% $3,149.28 $35149.28 CITY OF DISH $36,650.67 0.0042% $373.58 $373.58 C,vs' CITY OF THE COLONY... $12,7415744.54 1.4750% $1295875.32 $129,875.32 C04 CITY OF CORINTH...... $65603,893.13 0.7645% $67,312.82 $67,312982 C27 TOWN OF COPPER CANYON $221,322.67 0.0256% $25255.92 $2,255,92 C05 CITY OF DENTON....... $285545,177.25 3.3044% $290,958911 $2905958.11 C30 TOWN OF DOUBLE OAK... $556,886.53 0.0645% $5,676.29 $5,676.29 C07 TOWN OF FLOWER MOUND. $23,7059743.37 2.7442% $241,630.25 $241,630.25 C22 TOWN OF HACKBERRY.... $64,173.64 0.0074% $654.12 $654912 C19 TOWN OF HICKORY CREEK $855,559.95 000990% $81720.64 $8)720o64 C08 CITY OF HIGHLAND VILLAGE $6,9759042.66 0.8074% $713095.91 $71,095.91 C09 CITY OF JUSTIN....... $6673636.34 0.0773% $6,805.15 $6,805.15 C18 CITY OF KRUGERVILLE.. $1705554.01 0.0197% $1,738.44 $1,738.44 C10 CITY OF KRUM......... $7123473.26 0.0825% $75262.17 $7,262.17 C11 CITY OF LAKE DALLAS.. $19774,123.04 092054% $18,083.46 $185083946 C25 TOWN OF LAKEWOOD VILLAGE $120,495.96 0.0139% $1,228.20 $15228920 C12 CITY OF LEWISVILLE... $24,144,095.28 2.7949% $246,098.33 402.95 $246,501.28 C13 TOWN OF LITTLE ELM... $3,8663795.49 0.4476% $39,413.86 $3%413.86 C23 CITY OF MARSHALL CREK $44,553.34 0.0052% $454.13 $454.13 C33 TOWN OF NORTHLAKE.... $338,889.52 0.0392% $3,454.27 $3,454.27 C24 CITY OF OAK POINT.... $150955870.17 0.1269% $11,170.09 $11,170.09 C14 CITY OF PILOT POINT.. $8495163.94 090983% $8,655.44 $85655.44 C15 TOWN OF PONDER....... $227,228.70 0.0263% $2,316.12 $25316.12 C17 CITY OF ROANOKE...... $23527,14T07 0.2925% $25,758.96 $25,758.96 C16 CITY OF SANGER....... $13779,439.00 0.2060% $18,137.64 $18,137.64 C34 TOWN OF SHADY SHORES $497,792.03 0.0576% $5,073.94 $5,073.94 CITY OF TROPHY CLUB.. $21408,422.44 0.2788% $24,548.81 $24,548.81 CITIES TOTALS $1235460,562.97 14.2918% $1,258,421.10 $402.95 $1,258,824.05 2007 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS WORKSHEET 70 OF DENTON OUT OF 2007 2005 TOTAL COUNTY COUNTY BUDGET TURISDICTIONS TAX LEVY LEVIES CHARGES CHARGES ALLOCATIONS SPECIAL DISTRICTS: W04 CLEARCREEK WATERSHED AUTHORITY $111,137.75 0.0129% $13132.82 $1,132.82 W07 CORINTH MUD $225,804.04 0.0261% $2,301.60 $23301.60 LO1 DENTON COUNTY LEVY IMPROVEMENT DIST #1. $576,303.06 0.0667% $5,874.20 $55874.20 W05 TROPHY CLUB MUD #2 $11093,108.30 0.1265% $11,141.94 $11,141.94 RUD DENTON COUNTY ROAD & UTILITY DISTRICT #1. $256975794.75 0.3123% $27,498.35 $273498.35 W03 TROPHY CLUB MUD.#1 $8135628.65 060942% $8,293.23 $448.00 $8,741.23 W 10 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST #1B $2,117,024.81 0.2451% $21,57&62 $213578.62 Wl1 DENTON CO. FRESH WATERDIST#1C $47,473.14 0.0055% $483.89 $483.89 W12 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #1 D $1,3033630.61 0.1509% $13,287.78 $135287.78 W13 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIS #6 $350295114642 0.3507% $30,875.46 $30,875A6 W15 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #I E $1,00%722.09 0.1169% $10,292.00 $10,292.00 W16 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #9 $1,4965253.80 0.1732% $153251.16 $15,251.16 Vv. . r' DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #10 $8889625.24 0.1029% $92057.67 $95057.67 W 18 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #8A $47,430.59 0.0055% $483,46 $483.46 W 19 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DIST. #8B $658,587.10 0.0762% $6,712.91 $63712.91 W22 DENTON CO MUD #4 $4955281.84 0.0573% $5,048.36 $53048.36 DENTON CO. FRESH W24 WATER DIST. #8C $360,874.30 0.0418% $33678.36 $3,678.36 W20 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DISTRICT 11A $683511.75 0.0079% $698633 $698.33 W21 DENTON CO. FRESH WATER DISTRICT #7 $250,988.36 0.0291% $2,558.30 $25558.30 SPECIAL DISTRICTS TOTALS $17,2919294.58 MOM% $1763248.44 $448.00 $176,696.44 GRAND TOTALS $8635854,930.04 100.0000% $85805,186.28 $96,260.95 $8,9015447.23 ACCT 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 ACCOUNT TITLE PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES LONGEVITY PAY SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) RETIREMENT (TCDRS) WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE TOTAL 5100 -PERSONNEL SERVICES IYA - §10] A I &VI JYJ I & LAI � 5200 EDUCATION &TRAINING 5210 MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS & DUES 5220 TRAINING - SCHOOLS, CONFERENCES, AND TRAVEL TOTAL 5200 - EDUCATION & TRAINING 5300 SERVICES RECEIVED 5310 APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD 5315 OIL, GAS, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL, AND UTILITY VALUATION 5320 GIS SERVICES 5325 LEGAL SERVICES 5330 AUDIT & PAYROLL PROCESSING 5340 DEEDS, SALES, AND VALUE INFORMATION 5345 AUTO EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 5350 GENERAL INSURANCE 5360 PRINTING SERVICE 5370 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 5380 LEGAL NOTICES & ADVERTISING 5390 OFFICE SUPPLIES TOTAL 5300 -SERVICES RECEIVED 5400 UTILITIES &MAINTENANCE 5410 OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5420 INFORMATION SERVICES MAINTENANCE 5430 ELECTRICITY, WATER, SEWER, & SOLID WASTE 5440 TELEPHONE 5450 BUILDING & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TOTAL 5400 - UTILITIES & MAINTENANCE 5500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5510 FURNITURE &EQUIPMENT 5520 BUILDING & LAND IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL 5500 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5600 MISCELLANEOUS 5610 CONTINGENCY 5620 MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5600 -MISCELLANEOUS 5900 DEBT SERVICE 5910 BUILDING &LAND PAYMENT 5920 EQUIPMENT PAYMENTS TOTAL 5900 - DEBT SERVICE TOTAL DEPT #105 -OVERHEAD 2006 BUDGET $3,490,236.67 $77,201,00 $2631379.37 $386,763.06 $33,592,82 $574,874.48 2007 BUDGET $3,911,207.76 $86,921.00 $295,677,69 $472,337,66 $37,337.64 $681,037,78 $4,826,047.40 $5,484,519.54 $15,115.95 $18,519.20 $831120.00 $108,704.00 $98,235.95 $84,705.00 $258,000.00 $36,265.00 $170,000,00 $18,000.00 $1209672.85 $2769187.42 $33,995.90 $72,950,85 $185,164.00 $26,000.00 $75,230.34 $1,357,171.36 $27,090.56 $477,507.00 $120,000.00 $141 *300.00 $131,136,00 $897,033.56 $30,980.00 $35,000.00 $127,223.20 $100,980.00 $320,900.00 $36,265.00 $200,000.00 $20,500.00 $138,125.47 $337,518.00 $38,223.51 $81,826A0 $172,164.00 $26,000.00 $80,490600 $1,552,992.38 $25,200.00 $488,794.00 $1445000.00 $147,123,60 $1371897.00 $943,014.60 $35,255.00 105,000.00 $65,980.00 $140,255.00 $73,513.41 $79,999.07 $42,550.00 $37,075.00 $116,063.41 $117,074.07 $160,194.46 $160,194.46 $479,181.22 $526,173.98 $639,375.68 $7,999,907.36 $686,368.44 $9,051,447.23 4/24/2006 Z W a W G m U) W 0 m O N w o m w 3 w N o 0 o O O o O O n o. 0000 w o 0 0 0 O O o O o n 0 n w w H h 0 10 l0 n N O N O 0 0 0 0 V O 10 V O 0 o CO) O O O w 0 w O O 0 00 0 V m nrnn tri triv vi o otrioouoeovito a N ovovit: v in ui a; ui v avi 0 n O N n M M M O N w O w 0 0 N N O m m O m O N m N O h M n n 0 w V N M w M M O yN) In 1� N M M N O w W N M O V 0) N! 