07/19/2004-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JULY 1% 2004 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIVAR 1. Call Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: June 21, 2004 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible Action on Looper Presentation Regarding Drainage Ditch aff of Rising Star Lane, 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Citizen Complaint at 100 S. 8'" Street. 6 Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-19-04 -Adopting the 2003 International Building Code. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-20-04 -Amending the Sign Regulations Regarding Off -Site Advertising, 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #07-21-04 -Amending the Planned Development Plan for Brooke Hill Village. 9. Discussion Regarding Demand Rate for Large Commercial Electric Accounts. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid. 11. Discussion Regarding Purchase/Research Regarding Gasoline Tanks. 12. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Sewer Bore under Interstate 35. 13. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Streets, Sidewalks and Retention Ponds. 14. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considerec�,ap�executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will.A itiade irj,'dRrt session following the conclusion of the executive session. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - SPECIAL CALLED May 24, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz 1. Mayor called Meeting to Order 2. Canvass Votes from the Saturday, May 15, 2004 City Election. Mayor canvassed votes as follows: Mayor: Tommy Kincaid 261 Jerry Jenkins 183 Place 2: Glenn Ervin 311 Place 4: Mike James 210 Mike Lawler 219 Total Voters 447 Councilman Evans moved to accept the canvass. Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. a) Statement of Elected Officer b) Oaths of Office c) Issue Certificates of Election 3. Consider and Possible Action on a 90 Day Moratorium on New Construction and Remodeling of Buildings in the Downtown Area. Councilman Garza moved to place a 90 day moratorium on new construction in the downtown area. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Lawler asked what this was about. City Secretary explained an ordinance for the downtown area has been created; however, it is still under review. This will help maintain the historical appeal of the area. The ordinance was sent to an advisor as recommended by the City attorney. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Meeting Adjourned. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL JUNE 219 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike Lawler, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Randy Bonneau, Elizabeth Higgs, Laverne Schertz, Jerry Jenkins, Woodrow Barton, Charlotte Summers, Alice Madden, Russell Madden, Arlene Thomas, Ken Perry, Stephen Howard, Steve Summers, Joshua Flanagan, Belle Lawson, Michael Davis, Geri Davis, Bobby Blagg, Ross Calhoun, Nathan Young, Kirk Wilson, Rick Ezzell 1. Mayor called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. June 7, 2004 a) Minutes b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. Mayor• asked if anyone had lost a lcey that was found outside of the building. 4. Appointment of Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilman Evans moved to appoint Andy Garza. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Garza abstained. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Presentation by the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. Elizabeth Higgs presented the $70,000.00 check to the City Council, that Keep Sanger Beautiful had been awarded for the Governors Community Achievement Award. They are extremely happy and excited. Ms. Higgs introduced members of Keep Sanger Beautiful. She indicated they have been hardworking, motivated, and enthusiastic. This would not have been accomplished without them. Ms. Higgs thanked the City Council for their unwavering support, and indicated they could not have had the success they have had without the trust the Council had put in this board. She gave them a brochure that had been displayed at the convention in Austin. She, again, thanked the City Council and City employees. She indicated they had recorded 2,613 volunteers. They had a mass program with the school, and nearly every student participated. Ms. Higgs discussed the Trash Off, Neighborhood Night Out, and the numerous volunteers and volunteer hours committed to these projects. She indicated that for every dollar the City budgeted, Deep Sanger Beautiful had raised $34.00 in in -kind services. Ms. Higgs gave a letter to the Mayor, and showed certificate from Governor Rick Perry. She then showed a film from the convention featuring the cities that had been presented with the Governor's Community Achievement Award. 