10/03/2005-CC-Agenda Packet-Work Sessione AGENDA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 6:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to order. 2. Discussion Regarding Financing for Water Districts 3. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. �alie Chavez, Cit. �rO e & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessiti��F�ai#�� a�,c�.��ss#life parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45 8-793 0 for further information. Memorandum CMEM078 September 30, 2005 Tommy Kincaid Mike Lawler Glenn Ervin Robert. Patton_ Joe Higgs Mike -James Rose Chavez From: Jack Smith Subject: Water District Financing, Monday night�we:will.hay:a v�rorkshop va►tth Dan Airraon°to discuss the way water districts are finaneed. if you .do not feel that districts are necessary to u$ then we will not continue on. In the past several of the council has asked my opinion on. water districts, specifically The Tomlin Group east of the City. I have walked the fence on this issue because there are obviously strong points both directions. However I have been giving much thought and have come to the conclusion that I do support the project for the following reasons: 1. The only draw back I can think of is that we will not receive ad valorem tax as soon as,we normal.ly_would with new homes however will the property develop as quickly without a district? 2. The location of the project is in the exact location our land use plan calls for. 3. The Tomlin Group will market this project nationally which will bring to the attention of the retail market the growth in Sanger. -1- 4. As more people come to Sanger to respond to the marketing efforts of Tomlin our current builders will benefit from the increased traffic flow* 5. The Tomlin Group will fight our battle with Bolivar Water for us to get the water CCN. 6. The sewer taps fees ( some of which can be gotten up fronts will probably exceed $ 8,000,000. 7. Size of house, building materials, etc. can be negotiated with the developers agreement. 8. We can contract police and fire protection and still receive the fees from the County on fire runs. 9. We will obtain land for ambulanceffire site. 10. Sanger ISD will receive sites for future schools. 11. And lastly the point that finally changed my mind, earlier this week Mayor Brock was quoted in the paper that the City of Denton has reached 100,000 population and now their ETJ increased to 5 miles. I feel that Denton is going to engulf us if they possibly can. With the. Tomlin project we can annex a 10 foot strip around the project and keep moving our city to the east. -2- DATE: October 3, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: Rose Chavez, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Re: Dinner We will be providing dinner between 5:30pm and 6:OOpm. Please join us. Law VV O1� ices L of Clay E. C r,.iwbrd 1" C , 10'� lir!a I'ltoll�o�� 1 :_ti�tU -'�� 1 Iir�tl�l(��I�l_ i '� A�-0 tat 1 1111111 111 1�>,al1r, Ma1��c �,a� -� i, } AN oVERV1Ew of WATER DISTR14CT BOND FINANCING OF DEVELOPER PROJECTS I. Authority of Texas Commission nn Environmental duality ("TGE�") A. General 1, TCEQ has duty to create, supervise, and dissolve certain water districts; and approve engineering projects and the issuance and sale of bonds. 30 TAC 293.1(a) 2. Powers and duties of districts are subject to continuing right of supervision of TCEQ. 30 TAC 293.3(a) B. Issuance of Bonds 1: TCEQ has responsibility to approve projects relating to the issuance of bonds for districts. This includes certain revenue notes and contract I.M. obligations. 30 TAC 293.41(b) 2. Such authority does not relate to: a. refunding bonds; b. bonds issued to Farmers Home Administration; c. bonds .issued to Texas Water Development Board; d. certain districts that include one entire county; were created by special legislative act; and meeting certain other very specific requirements. 30 TAC 293.41(a)(c) 3. TCEQ has elected to exercise limited jurisdiction over district road projects. a. Requirement for completion of street construction for water, wastewater, and drainage bond projects; 3a TAC 293.48 b. Approval of acquisition df road utility district powers under Chapter 441, Texas Transportation Code, by districts operating under Chapter S4, Texas Water Code. 30 TAC 293.241 c. Bonds issued for road .district purposes under Chapter 257.003, Texas Transportation Code, by districts operating under Chapter 53, Texas Water Code, are only required to meet $2.50 "combined no -growth" tax rate test of Office of Texas Attorney General. II. Developer Projects A. General A developer project is a district project which provides water, wastewater or drainage service for property owned by a developer of property in the district. The term "developer" is defined by Texas Water Code, §49.052(d) as follows: "any person who owns land located within a district covered under this section and who has divided or proposes to divide the Land into two or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision or any tract of land or any addition to any town or city, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, streets, alleys, or parks or other portions intended for