11/06/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-Regular1. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, NOVEMBER S, 2005 7:00 P.M. 201 BOI.IVAl2. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CUNSElYT AGENDA Approve 1VlirMu.tes: October 1C, 2005 Minutes b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input: Citizens Are allowed 3 minutes to speak. The City Council is unable to respond to or to discuss any issues that are brought up during this section. 4. Cansider and Passible Action on Duck Creek llrainage 5. Cansider and Passible Action an Ordinance #11-18-05 Annexing the Following Properties: S. 7. RAILROAD R.Q.W. AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF I)ENTON COUNTY FROM F.M. 455 TO THE COOKE COUNTY LINE A0029A R BEI3EE, TRACT 22B, ACRES 2.1500 Cansider and Possible Action on Appointment of Members to the Historic Preservation Commission. Cansider and Passible Action for Nominees with the Denton Central Appraisal District Review .Board. $, Cansider and Passible Action an Agreement with the City of Sanger and Quest Care for EMS Medical Control. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Interloeal Cooperation Agreement far Ambulance Service with Denton County. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Interloeal Agreement for Emergency Ambulance Service with the City of Krum. 116 Consider and Possible Action. on Interloeal Agreement for Fire Protection Services with Denton County. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Interloeal Agreement far Cooperative Purchasing of Goods, Products and/or Services. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Invoice from Carter & Burgess for Phase II Sanger Clear Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Land for New City Hall. 159 Possible List of Future Agenda Items, 164 Adjournment. Pnrsa.ant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session follow ngSthe conclusion of the executive session. if the undersigned authority, do hereby certify tw tothis Notice ofNeeting Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible fo: the general ptJbl�c tome: t�'..:.....''�t�c� Rosalie Chavez,SCity Secretary City of Sanger, Texas «y' This notice was removed from the official bulletin bosr.d'db.,,£ `;,°' ��s s posted on the bupetin board, atthe City Hap ofthe City ofSanger, all times, and said Notice was posted on the following date and tll remain posted until meeting is adjourned. by. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parkitrg spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 458-7930 for further iriformatio11. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 16, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Walker, Councilman James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manger Rose Chavez, Cecile Carson, Economic Development Director, Candace Murphree, Bob Helmberger, Carroll McNeill, Jerry Jenkins, J. C. Hughes, Johnny Looper, Eddie Lane, Liz Springer, John Springer, Bill Fuller, Merrie Lou Abney, Joe Falls, Rod Zielke 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order, and Councilman Garza led the invocation followed by Councilman Patton leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Mayor convened City Council into Executive Session at 7:02 p.m. 3. Mayor reconvened City Council at 8:13 p.m. No action taken. CONSENT AGENDA 4. a) Approve Minutes. October 16, 2006 b) Disbursements Motion made by Councilman Patton to approve minutes for September 28, 2006 and October 2, 2006 with correction to list Councilman Walker present at both meetings and to approve disbursements. Seconded by Councilman Ervin. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Citizen's Input Jahn Looper, 663 Rising Star Lane, advised the Council that he thought Duck Creek was to be on the agenda this week. City Manager advised he had made two calls; one to a gentleman at FEMA and another one today. They have not been able to get in touch with each other to get an update on Mr. Looper's request from last time. He did not have any new information to discuss and did not include it as an agenda item. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation by Centurion American. Mr, J. C. Hughes addressed the City Council with the following: • would like to proceed with negotiations on an agreement, ® discussed direct cost and that they would consider offsetting some of these costs, i.e., , consultants, a committee, etc., ® made sure that changes were made concerning their plan, in-house screening East of Railroad and the South side, • taking out the 50' lots and using 55' lots - side yards set back from 8' to 6 '/z' Mr. Hughes advised that they cannot finalize their development and continue to spend further funds until they get a "better feel' of what the City Council wants. Mayor asked if they have submitted their plans to Planning and Zoning. Mr. Hughes indicated that they have not since they wanted certain criteria addressed by the City Council before they submitted anything to Planning and Zoning. City Manager advised possibly a Planned Development. Discussion concerning taking proposed plans to Planning and Zoning. Mr. Hughes advised that they will be submitting a preliminary plat. Councilman Garza suggested to Mr. Hughes to get the City's ordinance requirements for developments. Mr. Hughes did advise he does have that information. Co -census of the City Council for Centurion to proceed to Planning and Zoning. No action. 7. Possible List of Future Agenda Items. (a) Councilman Walker asked a question concerning who has control of the speed limit past the high school that is currently 55 mph. Councilman Walker expressed a concern and indicated' that it was high. City Manager advised the State does. He can request that the State conduct a traffic study. The problem with this study is that if it indicates that the majority of people drive 65 mph the State could raise the speed limit. (b) Councilman Ervin requested that Duck Creek drainage be on the agenda and the land for a new City Hall. 8. Meeting Adjourned. MemorandumCMEM105 November 3, 2006 To: Mayor Joe Higgs Glenn Ervin Andy Garza Robert Patton Mike Walker Mike James Rose Chavez Candace Muiphree From: Jack Smith Subject: Duck Creek Drainage We contacted FEMA about the buy-out program. There are two different programs; one is State only, is administered by the Department of Public Safety Emergency and paid by FEMA. The program is a 75-25 setup with FEMA paying 75% and the CITY paying 25% of the appraised value. There is a pool of applicants and the applicant with the most urgent needs is addressed first and so on. The other program is a Federal program handled the same way but in a national emergency pool. We are also pursuing a program we heard about with the Texas Water Development Board. Does Council want to continue knowing that 25% of the expense will be covered by the City? The County is currently working on the plans for the bridge. Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Annexation Ordinance 11-18-06 This is the final stage of the annexation process on this property. Attached is a map indicating the properties that are to be annexed after the adoption of this ordinance. City of Sanger, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 1148-06 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS, AND GRANTING TO SAID TERRITORY AND TO ALL FUTURE INHABITANTS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING SAID FUTURE INHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the city is authorized to annex territory in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.021 and its home -rule charter and by statute, WHEREAS, said territory proposed to be annexed is within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is contiguous to the city; WHEREAS, the city has prepared a service plan for said territory which is attached as Exhibit "A" to this ordinance; WHEREAS, the City has published notice of hearings on said annexation and held hearings as required by state law; and WHEREAS, after hearing arguments for and against the same, the governing body has voted to annex said territory into the City under the authority of the Local Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1: That territory hereinafter described is hereby annexed into the city, and that the boundary limits of the City are hereby extended to include said territory within the city limits, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said city, and said land and the future inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City and shall be bound by the acts and ordinances of said City. RAILROAD R.O.W. AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY FROM F.M. 455 TO THE COOKS COUNTY LINE A0029A RUEBEN RR RR SURVEY, TRACT 22B, BEING 2.1500 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY (ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A") Section 2: That the municipal service plan for the herein annexed territory provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby adopted. Section 3: The City Secretary is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk and other appropriate officials and agencies, as required by estate and federal law and city annexation procedures, certified copies of this ordinance. PASSED by an affirmative vote of the City Council, Governing Body of the City of Sanger, this 6th day of October, 2006 APPROVED: Joe Higgs, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" City of Sanger, Texas ANNEXATION SERVICE PLAN AREA TO BE ANNEXED RAILROAD R.O.W. AS RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY FROM F.M. 455 TO THE COOKE COUNTY LINE A0029A RUEBEN BEBEE SURVEY, TRACT 22B, BEING 2.1500 ACRES IN DENTON COUNTY (ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A") INTRODUCTION This service plan has been prepared in accordance with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, Section 43.033 and 43.056. Municipal facilities and services to the annexed area described above will be provided or made available on behalf of the city at the following levels and in accordance with following schedules: POLICE PROTECTION Patrolling, responses to calls, and other police services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE PREVENTION Fire protection and fire prevention services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of the annexation at the same level as provided throughout the city. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Emergency medical services will be provided within ten (10) days after the effective date of an annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Solid waste collection and disposal services will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT ARE NOT WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA OF ANOTHER WATER OR WASTEWATER UTILITY Maintenance of water and wastewater facilities that are not within the service area of another water or wastewater utility will be continued to be maintained immediately after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and the same level as provided throughout the city. MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND STREETS AND DRAINAGE Maintenance of roads and streets and drainage will be provided within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. STREET LIGHTING Street lighting will be made available within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the City. MAINTENANCE OF CITY PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES If any city park and recreation facilities are located within the annexed area, they will be maintained within sixty (6,0) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as similar facilities are maintained throughout the city. OTHER SERVICES Other services that may be provided by the city such as planning, code enforcement, animal control, library, park and recreation, court, and general administration will be made available within (60) days after the effective date of the annexation on the same basis and at the same level as provided throughout the city. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Construction of water, sewer, street, and drainage facilities will begin within two (2) years after submissions of written request by landowners and payment of any development fees and construction costs required by the city in accordance with subdivision regulations and water and sewer extension policies. Construction will be completed within four and one half (44/2) years after request unless the construction process is interrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the city. No impact fees will be charged to any developer or landowner within the annexed area except in conformity with V.T.C.A., Local Government Code, ch. 395. Construction of other capital improvements shall be considered by the city in the future as the needs dictate on the same basis as such capital improvements are considered throughout the city. UNIFORM LEVEL OF SERVICES MAY NOT BE REQUIRED Nothing in this plan shall require the city to provide a uniform level of full municipal services to each area of the city, included the annexed area, if different characteristics of topography, land use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing different level of service. This service plan shall be valid for a term of ten (10) years unless the majority of landowners or registered voters of the area vote by petition submitted to the city for disannexation, then this service plan shall no longer be binding upon the city. I�►� i�1►i 7�� �l`►Y 1�y The plan shall not be amended unless public hearings are held in accordance with V.T.A.C., local Government Code, Section 43.052. EXHIBIT "A" TRACT II: ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN THE RUEBEN BEBEE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 29, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BE114G A PART OF A 79.131 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM U. S. SPARKMAN TO REX C. CAUBLE ON NOVEMBER 30, 1966, RECORDED IN VOLUME 544, PAGE 350, DEED RECORDS OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBEF AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2 INCH Il20N PIN FOUND AT THE NORTHERN MOST NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 79.131 ACRE TRACT ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF F.M. HIGHWAY 1190 AND ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF THE R. BEBEE SURVEY, SAME BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CERTAIN 5.94 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN DEED FROM ALLEN B. BOGAN, JR. TO CHARLES S. ERWIN AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 863, PAGE 199, DEED RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 01 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST WITH SAID SURVEY LINE ALONG AND NEAR A FENCE A DISTANCE OF 304,39 FEET TO A FENCE CORNER POST AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 5.94 ACRE TRACT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF RELOCATED F. M. HIGHWAY 455; THENCE NORTH 87 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST WITH THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY OF RELOCATED F.M. HIGHWAY 455 A DISTANCE OF 535.14 FEET TO A CONCRETE RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT; THENCE NORTH 23 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 63.78 FEET TO A i/2 INCH IRON PIN SET WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "METROPLEX 1849" ON THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF RM. HIGHWAY 1190 AND ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID 79.131 ACRE TRACT;. THENCE NORTH 66 DEGREES 26 MINUTES 42 SECONDS EAST WITH THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF F.M. HIGHWAY 1190 A DISTANCE OF 563.93 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 2.151 ACRES OF LAND. i'iai..