01-98-Ordinance-Amending the Solid Waste Collection Fees-01/05/1998CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 01-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANGER, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANGER CODE OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: SECTION I Section 6.314 - Solid Waste Collection Fees: (a) Residential Services $9.45 per month (hand pick-up) per individual Twice Weekly residence (b) Commercial Customers Two pick-ups per week $18.15/month (c) Container Services (1) Three (3) yd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week $36.56/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $63.84/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $17.91 each (iv) $1.00 per customer (2) Four 4) yd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week $45.70/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $79.83/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $21.09/each Ordinance No. 01-98 (iv) $1.00 per customer (3) Six (6) yd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week $62.83/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $126.66/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $23.20 each (iv) $1.00 per customer (4) Eight, (8) yd. containers. (i) One pick-up per week $78.82/month (ii) Two pick-ups per week $143.79/month (iii) Extra Pick-up $40.11 each (iv) $1.00 per customer (5) Thirty (30)_yd. containers. (i) Commercial user. (A) Rent $68.54/month (B) Delivery $86.68/month (C) Pick -Up $332.28/each (D) $1.00 per customer (6) City Convenience Center (i) Rent N/C (ii) Delivery N/C (iii) Pick -Up $269.71/each (iv) Dry Run $151.65 (7) Recycling container service. $156.71/pick-up Page 2 Ordinance No. 01-98 SECTION II Page 3 Failure to comply with any section or provision of this Ordinance that is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful or a misdemeanor, or whenever this Ordinance, the commission of an act is required or the omission thereof is prohibited, the violation of such provision shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($,1000.00); provided however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided under the laws of the State of Texas. Each day any violation of this Ordinance shall continue shall constitute a separate offense. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION III It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Ordinance are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Ordinance No. 01-98 SECTION IV Page 4 This Ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law in such cases provides. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of January, 1998, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. Coker III, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City retary CITY OF SANGER, MAS 800-030-1930 Offers FREE Vinyl Siding On Eve New Home Purchase Limited. Time Only NA ;r $6000 DON'T THROW LM cassette. THIS AWAY On Rent In 1998 Own 3-4 BR. �ME Home For Less cassette. CALL NOWT 817-430-8035 (Metro) ry HALF PRICE indow & USED HOMES and ,ruise. DISCOUNTED REPOS In Parks, Decks, Trees, Ready For You To Move In, Don't Walt! PALM HARBOR VILLAGE DENTON 800-430.1930 pay, great tips. Call 940- 458-7947, 'f 35Years Experience •Interior/Exterior Painting -Exterior Brick Mortar Repairs -Tree Trimming •Interior/Exterior Caulking -install Ceiling Fans -Yard & Flower Bed Work -Wood Fence Repairs and Much Morel No Hauline. LOST & FOUND Dachsund Found: black, miniature female. Call 458-7454. J22/tfnF Male Black Chow LOST: Answers to Brer Bear, has a yellow collar and rabies tag from Mobile Vet. if found, call Marsha or Grace @ 940/458 3792. He disappeared around Christmas Day, off of Duck Creek Road. J8/2tp January 22, 1998 Sanger Courier, HELP WANTED Mature man or woman with small town values and friendliness for a public re- lations and counseling position in the, Sanger area. No experience'neces-. sary for this immediate position: we offer full training with above average income. To schedule .your personal in- terview, please call Dave at 1-800-628-5896. 122/,« CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 10-98 AN ORDINANCE OF TIID CITY OF SANGER, COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLIDWAS LECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANGER I ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DAT] J2, 2nic ROSALIE CHAVEZ, CITY SECRETARY I' •9855-89� (Oi16) lira `slDnpoad usuzaoN alaalq Inogs uotjsuzao3ui aaouz jo3 9span3us -ua-d g ol -ui-s OE 6 uzgj pus SupLz j q.2noJgj Sspuoyq •'ui•d g o� uz s OE 6 uio4 uado si aa2usS ui usuraox alJay� •papp8 aqs „'Buruado pusJ2 ano ,Io smou ao3 Jadud aqj gojsAk„ gj qa3 Sumo uaAT2 eq o1 satlaucsoo usuiJoN ajJayq jq j so sari zaD: 43?