06-15-80-Resolution-Acknowledging Non-Compliance Past Operation of Landfill-06/15/1981A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING NON-COMPLIANCE IN PAST OPERATION OF CITY LANDFILL SITE AND EX= PRESSING A COMMITMENT TO OPERATE FUTURE SITES IN COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Sanger Texas presently owns and operates its own sanitary landfill; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger desires to safeguard the health, welfare, and physical property of its residents through con- trolling the disposal of sol:id wastes; and WI-IEREAS, the City of Sanger proposes to develop an attractive community and develop a model landfill site; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger acknowledges that previous landfill_ operations have been in non-compliance with rules and regulations of the Texas Department of Health and the 'Texas Air Control Board due to the lack of cover materials; NOW, THEREFORE BE ;CT RESOLVED 13Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF SANGER, TEXAS; T1-IAT the City of Sanger will take utmost precaution to ensure that any landfill sites developed by the City in the future will not be a nuisance to the community, THAT the City will operate i_n compliance with all State regula- tions as outlined in the "Solid Waste Disposal Act", Article 4-77-7 Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes as amended by the 66th Legislature, THAT the City will operate in accordance with the specified engineering plan of preparation and operation as designed by the City Engineers, Hunter Associates, 'THAT the City will provide adequate budget to ensure proper operation, 'THAT the City will purchase the proper equipment to operate the landfill as designed by the City Engineers, THAT the City Professional Staff will participate in continuing education programs and. seminars to further_ their training and certification in Landfill Operations and Management. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Sanger, this 15th day of _ _JL�1+E',_ ayor