° 1 RJ4S247 .. ?4621 R1452w'-c -- 4462. R?4522 1462 Ri1824o R53 R5i8DF R229238 14S2i �R14622 462 R 46 - J452 462 R22788P R254115 = R59816 — p R6Q239 1971 R197136 - R229290 R89293 185D4 tt 2R R 0241 j9522 .R185078 _ 19522? R60079 R59699 19522 It _. ... - tS0 R81662 R185919I I. - - R18502P 1601 R6024e 167604 . 58 00. 19521 58 1 4 19521 - 732 6 132551 t9521 R59704 R258 5 58 ` R167600 $8 3 19521 R246883 R246873. 19521 498 2R2 $ 19263 46 4687 4687 . 46 4687 i9263 _ 4888 597 R59769 . 9.. R]67600 t I 1 1709, 46&4 4$68 4687 19263 R59792 ft173032 R60250 5977 R59 i 67194 'R1$7501 - 673 6721 --... 67190 19263 R18910 18910 - R111241 6730 6727 67191 19263 R189099 18910 R267 t - . .. I R159026 I R597SU R189098 05966 678P 6728 - 67J92 i9263 RJ59027 13111 R60254 59780 R598.00 -- 1.R267 R60258 1" - 727 53 .. R205967 R267 6 ,— 672 67193 19263 - - 1R189104 J890 1 - M66027 R2673t3 6731 6731Y 6731 A60252 " 18909 1$910 ... . 16 R5980D j8909 R2673 �R189i06 67315 . 73i .... R270618 .- - R270617 t R270616 R167602 R122955 1592DE . R167809 7546] R59805 � R59$OS R59835 5987 R599'5 6003 R6" $Y R60042 RE6544 R59830 R59878 R600?i R60088 R59815 R59065 R783W R59812 R59996 R59969 R69025 R6D005 R599b5 R59856 R60017 R60100 R59988 R59979 R59877 R59975 m was F RAO Sear ci ens ,Property ID Search Account Search e. Owner Search P Address Search Advanced Search Propertu D'ata Detali Sheet P History e Datasheet - Other - a Reports * Resources and Forms Denton Ceng This website now shows 2006 Certified Values .. uqj„ . iy' I~3 tail x xe L (R'i 0, j Histo GIS Map Batasteet Owner In .01 Mahon Owner ID: 0529679 Owner Name: TRIBE INVESTMENTS Owner Address: .1110E COLLINS BLVD STE 135 RiCHARDSONJX 75081-2340 . Property Address:' FM455 Parcellnformation Legal Description: A0020A R. BEBEE, TRACT 22B, ACRES 2.1500 Acreage: 2.15 Cross Reference: A0020A-0004022-0001 Undivided Interest: 100% Exemption Codes' Entity Codes; G01 (Denton County) S14 (Sanger ISB) Deed Type: WB With Vendors Lien Deed Book: Deed Page: 03-187654 Map Page: €� Supplements Employment Online Maps/GIS Click here to view your 2006 certified values and prior history. 6 Appraisal Ahalysls - - 6 GIS Help .� Land 2005 Tax Rates D Tpe. so TB Acre Market e Public Notices GIS Dataotiwrtlaads Land1 3 (Pasture) D2 (D2 - Non Ag Use Acreage) 2.15 Unavailable e Di claimer s J * Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (minimum) is required to view pdf documents. 411allder Acrobat Reader is a free program available here. hftp ://www. denioncad. comlAppraisaUPublicAccess/ProperiyD etail. aspx?ProperiyID=23 9... 0 8/03/2006 Page 1 of 1 R167602 GurretiOtvrler ' Lega4Descnpfion IV Exemptions = ?APtdts¢d - TRIBE MVESTMENTS (0529679) A0029A R BEBEE, TRACT226, ACRES 2,1500 �' x Unavailable - 1110 E COLLINS BLVD STE 135 RICHARDSON,TX75081-2340' �� "�"-Entifies, � �Qfea�Gap�-°-� " G01. S14 NIA - FM455 - _ Imp HS $O - - y Imp NHS $0 v ._ Saes Land HS $O - - �"Date .lotume Page.. '� �`�.-- Selle't larte y Land NHS $16,929 $15,990 $10,615 - - 03-187654 ' PHILLIPS, RONNIE - Ag 61kIt $0 _ _ $17,615 03-187651 J & L PARTNERS Ag Use $0 $1 s423 Tim Mkt $0 Tim Use $0 HS Cap - Assessed $161929 $15,990 $10,615 $13423 IF " 1m rovement Skefch . � Cnnsiru4finiv Fountlahon ��Ektertor �^ lnte�loc �� a RQnf - .. Ftooripg ' i HeaVi?C � afhs Fneprace sar,i3uilt Raoms Bedroo nSy Type Uescrip6on Area Yeareo3tt EffYear Value _ >. S�PTB Descnpfion /area �K Market ��Ag Value D2 "Pasture 2,15000 c....i.. s• n.. ...: f.s nnnn nnn� t..� n �.• r}...... »:- : s �i i f: Dn !I Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Historic Preservation Commission Attached are the applications for appointments to this Board. City of )EOa144o( BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION ME: � vV �DATE: 2 �E' cL2wadDRESS: `2 ('7 5 �G C V< L HOME PHONE:5' �, � PHONE:'d G z 7 CELL PHONE. EMAIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, indicate former occupation or profession) lis C-w t eves1111 - g c o� 1�z S 4 _ C� PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: 51j1i"i%rG C7 LI U Y 3 6 AY', /?. CUR K PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING(WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION S): C�re.v� �9 cep k.r oil Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? no Signature: �es 9 Date: 2 � P� 2 U RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a Rublic record. City of BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: ADDRESS: Div` HOME PHONE: �` BUSINESS PHONE: �� � i�C ��r_` ' CELL PHONE:� � EMAIL:r'�, OCCUQ/PJA�TION:: (if retired,indicateformeroccupation or profession) 4�=71 PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING(WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE): BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD j HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): gel ``i✓✓ // �c/"` L / (' •!t 6 / �1.�/ ' ,a-✓��.i�i✓ j�L��✓ L Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? es no Signature: ,�_; Date: 7 _ RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a ublic record. City of BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: ADDRESS: HOME PHONE:��_%�--�"? BUSINESS PHONE:2��'j-2 CELL PHONE: EMAIL: b% jetr✓ OCCUPATION: (If retired, indicate former occupation or profession) PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES N IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE): BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD Z- HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD. LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD j PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD PROVIDE INFORMATION SUCH AS QUALIFICATIONS, COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES, EDUCATION, TRAINING, TIME IN CITY, ETC., THAT WOULD MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): ;vc, rn 0 v,'ram ft C c� /34- Do you understand that endance and active support is required for each appointee? yes no O ? / Signatur Date: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a public record. a City of BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: Paul Dim er DATE: � t z5 j©6 ADDRESS: \(3 �r�� (DrI�Y ,f7rBUSINES;S HOME PHONE: AIL: OCCUPATION: (If retired, indicate former occupation or profession) PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING ITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE): BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE POSITION(S): prr3 � c � 1 � � � � 'r\\fb c'=j W'd corn rC19� � rec') es tcx . C-o ys fnaJnsec4 Ui n 0&C1 1+iZ-C Q rZw aYJ 6C5y%\$ ffUA e3n WYAV%aqQ,� rd i yl CCV� . Do you understand that attendance and active support is required for each appointee? ' yes no Signature: 1LQ1 LDZ2�= __ Date: RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a public record. City of BOARD AND COMMISSION APPLICATION NAME: (., c, S Q bT ' %�i l l DATE: ADDRESS: D �� �dn j ,Q Ifl S Z HOME PHONE: Fr (If retired, indicate former occupation or prof'es^sion)� O C S bVI I O rj�i � i /t t°� PRIOR SERVICE ON A CITY BOARD/COMMISSION? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: PLEASE NUMBER IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE THE BOARD/COMMISSION YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING WITH 1 FOR FIRST PREFERENCE): BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BUILDING STANDARD BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION KEEP SANGER BEAUTIFUL BOARD LIBRARY BOARD PARKS BOARD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SULLIVAN SENIOR CENTER BOARD LIST QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: MAKE YOU A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE ABOVE�POSITION(S/): �l j '.e1u7c i n>�I<ZctC ,2 y�lP,� cRS s ����, r��r)��J�e�,Q�� G �✓(t �1y�t Do you underst d tten ce and active support is required for each appointee? no Signature: Date: 65 RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: Office of the City Secretary City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Street This information will become a public record. Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Appraisal Review Board Shirley Haider already serves on this board. Staff is recommending we nominate Mrs. Haider again for one more term. This will be Mrs. Haisler last term to serve on this Board. TO: DATE: SUBJECT: DENTON CENTRAL PPRAISAL DISTRICT 3911 MORSE STREET, P O Box 2816 DENTON, TExas 76202-2816 WWW.DENTONCAD.COM MEMO All Jurisdictions DCAD Board of Directors October 10, 2006 Nominees for Appraisal Review Board The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District is requesting nominees for possible appointment to the Appraisal Review Board. We have enclosed the qualifications for appointment to the Appraisal Review Board, and a questionnaire form. Please have your nominees review the qualifications and fill out the enclosed questionnaire if possible. The questionnaire needs to be returned to the Appraisal District by November 15, 2006. The Board of Directors will make their decision at their December Board of Directors meeting. If you have any questions please call Kathy Williams at (940)349-3974. PHONE: (940) 349-3800 METRO: (972) 434-2602 FAX: (940} 349-3801 (Qualifications To serve on the Appraisal Review Board (ARB), you must have lived in the appraisal district for at least two years before taking office. You don't need any special qualifications. The Comptroller's office will provide a course for training ARB members. All ARB members must complete the course to participate in ARB hearings. Persons Ineli ig ble 1. Those who have served all or part of three previous terms on the ARB. 2. Current or former members of the board of directors, officers, or employees of the appraisal district. 3. Those who serve or have served as a member of the governing body or officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property, until the 4ch anniversary of the date the person ceased to be a member or officer. (Our attorney has interpreted an officer to be a member of a Planning and Zoning Board, a member of a Zoning Board of Adjustments, an election official or any officer that has decision -making authority for any entity that the Appraisal District serves.) 4. Those who have ever appeared before the ARB for compensation or if a relative appears, or their work product is used before the ARB for compensation. 5. Employees of the Comptroller's Office or a taxing unit. 6. Those who contract with the appraisal district or with a taxing unit that participates in the appraisal district. Also, if the person or a business entity in which the person has a substantial interest contracts with the appraisal district or a taxing unit that participates in the appraisal district. 7. Those with Delinquent Property Taxes. Appointment The Board of Directors will appoint ARB members by a majority vote and record their decision in a resolution. Terms begin January I. Members serve two-year staggered terms; approximately half of the member's terms expire each year. ARB Compensation The ARB receives $87.50 minimum for a half day and a maximum pay of $175.00 per day. ARB Meetings Beginning in January, the ARB will meet on the third Wednesday of each month. (Except in May, June and July) Meetings are held at the offices of Denton CAD. ARB reappraisal hearings will start on a daily basis, as needed, from late May until the appraisal roll is approved usually in late July. Meetings will normally be from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Currently the ARB meets one night a week in May, June and July. Appraisal Review Board Questionnaire The Board of Directors of the Denton Central Appraisal District is considering you as a possible member of the Appraisal Review Board. The Board of Directors will choose members for a two-year term. The selection will be made at the December 14th Board meeting. Would you please answer the following questions and return to the District as soon as possible. Name Address Address Phone Nominating Jurisdiction 1. Would you be v�illing to serve? (Beginning in January, the ARB will meet on the third Wednesday of each month. (Except in May, June and July) ARB reappraisal hearings will start on a daily basis from late May until late July from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.) 2. Have you ever been an officer or employee of the appraisal district. - - 3. Have you ever served on the appraisal districts board of directors? 4. Have you ever been a member of the governing body or an officer of a taxing unit for which the appraisal district appraises property? If so, has it been the 4th anniversary of the date you ceased to be a member or officer? 5. Have you ever appeared before the ARB for compensation? 6. How long have you resided in Denton County? 7. Occupation 8. Do you have any prior experiences serving on an appraisal review board or any board that has to do with property value? 9. 10. 11. Could you make a decision based on evidence rather than feelings for the taxpayer? The property tax code requires that all property be valued at 100% of market value. Could you keep this mind throughout the proceedings? Would you be willing to work nights or weekends if necessary? The Board of Directors will notify you of their decision. in Board of Directors (')Pni-.�n C�'c�ni-r�1. Annraisal Di_st�ri_rt Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Jack Smith, City Manager Re: Agreement Quest Care This agreement is for EMS control between the City of Sanger and Quest Care. It has been reviewed by our City Attorney and our Fire Chief David Pennington. They have both recommended approval and staff concurs. Assistant Fire Chief Eddie Branham will be at the meeting to answer any questions. AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL This Agreement for EMS Medical Control (this "Agreement") is entered into as of 2006 (the "Effective Date") by and between the City of Sanger, Texas ("Client"), and Questcare Medical Services, P.A. ("Questcare"). Client and Questcare are referred to collectively herein as the "parties". WHEREAS, Client desires to obtain medical supervision of its emergency medical service ("EMS") activities through a qualified Medical Director, as required by Texas law, and oversight of Client's education of its emergency medical technicians and paramedics (the "Services"); and WHEREAS, Questcare desires to provide the Services upon the terms and conditions set forth below; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made herein, Client and Questcare agree as follows: 1. Medical Director. Questcare shall appoint a physician employed by or under contract with Questcare to serve as medical director for Client (the "Medical Director"). The Medical Director may appoint other physician employees or contractors of Questcare to conduct all or part of the activities required of the Medical Director under this Agreement. As of the Effective Date, the Medical Director shall be M.D. Questcare shall have the right, however, to appoint any other physician as the Medical Director in place of Dr. in the event Dr. leaves Questcare's employment or otherwise ceases to serve as Medical Director. The physician at any time serving as the Medical Director shall be reasonably acceptable to Client and shall meet the following requirements: a. Maintain a current license to practice medicine in Texas; b. Maintain current board certification in Emergency Medicine with the American Board of Emergency Medicine, the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association, or the American Association of Physician Specialists; c. Provide current evidence of credentials, curriculum vitae, and continuing education activities; d. Provide documentation of current medical malpractice insurance with specific coverage for emergency medical services activities; e. Provide current DEA license for controlled medications; and AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL - Page 1 71326 £ Maintain active involvement in the provision of emergency medical services in the North Texas vicinity. 