public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto." 30 TAC 293.44 B. Construction prior to Commission Apt�roval 1. A developer may proceed with financing or construction of water, wastewater, and drainage facilities contemplated for purchase by the district prior to TCEQ approval of the .district bond .issue designed to finance such facilities under certain conditions, including the following: a. executed construction/reimbursement agreement with district; b, construction plans and specifications and contract documents approved by district and fled with TCEQ; c. plans must be approved by all cities and agencies with jurisdiction; d. TCEQ advised of all bid openings; and e. contract advertising and award, and facility construction must be accomplished in manner required by general laws relating to districts. 30 TAC 293.46 2. TCEQ economic feasibility rules require a developer to proceed with project construction prior to TCEQ approval of bonds therefor. However, the developer has no assurance that funds will be authorized for acquiring such facilities. C. Thirty Percent of District Construction Costs to Be Paid by Developer 1. In certain districts 30% of water, wastewater, and drainage facility costs must be paid by the developer to insure feasibility of district construction project. 30 TAC 293.47(a) 2. Applicable to aIi districts EXCEPT: a, a district which has a ratio of debt (including proposed debt) to certified assessed value of 10% or less; 30 TAC 293.47(a)(1) b. a district which obtains an acceptable credit rating on its proposed bond issue independent of credit enhancement technique; (i) Moody's Baa3 or higher; Standard and Poors BBB or higher; or (111) Fitch BBB or higher. 30 TAC 293.47(a)(2) c. a district which obtains a credit enhanced rating on its proposed bond issue by virtue of guaranty insurance (subject to TCEQ executive director approval); (i) Moody's An or higher; (ii) Standard and Paors AA or higher; or Fitch AA or higher. 30 TAC 293.47(a)(3) d. a district which has entered into a contract with a .political subdivision or entity created by a political subdivision under which sales and use taxes or other revenues generated by -the project are provided to the district. 30 TAC 293.47(a)(4) 3. Certain facilities are exempted from this requirement, including: a. wastewater treatment plants and sites; b. water supply, treatment and storage facilities and sites; c. levee "stormwater pump stations and sites; d. offsite water and wastewater lines to connect to offsite souree or regional system; e. onsite pump stations and force mains connecting district's system to regional system; £ water transmission or wastewater trunk lines shared with other districts; g, water or wastewater lines servicing 1,000 or more acres within a district; h. certain drainage channels, levees and other flood control facilities and stormwater detention facilities; i. land costs for levees or stormwater detention facilities; and j. alternate water supply interconnects with other entities. 30 TAC 293.47(d) i3. Ieveloper Interest Reimbursement - i. - A developer may be reimbursed by a district for interest accrued for a period of up to two years on construction pay estimates, professional fees, and attendant non -construction costs. The initiation of the two year interest accrual period for construction will be six months from the date the contract is 95% complete. 30 TAC 293.50(a) 2. The interest rate shall not exceed the lesser of the net .effective interest rate on the bonds sold, or the interest rate actually paid by the developer for loans obtained. If developer equity rather than borrowed funds is used, the net effective interest rate on the bonds applies. 30 TAC 293.50(a) 3. Reimbursement for accrued developer interest up to five years may be allowed under certain conditions: a. actual costs plus interest due, not exceed present day cost of facilities; and b. total accrued developer interest, accrued interest on any district notes, and capitalized interest does not exceed an amount equal to four years' interest on total bond issue. 30 TAC 293.50(b) 4. No reimbursement may be paid to developer for accrued interest on 30% developer contribution. 30 TAC 293.50(c) 5. Time limitations on accrued developer interest do not apply to certain facilities serving or programmed to serve 2,000 acres or more; and internal lines serving 1,000 acres or more. 3Q TAC 293.50(d) III.Economic Feasibility A. General Economic feasibility is the determination of whether the land values, existing improvements, and projected improvements in the district will be sufficient to support a reasonable tax rate for debt service payments for existing and proposed bond debt while maintaining competitive utility rates. 30 TAC 293.59(b) B. First Bond Issue 1. Comparison of combined district and other competing projects in market area. 2. Three different cash flow analyses: overlapping tax rates to those of 30 TAC 293.59(k)(1) a. projected debt service revenue and acceptable projected tax rate ($0.80 to $1.00 in greater Dallas area); 30 TAC 293.59(k)(2) b. combined projected tax rate that may not exceed certain maximum amount that varies by county ($1.00 to $i.2Q in greater .Dallas area); and 1 30 TAC 293.59(k)(3) c. combined no growth tax rate that may not exceed certain maximum amount that varies by county ($2,00 to $2,2Q in greater Dallas area). 