07/03/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 39 2006 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 19, 2006 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Conduct First Public Hearing on Annexation for the following Properties: A. N. L. HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 2 B. N. L. HOBBS, BLOCK A, LOT 3 R 5. Consider and Possible Action on Purchase of Easement on Marion Road from Sanger LS.D. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution Supporting the Texas Main Street Program. 7. Discuss Engineering Services on New Sewer Plant for Wastewater Treatment Plant. $. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. 9. Adjournment. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetiitgs Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may Ohl, I be considered in executive sessi;c ottlosed to•the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the -tonclusion; of the executive session. I, the undersigned authority, dIFF o hereby Eertifjt that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Hall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place convenient and readily ac essibl to ibe en ral public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and time: �� � /(�/ )(� at`- p,m. an&sball remain posted until meeting is adjourned. IF IF IF IF ex IF Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary City of Sanger, Texas This notice was removed from the official bulletin board onj )"t 7 t1 by `W i W Jaba This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JUNE 1% 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Andy Garza ABSENT: Councilman Mike Walker OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Director of Economic Development, Cecile Carson, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Fire Chief David Pennington, Engineer Coordinator Samantha Renz, C.G. McNeill, J.C. Hughes, Jr., John and Liz Springer, Paul Edelman, Joe Mendoza, Fernando Mendoza, Scott Norris, Bill Fuller, Kim Cox, Joe Falls, Roger Otwell, Barbara Martin, Kim Green, Michael Davis, Geraline Davis. 1. Mayor Joe Higgs Called Meeting to Order, Councilman Garza led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 5, 2006 -Minutes May 15, 2006 - Minutes Councilman James moved to approve the minutes as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. b) Disbursements. Councilman Patton moved to approve the disbursements as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. No Discussion. 4. Consider and Possible Action on the Criteria for the Selection of Board Members. Mayor indicated there were three different options in the packet, he felt the council should take the information home and look it over to see if it is what they want. Councilman Patton indicated he had seen a rough copy that had been circulated earlier, and he felt the committee had done a great job. He felt the criteria was well set. Councilman Patton moved to accept the board commission application as presented. Councilman Ervin seconded. Councilman James asked if they were just approving the application. The different options were discussed. Councilman Garza asked if the criteria for board members was more stringent than that of the Council. He indicated that the City has had a hard time getting board members and that he did not want to narrow down the pool. Discussed that some of the criteria is mandated by the State. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Conduct Second Public Hearing on Annexation for the following Properties: of . Public Hearing opened. Joe Falls, 4489 McReynolds Road, indicated he and his family had been in Sanger for 45 years. He introduced Penny Starnes and Mary Falls as part owners of the property. He indicated they want to voluntarily annex the property. They volunteered the other property for annexation over 20 years ago. This property is the hill east of town. It is a commanding piece of property and they have grand plans for it. They would like it to be zoned for a golf course, a clubhouse, a hotel, and/or possibly a convention center in the future. He indicated he would like Council to help them with this by being open to their future plans. He thanked the Council for listening. Public Hearing closed. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointments to Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Master Plan. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, addressed the Council and indicated that this is the steering committee to select representatives that will be doing the comprehensive plan for the City of Sanger. There was an omission in the packet, the Mayor should be listed as one of the committee members. Councilman Garza asked if all of the proposed members had been notified and have indicated they are willing to serve. City Manager indicated this had been done. Councilman Garza moved to accept the appointments to the Steering Committee. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for 2005/2006 Fiscal Year. City Manager indicated these are the mid -year shifts. The end result is zero change to the overall budget. This helps us allocate funds for possible future land purchase, etc. Briefly discussed that each transfer is balanced within in it's own department. Councilman Patton moved to approve the budget amendments. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Janitorial Services for City Buildings. City Manger indicted there were two bids received, and after reviewing the cost, staff discussed that it might be more beneficial to hire an employee. The memo shows the estimated cost, and there will be an additional amount added to that for workers compensation insurance and unemployment. Mayor asked if the employee would only be needed 30 hours per week. City Manager indicated they would. Councilman Garza asked how soon staff would post the position. City Manager indicated he felt we would go thru this budget year with the current service, and advertise for the next budget year. Councilman Ervin moved to reject all bids. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action to Award Bid for Audit Services for Years Ending 2006- 2007-2008. City Manager indicated there was a letter in the packet from the City Attorney stating that this service did not have to be bid out. Bill Spore is the current City Auditor and he did not submit a proposal, he did give us a cost that is almost half the cost of the other proposals. We can accept either proposal received or reject them both and appoint Bill Spore as auditor. Councilman Garza indicated that he felt Mr. Spore did an excellent job. He asked if anything had happened to cause the Council to consider other options. Council and staff indicated that nothing had happened. Mayor indicated he felt it was a good idea to check into it a little more. Councilman James indicated he did not see a need to look into it further. He felt there was no need to spend tax payer dollars for no reason. He indicated that Mr. Spore did a good job and he was the lowest price. He felt the Council should re -appoint him. Councilman Patton indicated he felt it was best business practice to consider other auditors from time to time. Discussion continued regarding the auditor. Councilman Ervin asked about the cost of Bill Spore's service. Staff indicated he had been $5,000.00 for the past eleven years, he was $6,000.00 last year and has quoted $7,000.00 for this year. Councilman Ervin asked if we had a contract with Bill Spore. Staff indicated we did not. Councilman Ervin indicated there needed to be a contract. Councilman Ervin moved to reject all bids. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Emergency Siren System on the East Side of Town. Fire Chief, David Pennington, addressed the Council regarding this item. He indicated currently the city has 2 sirens. There is a bid into move the one at ?`h and Peach streets to another location. They have also taken the old siren down and it is being serviced. The old units were key operated, but the new units are radio operated, the one being serviced will be put on Well #5 on the west side of town. The one that is being moved can go either on Indian Lane or McReynolds for the area east of town. It could also go at FM 455 and Marion Road. He indicated he did not have the bid yet on moving this, but that is the plan. Councilman Ervin indicated he had been told by some citizens that they were unable to hear it. He asked if the school was able to hear it. Chief Pennington indicated the school has the option to purchase a receiver to place at the administration building. They can notify all of the schools if there is an issue. Discussion regarding siren for the school. Councilman Garza asked if the area South of town can hear the sirens. Chief Pennington explained the location of the sirens and effect that the wind has on them. They can be heard depending on the wind. Discussed sirens and distances heard at length. Chief Pennington indicated that one would need to be put at both the Sound and Norih end of the City Limits in order to be heard in the rural areas. Council indicated this will be addressed in the new budget. No action taken. 11. Discussion on the Resolution Supporting the Texas Main Street Program. Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, indicated that the Historical Society has been working on a plan to revitalize downtown. The Mains Street Program would be good for Sanger. The application is lengthy and requires an inventory of the downtown area. It also requires the support and interest of the Council and citizens. The Downtown Area Committee has worked hard, there are about 80 questions on the application and they have divided them up among the members for data collection. Only five cities are chosen per year to participate in this program. There is assistance provided to merchants and the City will have the opportunity for the first lady of Texas to visit, which will add recognition by the State. This will require a commitment from the City to fund a position for three years, the Chamber will provide office space for this individual. The application is due July 31st. Councilman James asked if the city had to be selected to participate. Ms. Carson indicated that you did, and that there was a very stringent process. The applications are voted on, only five are selected, and there is currently intent from 15 cities in the state. Councilman James asked if two cities could pay one individual and split the cost of this Main Street representative. Ms. Carson indicated that could not be done, but indicated that the Texas Capital Fund Grant was available to Main Street cities. Councilman James indicated theat the City of Sanger has a very small downtown, it is essentially only three blocks, is it possible that we would qualify? s. Carson indicated that there were other cities with very small downtowns applying as well. The committee has actually chosen about ten blocks to be considered for this PI ogram. Discussion continued, Ms. Carson indicated she had visited with other cities and looked at what they have done with the program. Councilman James asked about funding the position. He indicated the City is currently giving the Chamber half of the hotel/motel tax, would it be possible to withdraw those funds and use them toward funding this position. Cecile Carson indicated the position wouldn't need to be funded until January 2007. Kim Green, downtown committee representative, indicated this position can also be a city employee and do other duties as well, but their main hat has to be Main Street. She indicated the bank has agreed to work with merchants on the loans needed to fund the improvements. Lengthy Discussion regarding the project and funding a new position. Barbara Martin, Chamber Administrator, indicated she felt this was Sanger's last chance to save the downtown area, and she felt they should get behind something and see it through. She indicated the Chamber had a set of goals at the beginning of the year and one of them was to get something started in the downtown area. Ms. Carson indicated even if the City was not selected, this would put a plan in place for future action. Councilman Patton indicated he felt the resolution should be whole heartedly supported, they were not talking about money at this time, that could be discussed down the road. John Springer indicated he had been asking for a master plan for the City for some time, and there is no way to plan the future for Sanger without a plan. Frisco is having to build a replica of their downtown because they let their's perish. He hoped we dad not do the same. We have bank support, and a group of individuals willing to meet and do this. Ms. Carson provided the leadership and she is willing to take on this extra project. There are so many things working for us at this time, let's not let another opportunity slip away. Discussed committee filing for 5013-C status to be able to accept donations. Discussed committee members, the ON did not form this committee, it is a community effort, Discussion followed, and no action was taken. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Statement of Intent from Atmos Energy. Staff indicated that Atmos Energy requested that we deny the rate increase. City Secretary indicated when all of the cities deny the rate change, they have to go to the Railroad commission and fight for the rate increase. This helps them speed up the process if all the cities go ahead and deny it. Regardless, they will get a rate increase, if it does go to litigation the additional cost will be passed on to the cities. Councilman Ervin asked if the City Attorney had looked a this. Staff indicated he had not. City Manager indicated he recommended denial. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like the City Attorney to give direction on this. Tabled for next agenda, no action taken. 13. Consider and Possible Action on the Adoption of Resolution #06-10-Q6 Authorizing and Approving Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligations. City Manger indicated this is for Phase III of the CIP. Joe Henderson, Government Capital Funding, addressed the council and gave a presentation . He discussed the company, where they were located and what they had to offer. He indicated they were trying to get the best deal for the City. They have two companies, and have worked with a City in the past, they have done business in 48 states. They would like to act as financial advisor fro the city on this project. He explained that there are two ways that long term debt is issued. It can be either private placement or public sale. There is normally a higher rate associated with private placement. His company looks at it both ways and determines the best option for the City. On public Sale the fees are lower and they can insure and get a lower rate. Mr. Henderson discussed the two options for this issue. There is a 15 year option and a 20 year option. He went over the two options. He also discussed the possibility of raising taxes, went over the time line, and discussed the fees. Councilman James moved to accept the resolution. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Financial Advisory Agreement with Government Capital Securities Corporation. Joe Henderson gave Council copies of the agreement and indicated either party can terminate it within 30 days. Councilman James moved to approve the agreement. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Forwarding the Zoning Map Review to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Cecile Carson addressed the Council. She indicated that at the last meeting they discussed proposed changes to the zoning map and ordinances. Staff is requesting approval to forward this to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. Councilman Patton moved to forward this to the Planning and Zoning Commission fro review. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action on Setting Date and Time for Workshop for Tomlin Investments. Councilman James indicated would like to have a workshop some time next week. Discussed dates. Council agree on June 29`". Councilman James moved to schedule a workshop for Thursday June 29`" at 6:00 p.m. Councilman Patton seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. A) Councilman James asked for appointment of the City Auditor. B) Councilman Garza asked if we could look at the award to Carter and Burgess for Engineering Services for new Sewer Plant. 18. Meeting Adjourned. Date: June 30, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item 4 -Public Hearing on Annexation This is the next step in this annexation process. The map is attached. R254193 R60305 R132505 5 R132465 R201511 R201515 ROW R255193 �O�t 4�1- R255194 R60045 R60102 Date: June 305 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item #5 -Easement Sanger ISD has had the property appraised as is now required by law. The appraisal came in at $6,900.00. Staff is asking for permission to proceed with purchase of this easement. Date: June 30, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item #6 -Texas Main Street Program Attached is a report on this item from Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director City of Sanger STAFF REPORT TO: City of Sanger Mayor and City Council ITEM: Discuss and consider adopting a resolution supporting a Texas Main Street Program application DATE: July 3, 2006 STAFF: Cecile Carson, Director of Economic Development BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City Council discussed the Main Street Program at the June 19, 2006 meeting. The Main Street Program is designed to revitalize older, business districts throughout the United States. The Program takes a comprehensive approach to address issues and problems that face downtown areas. The application includes 80 questions related to historic buildings, community support, public support and financial capacity, physical capacity and need. The Downtown Development Association, composed of business, civic and city leaders, has worked as a team to collect data about business/economic, historic and cultural activities to complete the application. Members have visited with representatives from Main Street communities including Bowie, Decatur, Pilot Point, Denton, Electra, Gainesville, and Bridgeport (provisional), and several members of the Texas Downtown Association. Texas Historical Commission selects up to five Texas cities and urban areas as official Texas Main Street cities. The Commission works with the community on a revitalization focusing on: • Organization • Promotion • Design • Economic Restructuring Selected communities are eligible to receive a range of services: • Ongoing comprehensive training for Main Street managers and board members • Training for communities in successful economic development approaches • A three-day, on -site evaluation and full report with recommendations • Design assistance • Consultation with downtown merchants about visual merchandising and window display • Advice on heritage tourism programs and marketing • Participation in the First Lady of Texas Tour of Main Street cities • Eligible for Texas Capital Fund Main Street Grant (minimum $50,000-maximum $150,000) only the 84 Main Street communities are eligible to apply. The Main Street Directors salary for the first three years must be provided by the community along with office space, training and supplies. A team effort is planned with support from the City, Chamber of Commerce, and the Sanger Downtown Development Association. If selected the Main Street Director would be hired in January 2007. The request from the city would be approximately $33,000. The Sanger Downtown Development Association will develop a campaign to raise on -going funds and the Chamber of Commerce shall be asked to provide office space and supplies. ACTION: Adoption of the resolution RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MAIN STREET PROGRAM AND DESIGNATING THE DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO COORDINATE ALL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES. WHEREAS: The Texas Main Street Program of the Texas Historical Commission has been created to assist small cities to develop a public/private effort to revitalize their "Main Street" area, and up to five Texas cities of any population will be selected to participate in the Texas Main Street Program in 2007, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER SECTION 1. That the City of Sanger apply for selection to participate in the 2007 Main Street Program with the specific goal of revitalizing the central business district within the context of the preservation and rehabilitation of its historic buildings. SECTION 2. That the City of Sanger will provide an adequate budget to employ afull- time Main Street Program manager for a minimum of three years, to provide funds for the training of the Main Street Program manager and the operating expenses of the program in partnership with the citizens of Sanger. SECTION 3. That the Director of Economic Development be designated to implement the Main Street program. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 19th day of JIJNE, 2006. ATTEST CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: CITY ATTORNEY 19 m O (D C) n N O (O O n Q. (D n 0 (D 0 O W Z cnCm•n(n G� C)_onC) 0mG�m-nC)mpcVO0 o0 wo mw U (D = (D N CO MD N N N (p O C C (D O O O D) O N N C O. i n �l m J o- N N N C N j `� fD N > D N O N O O O O N D) n _ C O O O 0 C (D 0 (D (Dj (D O �. N O N 0 G) Y U1 N N O N N N N N N N N N... s. s... -� . ... WN A O O CD N O O O O O O O O O (D (D (D (D (O (D (D (D (D (D (D (O w (D (D (D (D W"N N (DO) A A N W N N 0 0 0 m CO V V V m (n A A N 000 V O A A W 7 69 69 EA (A (A (n 6A fA () 69 (A 69 d) 69 69 69 fA fA 69 (A 69 0) (A 69 (n fA (A (n 69 IV) X CD D S D1 A m N W -� W A N> �. O• Ut N W (O > J A -� W V W J (n 0 m (n A J> W m J m N) m� m (O O N J W W N N 0 W A J O m W VVV1 m m N W J m O O W J e� A V O NVVVIV m A (n m W A m O W m W J (D J W N O O W J J N N ti N W O N m O O J m J N m 0 O N U) Ut -M -VVI m> m m O (O W m m (D p O J O O N 0 0 m A J (O O N A J O (.n W m Ut m (D N O O A O (O W O J O O O O O J W J W O m A> O m O O A O A m -+ O� m A A A W Z a i N N> W N W N> W J Ut m O A A O m m J Ut N O) (G 0 > W W A W 0) m m 01 (D > A A N m m A O m> A m O) O m J> J N N (n 69 (p (A fA (A to 0) to 6) 60 (A d) W 69 (A 69 (A fA fA 0 (A 69 69 d) 69 EA C) O 7 m (n Ot A N J K) m 0 m -+ J 0) J J N A N W C (D W N O N (A m O (O O J w W N 0) W (D O m W� A N O O (D O W m m A A 0 0 (D IDm J A N O m J .Os O O O m O J O O Ut Ut O O O O W O m Ut W O N A A O O O O N O N O O O m O O O O J O N J W O m 0 o O O O O m O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (n O -i O O O J O O a 0 _ N > > C N N N J A N O (A 69 (n 69 69 69 (A w 6) (h 0) 69 fA 69 69 (A (A w fA 69 69 6) (n w fA 69 69 69 (n 0) •D < O' W i N >> W m m> A N 0) N m O N A J (n N V) O) (D N A A C C N M O 0) O W J (n A W 0) A (n W N (n O O W (D W m M W Co (D N J J R (A (D O (n O A m m N) m J N A N A O A W A m m (O O W A O (.n (D m ,O to (D O O A O (n O W O W 0 W O> N 0 0 (n m 0 m W W (O J N n A O O n (O (D O O O O O O O m 0 O O W O O O O O O O O O W (n O O O W m 0 0 O O O O co O O W O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 m O O O O O O O a 0 N> N W W>> (n N A J W m N y VVVVVVV Z) cn mD z M D :� > O W W A J J m O N A V m v (n O (Nn J A OND A? 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(G O J O o 0 0 0 N W J W O m A> o m 0 0 (D O A W N O> m> A Amu ZC. �• O C () 01 O N > W> > W W Ut > O N> (n N N M N W 69 (A W W W fn 69 W 69 W (n 69 W fA (A W 69 69 (n fn fA W (n (A fA L m x M O G u, W (D A W -+ J (n J C N �% W W O N� A j W m w m m J m W m m m N O N N N N N > A (n 0) w W C O o O m o W N m J J W A CO m 0 m (A O C O O O U1 O W o (D A A O O Ut (n (n J m O ID O O O O O > O (D N m O N O m m O O N N 69 (n (A fA (A 69 69 69 fA 69 69 fn 69 (A CO) (A (A (A fA 69 W W W W W fA m 69 W W (n O Z1 1D � N a N O m > m> J A A V� W W (n > N W J W m 0 W J J W J co N m J m (D (D N Ut -+ A _> m J (O m N m> m N W (D > 0) -� (O W W A W W W m� N O(n N m A o J N m (D m m N O N J J m w > O m J (n 3 J (n O A O W J m m A (n (O (D N W m m (D A O m (n -� m W W W W (p N J O O W m 0 N O (O m J_ m N_ O (D m W (D Ut W > A m N -� _m co IVV)N) O N o .NA 01010 0 0 ?. ? J O m A (Al) m O N ONO O W O OWD N OAD OmD O C C 7 A O J>> m m N A m N N N W >> y N J W N A m W J W J J (D (D J W O Ut m J > A W N (D m O (0 m CO J m N W W O W N (n m N (D m N J W N (D (O > m m O W� w N W m (n O m N A O A N (n J W A (D w Date: June 30, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Subject: Item #7 -Engineering Services for New Sewer Plant Councilman Garza requested this item be placed on the agenda at the last meeting. A representative from Carter and Burgess should be available to answer any questions you may have. Subject to the Provisions of the Professional Services Agreement executed March 21, 2005, Carier & Burgess, Inc. is authorized to proceed with the attached Phase 2,3,4,E 5 as presented in the Scope of Work in Section I. Compensation shall be as identified in Section 11. Accepted for CITY OF BANGER By: Name: Title: Date: Sanger Clear Creek WwTP —Scope of Services Title: RGESS, INC. AI Petrasek, Ph.D, P.E. Uce President Page 1 of 9 '�, r W C•COO Carter Burgess, Inc. ("C&B") will provide Professional Services for the planning and design services of the new Sanger Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (CCWWTP). The services are generally grouped within five (5) phases. Phase 1 has already been authorized. It should be noted that the order of the phases and the items within the phases are general in nature and do not necessarily dictate the order that these rvices will e performed. Some services will be performed concurrently. , The plant wilt be designed for a treatment capacity of 2•MGD average flow and 8 MGD peak 2-hr flow. The effluent characteristics shall be 10 CBOD5yo,1 TSS and 3 NH3N. Provisions will be made for Phosphorous removal. Components will generally consist.of: 1. Lift station w/ self prime or submersible pumps a,., 2. Fine screens (two (2)) in concrete channels.'t'� gfr 3. Grit removal, concrete basin or steel structure ,h 4. Aeration (2) with fine bubble aeration in concrete°basns. I` 5. Clarifiers (2) in concrete basins%; , 6. Sludge processing consisting of'theLE nvirex Cannibal&§ystem (screen, cyclone, concrete basins (2)).s mpg Vxt 7. Sludge waste facilities consisting of{;a dewafer►ij box with polymer system. 8. Disk filters in coner'gteror steel basm'with steel shred (no wall panels). 9. Ultraviolet disinfection ineoncrete channels with steel shed (no wall panels). 10. Post-aeratiolstructure (non mechanical) in concrete basin with steel shed (no wall panels)` _,f 11. Non potable water system ion site) 12. Administration building_ with two (2)offices, laboratory, electrical room, two (2) grestfooms;with showex_s and lockers (prefabricated metal building with masonry fagadeiY , architectural' atures,, and HVAC}. 13 Blower shed (prefabricated metal building with no wall panels). �4. Sor ge shed (prefabricated"metal building with metal wall(s), no HVAC). 15. Securiy,fencing.t� 16. On siMde6cess road's { 17.Off-site access roadrimprovements. 18. Entrance landscape�feature. ASI;"fit T;-Yi 19. Miscellaneous<<pipng, sidewalks, walkways, electrical, lighting, and security. 20. SCADA system. 