2. Questcare's Obligations. In addition to complying with Section 1, Questcare, through the Medical Director and/or his assistants, shall provide the Services, which shall consist of the following services: a. Provide on-line medical control for Client's emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and related staff ("EMTs") through a base station located at the emergency department at (the "Hospital"). As set forth in Section 14, this Agreement is expressly subject to and conditioned upon Questcare's ability to secure the Hospital's consent to the operation of the base station at the Hospital. This on-line control will include all on-line control functions and duties that Texas law requires an EMS medical director to provide. Client will pay the cost of all equipment Questcare determines is required for the operation of the base station, and such payment, at such time or times as Questcare may reasonably specify, shall be a condition to Questcare's obligations under this Agreement. b. Provide off-line medical control, which shall include all off-line control functions and duties that Texas law requires an EMS medical director to provide. c. Supervise the continuing education program Client provides for EMTs and advise Client about what changes, if any, in such education program are necessary from time to time to cause the program to be sufficient to permit all EMTs to meet all state licensing, certification, or other requirements for continuing education. 3. Compensation. For performing the Services, Client shall pay Questcare he following compensation: a. annually, payable in installments of $ for each month during the term of this Agreement, with each installment payable on or before the 15th day of the month to which it applies; and b. $500.00 annually, payable on or before of each year, to cover the cost of Questcare's medical malpractice insurance coverage with respect to this Agreement. 4. Term; Termination. AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL —Page 2 71326 a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on the Effective Date and shall continue through 12:00 a.m. one year thereafter, subject to subsection b below. After such term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for additional consecutive one-year periods, unless either party gives the other party at least 30 days' notice of nonrenewal prior to the expiration of either the original term or any such additional term; provided that an automatic renewal shall not occur unless the amount specified in Section 3.b has been paid prior to commencement of the renewal term. b. Termination. Notwithstanding Section 4.a above, either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party 30 days' written notice of termination. The compensation provided in Section 3.a (but not the amount described in Section 3.b) shall be prorated accordingly in the event of such a termination. 5. Insurance. Questcare shall maintain in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement medical professional liability insurance with coverage limits of a minimum of $500,000 per occurrence and $1,500,000 in the annual aggregate. Such insurance shall expressly cover the activities of the Medical Director in his role as Medical Director for the Client. 6. Independent Contractors. The parties' relationship to each other at all times and for all purposes under this Agreement shall be that of independent contractors. Neither party shall be considered to be an agent or employee of the other party. 7. No Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver by it of that or any other provision. 8. Default by Questcare. Notwithstanding Section 4, Client may terminate this Agreement immediately by gg Questcare written notice of termination if Questcare defaults in the performance of the Services and fails to cure the default within 30 days following its receipt of written notice from Client specifying the nature of the default. 9. Governing Law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, and shall be enforceable by either party exclusively in Denton County, Texas, wherein exclusive venue shall lie. 10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be sufficient if delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by hand -delivery to the party intended to receive same at the following address for such party or at such other address as such party may hereafter provide in accordance with this section. AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL —Page 3 71326 If to Client. City Manager City of Sanger, Texas 201 Bolivar Sanger, Texas 76266 If to Questcare: Questcare Medical Services, P.A. 12221 Merit Drive, Suite 1610 Dallas, Texas 75251 Attention: Attention: Legal Department 1 1. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, and the parties' respective rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the provision declared to be illegal or invalid. 12. No Assignunent. Neither party shall assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Questcare shall not enter any subcontracts for the performance of the Services without Client's prior written consent, except that Questcare may subcontract its obligations to the Medical Director, 13. No Influence Upon Referrals. It is not the intention of either party to this Agreement that any remuneration, benefit, or privilege provided for under this Agreement shall influence or in any way be based upon the referral or recommended referral by either party of patients to the other party or its affiliated providers, if any, or the purchasing, leasing, or ordering of any services other than the specific services described in this Agreement. Any payments or other consideration specified in this Agreement are consistent with what the parties reasonably believe to be the fair market value of the services provided in consideration of such payments or other consideration. 14. Subject to Hospital Approval. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the effectiveness of this Agreement is dependent upon the parties' receipt of AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL — Page 4 71326 approval by the Hospital of the use of the Hospital's emergency department as the location for the base station referred to in Section 2.a. In the absence of such approval, this Agreement shall not take effect. 15. Miscellaneous. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous written or verbal agreements regarding such subject matter. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument signed by both of the parties. This Agreement shall bind and shall inure to the benefit of the parties' respective successors and permitted assigns. Each party represents that the individual signing this Agreement on its behalf is the duly -authorized representative of such party with the power to bind the party to this Agreement. SIGNED as of the Effective Date. QUESTCARE MEDICAL SERVICES, P.A. By: John H. Myers, M.D., President CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS By: City Manager Attest: City Secretary City Attorney AGREEMENT FOR EMS MEDICAL CONTROL —Page 5 71326 Jack Smith From. Rob Dillard [rdmard@njdhs.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:10 AM To: jsmith1 @dtnspeed.net Subject: EMS Control Agreement Jack: The agreement looks ok generally. There are a number of blanks to fill in. If this is for the fiscal 2007 year, the amount this costs must be budgeted. If it goes beyond the fiscal year, the part beyond will not be enforceable if not budgeted. See 4a. �2a requires the city to pay for all equipment but does not establish an amount or set a 'not to exceed'. This will be an unfunded liability unless you budget some amount. It has a 1 year term, but an automatic renewal unless you or the company terminates. See §4a. Check �5 and ask if the City can be named as an additional insured. Get a certificate to show the coverage required. These arrangements usually include medical protocols approved by the Medical Director and used by the EMT's. Do you have those? Are the EMT's ok with those. You should also require copies ofall the certificates, qualifications etc of the Medical Director and other doctors the EMT's will rely on for this medical control. People's lives will depend on their abilities. Let me know if there are other questions. Robert L. Dillard, III NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akard Street Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 965-9900 (main) (214) 965-0010 (facsimile) *This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments. E! Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Item 9,10 & 11 Interlocal Agreements Item 9 - The Interlocal Agreement with the County of Denton provides payment of $391.49 per ambulance run to the City for this next year plus the $71,621.94 fixed amount. Item 10 - The Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Ambulance Services engages Krum to furnish emergency ambulance services to Sanger. This agreement could terminate as soon as Sanger Fire Department gets finalization on their license to transport patients. Item 11 -The Interlocal Agreement for Fire Services with the County is what we have had in place for years. This provides reimbursement to the City for the Fire Runs in the county. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES This Agreement is made on the day of City of Krum, Texas ("Krum") and the City of Sanger, 2006, by and between the Texas ("Sanger"). WHEREAS, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Govermment Code authorizes -u its of local government to contract with one or more units of local government to perform governmental functions and services; WfIEREAS, this Agreement is entered into pursuant to the authority, under the provisions of, and in accordance with, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, for the performance of governmental functions and services, specifically, emergency ambulance and emergency medical services; WHEREAS, Krum provides these services to the citizens of Krum and has the capacity to service other municipalities; WHEREAS, Sanger desires to engage Krum, and Krum desires to be engaged by Sanger, to provide emergency ambulance services as set forth herein; WHEREAS, the governing bodies of I�-um and Sanger desire to foster good -will and cooperation between the two entities; and, WHEREAS, Krum and Sanger deem it to be in the best interest of both entities to enter into this Agreement relative to emergency ambulance services, now, therefore, In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Krum and Sanger agree as follows: I. Services to be Performed Sanger agrees to engage Krum to furnish emergency ambulance services to Sanger and to answer all emergency ambulance calls within the area as shown of the map attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes as Exhibit "A". The level of services required under this Agreement shall include Advanced Life Support ("ALS"). II. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall cormnence on the lst day of October, 2006, for an initial term of one year, and shall thereafter be reviewed by each entity and renew automatically INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES PAGE 1 70496 for successive periods of one year each, unless one of the parties shall give thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party of its intent to terminate the Agreement. The Agreement may be cancelled by either party with no less than thirty (30) days' written notice. III. Compensation Sanger shall pay Krum for the services refeiTed to in Paragraph I at the rate of $259,992.00 per year, in installments of $21,666.00 for each month the services are rendered. Each installment payment is to be made on or before the lst day of each month. Krum agrees to reduce the installments to $16,000.00 per month, with the difference between the amount paid and the amount owed to be paid in one limp sum no later than September 30, 2007. By way of example, if the Agreement is in effect for two (2) months, Sanger shall pay Krum $16,000.00 each month and shall make a lump sum payment of $11,332.00 on or before September 30, 2007. IV. Relationship of Parties The parties intend that Krum, in performing services specified in this agreement, shall act as an independent contractor and shall have control of its work and the manner in which it is performed. Neither Krum, nor its agents, employees, volunteer help or any or any other person operating under this Agreement, shall be considered an agent or employee of Sanger and shall not be entitled to participate in any pension or other benefits that Sanger provides its employees. V. Notice to Parties Any notice to be given hereunder by either party to the other shall be in writing and may be affected by personal delivery in writing or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Notice to Krum shall be sufficient if make or addressed to 102 W. McCart Street, Krum, Texas, 76249. Each party may change the address for notice to it by giving notice of such a change in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. Notice to Sanger shall be sufficient if made or addressed to 201 Boliver St., Sanger, Texas, 76266. V. Miscellaneous Provisions Indemnification: To the extent permitted by law, Krum agrees to promptly defend, indemnify and hold Sanger harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, and judgments for (a) damages to the loss of property of any person; and/or (b) death, bodily injury, illness, disease, loss of services, or loss of income or wages to any INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES PAGE 2 70496 person, arising out of , incident to, concerning or resulting from the negligent or willful act or omissions of Krum, its agents, officers, and/or employees in the performance of activities or duties pursuant to this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, Sanger agrees to promptly defend, indemnify and hold Sanger harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, and judgments for (a) damages to the loss of property of any person; and/or (b) death, bodily injury, illness, disease, loss of services, or loss of income or wages to any person, arising out of, incident to, concerning or resulting from the negligent or willful act or omissions of Sanger, its agents, officers, and/or employees in the performance of activities or duties pursuant to this Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no forces or effect except in a subsequent modification in writing signed by both parties. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. No assignment of this Agreement or any right accrued hereunder shall be made, in whole or in part, by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. Venue shall be in Denton County, Texas. The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials of the party represented and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and approved and are now in full force and effect. EXECUTED by the parties hereto, each respective entity acting by and through its duly authorized official as required by law, on the date specified on the multiple counterpart executed by such entity. CITY OF KRUM By: ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF SANGER By: ATTEST: Ciiy Secretary Lity aiiorney INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES PAGE 3 70496 1' A INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGKhh1v1.