30 TAC 293.59(k)(4) See attached Appendix for greater detail. 3. Completion of Necessary Facilities a. Facilities to be financed by proposed bond issue and necessary to serve projected build out shall be at least 95% complete; b. All necessary permits obtained; c. Sufficient lift station and plant capacities necessary to serve connections projected for first 18 months are 95% complete; and funds for capacities needed for projected build out must be in bond issue or otherwise secured by acceptable financial guarantee; and d. Streets and roads necessary to serve projected build out shall be 95% complete. 30 TAC 293.59(k)(6) 4. At least 257o of projected value of improvements shown in projected tax rate calculations must be completed. 30 TAC 293.59(k)(7) 5. Thirty year waiver by developer of agricultural, open -space, timberland, or inventory valuation for land, homes or buildings that it owns with respect to district taxation. 30 TAC 293.59(k)(8) 6. Market study supporting building program for first three years of projected tax rate calculations. 30 TAC 293.59(k)(10) C. For Second and Subsequent Bond Issues Essentially the same as for first bond issue except taxable improvements equal to 75% of the projected build -out used in the projected tax rate calculations contained in all prior bond issues shall be completed. Such improvements may be located in combined area of prior bond issue, proposed bond issue, and future bond issues. 30 TAC 293.59(1)(4) D. Performance of Developer in Other District Proi�cts In evaluating an application by a district for approval to reimburse construction funds to a developer, the TCEQ may consider the performance of the developer or related or affiliated entities in projects located in other districts and may condition reimbursement on certain actions of the developer or related or affiliated entities. 1. Issues which may be considered in evaluating the performance of a developer may include the past history o the developer and related or affiliated entities with respect to. a. payment of financial obligations including taxes, standby fees and other user fees to any district; b. devaluation of property values by claiming special exemptions within any district after the TCEQ's approval of bonds in said district without compensating agreements with the district; c. compliance with TCEQ rules and orders; and d. performance under agreements with any district including, but not limited to, cost sharing and maintenance agreements, street and road construction agreements, 30% cost participation agreements, and financial guarantees. 30 TAC 293.60(a) 2. Does nat include the developer's lender, unles$ it is a joint venture partner. 30 TAC 293.60(c) IV. TCEQ Approval Process A. Application to TCEQ 1. Regular vs. expedited review 30 TAC 293.42(a), (b), and (c} 2. Contents a. district board resolution; b. compliance with municipal consent conditions, if any; c. filing fee $500 plus cost of nonce; d. Bond Application Report; and e. other (Market Study). 30 TAC 293.43 B. TCE(� Hearing C. TCEQ authorization to purchase from or reimbursement to developer D. Audit of Payment to Developer 30 TAC 293.69 30 TAC 293.70 APPENDIX Economic Feasibility Cash Flow Structure Assumptions: a. each ending debt service balance will be not Less than 25% of the following year's debt service requirement; b. interest income may be shown on the ending debt service balance only for the first two years; c. 90% tax collection rate for "projected" tax rate cash'flow and 100% tax collection rate for "no -growth" cash flow, and d. projected tax rate shall be level or decreasing for life of the bonds. Ke�Definitions: "Projected debt service tax rate" means "the tax rate required to meet projected annual debt service requirement using projected assessed valuations and an appropriate tax collection rate. The projected annual debt service requirement shall include the previous and proposed debt." "No growth debt service tax rate" means "the tax rate required to meet projected annual debt service requirements using the current assessed value and a 100% tax collection rate. "Combined no -growth tax rate"means the sum of the following: "(1) No -growth debt service tax rate of the district; (2) Projected no -growth debt service tax rate %J all overlapping entities specifically attributable to water, wastewater, -drainage that ,are smaller in size than a county, and for roads if the entity is a road district or road utility district smaller in size than a county commissioner's precinct. In other words, for road districts or road utility districts that are as large as one county commissioner's precinct, the road district tax is not counted; (3) An equivalent surcharge tax rate for water and wastewater surcharge, if any; (4) City tax rate specifically attributable to water, sewage and drainage if the district is located within a city; (5) Current or proposed district or overlapping maintenance tax levy, if any; (6) Contract tax, if any; and (7) Less any equivalent tax rebate or other payments." "Combined projected tax rate" means the