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06/19/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular
AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, June 19, 2006 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. • 1 ► ` ►11II�lI�1►i17:1 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 57 2006 -Minutes May 15, 2006 - Minutes b) Disbursements. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Consider and Possible Action on the Criteria for the Selection of Board Members. 5. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Annexation for the following Properties: A. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A LOT 1 B. ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 331, BEING 26.971 ACRES IN DEN ON COUNTY 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Master Plan. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for 2005/2006 Fiscal Year. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Janitorial Services for Ciiy Buildings. 9. Consider and Possible Action to .Award Bid for Audit Services for Years Ending 2006- 2007-2008. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Emergency Siren System on the East Side of Town. 11. Discussion on the Resolution Supporting the Texas Main Street Program. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Statement of Intent from Atmos Energy. 13. Consider and Possible Action on the Adoption of Resolution #06-10-06 Authorizing and Approving Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligations. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Financial Advisory Agreement with Government Capital Securities Corporation. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Forwarding the Zoning Map Review to the Planning and Zoning Commission, 16. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. 1 I* Adjournment. Pursuant to the Texas ®pen Meetings co Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby A Sanger, Texas, a place convepientj@n( Rdsalie Chavez, City City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from the official Noticerr was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the Cfty ablic at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following m. and shall remain posted until meeting is adjourned. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MIN Ail I ENO U111 1 III PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Director of Economic Development, Cecile Carson, Jan and Johnny Looper, Roger Otwell, Joe Falls, John and Liz Springer, Kim Cox, Michael Dill, Rod Zielke 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called Meeting to Order, led invocation, followed by Councilman Patton leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. a) Approve Minutes: May 15, 2006 - Minutes May 22, 2006 - Special Called Meeting Minutes b) Disbursements Motion was made by Councilman Walker to table minutes of May 15, 2006 until the next meeting and to approve the May 22, 2006 Special Called Meeting. Councilman James seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman James to approve Disbursements. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion Carried Unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. Jan Looper of 663 Rising Star Lane addressed the City Council concerning a phone number for FEMA. F JILP JIL HOBBS, BLOCK 1 TRACTB. ABSTRACT 1241, BEING 26,971DENTON COUVTY r. Joe Falls addressed the City Council on this item and indicated he wants his property to be annexed. This property is deeded to his children and he has an interest in the property. They had platted it as one acre tracts and never finalized the plat with the County. They had speculated that this could be part of the golf course once it's developed. r. Falls expressed concern whether Sanger will follow direction on exercising control in development of property to where it is beneficial, tax productive and good for the community of Sanger and the County. Sanger is not a land -locked community and has the ability in its ETJ to become a big city someday. Mr. Falls discussed his plans in the development of his property and indicated he would accept effective criticism in regards to the development. Public Hearing Closed. 5. Discuss and Possible Action on a Mural for the Library Presented by Library Director Vicky Elieson. Mrs. Elieson addressed the City Council concerning Tami Brey of E.B. Creations painting a mural above the door at the library. The mural would represent Sanger's history. Discussion. Motion made by Councilman Patton to accept this mural painted by Tami Brey. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried Unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action for Adoption of Resolution #06-09-06 Regarding Cause #984014-367 Regarding Tax Suit. Discussion concerning the tax sale of this property. Motion was made by Councilman Ervin to adopt Resolution #06-09-06. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried Unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance 4406-07-06 Amending Guard Light Rates. City Manager added this item and advised the only change in the ordinance was from a 150W Metal Halide flood light to a 1000W Metal Halide flood light. The City does not have any businesses with 150W flood lights. Motion made by Councilman Patton to Approve Ordinance #06-07-06. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion Carried Unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #06-08-06 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations. Motion was made by Councilman James to approve Resolution #06-Oa-06 -Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearing for July 3, 2006 and July 17, 2006. Discussion on location of property. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion Carried Unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Begin Process of Amendments to Zoning Map � Ordinance Review. Lengthy discussion concerning property in the city limits that is zoned Agricultural. City Council reviewed maps that had been developed during a Land Use Study and the Impact Fee Study. The adoption of the Land Use Study was a concern and staff advised that research will be done to get a date for adoption. Commercial zoning and old SF3 was discussed. City Council expressed a concern on the legal aspects of the old SF3 zoning. Discussion. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to table this item for June 19, 2006 to allow staff to research and get more information. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried Unanimously. 10. Meeting Adjourned. 1 MAY 159 0 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson, Carolyn Belcher, Kathy Floyd, Mark Hill, Jimmy Newton, Ken Perry, Grace Garza, Andy Garza 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called Meeting to Order, Councilman Patton led the Invocation. Councilman Ervin led the Pledge of Allegiance. 2, a) Approve Minutes: April 3, 2006 -Minutes April 3, 2006 - Workshop April 17, 2006 - Minutes b) Disbursements Councilman Patton moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman James seconded. Motion Carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. that are brought up during this section. None. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 (REAL ESTATE): 1. Property Acquisition. Mayor convened into executive session at 7:03 P.M. RECONVENE: into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Mayor reconvened into regular session at 7:29 P.M. No action taken. (6) 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation #05/01/06 "Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month." Councilman Ervin moved to approve the Proclamation. Councilman Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action on Reciprocal Agreement with Atmos Energy regarding Damage to Distribution Facilities. City Manager indicated that Atmos Energy approached us with two different agreements. One of which states if they damage a water or sewer line the city will r°epair it at no cost to them and if the City damages a gas line, Atmos will repair it at no cost to the City. This would not apply to contractors. The other option would be to go ahead and bill for damages, the City's lines are marked fairly well, more often the City will hit a gas line than they will hit a City line. He indicated it would behoove the City to adopt the reciprocal agreement. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the reciprocal agreement. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Lawler abstained. (8) 6. Discussion on Drainage Issues on Rising Star and Duck Creek. City Manager indicated he had spoke with the County, and they will do the design work on the bridge with the culverts. They will bid it out, and come to Council when they get the bids in. Mayor asked haw long this would take. City Manager indicated possibly mid June. Discussion followed regarding flood plain, study, drainage and improvements Consider and Possible Action on Scheduling'I'ax Collection Interlocal Agreement with Denton County. City ManagPrint] leated this was the standard agreement, it has increased from 65 cents per statement to 67 cents per statement. Councilman Walker moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution R# 05-06-06 Authorizing the Filing of a Project Application with forth Central Council of Governments for a Solid Waste Program Local Implementation Project. Cecile Carson addressed the Council, she indicated that North Central Texas Council of Governments receives funding from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's landfill fees. The funds can be used for funding projects. The City of Sanger is proposing to submit an application for funding to partially fund a code enforcement officer, education programs on illegal dumping, a public education about waste handling practices within the City, and other items that may assist in the Keep Sanger Beautiful Goals. One of the requirements along with the application is that there be a Resolution from the government entity. She requested Council approve the Resolution. Councilman Ervin moved to authorize the Resolution as presented. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (11) 9. Consider and Possible Action on Request for Proposals (RFP'S) for Comprehensive Master Plan. Cecile Carson indicated this was a proposal that will be sent to a number of firms throughout the State of Texas to request that they submit a bid as well as samples of the work they have accomplished in other cities to prepare a comprehensive master plan. It includes a range of topics including transportation, infrastructure, utilities, economic development, parks and recreation and environmental considerations. The city will provide them documentation that has been done by previous engineers to hopefully reduce the cost. The next item is to appoint a steering committee to be responsible along with staff to review the proposals that come in. Mayor asked Ms. Carson who the members of the steering committee would be. Ms. Carson suggested Council could appoint two members of the city council, a member of the planning and zoning committee, a representative from Sanger ISD, a representative from the Chamber of Commerce, and a citizen or property owner. Councilman Lawler inquired as to how long this process would take Ms. Carson advised that it would take 12 to lg months to complete. Discussion followed. Councilman Patton moved to approve sending out Requests for Proposals for a Comprehensive Master Plan. Councilman Walker seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (12)lO.Consider and Possible Action on the Appointment of a Comprehensive Master Plan Steering Committee. Discussion regarding the committee. Councilman James indicated that he felt Cecile Carson should be the person steering the committee as the Director of Economic Development. Ms. Carson indicated she would be there as the staff liaison. Councilman James suggested they determine which Council members would serve on the committee. Discussion followed. Councilmen Walker and Councilman Patton volunteered to serve on the committee. Mayor indicated the other entities should be approached for volunteers to serve. Discussion regarding other members. Council agreed Ms. Carson would approach Planning and Zoning, Chamber of Commerce, and Sanger ISD, and come back to City Council with recommendations at the first meeting in June. (13)ll.Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance # OS-06-06 Amending Appendix A -Fee Schedule, Section 4.1800 Guard Light Rates of the Code of Ordinances. Mike Prater, Electric Superintendent, indicated he had reviewed the security light rates of other cities, and felt that the City's rates should be reviewed. Other cities charge a base rate and a usage charge. This change would help recover fuel charges and usage of the security lights. Discussion regarding the ordinance and security lights. The ordinance is the packet references a 100 watt light. The Electric Superintendent advised that was a typo, that it should be amended to read 150 watt. Councilman James moved to approve Ordinance #05-OS-06 as amended. Councilman Walker seconded. Mayor read caption as follows: ' 1 p 1 PROVIDING 1' THE REPEAL OF ALL /.1 1 PROVIDING 3ROVIDINGFORAN EFFECTIVEDATE. Motion carried unanimously. (14)12.Consider and Possible Action on Resolution If 05-07-06 Setting Date, Time and Place for Public Hearings on Proposed Annexations on the Following Properties. A. N.L. HOBBS, BLOCK A LOT 1 B. ABSTRACT 1241, TRACT 331, BEING 26.971 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Councilman Lawler inquired as to the reason these were being annexed. Mayor advised that the City is looking at placing a water line easement on a portion of this property. Discussion regarding the property, acreage and location. Councilman James moved to approve Resolution #05-07-06 as presented. Councilman Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (15)13.Discussion Concerning Proposal from IESI Regarding Use of Carts for Solid Waste Collections. City Manager indicated there was a request from a citizen to get information concerning the use of carts instead of plastic bags for solid waste collection. Staff requested IESI to submit a quote which is attached with additional information.. Brief Discussion. No action taken. (16)14.Consider and Possible Action on Private Drive in the ETJ of Sanger. Jimmy Newton, Realtor with Paladen Real Estate, addressed the Council concerning this item. He indicated his clients are requesting to put in a 50' private gravel drive off of View Road. It will meet the requirements for a road variance. He indicated they are hoping to have sic lots off of the private road. Each lot will be from 10 to 14 acres each. Discussion followed concerning the gravel drive and city services. Council indicated they would consider an asphalt road with only six lots, not a gravel road. Mayor indicated he should at minimum the road should meet County specifications. No Action Taken. (17)15.Consider and Possible Action on Letter of Agreement with Carter &Burgess for providing Professional Services for the Planning and Design of the Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 2, 3, 4 and 5. Mark Hill, Carter and Burgess, addressed the Council concerning this item. He indicated phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 are the next steps in the design and construction. They are anticipating being online early 2008, with all 4 phases combined,. The actual permit application signature sheets have been submitted to the City for the Mayor to sign. They are in the course of the planning stage. This letter of agreement is being brought because they are getting more into design and less into theory. They need to gather more information and begin the design phase. Discussion regarding the pricing in the agreement letter. Discussed on -site and inspection fees will not exceed $200,000.00. The inspection rate at $900.00 a day will be broken down and prorated at an hourly rate. Discussed easement acquisition. Mr. Hill indicated that the old plant will remain and will be a re -use plant. Councilman Ervin moved to approve the letter of agreement. Councilman Lawler seconded. Motion carried unanimously. (18)16.Discuss Bidding the Services for Janitorial on all City Facilities. City Manager indicated this item is for Council to look at the bid document that will be sent out. Our depository is set up on two year terms, staff set this up in the same manner. Councilman Ervin asked how this was being done now. Discussion continued regarding current cleaning service and the current rate. Councilman Patton indicated we needed to have the security of the bonding issue resolved at the very least. Councilman Ervin indicated he'd like to know what was budgeted for cleaning services, and was concerned about the bonding issue. Council directed staff to advertise for bids. 19. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. A) Councilman Ervin would like to see bids for the City Auditor, discussion regarding a Building Inspector, and Emergency Siren System on the East side of town on the next agenda. B) Councilman Lawler thanked the citizens for being patient, and the Council and staff for working with him. He indicated he enjoyed serving the City. Mayor thanked him for his service. 20. Adjournment. Date: June 16, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item 4 -Criteria For Board Appointments The Mayor recommended that the appointment for Mayor Pro-Tem be placed on an Agenda when all the Council is present. This item will be on the next Agenda as per his request. In visiting with the Mayor, he has suggested that the Council review the criteria that has been submitted by the committee before the appointments are made. City of BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION ME:DRESS: L HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: CELL PHONE: EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, indicate former occupation or profession) PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE): BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD PROVIDE INFORMATION SUCH AS QUALIFICATIONS, COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, EDUCATION, TRAINING, TIME IN CITY, ETC., THAT WOULD MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S). Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? y9ne no Signature: Date: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a public record. BOARD AND COMMISSION QUALIFICATIONS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS Members of all boards and commissions must be: • Residents of the City of Sanger for at least six (6) months preceding the date of appointment; • Qualified voters; and • Not be an officer of the City nor any person who holds a compensated position with the City Members may serve up to three (3) consecutive two (2) year terms with the term beginning in July. A member may be re -appointed to the same board or commission after a one (1) year absence, or may be appointed to serve on other boards or commissions immediately. Attendance at meetings is a requirement. Any member missing three (3) consecutive meetings without prior notification shall be replaced by the City Council. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING DATE: CALLED MEETING The Board consists of seven (7) members serving two year terms. The Board has authority to hear appeals and variances to city regulations related to zoning and building and to determine if the Administrative Official has created an error in the interpretation and enforcement BUILDING STANDARD BOARD MEETING DATE: CALLED MEETING An advisory board to the city council consisting of five (5) members representing one or more field of fire prevention, building construction, sanitation, health and public safety. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING DATE: CALLED MEETING An advisory board to the City and Building Official on issues related to historic districts and landmarks. The board consists of seven (7) members. KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD MEETING DATE: SECOND MONDAY Serving as a consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation and promotion of beautification efforts. The Board shall be composed of nine (9) members. LIBRARY BOARD MEETING DATE: QUARTERLY The board of seven (7) shall serve as a consulting, advisory, supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation, promotion, enlargement, future planning and such other matters involving the city -owned library as may be referred to it by the city council. PARKS BOARD MEETING DATE: SECOND MONDAY The board shall serve as a consulting, advisory and supervisory body to study and recommend policies relating to the operation, promotion, enlargement, future planning and such other matters involving city parks as may be referred to it by the city council. The board shall consist of seven (7) members. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: THURSDAY PRIOR TO COUNCIL The Commission shall be composed of seven (7) members and will receive, review and take appropriate action on all platting and subdivision proposals. The Commission makes recommendations to the Council on proposed ordinance(s) and amendments to existing ordinance(s) regarding planning, zoning, and environmental quality. SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD MEETING DATE: CALLED MEETING The Board is composed of a chairperson, four (4) regular members, and two (2) alternate members nominated by participating Center members. The Board shall serve as a consulting and advisory body for the operation, promotion, planning, fundraising and other such appropriate and reasonable activities. Dear The City of Sanger is currently seeking active members in our community to possibly serve on city boards. You were recommended as a possible candidate. Please review the enclosed information to determine if you are qualified for one or more boards. If interested, please return the application form at your earliest convenience. Your application will be kept in an active file for possible future appointment. Please note that an appointment is not guaranteed. You may also refuse an appointment if asked to serve. If you know of other qualified or interested person(s), please submit their name(s) to the city offices. We hope you will be interested in serving. We look forward to seeing you and invite you to attend all city council meetings. Thank you, City of Sanger How to establish pool: 1. Create form (see information on page 6) Option t: (If large pool is desired quickly) Possible avenues for dissemination a. give three forms to each member of every current committee or board (including city council), request that each turn in at least one form nominating a person not currently serving on a board b. give multiple forms to each current board member that is associated with a club or group. Ask that an announcement be made and that each club or group nominate one to three people willing to serve c. if no current board member is a member of a certain group, ask a city council member or another board member with forms to visit the group and request interested names. d. place a form in the newspaper for four weeks — once a month (Feb to May) (saves money — elongated time and exposure). Request the form from the paper be turned in to the city offices. e. place forms in businesses around town with instructions to turn in the form at the city office if interested. (available to either the owner, operator, or customer) f. make a public announcement at the city council meeting for interested persons to pick up a form at the city office g. consider a brief statement on the utility bill requesting people nominate themselves for boards and where to pick up form h. have forms available through the chamber office and city offices daily i. send a short notice home through the school system informing Sanger residents that we are looking for interested people J. request a blurp in church newsletters during the month of April k. have forms available at each meeting of the board(s) for people who attend, including trash -off, Sellabration, dog shots days... etc. 1. talk about it in public in. personally ask business leaders who do not belong to groups n. attach notices to public bulletin boards o. nomination by current board members Option 2s (If small pool of perspective mer�zbers is desired with the possibility of being called for upcoming board vacancies) Current year a. Select 14 -20 names of perspective members as soon as possible b. ask personally if they will consider serving c. set up training to be utilized d. if appointed — they serve. If not, their name remains in the pool subsequent years: e. select 14-20 individuals annually in January f. training begins in February —ends in May g. for current board members, training is encouraged but optional h. if a current board member changes boards, the training sessions are considered a requirement until each board member has experienced the training sessions at least once. May use any avenue listed to find qualified and interested members. Names should be gathered for future leaders all through the year. These people should be visited and encouraged to consider their role in city government in the future. Option 1: Continue as is Option 2: Set up training for this year as a 3 hour session- 1 hour — Mayor — city council and boards 1 hour — City Manager — organization of city and departments 1 hour — Open Meeting Act Video The purpose is to train the perspective members on the role of the board, city, dept, etc. and to educate the perspective members on what the boards' responsibilities and impact is from the perspective of the speaker. Option 3: Set up training for this year as a 4-5 week course 1 %z hours — Mayor — city council and boards 1 %2 hours — City Manager — organization Department Heads — overview of departments 1 % hours — School Rep, Bolivar Water Rep, County Rep, Coserve Interfacing with other entities 1 '/2 hours — Open Meeting Act Video Mayor: 1 hour time limit plus questions City Manager: 1 hour time limit plus questions Department Heads: time- as designated by city manager Outside Representatives: 15 minutes each Each session would consist of a one hour of information with 30 minutes of questions and answers. This could lead into more sophisticated training sessions in the future. The Charter Committee recommends that the city approved Option 3 with the purpose of it evolving into Option 4 when both sufficient time and funds are available to ensure its success. Option 4: Set up training in the format of Leadership Denton/Duncan (6 months to a you Possible topics to be coordinated City government, organization, flow of responsibilities, city council meetings, departments and their roles, Interfacing with: county, state, and national govt., Volunteer Fire Department, Police Department, School system, Coserve, Bolivar Water, DOT Requirements of each board Annexation Process and Purpose Planning and Development )Discussion points for trainers: 1. their role/purpose in the organization 2. extent and limits of their authority 3. their position in the hierarchy 4. their goals for their term/department 5. the challenges to be faced — examples: budget constraints, annexation, time, equipment, public opinion, etc. Preparation for the traipin .* 1. create handouts (3-hole punched for a D-ring binder) city can make copies 2. inform the city/facilitator of any AV or computer equipment needed 3. be prepared to speak for allotted time and take questions at end of presentation Facilitator: Purpose: To call meeting to order To maintain agenda order and times To regulate breaks To facilitate question period To end meeting on time To establish agenda To communicate with trainees of future meetings To keep attendance record for city council To report to city council information about training sessions To run/start any equipment necessary during presentations iVleetin� ®ptions: 1. 5:30 Monday prior to City Council (5 —11/2 meetings) with the invitation to stay for the council meeting February to April 2. Saturday morning — (2 — 3 hour sessions; 1 —11/2 Open Meeting Act video) (February or March) 3. Saturday —all day (1— 8 hour session including 1/2 hour for lunch) (February or March) lYleetin� Space ®ptions: Should be based upon expected attendance 1. City Hall 2. Library 3. Community Center 4. High School auditorium City 12es onsibilities: 3-ring Binder copies made provide necessary equipment provide meeting space advertise/post meeting time provide food/drinks for all day meeting option help facilitator provide agenda and set up Statements to be made to perspective members: No Needs to be a current city resident Needs to have been a resident for at least 6 months Needs to be 18 years or older. Needs to be interested in the future of our city Needs to be willing to attend all called meetings of the board Needs to clearly understand the purpose of the board (if called) Needs to be able to attend training sessions) and meetings called It is a privilege to serve your community and to help preserve or change it in ways that will secure our future for our children and community. T'he purpose of the pool: To gather names of interested residents so that the city council can call upon them in the event of a current board member no longer able to serve or their term has expired. Flow long will the pool be maintained: Your name will be kept in the file until you request that it be removed or another system is put into place What happens alter I put my name into the pool: The city council RLaj call you to serve on a committee or board if there is a vacancy. You may only be called for one board at a time. Once serving you will serve for the remainder of the term before being called for another board. Once your name is in the pool, it will remain there until you are called or until you request it be removed. Please tell the city if you move outside of the city limits if you name is in the pool. Right of Refusal: You do not have to accept the "call " if you do not wish to serve at that time or on that board that needs a member. There is no obligation on your part to serve. Circumstances change and your wish at that time will be respected. Goal: There is no guarantee you will be called. (#) new names by (date) 1-y p 1 i 1 1 1 1'1' and Zoning CommissloT Ilivan Senior Center If appointed, attendance is required at all board meetings and subsequent training sessions. Please return this form to City Hall as soon as possible. Thank you. Page I of I General Information A' History Dent®n Central Appraisal District WORK IN PROGRESS Values are a work in progress and may change at any time. Property Detail Sheet (R2015111 GIS Map Datasheet Nevv "AQ Owner Information Owner ID: 0361286 eare(te� Owner Name: EDMONDS 1NV INC ETAL Property ID Search Owner Address: 240O FM 2181 CORINTH,TX 76210-Z114 Account Search Property Address: MARION RD � O4vner Search � Address Search E'ro�erty Data Parcel In#ormation Detail Sheet Legal Description: NL HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 1 Acreage: History Cross Reference: SS0179A-OOOOOA-0000-0001-0000 Undivided Interest: 100% e Datasheet Exemption Codes: AG (Agriculture Use) Other Entity Codes: G01 (Denton County) .SU (Sanger ISD) o Taxing Units W04 (Clearcreek Watershed Authority) 0 Abstracts Deed Type: Warranty Deed Deed Book: e Subdivisions Deed Page: 00-84134 Map Page: e Reports * Resources and Forms a Supplements Values Breakdown Z006 Preliminary Value Employment Land HS: $0 + Land NHS: $0 + o Online Maps/GIS Improvement HS: $0 Appraisal Analysis improvement NHS: $0 + Ag Market: $29,357 GIS Help Ag Use: $347 + Timber Market: $0 2005 Tax Rates Timber Use: $0 + Assessed: $347 = o Public Notices a GIS Data e Disclaimer Land ter:. ID Type SPTB Rcre Land1 PI (Improved Pasture) D1 (D1 -Acreage Ranch Land) 3.15t Market $ 29,357 http://www.dentoncad.com/AppraisaUPublicAccess/PropertyDetail. aspx?PropertyID=2760... 5/12/2006 Page 1 of 1 GeneralInTorrnatlon History Ne=�� FAQ Searches Property ID Search Account Search � Owner Search � Address Search � History * Datasheet Other e Taxing Units a Abstracts w Subdivisions � Reports Resources and Forms Supplements Employment Online Maps/GIS Appraisal Analysis GIS Help 2005 Tax Rates a Public Notices a GIS Data a Disclaimer Denton Central Appraisal District WORK IN PROGRESS Values are a work in progress and may change at any time. Owner Information Owner ID: Owner Name: Owner Address: Property Address Parcel (nformatian Legal Description: Acreage: Cross Reference: Undivided Interest: Exemption Codes: Entity Codes: Deed Type: Deed Book: Deed Page: Map Page: Values Breakdown Land HS: Land NHS: Improvement HS: Improvement NHS: Ag Market: Ag Use: Timber Market: Timber Use: Assessed: ID Type Property Detail Sheet (R84530) GIS Map Datasheet 0498037 FALLS FAMILY PARTNERS LTD 4489 MCREYNOLDS RD SANGER,TX 76266-5708 MCREYNOLDS RD A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 331, ACRES 26.971, OLD DCAD SH7 1, TR 1 26.971 A1241 A400-03314000 100% AG (Agriculture Use) G01 (Denton -County) S14 (Sanger ISD) W04 (Clearcreek Watershed Authority) Special WD 02-168889 2006 Preliminary Value $0 + $0 + $0 + $0 + $59,336 $5,664 + $0 $0 + $5,664 = Land1 C2 (Cropland II) Land SPTB Acre Market D3 (D3 -Farmland) 26.9' $ 59,336 http://www.dentoncad. com/Appraisal/PublicAccess/PropertyD etail. aspx?PropertyID=4070... 5/12/2006 City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Consider appointments to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee DATE: June 19, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: At the May 15, 2006 City Council meeting, the Council approved the distribution of a Request for Proposal seeking qualified consulting firms to assist in the creation of a new planning document. Based on inquiries we anticipate receiving several proposals by June 23, 2006. During the May 15'h meeting, the City Council discussed the appointment of a Steering Committee that will be responsible for selecting the firm and monitoring the project. The first meeting of the Steering Committee is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 10, 2006. ACTION: Appointment of theSteering Committee members: Joe Higgs, Mayor Rusty Patton, City Council Mike Walker, City Council Brian Andrus, Property Owner Jerry Jenkins, Planning and Zoning Commission Jeff Morris, Sanger ISD Broad of Trustees Richard Muir, Property Owner John Springer, Chamber of Commerce Representative City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Consider appointments to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee DATE: June 19, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development At the May 15, 2006 City Council meeting, the Council approved the distribution of a Request for Proposal seeking qualified consulting firms to assist in the creation of a new planning document. Based on inquiries we anticipate receiving several proposals by June 23, 2006. During the May 15th meeting, the City Council discussed the appointment of a Steering Committee that will be responsible for selecting the firm and monitoring the project. The first meeting of the Steering Committee is tentatively scheduled for the week of July 10, 2006. IT�i C�P►A Appointment of the Steering Committee members: Brian Andrus, Property Owner Jerry Jenkins, Planning and Zoning Commission Jeff Morris, Sanger ISD Broad of Trustees Richard Muir, Property Owner Rusty Patton, City Council Mike Walker, City Council John Springer, Chamber of Commerce Representative The City Council may which to appoint a Chair or instruct the Steering Committee to elect a Chair at their first meeting. DATE: June 155 2006 TO: Jack Smith, City Manager FROM: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Budget Amendment After reviewing the budget and discussions with the department heads regarding their line item expenses and after their approvals, we have arrived at the following amendments to the budget. This will allow for the purchase of land that you discussed and will allocate funds for the Economic Development department. Also, this will allocate moving funds to certain line item expenses that are overspent. Admin. 001-15-5110 Regular Salaries 008-15-5110 Regular Salaries Mavor & Cit�Council 001-10-5235 Dues & Registrations 00840-5235 Dues & Registrations 00140-5240 00140-6040 008-10-6040 0014 0-5420 0084 0-5420 00145-5310 008-15-5310 Streets 001-30-6030 Travel Expense Travel Expense Building Construction Building Construction Contractual Services Contractual Services R&M Building R&M Building Motor Vehicles Vehicle Maintenance 001-36-5420 008-36-5420 $ 5,756.00 *Allocate funds Salary for 5,756.00 Secretary to City Manager 1,000.00 1,000.00 15000000 13000000 24,333.00 249332900 2,000.00 21000000 3,500.00 35500400 6,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 *Future Land Purchase *Salary expense for election staff and DRE' S *Chairs, window covers and repairs *See attached memo See attached memo Economic Development 00146-5130 FICA 00146-5140 Retirement 001-46-5150 00146-5160 001-4&5170 001-46-5210 00146-5225 00146-5235 00146-5240 00146-5310 00146-5430 00146-5510 00146-6010 TOTAL Police 001-20-5260 001-20-5310 001-20-6010 001-20-6040 Parks 001-32-5329 Health Insurance Workers Comp. TEC Office Supplies Maps & Subscriptions Dues & Registrations Travel Expenses R&M Building Auto Allowance Telephone Computer Equipment Safety Equipment R&M Building Computer Equipment Building Construction Christmas Lights Animal Control 001-22-6020 Building Improvements Fire 001-24-5315 Streets 001-30-5380 Fire Marshal Street Signs Vehicle Maintenance 001-36-5375 Minor Equipment 008-36-5375 Minor Equipment Water 008-50-5515 008-50-5372 Electric 008-58-5355 Electric &Gas Utilities Water Meter &Boxes Meter Maintenance 2,701.00 2,302.00 1,611.00 109.00 270.00 2,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 500.00 3,600.00 1,200.00 3,500.00 { 2,000.00} { 65000.001 { 49000.001 { 5,000.00} { 10,000.00} { 6,000.00} { 6,000.00} { 2,500.00) { 2,500.00} (10,000.00 } {20,000.00} {20,000.00} his dept. did not have allocated expenses $109,970.00 Waste Water 008-54-5270 Lab. Supplies { 55000.00 } TOTAL {$109,970.00} MEMO February 21, 2006 1 To: Jack Smith cc.Rose Chavez City Manager City Secretary From: Kristian Lindberg Vehicle Maintenance Re: Amending budget item I am requesting to move $2,500.00 from account number 01-36-5420 and 08-36-5420, for a total of $5,000,00, to account number 01-36-5375 and 08-36-5375. This transfer is to cover equipment costs that are needed for the shop for the remainder of the year. January 6, 2006 To: Jack Smith, City Manager Fr: Kristian Lindberg, Vehicle Maintenance Re: Mitchell Repair Manager Due to the increasing number of vehicles and equipment the city has purchased and will purchase in the near future. It is important that this department be capable to correctly track the repair history of each individual vehicle. The management system needed to do this task will also aid in the part's inventory and purchase order control problems we are currently having. This system has more than 35 different inventory/purchasing reports that will give this department complete control of inventory tracking. The new system will allow us a complete list of mileage intervals specified by each manufacture along with providing access to Technical Service Bulletins, scheduled services, parts, labor, and repair information. The system will deliver sophisticated repair features with accuracy, which in turn will save valuable time and man power. We will be eliminating the guess work out of the diagnosing and repair procedures eliminating the need for repairs to be done in the other shops. The current system is out dated and has no inventory or repair information leaving us with no option but to contract out ceratin jobs. This will allow the city the opportunity to save funds that are being spent on some repair jobs by keeping the jobs in house. To purchase this system it will cost the city a fee of $6,913.20, a one time purchase cost. v i 3lo v 53 °�s 6 q — 03l¢ - Apri127, 2006 To: Jack Smith, City Manager Fr: John Henderson, Streets/Parks Superintende� Cc: Rose Chavez, City Secretary Re: Amendment I would like to request to move $6,000.00 from acct. 30-5380 (Street Sign). This amount will cover expenses in line item 30-6030 (Motor Vehicle). Date: June 16, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Jack Smith, City Manager Subject: Item 8 -Janitorial Bid The janitorial bids were as follows: Southwest Building Services $53,352.00 Joe Mendoza Janitorial Services $375336600 Both of these bids included janitorial supplies and equipment. Staff has discussed the possibility of hiring a part-time custodian to work an average of 30 hours per week. Attached is a salary schedule from the State of Texas with A3 being on the low side, A5 being in the middle and A8 on the high side. This could be an option to consider if a base salary is somewhere in between $8.50 to $9.00 an hour and total costs with benefits would be an estimated amount of $20,323.00. The janitorial supplies would bean addition of another $4500.00 to $5000.00. If Council directs staff to proceed in this direction staff will begin the process of creating the job description to advertise. Staff can probably have someone hired within a month. 00 co co W Ln co W co W N S 0 C 0 0 D 7 7 [U S 0 C O 7 S D 0 0 CU S 0 C `G 0 7 S D 7 0 N 2 0 C `G 0 7 3 D 7 7 N 2 0 C `< 0 7 �_ D 7 7 [U S 0 C 'G 0 0 _:T D 7 0 N 2? 