-;1qN r AMBULANCE SERVICE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of 2006, by and between Denton County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred . to as "COUNTY", and the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department, a non?profit agency, located in Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "AGENCY". WHEREAS, COUNTY is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is a non-profit agency,_duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of Texas and engaged in the provision of ambulance service and related services for the benefit of the citizens of City of Sanger; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is an owner and operator of certain ambulance vehicles and other equipment designed for the transportation of persons who are sick, infirmed, or injured and has in its employ trained personnel whose duties are related to the treatment of said individuals and the use of such vehicles and equipment; and WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to obtain emergency ambulance and related services for the benefit of residents of COUNTY living in unincorporated areas of COUNTY which AGENCY is capable of providing; and WHEREAS, the provision of emergency ambulance and related services is a governmental function that serves the public health and welfare and is of mutual concern to both COUNTY and AGENCY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and AGENCY mutually desire to be subject to and contract pursuant to the provisions of Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and Section 774.003, Health and Safety Code, NOW THEREFORE, COUNTY and AGENCY, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and Agreements stated herein, agree as follows: 1. TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for the period of October 1, 2006 to and through September 30, 2007. 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEiYCENT AA4BULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger ,Page 1 oC 7 II. DEFINITIONS As used herein, the words and phrases hereinafter set forth shall have the meanings as follows: A. "Emergency" shall mean any circumstance that calls for immediate action and in which the element of time in transporting the sick, wounded or injured for medical treatment is essential to the health or life of a person or persons. Whether an emergency, in fact, exists is solely up to the discretion of the. AGENCY. For dispatch purposes only, "emergency" shall include, but not be limited to: l . The representation by the individual requesting ambulance service that an immediate need exists for the transportation of a person from any location within the agreed operating area pf AGENCY to a place where emergency medical treatment may be obtained; or 2. The representation by the individual requesting ambulance service that an immediate need exists for the transportation of a person from any location within the agreed operating area of AGENCY to the closest medical facility; B. "Rural area" means any area within the boundaries of COUNTY but outside the corporate limits of all incorporated cities, towns and villages within COUNTY. C. "Urban area" means any area within the corporate limits of an incorporated city, town or village within COUNTY. D. "Emergency ambulance call" means a response to a request for ambulance service by the personnel of AGENCY in a situation involving an emergency, as defined above, by an ambulance vehicle. A single response to a call may involve the transportation of more than one person at a time but shall be considered as only one call. III. SERVICES The services to be rendered under this Agreement are the ambulance services normally rendered by AGENCY to citizens of City of Sanger in circumstances of emergency but which services will now be extended to all citizens of COUNTY residing in the unincorporated areas of COUNTY within the operating territory or jurisdiction of AGENCY as agreed to by AGENCY and COUNTY in this Agreement and as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. It is recognized that the officers and employees of AGENCY have the duty and responsibility of rendering ambulance services to citizens of AGENCY and COUNTY. In the 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT AMBULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger Page 2 of 7 performance of these duties and responsibilities, it shall be within the sole responsibility and discretion of the officers and employees of AGENCY to determine priorities in the dispatching and use of such equipment and personnel and the judgment of the officer or employee shall be final. IV. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES AGENCY shall devote sufficient time and attention to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of AGENCY under thiide immediate and direct s and shall prov supervision of the AGENCY employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors and/or laborers engaged in the performance of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of AGENCY and COUNTY. V. LIAISON OFFICER COUNTY shall designate the County Judge to act on behalf of COUNTY. and to serve as "Liaison Officer" between COUNTY and AGENCY. The County Judge or her designated substitute shall devote sufficient time and attention to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY under this Agreement and shall provide for the immediate and direct supervision of employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors and/or laborers of COUNTY engaged in the performance of this Agreement. VI. COMPENSATION COUNTY agrees to pay to AGENCY an estimated fee of $70,621.94 based on a funding formula as follows: L A fixed readiness sum based on a population percentage .5403 per capita; the fixed readiness sum computes to $4,970.39. 2. The sum of $391.4980 per ambulance run for an estimated maximum amount of $0.00. This sum is based upon the number of runs made by AGENCY in fiscal year 2006. 3. A fixed sum based on 121.00 rural miles in the agreed operating territory; the fixed mileage sum computes to $65,651.56. The first and third sums are based upon population and mileage figures obtained from the North Central Texas Council of Governments. The second sum is based upon the definition of an ambulance call for purposes of this Agreement. Payment shall not be allowed for any instance in 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT AMBULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger Page. 3 of 7 which a patient is not transported. Consistent with the reporting procedures described below, AGENCY shall receive payment for transporting the patient regardless of the service delivery area in which the call originated. Requests for payment shall be submitted on the standardized ambulance transportation ibilitof AGENCY reporting form approved and provided by COUNTY. It shall be the responsy to fully complete the forms and to provide complete and accurate patii ent nfoation. Requests rm for payment shall be submitted within five (5) days of the performance of service by AGENCY. Requests not timely submitted shall not be considered for payment. Requests for payment may be submitted by personal delivery, U.S. mail, facsimile, or computer telephone link to the office of the Denton County Fire Marshal. The date of submission documented request is received in said office. VII. TERMINATION shall be the date the fully This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either AGENCY or COUNTY giving sixty (60) days advance notice in writing to the other party. In the event of termination by either party, AGENCY shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to termination date, together with reimbursable expenses authorized by this Agreement then due and owed. Should AGENCY be overcompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to the termination date and/or be overcompensated for reimbursable expenses, COUNTY shall be reimbursed pro rata for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this Agreement. VIII. FINANCIAL RECORDS AGENCY agrees to make its financial records available for audit and/or review by COUNTY upon request by COUNTY. IX. RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNTY COUNTY, to the extent allowed by law, shall be responsible for the acts and negligence of all officers, employees and agents of COUNTY engaged in the performance of this Agreement. 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT page 4 of 7 AMBULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger A RESPONSIBILITY OF AGENCY AGENCY, to the extent allowed by law, shall be responsible for the acts and negligence of all officers, employees and agents of AGENCY engaged in the performance of this Agreement. XL DEFAULT In the event of any default in any of the covenants herein contained, this Agreement may be terminated at the discretion of the non -defaulting party if such default continues for a.period of ten (10) days after notice in writing to the defaulting party of such default and the intention to declare this Agreement terminated. Unless the default Zis cured,. this Agreement shall terminate. XII. GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY p p Ing to the The fact that COUNTY and AGENCY acce t certain res onslbilities relay rendering of ambulance services under this Agreement as a part of their responsibility for providing protection for the public health makes it imperative that the performance of these vital services be recognized as a governmental function and that the doctrine of governmental immunity shall be, and is hereby, invoked to the extent possible under the law. Neither AGENCY nor COUNTY waives nor shall be deemed hereby to waive any immunity or defense t hat would otherwise be available to it against claims arising from the exercise of governmental powers and functions. XIV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between AGENCY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior. negotiations, representations and/or Agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. XV. LAW OF CONTRACT This Agreement and any of its terms or provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEbIENT AMBULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger Page 5 of 7 AVID SEVERABILITY In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent AGENCY and COUNTY that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XV1I. AUTHORITY The undersigned officer and/or agents of are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of AGENCY and COUNTY. EXECUTED in duplicate originals, this the A day of 2006. COUNTY: AGENCY: Denton County, Texas Sanger Volunteer Fire Department I10 West Hickory City of Sanger Denton, Texas 76201 P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 By: Mary Horn Denton County Judge Acting on behalf of and by the authority of Denton County Commissioners Court of Denton, Texas ATTEST: Y B: Cynthia Mitchell Denton County Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Denton County Fire Marshal APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney B Name Title Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department 2000-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREENSENT ANtDULANCE SERVICES City of Sanger Page 6 of 7 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that funds are available in the amount of $ accomplish and pay the obligation of Denton County under this contract. James Wells, Denton County Auditor to 2006-2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT AMBULANCE SERVICES City of Saeger Page 7 of 7 3 r ti 'y o M ,} INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2006, by and between Denton County, a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department, anon -profit agency, located in Denton County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "AGENCY". WHEREAS, COUNTY is a duly organized political subdivision of the State of Texas engaged in the administration of county government and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Denton County; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is anon -profit agency, duly organized and operating under the laws of the State of Texas and is engaged in the provision of fire protection services and related services for the benefit of the citizens of Sanger; and WHEREAS, AGENCY is the owner and operator of certain fire protection vehicles and other equipment designed for the extinguishing of fire and prevention of damage to property and injury to persons from fire and has in its employ trained personnel whose duties are related to the use of such vehicles and equipment, and WHEREAS, COUNTY and AGENCY mutually desire to be subject to and contract pursuant to the provisions of Government Code, Chapter 791, the Interlocal Cooperation Act, and Chapter 352 of the Local Government Code, -1 1 _ NOW, THEREFORE, COUNTY and AGENCY, for the mutual promises, covenants, Agreements and consideration stated herein, agree as follows: I. TERM The term of this Agreement shall be for the period of Octoberl, 2006 to and through September 30, 2007. IL SERVICES The services to be rendered in accordance with this Agreement by AGENCY are the fire protection services normally rendered by AGENCY to citizens of Sanger but which services will now be extended to all citizens of COUNTY residing in the unincorporated areas of COUNTY within the operating territory or jurisdiction of AGENCY as agreed to by AGENCY and 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page I of 7 COUNTY in this Agreement and as set forth in Exhibit A. These services are rendered in consideration of the basic funding and the separate per call fee set forth in this Agreement; for the common good and benefit; and to serve the public convenience and necessity of the citizens of COUNTY who are not otherwise protected with respect to fire prevention, extinguishment, safety, and rescue services. The services to be rendered are as follows: A. AGENCY shall make available and provide emergency fire prevention, extinguishment, safety and rescue services within the agreed or specified territory or jurisdiction of the AGENCY; B. AGENCY shall respond to requests for fire .protection services made within the portion of the COUNTY designated as "Sanger" as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference. C. COUNTY agrees that, in the event a fire in the AGENCY'S unincorporated designated area which AGENCY considers to be of incendiary nature and upon request by AGENCY, the County Fire Marshal will dispatch investigation personnel to the fire scene within a response time sufficient to legally maintain and protect all evidence of said fire and will conduct all appropriate investigation and assist in the prosecution of any case of arson. AGENCY shall not be responsible for investigations of suspected incendiary fires in the unincorporated areas, but shall cooperate with the County Fire Marshal in immediately relating all pertinent information possible to the investigator(s). D. .COUNTY agrees that the County Fire Marshal may assist in the conduct of appropriate investigations of a fire which AGENCY considers to be of incendiary nature in the AGENCY's incorporated designated area upon request by AGENCY. E. AGENCY shall submit monthly statements on the Texas Fire Incident Reporting System's standardized forms to the Denton County Fire Marshal, 9060 Teasley Lane, Denton, Texas 762104010. This form will serve as the billing statement to COUNTY for reimbursement of calls made in the unincorporated designated area. The Denton County Fire Marshal shall provide the forms upon request from AGENCY. F. AGENCY, in the performance of its duties and responsibilities under this Agreement, shall have the responsibility, within the sole discretion of the officers and employees of AGENCY except as otherwise determined by the Denton County Fire Marshal, to determine priorities in the dispatching and use of AGENCY equipment and personnel, and the judgment of any such officer or employee as to any such matter shall be the final determination. 