sum of the following: "(1) Projected debt service tax rate of the district; (2) Projected debt service tax rate of all overlapping entities specifically attributable to water, wastewater, and drainage, and for roads if the entity is a road district or road utility district smaller in size than a county commissioner's precinct; (3) An equivalent surcharge tax rate for water and wastewater surcharge, if any; (4) City tax rate specifically attributable to water, sewage and drainage if the district is located within a city; (5) Current or proposed district or overlapping maintenance tax levy, if any; (4) Contrast Sax, if any; and (7) Less any equivalent tax rebate or other payments." Tax Rate Limitations: "The combined projected tax rate shall not exceed the following: (A) $1.50 in Harris, Galveston, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Waller, and Brazoria Counties; (B) $1.20 in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Travis, Hays, Williamson, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties; (C) $1.00 in all other. counties." "The combined no growth tax rate shall not exceed the following: (A) $2.50 in Harris, Galveston, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Waller, Brazoria Counties; (B) $2.20 in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Tarrant, Travis, Hays, Williamson, Comai, and Guadalupe Counties; (C) $2.00 for all other counties." Law Offices of C>lav E. Cmwfor& P*C. IT) SIT, 1_,1111�0_ 551111� ilk; lai - i� September 2, 2005 Mr. Dan Tomlin, Jr. Tomlin Investments 1265 Kellway Circle Addison, Texas 75001 Re: General Information Regarding.Fresh Water Supply Districts ("FWSD" or FWSDs") Located within Denton County, Texas Dear Dan: The purpose of this letter is to describe in a very general manner the process for the creation of a FWSD; its powers with respect to financing the acquisition and construction of public infrastructure to serve new development; and the regulatory framework within which it must operate. As the county in which a FWSD- is located will determine certain of its powers, this letter addresses only FWSDs located within Denton County. I have also attached a Memorandum describing these matters in much greater detail, as well as a summary of the rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") regarding bond financings by "developer" water districts, including a FWSD. A FWSD provides permanent financing on a tax exempt basis for the cost to acquire or construct water, sanitary sewer, and road infrastructure. This would include drainage improvements required for roads. However, the financing is in the form of "take -out" funding, -requiring initial .interim -funding by -the -developer .pursuant to .a reimbursement agreement with the FWSD. FWSD financing becomes available at such time as the project to be financed meets certain criteria established by the TCEQ, as to water and sanitary sewer improvements, and the Office of the Attorney General of Texas ("OAG"), as to roads. The criteria essentially require a level of development to be in place before FWSD bonds are sold in order to assure a reasonable and competitive tax rate for the development. For Denton County, our experience is that a reasonable and competitive total overlapping tax rate generally should not exceed $3.10 per $100 of Mr. Dan Tomlin, Jr. Tomlin Interests September 2, 2005 Page 2 assessed valuation, with the FWSD tax rate of no more than $100. These criteria are outlined below. Timing of Bond Financing (per phase} Water and Sewer Project Financing • Utilities, roads, and plant capacities for phase are 95% complete • 25% of projected assessed value of phase is complete • Within $1.20 maximum "growth" tax rate cash flow • Within $2.20 maximum no growth" tax rate cash flow Road Project Financing • I/4 debt to value ratio • Within $2.20 maximum "no growth" tax rate cash flow The amount of financing available for a project is dependent mainly upon two (2) factors: state constitutional and statutory limitations; and limitations of reasonable and competitive total overlapping tax rates. Amount of Project Financing • FWSD creation and initial operations —100% • Roads -and related drainage (including engineering, grading, and land) — 100% (but limited to 1/4 debt to value ratio) e Water and sanitary sewer (including engineering and -grading) Onsite easements — 0% Offsite easements and plant-sites—100% Plants f 100% Internal Lines — 70% (can be 100% on 1/10 debt to value ratio or investment grade rating) • Plus 2 years' interest at bond rate A FWSD is created by petition,. hearing and election process as follows: • Petition to the County Commissioners Court signed by a majority of qualified electors of FWSD that awn land within district and any iienholders; • Hearing before County Commissioners Court must be held within 30 days from date of submission of Petition; and • If approved, FWSD calls election within district to confirm creation and appoint initial FWSD Board of Supervisors. Mr. Dan Tomlin, Jr. Tomlin Interests September 2, 2005 Page 3 In the event the land comprising the development is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a city, city consent to creation of the FWSD is required. This