0 C 0 0 0 o C o 0 zi 7 0 M N J W W W N O Cn N W N W A U) A N A W 0) N (O W O N W N co N W N J (D A W N N N 0 O N W A 0 N N O Co N A (D W O —' (0 W W N W 0) CO N O W J O N N A A 0) 7 O O O (D O W W O O O M (0 J O Co O O N W J co W W O O A W Cn (n W co W O O W W N J (0 6 W 6 CD 0 0 (D W N W W O O W W X Cn A W W O O J (O k W (n Cn O O O W p� — N N co (O W J A J N Cn W N W V O Cn A A A W W N O W A CO A W CO N W W N CO V W co A Cn O J W O CO V W j J Cn W N (0 N co Cn O W J —+ Cn N J Cn W co co O J A Cn N CD W co CO Cn J N x V —� J (O J Cn O O W J A A N Cn O O A W co O O O O (D W W U1 Cn O O O W J 6N1 O O O O Co U) ( k co N U) O 0 (o 0 (OD W 0) 0 O 0 V cn A (b 0 W CD O (n 00 O 00 N 00 IPA 00 W 00 N 0o Wco p lD "O N _ 0 C 0 0 D 0 7 S 0 C 0 0 D 0 7 S 0 C 0 0 D 0 7 S 0 C 0 7 D J 7 S 0 C 0 7 D 0 0 S 0 C 0 7 D 0 7 S O C 0 0 D 0 7 S 0 C 0 0 D 7 7 G) 0 N M ICD A Cn A W Cn A (r W O N A A N m W j N N Cn N W A CD O A W -• N J N W J W W A U) N N N N? O W U) A A N Cn co Cn (D W W CO N W (D (D (D O W W % W W J Cn (D N (D W Cn co N A cWo W W O O M N V o J Cn O W V cou W O O J A (Wn Cn O O O A A (D N Cn W O O N N C)t CD Cn O O O O J m A N (n O O (0 CO W A J Cn CD O (n (y — A N V W co N OD J (D W co W (D (fl W W N N Cn (o CDCn W W C:)J Co V W W J W W Cn N W co J A cn W --� Cn W W W A 0) Cn W N (WO Cn CD 0) A CDA V J W N J J 0) W cn J W A N A A W O O V p� x W O_ O N W CA) O O V CD CD J W Ul CD CD1 CD J W ? A N Cn C:) (D C:)J cn CDCn P co U7 C:)O CDW Cn W 1 O) 0 O N Co N W 0) W C)A CD N m (O 0) W C:) CD N CD_ Q) J CO —� O O N d W N co co O W (O W 00 co V N `G 2 p 0 D 0 S O 0 D 7 S O p D= 0 0 0 D 0 S 0 0 ?._ D 0 S O o D 7 G) W O W % V O Cn A (T 0) N W Cn O O O O A W O W O W W W W (0 C) O O O J O O W W O() m W 0) (n (D W W J (D W W O O W W 6 Cn W (n W W W J Cn J O C)CO O Cn O O N (D V J U) (n W % O O W W N O O N J (0 A Q) A W A A O 0 Cn W N W O 0 U% N CCJ N CO J Cn N Cn O O (n co % Cn (O (D A CD CO (D W Cn V V W A CO (n (7) N N O 0) % O O) W V N J 0) .P ? (n P (0 A C) ? N co .P. (D A W W W N 0 (O (D co A C) A CD V W 0 (D O W V 0 (D DO x O � 0) J Cn W O CDC) Cn CV) N O 0 O C) W Cfl (A) O CD O C) N cn CO CO) CD co (D C) 0 CD O O 0 CD 0 (DN 0 A O 0 W 0 (D U) N ainpauaS AaajaS mn CD �G S D S D S D S D 2 D S D O0 7 O 0 7 O 0 7 O o 0 0 0 7 O 0 0 C 0 C 7 7 C 0 0 C 0 0 C 0 7 C 7 D O (O s co J W � W N W W (n A A CT A (O W 00 .p co W U) J W O O A V CO V A (D —� N W co 0) co N A W (0 W V W 0) 7 J O O N O O co (D CD .A O O O W O O W O O V O O (D O O N O O V O O N N A LO N co CT — (n N O W (0 Cl) 00 W N N N N N N N 0) N Cn W IJ O j J W � 0) (o v —a W W � (0 W CD CD—� x N N A N W W X C) C) CD CD A CD A W (D V x m W (D O Co CD A C) 0 W W O A CO O W A(D (/) (n W O U) W O W O O W W O J W O W O d O O O W � O m W W V (O A, J D D D D co C)O O N 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7_ o D o 0 7 0 C 0 0 C 7 7 C 0 7 C 0 0 7 7 C 0 � N N N N _ _ W (VO N -P O (D (O W N V N N? 0 CD -• W CO Cr W -� A V J W Co 0) N O N O (D N -� W A O N N 7 A W O M CD 0 0 W O W W O O 0) N 0) O (n W W O (D W O O M O W W O J O N W O y (Jl N (O (D (n O W — Cn V Cn (n O (D W 0 N A W N CO N N W co W N A N N N J OD A W � A CO J —� —� N N O W W O al V P co CP 1 W Cn J N A W W J C3) K (31 ? o 0) O O 6) U) o Q) � O 4p W W (7 (n O C) 0 Nco 0 C)� 0) 0 CD 00 O D) C) O A A cn � ' Ul W A (n W comn D D D D D A W v a) N N 2 D 2 D 2� o o 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 2 D C 0 7 C 7 0 C 7 7 O 7 C 0 7 0 O7 0) `G S N = C `G 0) -O CO W W N 14 ND N CO A cn (CA) W V X_ W CO (D ? W --' V co N W O) O W W (D 0) ? V 0) W O M A 4P W N O N O (D V 6 6 W O cn Ol N W O U) V U) O W (n 0 0 W O O N O W W(D Cn W O 0) O O —� A (O O (D W J p p O V co Cn A A A A? W co C OWO (Wn A W N W w N N V N co (D Co W P Cj Cn W CO W W J N W V N) W A (O % x W (n O J O O A 0 0 W W co V O U) O co O co co 0 C) co 0 0 O U) Cn O N V V N J W O 6) — O A CD W N j N O W Cn alnpauaS /�aalaS ,Aty of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sancier, TX 76266 LDate of Bid Opening: I 06/09/06 Time: 2:00 P.M. Re: (Janitorial Services BID RECEIVED: �i�--(��=1, �1C COMPANY: I BID AMOUNT: f It a, 3,g24 00 BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT. BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT. BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT. COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: 8f5I Authorized Signatu Date: June 165 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Jack Smith, City Manager Subject: Item 9 -Auditor Bid We received two bids for the audit which are as follows: Tracy Tarter, P.C. $20,500.00 Hankins, Eastup, Deaton, $12,720.00 Tonn & Seay Bill Spore our current auditor indicated that he did not realize he had to submit a proposal since he was our current auditor, however, he had indicated he had planned to conduct the audit if approved for $7,000.00 next year. Remember audits are professional services and cities do not necessarily have to bid these services. y of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sancier, TX 76266 Date 01 Bid Opening: I 06/09106 Time: 12:00 P.M. Re: �AUditul Services BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Authorized Signatu k 'T H NO ," Date: June 16, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item 10- Consider and Possible Action on Emergency Siren System David Pennington, Fire Chief, has advised that he has contacted someone concerning a proposal for estimated cost on a siren system on the East side of town. Mr. Pennington will be at the meeting to answer any questions City Council may have. City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Discuss and consider adopting a resolution supporting a Texas Main Street Program application DATE: June 19, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development The Main Street Program is designed to revitalize older, business districts throughout the United States. The Program takes a comprehensive approach to address issues and problems that face downtown areas. According to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, "The underlying premise of the Main Street approach is to encourage economic development within the context of historic preservation in ways appropriate to today's marketplace." The four points of the Main Street approach which work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort: • Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal and assembling the appropriate resources to implement a Main Street revitalization program. A governing board and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of the volunteer -driven program. The Sanger Downtown Development Association has been formed to provide organizational structure. • Promotion sells a positive image of the commercial district and encourages consumers and investors to live, work, shop, play and invest in the Main Street district. • Design means getting Main Street into top physical shape including historic buildings and pedestrian -oriented streets. An inviting atmosphere, created through attractive window displays, parking areas, building improvements, street furniture, signs, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping that conveys a positive visual message. • Economic Restructuring strengthens a community's existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base. Each year, the Texas Historical Commission selects up to five Texas cities and urban areas as official Texas Main Street cities. Selected communities are eligible to receive a range of services: • Ongoing comprehensive training for Main Street managers and board members • Training for communities in successful economic development approaches • A three-day, on -site evaluation and full report with recommendations • Design assistance • Consultation with downtown merchants about visual merchandising and window display • Advice on heritage tourism programs and marketing • Participation in the First Lady of Texas Tour of Main Street cities The Main Street Directors salary for the first three years must be provided by the community along with office space, training and supplies. The City is working with the Chamber of Commerce, and the Sanger Downtown Development Association to secure all the required needs. ACTION: Set a date foradoption of the resolution RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MAIN STREET PROGRAM AND DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO COORDINATE ALL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES. WHEREAS: The Texas Main Street Program of the Texas Historical Commission has been created to assist small cities to develop a public/private effort to revitalize their "Main Street" area, and up to five Texas cities of any population will be selected to participate in the Texas Main Street Program in 2007, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ;ANGER SECTION 1. That the City of Sanger apply for selection to participate in the 2007 Main Street Program with the specific goal of revitalizing the central business district within the context of the preservation and rehabilitation of its historic buildings. SECTION 2. That the City of Sanger will provide an adequate budget to employ afull- time Main Street Program manager for a minimum of three years, to provide funds for the training of the Main Street Program manager and the operating expenses of the program in partnership with the citizens of Sanger. SECTION 3. That the Director of Economic Development be designated to implement the Main Street program. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 19th day of JLJNE, 2006. ATTEST CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Date: June 169 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Jack Smith, City Manager Subject: Item 12 - Atmos Energy Atmos Energy is requesting that the City Council deny the request for rate increase. See first page of attached material explaining their recommendations. I will address any questions concerning this matter at the meeting. Council can give me a call if they need to discuss it prior to the meeting. Charles R. Yarbrough, If Vice President Rates and Regulatory Affairs May 31, 2006 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL: Re: Statement of Intent of Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division to Increase Utility Rates on a Systemwide Basis Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Enclosed for filing in the official City records is the Statement of Intent of Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division (Atmos) to increase Utility Rates on a Systemwide Basis. This filing is being made pursuant to the provisions of TEX. UTILITIES CODE § 104.102 and is intended to invoke the original jurisdiction of the City as provided in TEX. UTILITIES CODE § 103.003. The proposed effective date of these rate changes is July 5, 2006. Atmos is filing to change the residential, commercial industrial and transportation rates applicable to service on the Mid -Tex system within the municipal boundaries of your city. No Service Charges are proposed to be changed. On a Mid -Tex systemwide basis, Atmos proposes to increase its annual revenues by approximately $60.9 million or approximately 3.6%. This is a major rate change as defined by the provisions of the TEX. UTILITIES CODE. Atmos is also proposing two new adjustment mechanisms: Rider WNA and Rider RSA. These mechanisms protect customers from paying more than the authorized revenue and protect the company from receiving less than its authorized revenue. The Statement of Intent also proposes to permit the company to recover the component of uncollectible expense that is gas cost through Rider GCR and to update the allocation of upstream transportation costs. Other proposed rate changes are described more fully in the Statement of Intent and the Rate Filing package. Atmos requests that the City take final action on the Statement of Intent before the proposed effective date of July 5, 2006, or take no action by July 5, 2006. Atmos encourages the City to deny the requested rate increase so that this matter may be appealed to the Railroad Commission of Texas on an expedited basis. Atmos is filing a Statement of Intent to increase the rates in the environs of your city on this same date with the Railroad Commission of Texas. Expedited denial will allow these matters to be resolved at the Commission with a minimum of delay and cost. If the City decides to take no action on the Statement of Intent prior to July 5, 2006, the proposed rates will be deemed approved by operation of law. Atmos intends to appeal all approvals by operation of law to the Commission in order to assure the continuation of systemwide rates. Atmos Atmos Energy Corporation 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800, Dallas, T'X 75240 P 214-206-2809 F 214-206-2126 Charles.yarbrough@atmosenergy.com will not implement higher rates in any City that allows rates to go into effect by operation of law until a final decision is rendered by the Commission regarding such rates. For Cities in the coalitions of the Atmos Cities Steering Committee or the Atmos Texas Municipalities, your attorneys have agreed to accept legal service of this filing on your behalf. The enclosed filing documents have accordingly been limited to less than the full filing package. This action has reduced the time and cost involved in preparing this filing as well as the cost of mailing the Statement of Intent and Rate Filing Package to the over 440 cities served by the Mid -Tex system. Your cooperation in this aspect of the proceeding is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions concerning this filing, you may contact your assigned Manager of Public Affairs or contact other Atmos representatives in the manner described in the Statement of Intent or the public notice to be filed in this proceeding. Qinrara�v _ Affairs Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division Encl. ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID -TEA DIVISION TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE TARIFFS STATEMENT OF INTENT WITNESS LIST AND TESTMONY SUBJECT COST OF SERVICE SCHEDULES NOTICE OF GAS RATE INCREASE REQUEST On May 31, 2006, Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division ("Atmos" or "the Company") filed a Statement of Intent with the Railroad Commission of Texas ("Commission) and each city within Atmos' service territory, to increase its gas rates and implement a new schedule of rates and riders applicable to all customers in the Mid -Tex Division. The proposed revisions to the rates and riders will impact all classes of service, and each of Atmos' approximately 1,500,000 customers. The Company has requested a system wide increase in annual revenues of approximately $60.8 million or 3.6%. In addition, the Company has requested that it recover its rate case expenses and any rate case expenses for cities that are ordered by the Commission. The proposed change in revenues constitutes a "major" change as that term is defined by state law. The typical monthly residential customer bill (assuming consumption of 6 Mcf), the typical commercial customer bill (assuming consumption of 30 Mcf), a pro forma industrial customer bill (assuming consumption of 300 MMBtu), and a pro forma transportation customer bill (assuming transport of 300 MMBtu) are expected to be affected by the proposed changes as follows. Current Bill* Proposed Bi11* Difference Residential Customer $75.00 $79.02 $4.02 It Commercial Customer $326.64 $344.80 $17.16 Industrial Customer $3,360.85 $35367.95 $7.10 Transportation Customer $569654 $576.64 $7.10 *Includes gas cost of $8.6452 per Mcf (2005 average cost) The Company is also requesting approval of its revised depreciation rates, a weather normalization adjustment rider based on 10-year normal weather, a revenue stabilization adjustment rider, the recovery of uncollectible gas cost as well as the cost of required odorant for natural gas through Rider GCR instead of through base rates, and updated upstream pipeline cost allocation factors. The Company is also requesting rate design changes to Rates R, C, I and T. Affected persons may view a copy of the Statement of Intent at Atmos' offices located at 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800, Dallas, Texas 75240 and at the Commission's offices located at 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78711. Persons with specific questions or who want information about this filing may contact Atmos Energy Corporation at 1-800460-3030.. Pursuant to an order entered by the Commission on May 16, 2006, it is contemplated that the proceeding initiated at the Commission by Atmos will eventually be consolidated with all appeals from all other municipal rate proceedings, including those initiated by the filing of the Statement of Intent. Nonetheless, persons located within the city limits of a municipality served by Atmos may file written comments or protests regarding Atmos' Statement of Intent with the respective municipality. Persons located outside the city limits of a municipality served by Atmos may file written comments or protests regarding Atmos' Statement of Intent file with the Commission at the following address. Docket Services Section Legal Division (Re: Docket No. ) Railroad Commission of Texas P. O. Box 12967 Austin, TX 78711-2967 The Commission has set an intervention deadline for interested parties of TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Rate R -Residential Sales APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 1 RATE R - RESIDENTIAL SALES Application Applicable to Residential Customers for all natural gas provided at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter. Type of Service Where service of the type desired by Customer is not already available at the Point of Delivery, additional charges and special contract arrangements between Company and Customer may be required prior to service being furnished. Monthly Rate Customer's monthly bill will be calculated by adding the following Customer and Mcf charges to the amounts due under the riders listed below: Customer First 0 Mcf to 1.5 Mcf All Additional Mcf $ 13.50 per month $ 3.5460 per Mcf $ .3460 per Mcf Gas Cost Recovery: Plus an amount for gas costs and upstream transportation costs calculated in accordance with Part (a) and Part (b), respectively, of Rider GCR. Weather Normalization Adjustment: Plus an amount for weather normalization calculated in accordance with Rider WNA. Revenue Stabilization Adjustment: Plus an amount for revenue stabilization calculated in accordance with Rider RSA. Franchise Fee Adjustment: Plus an amount for franchise fees calculated in accordance with Rider FF. Tax Adjustment: Plus an amount for tax calculated in accordance with Rider TAX. Surcharges: Plus an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). Agreement An Agreement for Gas Service may be required. Notice Service hereunder and the rates for services provided are subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction and to the Company's Tariff for Gas Service. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Rate C - Commercial Sales APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 1 RATE C -COMMERCIAL SALES Application Applicable to Commercial Customers for all natural gas provided at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter and to Industrial Customers with an average annual usage of less than 3,000 Mcf. Type of Service Where service of the type desired by Customer is not already available at the Point of Delivery, additional charges and special contract arrangements between Company and Customer may be required priorto service being furnished. Monthly Rate Customer's monthly bill will be calculated by adding the following Customer and Mcf charges to the amounts due under the riders listed below: Customer First 0 Mcf to 20 Mcf All Additional Mcf $ 30.00 per month $ 1.2860 per Mcf $ 0.1000 per Mcf Gas Cost Recovery: Plus an amount for gas costs and upstream transportation costs calculated in accordance with Part (a) and Part (b), respectively, of Rider GCR Weather Normalization Adjustment: Plus an amount for weather normalization calculated in accordance with Rider WNA. Revenue Stabilization Adjustment: Plus an amount for revenue stabilization calculated in accordance with Rider RSA. Franchise Fee Adjustment: Plus an amount for franchise fees calculated in accordance with Rider FF. Tax Adjustment: Plus an amount for tax calculated in accordance with Rider TAX, Surcharges: Plus an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). ;Agreement �An Agreement for Gas Service may be required. . Notice Service hereunder and the rates for services provided are subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having urisdiction and to the Company's Tariff for Gas Service. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Rate T - Transportation APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 2 RATE T -TRANSPORTATION Application Applicable, in the event that Company has entered into a Transportation Agreement, to a customer directly connected to the Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division Distribution System (Customer) for the transportation of all natural gas supplied by Customer or Customer's agent at one Point of Delivery for use in Customer's facility. Type of Service Where service of the type desired by Customer is not already available at the Point of Delivery, additional charges and special contract arrangements between Company and Customer may be required prior to service being furnished. Monthly Rate Customer's bill will be calculated by adding the following Customer and MMBtu charges to the amounts and quantities due under the riders listed below: 4# �imounf Charge Customer $ 430.00 per month First 0 MMBtu to 1,500 MMBtu $ 0.1400 per MMBtu Next 3,500 MMBtu $ 0.0350 per MMBtu All Additional MMBtu $ 0.0100 per MMBtu Upstream Transportation Cost Recovery: Plus an amount for upstream transportation costs in accordance with Part (b) of Rider GCR. Rider RSA: Plus an amount for Revenue Stabilization calculated in accordance with Rider RSA. Retention Adjustment: Plus a quantity of gas as calculated in accordance with Rider RA. Franchise Fee Adjustment: Plus an amount for franchise fees calculated in accordance with Rider FF. Tax Adjustment: Plus an amount for tax calculated in accordance with Rider TAX, Surcharges: Plus an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). Imbalance Fees All fees charged to Customer under this Rate Schedule will be charged based on the quantities determined under the applicable Transportation Agreement and quantities will riot be aggregated for any Customer with multiple Transportation Agreements for the purposes of such fees: =4 Monthly Imbalance Fees Customer shall pay Company the greater of (i) $0.10 per MMBtu, or (ii) 150% of the difference per MMBtu between the highest and lowest "midpoint" price for the Katy point listed in Platts Gas Daily in the table entitled "Daily Price Survey" during such month, for the MMBtu of Customer's monthly Cumulative Imbalance, as defined in the applicable Transportation Agreement, at the end of each month that exceeds 10% of Customer's receipt quantities for the month. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Rate T - Transportation APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 2 OF 2 Curtailment Overpull Fee Upon notification by Company of an event of curtailment or interruption of Customer's deliveries, Customer will, for each MMBtu delivered in excess of the stated level of curtailment or interruption, pay Company 200% of the midpoint price for the Katy point listed in Platts Gas Daily published for the applicable Gas Day in the table entitled "Daily Price Survey." Replacement Index In the event the "midpoint" or "common" price for the Katy point listed in Platts Gas Daily in the table entitled "Daily Price Survey" is no longer published, Company will calculate the applicable imbalance fees utilizing a daily price index recognized as authoritative by the natural gas industry and most closely approximating the applicable index. Agreement A transportation agreement is required. Notice Service hereunder and the rates for services provided are subject to the orders of regulatoW, bodies having jurisdiction and to the Company's Tariff for Gas Service. Special Conditions In order to receive service under Rate T, customer must have the type of meter required by Company. Customer must pay Company all costs associated with the acquisition and installation of the meter. J TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE APPLICABLE TO: EFFECTIVE DATE: Rate I - Industrial Sales Entire System RATE 1 -INDUSTRIAL SALES REVISION: DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 2 Application - Applicable to Industrial Customers with a maximum daily usage (MDU) of less than 3,500 MMBtu per day for all natural gas provided at one Point of Delivery and measured through one meter. Service for Industrial Customers with an MDU equal to or greater than 3,500 MMBtu per day will be provided at Company's sole option and will require special contract arrangements between Company and Customer. Type of Service Where service of the type desired by Customer is not already available at the Point of Delivery, additional charges and special contract arrangements between Company and Customer may be required prior to service being furnished. Monthly Rate Customer's monthly bill will be calculated by adding the following Customer and MMBtu charges to the amounts due under the riders listed below: Amount, �.. ,.z.a Customer $ 430.00 per month First 0 MMBtu to 1,500 MMBtu $ 0,1400 per MMBtu Next 3,500 MMBtu $ 0,0350 per MMBtu All Additional MMBtu $ 0,0100 per MMBtu Gas Cost Recovery: Plus an amount for gas costs and upstream transportation costs calculated in accordance with Part (a) and Part (b) respectively, of Rider GCR. Revenue Stabilization Adjustment: Plus an amount for revenue stabilization calculated in accordance with Rider RSA. Franchise Fee Adjustment: Plus an amount for franchise fees calculated in accordance with Rider FF. Tax Adjustment: Plus an amount for tax calculated in accordance with Rider TAX. _ . Surcharges: Plus an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). , Curtailment Overpull Fee ;. Upon notification by Company of an event of curtailment or interruption of Customer's deliveries, Customer will, for each MMBtu delivered in excess of the stated level of curtailment or interruption, pay Company200% ;.:. of the irmidpoint price for the Katy point listed in Platts Gas Daily published for the applicable Gas Day in the table titl d "Daily Price Survey." TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Rate I - Industrial Sales APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 2 OF 2 Replacement Index In the event the "midpoint" or" common )I price for the Katy point listed in Platts Gas Daily in the table entitled "Daily Price Survey" is no longer published, Company will calculate the applicable imbalance fees utilizing a daily price index recognized as authoritative by the natural gas industry and most closely approximating the applicable index. Agreement An Agreement for Gas Service may be required. Notice Service hereunder and the rates for services provided are subject to thtool U ry bodies having jurisdiction and to the Company's Tariff for Gas Service. Special Conditions In order to receive service under Rate I, Customer must have the type of meter required by Company. Customer must pay Company all costs associated with the acquisition and installation of the meter. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RIDER: Rider WNA — Weather Normalization Adjustment APPLICABLE TO17 Entire System REVISION: 0 DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 2 DER WNA —Weather Normalization Provisions for Adjustment The base rate per Mcf for gas service billed under the second block of Schedules R and C shall be adjusted during the revenue months of October through May in the manner hereinafter described, which adjustment is referred to as the "Weather Normalization Adjustment.' Computation of WNA The Weather Normalization Adjustment shall be computed to the nearest one -hundredth cent per Mcf by the following formula: WNA; Where (HSF; (NDD —ADD) ) = R; = any particular Rate schedule or billing classification within any such particular Rate schedule that contains more than one billing classification Weather Normalization Adjustment for the itn rate schedule or classification expressed as a rate per Mcf R; = base rate of temperature sensitive sales for the;tn schedule or Classification (HSF; =heat sensitive factor for the ; n schedule or classification divided the average bill count in that class NDD =billing cycle normal heating degree days ADD =billing cycle actual heating degree days. BL; = the non -weather sensitive load, which, for purposes of this Adjustment, is deemed equal to zero (0). The WeatherNormalization Adjustment for jin customer in, n rate schedule is computed as: WNA; = WNAF; x q ;;,where q ;; is the relevant sales quantity for the jtn customer rate schedule. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RIDER: Rider GCR — Gas Cost Recovery APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION. DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 of 3 Application Applicable to Rate R, Rate C, and Rate I for all gas sales made by Company, and applicable to Rate R, Rate C, Rate 1, and Rate T for recovery of upstream transportation costs. The total Rider GCR recovery amount due is determined by adding the gas cost calculated in Section (a) as applicable and the transportation cost calculated in Section (b) below, as applicable. For Customers receiving service under Rate R and Rate C, the Gas Cost Recovery Factor and the Transportation Cost Factor will be calculated on a Mcf basis. For Customers receiving service under Rate I, the Gas Cost Recovery Factor will be calculated on a MMBtu basis. For Customers receiving service under Rate T and Rate I, the Transportation Cost Factor will be calculated on an MMBtu basis. `� The amount due for gas cost (Part (a)) or transportation cost (Part (b)) is determined by multiplying the Gas Cost Recovery Factor (GCRF) or Transportation Cost Factor (TCF) by the Customer's monthly volume or quantity, as applicable. Part (al Gas Cost Method of Calculation The monthly gas cost adjustment is calculated by the application of a Gas Cost Recovery Factor (GCRF), as determined with the following formula: GCRF =Estimated Gas Cost Factor (EGCF) +Reconciliation Factor (RF) +Taxes (TXS) + Adjustments (ADJ) EGCF =Estimated cost of gas, including lost and unaccounted for gas attributed to residential, commercial, and industrial sales, divided by the estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales. RF =Calculated by dividing the difference between the Actual Gas Cost Incurred over the preceding twelve-month period ended June 30 and the Actual Gas Cost Collected over that same twelve-month period, inclusive of interest, by the estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales for the succeeding October through June :t billing months. v Actual Gas Cost Incurred = The sum of the costs booked in Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division account numbers 800 through 813 and 858 of the NARUC Uniform System of Accounts, including the net impact of injecting and withdrawing gas from storage. Also includes a credit or debit for any out -of - period adjustments or unusual or nonrecurring costs typically considered gas_ costs and a credit for amounts received as Imbalance Fees or Curtailment Overpull Fees. Actual Gas Cost Collected =EGCF multiplied by the monthly volumes billed to Residential, Commercial and Industrial Sales customers, less the total amount of TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION Rider GCR - Gas Cost Recovery RIDER: APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 2 of 3 gas cost determined to have been charged to uncollectible expense (Account 904) for each month of the reconciliation period. Any amount remaining in the reconciliation balance after the conclusion of the period of amortization will be maintained in the reconciliation balance and included in the derivation of the next RF. TXS =Any statutorily imposed assessments or taxes applicable to the purchase of gas divided by the estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales. ADJ =Any surcharge or refund ordered by a regulatory authority, inclusive of interest , divided by the estimated total residential, commercial, and industrial sales. Part (b) Transportation Cost Method of Calculation .: Each month, a Transportation Cost Factor (TCF) is calculated separately for the fixed charges and usage charges, and determined separately for each Upstream Transportation Cost Rate Class listed below. The formula for the Total TCF for each rate class is: Total TCF = j(P1 — A1) x D) + ((P2 — A2) x V) S In the case of fixed , equal: chargesthe fixed TCF component shall P1 =Estimated monthly cost of fixed charges for transportation service calculated pursuant to Rate CGS D =Upstream Transportation Cost service allocation factor for the rate class as approved in the Company's most recent rate case, as follows: Upstream Transportation Cost Rate Class Allocation Factor (D) Rate R:`= Residehtial Service .629721 Rate.C,`.Commercial Service 298512 Rate I'.; Industrial Service and Rate T ~Transportation Service 071767 TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RIDER: Rider GCR — Gas Cost Recovery APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 3 of 3 Al = Adjustment applied in the current month to correct for the difference between the actual transportation cost for fixed charges of the second preceding month and the actual revenue collected for the transportation cost for fixed charges for such month, calculated by the formula: C =Actual transportation cost for fixed charges for the second preceding month. R = Actual revenue collected from the application of the fixed TCF component in the second preceding month. S =Estimated Mcf or MMBtu as appropriate for the rate class for the current billing month(s). In the case of usage charges, the usage TCF component shall equal: 0 2 =Estimated monthly cost of usage charges for transportation service calculated pursuant to Rate CGS V = Upstream Transportation Cost service allocation factor for the rate class determined on the basis of the ratio of each class' projected throughput to the total projected throughput to be delivered on Distribution for the current billing month(s). A2 Adjustment applied in the current month to correct for the difference between the actual transportation cost for usage charges of the second preceding month and the actual revenue collected for the transportation cost for usage charges of such month, calculated by the formula: A (2) _ (C — R), where: C =Actual transportation costs for the second preceding month. R = Actual revenue collected from the application of the usage TCF component in the second preceding month. The TCF is calculated to the nearest 0.0001 cent. TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MIDJEX DIVISION RIDER: APPL[CABLE TO: EFFECTIVE DATE: Rider RSA— Revenue Stabilization Adjustment Entire System RIDER RSA— Revenue Stabilizatio REVISION DATE: PAGE: Provision for Adjustment A rate adjustment shall be calculated twice each year, on a class -by -class basis, based on the difference between the actual base revenues collected during the specified period, and the test year base revenues for such period as established during the latest base rate proceeding adjusted for customer growth and adjusted pursuant to Texas Utilities Code § 1044301 a A positive rate adjustment shall be recovered from customers within the applicable class, subject to true -up. A negative rate adjustment shall be credited to customers within the applicable class, subject to true -up. � Adjustment Periods The Summer Adjustment Period shall be the revenue months of April through October, inclusive. The Winter Adjustment Period shall be the revenue months of November through March, inclusive. Recovery Periods The Summer Recovery Period for the Summer Adjustment Period shall be the revenue months of December through April, inclusive. The Winter Recovery Period for the Winter Adjustment Period shall be the revenue months of May through November, inclusive. Rate Adjustment At the conclusion of each adjustment period, the company shall calculate the actual base rate revenue; by class, received for that period and compare the total to the test year base rate revenue, by class, established in the latest rate proceeding for the same period, adjusted for customer growth and adjusted pursuant to Texas Utilities Code § 1040301. Customer growth shall be accounted for based on total bills rendered for each class during the adjustment period as compared to the same period in the test year. The test year base rate revenues shall then be adjusted based on test year average use per customer. The actual base revenues for each adjustment period are subtracted from adjusted test year revenues for such period, and the difference shall be recovered or credited during the appropriate recovery period. The surcharge or credit shall be calculated by dividing the difference for the adjustment period by the projected sales for the respective recovery period.. Actual base revenue is equal to all revenue under Rates R, C, I and T, plus miscellaneous service charge ;.revenue plus revenue from adjustments pursuant to Texas Utilities Code § 104.301. :::True -up At the conclusion of each recovery period, the company shall true -up the amount that was credited or ! surcharged. Any difference shall be rolled into the next calculation. Report The Company shall file an annual report (within 60 days of the end of the Winter Recovery Period) providing details of its application of this Rate Stabilization Adjustment over the prior two adjustment periods. ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MIDJEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Cities APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: CITIES SERVED BY ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION: Abbott Bogata Colorado City Abilene Bonham Comanche Addison Bowie Commerce Alba Boyd Como Albany Brazos Bend Coolidge Allen Bremond Cooper Alma Bridgeport Coppell Alvarado Bronte Copper Canyon Alvord Brownsboro Copperas Cove Angus Brownwood Corinth Anna Bruceville-Eddy Corral City Annona Bryan Corsicana Anson Buckholts Covington Archer City Buffalo Crandall Argyle Buffalo Gap Crawford Arlington Burkburnett Cross Roads Athens Burleson Crowley Aubrey Burnet Cumby Aurora Byers Dallas Austin Caddo Mills Dalworthington Gardens Avery Caldwell Dawson Azle Calvert Decatur Baird Cameron DeLeon Balch Springs Campbell Denison Ballinger Canton Denton Bandera Carbon Deport Bangs Carrollton DeSoto Bardwell Cashion Community Detroit Barry Cedar Hill Dodd City Bartlett Cedar Park Double Oak Bartonville Celeste Dublin Bedford Celina Duncanville Bellevue Centerville Early Bellmead Chandler Eastland Bells Chico Ector Belton Childress Edgecliff Village Benbrook Chillicothe Edom Benjamin Cisco Electra Bertram Clarksville Emhouse ` Beverly Hills Cleburne EmoryBlackwell Clifton Ennis Blanket Clyde Euless Blooming Grove Cockrell Hill Eustace Blossom Coleman Evant Blue Mound College Station Everman Blue Ridge Colleyville Fairfield Blum Collinsville Fairview TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Cities Served APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: Farmers Branch Highland Village Farmersville Hillsboro Fate Holland Ferris f{olliday Flower Mound Honey Grove Forest Hill Howe Forney Hubbard Fort Worth Hurst Franklin Hutchins Frankston Hutto Fredericksburg Impact Frisco Iowa Park Frost Iredell Gainesville Irving Garland Italy Garrett Itasca Gatesville Jewett Georgetown Josephine Glen Rose Joshua Glenn Heights Justin Godley Kaufman Goldthwaite Keene Goodlow Keller Gordon Kemp Goree Kennedale Gorman Kerens Granbury Kerrville Grand Prairie Killeen Grandview Knollwood -Granger Knox City Grapevine Kosse Greenville Krum Groesbeck Kurten Gunter Lacy -Lakeview Gustine Ladonia Haltom City Lake Dallas Hamilton Lake Worth Hamlin Lakeport Harker Heights Lakeside Haskell Lampasas Haslet CL Lancaster Hawley Lavon Hearne Lawn Heath Leander Henrietta Leona Hewitt Leonard Hickory Creek--- Lewisville Hico I Lexington Highland Park Lincoln Park Lindsay Lipan Little Elm Little River Academy Llano Lometa Lone Oak Longview Loraine Lorena Lott Lueders Mabank Madisonville Malakoff Malone Manor Mansfield Marble Falls Marlin Marshall Creek Mart Maypearl McGregor McKinney Megargel Melissa. Meridian Merkel Mesquite Mexia Midlothian Midway Miles Milford Mobile City Moody Moran Morgan Muenster Munday Murchison Murphy Nevada New Chapel Hill Newark Newcastle Nocona Nolanville TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION RATE SCHEDULE: Cities Served APPLICABLE TO: Entire System REVISION: DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: Normangee River Oaks North Richland Hills Roanoke Northlake Robert Lee Novice Robinson O'Brien Roby Oak Leaf Rochester Oakwood Rockdale Oglesby Rockwall Olney Rogers Ovilla Roscoe Palestine Rosebud Palmer Ross Pantego Rotan Paradise Round Rock Paris Rowlett Parker Roxton Pecan Gap Royse City Pecan Hill Rule Penelope Runaway Bay Petrolia Sachse Pflugerville Sadler Pilot Point Saginaw Plano Saint Jo Pleasant Valley San Angelo Point San Saba Ponder Sanctuary Post Oak Bend Sanger Pottsboro Sansom Park Powell Santa Anna Poynor Savoy Princeton Scurry Prosper Seagoville Putnam Seymour Quanah Shady Shores ' Quinlan Sherman Quitman Snyder Ranger Somerville Ravenna South Mountain Red Oakt Southlake Reno (Lamar County) .; ,;:; ` ''; Southmayd Reno (Parker County) Springtown ' Retreat Stamford Rhome Star Harbor Rice Stephenville Richardson Strawn 's Richland Streetman Richland Hills Sulphur Springs Riesel Sun Valley Rio Vista Sunnyvale Sunset Sweetwater Tatty Taylor Teague Tehuacana Temple Terrell The Colony Thorndale Thornton Thrall Throckmorton Tioga Toco Tom Bean Trent Trenton Trinidad Trophy Club Troy Tuscola Tye Tyler University Park Valley Mills Valley View Van Alstyne Venus Vernon Waco Walnut Springs Watauga Waxahachie Weinert West Westlake Westover Hills Westworth Village White Settlement Whitehouse Whitesboro Whitewright Whitney Wichita Falls Wilmer Windom Winters Wixon Valley TARIFF FOR GAS SERVICE RATE SCHEDULE: APPLICABLE TO: EFFECTIVE DATE: Wolfe City Woodway Northam Wylie Yantis Cities Served Entire System ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MIDJEX DIVISION REVISION: DATE: PAGE: GAS UTILITIES DOCKET NO. STATEMENT OF INTENT TO § INCREASE THE GAS UTILITY RATES § OF ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX § DIVISION, ON A SYSTEMWIDE BASIS § BEFORE THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION'S STATEMENT OF INTENT TO INCREASE GAS UTILITY RATES IN THE MID-TEX DIVISION Atmos Energy Corporation (hereinafter "Atmos" or the "Company"), a "gas utility" as defined by § 101.003 (7) of the Gas Utility Regulatory Act ("GURA" or "the Act"), hereby files this Statement of Intent to Increase Gas Utility Rates in its Mid -Tex Division pursuant to Texas Utilities Code §§ 104.101-104.111. Atmos intends to implement the revised gas tariffs attached hereto as Exhibit CRY-6 and incorporated herein by reference, to be effective systemwide for gas service in the natural gas utility system of Atmos' Mid -Tex Division (the "System") effective j July 5, 2006. The System provides gas utility service to customers inside the city limits of approximately 440 incorporated cities, as listed on Exhibit CRY-6 of the Rate Filing Package attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Cities"), as well as to customers in the unincorporated environs of many of the Cities listed on Exhibit CRY-6. In support of its Statement of Intent, Atmos would show as follows: I. CONSOLIDATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION OF PROCEEDINGS On May 4, 2006, the Company filed its initial appeal in GUD No. 9670, Petition for De Novo Review of the Reduction of the Gas Utility Rates of Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division, By the Cities of Benbrook, Crandall, et al. ("May 4 Petition"), together with a Joint Motion to Consolidate and Synchronize Commission Proceedings. On May 16, 2006, the Commission } entered its Order Granting Joint Motion to Consolidate and Synchronize Commission Proceedings, Approving Bond, and Reinstating Preexisting Rates ("May 16 Order"), finding, 1 among other things, that proceedings on gas rates for Atmos' Mid -Tex Division (whether arising from the municipal -level show cause proceedings or from proceedings initiated by this and other Statements of Intent) will involve common issues of fact and law, and that consolidation of those proceedings will avoid confusion, duplication, and unnecessary costs or delay. In accordance with the May 16 Order and Examiners' Letter No. 6, the Company requests that, once docketed, the instant Statement of Intent be consolidated with GUD No. 9670. The es listed in Exhibit CRY-6 comprise all of the incorporated communities that are served by the System. Atmos is simultaneously filing this Statement of Intent with the Commission and the Cities. II. JURISDICTION Atmos is filing this rate case on behalf of the Company's entire Mid -Tex Division. The � new rates will affect all of Atmos' customers on the System. The Company is requesting approval of its cost of service for the entire System. The rates included in Exhibit CRY-6 represent Systemwide rates for gas service. Pursuant to GURA § 103.001, the Cities have exclusive original jurisdiction to set the rates to be charged to local distribution customers inside the respective city limits of the Cities. Pursuant to GURA § 102.001, the Commission has exclusive original jurisdiction over rates to be charged to the environs customers. This Statement of Intent invokes the jurisdiction of the Commission to set rates within the environs of the Cities, as well as such jurisdiction as the Commission has or may acquire over the appeals from the various Cities, as contemplated by its May 16 Order. III. DESCRIPTION OF RATE FILING PACKAGE The following items are included in the Rate Filing Package: 2 1. Table of Contents 2. Statement of Intent 3. Supporting Testimony of Company Witnesses 4. Cost of Service Schedules (System Summary and System Schedules) 5. Cost Allocation and Rate Design Schedules 6. Non -voluminous Cost of Service Schedule and Witness Testimony Workpapersl 7. Proposed Protective Order IV. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND EXPECTED REVENUE CHANGE The Company proposes to change its rates in accordance with the Tariffs included in the Rate Filing Package, including but not limited to, Rate Schedules R, C, I, and T, as well as proposed weather normalization adjustment ("WNA") and revenue stabilization adjustment ("RSA") riders. The Company also proposes a change to Rider GCR and to adjust the upstream pipeline cost allocation factors therein. Upon approval, the proposed tariffs will replace their currently effective counterparts. V. DETAILS OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. Test Year The Company's proposed cost of service for the System as set forth in this Statement of Intent and Rate Filing Package is based on the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2005, updated for known changes and conditions that are measurable with reasonable accuracy. B. Compliance with Rule 7.205 As required by Commission Rule 7.205 (16 TEx. ADMIN. CODE § 7.205), details of each proposed rate increase are contained in Schedules A through J of the Cost of Service Schedules, which are filed herewith and incorporated herein. The effect of the proposed increase in I All voluminous workpapers for the cost of service schedules and testimony will be available for review at the � Company's Voluminous Room located at Locke Liddell &Sapp LLP, 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 300, Austin, Texas. To schedule an appointment to review voluminous documents, please contact either Ms. Jennifer Mathis - Volk at (512) 3054784 or Mr. John Arnold at (512) 3054877 at least 24 hours in advance. 3 revenues of the utility is set forth in Schedule A. All customers within the System will be affected by this change. The class and number of affected customers are set forth on Schedule J of the Schedules. C. Reason for Rate Change This Statement of Intent ("SOI") is being filed in direct response to the actions of a number of cities to lower the Company's rates. Because of the fragmented, bifurcated, jurisdiction established in GURA, a systemwide rate filing is the only viable way for the Company to establish uniform systemwide distribution rates. In responding to the show cause ordinances promulgated by the various cities, the Company demonstrated that its existing rates were materially deficient and therefore prepared this SOI. Under current rates, Atmos is not recovering its reasonable and necessary costs associated with operating the System. The Company is currently earning a rate of return on net capital investment of only 6.91 % on the System. Atmos is therefore not earning a reasonable return on its capital investment in the System, nor does it have a reasonable opportunity to do so. Accordingly, the rates currently in effect on the System are not just and reasonable, in violation of GURA § 104.003. In this filing, Atmos proposes a revenue requirement and rate design changes that will permit it the opportunity to earn a reasonable rate of return of 8.86%. The proposed changes to rates are set out below: RATE R —RESIDENTIAL SALES Charge Current Proposed Customer Charge $9.00 $13.50 Interim Rate Adjustment $1.09 $0.00 Total Customer Charge $10.09 $13.50 First 0 Mcf to 1.5 Mcf $1,2390 per Mcf $3.546 per Mcf Next 1.5 Mcf $1.2390 per Mcf $0.346 per Mcf All Additional Mcf $0.9890 per Mcf $0.346 per Mcf RATE C — COMMERCIAL SALES Charge Current Proposed Customer Charge $15.50 $30.00 Interim Rate Adjustment $3.68 $0.00 Total Customer Charge $19.18 $30.00 First 0 Mcf to 20 Mcf $0,7894 per Mcf $1.286 per Mcf Next 10 Mcf $0,7894 per Mcf $0.1000 per Mcf Next 320 Mcf $0,5394 per Mcf $0,1000 per Mcf All Additional Mcf $0,2894 per Mcf $0.1050 per Mcf RATE I —INDUSTRIAL SALES AND RATE T —TRANSPORTATION Charge Current Proposed Meter Charge $150.00 $430600 Interim Rate Adjustment $151.96 $0.00 Total Customer Charge $301.96 $430.00 First 0 MMBtu to 1,500 MMBtu $0,4882 per MMBtu $0,1400 per MMBtu Next 3,500 MMBtu $0,3382 per MMBtu $0.0350 per MMBtu Next 45,000 MMBtu $0,1882 per MMBtu $0,0100 per MMBtu All Additional MMBtu $0,0382 per MMBtu $0.0100 per MMBtu The effects that the proposed changes are expected to have on the revenues of the Company are also addressed in the prepared testimony of Company witnesses Bruce Fairchild and Michael TheBerge. 4 The .proposed rate structure changes are discussed in detail in Mr. TheBerge's prepared testimony. In general, the Company proposes to increase the customer charge and reduce the size of the first rate block for residential and commercial customers, and to restructure the rate blocks for industrial and transportation customers. This rate structure change is expected to reduce revenue variability due to weather effects and should result in less volatility in the level of customers' bills. The Company is also seeking approval of two new Riders: a WNA Rider and an RSA Rider. These riders will provide protection to customers and the utility from over- or under -recovery. of revenues. Atmos is requesting the approval of revised depreciation rates as sponsored by Company witness Dane Watson. Finally, the Company seeks to move the recovery of the gas cost component of uncollectible expense and the cost of odorant From base rates to Rider GCR and to update the upstream pipeline cost allocation factors therein. The estimated total increase in annual revenue proposed by this Statement of Intent is $60.8 million or lm/o based upon Current Annual Revenue from all customers. The filing is based on a Test Year ending December 315 20055 and reflects present annual revenue under present rates of $1,698.9 million and Estimated Annual Revenue under the proposed rates of $1,758,7 million. The proposed changes will result in a major change as that term is defined in GURA § 104.101. As set forth in the Rate Filing Package, upon approval, the proposed tariffs will supersede the existing versions of these tariffs on file in the Cities and at the Commission for the environs areas served by Atmos outside of the Cities. VI. RATE CASE EXPENSES Pursuant to Gas Services Division Rule 7.5530 (16 TEx. ADMIN. CODE § 7.5530), Atmos requests recovery of all of its rate case expenses incurred in the various city proceedings and in this proceeding and in all consolidated appeals, including any expenses reimbursed by the Company to the Cities or their attorneys or consultants, by means of a surcharge. Atmos proposes that the issues involved in the recovery of its rate case expenses be severed from the other issues in this docket and that, after the conclusion of the hearing on the merits in this matter, a more abbreviated proceeding be convened to take testimony and present evidence from all interested parties on rate case expenses and an appropriate surcharge method. 3 VII. PUBLIC NOTICE Atmos will promptly undertake to notify the public of the proposed changes in its gas rates by publication in newspapers of general circulation in the Mid - Tex service area once each week for four consecutive weeks. Additional copies of the Company's proposal are available from the undersigned Company representatives. Atmos will submit proof of publication to the Commission promptly upon completion thereof, along with a copy of the published notice. XI. COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES FOR NOTIFICATION Atmos' business address and telephone number for purposes of this filing are: Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1800 Dallas, Texas 75240 214-206-2063 1 `,'' Atmos' authorized representatives are: and Richard Reis Director of Rates Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1823 Dallas, Texas 75240 Telephone: 214-206-2860 Fax: 214-206-2131 E-mail: richard.reis@,atmosenergy.co Gary D. Compton J. Alan Holman James W. Checkley, Jr. Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 300 Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone: 512-3 05 -473 0 Fax: 512-3054800 E-mail: jaholman o,lociceliddell.com 7 General inquiries concerning this Statement of Intent should be directed to Mr. Holman at the above -stated address and telephone number. All pleadings, motions, orders, and other formal documents filed in this proceeding should be served on Mr. Reis and Mr. Holman at their above - designated addresses. XIIa RELIEF REQUESTED Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division, prays that the Commission: (1) after a hearing on the merits of Atmos' SOI and consolidated appeals, issue a Final Order authorizing and permitting Atmos to place in effect within the Cities served on the system and within the environs of the Cities, the gas utility rates, terms and conditions, gas cost adjustment clauses, and riders proposed herein; (2) hold a separate hearing on the issue of rate case expenses and, following same, � grant Atmos all of its rate case expenses reasonably incurred in the municipal level proceedings, its appeals of municipal -level show cause proceedings, proceedings iated by Atmos' Statements of Intent, and all other related or consolidated rate proceedings; and (3) grant Atmos such other legal, equitable, and regulatory relief to which it may be justly entitled. E:3 Respectfully submitted, Gary D. Compton State Bar No. 4650000 J. Alan Holman State Bar No. 09903500 James W. Checkley, Jr. State Bar No. 04170500 LOCKS LIDDELL & SAPP LLP 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 300 Austin, Texas 78701 Tel.: (512) 3054730 ATTORNEYS FOR ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID=TEX DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 3sday of May, 2006, a copy of the foregoing Statement of Intent, Exhibits thereto, and Rate Filing Package was served on the parties and other persons listed below, by placing an envelope containing a true copy of said documents in an authorized depository for certified . United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, and properly addressed as follows: Geoffrey Gay Norman J. Gordon Georgia Crump Mounce, Green, Myers, Safi & Galatzan Lloyd Gosselink Blevins Rochelle & A Professional Corporation Townsend PC P.O. Box 1977 816 Congress Avenue, 19t' Floor 100 N. Stanton, Suite 1700 Austin, TX 78701 El Paso, Texas 799504977 Jim Boyle Daniel J. Lawton Alfred Herrera The Lawton Law Firm Law Office of Jim Boyle 1005 Congress, Suite 1050 1005 Congress Avenue, Suite 550 Austin, Texas 78701 Austin, Texas 78701 Roger Borgelt John Griffin Assistant Attorney General Office of General Counsel Consumer Protection Division Railroad Commission of Texas Office of the Attorney General 1701 N. Congress Avenue P.O. Box 12548, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 8701 Austin, TX 78711-2548 io State of Texas ) County of Dallas ) AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF STATEMENT OF INTENT Before me, the undersigned authority appeared this day, Charles R. Yarbrough, II who duly sworn stated: "I am Charles R. Yarbrough II, the Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs for Atmos Energy Corporation, Mid -Tex Division, the Applicant in the foregoing attached Statement of Intent to change gas rates and tariffs for all cities and environs in the entire Mid -Tex Division. I am legally competent and a resident of the State of Texas. I have reviewed the foregoing Statement of Intent and have personal knowledge of the facts stated therein, which are true and correct." Subscribed and sworn to before me this�vday of May, 2006. Notary Public State of Texas �I ...IF61111M 11 Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division Witness List and Testimony Subject Mr. Charles Yarbrough, Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs for Mid -Tex Division: Mr. Yarbrough. will testify concerning why the Company has filed this rate request, an overview of the case, a description of the rate filing package, a physical description of the Mid -Tex system, a description of the corporate structure of Atmos Energy Corporation and Mid-Tex's position within that structure as well as a discussion of the acquisition of TXU Gas by Atmos Energy. Or. Yarbrough will also testify concerning why certain adjustments were made to the cost of service, a general description of the changes to rate design proposed by the Company, the tariffs for gas service proposed by the Company along with a proposal regarding the Company's gas cost review process. Mr. Yarbrough will testify concerning rate case expenses associated with this filing and the review process for rate case expenses Mr. Daniel Meziere, Director of Accounting Services for Atmos Energy Corporation: ,� Mr. Meziere will testify concerning the integrity of the financial data derived from the Company's books and records, from which the schedules in the rate filing package are derived, and concerning Atmos' compliance with certain of the Commission's substantive rules dealing with books and records, as well as the Company's cost allocation manual and derivation of shared services cost allocation factors. Mr. James Cagle, Manager of Rates and Revenue Requirements for Atmos Energy Corporation. Mr. Cagle will testify concerning the allocation of shared expenses to Mid -Tex, HIV allocation of investment to provide shared services to Mid -Tex, and adjustments thereto made in this filing. Ms. Laurie Sherwood, Vice President and Treasurer for Atmos Energy Corporation: Ms. Sherwood will testify concerning the Company's procurement of property insurance coverage through its insurance affiliate, Blueflame Insurance Services, Ltd, and the reasonableness and necessity of the associated cost. Ms. Barbara Myers, Division: Manager of Regulatory Accounting for Mid -Tex Ms. Myers will provide testimony concerning the ratemaking adjustments in this filing. Mr. Scott Powell, Vice President, Metro Operations for Mid -Tex Division: Or. Powell will testify concerning the reasonableness and necessity of the operations and maintenance expenses included in this filing, the net investment included in the 2003 and 2004 GRIP filings, and the net investment included in the Company's recent GRIP filing for 2005. Mr. Jay Joyce, partner of Alliance Consulting Group: Mr. Joyce's testimony addresses the cash working capital study prepared in conjunction with this proceeding and the level of cash working capital to be included in rate base. Mr. Michael TheBerge, principal of RateMaster Utility Services, Inc.: Mr. TheBerge will testify concerning the .allocation of cost among customer classes and the rate design proposed by the Company for adoption by the Commission. Dr. Donald A. Murry, Vice President of C. H. Guernsey &Company and Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma: Dr. Murry will testify regarding the Company's capital structure and cost of capital. Mr. Dane Watson, partner of Alliance Consulting Group: Mr. Watson will testify concerning the results of the depreciation study for ex and and the level of Mid -Tex depreciation expense included in the Company's requested revenue requirement. Dr. Bruce Fairchild, principal of Financial Concepts and Applications, Inc. Dr. Fairchild's testimony will provide a calculation of the Company's federal income tax expense and a summation of its rate base, overall revenue requirement or cost of service, and revenue deficiency. LINE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 REVENUE REQUIREMENTS BY SERVICE CLASS 2 REVENUE REQUIREMENTS 3 RATE BASE 4 COMPONENTS OF RATE BASE- GROSS PLANT 5 COMPONENTS OF RATE BASE -ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 6 CASH WORKING CAPITAL 7 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 8 PREPAYMENTS 9 SHARED SERVICES ALLOCATION OF WORKING CAPITAL TO MID-TEX DIVISION 10 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 11 ADJUSTMENTS TO OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES 12 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION EXPENSE 13 MID-TEX DEPRECIATION STUDY RATE SUMMARY 14 TAXES OTHER THAN INCOME TAX 15 FEDERAL INCOME TAX 16 INTEREST EXPENSE - CUSTOMER DEPOSITS/ADVANCES 17 SUMMARY OF RETURN 18 CALCULATION OF RIDER GCR PART A 19 CALCULATION OF RIDER GCR PART B 20 SUMMARY OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED RATE STRUCTURE SCHEDULE Schedule A Page 1 Schedule A Page 2 Schedule B Schedule C Schedule D Schedule E-1 Schedule E-2 Schedule E-3 Schedule E-4 Schedule F-1 Schedule 17-2 Schedule F-3 Schedule F-4 Schedule F-5 Schedule F-6 Schedule 17-7 Schedule G Schedule H Schedule I Schedule J Q N m O � r N m U m U) d N v c N � U � � M wLw W p CO to W V dZo w Z VWp W zwa witw } EZ� F. 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'o Lo LO r� co co N 0 c v v d} (fT Cfl Cfl b4 v T T CO LO O �+ J .+-� ~ O ONO• co co r� LO co d N co co C* m r m M LA t6 r CO LO O T C G ��� C.��' W at J c co co co m co O_ LO 0 tm `. o J N N } r O 1 M 4 N COS N CD O M ti W H W c cO M .- cr) co Wa CL W a CN N M � V LJJ IL O C' �. y LL LL LL. V 0 Z d U v vWo > > w a)d Ve Z � o W in rn in W Uj LLI T N CO 0) M rn 0 ui d C Lfj M th co ti o W y M m LNf) Q low N C O r� O T v O ti co N T T T Ffl %n :N O a Qi U CD En 0 F" c6 ca Y G �b v ca p Q Q LA � Q m C S Q C N N Cd ca c O Co Fa IL 0w c c c U 2Drw2 wo o�SUUca m c U 0 0 a`> s o Y cu 00_ v co, 0 O CD W 0 0 CD OF - CD oT C z T N M V lf) t0 h CO M r T J M O� ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID -TEA DIVISION MATERIALS & SUPPLIES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line Account Balance As No. of Date Materials & Supplies Stores Expense Undistributed (c) Total Materials & Supplies 1 Beginning Balance $ 1,580,517 $ 786,960 $ 2,367,477 2 January 31, 2005 11750,534 748,135 21498,669 3 February 28, 2005 11849,142 735,408 21584,550 4 March 31, 2005 21040,403 731,569 20771,972 5 April 30, 2005 51000,963 779,765 51780,728 6 May 31, 2005 11908,246 749,555 21657,802 7 June 30, 2005 11701,905 689,531 21391,437 8 July 31, 2005 11599,762 5053724 211053485 9 August 31, 2005 11329,142 518,721 11847,863 10 September 30, 2005 13195,027 211,370 11406,397 11 October 31, 2005 11156,258 143,663 11299,921 12 November 30, 2005 11098,036 (58,236) 11039,800 13 December 31, 2005 968,739 (335,270) 633,469 14 15 13 Month Average $ 21260,428 Schedule E-2 Page 1 of 1 © 2006 Schedule E-3 Page 1 of 1 ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID - TEA DIVISION PREPAYMENTS TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line Account Balance Total No. As of Date Insurance Other Prepayments Prepayments (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Beginning Balance $ 328,787 $ (190,465) $ 138,322 2 January 31, 2005 116,452 91342,907 91459,359 3 February 28, 2005 99,399 6,394,171 6,493,570 4 March 31, 2005 82,347 5,451,751 51534,097 5 April 30, 2005 65,294 309,446 374,740 6 May 31, 2005 48,241 10,130,188 10,178,430 7 June 30, 2005 31,189 41594,985 4,626,174 8 July 31, 2005 20,793 2,868,356 21889,149 9 August 31, 2005 10,396 615199977 61530,373 10 September 30, 2005 - 31790,989 3,790,989 11 October 31, 2005 - 51378,237 53378,237 12 November 30, 2005 - 43528,604 41528,604 13 December 31, 2005 - 140,925 140,925 14 f 15 13 Month Average $ 4,620,228 © 2006 Schedule E4 Page 1 of 1 Line No. ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION SHARED SERVICES ALLOCATION OF WORKING CAPITAL TO MID-TEX DIVISION TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Account Balance As of Date (a) 1 Beginning Balance 2 January 31, 2005 3 February 28, 2005 4 March 31, 2005 5 April 30, 2005 6 May 31, 2005 7 June 30, 2005 8 July 31, 2005 9 August 31, 2005 10 September 30, 2005 11 October 31, 2005 12 November 30, 2005 13 December 31, 2005 14 15 Average 16 17 Allocation Factor 18 19 Allocated to Mid -Tex 20 21 Adjust Materials and Supplies 22 23 Adjusted 13 month Balances (b) Materials and Supplies r� $632801693 $0 51821, 278 0 41530,606 0 61874,364 0 5,905,524 0 51526,982 862,400 51409,852 11600,448 5,599,764 11600,448 5,438,570 0 51939,312 0 71938,240 0 71328,263 0 61266,899 0 $6,066,181 $312,561 39.77% 39.77% $2,412,520 $124,306 (124,306) 2,412,520 - © 2006 Schedule F-1 Page 1 of 1 ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line FERC Per Books Adjusted No Acct Description Amount Adjustments Amount (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1 870 Operation Supervision and Engineering $ 31701,954 $ (45,451) $ 31656,503 2 871 Distribution Load Dispatching 101 458,289 458,390 3 872 Compressor Station Labor and Expenses 489 2 491 4 874 Mains and Services Expenses 25,0711256 29650,681 27,721,937 5 875 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses - General 76,084 1,864 77,949 6 876 Measuring and Regulating Station Expenses - Industrial 650 23 673 7 877 Measuring and Regulating Station Exp. - City Gate Chk. Sta. 21458 - 2,458 8 878 Meter and House Regulator Expenses 41819,597 119,861 41939,458 9 879 Customer Installations Expenses 2,126,705 67,955 2,1941660 10 880 Other Expenses 71229,315 (49,667) 7,179,648 11 881 Rents 39,976 583,667 623,643 12 885 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering - - 13 886 Maintenance of Structures and Improvements 71301 71301 14 887 Maintenance of Mains 2,365,654 68,300 2,433,954 15 889 Maint. of Measuring and Regulating Station Equip. - General 2,5941608 70,381 21664,989 16 890 Maint. of Measuring and Regulating Station Equip. - Industrial 482 17 498 17 892 Maintenance of Services 2,0071056 53,487 21060,544 18 893 Maintenance of Meters and House Regulators 144,334 1,524 145,858 19 894 Maintenance of Other Equipment 188,193 458,099 646,292 20 901 Supervision 372 - 372 21 902 Meter Reading Expense 10,897,330 (11905,120) 8,992,210 22 903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 81518,766 10,228,496 18,7471263 23 904 Uncoliectible Accounts 10,770,656 i,685,526 121456,182 24 905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses - - 25 908 Customer Assistance Expenses 20,773 - 209773 26 909 Informational and Instructional Advertising Expenses 1,475 - 11475 27 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Informational Expenses 2,271,856 11248,749 31520,605 28 911 Supervision 11036,956 24,726 11061,683 29 912 Demonstrating and Selling Expenses 81905 - 81905 30 913 Advertising Expenses 341,215 - 341,215 31 916 Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 23,139 - 23,139 k 32 920 Administrative and General Salaries 21769,100 61255 21775,356 3 33 921 Office Supplies and Expenses 685,581 (254,024) 431,557 34 922 Administrative Expenses Transferred - Credit 21,6259914 121750,773 34,376,687 35 923 Outside Services Employed 17,990,987 (171040178B) 950,200 36 924 Property Insurance 310,391 604,902 915,293 37 925 Injuries and Damages 3,7201272 - 3,720,272 38 926 Employee Pensions and Benefits 81892,783 5,8931319 14,7869102 39 928 Regulatory Commission Expenses 236,048 - 236,948 40 930.1 General Advertising Expenses 159,213 - 159,213 41 930.2 Miscellaneous General Expense 11011,982 750,000 1,7611982 42 931 Rents 1 7579199 115,176 872,375 43 932 Maintenance of General Plant 29007 - 21007 44 45 Total Operation and Maintenance Expenses $ 14294309034 $ 18,5471023 $ 160,9771056 © 2006 N N LL O m V" 3 m N °f L A ti co r M w � N U) p � t i) O t0 t I I I I# t I I I I I t t k t) i I I� t t) t r, N N = in cco trn m p m Cool LLI 0 'S LL to 00 n cot) t t i) i t) i t i i))) t) t t)) t) i) i i N tV v V st 0to cr) y� t0 t0 tit m C L i)) i to IC) N N O. tool x p O t° _ ti WE m m m EL m T off U) ti r a C m 1 l 1 l l l l l l l) 1 t I 1 I 1 1 1 1 0) t I i l t l l i l l t t I t l I t l 0) tN moot Woods d m C` O)IL t i t M m p M c w Coold) v ch m p LLI fy/) M row C .� C. U'T et qo N N coot in 00 'MV 'MV tD Cl 0 LL� V) ` O j 1 1)) I t l l l l l t l i l r OWN, cq � t0 E rn rnLL X tu .°.. e- m %,w- W LL 0 � N N y m '_° l �6 C too, cc L (,� C m m C m N W q m y d a c c Uc m >> to ° c C7 yO C m w w N w a c ° W fJ cE g o C c mccm a) a 0 CL xop 0 a) mxxly a°QW m m ma > N x cccy cE c m�w ooaai LO W N N cpCm0OC G E x ~ d ..r. two W M 0) M x m 0 V) V) V) m c mm m 0 c— a a = O>T0 a 0 *2 T m 12 c loom a) 0m W d �ncwoy0 mc pa o-m oac O N J 7 O 7 m O .Z C l7) m � L m m 0.0 O V G O V) N m 0to d E N. U,) M C m 0 .� so .O-m v Oa) m m V) O O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 Q m� W !N tT O' m m N m V LO@ c O y y ° C. to co Lowv°,v Mmmto c C ccc��cccom,*�Qo�o��)d���y���aQ� � o °a coi > > > tO E m aci aci,°,t ° aci atoot m ci aci�0: o c' m o m m 2 0 m.'c Cl) cv',ar„i o = m tm� a,mE c C, N too, E t0 ami a`0i m m m m M@ MotoM N m t N j N C N 7 7 m N IE'O 5 L; E N m y m N E 0 v O Nit to torn 0)0 tO tOh O)ONMv NM 41LnO W O� N MAD O r N M v t0 t0 GO O O� N Q vrotN r,Nr room r. oO Op t'O co p W O) to C) 0) C0000000 NNNNNNNNMM O)T jq co co co 00 t0 00 t0 tb tOOtp 0 t0 co 0O t0 to to O)0)0) O0)0) 0) O)a)000)0)0) O) 0) p 00)0)O p F°oiroo - C w c E e-NM"do tOtOrt'000.�-NM�tntD�aDONNNNNNNNNNNMMc`M')Mmmcc`'�m c°invvv MV��V toPow 'ra' O N N tL p d N D d � O dC a U .-.O ooOOOO hh O OtOOO hNh aO Omm 0) to to �'M W N O 0O co N vM to 00 N,Oq ti n NO Nm ' M ' 00n ' NNN ' ' ' MM�� iN ' OcOOO Ln t t t ' ' a(00-OtUit(OO-w co O c0 t- 1D U) a0 N m V- m e p a M O to to m O e- O O c0 to t� M !o O N m •7 N t0 M V O O tD �- to t0 a- m y co v (7)N co N N N 0(D m he- ..+� m `- 10 NO ft v nj � O � � ci to ah,mgd N N .O 0)t t t t l t l l t i t t l t t t t i t t t t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 t f t t t t t t t 1 1 1 1 N - y LLj coLnN C m m a tmD- O al C x v EA � c+H O O M t t t t t t) t t t t t t t) t t t t t t t t t 1 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t p t t O fV F p V) tOD IL p n n p. 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NNN it OMrT M LM n r�MN Nm co NLOO r_ d a D U) co 0 a� c N Q C O X *00 Cts CD 0 0) i LL- V LL 00 C: cl N N w Ls d X N� O O 0 d ~ P X 0 ,_ d y > > O O` ONN O O O U a W � iD (D O r 0) d > >, C ~ O = U - > > -p O c O O O d� O co d �QdLL_0ZZ CC! 13� !— ip > io m Z F-0 !-� F�— Ozl rNMd'L000I�000OrNMd'Ln r T T r r T O 0 N r�� to u- o a� a) — m a Z O o N N 0 M W W G W W 0 mO W LVZ� V�Z W W W W W LL W } O N W Q ~ o 0)rn ti 00 N Lo N MO co tM Co N N qt N t C(o Efl EA 69 E9 c J c J ` M (D �O O o N C m U c co o CD CL O ` E C m o U O W O CD •� (D V _ 0) 42 C k� LO 0 N C J C9 a) v a� U U O O Z Cl) ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION INTEREST EXPENSE - CUSTOMER DEPOSITS/ADVANCES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line No. Description Amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Adjusted Customer Deposits Current Interest Rate Interest on Customer Deposits Adjusted Customer Advances Current Interest Rate (1) Interest on Customer Advances Schedule 17-7 Page 1 of 1 $ 44,177,412 3.09% $ 1,365,082 Notes: 1. Not all construction advance contracts specify that interest is to be paid and older contracts may bear a lower interest rate than later contracts so the expense is computed on the remaining balance of individual contracts rather than on the total remaining balance. 3,437,806 0.40% © 2006 Schedule G Page 1 of 1 ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID - TEA DIVISION SUMMARY OF RETURN TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line Current Proposed No. Description Rates Rates (a) (b) (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Net Operating Income/Return Cost of Debt Cost of Preferred Stock Available or Required Return on Book Value of Common Equity Total Return on Invested Capital Rate Base -Capitalization Structure Debt Preferred Stock Common Equity at Book Value Total Invested Capital Percent Return -After Tax 6.71 % $ 37,576,656 5.53% 667,949 10.00% 52,596,996 $ 90,841,601 51.00% $ 560,009,771 1.10% 12,078,642 47.90% 525,969,962 $ 1,098,058,375 33,203,907 0.00% 11.75% 65,460,723 $ 98,664,631 50.00% $ 557,112,539 0.00% - 50.00% 5571112,539 $ 1,114,225, 077 Cost of Debt Cost OT Preferred Stock 0.06% 0.00% Return on Book Value of Common Equity 4.79% 5.88% Percent Return - After Tax 8.27% 8.86% © 2006 Schedule H Page 1 of 1 ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION CALCULATION OF RIDER GCR PART A TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 ESTIMATED GAS COST LINE FACTOR _ NO MONTH (EGCF) (a) (b) 1 JANUARY $8.1788 2 FEBRUARY $5.0209 3 MARCH $500209 4 APRIL $5.6043 5 MAY $6.2953 6 JUNE $5.7039 7 JULY $7.7617 8 AUGUST $8.0603 9 SEPTEMBER $9.0940 10 OCTOBER $15.1703 11 NOVEMBER $15.1703 12 DECEMBER $12.6612 13 14 AVERAGE $8.6452 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Rider GCR Part A Rate R 82,293,561 $ 7111440,866 Rate C 51,947,747 449,096,498 Rate 1 31746,338 31,6280597 © 2006 R ti C) O O O r O r r r ui O r r M M M C 0 0 0 0 C) L W :3 M :7 cm Co Co C � G r 00 M M O N r 1� LO "t r r 00 00 Co 0 00 f) ti D) 00 N O VLO N ti CoMW (DmtN 00M CD O O C) M M a) N O (o C) m 0 d O M ti : N r N r r 0 `'� EA ffi Cfl O CO LO In d' r Z L � M O 00 M t!)M 1*N ooCOd (D fN2 CrNLOM MrLO f� C\i �mIN0)00 OOO Co NOR(0 Cm C\lNLO_LOM Ot!)tn OO i( � mac~- 00NM a0�M CC) Lu w hO(D� NcY)CD O M N r hCu �WU aD Q UJ co L p LL 60- 61 69- 69. to Oz �F— a rn �rn�00�Z 0)00 Iffinums W 1� (DLOM M oo 00 d r to NU Co C%4 r 00 It ZJQ N C cN- N�CNDO U CAOO W m� COIN --1 F— t� C `— m pQy U) �UL1 Wm o U Q ~ Q L cm m G O \/ Z .o.0 O N O 'O .\ L O m cc m fL6 C O E O U � = U a) a) `� m CL m Cu c o Cu o° aa) L °� O 0 O U)) O U in an d to „� 2 N M occcc C U '6 �•• Qx U o Cu L m 0 O U ,"* «j Cl. fB C7 Oamwome f U` co c CO U o E N m r c �U L E N E�� E� d n '�� L v CL E N O wo O N Co V) 0) N 7 is m 0 0 N m 0cj U N� o L mm�o �zo co U U wt— OrMd LO (0 �0000N r Md V)CDt�00 CO Z rNMd'COCDI�00C�N rrrrr rrrr-rNN NNNNNNN J 0 0 N O Schedule J Page 1 of 1 ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION SUMMARY OF CURRENT AND PROPOSED RATE STRUCTURE TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 Line No. Description Current Proposed (a) (b) (c) 1 Rate R 2 Customer Charge per month $10.09 $13.50 3 Consumption Charge per MCF 4 First 3.0 Mcf $142390 5 Over 3.0 Mcf $0.9890 6 First 1.5 Mcf $3.5460 7 Over 1.5 Mcf $0.3460 8 9 Rate C 10 Customer Charge per month $19.18 $30.00 11 Consumption Charge per MCF: 12 First 20 Mcf $0.7894 13 Next 30 Mcf $0.5394 14 Over 50 Mcf $002894 15 First 20 Mcf $1.2860 16 Over 20 Mcf $001000 17 18 Rate I & T 19 Customer Charge per month $301096 $430000 20 Consumption Charge per MMBTU: 21 First 11500 MMBTU $0A882 22 Next 31500 MMBTU $0.3382 23 Next 45,000 MMBTU $0,1882 24 Over 501000 MMBTU $080382 25 First 11500 MMBTU $001400 26 Next 31500 MMBTU $040350 27 Over 51000 MMBTU $060100 f 0 2006 June 16, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Item 13-14-Issuance of Certificates of Obiligations The attached Resolution will authorize the sale of Certificates of Obligation. This is for the purpose of proceeding with Phase III of our street project which includes water and electric improvements that has already been approved by Council. The City Manager will have a representative from Government Capital at the meeting to address any questions. RESOLUTION 0 6 -10 - 0 6 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION; AUTHORIZING THE FIRING OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of Sanger, Texas (the "City") has determined that it is advisable and necessary to issue and sell one or more series of certificates of obligations (the "Certificates") in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000 as provided pursuant to the provisions of the Certificate of Obligation Act of 1971, as amended, Local Government Code, Section 271.041 through 271.063, for the purposes of paying contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent public improvements and for other public purposes, to -wit, (1) street improvements; (2) water, sewer and electric utility improvements (the "Project"); and (3) the payment for professional services related thereto; and WHEREAS, prior to the issuance of the Certificates, the City Council is required to publish notice of its intention to issue the Certificates in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, such notice stating (i) the time and place the City Council tentatively proposes to pass the Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Certificates, (ii) the maximum amount proposed to be issued, (iii) the purposes for which the Certificates are to be issued, and (iv) the manner in which the City Council proposes to pay the Certificates; and WHEREAS, the City Council has entered into or will enter into various contracts � pertaining to the expenditure of lawfully available funds of the City to finance the costs of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to hire Government Capital Securities Corporation as the City's financial advisor; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the adoption of this Resolution is in the best interests of the citizens of the City; now, therefore, SECTION 1. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice to be published of the City Council's intention to issue the Certificates in an amount not to exceed $7,000,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent public improvements and for other public purposes, to -wit, (1) street improvements; (2) water, sewer and electric utility improvements; and (3) the payment for professional services related thereto. The Certificates will be payable from the levy of any annual ad valorem tax, within the limitations prescribed by law, upon all taxable property within the City and additionally from a pledge of and lien on surplus net revenues derived from the operation of the City's water and sewer system not to exceed $1,000. The notice hereby approved and authorized to be published shall read substantially in the form and content of attached hereto, which notice is incorporated herein by reference as a part of this Resolution for all purposes. HOU:2587330. I SECTION 2. The City Secretary shall cause the notice described in Section 1 to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, once a week for two consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication shall be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date stated therein for passage of the Ordinance authorizing the issuance of the Certificates. SECTION 3. Government Capital Securities Corporation is hereby hired as the City's financial advisor. SECTION 4, The City Secretary is directed to maintain a copy of this Resolution in the City's official records in a manner that will allow any member of the general public to review this Resolution during the normal business hours of the City during the period beginning thirty (30) days after the adoption hereof and ending on the date of issuance of the Certificates. SECTION 5. This Resolution may be relied upon by the appropriate officials at the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Texas, and established compliance by the City with the requirements of Texas law. SECTION 6. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Resolution for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings of the City Council. SECTION '7. All Resolutions and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Resolution shall be and remain controlling as to the matters resolved herein. SECTION 8. This Resolution shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 9. If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Resolution and the application of such provision to other persons and circumstances shall nevertheless be valid, and the City Council hereby declares that this Resolution would have been enacted without such invalid provision. SECTION 10. It is officially found, determined, and declared that the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted was open to the public and public notice of the time, place, and subject matter of the public business to be considered at such meeting, including this Resolution, was given, all as required by Chapter 551, as amended, Texas Government Code. SECTION 11. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after the date of its adoption, and it is so resolved. [The remainder of thzs page intentionally left blank.] HOU:2587330.1 PASSED AND ADOPTED, this the 19th day of June, 2006. CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary (SEAL) Signatrrre Page to Reso/ution Authorizing Pub/icatiov ofNotice ofintention to Issue Certificates of Obligation HOU:2587330.1 GOVM CPISME'IN U CAPI IJUL" Member NASD Corporate Headquarters • 345 Miron Drive • Southlake •Texas • 76092 • (817) 421-5400 FINANCIAL ADVISORY AGREEMENT This Financial Advisory Agreement is entered into on this 19th day of June, 2006, by and between the CITY OF 'ANGER and GOVERNMENT CAPITAL SECURITIES CORPORATION ("GCSC"). WHEREAS, the City of Sanger periodically requires the financial advisory and consultancy services of an licensed securities organization familiar with the structuring and placement of capital improvement indebtedness; and WHEREAS, GCSC has served as a financial advisor to a variety of governmental entities and maintains expertise in those areas in which the City of Sanger seeks consultation services; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger and GCSC desire to establish a relationship, which is terminable as provided herein, pursuant to which the City of Sanger can request financial advisory services from GCSC from time to time; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions referenced and exchanged herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, covenant and agree as follows: 1. Financial Advisory Services. GCSC shall provide the City of Sanger financial advisory services that the City reasonably requests from time to time including, without limitation, advice pertaining to contemplated structuring and issuance of certain securities (the "Securities") and the documentation of such Securities (collectively, the "Financial Advisory Services"). As part of the foregoing Financial Advisory Services, GCSC shall negotiate with and retain on behalf of City of Sanger a bond counsel, an underwriter, an underwriter's counsel and a trustee. 2. Compensation. The City of Sanger agrees to pay GCSC for any reasonable and necessary expenses that GCSC might incur in furtherance of its duties hereunder. In connection with the issuance of the Securities, the City of Sanger agrees to pay GCSC a fee equal to .75% of the total principal amount of the Certificates. 3, Termination. In consideration for the providing of those routine Financial Advisory Services that the City of Sanger may request from GCSC from time to time, the City agrees to look to and utilize GCSC as its financial advisor for a period of one (1) year from and after the date of this Agreement, it being understood that this Agreement shall automatically renew for subsequent one-year periods of time unless either party hereto delivers written notice to the other party of the termination of such Agreement, it being further recognized that both the City of Sanger and GCSC possess the right to terminate this Agreement anytime and for any reason upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice. Further, this Agreement supersedes any previously executed financial advisor contract. 4. Miscellaneous. This Agreement may only be modified by subsequent written documents that are dually executed by the parties hereto. This Agreement is entered into on the date first written above. CITY OF SANGER By: Title: Mayor GOVERNMENT CAPITAL SECURITIES Bv: Title: Vice President • TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Discuss and consider forwarding to the Planning and Zoning Commission the review of the Zoning Map DATE. June 19, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development During the June 2, 2006 City Council meeting, the Council discussed a review of the Zoning Map for compliance with the existing ordinance. The map currently shows Old SF-3 which is not a designation in the Zoning Ordinance. The Building Official in reviewing the ordinances believes this is the most appropriate match to the current regulations. Standard 1987 Zoning Ordinance —SF-3 Current Zoning Ordinance — SF-5 Lot Size 8500 sq. feet 8400 sq. feet Lot Width 60 feet 70 feet Lot Depth 100 feet 120 feet Minimum Dwelling Size 1200 feet 1500-24000 feet Front Yard 25 feet 25 feet Side Yard 8 feet side street 20 feet nonresidential 25 feet 8 feet side street 20 feet nonresidential 25 feet Rear Yard 25 feet 25 feet Standard 1987 Zoning Ordinance —SF-2 Current Zoning Ordinance — SF-6 Lot Size 10000 sq. feet 9600 sq. feet Lot Width 80 feet 80 feet Lot Depth 120 feet 120 feet Minimum Dwelling Size 1500 feet 1600-24000 feet Front Yard 25 feet 25 feet Side Yard 10 feet side street 20 feet nonresidential 25 feet 8 feet side street 20 feet nonresidential 25 feet Rear Yard 25 feet 25 feet Recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission review the map and forward a recommendation to the City Council for future consideration SECTION 10 I q i�3 "SF-2" - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 2 General Pose and _Description - This district is designed to provide for low density, traditional single family residential development. This district is appropriate as a buffer between higher density residential uses and agricultural and/or estate type residential areas. Densities in this district will range from 2.5 to 3 units per gross acre. 10.1 )?ermitted Uses; A building or premise in an "SF-2" District shall be used only for the following purposes; 1. Any use permitted in the "SF-1" District, except farm and farm accessory building uses. 2. Qther uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. The following specific uses .shall be permitted in an "SF-2" District, when granted in accordance with Section 27. 1. Uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 10.2 Iiei hit Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height. Accessory uses shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height. 10.3 1. a. Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty- frve (25) feet as measured from the front property line. Where lots have double frontage, running through from one street to another, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets. No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. A sixty (60) foot setback, from the property line, is required for all accessory buildings. ,'Rii 'fir ;There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than ten (10) feet. Aside yard adjacent to a side street shall be not less than twenty (20) feet. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five (25) feet. C. &az Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty- five {25) feet. Minimum rear yard for accessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. 