2006 — 200? INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page 2 of 7 LIASON OFFICER COUNTY shall designate the County Judge to act on behalf of COUNTY and to serve as ison Officer" between COUNTY and AGENCY. The County Judge or her designated substitute shall devote sufficient time and attention to this Agreement to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of COUNTY and provide supervision of COUNTY's employees, agents, contractors, 'sub -contractors and/or laborers engaged in the performance of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of COUNTY and AGENCY. IV. PERFORMANCE OF SERVICE AGENCY shall devote sufficient time and attention to insure the performance of all duties and obligations of AGENCY under this Agreement and shall provide immediate and direct supervision of the AGENCY employees, agents, contractors, sub -contractors and/or laborers engaged in the performance of this Agreement for the mutual benefit of AGENCY and COUNTY. V. COMPENSATION COUNTY agrees to pay to AGENCY for the full performance of services as provided in this Agreement the sum of TEN THOUSAND AND NO/100THS DOLLARS ($10,000.00), payable upon execution of this Agreement, and the further sum of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY- EIGHT AND 10/100TH DOLLARS ($368.10) per fire call in the designated unincorporated areas of COUNTY from October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007. COUNTY anticipates AGENCY to run approximately 342 fire calls for a total funding of $ 125,890.20 for fire calls. The total of all payments by COUNTY to AGENCY pursuant to this Agreement is estimated to be $ 135,890.20. COUNTY will make no payment to AGENCY for service provided outside the agreed service district whether by mutual aid Agreement or otherwise. AGENCY understands and agrees that payment by the COUNTY to AGENCY shall be made in accordance with the normal and customary processes and business procedures of COUNTY and in conformance with applicable state law. 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FII2E PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page 3 of 7 VI. FINANCL4L RECORDS AGENCY agrees to make available its financial records for audit and/or review as may requested or required by COUNTY. VII. RESPONSIBILITY OF COUNTY COUNTY, to the extent allowed by law, shall be responsible for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all officers, employees, and agents of COUNTY while engaged in the performance of this Agreement. VHI. RESPONSIBILITY OF AGENCY AGENCY, to the extent allowed by law, shall be responsible for the acts, negligence, and/or omissions of all officers, employees, and agents of AGENCY while engaging in the performance of this Agreement. IX. APPLICABLE LAW COUNTY and AGENCY understand and agree that liability under this contract is governed by V.T.C.A. Government Code Chapter 791 and V.T.C.A. Local Government Code --- --- Chapter 352. This Agreement is made in contemplation of the .applicability of these laws to the . Agreement. Insofar as legally possible COUNTY and AGENCY agree to be bound by the above mentioned statutes as they exist as of the date of this Agreement. X. DEFAULT In the event of any default in any of the covenants herein contained, this Agreement may be forfeited and terminated at either party's discretion if such default continues for a period of ten (10) days after notice to the other party in writing of such default and intention to declare this Agreement terminated. Unless the default is cured as aforesaid, this Agreement shall terminate as if that were the day originally fixed herein for the expiration of the Agreement. 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TIRE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer sire Department Page 4 of 7 XI. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated any time, by either parry giving sixty (60) days advance written notice to the other party. In the event of such termination by either parry, AGENCY shall be compensated pro rata for all services performed to termination date, together with reimbursable expenses then due and as authorized by this Agreement. In the event of such termination, should AGENCY be overcompensated on a pro rata basis for all services performed to termination date, and/or be overcompensated reimbursable expenses as authorized by this Agreement, COUNTY shall be reimbursed pro rata -for all such overcompensation. Acceptance of such reimbursement shall not constitute a waiver of any claim that may otherwise arise out of this Agreement. XII. GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY The fact that COUNTY and AGENCY accept certain responsibilities relating to the rendition of fire protection services under this Agreement as a part of their responsibility for providing protection for the public health makes it imperative that the performance of these vital services be recognized as a governmental function and that the doctrine of governmental immunity shall be and it is hereby invoked to the extent possible under the law. Neither - AGENCY nor COUNTY waives nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising from the exercise of government powers and functions. XIII. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between AGENCY and COUNTY and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and/or Agreements, either written or oral. This Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by both AGENCY and COUNTY. XIV. LAW OF CONTRACT ' This Agreement and any of its terms and provision, as well as the rights_ and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATPVE AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page 5 of 7 XV. SEVERABILITY In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. XVI. AUTHORITY The undersigned officer and/or agents of the parties hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each party hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending said authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. XVII. SERVICE AREA Acceptance of this Agreement constitutes approval of the service area set out in attached Exhibit "A" EXECUTED in duplicate originals, this the COUNTY Denton County, Texas 110 West Hickory Denton, Texas 76201 Mary Horn Denton County Judge Acting on behalf of and by the authority of Denton County Commissioners Court of Denton County, Texas. ATTEST: BY: Denton County Clerk Cynthia Mitchell 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department day of 2006. AGENCY Sanger Volunteer Fire Department P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Chief Clyde Clinton Acting on behalf of and by the authority of the Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page 6 of 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant District Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Denton County Fire Marshal AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that funds are available in the amount of $ accomplish and pay the obligation of Denton County under this contract. James Wells, Denton County Auditor 2006 — 2007 INTERLOCAL COOPERATTVE AGREEMENT FIItE PROTECTION SERVICES -Sanger Volunteer Fire Department Page '7 of 7 to w Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Interlocal Agreement Purchasing Goods This agreement is between the City of Sanger and several other cities to secure the benefits of cooperative purchasing of goods, products and services. Fire Chief Pennington is recommending approval. Assistant Fire Chief will be at the meeting to answer any questions and concerns. The agreement has been reviewed by City Attorney and has recommended approval. AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF GOODS, PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES This agreement is entered into by and between the cities of signatory to this agreement, all being municipal corporations chartered under the Constitution of the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as "member cities" each acting through their duty authorized representatives. WHEREAS, the member ces desire to secure fior each city the benefits ofi cooperative purchasing of goods, products and/or services; and WHEREAS, this agreement is made under the authority granted by and pursuant to Texas Interlocal Corporation Act, Article 791 of the Texas Government Code providing for the cooperation between local governmental bodies, the parties hereto, in consideration of the premise and mutual promises contained herein; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Prior to any collective purchases under this agreement, the cities will designate which city shall be responsible for the bidding process for a particular purchase. 2. Member cities agree that ail specifications for said items shall be determined in cooperation with members, with final approval with the city responsible for final bid process. 3. Each member shall be responsible for placing orders directly with and payment to the vendor under each contract entered into pursuant to the cooperative purchasing program, and shall be responsible for the vendors compliance with ail conditions of delivery and quality of the purchased items. No member shall be obligated to purchase any item merely by virtue of that member approving specifications for said item, or by requesting to be included in an "open" contract for such items. 4. Members shall designate an official representative to act for member in all matters relating to this cooperative purchasing program, including the designation of specific contracts in which the member desires to participate. 5. This agreement shall take effect upon execution by signatories. 6. This agreement shall be in effect from date of execution until terminated by any party to this agreement by written notice to the other parties stating the date of such termination. a minimum of 30 day written notice must be given to terminate agreement. 7. Exhibit "A" will constitute a fist of Member Cities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their authorized officers the day and year each member signs agreement. (Member City) Signature Approved as to Form: City Attorney Attest: City Secretary (Member City) Signature Approved as to Form: City Attorney Attest: City Secretary Date Title Date Date Date Title Date Date EXrilms I a NIEMSER CITIES Aubrey Bedford Cleburne Colleyville Crowley Forest Hill Grapevine Haltom City Hutchins Keller Mansfield North Richland Hills Pantego Richland Hills Roanoke Southlake Texarkana Westlake Date: November 3, 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/ Asst. City Manager Re: Item #3 -Invoice from Carter This is for Phase II of the Sanger Clear Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant. Staff is requesting to utilize funds from the Sewer Capital Reserve to pay this invoice. The invoice is attached. CITY OF SANGER P.O. BOX 1729 SANGER, TX 76266 ATTN: ROSALIE CHAVEZ PROFESSIONAL Invoice No. 2694884 September 21, 2006 Project No. 023372.010 Billinq No. 17 For professional and technical services required for planning and design services for the Sanger Clear Creek WWTP, Phase I as outlined in the Letter of Agreement approved on April 4, 2005, and Phases 2, 3, 4 & 5 in the Letter of Agreement approved in May 15, 2006 PHASEI TASK Master Plan Planning Engineering Report TPDES Permit Application Subtotal Basic Services PHASE II TASK 30% WWTP 30% SS LINE 75% WWTP 75% SS LINE Subtotal Basic Services PHASEIH TASK 90% WWTP 90% SS LINE 100% WWTP 100% SS LINE Subtotal Basic Services PHASE IV TASK BIDDING (WWTP) BIDDING (SS LINE) Subtotal Basic Services PERCENT PREVIOUS CURRENT TOTAL FEE COMPLETE BILLINGS , BILLINGS BILLINGS $ 25,800.00 87.0% $ 39,300.00 100.0% $ 24,200.00 53.7% $ 19,900.00 95.0% $ 109,200.00 SUBTOTAL DUE PHASE I $ 175,200.00 $ 12,100.00 $ 243,200.00 $ 25,300.00 $ 22,446.00 $ 39,300.00 $ 12,995.00 $ 18,905.00 $93,64t%00 74.6% $ 17,000.00 30.7% $ 23510.00 0.0% $ - 0.0% $ -It $ 455,SODAO $19,510.00 SUBTOTAL DUE PHASE II $ 154,500.00 $ 17,400.00 $ 39,700.00 $ 91000.00 $ 220,600.00 $ - $ 3%300.00 $ - $ 12,995.00 $ - $ 183905.00 $0.00 $93,646.00 too it $ 113,750.00 $ 130,750.00 $ 11210,00 $ 3,720.00 w $ - $ - $114,9tiD.00 $i�Z, 114,960 00� 0.0% $ $ $0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL DUE PHASE 111 $ 42,500.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL DUE PHASE IV $0.00 Terms: 15 days: Please reference invoice #with all payments. Remit To: Carter &Burgess, Inc., P.O. Box 972432, Dallas, iX 75397-2432 7950 Elm6rook Drive, Dallas, TX 75247-4951 214.638.0145 Wire Transfer: Bank One, Texas, ABA #111 000 614, Credit: Carter & Burgess, Account #1881137242 Carter & Burgess, Inc. Carter & Burgess Consultants, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, Inc. C&B Architects/Engineers, P.C. C&B Nevada, Inc. $0.00 PHASE V TASK _ CONSTRUCTION ADMIN (WWTP) $ 122,800.00 0.0% $ CONSTRUCTION ADMIN (SS LINE) $ 385600.00 0.0% $ RECORD DRAWINGS (WWTP) $ 6,1.00.00 0.0% $ RECORD DRAWINGS (SS LINE) $ 1,900.00 0.0% $ Subtotal Basic Services $ 169,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL DUE PHASE V $0.00 SUBTOTAL FOR BASIC SERVICES ADDITIONAL SERVICES SCADA SYSTEM PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 023372.010.17: M D H/am I $ 114,960.00 $114,960.Od -� 1 INK Ailm I Recent estimates indicate that state tax revenues will climb even higher in the coming months. State officials see this as a good thing, since it means that the state's economy is strong and new spending needs can be met. We are pleased that state revenues are healthy but are disturbed by the double standard under which growth in state tax revenue is seen as healthy, while growth in local tax revenue is seen as a problem that must be corrected. ;K FORC m While state tax revenue continues to grow (see article above), the governor's Texas Task Force on Appraisal Reform seems more and more interested in caps on local government revenue. The task force has completed four of its eleven scheduled public hearings around the state. The chair of the task force begins each hearing by saying the group has no preconceived notions about what the task force's ultimate recommendations will be. Nevertheless, it is clear that the idea of revenue caps imposed on local governments is becoming a central focus of some task force members. For example, witnesses who suggest mandatory real estate sales price disclosure or relief from unfunded mandates are routinely asked how they would feel about a revenue cap that reduces the property tax rollback rate from eight percent to five percent with a mandatory popular election to exceed five percent. Worse, the revenue can proposals being tossed about seem to get stricter as the task force makes its way across the state. At the first two hearings, the questions focused on a revenue cap that reduces the rollback rate to inflation plus population growth. Lately, the Focus seems to be a hard cap of five percent, with no dedicated allowance for inflation or population growth. Some cities are expected to grow by as much as 14 percent in population during the current year. How would a five -percent cap allow for such growth? It won't. Here is the schedule for the remaining task force hearings: October 18 —Harlingen: 1:00 p.m., University of Texas Health Science Center, Harlingen Regional Academic Health Center, Auditorium Room 1.100, 2102 Treasure Hills Boulevard October 19 —Corpus Christi: 9*00 a.m., 1201 Leopard Street, First Floor, City Council Chambers November 9 — El Paso: 19.00 p.m., 2 Civic Center Drive, City Council Chambers November 10 (a.m.) -- San Antonio. Municipal Plaza Building, 103 Main Plaza, City Council Chambers. 