09/05/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularJJrALK11 September 5, 2006 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approve Minutes: August 21, 2006 August 29, 2006 - Budget Workshop August 30, 2006 - Special Called Meeting b. Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input Citizens are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Library TexShare Policy. 5. Discuss Tax Rate; Take Record Vote and Schedule Public Hearing. b. Consider and Possible Action on Change Order No. 1 & 2 Utility Relocations for TXDOT Bridges. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Award Sidewalk Bid for I-35 & 5"' Street. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Professional Services Agreement with R&B Associates and an Agreement with Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. 1, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board, at the City Fall of the City of Sanger, Texas, a place co enie t atltl readil accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and time If , J ✓ /; at ( p.m. and shall remain posted until i ting is adjourned. Rosalie Chavez, City Secreta City of Sanger, Texas T,••his notice was removed from the'official bulletin L, r- O M by m i ICE 4�E This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James ®TREKS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Candace Murphree, Woodrow Barton, Jack Parsons, Jr., Bill Fuller, Staci Moore, Merrie Lou Abney, C.G. McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, Molly and Bret Chance, Nate Hight, Liz and John Springer, Beth and Lindall Mitchell, Joe Falls, Ryan Baker, Richard Sek, Jim Bolz, Linda Thaten, Nate Cottle, Brad Sims, Russell Martin, Paul Edelman, Karen and Mark Dill, Kim Cox, Debbie Grubbs, Rod Zielke, Jonathan Whitworth, Brian Hutcherson 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order. Councilman Garza led Invocation followed by Councilman Ervin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. (a) Approve Minutes: July 31, 2006 -Workshop August 7, 2006 Motion made by Councilman Ervin to approve Minutes as presented. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion Carried Unanimously. (b) Disbursements Motion made by Councilman James to approve disbursements. Seconded by Councilman Patton. 3. Citizen's Input: Merrie Lou Abney,11950Marion Road, addressed City Council regarding foreclosures in Denton County. There were 387 postings in September 2006, and there were 285 recorded in 2005. There has been a 25%increase from August of last year. There were 2846 residential foreclosures. This is up 23%from 2222 in 2005. Ms. Abney gave a brief summary of the available lots in subdivisions in Sanger. There are 144 available lots, which does not include Heritage West, Fall Meadow or Sanger Trails. Presently there are 400-500 lots available in Sanger with developers that have paid the infrastructure for these developments. S. Abney gave a brief summary of housing foreclosures in developments in the area. City Council possibly needs to get input from people who are in residential construction in this town before further action is taken. Ms. Abney indicated that amenities in these subdivisions do not bring commercial development. The commercial development is necessary to balance the difference in taxes on residential. Ms. Abney discussed that there were talks of commercial development coming to Aubrey to balance out the taxes and that has not happened. She cautioned City Council to be careful to avoid causing harm to the community of Sanger. There are several low end homes in this community and the demand is not there. She recommended City Council ask for input from others. (a) Woodrow Barton, 807 N. 7`h, indicated that if City Council is considering a Comprehensive Master Plan he suggested City Council have a moratorium on large developments until the master plan is completed. (b) City needs to pursue the building of a new City Hall. Bill Fuller, 18700, Creekview Road, addressed City Council and offered a few comments concerning the housing development. He addressed signs of a slowing economy, indicated interest rates are still low, retail purchases are slowing, At corporations are failing to meet stock market analysis predictions and vehicle sales have slowed down. GMAC, Ford and Chrysler are continuously losing market shares. Cost of energy is a large part of peoples disposable income. He continued to explain there are retail ads with no down payments until 2008, families are waxed out on credit card debt and families are living on a financial edge. There's a similar development on Highway 380 East of Denton. These families are facing selling their homes and trying to get whatever equity or face foreclosures. These type of losses are a negative effect that disturb orderly growth of community and financial burden on property owners, lower property values and tarnish a community's reputation. Mr. Fuller summarized he is not against growth for the city, but is for a healthy, thought out growth. This type of growth can be addressed in a city's master plan. Mr. Fuller suggested holding off additional development until a program and policy is in place that will provide a blue print for quality development. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation #OS-OS-06 Sanger Scout Day. Debbie Grubbs gave a brief report on their Boy Scout program. Their meetings are held at the First Baptist Church. Motion made by Councilman Garza to approve Proclamation 05-05-06. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried Unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #08-15-06 -Concerning Placing Items on the Agenda. Issues of concern were emphasized as to the need to have a policy in place that dictates the manner on placing items on the agenda. Councilman Patton indicated he felt more information is needed. Councilman James indicated he felt the Mayor or City Manager can place any item on the agenda or two City Council members can place an item on the agenda. The information must be received by City Manager or City Secretary by close of business on Wednesday prior to the next scheduled City Council meeting. Councilman James indicated he felt it was not that complicated. Mayor emphasized he felt that the City Manager or Mayor needed to approve the items. Councilman Garza emphasized other towns do not have policies and they do not have problems. Cecile Carson indicated she called TML and they advised they had spoke to our City Attorney and their recommendation was that if it is not in the Charter then Council has authority to set policy. She indicated the Attorney General opinion is 1/3 of City Council can be involved to place items on the agenda. TML advised City Council can have three members agree ,but their suggestion was that two members agree on an item to be placed on a Council Agenda. Discussion continued on this issue: a. Citizens request to City Council for item to be considered on agenda b. Setting a possible workshop c. Developments that request to be placed on agenda need to follow procedures of requirements of Planning and Zoning. Discussion. Councilman Walker made a motion to table for the next budget workshop meeting to be analyzed and Councilman James to write the document to get a running start. Seconded by Councilman Garza. Motion Carried Unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance 08-12-06 - Ordering an Election on Proposed Amendments for the Home Rule Charter; Authorizing Contract with Denton County for Election Service and Repealing Ordinance #0840-06. City Manager advised that the November 7th election date is Denton County's uniform election date. The County has advised that the City can enter into an Interlocal agreement with City Council approval for the Courts to conduct this election in their designated precinct. The school will also be having their bond election on this date and will also be conducted by the County. The amendments were sent to the City Attorney and after they were corrected by the City Attorney they were sent to the Charter Committee who reviewed the final draft. All three members approved the Motion made by Councilman James to approve ordinance #08-12-06. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ORDERING AN ELECTION ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS FOR THE HOME RULE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANGER TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 2006, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF NOTICE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY SECRETARY TO EXECUTE AN ELECTION AGREEMENT AND ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT WITH DENTON COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT; REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 08- 10-06; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Approval of Municipal Resources Group Inc. As Planning Consultant for the Comprehensive Master Plan. Cecile Carson addressed the Board and advised that the Steering Committee appointed by the City Council interviewed four consultants on July 26, 2006 and on August 10, 2006 reviewed all the references. Elements of the plan included analysis of existing conditions and growth projections, preservation and aesthetic quality, transportation infrastructure, future land use planning, community utilities, economic development, parks and recreation, and environmental considerations. Ms. Carson advised the Steering Committee recommended Municipal Planning Resources Group, Inc. as the consultant. Discussion on request for bid proposals for professional services does not need to be bid. Councilman Garza wanted to make sure that on Page 7 of the contract it indicated the City may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of the services of MPRG, Inc., to be performed hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of MPRG's compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the City and MPRG, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this agreement. Councilman Garza indicated he wants to make sure that everything is in line and that staff does not have to call these people to make changes. He addressed item (A) Direct Labor Charges (Page 9 of contract as follows). Municipal Planning Resources Group, Inc. will utilize the following labor rates for the following positions: Position Hourl,, Rate_ Principal Planner -President Principal Planner - Vice -President Senior Planner Certified Planner Project Planner Secretary/Typist Discussion. $125.00 $115*00 $ 85900 $ 80600 $ 75.00 $ 50000 Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve Municipal Resource Group, Inc. as planning consultant for the comprehensive master plan. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Approving Projects for Funding from the Sanger Texas Development Corporation for Parks Improvements, Historical Improvements, Downtown Improvements and Promotion Expenditure. Ms. Carson addressed this item and advised that on August 10, 2006, the Sanger Texas Development Corporation, 4B, had conducted their Public Hearing on Quail Run Park development, improvements to the Presbyterian Church, architectural and engineering plans for downtown area, and a retail study. Ms. Carson indicated that 415 recommended approval as follows: $1359000 Presbyterian Church $ 20,000 Downtown Plan $ 45,000 Retail Study Analysis Promotional $2249000 Quail Run Park (to be completed in 3 phases, 3rd phase skate park) Ms. Carson indicated Phase II and Phase III are to be done after the master plan is completed. The cost on Phase I is $58,559. The total of all projects was $450,257. Discussion regarding that Phase I of Quail Run Park was targeted for 06/07 and Phase II for 06/08. There is a 10% pad to cover cost increase to allow for the future adjustment on project completion. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to pursue completing Phase I and Phase II. e discussed the li Hability on skate parks. Councilman ,.tames indicated there is liability with any park. Bret Chance, 306 Deer Run, emphasized they are not against the skate park; however, the citizens in that community would like it located in a more centralized area that is supervised. He presented a petition of the citizens in that community who were against the skate park. He would like to see Phase I and II completed. Discussion on supervision of the skate park. Nate Cottle, 309 Deer Run, also addressed City Council and emphasized his concern regarding the liability of the skate park. He recommended more research be conducted. He would like to see Phase I and Phase II completed. Paul Edelman, Chairperson of Parks Board emphasized the importance of the skate park for the kids. He explained the long process that this has undertaken. Kids need a place to go for recreation. Paul Edelman asked if the citizens are afraid that "hoodlum" type kids will be using the park. Discussion that injuries will always be a possibility. Kids in the community do not have anything to do. Kids can be forced to commit things that are illegal if areas like parks are not in place for them to go. Karen Dill expressed how she would like the skate park to be taken out of the Quail Run Project. Discussion continued on opposition. Councilman James agreed with Councilman Ervin to pursue with Phase I and II of the project and put a hold on the skate park. Councilman James also indicated that on the Presbyterian Church he felt that is a lot of money to be spent on an old building. Councilman James expressed he had problems approving an expenditure of $20,000 on a downtown plan and $45,000 on Buxton Marketing analysis. He would like 4B to pursue a project that land be purchased to have a nice park that would be in an area that has a centralized skate park and soccer complex and a sport center. He would like these funds earmarked for that type of project. Councilman James expressed his disapproval of most of the projects. Councilman Ervin moved to approve Phase I of 4B recommendations and Phase II of Quail Run Park project. Councilman Walker also expressed concerns regarding the amount of money allocated for the Presbyterian Church. He was concerned on the expense. Thomas Muir member of the 4B Board advised that their intent was not to spend the entire $135,000, however, they allocated these funds to assure completion. He spoke in favor of the Buxton analysis and gave a brief summary of what will be included. Discussion continued. John Springer addressed City Council as a member of 4B and indicated that the projects were carefully researched and he spoke in support of Ms. Carson's expertise in leading Council in the right direction. The money is available for these projects. Discussion continued with Councilman Walker and Councilman James objecting to the market analysis. Councilman Ervin's motion was seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion carried 4-1. Councilman James voted no. 9. Consider and Possible Action from Sanger Chamber Requesting Street Closings for Sanger Sellabration. Mayor indicated street closings as follows; Bolivar Street from Fifth to Second Street; Fourth between Bolivar and Elm Streets; Elm from Fourth to Fifth Street. Motion made by Councilman Walker to approve the street closures for Sanger Sellabration the evening of Sept. $`" and 9`". Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried Unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #08-13-OG Regulations Concerning Fire Sprinklers. Cecile Carson addressed this item and indicated that there are a lot of technical, emotional, economical and community issues. Ms. Carson advised she has met with David Pennington and Pat Dunlap to discuss this from a fire prospective, building prospective and an economic development prospective. Research was conducted to gather consensus from other communities. Ms. Carson continued with the discussion on the square footage of the original ordinance. She advised that there were three building permits issued since November of 2004. There was a waiver given by Mayor Kinkaid waiving this requirement at 1002 Cowling. Ms. Carson briefed City Council on research and comments from different organizations on this issue. She indicated that in discussion with the Fire Chief and Building Inspector, they agreed and recommended that City Council approve the International Building Code for all buildings. She recommended that the Building Standard Board be assigned the task of reviewing and recommending the 2006 International Building Code. The recommendation from staff is that the City Council consider amending Article 5.200 to adopt the International Building Code of 2003. Discussion. Councilman Garza asked Ms. Carson if she had thought about what would happen if a building is built for a specific purpose and two years later they move out and an acetylene company moves in. Ms. Carson indicated that the City does have an ordinance with a provision for Certificate of Occupancy, which would be useful to track a change in use; however, the City may want to consider an ordinance for change in tenancy that looks at the use that regulates if additional fire protection is needed. This is an issue that a number of other communities are facing. Councilman Garza expressed concern in the building of any new construction where it jeopardizes any citizen of Sanger or his family or any firemen. There is nothing that could help them. If occupied during work hours and a fire occurs and if the store is crowded he would think casualties would happen. Councilman Garza discussed the time frame in which the fire gets out of control. He emphasized that we are asking the firemen to enter into a building without any protection in regards to sprinklers. Ms. Carson discussed that this is a challenge and that's why the International Building Code provides certain standards that the Council of Government has reviewed. Lengthy discussion and issues addressed: ® safety issues ® flash fires - sprinklers are useless ® adequate exits • sprinkler systems confine fire to certain areas ® square footage of buildings • value of lives of citizens and firemen • economic impact ® Krum's proposal to have all buildings to have sprinklers ® using NTCOG 6,000 sq. ft. • Pilot Point, Aubrey, Kruegerville uses IBC code • construction of building without a sprinkler system • there is not any sprinkler system in any business in Sanger ® public input from audience to consider 6,000 sq. ft. ® limitation of commercial development in Sanger 0 cost varies from $20,000 to $30,000 Discussion continued concerning the IBC and the square footage, guidelines and types of businesses addressed in the code. Chief Pennington addressed response time. He indicated the reduction in square footage was to allow response time for the fire department. Discussion. Councilman Patton made motion to adopt Ordinance #08-13-06 for regulations concerning fire sprinklers. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Councilman James advised there is not an ordinance in the packet. Ms. Carson advised she received the ordinance in the mail today from the City Attorney. Councilman Walker expressed a concern that he is not comfortable on adopting the ordinance without placing square footage. Motion failed. Discussion continued regarding square footage in the requirement of the IBC Code and the City Council to pursue to make a decision. Mr. Springer advised he is in process of building a building that is 4,097 sq. ft. Mr. Springer emphasized that since the last meeting when this item was discussed the cost of his material went up $3,300 and some odd dollars. He cannot get a bid in electric and plumbing that will last for more than a week. He discussed the cost of the tap, the size of the meter and the bore he has to undertake to pursue to build this building. Mr. Springer indicated that City Council had requested more time to study this issue advising that City Council is still not prepared to make a decision. Motion made by Councilman Patton to adopt Ordinance #0843-06 adopting IBC Code Fire Regulations with exception of 6,000 sq. ft. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Councilman James voted no. Motion Carried 4-1. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Appointing Members in all Boards. Planning &Zoning Reappointments: Jerry Jenkins -Place 2 Gary Bilyeu - Place 4 Board of Adjustments Reappointments: Mark McNeal -Place 2 Bobbye Robison - Place 3 Polly Dwyer - Place 4 James Adams - Place 5 Joe Falls -Place 6 Johnny Looper - Place 7 Library Board Reappointments: Elizabeth Muir -Place 2 Parks Reappointments: Paul Edelman -Place 1 Stacey Moore, Place 4 Mark Price, Place 6 Councilman Walker motioned to reappoint all gentlemen and ladies that are up for reappointment on all the Boards. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion on new appointments. Motion was made to appoint Russell Martin to Planning &Zoning. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion Carried Unanimously 4-0. Councilman Patton had temporarily stepped out. Discussion on Library appointments. Motion was made by Councilman James to appoint Rosene Sebastian to the Library Board. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion on Parks Board appointments. Motion was made by Councilman Patton to appoint Jarrod Link to the Parks Board. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried Unanimously. City Secretary requested that on the Board of Adjustment if City Council would consider Tracy Murphree as a member. Motion made by Councilman Walker to appoint Tracy Murphree to the Board of Adjustments Board. Seconded by Councilman Patton. Motion Carried Unanimously. 12. Discussion Concerning Status Update on New Fire Station. City Manager reported he had a conversation with an architect this afternoon and will be meeting with him for preparation of a bid packet to pursue construction of a new fire station. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Service Agreement with Intermedix, Inc. Regarding Third Party Billing for EMS Services. City Manager advised that before ambulance services is put in line, a service of this nature needs to be in place. Fire Chief Pennington addressed City Council on this issue regarding the services of Intermedix Inc. The service this would provide to the fire department would include insurance billing, financial analysis, medical records management and medical reports services. They maintain medical records for 15 years and if at anytime the contract is broken they will send all records back to the fire department. *E.M.S. Billing Services: *Base Rate *Collections Accounts *Denied Claim Appeals *Startup Fees/Expenses *TDSHS Trauma Registry Reporting *On -Line Medical Records Access *On -Line Billing Records Access *On -Line Patient Statistics Access *On -Line Patient Care Report Entry Discussion. 12.00% 33% (Total - includes the 12%) City has option to use or not use collection department Included in service Included in service Included in service Included in service Included in service Included in service Included in service Councilman Patton made a motion to accept Chief Pennington's recommendation to use Intermedix, Inc. for third party billing for EMS services. Seconded by Councilman Walker. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Discuss and Consider Setting Date and Time to Schedule Budget Workshop, Special Called Meeting August 30, 2006 and Reschedule the September 4, 2006 Meeting. Consensus to schedule dates for Budget Workshop for August 29, 2006, and August 30, 2006 Special Called Meeting, and reschedule September 4, 2006 meeting to September 5, 2006. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Future Process with Tomlin Investments. City Manager indicated he has visited with two or three City Council members and they have expressed that Council needs to give Tomlin some direction on this development. Councilman Glenn Ervin indicated he was responsible for this item to be placed on the agenda and discussed this with Councilman James and they both agreed that a decision needed to be made regarding this matter. Councilman Patton advised he is on the Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Master Plan and would like that plan to be in place before the City pursues thi Ms development. Councilman Garza indicated his biggest concern was lot sizes and fire protection in regards to a 2" water line. Councilman Ervin indicated he is not for or against this development, but would like City Council not to listen to coffee shop rumors and give the Tomlin or Centurion Group a chance. The final decision is up to City Council who considers what is in the best interest of the City. Councilman James indicated he would like to hear the facts in regards to CCN releases with Bolivar Water. If anyone provides these commitments then they can move in and develop. Some of the other issues that are concerns to Council need to be discussed with the Tomlin Group to arrive at some decision. Councilman James feels there are more positives in this type of development than negatives and agreed that a master plan is important to their development. Councilman Walker felt that the Tomlin Group does have their act together. It seems that they are putting all their infrastructure in place. He does not think this development affects the master plan. The water pressure is a concern. The foreclosures mentioned earlier in the meeting should be blamed on the bankers who financed these mortgages. He emphasized this is an opportunity for Sanger. The Mayor expressed that he would like Sanger to have the master plan in place. CitizenMcNeil expressed a negative concern and his issues of concern were: • Development needs to follow the subdivision requirements that other developers have to follow • Financing of this development is a concern • Pay property taxes as everyone else does Rod Zielke addressed City Council two years ago concerning this development and advised they have worked on this project for two years and were encouraged to proceed. He emphasized City Council needed supplemental professional support. City needs to include professional engineering, an attorney, and a representative from City Council to put together a development agreement that will address all the issues to include the financing and Tomlin's participation in this financing process. Mr. Zielke included the following. • Process will take time • Agreed to put money in escrow it, to pay the city consultants • They are not seeking approval, they just want an agreeable draft agreement • If they see that all the requirements that the City needs is something they cannot afford, they will step back from project It could be that all issues may be able to be solved without any problems. Mr. Zielke continued expressing the opportunity for the City and having this development in the master plan of the City will be a value to the City. Discussed thoroughfare planning including adequate water supply and Bolivar Water. Discussion on the plan that was submitted in January of last year. Planning &Zoning Chairperson Jerry Jenkins addressed City Council with concerns in the committee that Tomlin Investments is requesting. Discussion continued. Linda Thaten expressed her opinion on having professionals assisting City Council in this process and encouraging City Council to listen to their proposal. Mayor advised the development needs to follow the subdivision guidelines and present their proposal to Planning 8z Zoning. Discussion on the City's capability of providing sewer to the site, city can provide sewer to 4001ots and City will not have capacity on the next 400 lots. Discussion continued. Councilman Walker advised that Tomlin Investments needs an opportunity to create a plan for what they are trying to do. They have capability, history, and technology to do this. Councilman Walker emphasized Tomlin is willing to pay for the cost for professionals to study this and make recommendations to City Council on whether this will work for them or not. Councilman Walker made a motion to work with City Council on their nickel and establish a team to work with them and ultimately will lead to a development agreement. Seconded by Councilman James. Mayor asked for motion to be rephrased. Councilman Walker moved to go ahead to form a committee to work with Tomlin Group on their nickel. City Council will establish and define whatever team they need to put together that Tomlin would pay for to establish a plan to go forward. Seconded by Councilman James. Motion Carried 3-2; Councilman James, Councilman Walker, Councilman Ervin for and Councilman Patton and Councilman Garza against. Citizen Joe Falls spoke in opposition of this type of development. He spoke concerning upside down financing and strongly against this development. Discussion followed. 16. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. None. 17. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP AUGUST 29, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James ABSENT: Councilman Walker and Councilman James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager, Rose Chavez, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Kristian Lindburg, Streets and Parks Superintendent John Henderson, Water/Waste Water Superintendent Eddie Branham, Municipal Court Clerk Christy Punches, Economic Development Director Cecile Carson. 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Budget Workshop for Fiscal Year 2006/2007. City Council discussed proposed budget for 2006/2007. Council did not make any changes to the budget as presented. 3. Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL CALLED AUGUST 30, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James ABSENT: Councilman Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager, Rose Chavez, Joe Henderson of Government Capital I. Mayor Higgs called meeting to order, led the Invocation followed by Councilman Walker leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider and Possible Action Ratifying Resolution R#08-16-06 Approving Publication of Intent to Issue Certificates of Obligation. Motion made by Councilman Patton and seconded by Councilman Garza. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, READOPTING, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING AN ORDINANCE, ADOPTED AUGUST 7, 2006, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2006; RATIFYING AND CONFIRMIlVG THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, AND MATTERS INCIDENT THERETO Motion carried unanimously. 3. Adjourned. To: Rose Chavez From: Vicky Elieson, Library Director Date: August 18, 2006 Re: Texshare policy Please put the Library's Texshare policy on the next convenient city council agenda. The Library Board has discussed the policy and recommends that it be passed. cc:JS Texshare The Texshare card is a service we offer to responsible Sanger Public Library patrons so that they can borrow materials from libraries they would not ordinarily be able to use. In turn, the Sanger Public Library lends materials to responsible patrons recommended by having the Texshare card from another library. Issuing a Texshare card: According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the Sanger Public Library is responsible for materials checked out of other libraries by Sanger Public Library patrons who are issued a Texshare card. In order to be issued a Texshare card, a patron must have had a card at the Sanger Public Library for at least one year and have checked out materials on at least three different days. The patron must have a checkout history clear of long term or chronic overdues. The patron may not have outstanding fines. Texshare cards will be issued to adults and to juveniles under 18 with a parentsl signature. Texshare cards expire after one year. Patron use of the Texshare card: The Sanger Public Library has no control over the policies of the lending libraries. Patrons may be required to apply for a library card at the lending library at the time they present their Texshare card. Texshare cardholders who have overdues at other Texshare libraries will have their Sanger Public Library privileges suspended as well. If the Sanger Public Library pays for lost items, the patron's library card will be suspended until the library is reimbursed for the amount paid to the lending library. Honoring a Texshare card: According to the state policies of the Texshare program, the issuing library is responsible for Sanger Public Library materials checked out by Texshare cardholders. A patron who presents a Texshare card must fill out a library card application and show picture ID. At the first checkout, the patron is limited to two items. Library cards issued to Texshare cardholders will expire after one year. Loan limits, noncirculating collections, checkout time periods, library open hours, renewals, return methods, overdue notification and fines will be the same as for regular library card holders. If an item is not returned after six months, it will be considered lost. At that point the cardholder and the issuing library will be notified and billed the list price of the item. Date: September 1, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Tax Rate The tax rate was discussed during the budget workshop. The 2006/2007 budget reflects the tax rate of 0.59046 which is the rollback rate. In adopting the rollback rate it will increase the tax revenues as compared to 2005. The increase will require the Notice of Vote on the Tax Rate and the Public Hearing to be scheduled prior to adopting the budget for fiscal year 2006/2007. 2006 Property Tax Rates in City of Sanger This notice concerns 2006 property tax rates for City of Sanger. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value. Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes $11286,475 Last year's debt taxes $497,897 Last year's total taxes $1,784,372 Last year's tax base $3121592,541 Last year's total tax rate 0,57083 /$100 This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes $1,762,285 (after subtracting taxes on lost property) This year's adjusted tax base $316,7141795 (after subtracting value of new property) = This years effective tax rate 0.55642 /$100 (Maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearings) This year's rollback tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after $1,270,537 subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, and/or enhanced indigent health care expenditures) This year's adjusted tax base $316,714,795 = This year s et%etive operating rate 0.40116 /$100 x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate 0.43325 /$100 + This y�ear's„debt,ratp_ 0.157 = This year's total rollback rate 0,59046 /$100 000* --- y Statement of Increase/Decrease If City of Sanger adopts a 2006 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of $0.55642 per $100 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2005 taxes by $103,278. Schedule A - Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will be left in the units property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by a corresponding debt obligation. Type of Property Tax Fund Balance Schedule B - 2006 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Principal or Interest to be Contract Payment Paid from Other Description to be Paid from Property Amounts Total of Debt Property Taxes Taxes to be Paid Payment 94 Certificates of $175,000 $33,900 $636 $209,536 Obligation 02 Certificates of $85,000 $1007625 $636 $1862261 Obligation 06 Certificates of $1372540 $0 $0 $137,540 Obligation Total Required for 2006 Debt Service $533,337 - Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A $0 Amount (if any) paid from other resources $0 - Excess collections last year $0 = Total to be paid from taxes in 2006 $5337337 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will $0 collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2006 = Total Debt Levy $5339337 This notice contains a summary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at 1505 E. McKinney Street, Denton,TX. Name of person preparing this notice: Steve Mossnian Title: Denton County Tax Assessor Collector Date Prepared: July 27, 2006 Sep 01 06 09:56a DETON COUNTY TAX 9403493503 p.4 { JRev, 0 The of conducted public hearings on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues of the (name of taxing unit) from properties on the tax roll in the preceding (percentage by which proposed tax rate exceeds year by lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax rate calculated) percent on and (dates and times the public hearings were conducted) The of the taxing unit) is scheduled fio vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase at a public meeting to be held � n (date and time) at (meeting place) Truth -in -Taxation for Taxing Units Other Than School Districts (May 200b) — 49 Sep O1 06 09:56a DETON COUNTY TRX 9403493503 p.2 APPENDIX 14: !�' (Rev. 05-C611Ci Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The_ (name of taxing unit) will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by percent (percentage by which proposed tax rate exceeds lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax calculated under Chapter 26, Tax Code). Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of al(other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The public hearing will be held on _ (date and time) at fineetinQ place) The members of the governing body voted on the proposal to consider the tax increase as follows: FOR: AGAINST: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT; Comparison of Proposed Budget with Last Year's Budget The applicable percentage increase or decrease (or difference} in the amount budgeted in the preceding fiscal year and the amount budgeted for the fiscal year that begins during the current tax year is indicated for each of the following expenditure categories: Maintenance and operations % (increase) or o Debt service —�_�__ /o (decrease) Total expenditures % (increase} or ___,�__°� {decrease) (increase) or ._�__._/o (decrease) Total Appraised Value and Total Taxable Value as calculated under section 26.04, Tax Code Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year Total appraised value' of all property $ $ Total appraised value' of new property" $ -� $ Total taxable value"" of all property $ � $ Total taxable value"' of new property" $ � Bonded Indebtedness Total amount of outstanding and unpaid bonded indebtedness tax Rates Adopted tax rate for the preceding tax year Proposed tax rate for the current tax year Difference in the proposed tax rate and the adopted tax rate for the preceding tax year f I Percentage increase or decrease in the proposed tax rate and the adopted tax • � rate for the preceding tax year per 5100 in value per $100 in value per $100 in value Increase OR Decrease These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of praperty. ' "Appraised value" is the amoun! shown on the appraisal roll and defined by Section 1.04 "New property' is defined by Section 26.012(1�, Tax Code, 18), Tax Code. "' "Taxable value" Is defined by Section 1.04(70J, lax Cade. Truth -in -Taxation for Taxing Units Other Than School Districts (May 2005) — 47 Sep O1 06 09:56a DETON COUNTY TAX �LL�ICL•�Ls�i�isl p.3 Fam 50-197 (Fav OS-O6/i 0) (Backj Comparison of Residence Homestead Values Average appraised and taxable values on residence homesteads are compared from the preceding tax year and the current tax year. Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year Average residence homestead appraised value $ � Homestead exemption amount for the taxing unit g $ (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled) Average taxable value of a residence homeskead {excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled) Comparison of Residence Homestead Taxes The taxes that would have been imposed in the preceding tax yearon aresidence homestead at the average appraised value {excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age orolder or disabled) are estimated to be $ The taxes that would be imposed in the current tax year on a residence homestead appraised at the average appraised value in the current tax year (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled), if the pro- posed tax rate is adapted, are estimated to be $ .The difference between the amount of taxes on the average residence homestead in the current tax year, if the proposed tax rate is adopted, and the preceding tax year would be an increase of " or a decrease of Special Provisions if Applicable in taxes. Criminal Justice Mandate {use for counties, it applicable): The County Auditor certifies that _County has spent $ in the previous 12 months beginning ,for the maintenance and operations cost of keeping inmates sentenced to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. _ County Sheriff has provided information on these costs, minus the state revenues received for reimbursement of such costs. Enhanced Indigent Health Care Expenditures (use if applicable}: The spent$ from to on enhanced indigenthealthcareattheincreasedminimumeligibilitystandards,lesstheamountofstateassistance. Forthecurrenttax year, the amount of increase above last year's enhanced indigent health care expenditures is 48 — Truth -in -Taxation for Taxing Units Other Than School Districts (May 2006) Date: September 1, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Change Order No. 1 & 2 Lee Allison, City Engineer, will be at the meeting to address both change orders. Attached are letters explaining Change Order No. 1 which is to move the existing water line out of the way for the new TXDOT bridge on FM 455. Change Order No. 2 is to move the existing water line out of the way for TXDOT bridge on Willow Street. 401 S. Locust St. Suite 105B Denton, TX 76201 Office4940.380.9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 August 311 2006 Mr. Jacic Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, TX 762664729 Re: Marion Road Water Main Change Order No.'s 1 & 2, FM 455 and Willow Street TxDOT Bridge Utility Relocations AEG No.: SAN0402 & SANO501 Dear Mr. Smith: Allison Engineering Group recommends that the utility relocations for the bridges be administered as change orders to the Marion Road Water Main project in lieu of bidding them out. This project is urgent. TxDOT has awarded the contracts for the bridges and the utilities must be relocated quickly. There is not time to go through the normal bidding process. It is customary to obtain at least three quotes. In this case we compared the unit prices to those of the bidders for the original Marion Road Water Main project. The prices compare favorably to the bidders, close to those of the number two bidder. Considering that this is a smaller project, in a more complicated situation and that it involves a significant amount of rock, then we feel that the prices are very competitive plus we avoid the administrative cost of bidding the projects. This could easily range between $4,500 and $7,500. In the last two years the City made a similar award without bidding when Phase III of the CIP was added to the contract for Phase II without bidding. The City attorney indicated that it was acceptable under the circumstances. We believe that this circumstance is similar and of a much smaller magnitude. Please contact us at your convenience should you have any questions. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group 2 voezo Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE Page 1 of Planning Communities -Designing the Systems That Serve Them 13 2006 Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. Sanger, TX 762664729 Re: Marion Road Water Main Change Order No. 1, FM 455 TxDOT Bridge Utility Relocations AEG No.: SAN0402 & SANO501 Dear Mr. Smith: Allison Engineering Group recommends approval of Change Order Number 1 to Stampede Construction in the amount of 62,830.20. The purpose is to move the existing water line out of the way of the new TxDOT bridge on FM 455. The unit prices are not the same as those in the original agreement. The project has been postponed for several months and costs have risen significantly. The area of work is more congested, and there are more underground utilities interfering with the work. However, with all of the circumstances justifying an increase in the costs, most of the unit prices compare very favorably with the prices of the second bidder on the original project. The significant difference is the cost of the bore. This bore is in rock and it is deeper (due to existing utilities that it must cross) than the other bore. Respectfully Submitted, �lllisora engineering Gforep Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE Cc: Rose Chavez Eddie Branham John Henderson Mike Prater Sam Renz Page 1 of I uli" UE ORDER No. ONE Project: Marion Road Waterline Date of Issuance: OWNER: Ciiv of Sanger ADDRESS: 201 Bolivar P.O. Box 1729 Saeger, TX 76266 CONTRACTOR: Stampede Construction ENGINEER: Allison Engineering Group, LP CONTRACT FOR: Marion Road Waterline ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO. SAN0402 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: DESCRIPTION: See unit prices attached. PURPOSE OF CI-IANGE ORDER: To relocate crossing of F.M. 455 to East side of Marion Road CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price $141,039.10 Net Increase (Decrease) of this Change Order: $ 62,830.20 Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ 203,359.30 O*tTRACT CHANGE IN CTIME: Original Contract Time: 30 days Net Increase (Decrease) of this Change Order: 30 (Days) Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: 60 Days (Days or Date Range) , RECOMMENDED (Engineer, Allison Engineering Group, LP): Date: APPROVED (Owner}: Date: APPROVED (Contractor): Date: Page I of 1 1':`,Froiects`sAN0501 TxDot&rides\biddocuments�2005-07-26 CHANGE ORDERT l.doc AEG No.: SANO501 & 3AN0402 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR FM 455 BRIDGE WATER UTILITY RELOCATION CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS Date August 30 2006 TO: CITY OF SANGER PO BOX 1729 SANGER, TX 76266 FOR: FM 455 Bridge The undersigned bidder, having thoroughly examined the Contract Documents, having visited the site to observe prevailing field conditions, and understanding the amount of work to be done and the prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to fully complete all of the work and requirements as provided in the plans and Contract Documents and binds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to complete the work within the time stated and for the following prices: .A EG No.: SANOSOI Page I of 4 P•\Projects\SANO501 TxDot Bridges\bid documents\F M. 455\Change Order No. 1.doc Unit Bid Price Amount Bid Item Estimated No. Quantity Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in Words 1. 