process is generally as follows. • Petition to the City Council signed by majority of qualified voters of FWSD that own land within district and any lienholders; • City adopts ordinance consenting to FWSD creation; and • City may establish conditions to consent regarding terms for issuing bonds, adding land to FWSD, etc. Quite often, the submission of a FWSD consent petition will lead to the negotiation of a development agreement between the developer and the affected city that addresses many aspects of the development, including the FWSD. The development agreement typically addresses the following matters. • Relationship between developer/FWSD/and cities; • Land use/densities/building codes; • Utility construction and service plan; • Public services plan; • Annexation lockout until developer reimbursement; and • FWSD matters. The activities of a FWSD are highly regulated by different levels of state and local government, each with its own set of requirements...- After -you have had an opportunity to review this information, I would be pleased to have the opportunity to meet with you and address these criteria, and any -questions that you may have. I lank forward to speaking with yau. Very- truly yaurs, Clay E. Crawford Enclosures CEC/tdm t• Law Ounces of Clay E. Crawford, P.C. 19 Friar Hollow Lane, Suite 245 3100 McKim= St., Suite 950 Houston, Texas 77027 Dallas, Texas 75201 FAX 713.621.3909 713062103707 FAX 21140981109071 21409819090 mrawford@crawlaw.net MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Dan Tomlin, Jr. Tomlin Investments From: Clay E. Crawford Date: September 2, 2005 Re: Fresh Water Supply Districts Located in Denton County, Texas .INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memorandum is to generally describe the process for the creation of a fresh water supply district ("FWSD" or "FWSDs"); its powers with respect to the construction, operation, maintenance, and financing of public infrastructure to serve new development; and the regulatory framework within which it must operate. This memorandum is organized to first present a summary of this information, followed by a more -detailed discussion. history • Authorized by 1904 and 1917 Constitutional amendments • FWSD authorized by 19191egislative act • Currently, over 1,30Q special districts of various Types, including more than 50 FWSDs Purposes and Authority • Chapters 30, 49, and 53, Texas Water Cade • Water, sanitary sewer, roads (in certain counties), fire departments, peace officer/patrol, and parks and recreation Powers • Acquire, construct, own, lease, operate, and maintain facilities for authorized purposes • issue bonds securedby revenues and/or ad valorem taxes • Eminent domain within and outside district boundaries • May add land only upon petition of landowner • May divide into new district (in certain counties) Creation • Municipal consent (if within ETJ) • Elector/landowner petitions county commissioners court • Notice of hearing before commissioners court • Hearing on sufficiency of petition: boundaries, project description, necessity, feasibility and name • Commissioners court order granting petition and appointing five (5) interim 10 supervisors • Interim supervisors meet, organize, call, and conduct district confirmation and supervisor election, and sanitary sewer, road, fire department, maintenance tax, and bond elections • Order canvassing returns filed with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ") and in county deed records Management • Board of five t5) supervisors • Staggered four (4) year terms • Resident elector of district • Initially appointed, subsequently elected • Conflict of interest disqualifications • Consultants Regulatory Oversight/Public Disclosure • Creation: county and city (if wn ETJj • Plans and construction review: TCEQ, county, and city (if within ETJ) • Issuance of debt: TCEQ, Office of the Texas Attorney General ("OAG"), and city (if within ETJ) • Elections: Secretary of State and OAG • Finances: TCEQ • Subject to open meetings, open records, public bidding laws, and annual financial disclosure to TCEQ • District Information Forms in county real property records, signage, and land purchaser disclosure • Bond information disclosure: District Information Form, TCEQ, and filing with Municipal Advisory Council Benefits/Rationale -2- • Long term financing of infrastructure on tax exempt basis is source of infrastructure funding versus lot price • Provides effective financing mechanism for improvements needed to comply with Federal, State and local requirements, including fire prevention/suppression • Only area benefited pays for improvements • Provides mechanism to fund regional governmental approved and regulated facilities versus individual wells and septic systems • Provides entity to contract with other political subdivisions for provision of services • Provides governmental entity to survive developer for long term ownership, management, and financing of infrastructure GENERAL DISCUSSION History of FWSIDs Authority for the creation of special purpose districts to control and use the state's surface waters was first provided by the addition of Article III, Section 52 to the Texas Constitution in 1904. Pursuant