4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the azea of the main building. A maximum of sixty percent (60%) of the total lot may be covered by accessory buildings, driveways and parking. 10.4 Parking Regulations: A minimum of two (2) covered, enclosed spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 28. SECTION 11 "SF-3" -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 3 General Pur,�ose and Description: This district is designed to accommodate the standard single family residential development of the type and density most commonly found in the city. This district is appropriate as a buffer between multi -family residential areas and lower density single family residential areas. The district can also be appropriately located in proximity to certain neighborhood of local retail and office uses. Densities in this district will range from 3 to 3.5 units per gross acre. 11.1 Permitted Uses: A building or premise in an "SF-3" District shall be used only for the following purposes. 1. Any use permitted inDistrict or "SF-2" District. 2. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be permitted in an "SF-3" District, when granted in - accordance with Section 27: 1. Uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 11.2 Height Reps lai lions: No building shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height. Accessory uses shall be a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height. 1. Size of Yards: a. Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty- five (25) feet as measured from the front building line. Where lots have double 1 frontage, running through one street to another, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets. No required parking shall be allowed within the required front yard. A sixty (60) foot setback is required for all accessory uses. b. i Yard* There shall be a side yard on each side of the lot having a width of not less than eight (8) feet. Aside yard adjacent to a side street shall be not less than twenty (20) feet. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five (25) feet. c. Rear Yard* shall be a rear yard with a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. Minimum rear yard for accessory buildings shall be not less than ten (10) feet. 12 3-3 2. Size of Lot• a. Lot 1 gr w No building shall be constructed on any lot of less than eight thousand five hundred (8500) square feet. b. AM62I.M.h: The width of the lot shall be not less than sixty (60) feet at the front street building line. c. Lc Dew: The average depth of the lot shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. 3. Minimum Dwelling, Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling shall be one thousand two hundred (1200) square feet, exclusive of garages and breezeways and porches. 4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty percent (40%) of the total lot area be covered by the main building. No more than sixty percent (60%) of the total lot may be covered by the main structure, accessory buildings, driveways and parking. 11.4 Parking Regulations: A minimum of two (2} covered, enclosed parking spaces shall be provided per unit behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 28. SECTION 12 "SF - 4" -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 4 General Purpose and Description: This district is designed to accommodate single family residential development of somewhat higher density than is most commonly found in the city. This district is appropriate as a buffer between multi-family,residential areas or even commercial areas and lower density single family residential areas. Densities in this district will range from 3.5 to 4.5 units per gross acre. 12.1 Permitted Uses: A building or premise in the "S174" District shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Any use permitted in the "SF-3" District. 2. Other uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. The following specific uses shall be permitted in an "SF-4" District when granted in accordance with Section 27: 1. Uses as listed in Section 26 of this ordinance. 12.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty (30) feet in height. Accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height. 13 f ( e N+ Sanger Code of Ordinances *D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percent (40%) by the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking; and any other concrete work, flat work, etc. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two off-street parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. F. Other Regulations: l . Accessory Buildings: a. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60') b. Minimum Side Yard - Ten feet (10') c. Minimum Rear Yard - Ten feet (10') (Ordinance 09-22-02 adopted 9/3/02) SECTION 13 "SF-5" - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 5 General Purpose and Description -This district is intended to accommodate single-family residential development with the requirements as outlined below. .._ 13.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-5 District are outlined in the chart in Section 30. 13.2 AREA REGULATIONS: A. Size of Yards: 1. Minimum Front Yard -Twenty -five feet (25') 2. Minimum Side Yard -eight feet (8'); Twenty feet (20') on corner adjacent to side street. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five feet (25'). 3. Minimum Rear Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') B. Size of Lots: 1. Minimum Lot Area - Eighty-four hundred (8400) square feet 2. Minimum Lot Width - Seventy feet (70') 3. Minimum Lot Depth - One hundred twenty feet (120') * Editor's note —Ordinance 99-22-02 adopted 9/3/02 amended by council action 7/6/04. 14 Supp. No. 1 Exhibit A: Zoning Ordinance C. Minimum Dwelling Size: One of the categories below will be assigned at the time of zoning. The minimum dwelling size will be concurrent with the letter attached to the zoning as follows. l . Twenty-four hundred (2400) square feet 2. Two thousand (2000) square feet 3. Eighteen hundred (1800) square feet 4. Sixteen hundred (1600) square feet 5. Fifteen hundred (1500) square feet *D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percentby the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking; and any other concrete work, flat work, etc. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. F. Other Regulations: l . Accessory Buildings: a. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60') b. Minimum Side Yard - Ten feet (10') c. Minimum Rear Yard" Ten feet (10') (Ordinance 09-22-02 adopted 9/3/02) SECTION 14 "SF-6" - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 6 General Purpose and Description -This district is intended to accommodate single-family residential development with the requirements as outlined below. 14.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-6 District are outlined in the chart in Section 30. 14.2 AREA REGULATIONS: A. Size of Yards: 1. Minimum Front Yard -Twenty -five feet (25') 2. Minimum Side Yard -eight feet (8'); Twenty feet (20') on corner adjacent to side street. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five feet (25'). 3. Minimum Rear Yard - Twenty-five feet (25') Editor's note —Ordinance 99-22-02 adopted 9/3/02 amended by council action 7/6/04. 15 Supp. No. 1 Sanger Code of Ordinances B. Size of Lots: l . Minimum Lot Area - Seventy-seven hundred (7700) square feet 2. Minimum Lot Width - Seventy feet (70') 3. Minimum Lot Depth - One hundred ten feet (110') C. Minimum Dwelling Size: One of the categories below will be assigned at the time of zoning. The minimum dwelling size will be concurrent with the letter attached to the zoning as follows. 1. Twenty-four hundred (2400) square feet 2. Two thousand (2000) square feet 3. Eighteen hundred (1800) square feet 4. Sixteen hundred (1600) square feet 5. Fifteen hundred (1500) square feet 6. Thirteen hundred and fifty (1350) square feet *D. Maximum Lot Coverage: Forty percent (40%) by the main building; Sixty percent (60%) by the main building, accessory buildings, driveways and parking; and any other concrete work, flat work, etc. E. Parking Regulations: Not less than two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces and Loading Requirements shall be provided in Section 32. ,y F. Other Regulations: 1. Accessory Buildings: a. Minimum Front Yard - Sixty feet (60') b. Minimum Side Yard - Ten feet (10') c. Minimum Rear Yard - Ten feet (10') (Ordinance 09-22-02 adopted 9/3/02) SECTION 15 "SF-7" - SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - 7 General Purpose and Description -This district is intended to accommodate single-family residential development with the requirements as outlined below. 15.1 PERMITTED USES: A. Uses permitted in the SF-7 District are outlined in the chart in Section 30. Editor's note —Ordinance 99-22-02 adopted 9/3/02 amended by council action 7/6/04. 16 Supp. No. 1 Date: June 16, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Jack Smith, City Manager Subject: Building Inspector Position I have finished the interview process of the Building Inspector Position on Monday of this week. I have currently made an offer to one of the applicants and he will visit with me on Monday with his decision. BANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MAY 2006 Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: Some people actually look at the website! A former Sanger resident looked on the web for things to do while visiting relatives in town, and she brought her children to Storytime. ADMINISTRATION: Continued the effort to get County funding for next year. Meetings attended: Library Board, 5115 Denton County Library Advisory Board, 5/18, The Colony Tech Talk (IPODs and How to do Online Surveys), 5/19, Fort Worth Online Training Course "Early Childhood Services", completed by Lynne Smiland. CIRCULATION: Put a new packet of audio books together to rotate between libraries. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Distributed the Summer Reading Club flyer through the schools. Painted the doors, put up bulletin boards and began registration for the Summer Reading Club. PROGRAMS: The final REACH program was "Tales from the Ramakien", Thai epic stories by Matt Ragan. REACH was funded by the Tocker foundation to encourage multicultural programming. The program was attended by 20 people. The Storytime theme was "What Do You Do With... ?". Kids had the chance to use their imaginations in programs on ... A Box", An Umbrella", ... A Balloon" and "... A Scarf'. The Summer Reading Club kicked off with two programs. The Hat Lady told stories on May 30 to 45 people who attended. Slappy and Monday, Ringling Bros & Barnum and Bailey Circus clowns entertained 48 children and their moms on May 31. The only time the clowns could come was at 4:00. This is the first afternoon program we have done. We almost couldn't fit in everyone who wanted to come. Christina Kincaid has been hired to conduct summer storytimes. The first program "Dance Away" was on the morning of May 31. The theme for the Texas Summer Reading Club is "Reading: The Sport of Champions". MAY 2006 STATISTICS May 2005 May 2006 BORROWER CARDS Last month 2979 3227 New cards 52 40 Cards withdrawn 0 2 Cards reactivated 15 8 TOTAL 3046 3273 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 282 348 Nonfiction Videos 23 49 Adult Fiction 299 300 Interlibrary Loan 13 40 Junior Fiction 107 169 Children's Nonfiction 84 213 Children's Fiction 236 356 Story Sacks 3 1 Leased books 133 137 Paperback Fiction 323 299 Magazines & Misc. 10 16 Audio Tapes 51 145 Music CDs 57 40 Videos 300 303 DVD 284 309 Crystal 0 1 Equipment 5 Renewals 248 334 TOTAL 2453 3065 INTERNET USERS 529 633 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 10 10 Children Attending 112 182 Adults Attending 52 77 Other Programs 0 1 Number Attending 0 20 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 5 2 Number of Juniors 4 5 Number of Hours 47 39 COLLECTION Books 15652 15826 Leased books 163 176 Paperback Fiction 2495 2431 Audio Materials 511 518 Music CDs 308 333 Video Materials 834 871 DVD 172 252 Microfilm 67 71 Equipment 3 CD-ROM 22 137 TOTAL COLLECTION 20224 20618 MAY 2006 STATISTICS (continued) REVENUE Fines $186.25 Copies $100.35 ILL Postage $16.70 Lost Materials $18.45 New Cards $2.50 TOTAL $324.25 $233.30 $99.90 $64.57 $1.50 $399027 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clowns take reading seriously at Sanger Public Library Want to team what it takes to soar on the flying trapeze or just what goes into those cream pies that the clowns throw? Or maybe learn some fun facts about one of the more than 100 cities the mile -long circus train visits or how to teach your old dog a new trick? Then join Slappy and Monday, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Goodwill Ambassadors, for some serious fun on Wednesday, May 31 at 4:00 PM at The Sanger Public Library! They are no class clowns, but are certain to add amusement to a special 30-minute circus storytime, which will encourage children not only to read, but also to discover, dream and learn! The library event is free and open to the public. For more information, call the library at 458-3257. Slappy and Monday will be in town to help kick-off "Reading with Ringling Bros.!" This new summer reading program, sponsored by KDFW FOX 4 and Radio Disney AM 620, is easy and fun for kids to participate. The best part is that kids can earn a free circus ticket by simply doing their library reading this summer! Children from ages 241 simply need to enroll with the librarian, who will give kids everything to start their summer reading. Kids will even receive cool bookmarks, clown noses and coloring sheets, too! This will be one of two programs that will come to the library during the first week of summer vacation. In the other program, The Hat Lady will be visiting the library to tell stories on Tuesday, May 30 at 10:00 AM as part of the Texas Summer Reading Club, Reading: the Sport of Champions. "We don't 'usually have afternoon programs," said Library Director Vicky Etieson, "but we just couldn't pass up the clowns from Ringling Bros. It just sounded like so much fun," The library will be sponsoring Reading: the Sport of Champions, as well as the "Reading wtth Ringling Bros.!" program, so therVA e will be plenty of chances to earn i coupons and prizes as well as the circus tickets. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey will perform in Dallas at the American Airlines Center, July 26- August 6, and at the Fort Worth Convention Center, August 943. There will be two bilingual performances. One in Dallas on Sunday, July 30 at 5*30 PM and the other in Fort Worth on Sunday, August 13 at 5:30 PM. Tickets are available by visiting www.ringling.com or w vw ticketmaster com. Tickets may also be purchased by calling 214/373- 8000 or metro 972/647-5700; by visiting Ticketmaster Ticket Centers including Foley's, Fiesta stores, FYE, and Wherehouse Music; or purchasing them at the arenas' box office. Prices are $12,00, $17.00 and $27.00. Call for Circus Celebrity, Front Row and VIP seating details. For group sales information, call 214% 665-42690 Slappy and Monday will be in town to help kick-off `Reading _ with Ringling Bros.!" all You are invited!` . I dr I, ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP- BREAKFAST Upper,Trinity Regional'Water District , The .Upper Trinity --Board of Directors invites you, members` of your governing bod and chief administrative officers -,to. the Annual Membership Breakfast Meeting, concerning. the" programs, services and vision of "Upper,Trinity'Regional Water District. The District provides. many vital ,services .to, communities of this - region, 'including _water , supply, treated water service, wastewater treatment, biosolids reuse or disposal,` collection of household hazardous_ waste" and watershed protection. Th Drou_q t h Continues ` e Co t ues - Water�Supply . =... _ ... .. Do- We Have Enough? Long.Range Planning .:... ' A Shared .Vision for the Future. • • * Planning a Diversified .Water Portfolio %Date: 1. Wednesday, June'28, 2006 IV Time: 8:30 A.M. — 10:00 A.M. Place: _ Upper Trinity Regional Water. District , - Boardroom at District Headquarters ° ,_900 N.. Kealy St; (map enclosed) Lewisville, TX 75057 4 . -. _ Following: Guided Tour of the Regional Water Treatment Plant Visit theVWater Conservation Demonstration Garden To help us, plan better, please RSVP by June 20, 2006 Attn: ntam ,utrwd.com or (972) 219-1228. If you have any questions, please call Nancy Tam. We .look ; forward, to seeing you on' June 28. 4 1, IV End.. "Map to UpperTrinity -Regional Water District UPPER TRINITY REGIONAL WATER DISTRICT P.O. Box 3o5 • LEWISVILLE, TExAs 75067 ® 972•,219.1228 • www.utrwd.com. Upper Trinity RegionaY Water District 900 N. Kealy St. Lewisville, TX 75067 Tel: 972.219.1228 • From I-35E north or south to City of Lewisville. • Take the Yalley Ridge Blvd Exit. Go east. • At Mill St. (Valley Ridge ends into Mill St.), turn left (north). • Turn right (east) on Jones St. • Go east until it comes to a sharp right turn becoming Ke ly St. • Follow Kealy St. south until you come to 900 N. Kealy St. - �� .� ��a �.: ��_ --��,, S � ... � _ tt-���3 ��' ,y €y� }��200 �� `�Jm 1i O �� Yahoo! �s 034A9 F7avi2�tFua Teoititbiagie5 ••.�t;:� JUN 16 2000 09:56 FR TO 19404584180 P.02 NXCHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGRR & SMITH, L.L.I' Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North Akard Dallas, Tbxas'75201 (214) 965-9900 Pax (214) 965-0010 email N7DHS ONJDHS.com June 15, 2006 Rio Facsimile: 940- 458-4180 And First Class Mail Samantha Renz City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, 'Texas 76266 Opinion regarding proposed Charter Amendmetats and Opinion regarding the City Auditor R08ERT L. DILLARD, Jfl, (191ivg o l H, LOUIS NICHOLS uWRENCE W, JACKSON Of pp�MJBEL Dear Samantha: At your request, we are furnishing to you our opinion regarding proposed amendments to the City of Sanger home Rule Charter. The proposed amendments provide as follows, to -wit: "lf/when an elected official will vacate office if fxlzng for another position. An elected official mt�.st vacate their office upon Election Day. A sitting council member must file within one week after the filing date." I will first disctlss the provision which provides that an elected official must vacate their office upon Election Day. Section 7.08 of the City of Sanger Charter provides as follows, to -wit: "In the event there is a conflict between any of the provisions of this Article and the Texas Election Cade or other governing laws for the conduct of an election, then those provisions of the Frexas Election Code or other applicable laws shall prevail." Article 16, Section 17 of the Texas Constitution provides as follows, to -wit: "Section 17. All officers within this State shall continue to perform the duties of their offices until their successors shall be qualified." "This provision, that officers shall hold over after the expiration of their terms until their successors are elected or appointed and have qualified, was placed in the constitution to prevent public convenience from suffering because 67348 WEALSIMMEAN/ I Samantha Renz we 15, 2006 Page 2 of a vacancy in office, and to insure such vacancies in office, except in classes of cases or for causes provided for in other sections of the constitution." it is our opinion that the provision proposed as a Charter Amendzxlent that an elected official must vacate their office upon election day conflicts with this provision, Section 17 of Article 16 of the Texas Constitution. An elected official of the City continues to perform the duties of their office until their successor has been duly qualified. For the foregoing reasons, it is our recommendation that this proposed change in the City Charter not be made_ The next proposed amendment to the Charter provides as follows, to -wit: "A sitting council member must file within one week after the filing date," Chapter 143 of the Texas Election Code applies to candidates to City Office. Section 143.004 of the Texas Election Code provides that subject to Section 143.005, to be entitled to a place on the ballot, a candidate must make an application for a place on the ballot. Section 143.005 applies to an application for Home Rule City office, Section 143.005 of the Texas Election Code provides in part as follows, to -wit: "(a) A City Charter may prescribe requirements in connection with a candidate's application for a place on the ballot for an office of a Home Rule City. This section does not authorize a City Charter requirement in connection with the timely filing of an application and any Charter requirement related to an applicant's timely filing is superseded by Section 143.007 and other applicable filing provisions prescribed by this Code. Section 143.007 prescribes the filing period for a candidate for Home Mule City Office. This Section 143,007 provides in part as filing with regard to the filing, to - wit: "(a) Except as otherwise provided by this Code, an application for a place ort the ballot must be filed not later than 5:00 P.M. on the 62°d day before Election Day. An application may not be filed earlier than the 30 h day before the date of the filing deadline." It is our opinion that the proposed amendment to require a sitting courtcilmember to file within one week after the filing date would be in conflict with this Section 143.007 and should riot be adopted. It is our opinion and recommendation that the proposed Charter Amendment providing City council member must file within one week after the filing date should not be adopted. You have advised us that the City has used the same auditor for a number of years and has considered using a different auditor. In this connection you took proposals from auditors and the proposal which you received for the services was more than double what you are currently paying_ The current auditor did not submit a proposal because he didn't think he had to because NICHOLS, JACKSON, pX�.f.ARD, HALER &SMITH, L.L.P. Samantha Renz June l S, 2006 Page 3 he is the current auditor. You have asked what procedure the City would have to follow in order to keep the current auditor. 