632 LF 12-inch Water Main (PVC AWWA C900 DR 18, orAWWA G150 Ductile Iron Class 51); through crossing @ Dollars $ 34.00 $ 21,488600 Cents Per Unit 2. 2 EA 124nch Gate Valve @ Dollars $ 1,750.00 $ 3,500.00 Cents Per Unit 3. 70 LF Bore and Case for 12" water main (Borable Rock) @ Dollars $ 350.00 $ 24,500.00 Cents Per Unit 4. 70 LF Additional Cost to Bore & Case in Hard Rock @ Dollars $ 92.50 $ 6,475.00 Cents Per Unit --AEG I�To.: SA%T0501 Page 2 of 4 P•\Projects\SAI�TO501 TxDot Bridges\bid documents\F M 455\Change Order No. 1.doc Item Estimated No. Quantity Unit Name of Pay Item with Unit Price in Words Unit Bid Price Amount Bid 5. 2 EA Cut & connect to existing water main @ Dollars $ 1,250.00 $ 25500.00 Cents Per Each 6_ 632 LF Trench Safety @ Dollars $$1.10 $ 695.20 Cents Per Unit 7. 0.16 TON Ductile Iron Water Main Fittings @ Dollars $ 41200.00 $ 672.00 Cents Per Unit $. 1 LS Erosion Control Plan & SWPPP @ Dollars $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Cents Per Unit Base Bid -- (Water Utility Relocation), TOTAL BID FOR ALL ITEMS (words and figures), for ITEMS 1-8: Sixty two thousand eight hundred thirty DOLLARS Twenty CENTS 62,830.20 --:LEG No.: SAN0501 Fage 3 of 4 P•\Proiects\SANO501 TxDot Brides\bid documents\F.M. 455\Change Order No, 1.doc By signing and submitting this change order, the bidder certifies that he has thoroughly reviewed the plans and specifications, has visited the site and become familiar with the existing surface conditions (including surface signs, appurtenances, etc. indicating the presence and location of rinderground facilities), and that he has submitted all questions and clarifications resulting from such reviews and visits to the Engineer. The bidder also certifies that any questions or clarifications regarding visible surface conditions raised after the bid is awarded will not result in any additional cost to the Owner. Signed: Company: Address: Telephone: __�G No.: 5A1\TOSOI Page 4 of � P•\Projects\SANO501 TxDot Brides\bid docuinents\F.M. 455\Change Order No. l.doc 08/30/2000 16:18 FAX 9403809431 ALLISON ENGINEERING 002/007 August �0, 20Q6 401 S. LOCUST 5t. sure 105E Denton, 7X 76z0l Office: 940.380,9453 Fax: 940.380.9431 Mr, Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St, Sanger, TX 762664729 Re: Marion Road Water Main Change Order No, 2, Willow Road TxDOT Bridge Utility Relocations AEG No,: SAN0402 8c SAN0501. Dear Mr. Smith: A.Ilison Engineering Group recommends approval of Change Order Number 2 to Stampede Construction in the amount of$48,557,50. The purpose is to move the existing water line out of the way of the new TxDOT bridge on Willow Road. The unit prices .are not the same as those in the original agreement. The project has been postponed for several months and costs have risen significantly_ The area of work is more congested, and there are more underground utilities interfering with the work. However, with all of the circuinstances justifying an increase in the costs, most of the unit prices compare very favorably with the prices of the second bidder on the original project, Respectfully Submitted, Allisura Engineering Group Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE 08/30/200B 10:18 FAX 8403809431 ALLISON ENGINEERING U 003/007 C"ANGE V"EK Project: Marion Oad Waterline Date of Issuanec: 8/30/46 OWNER: City of SanIs ADDRESS: 201 Eolivar P.O. Rox 1729 Saner, T7� 76266 CONTRACTOR: Stampede Construction ENCANEER: Allison FneineerinU Groin, LP CONTRACT FOR: Willow Road ENGINEER'S PROJECT N0.5AN0402 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: _ _ DESCRIPTION: See unit prices s�ttachcd. PURPOSE OF MANGE ORDER; To Relocate crossing of Willofv Road Ci3A.NGE fN CONT.itACT PRICE: Original Contract Price 141103930_ Net increase (Decrease) of this Change Order. 48,557.50 Change Order No. l $ 62,830.20 Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ 252426.80 RECOMM DED (E Date: APPROVED (Owner); Date: APPROVED (Contractor): Date: CNA.NGIE; iN CONTRACT TIME: Original Contract Time: 30 days Net Increase (Decrease) of. -this Change Order: 30 (Days) Contract Time with all approved Change Orders: 60 Dam (Days or Date Range) Engineering Crroup} LP); Yagc 1 of 1 n:1',�tsis50i 7'ef�ot flfllt��L<;ii)id Qncumt:nts`�WElin;i� $p.^,d1:2f1t3��-t�B-tF C:13n*:i it� ;)i2`?r'R i° 7.Q��: 08/30/2008 18:18 FAX 9403809431 ALLISON ENGINEERING � 11 AECrNo.: 3AN0501 GANG ORDER NU. 2 FOR. TX DOT BRIDGES - WH LOW ROAD WATER MAIN & FORCE MAIN RELOCATION CITY OF SA►NGER, TEXAS DENTON COYil'VTY, TEXAS {THIS 13R} FORM MUST NO'�' D� REMbVED FROMTHE CONTRACT' DOCUMENTS) T(7: CITY QF SANG�It PO BOX 1729 SANGER, TX 76266 FOR: Tg DQt Bridges � Wittow Road The undersigned bidder, having thoroughly examined the Contract bocuments, �avittg visited the site to observe prevailing field conditions, and understsnding the amount of work to be doue and t %/ prevailing conditions, hereby proposes to, fully complete all of the work and requirements as provided in the plans and Contract Documents and binds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to complete • the work within the time stated and for the following prices: Page I oC 4 P:1Proj�cts,5!1v'050( l'xI>ot Bridgebid Cloctic11e11ta1wi11c)\N4 Roaa�Ct�ru�p c)ivacr 42'Willo%N Rd.doe 08/30/200B 16:18 FAX 9403809431 ALLISON ENGINEERING [005/007 1 _ 755 LP' 12-inch Water Main (PVC AWWA C900 DR M or AWWA C450 Ductilc Iron Class 51); through crossing @ D1� Cents $ 31.00 LIL405400 Per Unit 2. 1 EA 124nch Gate Valve (i Dollars Cents Per Unit 1,750.00 .. 14750.00 3. 50 LF Bore and Casc for 12" water main (TxDOT Crossing) @ Dollars Cents $ 140nOU -....7,000.00 Per Unit 4. 1 EA or Tapping Sleeve & Valve �ir3 Dollars Cents Per Unit 2J50.00 S 2250,00 --AFcz No.:SA i�Hre Z Ul, a• !':�'rojtcl,iSnN��t)1 T�T7ot Rrid�e\bi�i c(��<.uttieitls111`i11c��•�• �toctdlClrcrige order #�2-VJillo�c Rci.de� 08/30/2000 16:19 FAX 9403808431 ALLISON ENGINEERING roo6/007 51 1 EA Cut & Connect to existing water (a Dollars Per Each 1 n250moo $ 1,250�00 6. 225 LF 8 " Force Main (a? Dollars Cents Per Each $ 24900 $ S,400.00 74 1 EA Cut & connect to existing Forco Main Dollars Cents $ 2.500:00 $ 20500.00 Per Each K 755 Ll~ Trench Safety @ Dollars Cents Per Unit S L IO 830.50 9- 0.16 TON Ductile Iron Water Main Fittings @ Dollars. en Per Unit $ 4.200.00 $ 672.00 Paige 3 of � P:U'rt,jcotsl�ANi)701 'I:ti}ut L��-idge5\t�iJ d<wuizierats\Wi11i,��' i:nadlC:lz�,tig4 C,rtter �2-Wilin«� R�.do� 08/30/2008 16:19 FAX 8403808431 ALLISON ENGINEERING t�oo7/007 l 0. 1 LS Erosion Control Plan & SWPPP @ Dollars $ 3,000.00 $ 34000.00 Cents Per Unit Base Bid — (Tx Dot Bridges —.Willow Road), TOTAL BID FOR ALL ITEMS (words and figures), for ITEMS 140as Forty eight thousand five hundred fifty seven DOLLARS - nifty 111. CENTS $ 4$,SS7.S0 By signing and submitting this change order, ilte bidder cerifes that he has thoroughly,reviewed the plans and specifications, has visited the site and become familiar with the existing surface cattditd ns__(including surface signs, appurtenances, etc. Indicating the presence acid location of underground facilities), and that he has submitted all questions and clarifications resulting from such reviews and visits to the Engineer. The bidder also cert fes that any questions or clarylications regarding visible surface conditions raised after the bid is awarded will not result In any additional cost to the Owner. Signed; CUmpttny; Address; Telephone; }'a(Yt= 4 of 41 }';e.F'tt�jcett'•.��'��;(��U} •r�}'7ot t3ricl�es!t)icl s1<icG�in�.nts'•.��'i}fov�� t�oaci':(',1�a��g�,: <�rd<r'r?.�1'iIl<�w l�Q,t%tic Date: September 1, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Award Sidewalk Bid Lee Allison, City Engineer, is recommending awarding this bid to Reliable Paving, Inc. in the amount of $60,527.50. Attached is the bid summary and Mr. Allison's letter of recommendation. IC Oil ig [[lC-nxII1 Ij, LP August 18, 2006 Mr. Jack Smith City Manager City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, TX 76266 401 S. LOCUST W. Suite 105E Denton, TX 76201 office:940-380.9453 Fax:940.380.9431 Re: I35 & 5`� Street Sidewalks Recommendation for Award of Bid AEG No.: SAN04GS Dear Mr. Smith, Allison Engineering Group recommends award of the bid to Reliable Paving, Inc. in the amount of $60,527.50 and a construction time flame of 45 days after the notice to proceed. They are the low bidder. We checked the calculations for all bidders and determined there were no errors. Therefore there was no change in the status of the bidders. Respectfully Submitted, Allison Engineering Group Lee K. Allison, P.E., NSPE Page 1 of 1 Planning Communities -Designing the Systems That Serve Them Oily of tinTT�eF?l�3Ce �pCCt�ll BID SUMMARY FOR 135 & 5th Street Sidewalks City of Sanger, Texas AEG No.: SAN04GS Date Line Bidder Bid Bond Addendum Total Bid 1 Thaten Construction 2 Reliable Paving Yes Yes 605527.50 31 Quality Concrete 4 AmeriPaving 5 Jenco Group 6 L.E. David Construction 7 RGR Redimix 8 Jeff Danielson Construciton 9 Calvert Paving Yes Yes 84,000800 10 Nova Construction 11 Advanced Paving Yes Yes 71,293.25 FWI)j LP 401 S. Locust St. Suite 1 OSB Denton, TX 76201 Office:940-380-9453 Fax:940-380-9431 Memorandum CMEMO100 August 30, 2006 To: Mayor Joe Higgs Glenn Ervin Andy Garza Robert Patton Mike Walker Mike James Rose Chavez Candace Murphree From: Jack Smith Subject: Professional Services Agreement Attached please find a copy of a professional services agreement with R & B Associates and an agreement with Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin. R & B is an engineering firm that has dealt with many development districts for various cities including Melissa. Abernathy etc, is a law firm out of McKinney that deals with development districts for cities including Van Alstyne. If the council will approve these agreements then an agreement will be drawn up for your approval to have Tomlin Investments pay for these services. 