21.Outfall pipeline. Where applicable, the plant will be designed as two (2) parallel treatment trains. Provisions will be made for future plant expansion, future odor control and further waste sludge )rocessing. In addition, a design fora new sanitary sewer fine ("Ranger Branch Sanitary Sewer Line") to convey wastewater from the existing WWTP to the new CCWWTP will be included. This sanitary sewer line will extend from the existing WWTP, along Ranger Branch to the Sanger Clear Creek WW I'P —Scope of Services Page 2 of 9 CCWWTP site. It is the intent for this sanitary sewer line to be gravity flow, without any lift stations, The sanitary sewer line will be bid separately. Services provided will include the following: PRELIMINARY DESIGN SERVICES: 1. Develop a site plan for the initial plant. This site pl layout, piping locations, site access, building locat security issues. Provisions for the ultimate plant will 2. Prepare detailed calculations far the pro dimensions for the components will be d 3. Calculate the hydraulic profile of the i 4. Conduct two (2) meetings with architectural features and entrap administration building will include showers and lockers and eled*- controlled (air conditioning & heath where applicable. The building e) be a shed type, or partially enclosec building type, witlt�urj ithout wal limited to, blowers, fi�ters�T UV disi combined into single structure. entrance 5. Determine the 6. fD:etermine C 7. ot ndiuca walk Ranger-iBranch City regarding landscaping fj two (2) offices cal, room. The res. IlY�riclude an equipment elerical locations and ct ent to`%eyconstructed. Unit on. ponents iriistration building layout, res. It is assumed that the story, two (2) restrooms with re. building will be climate avt alI meet ADA requirements y: All other "buildings" shall Auld be a prefabricated metal bwld`ings would include, but not be storage, etc. Some buildings may be hitectural features and layout for final with City staff, to determine a preferred alignment for the sewer line. This will be conducted to facilitate field survey. 8. Conduct a4�teld topographic survey, along the alignment determined in the field, suitable for design, Establish horizontal and vertical control to be used during construction. J1. LIP 9. Submit the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to TCEQ as required in 30TAC§317. 10. Prepare 30% ("Conceptual") construction plans for the CCWWTP. These plans will be sufficient for conceptual review and will consist of a site plan, hydraulic profile, basic mechanical components, administration building plan, basic yard piping, basic electrical requirements, entrance concept, and structure layouts. Sanger Clear Creek WNlfP —Scope of Services Page 3 ofi 9 0 11. Prepare 30% ("Conceptual") construction plans for the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. These plans will consist of basic plan sheets (1"=1001) to finalize the alignment. If a gravity sanitary sewer line is not feasible due to topography or other factors, a lift station would be required. Design of a lift station would be an additional service. 1z Provide one (1) full size set and two (2) 11x17 size sets of both 30% construction plans to the City for review. 13. Upon approval of Ranger Branch sanitary sewer alignment�,+prepare permanent and temporary construction easements for execution by the,,C;ity hikjt is anticipated that four (4) easements will be required. Additional easements will be considered an additional service.ta_, 14. Submit the Final Engineering Report (FER) to TCEQ:Tas requ�re`d_in 30TAC§317. 15. Prepare 75°l0 ("Preliminary") construction plans and specificationsWR �orthe CCWWTP. These plans and specifications will addressFcomn 1 be sufficient for City review. The 75% pfansavjil cc paving plan, hydraulic profile, mechanical plan and administration plan and elevations, electrical layo sections, perimeter landscaping -,-and miscellaneoI consist of preliminary bid form; contract docume 16. Prepare 75% ("Preliminary") consti Branch sanitary sewer line. The f profile sheets (1 40' H,1"=5' V) an Specifications will consist of prelimi 21 pecification s _,' s 17. Provide one (1) fiailsizers`e plansand sp�cifications,to 1. These plans; plans will ini constructed. specification s from the 300Y review and will rst of site plan, on w Ite & off -site ctins, equipment information, yard piping, structure plan and omponents. Specifications will and technical specifications. m�pl`ansiand stecifications for the Ranger onst"ruction _plans will consist of plan and v<jjqnstruction d- 'etails sufficient for City review. bid form, contract documents, and technical x17 size sets of both 75% construction ("Pre-F,al") construction plans and specifications for the CCWWTP. end specifications will be suitable for final review by the City. The 90°I° )ude'°'plans, sections, details and elevations of the components to be Specifications will include bid form, contract documents, equipment and technical specifications. 2. Prepare 90°l0 ("Pre -Final") construction plans and specifications for the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. The 90% plans will include plan and pro#ile sheets and construction details. Specifications will include bid form, contract documents and technical specifications. 3. Provide two (2) full size sets and two (2) 11x17 size sets of bath 90% construction plans and specification to the City for review and comment. Sanger Glear Creek WWTP —Scope of Services Page 4 of 9 4. Prepare 1009/6 ("Final") construction plans and specifications for the CCWWTP and Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line. These plans and specifications will incorporate comments from the 90% review and will be suitable for bidding purposes. 5. Provide two (2) full size sets of both 100 0 construction plans for City records and for availability of bidders to review. Bidders will be able to purchase plans and specifications from Carter & Burgess. BIDDING SERVICES 1. Prepare both (CCWWTP &Ranger Branch sand and provide to the City for placing in the `of advertisement will be the City's responsib 1ity. 2. Provide Contractors bid construction charged a non-refundable fee). 3. Conduct apre-bid conference 4. Conduct two (2) bid openings, 5. Tabulate bids received and make a 6. Prepare process. 7. Prepare contract suitable CCWWTP. ewer line riewspa cations ement for Bid ement of the the City for award. will be any addendums issued during the bid instruction of the project. by the Contractor{s} and Client. 