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Z J z J Zto Q W X ZQJ w J m Z WJpoH uj U -W W JNa J U N O CL O _ a PM zUIMM LU OOOQ 0 J0 WK LLuui O -Wp O QmM O vO 00 0On.1030 F W F F- 040 UJQpa U2a JO F 0 LU OF W F m 1- 0wm F 2UL F pm W F U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O w O t0 O O w 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O U o �- N M V w w O N O N N M V V w w n w m O N M V t0 O N O N O N V N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M V V V V V 3 N 11f N w i( w m wow a H i0 in M N iA N w MN N 10 w t0 m H w t0 t0 t0 t0 w t0 w t0 w w w N 5100 - PERSONNEL SERVICES CLASSIFICATION 2006 BUDGET 2007 BUDGET INCREASE OR DECREASE ACCT #5110 - SALARIES $394909236.67 $3,9119207.76 $420,971909 FULL-TIME SALARIES, SALARY ADJUSTMENTS $3,911,207.76 AND PART-TIME SALARIES TOTAL ACCOUNT #5110 $39911,207.76 ACCT #5120 - LONGEVITY PAY $77,201.00 $869921.00 $91720.00 DCAD RECOGNIZES CONTINUED SERVICE WITH LONGEVITY PAY. LONGEVITY IS CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: 1-10 YEARS OF SERVICE: $10 PER MONTH FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE 11-20 YEARS OF SERVICE: $15 PER MONTH FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE 20+ YEARS OF SERVICE: $20 PER MONTH FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE TOTAL ACCOUNT #5120 $869921.00 ACCT #5130 - SOCIAL SECURITY (FICA) $263,379.37 $295,677.69 $32,298.32 SOCIAL SECURITY IS CALCULATED ON BOTH FULL AND PART-TIME SALARIES AND LONGEVITY, CERTAIN EMPLOYEES DO NOT CONTRIBUTE TO FICA. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5130 $2959677.69 ACCT #5140 - RETIREMENT (TCDRS) $386,763.06 $472,337.66 $85,574.60 RETIREMENT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5140 $4729337.66 ACCT #5150 - WORKERS' COMP INSURANCE $33,592.82 $37,337.64 $31744.82 THE DISTRICT PAYS WORKERS' COMPENSATION PREMIUMS ON ALL FULL AND PART-TIME EMPLOYEES, TOTAL ACCOUNT #5150 $37,337.64 ACCT #5160 - GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE $574,874.48 $6811037.78 $1061163.30 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE IS PROVIDED TO ALL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES, TOTAL ACCOUNT #5160 $681,037.78 TOTAL 5100 -PERSONNEL SERVICES $43826,047.40 $5,484,519.54 $6581472.14 2001 BUDGET 5200 - EDUCATION & TRAINING 2006 2007 BUDGET BUDGET ACCT #5210 -MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSC &DUES $151115.95 $181519.20 THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR ALL MEMBERSHIPS AND DUES, AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO EDUCATIONAL MEDIA. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5210 $18,519.20 ACCT #5220 - TRAINING - SCHOOLS, CONFERENCES & TRAVEL THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR ALL EDUCATIONAL RELATED TRAINING AND TRAVEL. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5220 $1081704.00 TOTAL 5200 - EDUCATION & TRAINING $83,120.00 $108,704.00 INCREASE OR DECREASE $3,403.25 $25,584.00 $98,235.95 $127,223.20 $28,987.25 2007 BUDGET 5300 = SERVICES RECEIVED 2006 2007 INCREASE OR JDGET DECREASE ACCT #5310 - APPRAISAL REVIEW BOARD I $84,705.00 $100,980000 $161275.00 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS CHARGED FOR PAYMENTS TO THE 19 MEMBER ARB PANEL FOR WORK PERFORMED DURING THE MANDATED EQUALIZATION PROCESS. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5310 $100,980.00 ACCT #5315 - OIL, GAS, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL, AND UTILITY VALUATION $2589000.00 $3209900.00 $62,900.00 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES. IT WAS REBID IN DEC. 2005 FOR 2006, THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE PERSONAL PROPERTY DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5315 $320,900.00 ACCT #5320 - GIS SERVICES $369265.00 $36,265.00 $0.00 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS A PRORATED SHARE OF AERIAL COSTS. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE GIS DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5320 $361265.00 ACCT #5325 - LEGAL SERVICES $1701000.00 $2009000.00 $309000600 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS CHARGED FOR ALL LEGAL EXPENSES ASSOCIATED WITH DEFENDING VALUES. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5325 $2001000.00 ACCT #5330 - AUDIT & PAYROLL PROCESSING $189000.00 $201500.00 $2,500.00 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS FOR THE ANNUAL AUDIT AND FOR PAYROLL PROCESSING. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT, TOTAL ACCOUNT #5330 $20,500.00 ACCT #5340 - DEED, SALES, AND VALUE INFORMATION $1209672.85 $138,125.47 $171452.62 THIS BUDGET ITEM IS CHARGED FOR EXPENSES INCURRED TO OBTAIN OWNERSHIP, SALES AND VALUE INFORMATION. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5340 ACCT #5345 -AUTO EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT THIS BUDGET ITEM IS TO COMPENSATE EMPLOYEES FOR THE USE OF THEIR PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR JOB DUTIES. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5345 125.47 $276,187.42 $337,518.00 $61,330.58 2007 BUDGET 5300 - SERVICES RECEIVED (continued) ACCT #5350 -GENERAL INSURANCE ALL INSURANCE EXCEPT GROUP HEALTH AND WORKERS' COMPENSATION IS CHARGED TO THIS ACCOUNT, THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5350 ACCT #5360 -PRINTING SERVICES THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR ALL ITEMS THAT ARE PRINTED AND MAILED, ITEMS THAT ARE PRINTED AND CONSUMED WITHIN THE BUILDING ARE CHARGED TO OFFICE SUPPLIES. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5360 ACCT #5370 -POSTAGE AND FREIGHT THIS ITEM IS CHARGED FOR ALL ITEMS THAT ARE MAILED. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5370 ACCT #5380 -LEGAL NOTICES &ADVERTISING THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN NEWSPAPERS CONCERNING EXEMPTION MATTERS SUCH AS HOMESTEADS, OVER-65, DISABLED VETERANS, AND PRODUCTIVITY VALUATION MATTERS, OTHER ADVERTISEMENTS HAVE TO DO WITH APPRAISAL REVIEW NOTICES, MISCELLANEOUS, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, AND INVITATIONS TO BID, THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5380 ACCT #5390 -OFFICE SUPPLIES THE OFFICE SUPPLY BUDGET IS COMPRISED OF EXPENSES INCURRED FOR TRADITIONAL OFFICE SUPPLY ITEMS. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5390 164.00 2006 2007 INCREASE OR 1DGET BUDGET DECREASE $33,995090 $38,223.51 $4,227.61 $72,950.85 $81,826.40 $8,875.55 $185,164.00 $172,164.00 ($13,000.00) $26,000.00 $26,000.00 $0.00 $75,230.34 $80,490.00 $5,259.66 TOTAL 5300 -SERVICES RECEIVED $1,357,171.36 $1,552,992.38 $195,821.02 2007 BUDGET 5400 = UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE ACCT #5410 -OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE OF ALL OFFICE EQUIPMENT EXCEPT THE PRIMARY COMPUTER, PERIPHERAL DEVICES, AND PERSONAL COMPUTERS IS CHARGED TO THIS ACCOUNT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5410 ACCT #5420 -INFORMATION SERVICES MAINTENANCE THIS ACCOUNT IS COMPRISED OF BOTH COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE. BOTH ITEMS ARE CHARGED TO THIS ACCOUNT SO THE TOTAL COST OF AUTOMATION MAINTENANCE WILL BE SHOWN IN ONE ACCOUNT. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE TO THE INFORMATION SERVICES AND GIS DEPARTMENTS. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5420 ACCT #5430 -ELECTRICITY, WATER, SEWER AND SOLID WASTE THIS BUDGET ITEM IS FOR THE DISTRICT'S UTILITIES. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5430 ACCT #5440 -TELEPHONE THIS BUDGET ITEM IS FOR THE DISTRICT'S TELEPHONE EXPENSE. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5440 $147,123.60 ACCT #5450 -BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE THIS BUDGET ITEM COMPRISES ALL BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5450 2006 2007 INCREASE OR BUDGET BUDGET DECREASE $27,090.56 $477,507.00 $120,000.00 $141,300.00 $131,136.00 $25,200.00 $488,794.00 $147,123.60 $137,897.00 $11,287.00 $24,000.00 $5,823.60 $6,761.00 TOTAL 5400 -UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE $897,033.56 $943,014.60 $45,981.04 F 2007 BUDGET ACCT #5510 - FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT AN ASSET SCHEDULE APPEARS AT THE BACK OF THE BUDGET. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5510 ACCT #5520 - BUILDING AND LAND IMPROVEMENTS AN ASSET SCHEDULE APPEARS AT THE BACK OF THE BUDGET. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5520 TOTAL 5500 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 5500 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 2006 BUDGET $30,980.00 $35,000.00 200T INCREASE OR UDGET DECREASE $35,255.00 $41275.00 $105,000.00 $70,000.00 $65,980.00 $140,255.00 $74,275mOO 2007 BUDGET 5600 = MISCELLANEOUS ACCT #5610 -CONTINGENCY THE FUNDS IN THIS BUDGET ITEM ARE APPROPRIATED FOR UNANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES, ALL ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES ARE BUDGETED IN SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT, TOTAL ACCOUNT #5610 ACCT#5620-MISCELLANEOUS THIS ACCOUNT IS FOR ITEMS THAT WILL NOT FIT WELL IN ANOTHER CATEGORY. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5620 2006 2007 INCREASE OR 1DGET BUDGET DECREASE $73,513.41 $791999.07 $6,485.66 $42,550.00 $37,075.00 ($5,475.00) TOTAL 5600 -MISCELLANEOUS $116,063.41 $117,074.07 $1,010.66 2007 BUDGET ACCT #5910 - BUILDING AND LAND PAYMENTS THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR THE PAYMENTS ON THE APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S BUILDINGS AND LAND NOTES. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5910 ACCT #5920 -EQUIPMENT PAYMENTS THIS ACCOUNT IS CHARGED FOR THE PAYMENTS ON THE APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S PRIMARY COMPUTER SYSTEM AND LEASED EQUIPMENT. THIS ACCOUNT IS APPLICABLE ONLY TOTHE OVERHEAD DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ACCOUNT #5920 TOTAL 5900 - DEBT SERVICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 5900 = DEBT SERVICE 2006 2007 Rlln[AFT Minn; 194.4 173.98 INCREASE OR DECREASE $1601194.46 $1609194A6 $0.00 $479,181.22 $526,173.98 $46,992.76 $639,375.68 $686,368.44 $46,992.76 $7,999,907.36 $9,051,447.23 $1,051,539.87 t{ I r � , 2007 CAPITAL EXPENSES DEPT #101 -ADMINISTRATION (1) MISC QUANTITY 1 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL = DEPT #102 -CUSTOMER SERVICE (1) TELEPHONE HEADSETS QUANTITY (7) SCANNERS QUANTITY 2 (8) PRINTER TABLES QUANTITY 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TOTAL = X UNIT PRICE _ $500.00 X UNIT PRICE X $1,000.00 UNIT PRICE X $800.00 UNIT PRICE X $6,000.00 X UNIT PRICE X $1,000.00 UNIT PRICE X $100600 DEPT #105 -OVERHEAD (1) AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBULATOR QUANTITY 2 X (2) MISCELIANOUS QUANTITY k 1 (3) PAYMENT FOR PARKING LOT AT BACK OF 3911 AND DRIVEWAY BETWEEN TWO BUILDINGS, REMODEL BATHROOMS AT 3901 MORSE REMODEL & EXPAND ARB ROOMS (4) LANDSCAPING - BUSHES, TREES & GRASS OVERHEAD TOTAL = UNIT PRICE $1,500.00 UNIT PRICE $2,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 500,00 $900.00 _ $3,000.00 _ $1,600.00 _ $6,000.00 $3,500.00 _ $500.00 _ $2,000.00 _ $200.00 $171700.00 _ $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $100,000.00 $5,000.00 $110,000.00 E ACCT # 5510 - FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT DEPT #201 -COMMERCIAL (1) ELECTRIC STAPLER QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 2 $140,00 $280400 (2) SHELVING FOR WORKROOM QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 1 $300.00 $300.00 (3) LASER PRINTER(NEW EMPLOYEE) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 1 $1,000.00 $100400 (4) DESKTOP SCANNER (NEW EMPLOYEE) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 1 $125,00 $125.00 COMMERCIAL TOTAL = $1,705.00 DEPT #202 -SALES &RESEARCH (1) MISCELLANEOUS QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE 1 $1,500.00 = $1,500.00 SALES & RESEARCH TOTAL = $1,500.00 DEPT #203 - PERSONAL PROPERTY (1) MISCELLANEOUS QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 1 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 PERSONAL PROPERTY TOTAL = $3,000.00 DEPT #204 - RESIDENTIAL (1) DIGITAL CAMERA (REPLACEMENT) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 3 $ 300.00 $ 900.00 (2) BATTERIES AND CHARGERS FOR CAMERAS QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 (3) TELEPHONE (NEW EMPLOYEES)(2 SUPPORT) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 2 $ 350.00 $ 700.00 (4) SCANNER (NEW EMPLOYEES)(2 SUPPORT) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 2 $ 800.00 $ 1,600.00 (5) LASER PRINTERS (NEW EMPLOYEES)(2 SUPPORT) QUANTITY X UNIT PRICE _ 2 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,400.00 RESIDENTIAL TOTALS = $59850 000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES = $1400255.00 DEPT. ADMINISTRATIVE #102 CUSTOMER SERVICE #104 INFORMATION SERVICES #201 COMMERCIAL 2007 SALARY SCHEDULE 2007 TITLE SALARIES CHIEF APPRAISER $1151800.84 DEPUTY CHIEF APPRAISER $96,805.31 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE $75,930.57 SUPPLEMENTS/ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $46,585.91 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT $36,977,54 PART-TIME $6,971.77 ADMINISTRATIVE TOTAL: $379,071.94 DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER SERVICE $75,930.55 QUALITY CONTROL TECH $39,980.15 MAPPING/GIS TECHNICIAN II $35,900.64 MAPPING/GIS TECHNICIAN II $35,900.64 MAPPING/GIS TECHNICIAN II $35,900.64 MAPPING TECHNICIAN 1 $32,501.31 MAPPING TECHNICIAN 1 $32501.31 MAPPING TECHNICIAN 1 $32,501.31 GIS COORDINATOR $72,683.57 GIS ANALYST $59,428.62 SENIOR GIS TECHNICIAN $39,980.15 EXEMPTION SPECIALIST/TRAINER $46,585.91 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST/TRAINER $36,977.54 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32,501.31 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32,501.31 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32501.31 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32,501.31 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32*501.31 CUSTOMER SERVICE SPECIALIST $32,501.31 MAINTENANCE EMPLOYEE $35,900.47 PART TIME $319011.64 APPRAISAL SUPPORT TOTAL: $838,692.31 DIRECTOR INFORMATION SERVICES $109,881.36 SENIOR SUPPORT SPECIALIST $61,851.04 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR $61,851.07 IS SUPPORT SPECIALIST $46,353.66 INFORMATION SERVICES TOTAL: $279,937.12 COMMERCIAL MANAGER $75,930.43 COMMERCIAL SUPERVISOR $66,016.09 COMMERCIAL SUPERVISOR $66,016.09 COMMERCIAL APPRAISER $53,550.76 COMMERCIAL APPRAISER $53,550.76 COMMERCIAL APPRAISER $53550.76 COMMERICAL APPRAISER $53,550.76 COMMERICAL APPRAISER $139387.69 SR. COMM. APPRAISAL SUPPORT $35,900.97 PART TIME $4,800.81 COMMERCIAL TOTAL: $476,255.10 2007 SALARY SCHEDULE (continued) 2007 DEPT. TITLE SALARIES i►�.JZ SALES/RESEARCH DEPARTMENT #N/A $75,930.57 SALES & RESEARCH SUPERVISOR $64,792.25 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 PART TIME $131716.61 SALES AND RESEARCH TOTAL : $186,940.74 PERSONAL PROPERTY TITLE PERSONAL PROPERTY MANAGER $75,930.57 PERSONAL PROPERTY SUPERVISOR $66,016.04 PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $53,550.20 PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $53,550.20 PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $53,550.20 PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $539550.20 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 SR. PER PROP APPRAISAL SUPPORT $351900.97 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $329501.31 PART TIME $40*002969 PERSONAL PROPERTY TOTAL : $497,053.67 9•T�Z! RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL MANAGER $75,930.57 RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR $59,429.23 RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISOR $59,429.23 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 SENIOR APPRAISER $48,250.38 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $48,250.51 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $48,250.38 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $41,817,05 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $41,817.05 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $41,817.05 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY APPRAISER $41,817.05 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 SENIOR APPRAISAL SUPPORT $36,977.43 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 APPRAISAL SUPPORT $32,501.31 PART-TIME $30,005.08 RESIDENTIAL TOTAL: $1,090,802.49 TOTAL SALARIES: 3,748,753.37 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01150 HART INTERCIVIC, INC I-006185 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI ELECTION MATERIAL 000000 8.19 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1396500 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 248.92 DEPARTMENT 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 257.11 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 000000 9.66 99-00840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. I-385958 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING LEGAL AD 000000 54.17 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-38167 001-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN WALL PAPER,KILZ 000000 22.70 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-12083 001-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO RING 000000 20.00 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-48479 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES 000000 874.39 99-02300 SANGER COURIER I-7274 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING SPORTS PAGE 000000 258.50 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-6363 001-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE AIR FILTERS 000000 4.88 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1412640 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI KEYBOARD,COPY PAPER 000000 89.91 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 001-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE AIR FILTERS 000000 4.74 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 1,338.95 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 001-20-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 55.27 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON I-47709 001-20-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM RADIOS 000000 2,751.00 99-01070 GALLS INC. I-58292313 001-20-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM TINT METER,ORGANIZERS,CUFFS 000000 1,232.56 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I-510380 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V EXHAUST HANGES 000000 24.28 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 99-08760 GT DISTRIBUTORS INC I-0146998 001-20-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM TAPE,MEASURING WHEEL,FLARES 000000 560.05 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 59.22 I-1794,1799,1785,182 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE PADS,ALTENATOR,RAINX,MIS 000000 23.47 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 4,718.14 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 22 ANIMAL CONTROL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL I-48424 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXP VET SERVICES 000000 472.30 99-15240 JERKY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 109.23 DEPARTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL: 581.53 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-48203 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MAKERS 000000 100.00 99-03960 AMSTfiRDAM PRINTING I-9502283 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRS DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 112.29 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-228384-00 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI FILE JACKETS 000000 434.36 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 99-04550 TCCA 99-11170 RICOH I-48463 001-26-5235 DUES & REGIST TCCA ANNUAL CONFfiRENCE 000000 150.00 I-G033100022-50 001-26-5335 R & M EQUIPME COPIER MAINTENANCE 000000 230.10 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 826.75 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-12401,12400,12408 001-28-5310 R & M BUILDIN PHONE & DATA LINE,FAX LINE,COR 000000 319.00 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-183776 001-28-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 53.98 99-03960 AMSTSRDAM PRINTING I-9502283 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 DEPARTMENT 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL: 385.27 - 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 001-30-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 5.66 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-48203 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKERS 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10012923110012733 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI MISC PARTS 000000 184.88 99-01070 GALLS INC. I-58290598 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. I-604044 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-38406 99-02140 RADIO SHACK 2-10022737 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-183776 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPP I-31085 I-31090 I-31097 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 99-10120 OFFICE DEPOT I-333140368-001 99-11040 U & D ENTERPRISES, INC. I-8363 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO 001-30-5255 WEARING APPAR RAINCOATS 000000 183.97 001-30-5370 STREETS ASPHALT 000000 598.29 001-30-5250 MINOR TOOLS SKIL SAW,DWALT SET,BLADE 000000 506.82 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM RECORDER 000000 73.98 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 53.98 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 6 SIGNS 000000 259.50 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS STREET SIGNS 000000 101.24 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS SIGNS 000000 266.04 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 250.98 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM GLOVES 000000 390.00 I-1319,1239,1583, 001-30-5325 2-1794,1799,1785,182 001-30-5325 99-15470 PROFESSIONAL COATING TE 2-7956 001-30-5370 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 29.25 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE PADS,ALTENATOR,RAINX,MIS 000000 39.69 STREETS PH PM TACK, SPRAY TIP 000000 1,911.34 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 4,917.91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 B[".?GET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 001-32-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 5.66 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-10012923,10012733 001-32-5245 MINOR TOOLS MISC PARTS 000000 184.87 99-01490 LAWN LAND 2-213492 001-32-5245 MINOR TOOLS TRIMMER,EDGER 000000 839.97 99-01560 LOVELACE NURSERY 2-48301 001-32-5211 LANDSCAPE MAT LANDSCAPING MATERIAL 000000 495.88 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-38406 001-32-5245 MINOR TOOLS BLOWER,FLOWERS 000000 393.80 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-DE39057 001-32-5325 R& M MOTOR V 5 GALLON B ECHOL 000000 132.75 99-04070 MOORE SUPPLY CO. I-5742920 001-32-5245 MINOR TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES 000000 259.78 99-05280 TRINITY TURF I-43833 001-32-5211 LANDSCAPE MAT TRINITY TURF 000000 255.00 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. I-33443 001-32-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP ANT KILLER 