4000 * Fax 214.544,4 40 Box 1210 •McKinney, Texas 75070-1210 J OPLIN® P.C. Metro 214.544 ATTORNEYS AT LAW REBECCA H. BREWER August 29, 2006 Mayor Joe Higgs and City Council Members City of Sanger 201 Bolivar St. P. O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 rbretver@abernathy-1 aw.com Direct Dial 214.544.4008 RE: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd &Joplin, P.C.'s Representation of the City of Sanger Dear Mayor Higgs and City Council: This firm appreciates the opportunity to represent the City of Sanger in its legal matters. This Retainer Agreement sets forth the agreement between Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, a Professional Corporation, and the City of Sanger in any legal matter it deems appropriate. Our fee is based upon the amount of time we devote to matters referred to us. It is impossible to determine in advance the amount of time necessary to complete any assigned matter. It may be necessary to have other professional in this office perform services on your behalf other than the specific attorney you have retained. We will use our best judgment to determine the most economical use of our attorneys and staff personnel. Billed_ time includes all time spent on any matters assigned including conferences, telephone calls, e-mails, investigation, drafting of documents, correspondence, negotiations, legal research, and travel to and from locations away from our office. We charge for telephone time because many times an attorney can accomplish as much in your behalf by telephone as in a faceAo-face meeting with you or others. The use of the telephone and e-mail saves your personal time and that of your attorney and results in a lower cost to you. Any figures we quote you for the total cost of our services are merely estimates. Others may engage in activities beyond our control requiring us to expend additional time not originally contemplated. You will receive itemized bills which will be sent on a regular period basis based upon hourly rates presently ranging as follows: 459520.1 Mayor Higgs and City Council Members August 29, 2006 Page 2 1. Director $200.00 2. Associate $185.00 3. Legal Assistants $ 85.00 Time is billed in units of one -tenth hour each. From time to time our firm is required to adjust its hourly rates to more accurately reflect changing economic circumstances. If this occurs, you will be notified. In addition, you will be responsible for all costs which we may incur on your behalf. These costs include, but are not limited to, copy and telephone expenses. A list of our current fees are attached. The periodic bill which we will mail, usually monthly, itemizes the time and costs charged to your account for that period. If you have any questions regarding the statement, you should feel free to contact Lindsay Alexander in our billing department. All balances on your account are due upon receipt. If you do not timely pay your account we have the right, at our discretion, to withdraw from representing the City. We also have the right, at our discretion, to withdraw from representation if you have misrepresented or failed to disclose material facts to us, if you fail to follow our advice or if for any reason our relationship becomes unworkable. Likewise, you may discharge us at any time for any reason. You will be responsible for any fee and cost incurred prior to our withdrawal or discharge, including time and costs expended to turn over the file(s) and other information to you or substitute counsel. This Agreement contains all of the terms of our financial arrangement with you and can only be modified by a written document signed by all parties except for any hourly rate adjustment as set out above. SIGNED this day of , 2006. ABERNATHY,ROEDER,BOYD 459520.1 CITY OF Sanger Mayor Joe Higgs ,1 t Long Distance Telephone Calls (per call) ....................................... $2.00 Copies (per page) .......................................................... $0.20 Survey Copies (per page). . 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 S a a v 0 4 a * P a 0 4 . 0 0 a 9 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 * 0 4 a 0 $2.00 Survey Reductions(perpage) .................................................$4.00 Faxes (perpage, sent) ....................................................... In-house Courier (Dallas and surrounding cities) ................................ $35.00 In-house Courier (local) .................................................... $10.00 Postage .............................................Current U.S. Postal Service Rate 459520.1 1 CONSULTING AGREEMENT This Agreement is made effective as of August 25, 2006, by and between City of Sanger, Texas, of 201 Bolivar Street, Sanger, Texas 76266, and R&B Associates, Inc., of 2620 CR 1106, Anna, Texas 75409. In this Agreement, the party who is contracting to receive services shall be referred to as "Sanger", and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as "RBA". RBA has a background in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Municipal Consulting and is willing to provide services to Sanger based on this background. Sanger desires to have services provided by RBA. Therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Beginning on August 25, 2006, RBA will provide the following services (collectively, the "Services"): Civil and Environmental Engineeing and Municipal Consulting. 2. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES. The manner in which the Services are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked by RBA shall be determined by RBA. Sanger will rely on RBA to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary to fulfill RBA's obligations under this Agreement. 3. PAYMENT. Sanger will pay a fee to RBA for the Services based on RBA's Standard Rate Schedule at the time the Services are performed. RBA's 2006 Standard Rate Schedule is attached. RBA's Standard Rate Schedule may be amended from time to time without notice at the sole discretion of RBA. This fee shall be payable monthly, no later than the 15th day following reciept of invoice from RBA by Sanger. Late payments are subject to an 18% annual percentage rate late payment penalty calculated on a daily basis from the date of the invoice. 4. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT. RBA shall be entitled to reimbursement from Sanger for the following direct expenses: materials, travel expenses, subcontractor, postage, copying, and other direct costs per RBA's Standard Rate Schedule. 5. NEW PROJECT APPROVAL. RBA and Sanger recognize that RBA's Services will include working on various projects for Sanger. RBA shall obtain the approval of Sanger, in a manner mutually acceptable to both parties, prior to the commencement of a new project. 6. TERM/TERMINATION. This Agreement maybe terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party. T. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. It is understood by the parties that RBA is an independent ` contractor with respect to Sanger and not an employee of Sanger. Sanger will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit, for the benefit of RBA. 8. EMPLOYEES. "A's employees, if any, who perform services for Sanger under this Agreement shall also be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. 9. NOTICES. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: IF for Sanger: City of Sanger, Texas Jack Smith City Manager 201 Bolivar Street Sanger, Texas 76266 IF for RBA: . R&B Associates, Inc. Robert Helmberger. Owner 2620 CR 1106 Anna, Texas 75409 Such address maybe changed from time to time by either party by providing written notice to the other in the manner set forth above. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties. 11. AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be modified or amended if the amendment is made in writing and is signed by both parties. 12. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. 13. WAIVER OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHT. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement. 14. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Party receiving services: City of Sanger, Texas By: Jack Smith City Manager Party providing services: R&B Associates, Inc. Owner de Robert Helmberger BUSINESS INFORMATION COST AND RATE INFORMATION R&B Associates, Inc. Standard Rate Schedule Rate Schedule applicable through December 31, 2006 DIRECT LABOR PRINCIPAL (E5) SENIOR (E4) PROJECT (E3) STAFF (E2) ASSOCIATE (E1 PROJECT LEVEL SUPPORT STAFF LEVEL 3 (N3) SUPPORT STAFF LEVEL 2 (N2) SUPPORT STAFF LEVEL 1 (1\11) DIRECT EXPENSES DIRECT MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION PERDIEM/TRAVEL SUBCONTRACTORS OTHER DIRECT COSTS PLOTS AND DRAWINGS (COST PER P E-SIZE PLOTS (COLOR OR B&W) D-SIZE PLOTS (COLOR OR B&W) 3-SIZE (COLOR) 3-SIZE (B&W) A -SIZE Full Size Scan $ MARK -UP RATE North Central Texas Council Of Governments TO: County Clerks and City Secretaries In North Central Texas FROM: Jahnae Stout Public Outreach Specialist I SUBJECT: Public Meeting Notice DATE: August 15, 2006 Enclosed is a flyer announcing the next series of public meetings for the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG). These meetings are an important way to gauge public opinion about the transportation planning activities and air quality programs of NCTCOG and the RTC as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Dallas -Fort Worth area. would appreciate your assistance in posting these announcements in order to meet the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (Government Code, Chapter 551). Please also feel free to announce our meeting when appropriate at any city or county meetings or functions. Thank you for your assistance. if you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (817) 608-2335 or jstout@nctcog.org. Stout JS:Ip Enclosure cc: 2005-2006 UPWP Element 1.01 Project File 616 Six Flags Drive, Centerpoint Two P. O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 (817) 640-3300 FAX: 817-640-7806 ®recycled paper www.nctcog.org PU I Gee informed, Meetin 9 g ? y and _ €z difference Monday, September 11, 2006 — 6:30 p.m. Burleson City Hall 141 West Renfro Burleson, Texas 76028 Tuesday, September 124) 2006 — 10:30 a.m. Richardson Civic Center (Richardson Room) 411 West Arapaho Road Richardson, Texas 75080 Tuesday, September 12, 2006 — 6:30 p.m. North Richland Hills City Hall 7301 NE Loop 820 North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 Presentation Topics Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Modifications i he TIP, amulti-year inventory of all funded transportation projects in the region, includes committed funding from federal, state and local sources within the Dallas -Fort Worth Metropolitan Area. Modifications are needed in order to add or delete projects; change or clarify the scope of work; increase or decrease funds; or to change the distribution of funding categories. A list of upcoming and recent modifications will be presented for public comment and information. Results of Clean Fleet Vehicle Call for Projects The $4.2 million Clean Fleet Vehicle Call for Projects will fund vehicle projects such as replacements, retrofits, repowers, conversions and new purchases. The Clean Fleet Vehicle Call for Projects accepted proposals from public entities and fleets contracted by public entities that adopted ,tie RTC Clean Fleet Vehicle Model Ordinance/Resolution. The Regional Transportation Council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments invites the public to learn what is happening with transportation in the region and help set Wes'for the future. prior Congestion Management Process Plan Update The congestion management process (CMP) seeks a "management' solution to a growing traffic problem by targeting resources to operational management and travel demand reduction strategies. Although major capital investments are needed to meet the growing travel demand, the CMP also develops lower cost strategies that complement major capital recommendations. The result is a more efficient and effective transportation system, increased mobility and a leveraging of resources. 