to this authorization, the Legislatures adopted general laws that empowered counties to create districts to finance and construct projects to develop the- state's agricultural land. In 1917, Article YVI, Section 59 was added to the Texas Constitution, authorizing the formation of conservation and reclamation districts with more liberal .provisions and powers. The .statutory authority -for the creation of FWSDs was adopted by the Legislature initially in,1919. The FWSD was the first type of special district created for the purpose of providing water to residential users. During the late 1950's the use of special districts for urban residential development began to increase significantly. This _process intensified in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's as the state's population grew. According to Water District Update, PD-0031014, No. 6 (February 2001) published by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, predecessor to the TCEQ, there are more than 14 types of special districts authorized by general law, and as of December 31, 1999, there were over 1,300 special districts in Texas, including approximately 50 FWSDs. Purposes and Authority The authority and powers of FWSDs are provided primarily by Chapters 30, 49, and 53, Texas Water Code, as amended ("Water Code") (All statutory references herein are to the Water Code, unless otherwise stated). Upon its creation, a FWSD has the authority to provide. water asupply for domestic and commercial purposes (Section 53.101); employ peace officers (Section 49.216); and parrs and recreational facilities (Section 49.463). A FWSD may obtain the power to provide sanitary sewer systems if -none is available within the District and if authorized by the district's -electors (Section 53.121). This power is in addition to the authority to participate in regional waste disposal systems (Section 30.021). If a FWSD is located in a county or adjacent to a county which has a population of 1.3 million or more and in which a municipality with a population of more than 1.0 million is primarily located, and if authorized by the district's electors, it may assume the powers of a road district and provide subdivision roads, _3_ thoroughfares and arterials. Finally, a FWSD is authorized to establish, operate and maintain a fire department after approval of the district's electors (Section 49.351). Powers FWSDs have all requisite authority for the acquisition, construction, and development of the -improvements authorized by the Water Code. A FWSD -may also issue debt to finance such activities. Such debt may be secured by revenues and/or, with the exception of parks and recreational facilities in most counties, ad valorem tax proceeds. There is no constitutional limitation on the rate of taxation of a FWSD. Other than with .respect to roads, there is no constitutional limitation on the amount -of debt that a FWSD may issue. With respect to roads, a FWSD may not issue debt greater than 25% A its certified assessed value for such purpose. The issuance of bonds by a FWSD is subject to initial authorization by district electors if ad valorem taxes are to be pledged; feasibility and engineering review by the TCEQ, other than with respect to roan board issues; and legal and, with respect to road bond issues, feasibility review by the Office of the Texas Attorney General. Under certain circumstances, a municipality in whose extraterritorial jurisdiction (" ETP) a FWSD is located may place certain conditions of the issuance of bonds by the FWSD. A FWSD may annex land only upon petition of a landowner (Section 49.301 and 49.302). FWSDs that meet certain conditions may divide into two new districts, subject to approval by the district electors (Section 53.029). However, the Public Finance Division of the OAG has taken the position that it is unlikely that such districts could exercise this power by annexing non-contiguous territory and then dividing off such territory. Also, a FWSD may exercise the right of eminent domain to acquire IancL both inside and outside of its boundaries, to Chapter 21, Property Code. Creation If the proposed district is located within a municipality's ET7, consent to the district's creation by the municipality is required (Section 42.042, 3,oca1 Government Code). A FWSD is created by petition, hearing, and election (Section 53.011). A person may present a petition requesting district creation to the commissioners court of the county which includes the land in the district (Section 53.013). The petition must contain the signatures of 50 or a majority of the district electors who own land in the district. The petition must state: the boundaries of the district, general nature of the proposed projects; necessity of the district, feasibility of the district, and the name of the district. The presenter of the petition must pay a $100 to the county clerk. The commissioners court sets a time and.place for the hearing; and such hearing must be held between the 15t' and 3& day after the day the petition is presented (Section 53.016). The county clerk shall issue notice of the hearing and deliver the notice to any person willing to execute and post it (Section 53.017). The person