000000 374.00 99-13890 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO 2-5102074 001-32-5211 LANDSCAPE MAT IRRIGATION @ DOWNTOWN PARK 000000 683.00 I-5102075 001-32-5343 BALL FIELD MA REPAIR WORK AT RR FIELD 000000 263.75 99-15240 JERKY'S AUTO 2-1319,1239,1583, 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 112.20 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 4,000.66 5/12/2006 4:03 PM PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # 99-03660 GOHLKE POOL SUPPLY I-21472 I-21733121587 99-11540 LINCOLN I-S144280 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 BANK: SB99 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 001-34-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP BIO BANISH 000000 552.00 001-34-5324 R & M EQUIPME REPAIRS @ POOL 000000 931.52 001-34-5324 R & M EQUIPME REPAIRS @ POOL 000000 1,859.11 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 3,342.63 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-48345 001-36-5310 R & M BUILDIN TOILET SEAT 000000 2.00 99-01070 GALLS INC. I-58281202 001-36-5325 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS 1-432931814337297 001-36-5245 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-5102134 001-36-5310 I-8020241 001-36-6020 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 001-36-5325 I-1794,1799,1785,182 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V WARNING LIGHTS,REPL BULBS MSCHANZC SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES R & M BUILDIN SHELVING,GRINDING WHEEL MECH.SHOP IMP COVERS FOR EQUIP 000000 000000 000000 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE PADS,ALTENATOR,RAINX,MIS 000000 78.96 51.75 24.98 185.42 16.51 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 473.17 5/12/2006 4:03 PM PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 40 SULLIVAN CENTER BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 BANK: SB99 VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-183776 001-40-5245 JANITORIAL & CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 54.00 DEPARTMENT 40 SULLIVAN CENTER TOTAL: 54.00 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 Library BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02120 QUILL I-6448073 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 198.68 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-10022786 001-42-5312 99-03930 THE LIBRARY STORE I-592986 001-42-5270 99-09540 LIBRARY ONE DIRECT I-110468 001-42-6050 99-11820 THE STEWART ORGANIZATIO I-3085 001-42-5312 99-13290 TERRITORY TITLES I-06020012 001-42-6050 R & M OFFICE BATTERY BOOKS 10 BOOKS R & M OFFICE COPIER MAINT BOOKS BOOK 000000 3.99 000000 110.02 000000 182.78 000000 33.55 000000 13.15 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL: 542.17 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 Community Center BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-48203 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKERS 000000 100.00 DEPARTMENT 44 Community Center TOTAL: 100.00 VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 21,650.58 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 Mayor and City Council BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01150 HART INTERCIVIC, INC I-006185 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI ELECTION MATERIAL 000000 8.18 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1396500 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 248.92 DEPARTMENT 10 Mayor and City Council TOTAL: 257.10 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 000000 9.66 99-00840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. I-385958 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING LEGAL AD 000000 54.18 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-38167 008-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN WALL PAPER,KILZ 000000 22.69 99-01830 NOR-TEX COMMUNICATIONS I-12083 008-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN PROGRAM EXTENSIONS TO RING 000000 20.00 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-48479 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES 000000 874.39 99-02300 BANGER COURIER I-7274 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING SPORTS PAGE 000000 258.50 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-6363 008-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE AIR FILTERS 000000 4.87 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1412640 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI KEYBOARD,COPY PAPER 000000 89.91 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 008-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE AIR FILTERS 000000 4.73 DEPARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAL: 1,338.93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00720 DATAMATIC, LTD. I-5924 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI BATTERY PACK 000000 64.28 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1412640 008-19-5205 DATA PROCESSI KEYBOARD,COPY PAPER 000000 23.77 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 100.34 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-48345 008-36-5310 R & M BUILDIN TOILET SEAT 000000 2.00 99-01070 GALLS INC. I-58281202 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-4329318,4337297 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-5102134 I-8020241 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V WARNING LIGHTS,REPL BULBS 008-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 008-36-5310 R & M BUILDIN SHELVING, GRINDING WHEEL 008-36-6020 MECH, SHOP IM COVERS FOR EQUIP 000000 000000 000000 000000 I-1319,1239,1583, 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 I-1794,1799,1785,182 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE PADS,ALTENATOR,RAINX,MIS 000000 78.97 51.45 24.97 185.41 16.51 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: 472.85 ---- ---- --------- ---- --------- —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 008-50-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 104.76 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-48203 