2005 Demographics The Regional Transportation Council depends on detailed current year population and employment records to develop forecasts of future transportation activity. Local governments and the public were given an opportunity this summer to review detailed, neighborhood level estimates of January 1, 2005 population and employment. Summaries of this data will be available to the public at the meeting and the NCTCOG Executive Board will take action on the data sets later in 2006. Unified Planning Work Program Modifications The Unified Planning Work Program for Regional Transportation Planning (UPWP) is required by federal and state transportation planning regulations and provides a summary of the transportation and air quality planning tasks to be conducted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) staff. The FY2006 and FY2007 UPWP identifies the activities to be carried out between October 1, 2005 and September 30, 2007. In conjunction with the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act — A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), pro- posed modifications to the UPWP will be presented. Please contact Jahnae Stout at (817) 608-2335 or jstout cr nctcog.org for special accommodations due to a disability or for language translation. Reasonable accommodations Nvill be made. North Central Texas Council of Governments Visit us online at: www.nctco_q.or_q/trans/outreach/involve �T� Transportation Department .�. Texas Department of Transportation DEWITT C. GREER STATE HIGHWAY BLDG. • 125 E.11TH STREET •AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701.2483 • (512) 463.8585 August 15, 2006 This year's TxDOT Short Course will be the 80th such meeting hosted by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) on the Texas A&M University campus. Over the years, the Short Course has provided a unique opportunity for these two agencies to present and exchange important technical information that improves transportation in Texas. This year's meeting will be held October 10-11, 2006. Thanks to the efforts of TxDOT planners and their TTI colleagues we are confident the conference will be of value to all who attend. Once again this year, we will use an on-line registration process, and will not be mailing registration packets and draft programs. This letter is your notification that registration information and the draft program are available at the TTI website http://tti.tamu.edu/conferences. All registrations, programmatic information, as well as information for speakers wil[ be submitted and maintained on-line. The website will include registration information for TxDOT and TTI (non -payee) attendees, as well as for paid registrants, including parking and hotel details. The on-line registration saves time, and enables TTI's Event Management and Planning staff to process registrations more efficiently. If you prefer, you may print the registration form and fax it to (979) 862-1225. However you register, you will receive confirmation of your registration, either by email or fax. A reminder: Only TxDOT and TTl retirees who are not otherwise employed are exempt from the registration fee. Parking is available in the West Campus Parking Garage, which offers over 3,500 parking spaces. The maximum rate is $6 per day per entry. Because the lot is open to the public, we recommend that you arrive early in order to secure a parking space. This parking lot will be made available on a first -come, first -served basis. If you are unable to obtain a parking space in the West Campus Parking Garage, we suggest that you use the shuttle bus from the College Station Hilton. Busses will be running to Rudder Tower from both the Hilton and the West Campus Parking Garage. TTI's Event Management and Planning is available to answer your questions at any time. They can be reached at: Telephone: (979) 862-1219 Fax: (979) 862-1225 Website: http://tti.tamu.edu/conferences We look forward to seeing you in October. �i/�� � . - — - — Michael W. Behrens, P.E. Executive Director Texas Department of Transportation Herbert H. Richardson, P.E. Director Texas Transportation Institute An Equal Opportunity Employer 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAY14ENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM It G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 36.62 I-49255 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1496127:COPY PAPER/CALC TA 000000 19.79 99-11660 COVER ONE I-49278 001-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:9767 000000 79.00 DEPARTMENT 10 -------------- ---.......... ------------ -........------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL TOTAL: 135.41 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU INV.189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 16.58 I-49231 001-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 2.69 99-02460 CINGULAR VIIRELESS I-49329 001-15-5510 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 001-15-5210 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 001-15-5325 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF 1-49289 001-15-5310 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-15-5210 I-49255 001-15-5210 99-10250 TX STATE & ARCHIVES I-49302 001-15-5235 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9709861 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 R & M VEHICLE INV:22592 R & M BUILDIN HOME DEPOT/GECF 000000 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1496127:COPY PAPER/CALC TA 000000 DUES AND REGI R. CHAVEZ & S. KNOWLES SCHOOL 000000 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 50.35 175.35 36.62 19.79 60.00 390.01 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 36.62 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 36.62 --------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES I-49283 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:660106414 000000 27.89 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-49294 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:4711158 000000 45.68 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-20-5245 JANITORIAL SU INV.189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.16 I-49231 001-20-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 5.36 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 001-20-5520 CELLULAR & TE CELL PHONE 000000 45.06 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 31.46 99-03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE I-49304 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS INV:C11503 JUSTIN FULLER 000000 80.00 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9704861 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 21.58 P' 16270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 001-20-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:22592 000000 175.37 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-20-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 73.23 99-11170 RICOH I-49265 001-20-5920 CONTRACTUAL S COPIER MAINT. INV. G082400509- 000000 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 210.09 746.88 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 22 ANIMAL CONTROL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08810 ANIMAL CARE EQUIP & SVS I-49303 001-22-5250 MINOR TOOLS INV:1057558-IN 000000 58.50 99-10570 THE SPORTSMAN I-49327 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXP ODOP REMOVER DEPARTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL 000000 TOTAL: 67.49 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49075 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-48899 001-24-5310 R & M BUILDIN INV. 13634/13635/13882 000000 290.31 I-49282 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:10014354 000000 14.98 99-02190 RITE -WELD I-49197 001-24-5375 MINOR EQUIPME OZ CYLINDER: ZNV. 299673 000000 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-99329 001-24-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE 000000 99-05570 MCCAIN'S OVERHEAD DOOR I-4919B 001-24-5310 R & M BUILDIN INV:57747 000000 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 001-24-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:22592 000000 99-06B10 HOYT I-49196 �" '4350 AD VISION I-48900 001-24-5420 001-24-5255 CONTRACTUAL S INV.16510:FLOW TEST/SETUP/CLY 000000 67EARING APPAR INV:00005365 000000 40.60 134.76 457.35 175.37 531.47 607.63 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 2,352.47 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-26-5245 BLD.& JANITOR INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.16 99-03710 DENTON CO SHERIFF'S DEP I-49221 001-26-5379 JAIL FEES LAYOUT FEES 000000 880.00 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 913.16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-46811 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:232021:INSPECTION REPORTS 000000 88.14 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-28-5245 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-28-5210 I-49215 001-28-5210 I-49252 001-28-5210 I-49255 001-28-5210 99-11730 INTL CODE COUNCIL I-46812 001-28-5235 JANITORIAL SU INV.189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1992249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 DUES DE 33.16 39.19 73.23 26.62 39.55 100.00 399.89 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET PAGE: 9 BANK: SB99 VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49075 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. I-49000 001-30-5370 STREETS 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS HNAC PICK UP I-49294 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:4711158 99-01570 LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. I-49129 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI TENSION BAR 000000 000000 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-49130 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI RADIO SHACK:MISC. 000000 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 I-49231 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 99-02200 ROADRUNNER TRAFFIC SUPP I-49125 001-30-5330 EQUIPMENT REN INV:31651 000000 I-49126 001-30-5380 STREET SIGNS INV:31657 000000 2460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 001-30-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE 000000 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 99-03940 VERMEER EQUIP. OF TEXAS I-49293 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:F09284 000000 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9704661 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 99-08030 SOUTHWEST INTERNATIONAL I-49295 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V DEALER SERVICE REPAIR 000000 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-30-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 99-09830 G&G TRACTOR SUPPLY I-49292 001-30-5325 R & M MOTOR V DRIVE SHAFT 000000 99-13700 EL PASO LIGHT HOUSE Z-48913 001-30-5255 WEARING APPAR INV:15733 000000 3,602.90 45.67 10.99 45.25 107.55 142.69 67.10 58.22 73.23 751.20 824.68 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 5,881.69 —=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-49294 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:4711158 000000 45.67 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 001-32-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:22592 000000 175.35 99-15820 KRAFTSMAN PLAYGROUND & I-48845 001-32-6011 PARK EXPANSIO WATERSLIDE INV. 26214 000000 10,388.40 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 10,609.42 --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49075 001-34-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 80.00 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 80.00 ------------------------ ---------------------- ---...... --------- ------------- --------------------........ ----.........