2 November 15 (p.m.) —.Dallas November 16 (a.m.) — Houston November 21— Austin (final hearing) Interested city officials are encouraged to attend these hearings and testify about the effects of revenue caps on local finances (and appraisal caps, too, as those are still being discussed). Detailed information about these caps is available in nearly every back issue, of the TML Legislative Update over the past two years. Those articles can be found here% http://www.tml.org/legis updates.html. (By Todd W. Pearson, Mayor, City of Rockport, and Chairman of the TML Legislative Task Force on Intergovernmental Relations) In the opening scene of the classic 1972 movie, The Godfather, we see a modest undertaker, Bonesera, asking his Godfather for a "favor." The favor, it turns out, will be difficult to achieve, even for such a powerful figure. But the undertaker appears to have him dead to rights: it is the wedding of the Godfather's daughter, a time when godfathers traditionally grant favors and promises to all petitioners who pay homage. Marlon Brando's Godfather initially refuses the favor asked of him, however, and takes the poor man to task: We've known each other many years, but this is the first time you ever came to me for counselor for help. I can't remember the last time that you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let's be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And, you were afraid to be in my debt. The undertaker is ashamed; what the Godfather says is true. Though the Godfather' ultimately helps the man, the message is clear: powerful leaders, even those whose job it is to help us, are people, too. They need our counsel, help, even our friendship. While I certainly don't mean to equate our state's lawmakers with the Godfather, the lesson learned by Bonesera can be a good lesson for us in our intergovernmental relations. As city officials, our ongoing relationship with our elected legislators is . extremely important. While legislators hold office to serve their districts and constituents, they don't necessarily owe us anything simply because we're city officials within their districts. Instead, we should strive to truly get to know our state legislators, not just during legislative sessions but year-round. How? 3 Invite your legislators to visit city hall. Take them on a tour of city infrastructure. Ask their advice about economic development plans for your city. Offer your help in achieving the legislators'_ initiatives for the region. Do you even know what your legislators' goals are? If not, why not? After all, these public servants represent the same electorate we do. There are many more possibies. Set up meetings between your legislators and community leaders. Invite your representative to be the dinner speaker at a TML regional meeting. Hand -deliver a courtesy copy of the city's budget to your senator's office. See if you can convince your legislators to participate in the city festival. Or simply ask them over for a cup of coffee! The list is endless. As chair of the TML Legislative Task Force on Intergovernmental Relations, I urge you to reach out to your legislators, now and throughout the year. Don't just wait until your city needs a "favor." II)AT :MO FO Editor's Note: A Word About the Questionnaire CI] In early August, TML sent a questionnaire to each of the five candidates for governor.. Each candidate was asked to state his/her position on each of the following five issues: Issue 1: A reduction in the current ten -percent property tax appraisal can for residential homesteads, or expansion of the cap to non -homestead residential property or to commercial property. Issue 2: Further restrictions on the amount of property tax revenue a city may generate each year. Issue 3: The proliferation of state fees that must be collected by municipal courts. Issue 4: Future amendments to the recently enacted telecommunications, cable, and broadband rewrite bill (S.B. 5, Second Called Session, 'i9tb Legislature). Issue 5: Adoption of a regulatory takings bill, which would require a city to pay compensation to a landowner if any -,city property by a given percentageo regulation reduces the market value of a n With regard to Issue 1, TML has always opposed a mandated reduction in the current ten -percent appraisal cap and has opposed any expansion of the cap to other types of property. On Issue 2, the League has also opposed property tax revenue caps. With regard to Issue 3, TML usually opposes any legislation that would force municipal courts to collect state fees or state court costs and remit the resulting revenue to the state. Since S.B. 5 is generally considered favorable legislation when compared to what has happened in other states and what has been proposed in the U.S. Congress, the League, with regard to Issue 4, would probably be very reluctant to accept substantial changes. On Issue 5, TML has historically opposed "regulatory takings" bills, because they would dramatically undermine zoning, planning, permitting, and much more. Three candidates responded to the questionnaire: Governor Rick Perry, Republican candidate; Democratic candidate Chris Bell; and State Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, an independent candidate. Independent Kinky Friedman did not complete the questionnaire, but we know he has expressed support for reducing the current ten -percent appraisal cap to three percent. Libertarian candidate James Werner did not respond. Governor Rick Perry, Republican Governor of Texas Former Lieutenant Governor of Texas Former Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Former Member of the Texas House of Representatives Issue 1: Appraisal Caps Last month, I issued an executive order to create the Texas Task Force to recommend changes to the property appraisal process. Property tax relief is important to the long-term growth and stability of communities' services. I support a reduction in the ten -percent property tax appraisal cap. Issue 2: Revenue Caps I have appointed a task force to evaluate and determine, if necessary, anappropriate proposal to protect taxpayers while meeting an acceptable level of services. I understand the importance of this issue and the impact it will have on cities, counties and the people of Texas. Issue 3: State Fees in Municipal Courts 5 Last session, we enacted legislation to increase compensation for judges of the state district and appellate courts, the first since 1998. Increasing compensation for judges on the state's courts and a jury pay raise through collected court fees will ensure the quality of our judicial system. Issue 4: Cable Competition it (S.B. 5) I signed Senate Bill 5 that created major legislative reform to the telecommunications industry which is generating greater competition for cable, telecommunication and video services. Texas is leading the way to bring choices to cable customers by offering broadband over power lines and new technology innovations. Any future consideration to changing the current law will be thoroughly reviewed. Issue 5e Regulatory Takings I support the general theory of requiring a city to compensate a landowner if a change in city regulations reduces value of the property. I would have to evaluate any specific language to ensure that homeowners and landowners are protected to the fullest extent possible. Chris Bell, Democrat Former Member of the Houston City Council Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Issue 1: Appraisal Caps I support existing laws regarding property taxes and would not tie the hands of municipalities with lower appraisal caps or a cap expansion to non-residential properties. Issue 2: Revenue Caps I do not support any further restrictions on the amount of property tax revenue a city may generate on a yearly basis. Issue 3: State Fees in Municipal Courts I do not support the proliferation of unfunded mandates that would place an undue burden on municipalities. The collecting of state fees should be streamlined, using emerging technologies wherever possible. As a member of the Houston City Council, I spearheaded some of these efforts. Issue 4: Cable Competition Bill (S.B. 5) I would be opposed to future amendments to the telecommunications bill passed by the 79t' Legislature. Issue 5: Regulatory Takings - Issues of eminent domain should be treate rights of property owners are respected, d with the utmost delicacy to ensure that the but I support the right of cities to adopt 0 regulations that are beneficial to the members of their community. Such a regulatory bill would be a transparent attempt at preventing much -needed local control. Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Former Texas Railroad Commissioner Former Mayor of Austin Former President, Texas Municipal League Former President of the Austin CommunityCollege Board trormer President of the Austin School Board Issue 1: Appraisal Caps I am for property tax cuts, not caps, and I am a staunch believer in local control and against unfunded mandates. More than two decades ago, as Mayor of Austin and president of the Texas Municipal League, my message to the Governor then was the same as your message to the Governor today: "Leave Us Alone!" There is no question that something must be done to address the increasing property tax burden on homeowners, but it can be done without sacrificing our cities' and counties' ability to meet their commitments. Local government officials are the real Texas heroes of today —there is no level of government closer to the people and more in tune with their daily needs and concerns. If local governments, with the approval of local taxpayers, determine that a locally imposed tax cap is in the best interest of the community, then by all means, I believe they should have the right to make that choice. But, we cannot and should not allow federal and state governments to dictate what is right for our local communities. The state and federal governments cannot continue to' abdicate their responsibilities, and relegate more and more responsibilities and costs to local governments. Issue 2: Revenue Caps I am for local control and I am against unfunded mandates. I believe .the governments closest to the people at the local level are most capable of assessing the needs of their citizens. There are already safeguards in the current system to prevent unwarranted or unsound tax rate increases —Chapter 26 of the Tax Code already has rollback rates and other limitations on annual increases. I am certainly not going to stand before you and advocate higher taxes at the local level. As public managers today, we have an obligation to hold down taxes and make our budgets work in lean_ times. I believe that the managers of city and county government can find ways to make their budgets work and work effectively. But it shouldn't be the 7 state's role to tie your hands further —that completely flies in the face of the concept of local control of local issues. Issue 3: State Fees in Municipal Courts There is no question that cities and counties have seen a proliferation of state fees, which the courts are responsible for collecting and remitting to the state. The Legislature has looked on the fees as an easy way to fund certain programs without drawing directly on the state's general revenues. As I see it, there are two basic problems: first, reducing the onerous budget on local governments for collecting and reporting these fees, and second, ensuring that the funds collected are actually to be used to benefit local governments and the communities they serve. Some five years ago, the Comptroller's office fully supported efforts to consolidate funds and simplify the reporting of locally collected state fees. TML, TAC, and other groups worked with the Comptroller's office to develop new forms and allocation methodologies, which today have vastly streamlined the reporting process. But there is more that could and should be done. This should be an ongoing process. Not only is further streamlining of current reporting requirements possible, but legislation concerning any new state fees should be required to consider how that new fee will be collected and reported to the state in the most effective and efficient way. Local governments that are being charged with the responsibility for collecting a proposed new fee should have a seat at the table during discussions, and state officials should listen. Then, if the burden on local governments is more onerous than the benefit being derived, no new fee should be imposed. Issue 4: Cable Competition Bill (S.B. 5) In theory, S.B. 5 could erode some levels of local control, and I am a staunch believer in local control. However, electricity, telecommunications, video, and Internet service industries, technologies, and markets are converging. The Texas Legislature deregulated electricity and telecommunications markets in 1997 (S.B. 7) and 2005 (S.B. 5, Second Called) respectively, touting the creation of competitive markets, the deployment of new technologies, and widespread consumer benefits. This convergence means that now, on the telecommunications side, electric companies can also provide high-speed Internet ("broadband over power lines," or BPL) and telecommunications services, and telephone companies can also provide video services over telephone lines. Companies wishing to provide video services will now be able to get a statewide franchise without being required to service any particular territory, a change from the current system where cable television providers had to negotiate Franchises by city. With only one year of implementation under our belts, it may be too early to determine whether the goals of a competitive market and consumer choice are being realized in the telecommunications markets or what the implications of this market convergence are on state and local revenues or local control. Deregulation is, in and of itself, not a bad thing, but it can be done wrong. Today, with only one year of experience, I believe that we must take a wait -and -see attitude, and be prepared to act if things do not go as intended. Issue 5: 135 Takings A one -size -fits -all legislation that impedes a local government's ability to address the greater good of the community may not be the answer, but as a statewide elected official and a former Mayor, I know how difficult balancing the strong rights of property owners with the greater needs of the community is and will remain for government officials at all levels. I wholeheartedly and unequivocally believe the rights of property owners must be respected and protected, and the actions or inactions of government that potentially infringe on those rights must be carefully and deliberately examined to ensure that the good of the community is being served, rather than the goals of special interests, as I have found to be the