receiving the notice shall post a copy of it at the Courthouse door and at four (4) different places inside the district. The notice shall be posted at least 10 days before the date of the hearing (Section 53.018). The commissioners court shall have jurisdiction to determine all issues pertaining to the sufficiency of the petition, and shall allow any interested person to appear before it in person or by attorney to offer testimony relative to the sufficiency of the petition (Section -4- 53.019). This section gives the court broad discretion in conducting the hearing (Tex. Atty Gen. Op. No. JC-0406, 2001). If the commissioners court grants the petition, it shall appoint five (5) temporary supervisors to serve on the board of the district until permanent supervisors are elected. After appointment of the temporary supervisors, they shall meet and organize (Section 53.020). Before issuing debt obligations, an election is held within the district to determine if the district shall be established and to elect five (5) -permanent -directors (Section 49.102). -Such election -is to be nailed and conducted by the district (Tex. Atty Gen. Op. No. JC-0406, 2001). The temporary board shall canvass the results at the earliest practical time. I€ a majority of the votes cast in the election are in favor of the district, then the district is created and the order canvassing the election shall be filed with the TCEQ and in the county deed records. The five (5) persons receiving the highest number of votes for supervisor shall have been elected as permanent supervisors. Management A FWSD is governed by a board of five (5) supervisors (Section 53.062). The supervisors are initially appointed by the commissioners court. To be qualified to serve as a supervisor, a person must be a registered voter of the district (Section 53.063). A supervisor may be disqualified as a result of certain relationships (Section 49.052); and is subject to the provisions of Chapter 171, Local Government Code, relating to the regulation of conflicts of interest (Section 49.058). District supervisors are elected to four (4) year staggered -terms. Supervisor elections are held the second Saturday in May in each even numbered year (Section 49.103). In the event of resignation or vacancy, a majority of the remainder of the supervisors can fill such vacancy (Section 49.105). The FWSD may employ engineers, attorneys, financial advisors, operators, bookkeepers, tax assessor -collectors, auditors, and staff to assist in the management of the distriefs affairs (Section 49.057). Regulatory Oversight Authority for the creation of a FWSD is granted to the commissioners court. However, if the proposed district is located within the ETJ of a municipality, the consent of the municipality to tthe district creation is required. Once the FWSD is created, it is subject to the continuing supervision of the TCEQ (30 TAC Section 293.3). Plans and specifications for district facilities are subject to review by the TCEQ, county, and other overlapping local jurisdictions. The TCEQ and the OAG have approval authority over the issuance .of bonds by a FWSD. For water .and .sanitary sewer bond issues in Denton County, the TCEQ rules limit the amount of bonds which can be sold by a district to that amount which can be supported by a combined (water, sewer, drainage and paving) projected tax rate of $1.20 per $100 of assessed value, and a combined no -growth tax rate of $2.20 per $100 assessed value. The OAG has established a combined (water, sewer, drainage and paving) no -growth tax rate of $2.50 per $100 assessed value as a requirement for the issuance of road bonds. The OAG also must approve the legality of all district bonds. Meetings of the FWSD board of supervisors are subject to the requirements of the open meetings law, Chapter 551, Government Cade. FWSDs are under a duty to have their fiscal accounts and records audited on an annual basis (Section 49.191). The FWSD audit must be filed with the TCEQ within 135 days after its fiscal year end. The FWSD board shall keep a complete account of all of its meetings and proceedings, and shall preserve its minutes and records (Section 49.065). A FWSD is subject to the open records law, Chapter 552, Government Code. The existence of a district and its boundaries are required to be flied of public record. This information is filed with the TCEQ and in the county deed records (Section 49.103 (f). Section 49.455 also requires a district to file with the county clerk in the county where the district is located certain information and to keep such information updated. Some of this information includes: district name; legal description of boundaries; most recent rate of district ad valorem property tax; amount of bonds which may be issued by the district; amount of bonds that have been issued by the district, and a form of Notice to Purchaser. Sellers of land within a district must provide a Notice to Purchase including this information prior to and at closing (Section 4.9,452). Finally, the district must file information regarding its outstanding bonds with the Municipal Advisory Council of Texas and other depositories of information regarding municipal issuers and securities. -6-