8, PrQvid'e eight"(�},-full size�sets of CCiNWTP. construction plans to the Contractor and two (2) full size;arsd four�4)f11x17 size CCWWTP construction plans to the City. Provide .two (2) executed copses each of the CCWWTP contract documents and speiifications to the4zGontrac or and City, ;- 9. Provide il; (5) full size sets of Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line construction plans to the Cont�atcior anc]'two (2) full size and four (4)11 x17 size Ranger Branch sanitary VV sewer tine construction plans to the City. Provide two (2) executed copies each of NN the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line contract documents and specifications to the Contractor A City. -- CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1. Conduct a preconstruction conference with the Contractor, Client, inspector(s), and C&B. Sanger Clear Creek WV�IfP —Scope of Services Page 5 of 9 2. Review and provide recommendations on Contractor's request for changes of construction methods and Requests for Information (RFI). 3. Reviewsubmittals and provide Client two (2) copies of approved submittals. 4. Make periodic visits to the site to observe the progress of all construction activity and to determine, in general, if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. This quality review should not be used in lieu of work performed by Client's inspectors, but will be more general in nature. Periodic site visits will consist of approximately one (1) site visit per moa#tThese site visits will also include meeting with the contractor and Client's Inspectorto address concerns and/or clarify issues that may have arisen during construction. „� G3 h 5. Prepare any change orders that may be necessary _#or the prafect. 6. Conduct approximately monthly progress and C&B for the CCWWTP project. ,Iv 7. Review monthly and final applications for with the Contract Documents. 8. Conduct a final walkthrough ("Punch list") prior to final ac 9. Pre.pare Record Drawings from ". 10. Provide the t blackline and project. 11. Provide Client 1. Provide 2. Geotech g additior'i' ded at the time ng`s`(10 total) each project ani ce by the Clie Client, Contractor,['nraccordance items to be completed s prodded by the Contractor. ) full size {2�:�'x36"} niyJar, three (3) full size (24"x36") K17" blackline copies "of the Record Drawings for each ,ice 14t �4PI " .' with; ecord Drawing files in Adobe (.pdf) format for each ices'are not included within the above Scope of Work, but request: r to provide daily inspection services. o n alng Ranger Branch sanitary sewer alignment. 3. SCADA system for CCWWTP. This system would consist of full control and monitoring capabilities at the administration building and one (1) remote station with control and monitoring capabilities. 4. Floodp(ain determination, flood studies or floodplain mitigation plans. 5. Environmental assessment, 404 permitting or wetland determination. 6. Odor control facilities. Sanger Clear Creek W+NfP —Scope of Services Page 6 of 9 7. Additional easements. RESTRICTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: 1. The costs are based upon preparation of iwo (2) bid packages. One bid package shall cover the Ranger Branch sanitary sewer line, the other bid package shall cover the Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. 2. Changes to a pipeline alignment, based upon City preferred alignment may result in additional cost. approved by the City prior to commencing the activil 3. The Scope of Work does not include: a. Material testing (to be included in Contractor's bid). z, b. Pipeline testing (to be included iril ntracto'r's bid). c. Belt press, centrifuge or other dewatering de -A Pv d. Aerobic or anaerobic digesters for si dge piocessing. e. Perimeter landscaping (except entrance future). f. Decorative fencing (except entrance featu`re`k; g. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Ian (S1NP,P1?). Et included in the construction pTjans h. Other buildings not identified above � a 1. i. Financial analysis. fi j. Rate study �rY k. Laboratpr.y analysis. w 1. Pilot studies. m. c:onsrrucr n. "As -Built' o Electric sE p. 0iwator„t q. Ill stud es r. Services f s_ Franchise t !:Notice of I u. ,c�a.v or (to be inclucled�In Contractor's bid). approval of the tal cost will be control will be V1MtT,P=�site. (Electrical loads will be provided). for start-up by equipment manufacturers). hearings. (NOI) required for SWPPP. urvemance security system. v. Easement negotiations. w. TDLR %}Independent provider review and inspection fees. x. Lift ste0dii for Ranger Branch Sanitary Sewer Line (if required). 4. Costs of permit or fees required by regulatory agencies or departments obtained for the Client shall be reimbursed at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). The Client will have the option to pay the fees directly. 5, Out -of Pocket expenses related to employee travel and mileage, reprographics, courier expenses, business conferences, etc. (beyond those identified above) shall be reimbursed at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Sanger Clear Creek WVVtP — 5cope of Services Page 7 of 9 Compensation for services will be on a fee basis as outlined below. PHASE 2 Task Fee Terms. Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $1751200 Prress; Payment 30% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 121100 dLL ress Payment 75% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $ 243,20q Progress Payment 75% Plan Submittal (SS Line) $ 25,300 ProgrYess Payment $ E& 'rMt n r ztl ri' '`YI Y ,r S 3 PHASE 3 PFFF Y E Task Fee Termsit 90% Plan Submittal (CCWWTP) $1'5'=5U`0 Progress Payment 90% Plan Submittal (SS Linen $ 17,40_ Progress Payment 100%° Plan Submittal (CCWVIITP. 39 $ 170'Qt Progress Payment 100% Plan Submittal (SS Linea r $ 9,000 Progress Payment PHASE 4Ila � Task z Fee Y Terms Bidding ,vices (CC MUTP) T $ 26,600 Progress Payment Bidding Services (SS Line) ,$ 153900 Progress Payment $ 42 500 [ s , 3� PHASE 5 3- Task r> Fee Terms Construction Niministration $ 122,800 Progress Payment istration (SS Record�Drawings` (CCWWTP) Record Drawings (SS Line) Onwsite Construction Inspection .00.. AD• System Additional Easements (Each) Sanger Clear Creek NNVfP —Scope of Services It 38600 Progress Payment , $ 6,100 Due upon Completion $ 1,900 Due upon Completion $169,400 Fee Terms $ 220,000 Progress Payment (Not to Exceed Fee) $ 161000 Progress Payment (Lump Sum Fee) $ 21500 Due upon Completion (Lump Sum' Fee) Page 8 of 9 For other Additional Services not listed above, fee will be determined based upon the extent of scope desired by the City. Terms Notes: Due upon completion -Upon completion of the identifiied task, the entire amount wilt be invoiced. Progress Payment -These tasks will be billed monthly based for the preceding month. Sanger Clear Creek WW fP —Scope of Services Page 9 of 9 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-00200 ADAMS EXTERMINATING CO. I 48569 EXTERMINATING @ COMM CENTER SB99 R 7/07/2006 135.00 135.00CR 135.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 135.00 135.00CR 0.00 135.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------- 99-10980 AQUA-REC, INC. I 16997 CHLORINE BRIQUETTES SB99 R 7/05/2006 1/090600 1,090.00CR 1/090000 117028 PH SENSOR CABLE SB99 R 7/07/2006 251.00 251.00CR 251.