case with my opposition to the Trans -Texas Corridor. I do not, however, believe in unfunded local mandates, or the state meddling in what should be local decisions. Cities in Texas and around the nation are reporting audits being undertaken by the IRS, which is focusing on the way contract city attorneys are employed for income taxation purposes. Many small and mid -sized cities do not "employ" full-time city attorneys. Instead, they hire the services of private practitioners who perform the city's legal work. Sometimes these private lawyers or firms are designated as the official city attorney, sometimes not. The IRS has taken the position recently that all attorneys who perform city attorney work must be treated as employees of the city for tax purposes. In other words, the city must withhold full income taxes and pay estimated social security taxes as well. At year end, such cities must issue W-2's instead of 1099's. The result of this recent IRS position will be increased costs for many cities. The reason there will be an increase is that the city will pay taxes on the full wages of attorneys it employs, while private practitioners performing contract legal services can deduct business expenses prior to paying income taxes, resulting in lower pass -through costs to the city. TML believes that the IRS position is unreasonable and problematic. Further, there is no reason to believe it couldn't be extended to other city contracts, including contracts with utility and management consultants. The municipal league counsel division of the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) is recommending that IMLA fight this problem vigorously. TML staff will monitor these efforts and report on the progress. In the meantime, Texas cities that employ contract city attorneys should consult carefully with both their attorney and their auditor about whether to continue treating the city attorney as contract labor pending final resolution of this problem. The federal government has mandated that local government public safety departments using 80OMHZ communications systems "reband" their systems by June 28, 2008. The problem being addressed is that crowded commercial radio systems are beginning to degrade the 80OMHZ spectrum in a way that is detrimental to homeland security and other safety operations. Texas is divided into "Wave 2" and "Wave 4" of the FCC's rebanding process. Wave 2 is just beginning the voluntary negotiation stage where cities should negotiate with the Sprint Nextel company to locate and adopt new bandwidth. Wave 4 cities are currently involved in the planning stage and the negotiation stage will follow shortly behind. Under the federal rules and statutes, Sprint Nextel will reimburse local governments for all "reasonable, prudent and necessary" costs of reconfiguration. Local governments are entitled to facilities comparable to what the city has now.. It is likely that police and fire chiefs in many cities are already aware of the rebanding requirement, and many may already be involved in negotiations. City officials in cities that aren't aware of the new requirements should bring this matter to the attention of their police and fire departments. More information about rebanding can be located at the following FCC Web site: http://wireless.fcc. gov/publicsafety/800MHz/bandreconfiguration/index2.html. RELIGIOUS DISPLAYS AT CITY HALL With the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays rapidly approaching, city officials should use caution when placing or allowing religious displays of any type on public property. Although this topic can be troublesome all year long, the issue always seems to come to the forefront during the holiday season. Some religious displays, no matter how well- intentioned, may run afoul of the U.S. Constitution. For more information on the topic, please see the in-depth article on religious displays at the TML Web site: http *//www.tml, org/legal-topics/legal_misc.html. BUILDERS PAYING TO AVOID CITY HALL The following article appeared in the San Antonio Express News on September 30, 2006. The money for Texas Gov. Rick Perry kept pouring in. It was only July, and the political fundraiser being organized in San Antonio was still months away. But real estate developer Gene Powell and his allies already had drummed up $150,000 for the governor. "I e-mailed everyone and told them that we were moving the goal up to $200,000 —and the money kept on coming," said Powell, who thanked Perry supporters in an e-mail dated a day after the Sept. 12 gala. "We ended up .giving the governor $250,000," Powell wrote, emphasizing the dollar -- figure with italics and orange font. He was very impressed, and so wasI!" It was an enthusiastic message from a man who has much to gain from the next legislative session. With San Antonio's costly tree -preservation ordinance still on the books, and with city officials rejecting attempts by developers to avoid it, Powell is part of a broad and expensive effort by the real estate industry to bypass City Hall altogether, records and interviews show. The strategy appears to be a direct response to the city's attempts to impose new regulations over housing subdivisions and shopping centers that are popping up all over San Antonio, one of the fastest -growing communities in the United States. Expensive fights toward one goal The San Antonio real estate industry says it can build environmentally sound projects without "onerous" city codes. It's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on campaign contributions and lawsuits with the single goal of reducing City Hall's oversight. Those in the industry who are familiar with the effort say it is an unprecedented —and necessary — response to city policies that unfairly restrain growth and cut into profit margins. And San Antonio is just one battleground. "You're seeing a highly concentrated effort across the state," said T.J. Connolly, a public relations consultant who represents developers in San Antonio and is an outspoken critic of the city's bureaucracy. "The real estate community, in the '07 session, is going all in, they're putting all their chips in, to fix the many, many wrongs that San Antonio and other cities across the state have been doing to the real estate development community," Connolly said. In addition, Powell and other members of the industry appear to be hedging their bets by turning to the courts. Vested rights In July, a company owned by Powell teamed up with the Greater San Antonio $udders Association to file a lawsuit against San Antonio. The suit accuses local officials of mishandling a "vested rights" law that gives developers the ability to avoid modern city codes, such as the tree ordinance. The dispute is over part of an ambitious, 2,000-home subdivision on the North Side called Bulverde Village, where builders leveled a site that had been thick with live oak, Texas oak, persimmon, mesquite and mountain cedar, according to a 2002 ground survey of the site. The suit marked the first time the builders association had sued the city. State Rep. Robert Puente, D-San Antonio, who has fought bills supported by Powell in past legislative sessions, said the industry is ramping up its lobbying efforts to deal with a new climate at City Hall, where the influence of real estate developers has waned. "They're escalating because the city wants to protect itself," Puente said. Powell did not agree to be interviewed for this report. In a past statement, he said he has a right to hire lobbyists and become involved in the legislative process. His public relations consultant, Trish DeBerry, said Powell has supported Perry for years. Razing trees for homes City officials say they're not trying to stifle growth with a tree ordinance that requires developers to conduct expensive surveys of every tree on a site. 12 They say they're listening to residents who complain of bulldozers razing wooded land to make room for new subdivisions, especially in the picturesque Hill Country. The most notorious example in San Antonio is the Encino Ridge housing development by Pulte Homes, a company based in Michigan that leveled a hillside of trees at U.S. 281 near Stone Oak Parkway. Pulte's local president, Bart Swider, has apologized for the eyesore, saying it was not "environmentally sensitive." At a time when San Antonio is veering dangerously close to federal sanctions for its rising levels of air pollution, the city has lost 45,000 acres of trees since 1985 — enough to soak up 3 million pounds of pollutants, according to a November 2002 study of a nonprofit group American Forests. Political, legal savvy Powell is viewed as an astute player of local politics. V6'hen a young city councilman named Ed Garza ran for mayor in 2001, Powell helped catapult his campaign by serving as Garza's treasurer. Powell's longtime business partner, Lloyd Denton Jr., isn't as visible in the political arena. The pair own a development. company called Bitterblue Inc., which was named after a gritty Cat Stevens song about unrequited love. In more than a dozen cases since 2001, Powell and Denton have relied on a Texas "vested rights" statute that protects property owners. Under a Texas law written in 1987 at the behest of influential developers in Austin, a real estate project can be "vested," or exempt, from future city codes when a landowner submits a land -use permit, such as a plat or master development plan. Once the permit is filed, the site can be locked in a time warp of lenient city codes. Future ordinances written to preserve trees or protect sensitive watersheds —rules that might cut into profits — don't apply to the development. Rejecting more projects In recent years, city officials in San Antonio have rejected claims of vested rights that had routinely been recognized in the past. In 2002, about a fifth of all vested rights applications that landowners filed with the city were denied. By 2005, that rate doubled to nearly 40 percent. The city planners and lawyers who review the applications argued that some landowners couldn't prove an actual project existed. 13 The original land -use permits were vague, offering few details of 'what was supposed to be built, or were decades old and had fallen dormant, city officials said. Stricter tree ordinance Meanwhile, the City council wrote a new tree ordinance in 2003. Many developers sought vested rights just to avoid the ordinance, which required extensive tree surveys and protected all trees — even pesky ones such as the water -hogging mountain cedar. Many developers grew frustrated when the city rejected their attempts to be exempt from the tree ordinance. Some, such as Powell, sued. Developer John Schaefer has filed more than a dozen lawsuits against the city, directly challenging its new interpretation of how the vested rights law works. In a recent ruling, District Judge Andy Mireles sided with Schaefer and agreed the city can't reject a vested rights claim, even if the original land -use permit lacks details. The city has appealed that case. Builder Continental Homes disputed the city's rejection of a vested rights application for a housing project on the Northwest Side. A Bexar County jury sided with the company last week, but also awarded the city $15 million because the property was cleared of trees before the dispute was settled. Looking to legislators With City Hall viewed by the real estate industry as uncooperative, developers and builders have also set their sights on the Legislature, where laws can be written to deal wAtli such problems. Powell helped throw the recent fundraiser Embf Embr for Perry at the spacious home of Walter Powell described the fundraiser as an "overwhelming success" inane -mail to the attendees. "I have been doing these type of events all my life," Powell wrote, "and I do not think I have ever attended a fundraiser that was any better than the one we all put on last night." Powell noted that 25 real estate industry leaders, whom he didn't name, worked on a fmance committee that raised $250,000 for Perry, surpassing their original goal by $100,0000 14 Powell concluded, "It is a real pleasure to see all segments of San Antonio's real estate industry come together to pull off a major event that benefits both the governor and all of us." Copyright 2006 San Antonio Express -News, reprinted with permission. The TML staff is gathering a -mail addresses from city officials (elected or appointed) who are willing to provide testimony during the 2007 legislative session, want to be kept in the loop" on certain subject matters, or are willing to simply provide their perspective on a particular legislative matter. If you would like to participate in this E-List project, simply send an e-mail to Rachael Pitts at rpitts@,tml.org with your name/e-mail address and the subject matter(s) below that interest you. Subject Areas • Telecommunications • Electric Utilities • Gas Utiltities • Open Meetings/Open Records • Annexation/ETJ • Land Use (eminent domain, permit vesting, etc.) • Transportation • Revenue/Appraisal Caps • Property Tax • Sales Tax • Economic Development • Elections • Civil Service • Collective Bargaimng/Meet and Confer • Water • Purchasing • Ethics • Municipal Court • Public Safety/Police • Public Safety/Fire • Emergency Services Districts/EMS • Disease Presumption • Disaster Response • Other. 