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKERS 000000 50.00 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY I-270604 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL S DEMAND & VOLUME CHARGE 000000 10,791.67 I-270604 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHAS DEMAND & VOLUME CHARGE 000000 1,829.00 99-03860 ZIMMERER KUBOTA & EQUIP I-DE39139 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WHEEL PARTS 000000 194.03 I-DE39236 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V WHEEL MOUNT 000000 6.13 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.30 99-05520 DICKERSON CONSTRUCTION I-61272 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER REPAIR LINE @ WALMART 000000 434.17 99-12410 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY I-602338,604203 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER REPAIR SUPPLIES 000000 592.13 I-604226 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER SHUT OFF TOOL 000000 301.25 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 29.25 I-1794,1799,1785,182 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V BRAKE PADS,ALTENATOR,RAINX,MIS 000000 175.81 DEPARTMENT 50 Water TOTAL: 14,520.50 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 Waste Water Collection BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-243675-CRC-1 008-52-6070 SEWER MAIN & ODOR GRAIN 000000 4/538932 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-2 008-52-5420 99-09820 DURABLE COMPONENT TECH I-242251 008-52-5260 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. I-33518 008-52-5260 I-33518 008-52-5315 I-33518 008-52-5260 CONTRACTUAL S REPAIR LIFT LOWER COWLING SAFETY EQUIPM WORK GLOVES,HEADBANDS SAFETY EQUIPM BIO-ZYME,BUG SPRAY,CLEANER R & M LIFT ST BIO-ZYME,BUG SPRAY,CLEANER SAFETY EQUIPM BIO-ZYME,BUG SPRAY,CLEANER 000000 2,220.00 000000 962.48 000000 2,320.32 000000 2,563.00 000000 236.16 DEPARTMENT 52 Waste Water Collection TOTAL: 12,840.28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- --------- ---------------------------- 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I-3 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S WWTP BLOWER 000000 315.00 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-9085926 008-54-5329 R & M SEWER P REPAIR PARTS WWTP 000000 161.97 99-13620 DEVICES & CALIBRATION S I-06-11225 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ANNUAL CALIBRATION WWTP 000000 300.00 DEPARTMENT 54 Waste Water Treatment TOTAL: 776.97 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 00520 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 VERIZON WIRELESS I-48483 008-58-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 15.27 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-48203 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MAKERS 000000 100.00 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-228743-00 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVE BUSINESS CARDS 000000 77.48 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I-5103771210378 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V STEP BAR SETS 000000 384.33 99-02300 BANGER COURIER I-7274 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVE SPORTS PAGE 000000 50.00 99-02690 TECHLINE 2-1615186 008-58-5365 TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS 000000 3,150.00 I-1618026 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS POLES 000000 6/920400 I-1618268 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS CONDUIT STRAPS 000000 24.00 I-1618317 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS ELBOWS 000000 465.00 2-1618325 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS PVC,METER BLANKS 000000 175.00 I-1618435 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 1500W METAL LAMPS 000000 596.70 I-1618486 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS BRASS LOCKS 000000 450.00 I-1618551-00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 400W METAL BULBS 000000 155.54 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-9502283 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI APPLICATIONS 000000 12.29 99-05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I-P144335401022 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM SQWINCHER 000000 233.80 I-P144335401022 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM SAFETY GLASSES 000000 12.36 I-PI44335401022 008-58-5220 POSTAGE SHIPPING 000000 46.57 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY SY I-06-1979 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S MESSAGE FEES 000000 71.25 99-08230 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIE I-YCS78800 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER 000000 100.45 99-10280 ALTEC CAPITAL 2-47451 008-58-5345 LEASE EQUIPME LEASE # 20965 000000 2,701.00 99-15010 ARBORWORKS LLC I-6090 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S TREE TRIMMING 000000 2,682.24 99-15240 JERRY'S AUTO I-1319,1239,1583, 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V REFRIGERANT 000000 29.25 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department TOTAL: 180452.53 VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE FUND TOTAL: 48,759.50 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 70,410.08 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 2005-2006 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 257.11 900 571.60- Y 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 89.91 800 201.24 001-15-5230 ADVERTISING 312.67 41110 21472.40 001-15-5310 R & M BUILDING 42.70 11000 21063.24- Y 001-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE 9.62 250 202.66 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICES 874.39 71000 485.63 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 9.66 61000 31271.74 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.29 51300 3/890633 001-20-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 4/543661 29,700 24,028,07 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 106.97 10,000 31591.86 001-20-5525 PAGERS 55.27 11445 724.96 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXPENSE 472.30 51000 21512.59 001-22-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 109.23 21000 11583.03 001-24-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.29 31000 11493.65 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100.00 3,300 11388.00 001-26-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 446.65 41200 2,336.42 001-26-5235 DUES & REGISTRATION 150.00 11200 919.00 001-26-5335 R & M EQUIPMENT 230.10 715 71.50 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.29 11200 780.71 001-28-5245 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 53.98 11000 851.40 001-28-5310 R & M BUILDING 319.00 21000 11135.09 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 263.27 21000 361.11 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES. 238.86 31500 1/914638 001-30-5250 MINOR TOOLS 506.82 3,500 1/935494 001-30-5255 WEARING APPAREL 183.97 41500 21763.15 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 463.98 41000 21030,09 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDING 50.00 4,000 883.00 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 68.94 10,000 51102.03 001-30-5370 STREETS 21509,63 50,000 101119.30 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS 626*78 10,000 6/882665 001-30-5525 PAGERS 5.66 11000 800.71 001-32-5211 LANDSCAPE MATERIAL 11433,88 51000 21959.80 001-32-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 374.00 31000 11487.98 001-32-5245 MINOR TOOLS 11678,42 41500 11944.62 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 244.95 61000 2,845.27 001-32-5343 BALL FIELD MAINTENANCE 263.75 10,000 51161.20 001-32-5525 PAGERS 5.66 800 794*34 001-34-5223 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 552.00 6,000 4,033.00 001-34-5324 R & M EQUIPMENT 21790,63 25,000 221121.77 001-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 113.55 600 4.66- Y 001-36-5310 R & M BUILDING 53*75 700 182.77 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 280.89 11000 166.36 001-36-6020 MECH.SHOP IMPROVEMENTS 24.98 2,000 1,383.03 001-40-5245 JANITORIAL & BID, SUPPLIES 54.00 400 250.55 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 198.68 11400 248.66 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND LIBRARY SUPPL 110.02 21500 11248,74 001-42-5312 R & M OFFICE EQUIPMENT 37.54 800 327.48 001-42-6050 BOOKS 195.93 81500 21833.85 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDING 100.00 51500 41631.32 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 257.10 900 618.71- Y 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 89.91 800 311.16 008-15-5230 ADVERTISING 312.68 4,110 21436.12 008-15-5310 R & M BUILDING 42.69 11000 11758.15- Y 008-15-5325 R & M VEHICLE 9*60 250 202.69 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICES 874.39 71000 485.68 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SERVICES 9.66 61000 31522.77 008-19-5205 DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 23.77 41700 999.55 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 76.57 21450 620.90 008-36-5245 MECHANIC SHOP SUPPLIES 113.54 600 4.65- Y 008-36-5310 R & M BUILDING 53.45 700 183.05 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 280.89 11000 170.40 008-36-6020 MECH, SHOP IMPROVEMENTS 24.97 21000 11383,03 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12.30 300 78.94- Y 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDING 50.00 2,000 11283.40 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 405.22 51000 688.85- Y 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER 1,327.55 80,000 431684.12 008-50-5385 WATER PURCHASE 1/829600 60,000 44,070.60 008-50-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,791.67 150,000 64,932.22 008-50-5525 PAGERS 104.76 820 198.83 008-52-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 31518.96 10,000 61481.04 008-52-5315 R & M LIFT STATION 2/563600 80,000 11076.34- Y 008-52-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,220.00 51000 1,661925 008-52-6070 SEWER MAIN & MANHOLES 41538.32 81000 21103.17 008-54-5329 R & M SEWER PLANT 161.97 20,000 12,931.67 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 615.00 10,000 8r048964 008-58-5210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 112.74 21000 62.62- Y 008-58-5220 POSTAGE 46.57 11000 882.68 008-58-5260 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 246.16 81000 31970.27 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR VEHICLE 413.58 9,000 11995.10 008-58-5345 LEASE EQUIPMENT 21701.00 110,000 58,856.58 008-58-5365 TRANSFORMERS 31150,00 50,000 21508,05 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21853.49 135,000 77,224600 008-58-5450 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 127.48 7,000 31284.23 008-58-5525 PAGERS 15.27 11000 562.20 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS 81786.24 300,000 198,465,30 ** 2005-2006 YEAR TOTALS ** 70,410.08 ANNUAL BUDGET OVER BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 5/12/2006 4:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER ** DEPARTMENT TOTALS ** PAGE: 25 ACCT NAME AMOUNT 001-10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL 257.11 001-15 ADMINISTRATION 1,338.95 001-20 POLICE 41718,14 001-22 ANIMAL CONTROL 581.53 001-24 FIRE DEPARTMENT 112.29 001-26 MUNICIPAL COURT 826.75 001-28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION 385.27 001-30 STREETS 4,917.91 001-32 PARKS 4,000.66 001-34 POOL 3,342.63 001-36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 473.17 001-40 SULLIVAN CENTER 54.00 001-42 Library 542.17 001-44 Community Center 100.00 ------------........... -----.......... -------........ ---....... ------...... ---------- 001 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 21,650.58 008-10 Mayor and City Council 257.10 008-15 Administration 1,338.93 008-19 Data Processing 100.34 008-36 Vehicle Maintenance 472.85 008-50 Water 14,520950 008-52 Waste Water Collection 12,840.28 008-54 Waste Water Treatment 776.97 008-58 Electric Department 18,452,53 008 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND 48,759.50 ** TOTAL ** 70,410.08 NO ERRORS ** END OF REPORT **