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 11341.00 11341400CR 0.00 1/341900 0.00 ................. -------------------------------------------------------------.......... ----------........ -------------------------- 99-10760 BRODART CO F562609 BOOKS SB99 R 7/07/2006 19.19 19.19CR 19.19 I F575800 BOOKS SB99 R 7/05/2006 43.32 43.32CR 43.32 I F582116 BRODART CO SB99 R 7/05/2006 273.40 273.40CR 273.40 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 335.91 335.91CR 0.00 335.91 0.00 ............ ------------------------------............... ------........ ----------------------------------------........ ------------- 99-14330 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. I 2613940 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. SB99 R 7/05/2006 21100.00 21100.00CR 2/100600 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 2,100.00 21100.00CR 0.00 21100.00 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-15250 CEBRIDGE CONNECTIONS I 48777 INTERNET SERVICE SB99 R 7/07/2006 99.95 99.95CR 99.95 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 99.95 99.95CR 0.00 99.95 0.00 ------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON I 48677 TRASH BAGS SB99 R 7/07/2006 273.78 273678CR 273.78 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 273.78 273.78CR 0.00 273.78 0.00 ----------...................... ------------------------------....... ---............. -----------........ ------------...... ---------- 99-11220 COLLEGIATE PACIFIC I 0389510 DIAMOND DIGGER COMBO SB99 R 7/07/2006 746.35 746.35CR 746.35 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 746.35 746.35CR 0.00 746.35 0.00 --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------ 99-03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE I 11236 BASIC INSTRUCTORS CLASS SB99 R 7/07/2006 80.00 80.00CR 80.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 80.00 80.00CR 0.00 80.00 0.00 -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------ -- 99-00050 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL 16406 CONLEY SAND & GRAVEL SB99 R 7/05/2006 41200.00 41200oOOCR 41200.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 41200.00 41200.00CR 0.00 412OOoOO 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CORP 1246240-CRC-1 TRIPLE PLAY,BUG SPRAY SB99 R 7/07/2006 786.00 786900CR 786.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 786.00 786.00CR 0.00 786.00 0.00 --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------- 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I 10013353 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER SB99 R 7/05/2006 18.25 18.25CR 18.25 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 18.25 18.25CR 0.00 18.25 0.00 .............. -------------------------------------------------------------....... -------------------------------------------------- 99-11570 CULLIGAN 148774 WATER SB99 R 7/07/2006 8.56 8.56CR 8.56 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 8.56 8.56CR 0.00 8.56 0.00 .................... ------------------------------------------------------------.............. ----------......... ------------------- 99-12410 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY I 605297 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY SB99 R 7/05/2006 655.93 655.93CR 655.93 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 655.93 655.93CR 0.00 655.93 0.00 99-10700 DCT I 243553-DCT-1 DCT SB99 R 7/05/2006 199.91 199.91CR 199.91 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 199.91 199.91CR 0.00 199.91 0.00 i 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE IT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-09690 DESIGNS ETC. I 729767 NAMES & LOGOS SB99 R 7/07/2006 257.50 257950CR 257.50 1729772 DESIGNS ETC. SB99 R 7/05/2006 55.00 55.00CR 55.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 312.50 312.50CR 0.00 312.50 0.00 ----------------------------'--------'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99-06080 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER I 219717 DONALD PADDACK FERTILIZER SB99 R 7/05/2006 33.00 33.00CR 33.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 33.00 33.00CR 0.00 33.00 0.00 ---------------------------'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99-03150 VICTORIA ELIESON ' 48780 VICTORIA ELIESON SB99 R 7/05/2006 43.50 43.50CR 43.50 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 43.50 43.50CR 0.00 43.50 0.00 99-02490 EMBARQ I 48826 EMBARQ SB99 R 7/07/2006 11456.58 11456.58CR 1,456.58 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 11456,58 11456.58CR 0.00 11456.58 0.00 99-12970 HICKS PARTNERS TAPPING I I 605159 HICKS PARTNERS TAPPING SB99 R 7/05/2006 400.00 400.00CR 400.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 400.00 400.00CR 0.00 400.00 0.00 E i 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 5 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF 1413181/182/183/ HOME DEPOT/GECF SB99 R 7/05/2006 541.15 541.15CR 541.15 I 48580 HOME DEPOT/GECF SB99 R 7/05/2006 143.64 143.64CR 143.64 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 684.79 684979CR 0.00 684.79 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-05510 IESI I 48814 DUMPSTERS SB99 R 7/07/2006 163.20 163.20CR 163.20 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 163.20 163.20CR 0.00 163.20 0.00 99-01290 J&K LIGHTING & SUPPLY T 3550 J&K LIGHTING & SUPPLY SB99 R 7/05/2006 10,435600 101435*00CR I 10,435600 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 10,435.00 10,435400CR 0.00 10,435900 0.00 1 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. i 1 I 48669 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. SB99 R 7/05/2006 71163.20 71163620CR i 71163.20 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 7,163.20 71163.20CR 0.00 71163.20 0.00 t E 99-08130 LISA KISH 148359 A KISH SB99 R 7/05/2006 38.56 38.56CR 38.56 I 48807 LISA KISH SB99 R 7/05/2006 100.00 100900CR F'. 100.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 138.56 138.56CR 0.00 138.56 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 6 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01480 LAURA'S LOCKSMITH 164249 LOCK REKEYED,KEYS SB99 R 7/07/2006 112.50 112.50CR 112.50 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 112.50 ll2.50CR 0.00 112.50 0.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------- 99-12730 LAW OFFICE STEVE POSTON I 48467 LAW OFFICE STEVE POSTON SB99 R 7/05/2006 750.00 750tOOCR 750.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 750.00 750.00CR 0.00 750.00 0.00 .............. -........ ---------------------------.............. -........ ----------------------------------------------------------- 99-08680 LOCKE SUPPLY I 119063825 LOCKE SUPPLY SB99 R 7/05/2006 104.08 104.08CR 104.08 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 104.08 104.08CR 0.00 104.08 0.00 99-06160 LONGHORN I 51412154.001 LONGHORN SB99 R 7/05/2006 107.74 107.74CR 107.74 i VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 107.74 107.74CR 0.00 107.74 0.00 I 99-1 LUKE BOMAR I 46806 MOWING SB99 R 7/05/2006 50.00 50.00CR i i 50.00 E VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 50.00 50.00CR 0.00 50.00 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE IT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-01310 LUTTRULL MCNATT I 510450 BOLT,HANDLE,ARMREST SWITCH SB99 R 7/07/2006 156.41 156.41CR „ 156.41 1510468 ARMREST & HANDLE SB99 R 7/07/2006 69.84 69.84CR 69.84 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 226.25 226.25CR 0.00 226.25 0.00 ------------................................ ---------------------------------........ ---------------------------...... -------------- 99-13530 MARCO CHEMICALS, INC. 133750 INSECT FOGGER SB99 R 7/07/2006 120.00 120.00CR 120.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 120.00 l20oOOCR O.00 120.00 0.00 99-14800 BRYAN MCDUFFIE 48360 BRYAN MCDUFFIE SB99 R 7/05/2006 97.50 97.50CR 97.50 I 48804 MCDUFFIE SB99 R 7/05/2006 100.00 100.000R 100.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 197.50 197.50CR 0.00 197.50 0.00 i i E 99-04170 MIDWEST RADAR & EQUIPMENT I 124874 MIDWEST RADAR & EQUIPMENT SB99 R 7/05/2006 300.00 300600CR 300.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 300.00 300wOOCR 0.00 300.00 0.00 99-09780 MIDWEST TAPE I 1250040 MIDWEST TAPE SB99 R 7/05/2006 25.49 25.49CR 25.49 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 25.49 25.49CR 0.00 25.49 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-15610 NATIONAL WATERWORKS 13551118 NATIONAL WATERWORKS SB99 R 7/05/2006 1/001940 11001.40CR 1,001.40 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 11001.40 11001s40CR 0.00 1/001640 0.00 ............. ------------------------..................... ------------------------'-------------------------...... ------------------ 99-05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I P149348001016 NORTHERN SAFETY SB99 R 7/05/2006 211.48 211.48CR 211.48 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 211.48 211.48CR 0.00 211.48 0.00 ........... ------------............. ----------------------'------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99-15470 PROFESSIONAL COATING TECHNO 17988 PROFESSIONAL COATING TECHNO SB99 R 7/05/2006 270.00 270.00CR 270.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 270.00 270wOOCR 0.00 270.00 0.00 ---------------------------------------------.................................. ---------------------.......... ------------......... - 99-02120 QUILL I 7503193 OFFICE SUPPLIES SB99 R 7/07/2006 220.17 220.17CR 220.17 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 220.17 220.17CR 0.00 220.17 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I 10023304 TIES SB99 R 7/07/2006 10.47 10.47CR 10.47 I 10023306 CAMERA BAG SB99 R 7/07/2006 18.98 18.98CR 18.98 I 10023315 BATTERIES SB99 R 7/07/2006 7.98 7.98CR 7.98 I 48624 PHONE CHARGER SB99 R 7/07/2006 19.99 19.99CR 19.99 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 57.42 57.42CR 0.00 57.42 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 9 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPPLY I 31319 SIGNS,SLEEVES,ANCHORS,POSTS SB99 R 7/07/2006 11191.12 11191.12CR 11191.12 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 11191.12 11191612CR 0.00 11191.12 0.00 ............... ---------------------------------------------------------------............. ------............ -------......... ------- 99-02260 S&S TELEMETRY I 48863 S&S TELEMETRY SB99 R 7/05/2006 396.54 396.54CR 396.54 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 396.54 396954CR 0.00 396.54 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------- ----------- 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL I 78682 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL SB99 R 7/05/2006 11177.50 11177.50CR 11177.50 VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 11177.50 11177.50CR 0.00 11177.50 0.00 99-00450 SUPER SAVE I 48358 CAT LITTER SB99 R 7/07/2006 19.88 19.88CR 19.88 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 19.88 19.88CR 0.00 19.88 0.00 99-02690 TECHLINE I 1428719 PVC MALE ADAPTER SB99 R 7/07/2006 90.00 90.00CR 90.00 I 1619076-00 3 PHASE SB99 R 7/07/2006 5,395.00 51395.00CR 51395.00 I 1619177-00 (2) 320 AMP SOCKET SB99 R 7/07/2006 379.00 379.00CR `r 379.00 I 1619321 CONCRETE PAD SB99 R 7/07/2006 420.00 420.00CR 420.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 61284.00 61284.00CR 0.00 61284.00 0.00 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 10 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments i VBNDOR SBT: 99 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISC DT BALANCE DISCOUNT 99-02600 TEEX 148630 TEEX SB99 R 7/05/2006 365.00 365400CR 365.00 I CS7122739 ADVANCED COLLISION SB99 R 7/07/2006 250.00 250.00CR 250.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 615.00 615.00CR 0.00 615.00 0.00 99-05280 TRINITY TURF 148681 CELEBRATION PALLET SB99 R 7/07/2006 450.00 450.00CR 450.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 450.00 450.00CR 0.00 450.00 0.00 99-02910 UPPER TRINITY W270606 UPPER TRINITY SB99 R 7/05/2006 13,751687 13,751.87CR 13,751.87 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 13,751.87 13,751.87CR O.00 13,751687 0.00 99-15600 US METERING & TECHNOLOGY I 165967-00 US METERING & TECHNOLOGY SB99 R 7/05/2006 11021.60 11021.60CR 1,021.60 i VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 11021.60 11021960CR 0.00 1,021.60 0.00 99-15590 WENDER SUPPLY CO ! I 94462 I MURATIC ACID SB99 R 7/05/2006 413.30 413.3OCR j ( 413.30 (- VENDOR TOTALS REG, CHECK 413.30 413930CR 0.00 413.30 0.00 I I I 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION 99-03060 WILLIAMS TESTING LAB VENDOR SEQUENCE BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT OUTSTANDING I 48787 WILLIAMS TESTING LAB SB99 R 7/05/2006 990.00 990.00CR 990.00 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 990.00 990.00CR 0.00 990.00 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-30-2006 11:38 AM A/P PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 12 PACKET: 00564 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 ------- R E P O R T T O T A L S --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- F U N D D I S T R I B U T I O N FUND NO# FUND NAME AMOUNT 001 GENERAL FUND 170581445CR 008 ENTERPRISE FUND 44,294.36CR ** TOTALS ** 61,875.81CR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- rr.�,�.z.�eixa �y DRAFTS REG-CHECKS EFT NON -CHECKS ALL CHECKS GROSS PAYMENT OUTSTANDING NUMBER BALANCE DISCOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,875.81 61,875.81CR 0.00 61,875.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,875.81 61,875.81CR 0.00 61,875.81 0.00 TOTAL CHECKS TO PRINT: 50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'------------------------------------------- ERRORS: 0 WARNINGS: 0