------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-49282 001-36-6020 MECH.SHOP IMP INV;4167/4157/4146/4138/4026 000000 43.61 99-01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES I-49283 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:660106414 000000 38.97 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-99291 001-36-5520 CELLULAR PHON PHONE HOLDER 000000 10.00 99-02440 SNAP -ON TOOLS I-4928B 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V 3/8 DRIVE RATCHET/ 15MM SOCKET 000000 44.38 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 001-36-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE 000000 36.54 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-49296 001-36-6010 COMPUTER EQUI INK CART/KEY TAGS 000000 41.98 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 001-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 15.73 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-36-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 36.62 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-49290 001-36-6020 MECH.SHOP IMP BATT.PK/AIR COOLER/FUNL SYSTEM 000000 336.98 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 604.81 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 40 SULLIVAN CENTER BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # -------------- 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 I-49231 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 BANK: SB99 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 001-40-5245 JANITORIAL & INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.16 001-40-5245 JANITORIAL & CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 5.36 DEPARTMENT ---.......... ----------....... ------------------...... 40 SULLIVAN CENTER ----.......---------------------- TOTAL: 38.52 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 Library BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-42-5245 OTHER OPERATI INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.17 99-03800 DEMCO I-49235 001-42-5270 PROGRAMS AND INV:2548100 000000 71.57 99-10760 BRODART CO I-49234 001-42-6050 BOOKS INV: G689903: BOOKS & PROCESSI 000000 29.68 99-15250 SUDDENLINK i i I-49233 001-42-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 8/20-9/19 000000 99.95 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL: 234.37 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 Community Center BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1-49075 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 001-44-5213 BUILDING SUPP INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.16 I-49231 001-44-5213 BUILDING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 5.36 DEPARTMENT 94 Community Center TOTAL: 138.52 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # ---------------- G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49231 001-46-5245 JANITORIAL CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 5.36 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 001-46-5510 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE 000000 60.67 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 001-46-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 151.91 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL: 217.94 ------------------------- VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 22,849.20 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 10 Mayor and City Council BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 36.62 I-49255 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1496127:C0PY PAPER/CALC TA 000000 19.79 99-11660 COVER ONE I-99278 008-10-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:9767 000000 79.00 DEPARTMENT 10 Mayor and City Council TOTAL: 135.41 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 008-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU INV.189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 16.58 I-49231 008-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 2.69 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 008-15-5510 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 008-15-5210 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 008-15-5325 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-49289 008-15-5310 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS 1-49215 008-15-5210 I-49255 008-15-5210 99-10250 TX STATE & ARCHIVES I-49302 008-15-5235 TELEPHONE SER CELL PHONE OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9704861 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 R & M VEHICLE INV:22592 R & M BUILDIN HOME DEPOT/GECF 000000 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1496127:COPY PAPER/CALC TA 000000 DUES & REGIST R. CHAVEZ & S. KNOWLES SCHOOL 000000 DEPARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAL: 50.35 175.35 36.62 19.79 60.00 390.01 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # ------------------------ G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 36.62 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 36.62 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00720 DATAMATIC, LTD. I-49301 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINE METER READING SYSTM, MAINT. 000000 448.49 99-02050 PITNEY BOWES I-49216 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINE 388971AUG 06 99-08770 CPZ OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 008-19-5210 I-49255 008-19-5210 -------------------------------------------------------- 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492299:OFEICE SUPPLIES 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1496127:COPY PAPER/CALC TA 000000 185.00 73.23 39.57 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 746.29 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # ---------------- G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-49282 008-36-6020 MECH. SHOP IM INV;4167/4157/4146/4138/4026 000000 43.61 99-01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES I-49283 008-36-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:660106414 000000 38.98 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-49291 99-02440 SNAP -ON TOOLS I-49288 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-49296 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 99-09040 J RANDY THOMPSON I-49290 008-36-5520 008-36-5325 008-36-5520 008-36-6010 008-36-5325 JPI:IItP.4Y.ii�] CELLULAR PHON PHONE HOLDER 000000 R & M MOTOR V 3/8 DRIVE RATCHET/ 15MM SOCKET 000000 9.99 44.37 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE 000000 36.54 COMPUTER EQUI INK CART/KEY TAGS 000000 91.97 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 15.73 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 008-36-6020 MECH. SHOP IM BATT.PK/AIR COOLER/FUNL SYSTEM 000000 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: 36.62 336.99 604.80 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 22 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49075 008-50-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-49294 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:4711158 000000 45.67 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 008-50-5245 JANITORIAL SU INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 33.16 I-49231 008-50-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 5.36 99-02460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 008-50-5520 CELLULAR PHON CELL PHONE 000000 155.28 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 31.46 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9704861 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 21.58 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 008-50-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:22592 000000 175.35 or g8770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 008-50-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492249:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 73.23 99-09550 SOUTHWEST CHEMICAL I-49264 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER CL2 CYLINDERS:INV.79343 000000 1,177.50 99-12410 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY I-49263 008-50-5360 R & M OTHER INV:608291 SUPPLIES 000000 1,026.60 DEPARTMENT 50 N]ater TOTAL: 2,795.19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-09830 G&G TRACTOR SUPPLY I-49292 008-54-5325 R & M MOTOR V REPLACEMENT SEAT 000000 245.16 DEPARTMENT 54 Waste Pater Treatment TOTAL: 295.16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 24 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49075 008-58-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MACHINE RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-4B938 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV:10014061 PVC/COUPLING/PRIM 000000 8.02 99-01250 INTERSTATE BATTERIES I-49283 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:660106691 000000 77.95 99-01500 LAWSON PRODUCTS I-49062 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV.4747158:MISC NUTS BOLTS CO 000000 274.76 I-49294 008-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V INV:4711158 000000 45.67 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-49070 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-49193 I-49231 99-02380 ROBERT A. SINGLETARY, P I-4B765 j2460 CINGULAR WIRELESS I-49329 99-02690 TECHLINE I-48931 I-49064 I-49067 99-03010 WEBB AUTO PARTS I-49287 99-03960 AMSTERDAM PRINTING I-49254 99-05170 NORTHERN SAFETY I-49066 I-49066 99-06270 AAA-DENTON FIRE & SAFET I-49286 99-07750 HOME DEPOT/GECF I-49072 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-49215 008-58-5520 008-58-5245 008-58-5245 008-58-5920 008-58-5520 CELLULAR TELE PHONE CASE 000000 OTHER OPERATI INV. 189566:CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPPLIES:INV.188948 000000 CONTRACTUAL S CIP COMPLETE BID & CONTRACT 000000 CELLULAR TELE CELL PHONE 000000 2,500.00 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV:1429233-0 & O1 000000 2,567.50 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV: 1429654-00 000000 262.50 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV:1620551-00 000000 542.50 OOB-58-5325 R & M MOTOR V 6632/6620/6689 000000 31.46 008-58-5210 008-58-5260 008-58-5220 ;d�I �Gf II.'icY�.7 008-58-5250 [�I1I�IIiY.isi i OFFICE SUPPLI INV. 9704861 EMPLOYMENT APPS 000000 21.58 SAFETY EQUIPM INV:P155939701013 000000 52.55 POSTAGE INV:P155434701013 000000 8.24 R & M MOTOR V INV:22592 000000 175.36 MINOR TOOLS TOOL BOX 000000 249.00 OFFICE SUPPLI INV:1492299:OFFICE SUPPLIES 000000 73.23 8/31/2006 6:12 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 25 PACKET: 00640 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 58 Electric Department BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # ------------------------- G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-11310 LINDSEY I-49061 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV3864:MULTICORE SENSOR 000000 420.00 I-49061 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS LINE POST MOUNTING STUD 000000 7.15 I-49061 008-58-5220 POSTAGE SHIPPING 000000 26.06 99-12470 PELCO PRODUCTS, INC I-49073 008-58-6020 IMPROVEMENTS INV:6080504 000000 1,687.90 99-12980 MID CENTRAL ELECTRIC I-48757 I-48757 99-ALTEC ALTEC INDUSTRIES, INC I-49074 008-58-5365 008-58-5220 OOB-58-5325 TRANSFORMERS INV.015421:FXD LOAD TRNSFMR 000000 POSTAGE FREIGHT 000000 R & M MOTOR V INV:5468935 & 5468864 DEPARTMENT 58 Electric Department VENDOR SET 008 ENTERPRISE EUND 000000 TOTAL: TOTAL: 1,476.36 109.22 427.00 11,291.86 16,245.34 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 39,094.54