04/03/2006-CC-Agenda Packet-Work SessionAPRIL 39 2006 6*00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order. 2. Discussion on Capital Improvement for Streets, Water/Waste Water and Electric. 3. Discussion Concerning Amendments to Home Rule Charter. 4. Discussion on Planning for New City Hall Buildang. 5. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more A the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. e Chavez, City & Time Posted r This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 4584930 for further information. March 315 2006 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Jack Smith, City Manager Please bring all material that was sent last week for the workshop. I believe Rose sent copies of the Home Rule Charter and Information on the Capital Improvement Project for Water/Wastewater and Streets. Staff will be at the meeting and so will our City Engineer. Lee Allison, City Engineer has advised that he has a prior commitment with another City and will not be able to stay longer than 6:30 p.m. We have been advised that in order for us to place the Amendments to the Home Rule Charter on the ballot for the May Election the council needed to have called the election for the Amendments 62 days prior to May 13, 2006, election date. The deadline was March 10, 2006 taking in consideration the weekend. Proposed Changes to the City of Sanger's Charter Charter Committee 2006 Charter Committee Members: John D. Springer, Beverly Howard, Polly Dwyer City Official Present. Jack Smith Purpose: A temporary committee appointed to review the proposed changes as directed by the City Council and Robert L. Dillard — Attorney at Law. Changes Recommended: 1. Typographical errors should be corrected in sections 1.02C, 2.OlE, 3.01D, S.O1B, 8.01C, 9.03A, 9.115 10.05135 10.05D5 10.05F5 12.105 12.15 as well as any other section where typographical errors occur. 2. Delete incorrect statements and/or phrases currently published in the charter so that information is accurately conveyed in sections 1.02C, 43.062, 1.02C, and any other section were incorrect information is conveyed because of spelling errors, redundant statements, or incorrect statements. 3. Section 4.02 and 4.03 —remove the statement "subject to the approval of the City Council" in order to make the document consistent with section 4.01B — (regarding personnel decisions of the City Manager involving the City Secretary and Police Chief. 4. Section 4.05 —Removal of the section containing the "Appeals Board". It is the understanding of the committee that a grievance procedure is already in place by the City's personnel policies. 5. Section 7.01 and 7.07 —The charter should be in compliance with Texas Election Code and Texas Constitution. 6. Section 8.04 — It is our recommendation that the 33%requirement for a petition for initiative, referendum, or recall should stand at the current percentage. 7. Section 8.03 —The statement requiring both date of birth and voter registration number should be changed to "date of birth or voter registration number". 8. Section 10.04B and 10.05F — It is our recommendation to allow the size of the boards and quorum to remain the same. However, since this is an area of great difficulty, the committee recommends that a list of qualified and willing names be established to form a "pool of possible alternates and members" for the City Council to appoint to boards. Possible Additions to the Charter: 9. (10.02 #5) — Alternates will be appointed to all boards. These members will be expected to meet all requirements and qualifications of all board members. The City Council can replace any board member who does not attend (without excuse) three consecutive meetings as stated in the current Charter. Alternates must attend all meetings of the board to which they are appointed and may be asked to participate in order to meet the quorum. If the alternate attends but is not sitting with the board, they may not vote or convey their opinion if order to sway the board as if they were a sitting board member. 10. Add all "Responsibilities" or "Purposes" as stated by state law to sections in the charter where the boards are established. 11. Add to Section 3.05 (as #5) "An elected official must vacate his/her position upon election day if filed for another elected position". Language and location in the document for the above purposed changes or addition should be reviewed and altered by Robert Dillard in order to convey the information in a meaningful and concise manner. 03/06/06 From: Rob Dillard [RDillard@njdhs.com] Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 8:39 AM To: rose_chavez@dtnspeed.net Subject: Re: FW: Committee for Charter revisions OK. It will take a lot more wording but these are on the right track. Council may have sections to add or may not want to do all these. They should probably consider some sort of workshop or special meeting to go over these in detail. A line by line review would take about 2 hours if I am there to help. Thanks. »> "Rose Chavez" <rose Chavez@dtnspeed.net> 3/9/2006 6:36 AM >>> Mr. Dillard Jack asked me to forward this e-mail to you for review. It will be on the Agenda for our meeting on March 20, 2006. Thanks, Rose Chavez City of Sanger P.O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 rose_chavez@dtnspeed.net -----Original Message---- - From: Polly Dwyer [mailto:dwyerp@earthlink.net] Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 2:22 PM To: jsmith_@dtnspeed.net; rose_chavez@dtnspeed.net; springerproperties@earthlink.net )ubject: Committee for Charter revisions Dear All, bhoward@firstunitedbank .com; Attached is the document of the proposed changes to the Charter. Please let me know if I have misrepresented our views or omitted anything. Otherwise, I have included Rose Chavez in this email so that the document may be prepared for the City Council meeting and then passed on to the lawyer after action is taken. Please let me know if the document does not arrive intact and I will resend. Please call me 940-458- 7114 with that request. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you, Polly Dwyer PS: I was not able to obtain the mayor's email address. to him today. Mrs. Polly Dwyer Coram Deo Academy I will hand -deliver the document 1