15 ND Title November 15-17 Government Finance Officers an Antonio Association of Texas Fall Conference December 7 Insights into an Effective Austin Tourism Program II December 7 Small Cities Problem -Solving Parker Clinic December 8 Making Better Cents of Your Austin Revenue December 14-15 Public Funds Investment San Antonio Workshop TML member cities may use the material herein for any purpose. No other person or entity may reproduce, duplicate, or distribute any part of this document without the written authorization of the Texas Munici al Lea ue For further information contact the. TML Legislative Serviees department 1821 Rutherford Lane, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78754-5128 512-231 7400, Fax 512-231-7490 www.iml.org 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 1 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 ADMINISTRATION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET VG.vllOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 AMERICAN MESSAGING I-49732 001-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 000000 9.63 99-00310 BCI MECHANICAL I-INV. 112987 001-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIR AC UNIT 000000 86.25 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-49652 001-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD 000000 1,115.07 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 15.57 99-03050 WILLIAM C. SPORE I-49658 001-15-5420 CONTRACTUAL S DOWN PYMT ON AUDIT 000000 500.00 99-04300 NCTCOG I-INV.54071 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 I-INV.1546086-0 I-INV.1546086-0 J90 SPEEDNET SERVICES, INC I-49635 001-15-5235 DUES AND REGI DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 60.00 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 51.39 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER/BINDERCLIPS/PENS 000000 56.66 001-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER/BINDERCLIPS/PENS 000000 48.30 001-15-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 000000 10.00 DEPARTMENT 15 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL: 1,952.87 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 2 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V:._.,OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-04300 NCTCOG I-INV.54071 001-18-5235 DUES & REGIST DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 60.00 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 001-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 4.29 DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 64.29 ----------------- -------------- ------------------------------- -------------- ---------------------- --------- ------------- ------------ 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 3 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 20 POLICE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET V"_..,JR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 AMERICAN MESSAGING I-49732 001-20-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 25.16 99-00590 CITY OF DENTON I-INV. 00164 001-20-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS REID BASIC & REID ADVANCED 000000 545.00 99-02140 RADIO SHACK I-49744 001-20-5375 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-20-5245 99-02970 OFFICE DEPOT I-INV.35B547354-001 001-20-5210 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 001-20-5320 99-03240 LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS I-INV.146233 001-20-5210 99-03730 COLLIN COUNTY COLLEGE I-49724 001-20-5240 99-04300 NCTCOG MINOR EQUIPME KEYS TO PD NEW EMPLOYEE JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES [IIINIII1I17 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI COMPRESSOR/FASTNERS/FOLDERS 000000 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL OFFICE SUPPLI WARNING TRAFFIC TICKETS 000000 000000 TRAVEL EXPENS CIT TRAINING/PERKINS & KINNEY 000000 6.00 2,224.15 76.00 70.00 I-INV.54071 001-20-5235 DUES AND REGI DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 120.00 99-11570 CULLIGAN I-49643 001-20-5420 CONTRACTUAL S WATER BOTTLE RENTAL 000000 90.66 99-11890 SPEEDNET SERVICES, INC I-49635 001-20-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 000000 20.00 99-14340 PROFESSIONAL SAFETY SYS I-49751 001-20-5311 R & M EQUIPME REPAIR IN CAR VIDEO CAMERA 000000 243.00 99-14680 AEROWAVE TECHNOLOGIES I-49772 001-20-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM IN CAR RADIO 000000 1,090.52 DEPARTMENT 20 POLICE TOTAL: 4,563.05 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 4 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 22 ANIMAL CONTROL BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET b�_.�JR NAME ITEM k G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-INV.10015084 001-22-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS CHAIN 000000 5.53 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-22-5248 DOG POUND EXP LRG GARBAGE BAGS 000000 325.20 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 001-22-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 295.85 DEPARTMENT 22 ANIMAL CONTROL TOTAL: 626.58 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 5 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET �. FOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49396 001-24-5420 CONTRACTUAL S ICE MAKER RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE '.. I-49676 001-24-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 849.17 99-04300 NCTCOG I-INV.54071 001-24-5235 DUES & REGIST DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 120.00 DEPARTMENT 24 FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 1,069.17 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 6 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 26 MUNICIPAL COURT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET DOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-04560 TMCEC I-49030 001-26-5235 DUES & REGIST CLERKS SEMINAR RICHARDSON 000000 50.00 99-12730 LAG] OFFICE SIEVE POSTON I-INV.04-1005-01-30 001-26-5425 LEGAL SERVICE 10/3-10-12/06 COURT APPEARANCE 000000 750.00 DEPARTMENT 26 MUNICIPAL COURT TOTAL: 800.00 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 7 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET JOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-28-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31.13 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 001-28-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 8.59 99-16030 PETE MORRIS I-INV.340467 001-28-5420 CONTRACTUAL S MOWING @ R272988 RAILROAD AV 000000 250.00 DEPARTMENT 28 ENFORCEMENT/INSPECTION TOTAL: 289.72 ----------------------------------------- -------- ------- ---------- ---------- 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 8 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 30 STREETS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET 'JOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00140 NATIONS RENT I-INV.9408095-001 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPME PLATE COMPACTOR 000000 206.83 99-00180 AMERICAN MESSAGING I-49732 001-30-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 11.26 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1-49396 001-30-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKER RENTAL 000000 50.00 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-INV.10014154 001-30-5375 MINOR EQUIPME SCREWS/PLYWOOD/DOOR STOPS 000000 577.03 99-01300 JAGOE-PUBLIC CO. I-INV.610014 001-30-5370 STREETS HMAC PICK UP 000000 729.07 I-INV.610033 001-30-5370 STREETS HMAC PICK UP 000000 383.24 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-30-5245 OTHER OPERATI CLEANING SUPLLIES 000000 31.13 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 001-30-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 11928,75 99-10030 AMERICAN PLUS, INC I-48311 001-30-5260 SAFETY EQUIPM BARRICADES & CONES 000000 84.16 DEPARTMENT 30 STREETS TOTAL: 4,001.47 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 9 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 32 PARKS BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET 'DOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-INV.255385-CRC-1 001-32-5223 CHEMICAL SUPP MULTI-CIDE/TRIPLE PLAY 000000 677.48 99-08190 DISPLAY SALES I-INV60047304 001-32-5329 CHRISTMAS LIG RIBBON/BULBS/DECOR. 000000 1,806.25 DEPARTMENT 32 PARKS TOTAL: 2,483.73 11/02/2006 5:03 PM PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 34 POOL BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET DOR NAME ITEM # ------------------------- 99-16020 LLOYD'S ELECTRIC MOTOR I-INV.460 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 10 ..f3�i=Y334 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 001-34-5324 R & M EQUIPME LLOYD'S ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 000000 67.96 DEPARTMENT 34 POOL TOTAL: 67.96 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 11 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET ODOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 001-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 80.65 DEPARTMENT 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOTAL: 80.65 ----------------------------------------------------- ------------- 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 12 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 40 SULLIVAN CENTER BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET JOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-40-5245 JANITORIAL & CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31.13 DEPARTMENT 40 SULLIVAN CENTER TOTAL: 31.13 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 13 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 42 Library BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET DOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00450 SUPER SAVE I-49584 001-42-5215 FOOD SUPER SAVE 000000 16.74 99-02120 QUILL I-INV.1685001 001-42-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI MARKERS/DESK CAL./WD40/KEYBOAR 000000 107.83 I-INV.1735558 001-42-5310 R & M BUILDIN WD 40 000000 6.49 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-42-5265 CLEANING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31.13 I-INVO192539 001-42-5265 CLEANING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 80.10 99-04850 MICRO MARKETING ASSOC. I-INV.165165 001-42-6050 BOOKS AUDIO BOOKS 000000 68.45 99-05220 TCM I-49674 001-42-5225 MAGAZINES & S SUBSCRIPTION:TIME-SI-HEALTH-PS 000000 96.87 99-11890 SPEEDNET SERVICES, INC I-49635 001-42-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 000000 20.00 99-15250 SUDDENLINK I-49671 001-42-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 000000 105.47 16010 LARGE PRINT OVERSTOCKS I-INV.599745 001-42-6050 BOOKS BOOKS 000000 166.10 99-16040 SHOW ME BOOKS I-INV.929IP 001-42-6050 BOOKS INV.929IP: BOOKS 000000 170.00 DEPARTMENT 42 Library TOTAL: 869.18 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 14 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 44 Community Center BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET )OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00640 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49396 001-44-5310 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKER RENTAL 000000 100.00 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-44-5213 BUILDING SUPP CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31.13 DEPARTMENT 44 Community Center TOTAL: 131.13 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 15 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET )OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 001-46-5245 JANITORIAL CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 31.13 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 001-46-5240 TRAVEL EXPENS FUEL BILL 000000 70.96 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 001-46-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 8.59 DEPARTMENT 46 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOTAL: 110.68 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 16 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: 60 Property Tax BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET )OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-04790 STEVE MOSSMAN-DENTON C I-49727 001-60-5420 CONTRACTUAL S STEVE MOSSMAN -DENTON CO 000000 2,373.81 DEPARTMENT 60 Property Tax TOTAL: 2,373.81 ----------------------------- VENDOR SET 001 GENERAL FUND TOTAL: 19,515.42 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 17 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 15 Administration BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET OR NAME I ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 AMERICAN MESSAGING I-49732 008-15-5510 TELEPHONE SER PAGERS 000000 9.63 99-00310 BCI MECHANICAL I-INV, 112987 008-15-5310 R & M BUILDIN REPAIR AC UNIT 000000 86.25 99-01920 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA I-49652 008-15-5425 LEGAL SERVICE NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD 000000 10115v07 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 008-15-5245 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 15.57 99-03050 WILLIAM C. SPORE I-49658 008-15-5420 CONTRACTUAL S DOWN PYMT ON AUDIT 000000 500.00 99-04300 NCTCOG I-INV.54071 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 I-INV.1546086-0 I-INV.1546086-0 1.1890 SPEEDNET SERVICES, INC I-49635 008-15-5235 DUES & REGIST DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 60.00 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 51.39 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER/BINDERCLIPS/PENS 000000 56.66 008-15-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER/BINDERCLIPS/PENS 000000 48.30 008-15-5420 CONTRACTUAL S INTERNET SERVICE 000000 10.00 DEPARTMENT 15 Administration TOTAL: 1,952.87 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 18 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 18 ENGINEERING BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET )OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-04300 NCTCOG I-INV.54071 008-18-5235 DUES AND REGI DUES & REGISTRATION 000000 60.00 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 008-18-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 4.30 ' DEPARTMENT 18 ENGINEERING TOTAL: 64.30 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 19 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 19 Data Processing BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET )OR NAME ITEM 4 G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK4 AMOUNT 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-INV.234015-00 008-19-5205 DATA PROCESSI CONNECTS/DISCONNECTS 000000 95.42 99-02050 PITNEY BOVdES I-49667 99-08770 CPI OFFICE PRODUCTS I-1547127-0 I-INV.1539862-0 I-INV.1546086-0 008-19-5315 R & M MACHINE POSTAGE MACHINE 000000 185.00 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI CALENDERS/BINDERS/ 000000 17.43 008-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI IBM LASER TONER 000000 256.00 00B-19-5210 OFFICE SUPPLI TONER/BINDERCLIPS/PENS 000000 96.48 DEPARTMENT 19 Data Processing TOTAL: 650.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 20 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 36 Vehicle Maintenance BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 008-36-5320 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 80.65 DEPARTMENT 36 Vehicle Maintenance TOTAL: 80.65 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 21 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 50 Water BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET OR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-00180 AMERICAN MESSAGING I-49732 008-50-5525 PAGERS PAGERS 000000 68.76 99-00690 COMMERCIAL SERVICES I-49396 008-50-5310 99-00650 CONTINENTAL RESEARCH CO I-INV.255405-CRC-2 008-50-6020 99-00710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-INV.234015-00 008-50-5210 99-00790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER I-INV.10014896 008-50-5360 99-02170 REINERT PAPER & CHEMICA I-INV.192538 008-50-5245 99-03230 PJ'S CONVENIENCE STORE I-49676 008-50-5320 99-09550 SOUTHG]EST CHEMICAL I-INV.79660 008-50-5223 -12410 D&W UTILITY SUPPLY I-INV.610139 008-50-5360 I-INV.610221&610223 008-50-5360 99-15600 US METERING & TECHNOLOG I-INV. 185159-00 008-50-5360 R & M BUILDIN ICE MAKER RENTAL 000000 OTHER IMPROVE 55 GAL AIR 8/PLASTIC DRUM PUMP 000000 OFFICE SUPPLI CONNECTS/DISCONNECTS 000000 R & M OTHER PVC/COUPLING/ 000000 JANITORIAL SU CLEANING SUPPLIES 000000 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL BILL 000000 CHEMICAL SUPP CHLORINE CYLINDER 150LBS 000000 R & M OTHER COUPLINGS/BRASS NIPPLES/MTR PU 000000 R & M OTHER TAP SLEEVE/GATE VALVE/GASKET 000000 R & M OTHER US METERING & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 50 Water 000000 TOTAL 50.00 9,387.36 95.43 90.59 1,289.22 2,355.00 1,673.06 2,607.74 6,672.00 24,270.29 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 52 Waste Water Collection BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET +JR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION PAGE: 22 ICi7 CHECK# 000000 DEPARTMENT 52 Waste V7ater Collection TOTAL: Ie\u[�1B�Y1 6,933.00 6,933.00 11/02/2006 5:03 PM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAGE: 23 PACKET: 00703 CC 11/06/06 SRK VENDOR SET: 99 FUND 008 ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT: 54 Waste Water Treatment BANK: SB99 BUDGET TO USE: CB -CURRENT BUDGET ')R NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK# AMOUNT 99-05510 IESI I-49725 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S R/O RENTAL 301 JONES 302RRA 000000 1,991.76 99-11030 TCEQ I-INV.CWQ0018182 008-54-5335 PERMIT FEES PERMIT CWQ ASSESSMENT 6VWTP 000000 3,291.00 99-14330 CARTER & BURGESS, INC. I-INV. 2724494 008-54-5420 CONTRACTUAL S REVIEW CONSTR. PLANS 000000 1,137.50 DEPARTMENT 54 Waste Water Treatment TOTAL: 6/420426