$ 09$ oml uinn o� aaTsT�aa pus orpnjs aq4 Bain 01 saauiolsnD mou pus quailD salinut aqs,,; •SJlannaf JaAlts 2U111918 X11jsnb g2rq, ss Mann ss 's2uq JOADailsuI pus s2uq aloe. `sajpusD pooTu 'sajpusD paluaas slias osjs I-eau'o •s1azrus2ao' pus sutsgD S931 'spIo3lljq 1s2ugpusq 2uig3jsur axtl-uolq2tJg pus auzoausZ Xq 1089sy T*^A�� y-T so aAorT anJ_T. 'Da1T R ianT'nrr nalgr&T RU TT3TTR — gQTT90Tn,)_i3TTP_ gauLn nT.Tnd1( Tianv a HALF PRICE indow & USED HOMES and ,ruise. DISCOUNTED REPOS In Parks, Decks, Trees, Ready For You To Move In, Don't Walt! PALM HARBOR VILLAGE DENTON 800-430.1930 pay, great tips. Call 940- 458-7947, 'f 35Years Experience •Interior/Exterior Painting -Exterior Brick Mortar Repairs -Tree Trimming •Interior/Exterior Caulking -install Ceiling Fans -Yard & Flower Bed Work -Wood Fence Repairs and Much Morel No Hauline. LOST & FOUND Dachsund Found: black, miniature female. Call 458-7454. J22/tfnF Male Black Chow LOST: Answers to Brer Bear, has a yellow collar and rabies tag from Mobile Vet. if found, call Marsha or Grace @ 940/458 3792. He disappeared around Christmas Day, off of Duck Creek Road. J8/2tp January 22, 1998 Sanger Courier, HELP WANTED Mature man or woman with small town values and friendliness for a public re- lations and counseling position in the, Sanger area. No experience'neces-. sary for this immediate position: we offer full training with above average income. To schedule .your personal in- terview, please call Dave at 1-800-628-5896. 122/,« CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 10-98 AN ORDINANCE OF TIID CITY OF SANGER, COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLIDWAS LECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANGER I ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DAT] J2, 2nic ROSALIE CHAVEZ, CITY SECRETARY I' •9855-89� (Oi16) lira `slDnpoad usuzaoN alaalq Inogs uotjsuzao3ui aaouz jo3 9span3us -ua-d g ol -ui-s OE 6 uzgj pus SupLz j q.2noJgj Sspuoyq •'ui•d g o� uz s OE 6 uio4 uado si aa2usS ui usuraox alJay� •papp8 aqs „'Buruado pusJ2 ano ,Io smou ao3 Jadud aqj gojsAk„ gj qa3 Sumo uaAT2 eq o1 satlaucsoo usuiJoN ajJayq jq j so sari zaD: 43?$ 09$ oml uinn o� aaTsT�aa pus orpnjs aq4 Bain 01 saauiolsnD mou pus quailD salinut aqs,,; •SJlannaf JaAlts 2U111918 X11jsnb g2rq, ss Mann ss 's2uq JOADailsuI pus s2uq aloe. `sajpusD pooTu 'sajpusD paluaas slias osjs I-eau'o •s1azrus2ao' pus sutsgD S931 'spIo3lljq 1s2ugpusq 2uig3jsur axtl-uolq2tJg pus auzoausZ Xq 1089sy T*^A�� y-T so aAorT anJ_T. 'Da1T R ianT'nrr nalgr&T RU TT3TTR — gQTT90Tn,)_i3TTP_ gauLn nT.Tnd1( Tianv a pay, great tips. Call 940- 458-7947, 'f 35Years Experience •Interior/Exterior Painting -Exterior Brick Mortar Repairs -Tree Trimming •Interior/Exterior Caulking -install Ceiling Fans -Yard & Flower Bed Work -Wood Fence Repairs and Much Morel No Hauline. LOST & FOUND Dachsund Found: black, miniature female. Call 458-7454. J22/tfnF Male Black Chow LOST: Answers to Brer Bear, has a yellow collar and rabies tag from Mobile Vet. if found, call Marsha or Grace @ 940/458 3792. He disappeared around Christmas Day, off of Duck Creek Road. J8/2tp January 22, 1998 Sanger Courier, HELP WANTED Mature man or woman with small town values and friendliness for a public re- lations and counseling position in the, Sanger area. No experience'neces-. sary for this immediate position: we offer full training with above average income. To schedule .your personal in- terview, please call Dave at 1-800-628-5896. 122/,« CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS ORDINANCE No. 10-98 AN ORDINANCE OF TIID CITY OF SANGER, COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING SOLIDWAS LECTION, SECTION 6.314, OF THE SANGER I ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DAT] J2, 2nic ROSALIE CHAVEZ, CITY SECRETARY I' •9855-89� (Oi16) lira `slDnpoad usuzaoN alaalq Inogs uotjsuzao3ui aaouz jo3 9span3us -ua-d g ol -ui-s OE 6 uzgj pus SupLz j q.2noJgj Sspuoyq •'ui•d g o� uz s OE 6 uio4 uado si aa2usS ui usuraox alJay� •papp8 aqs „'Buruado pusJ2 ano ,Io smou ao3 Jadud aqj gojsAk„ gj qa3 Sumo uaAT2 eq o1 satlaucsoo usuiJoN ajJayq jq j so sari zaD: 43?$ 09$ oml uinn o� aaTsT�aa pus orpnjs aq4 Bain 01 saauiolsnD mou pus quailD salinut aqs,,; •SJlannaf JaAlts 2U111918 X11jsnb g2rq, ss Mann ss 's2uq JOADailsuI pus s2uq aloe. `sajpusD pooTu 'sajpusD paluaas slias osjs I-eau'o •s1azrus2ao' pus sutsgD S931 'spIo3lljq 1s2ugpusq 2uig3jsur axtl-uolq2tJg pus auzoausZ Xq 1089sy T*^A�� y-T so aAorT anJ_T. 'Da1T R ianT'nrr nalgr&T RU TT3TTR — gQTT90Tn,)_i3TTP_ gauLn nT.Tnd1( Tianv a