04/03/2006-CC-Minutes-Work SessionU11plyrriulu 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin, Councilman Robert Patton, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Mike Walker, Councilman Mike James OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Engineering Coordinator Samantha Renz, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Vehicle Maintenance Kristian Lindberg, Electric Superintnedent Mike Prater, Liz Springer, John Springer, Joe Falls, Andy Garza, Kathy Floyd, C.G. McNeill, Paul Edelman, Johnny Ray Looper, Rod Zielke, Woodrow Barton, Lee Allison City Engineer, Polly Dwyer, Beverly Howard, Dan Almon 1. Mayor Joe Higgs called meeting to order. 2. Discussion on Capital Improvements for Streets, Water/Wastewater and Electric. Lee Allison, City Engineer, addressed the Council He indicated that he had delivered a report to them a few weeks ago outlining the proposed capital improvements. The report included all of the candidates for the CIP, and with feedback from Council and staff they have come up with a new proposal. The areas in yellow are the recommended areas to be included in the base bid. The green areas are alternative bid projects, if funds are available. This will include a full 25 year storm drainage system. It starts at the low end and drains back to the treatment facilities. During these projects we will need to work with the franchise utilities to see about possible repairs to their lines at the same time. The total far the projects is projected to be $3,124,980 for streets and drainage and $1,670,400 for water and sever. Mr. Allison recommended the project be started in Indian Springs and on Holt Road. Councilman Ervin asked if the right -of --way had been obtained on Holt Road. Staff indicated at had not. Discussion regarding that Holt Road has a prescriptive right of way, the road can be improved but not widened. Mr. Woodrow Barton asked if cross sections and a plan profile would be provided. Mr. Allison indicated it would be at the time of design. Mr. Andy Garza indicated he felt they should consider widening holt Road to the bus traffic on that road. Discussed width of Holt Road. Council agreed to schedule a workshop to discuss funding. 3. Discussion concerning amendments to Home Rule Charter. Polly Dwyer addressed the Council concerning this item. She indicated some of the corrections were typographical errors the Charter committee had agreed to go with the attorney recommendations to correct them. There was removal a statement that was in conflict and she addressed the proposed changes. Ms. Dwyer indicated they are recommending adding a section that includes the responsibilities and purposes for all boards and commissions in the Charter. She indicated the attorney had recommended they reduce the number of registered voters required to petition a recall or referendum, and the committee had elected to leave that as is. Ms. Dwyer also indicated they would like to add a provision that would require a councilmember to resign his seat on election day if he had chosen to run for an open seat in the election. Robert Dillard, City Attorney, addressed the council concerning the proposed changes. He indicated that the procedures and purposes for the committee would be difficult to include in the Charter, they were lengthy and can be found in the state codes. He also indicated that it would be near impossible to get 33% of the registered voters to sign a petition, he recommended a percentage of the voters who voted in a prior election be used instead. Mr. Dillard discussed the resignation requirement for Council members, he indicated this would not serve the purpose that the committee had intended for it to serve. Discussion continued on this item, and it was agreed that the City Attorney would help word this according to state law. 4. Discussion on Planning for New City Hall Building. No Discussion 5. Meeting Adjourned.