7`he only provision in the Dome Rule Charter with regard to an auditor is found in Section 9.13 which provides as follows, to -wit: "At the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as may be deemed necessary, the Council shall direct that an independent audit be made on all accounts of the City by a certified public accountant. The cet�tified public aecountar�t shall have no personal interest, directly or indirectly, in the financial affairs of the City or any of its officers and shall report directly to the Council. Upon completion of the audit, a summary of the results thereof shall be published promptly in the offteial newspaper for the City and a copy shall be placed on file in the City Secretary's office far public record. A copy of the Comprehensive Financial Annual Audit shall be available at the City Hall. Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code relating to competitive bidding or competitive proposals does not apply far the procurez�nent of personal, professional, or planning services. It is our opinion that the City auditor would be performing professional services for the City azzd the hiring of this auditor would be exempt from the requirement for competitive bidding or proposals. Since the City has taken bids for the auditor services, the City Council should reject such bids. 'Che City Council could then hire the current auditor, without the taking of bids, by a simple Council action approving the contract between the City and the auditor. In other words, the City could proceed to retain the current auditor on whatever basis may be mutually agreed upon. If you should have any question about these matters, please let zne hear from yvu. Please let me know if you have any other questions on these subjects. HLN/zz�ew Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARI�, HAGI✓l�. &SMITH, L.L.P. By. � � , i-T. Louis Nichols NZCHQLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, FiAGrI✓R & SMITTH, L.L.P. 67348 ** TOTRL PRGE.04 �* 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION )270 ANIMAL HOSPITAL I 48646 VET SERVICES G/L ACCOUNT 001 22-5248 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 170.60 VET SERVICES GROSS BALANCE 170.60 170.60 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 170.60CR OUTSTANDING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 170.60 170.60CR 0.00 170.60 0.00 ................................................... ------------------............... ------......... --------....... -----....... ------ 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC. I 229570 96 SPORTS BOTTLES G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5260 001 32-5260 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 217.72 96 SPORTS BOTTLES 217.72 96 SPORTS BOTTLES 435.44 435.44CR 435.44 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 435.44 435.44CR 0.00 435.44 0.00 99-00720 DATAMATIC, LTD. 148651 METER READING SYSTEM SB99 R 6/20/2006 407.72 407.72CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 407.72 008 19-5315 407.72 METER READING SYSTEM VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 407.72 407.72CR 0.00 407.72 0.00 ................ -------------------------------------------....... -.............. ---------.......... ------........ --------........ -- 99-00740 DCAD 1 4028 3RD QTR SB99 R 6/20/2006 31993.73 31993.73CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 31993.73 001 60-5420 31993.73 3RD QTR VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 31993.73 31993.73CR 0.00 31993,73 0.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I 10012946 10013270 G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5245 I 10013160,10013173 MISC SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 001 24-5310 SB99 R 6/20/2006 218.40 218.40CR AMOUNT 218.40 218.40 10013270 SB99 R 6/20/2006 155.84 155.84CR AMOUNT 155.84 155.84 MISC SUPPLIES 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 374.24 374.24CR 0.00 374.24 0.00 ----------------------------------------...................... ----------------........ ------...... ------........ -------------------- 99-00840 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. 1389489 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. SB99 R 6/20/2006 233.15 233915CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 233.15 001 15-5230 116.58 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. 008 15-5230 116.57 DENTON PUBLISHING CO. VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 233.15 233.15CR 0.00 233.15 0.00 ................................................ ----------------.............. ------------------------........ -------....... -------- 99-01290 J&K LIGHTING & SUPPLY 13501 DRAIN CLEANER SB99 R 6/20/2006 71360.00 71360.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 71360.00 008 52-5315 7,360,00 DRAIN CLEANER I 3544 18V HAMMERDRILL BATTERY SB99 R 6/20/2006 230.00 230.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 230.00 008 58-5250 230.00 18V HAMMERDRILL BATTERY VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 7/590900 71590900CR 0.00 71590.00 0.00 ----------------.................... -................... -------------------........... ---------------------------------------------- 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. I 605058 ASPHALT SB99 R 6/20/2006 700.4O 700a40CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 700.40 001 30-5370 700.40 ASPHALT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 700.40 700.40CR 0.00 700.40 0.00 --------------------------.............................................. -----------------....... ----------......... -----------...... 99-01320 J.L. MATTHEWS CO., INC. I 56876,57438 SHOVEL & LADDER G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5250 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 499.44 SHOVEL & LADDER 499.44 499.44CR 499.44 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 499.44 499.44CR 0.00 499.44 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------- - - - -- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO* DESCRIPTION 1550 ATMOS 148726 GAS UT G/L ACCOUNT 001 15-5515 008 15-5515 001 28-5515 008 50-5515 001 30-5515 008 58-5515 001 36-5515 008 36-5515 001 44-5515 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT SB99 AMOUNT 4.58 GAS UT 4.59 GAS UT 9.18 GAS UT 6.12 GAS UT 6.12 GAS UT 6.11 GAS UT 12.88 GAS UT 12.88 GAS UT 24.42 GAS UT R 6/20/2006 GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT 86.88 86.88CR 86.88 OUTSTANDING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 86.88 86.88CR 0.00 86.88 0.00 -------------------.............................................. ------------------.......... ------------...... --------------------- 99-01560 LOVELACE NURSERY I 48520 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES G/L ACCOUNT 001 42-5310 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 710.00 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 710.00 710.00CR 710.00 VENDOR TOTALS RHG, CHECK 710.00 710.00CR 0.00 710.00 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- I 185091 CLEANING SUPPLIES SB99 R 6/20/2006 272.26 272.26CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 272.26 001 44-5213 272.26 CLEANING SUPPLIES 4:185712 CLEANING SUPPLIES SB99 R 6/20/2006 66.81 66.81CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 66.81 001 42-5265 66.81 CLEANING SUPPLIES I 48643 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICAL SB99 R 6/20/2006 177.60 177.60CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 177.60 001 20-5245 29.60 SUPPLIES 001 26-5245 29.60 SUPPLIES 001 40-5245 29.60 SUPPLIES 001 44-5213 29.60 SUPPLIES 008 50-5245 29.60 SUPPLIES 008 54-5245 29.60 SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 516.67 516.67CR 0.00 516.67 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------- ----- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# 2190 RITE -WELD I 289777 DESCRIPTION VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT MEDICAL OXYGEN SB99 R 6/20/2006 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 24-5430 40.60 MEDICAL OXYGEN GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT 40.60 40.60CR 40.60 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 40.60 40.60CR 0.00 40.60 0.00 ------------------------------------..................... ------------------------............ -------......... ----------------------- 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY I 31221 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY SB99 R 6/20/2006 252.00 252.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 252.00 001 30-5380 252.00 NO SMOKING SIGNS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 252.00 252.00CR 0.00 252.00 0.00 -------.................... -...... ---------------------------...................... ----------........ ------------------------------- 99-02300 BANGER COURIER I 7352 SANGER COURIER G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5450 001 15-5230 008 15-5230 SB99 R AMOUNT 50.00 SPORTS PAGE 154.00 LEGAL ADS 154.00 LEGAL ADS 6/20/2006 358.00 358.00CR 358.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 358.00 358.00CR 0.00 358.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-02480 EMBARQ 48723 LONG DISTANCE G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5510 001 30-5510 001 42-5510 001 20-5510 001 26-5510 001 46-5510 008 54-5510 001 24-5510 001 36-5510 008 36-5510 001 15-5510 008 15-5510 SB99 R 6/20/2006 172.61 AMOUNT 172.61 20.52 LONG DISTANCE 5.94 LONG DISTANCE 9.94 LONG DISTANCE 28.52 LONG DISTANCE 8.73 LONG DISTANCE 4.45 LONG DISTANCE 3.71 LONG DISTANCE 8.41 LONG DISTANCE 4.20 LONG DISTANCE 4.21 LONG DISTANCE 36.99 LONG DISTANCE 36.99 LONG DISTANCE 172.61CR 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 5 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC IT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 172.61 172.61CR 0.00 172.61 0.00 --'-----.......... --............................... -----------------------......... -------....... ------...... ----------------------- 99-02680 TX POLICB CHIEFS ASSOC I 48647 DUES SB99 R 6/20/2006 150.00 150400CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 150.00 001 20-5235 150.00 DUES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 150.00 150900CR 0.00 150.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-02690 TECHLINE I 1428667 I 1428702-00 2 1619179 CONDUIT G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-6020 CROSSARMS G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-6020 VOLTAGE METER G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5250 SB99 R 6/20/2006 1,625.00 1,625.00CR AMOUNT 11625.00 1,625.00 CONDUIT SB99 R 6/20/2006 11653.75 11653.75CR AMOUNT 11653.75 1,653.75 CROSSARMS SB99 R 6/20/2006 358.00 358.00CR AMOUNT 358.00 358.00 VOLTAGE METER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 31636.75 31636.75CR 0.00 31636.75 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-03440 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS F05222 RESHARPENED BLADES SB99 R 6/20/2006 47.38 47.38CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 47.38 001 30-5250 47.38 RESHARPENED BLADES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 47.38 47.38CR 0.00 47.38 0.00 99-03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE I 745693 TX CRIMINAL/TRAFFIC LAW BOO SB99 R 6/20/2006 64.00 64.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 64.00 001 20-5265 64.00 TX CRIMINAL/TRAFFIC LAW BOOKS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 64.00 64.00CR 0.00 64.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 6 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 'V3960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I 9608389 APPLICATIONS G/L ACCOUNT 001 34-5210 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT SB99 R 6/20/2006 43.35 43.35CR AMOUNT 43.35 43.35 APPLICATIONS OUTSTANDING VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 43.35 43.35CR 0.00 43.35 0.00 99-03970 TMCCP I 48721 2005SUPPLEMENTTML LAW SB99 R 6/20/2006 30.00 30.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 30.00 008 15-5235 15.00 2005SUPPLEMENTTML LAW 001 15-5235 15.00 2005SUPPLEMENTTML LAW VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 30.00 30.00CR 0.00 30.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.......... ----------....... ------- 99-04160 COMET CLHANHRS 148615 ELECT DEPT CLEANING SB99 R 6/20/2006 40.00 40.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 40.00 008 58-5255 40.00 ELECT DEPT CLEANING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 40.00 40.00CR 0.00 40.00 0.00 -----........... --------------------------------------------------.............. ------------....... ----------.......... ------------- 99-05350 TX EXCAVATION SAFETY SYST 1 06-2521 MESSAGE FEES G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5420 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 67.45 MESSAGE FEES 67.45 67.45CR 67.45 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 67.45 67.45CR 0.00 67.45 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-05600 MOORE MEDICAL CORP. 194165654,94127730 94219048 MEDICAL SUPPLIES SB99 R 6/20/2006 666.90 666.90CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 666.90 001 24-5430 666.90 94219048 MEDICAL SUPPLIES VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 666.90 666.90CR 0.00 666.90 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 6040 DAVIDSON TITLES I 123764 BOOK G/L ACCOUNT 001 42-6050 VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT SB99 AMOUNT 29.95 BOOK R 6/20/2006 GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT 29.95 29.95CR 29.95 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 29.95 29.95CR 0.00 29.95 0.00 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF 2 1061624 TOOL BAG & TOOLS SB99 R 6/20/2006 194.66 194.66CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 194.66 008 58-5250 194.66 TOOL BAG & TOOLS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 194.66 194.66CR 0.00 194.66 0.00 99-08620 AMEBA-CHEM INC I 33993 DRUG ID BIBLES G/L ACCOUNT 001 20-5265 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 111.85 DRUG ID BIBLES 111.85 111.85CR 111.85 VENDOR TOTALS BEG. CHECK 111.85 111.S5CR 0.00 111.85 0.00 2 2204/5436 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS SB99 R 6/20/2006 G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 001 10-5210 8.90 CC MEETING TAPES 008 10-5210 8.90 CC MEETING TAPES 001 34-5210 3.10 DESK CALENDER-POOL 008 19-5210 18.14 FOLDERS 008 15-5210 28.49 INK 001 15-5210 28.48 INK 008 10-5210 23.76 CALL. TAPE 119.77 119.77CR 119.77 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK T19.77 119.77CR 0.00 119.77 0.00 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ------- - - - -- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO* 9690 DESIGNS ETC, I 729764 VENDOR SEQUENCE DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 45 SHIRTS G/L ACCOUNT 001 30-5255 001 32-5255 �VaI�tSH;�K�Y9e1�. SB99 AMOUNT 98.00 45 SHIRTS 98.00 45 SHIRTS REG. CHECK R 6/20/2006 GROSS BALANCE 196.00 196.00 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 196.00CR OUTSTANDING 196.00 196.00CR 0.00 196.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-1 MISC. VENDOR I 48002 JAY'S UPHOLSTERY TRUCK SEATS G/L ACCOUNT 008 58-5325 VENDOR TOTALS SB99 R 6/20/2006 570.00 570.00CR AMOUNT 570.00 570.00 JAY'S UPHOLSTERY TRUCK SEATS REG. CHECK 570.00 570oOOCR 0.00 570.00 0.00 ---------------------................................ --------------------............... ---------------........... -----------....... 99-10760 BRODART CO I F549325 8 BOOKS & PROCESSING SB99 R 6/20/2006 102.67 102.67CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 102.67 001 42-6050 102.67 8 BOOKS & PROCESSING VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 102.67 102667CR 0.00 102.67 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - i 4 ADVANCED MEDICAL CARE SB99 R 6/20/2006 258.00 258.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 258.00 001 15-5440 129.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT/RANDOMS 008 15-5440 129.00 PRE-EMPLOYMENT/RANDOMS VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 258.00 258.00CR 0.00 258.00 0.00 ---.............. -----------............................. ----------............. -............ ------------------........ ------------- 99-11540 LINCOLN I S146972 JET MAX SB99 R 6/20/2006 1,730.99 1,730.99CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 1,730.99 001 34-5245 11730.99 JET MAX VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 1/730699 11730.99CR 0.00 1,730.99 0.00 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: OUTSTANDING VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 284.89 284.89CR 99-11820 STEWART ORGANIZATION 15302 COPIER SB99 R 6/20/2006 36.93 36.93CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 36.93 001 42-5312 36.93 COPIER VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 36.93 36.93CR 0.00 36.93 0.00 ----------------------------------..................... --------------------------------........ ---------------........ -------------- 99-12590 ALLISON ENGINEERING 16153/6152/61516150 ALLISON ENGINEERING G/L ACCOUNT 001 18-5420 008 18-5420 SB99 R 6/20/2006 10,731.09 AMOUNT 10,731.09 51365.55 ALLISON ENGINEERING 5,365.54 ALLISON ENGINEERING 10,731.09CR VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 10,731.09 10,731.09CR 0.00 10,731.09 0.00 -----------------................... -------------------------------------------.............. --------------....... ------------------ 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. 33745 FOGGER,GERMINATOR,INSECTICI SB99 R 6/20/2006 784.00 784.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 784.00 001 32-5223 784.00 FOGGER,GERMINATOR,INSECTICIDE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 784.00 784.00CR 0.00 784.00 0.00 ---................... --------------------................................... ------------------............ ------------------------- 99-13890 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OF 15102096 SPRINKLER REPAIRS G/L ACCOUNT 001 32-6015 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 75.00 SPRINKLER REPAIRS 75.00 75.00CR 75.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 75.00 75.00CR 0.00 75.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 10 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NOR DESCRIPTION VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT OUTSTANDING f4730 DUANE MORRIS LLP 148608 FCC LICENSE SB99 R 6/20/2006 586.20 586.20CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 586.20 008 58-5420 293.10 FCC LICENSE 008 50-5420 293.10 FCC LICENSE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 586.20 586.20CR 0.00 586.20 0.00 -------------------...................... -------------------------------........ -------------------......... ------------------------ 99-15510 THE PLAYWELL GROUP I SI-2644 BORDER TIMBER G/L ACCOUNT 001 32-5260 SB99 R 6/20/2006 AMOUNT 1,630.40 BORDER TIMBER 1,630.40 1,630.40CR 1,630.40 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 1,630.40 1,630.40CR 0.00 1,630.40 0.00 -----------------................................... -............. -.................. ---------.............. ------------------------ 99-15570 TEXAS GATES & FENCE 159999 SAFETY FENCE,GATE,KEYPAD,BA SB99 R 6/20/2006 6,900.00 6,900.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 6,900.00 008 58-6020 6,900.00 SAFETY FENCE,GATE,KEYPAD,BATTE VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 6/900000 61900.00CR 0.00 6,900.00 0.00 -----------------.................. -------------------------------------------------.......... --------------........ ---------------- 99-15580 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS 148717 DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS SB99 R 6/20/2006 361.35 361.35CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 361.35 001 10-5420 180.68 ELECTION MACHINE BALANCE 008 10-5420 180.67 ELECTION MACHINE BALANCE VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 361.35 36193SCR 0.00 361.35 0.00 99-ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I 105682 LEASE # 20965 SB99 R 6/20/2006 2,701.00 21701.00CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 21701,00 008 58-5345 2,701,00 LEASE # 20965 I 5446810 BUCKET TRUCK REPAIRS SB99 R 6/20/2006 212.50 212950CR G/L ACCOUNT AMOUNT 212.50 008 58-5325 212.50 BUCKET TRUCK REPAIRS 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 2,913.50 21913.50CR 0.00 2,913.50 0.00 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 6-16-2006 04:29 PM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 12 PACKET: 00551 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 HAND CHECKS DRAFTS REG-CHECKS EFT NON -CHECKS ALL CHECKS R E P O R T T O T A L S =_ F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT 001 GENERAL FUND 19,111.99CR 008 ENTERPRISE FUND 29,792.57CR ** TOTALS ** 48,904.56CR ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSS BALANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,904956 48,904.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,904.56 48,904.56 TOTAL CHECKS TO PRINT: 44 ERRORS: 0 WARNINGS: 0 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,904.56CR 0.00 0*00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,904.56CR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00