6. Presentation by Charlotte Summers in regards to a Sewer Complaint. Charlotte Summers indicated every time it rains they have to worry about water coming into their home through the City's sewer pipes. They didn't have this problem until they resurfaced Willow Street last summer. The first incident was in the middle of the night. There was a heavy rain and they realized there was water in their bedroom. When they opened the overflow outside, water came gushing out of the pipe. She indicated she had called the city and her call was not returned. A City Employee came to her home the next day and indicated he was told to do whatever was necessary to correct the problem. The carpet company came, and they found out the carpet had to be replaced since it was sewer damage. Two days later, the sewer backed up into the home again. A few weeks later they had another rain and the same problem occurred. She wanted the City to see the problem, so she called and once again, no one came out. Ms. Summers continued to discuss the problem and indicated the City Manager had indicated to her that he felt the insurance company should pay for the damages or that the City Council should feel obligated to cover the damages. Steve Summers indicated it would be a simple solution to run the line out to Eighth Street. The line goes down low into the City main going out to Willow Street. When you get any backflow it forces the water back into the pipes. It would be easiest to go out to Eighth Street. Mr. Summers indicated they are having to live through every rain strom getting up to relieve the sewer pipe. They don't feel safe about taking vacations or even going to work. It just takes a minute for it to rain and fill up the pipes. Council asked what they were asking for. Ms. Summers indicated they would like the carpet cleaners to be paid, the carpet replaced, and the line rerouted. Discussion regarding the repairs on Willow Street, Councilman Evans indicated he felt the City should take care of the problem. Councilman Lawler asked why it hasn't been taken care of. Staff indicated city employees cannot get on private property and TML has indicated the City is not liable. City Secretary explained what was sent to the insurance company, and indicated that there is a clause stating that the City is not liable unless they were negligent. Councilman Garza indicated he felt the insurance company should cover it, but he does not want to wait until they have more problems. Discussion. City Manager indicated if they replace the line there is still a possibility of this happening. If the City goes out there, we are indicating that we feel like we are wrong. These people have a horrible situation, but the City did not cause the problem. He did not want Council to feel that the City is under a legal obligation, because we did not cause the problem, but it can be corrected. He indicated that he felt the City employees were doing the best they could. Discussion. City Secretary asked if we can hire a contractor to do the sewer line, because if we do it and if something goes wrong then the City will be liable. Consensus of Council to take care of the problem. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like an update once it is completed. Ms. Summers asked what about the damages. City Secretary indicated for them to get an estimate for the carpet. Councilman Garza indicated he would like to get back to the Insurance company to see if they will pay the claim. Discussed backflow prevention. Ms. Summers will bring estimate for the carpet. City Secretary indicated they will need to sign a waiver of liability to the City. Consider and Possible Action on Downtown Sidewalks. City Manager indicated the Keep Sanger Beautiful members had been out of town, and requested this be postponed. Councilman Evans moved to table the item for the next agenda. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Discuss, Consider and TakeAppropriate Action Regarding the Proposed Int/35/Chisum Road Limited Development Agreement. Project is an Estimated 368 Acre Tract Located North of The City of Sanger. Councilman Evans moved to deny the agreement. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Ervin and Evans voted no. Mr. Wilson asked if there was anything they can change in the agreement. Mehrdad Moayedi indicated he felt it would be nice to at least let them make their presentation. Discussion. Councilman Evans indicated he was against it because the City was not going to get the electric service, and possibly not the water. Mr. Moayedi indicated that when he came before them last time they were asked to do some things, now they have done them and were not even given the chance to talk. Councilman Garza indicated his biggest complaint was the lot size, and there are a few other things he was not happy with. Discussion. City Manager indicated they have never had any transfers given to them by CoServ. They had requested it about two years ago. They were very receptive to trading us area, but the City does not have any area to trade. Kirk Wilson thanked the Council. 9. Discuss, Consider and Take Appropriate Action Regarding The Consent For The Creation of North Denton County Water Control and Improvement District #1 and #2. Item Tabled. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Request from Randy Bonneau Regarding Firework Stand. City Manager indicated Mr. Bonneau has been working with the city and checking on the annexations ,the property has been annexed since he made his plans this year. Discussion. Randy Bonneau, 3306 Sedona, McKinney TX, apologized for the mess that was there caused by the storm damage. The wreckage of the buildings stayed out there too long. He continued to explain his plans for the stand in the future, and how it would be better maintained. He indicated he had been doing business here for 15 years, he will try to keep it mowed. He will not allow a single firework to go off. He indicated the ground was too wet for him to get heavy equipment in there to move those buildings. He indicated he will do whatever it takes to insure safety. Councilman Evans indicated there are at least four other stands, they will not be happy about the city allowing him to be inside the city limits. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to allow him to do it. Councilman Lawler seconded. Councilman Garza asked what the legality of the issue was. Councilman Evans indicated he did not want the Council to go against the ordinance. He was concerned about setting a precedence. He did not want to allow him to do something they would not allow others to do. Councilman Ervin amended his motion to allow the stand only for the period of June 24th to July 4. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Higgs an Councilman Evans voted no. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Marion Road Water Line Bid City Manager indicated the bid was approved, but they have not signed anything with Osage yet. The engineer checked references and they all came back fine. City Secretary indicated when Wilson Contracting submitted the bid, they did not submit their references. It was a requirement of the bid that references be submitted, since they were not submitted they should have been disqualified at that time; however, the engineer indicated he would contact them and get the references. Councilman Evans moved to deny all bids. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Vehicle Bid. (Electric Department Truck) Mike Prater indicated it was a budgeted item. Discussion. 1t;c�J J Mr. Prater indicated this is the best truck on the market for what they do. They spoke with other companies, and this is a good truck. The bid process is where we get a better price on the truck. Councilman Ervin asked what kind of truck it was. Mr. Prater indicated it was a Derrick Digger, the chassis will probably be International. Councilman Ervin moved to award the bid to Altec Industries in the amount of $120,238.00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-17-04 -Amending Inspection Fees. City Manager indicated this has to do primarily with the plumbing inspector we use. He is charging us $30.00, we are charging $25.00. Councilman Garza indicated he did not like the charge for issuing the permit. In Denton you can register to be a contractor for no charge. Discussion regarding the plumbing inspections. Danny Cockrell indicated the reinspections are his main concern. Discussion. Councilman Garza indicated he felt some of the fees were too high. Councilman Evans moved to approve an ordinance to move the permit fee from $25 to $309and to move the reinspection from $30.00 to $50.00. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consider and Possible Action Regarding the Exterior Facade Requirements on Residential Dwellings. Councilman Evans indicted he did not want to go down on the masonry percentage required, but wanted to require some brick on the second stories. Steve Howard, Lennar Homes, found out the City had changed the brick ordinance., and wanted to give some input to the Council. He asked the Council to clarify how it is calculated. He continued to explain that he felt 75% brick can make the house seem more spacious. Discussed exterior facade requirements. Mr. Howard indicated he would like a definition of the exterior facade, and would like the council to consider re -writing the ordinance. Discussed allowing siding in recessed areas. Councilman Evans asked what percentage would he suggest. Mr. Howard indicated he would like there to not be a requirement. Councilman Evans indicated he did not like all the homes looking the same. When they started putting in the two story it broke it up some. Discussed percentages in ordinance. City Manager indicated he likes to see a little siding, but also would like some continuity on the second floor. Discussion. Mike Lawler moved to table the ordinance. Councilman Ervin seconded. Jerry Jenkins asked if they would consider allowing the Planning and Zoning Commission to make a recommendation to the City Council, Discussion. Item tabled. 15. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-07-04 -Requiring Sprinklers and Fire Alarms on Commercial Buildings. Councilman Evans moved to approve Ordinance 4406-07-01. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussion. Motion carried unanimously. 16. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #06-08-04 -Requiring Sprinkler Systems in Multi -Family Buildings. Councilman Evans moved to approve Ordinance #06-08-04. Councilman Higgs seconded. t City Manager asked if this included duplexes. Staff indicated it did not. Danny Cockrell indicated a duplex requires a firewall0 Motion carried unanimously. 17. Consider and Possible Action on Council Members) Attending Training in Austin. Councilman Ervin moved to allow Councilman Lawler to attend training. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 18. Consider and Possible Action on Repealing Resolution #12-17-98 -Regarding Approval for Council Members to Travel. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to request that this Resolution be repealed. Jerry Jenkins indicated he supported the motion. He was misinformed when the motion was made to put this resolution in place. He thought he was doing the right thing, but he wasn't. City Secretary indicated the budget controls the expenses anyway. Councilman Garza indicated he was not sure the City could afford it, he did not want it to be a vacation. He indicated that he did feel a new councilman should go to training. Councilman Evans moved to do away with Resolution 12-17-98. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1. Councilman Garza voted no. 19. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of a New Registered Sanitarian for the City of Sanger Health Inspections. City Manager indicated the City has had problems with the Sanitarian that we currently have. Councilman Ervin moved to appoint Tom Bailey as the Registered Sanitarian for the City of Sanger. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 20. Consider and Possible Action on Board Appointments. Mayor read the list of appointments and needed volunteers. Betty Kincaid, and Selina Swaim were recommendations of the Keep Sanger Beautiful. Councilman Evans moved to reappoint Shelley Ruland, and to appoint Jerry Jenkins and Mike James to the Planning and Zoning. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Garza and Councilman Lawler voted no. Discussed Board of Adjustments appointments. Discussed Parks Board appointments. Councilman Garza moved to appoint Bobbye Robinson and John Looper, and reappoint others that need it to the Board of Adjustments. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discussed Parks Board. Councilman Garza moved to reappoint Nathan Ervin and Georgia Royal to the Parks Board. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Ervin moved to reappoint Jeanice Newton, and to appoint Selina Swaim and Betty Kincaid to the Keep Sanger Beautiful Board. Discussed Library Board Appointments. Councilman Garza moved to reappoint Francille Sullivan, Beverly Howard, John Springer and Alice Madden to the Library Board. Councilman Ervin seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Lawler indicated we need new volunteers. 21. Consider and Possible Action on Vacation Time to be Considered "Time Worked" for City Employees. City Manager indicated there was an issue when a person was on vacation, and then called in because of the storm. The employee did not get paid overtime. Would the Council want to allow them to consider vacation time "time worked". City Secretary indicated some of the employees are unhappy about not being paid. Discussion. Councilman Ervin indicated he felt if we did not treat the employees right, then when we call they may not come and we can't do anything about it. He felt we should take care of the employees. Councilman Ervin moved to consider vacation time as "Time Worked". Motion died for lack of second. City Manager explained it was not a case of being called in on your vacation. It was just the week they took some vacation days. Councilman Evans moved to leave it the way it is until budget time. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried 3 to 2. Councilman Ervin and Councilman Lawler voted no. 22. Meeting Adjourned. 7CtkJC2I`04 11.32 Ai; REGULAR DEPAHNFBT flisl" REGISTER PAU VENDOR 'Era '99 FiJNB v001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 15 ADMINISTRATION ��!A E IiEd M ACF�9L1r.1 WME DEbU;IPTION CHECH AMOUiNT 74 '99-0,071A DATA BiUMNESS FORMS INC I-2 13407 c_;CIH3- 521011 OFFICE SUPPLI ENVELOPES 010t1200CA 5Ja :lu 192t ICH9l5 JACKSON BILLA I-43U9)0 tf00� 13-5425 LEGAL. SERVICE GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES 0i00i'flc;C+ 161aU, 9M2600 SANGER COURIER :-43'68 �tl!1_- 5`0 ADVERTHING LEIGAL NOTICES 0, 0l ` `-t9 s8 S °RItfT 143891 aEG1-15"-s518 6E1EPH0NE SER SPRIt11 F IZ8t 5 11 , i� `9`9�-0877G COMPiUMTA PRODUCTS 1-1006223E 801-15-5 1A OFFICE SUPPLI G INK CART In?�Aejr9ClA Ha85 CEi=ARTLiE�JT 15 ABtlr?ISTRATI[:r11 If+TALF ':ccn43 7/16/5004 1l;3R AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISIER RAGEr 2 VENDOR SETS 99 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT. 20 POLICE VEN NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNII NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK## AMOUNT 99—O.w�790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1-1000606E 001—RO-5355 R & M MOTOR V PADLOCK & CHAIN v�U00�00 36.66 Pf -�W 7 G, ;c n V R 9i 1 air 9'�®�. �.•.�� 1�,i�nSIAT� I'A€ IERiEJ 1—u6�r&�1���7 �t�l-Lei-JJG,� Ct � CI MOTOR � �. 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IWN CNEC1;11 NMI,JI?! 9'J4i0710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I c1300i 001 "� GG1t COMPUTER ECiJI ONID TA PRINTER SCD 4 40' , ' 99-i40G LAB SAFETY SU'FL'f I-1GS�;9710 G014O+-SSie R i BUILDIN O SMOKERS CEASE FIP,E ESE=Ob4: 150 01 99-15740 OFFICE MAX I-A'01121 061-28-6000 FURNITURE t F BILLING CLERK DESIK SE elSSO iE, . DEF'ARThiENT c1I Et�FORCEhiEEdTfIi�SF'ECTION TOTEIL. ?;?i�89,4�1 t l IG/2@04 11 �z aA1 G 41 VENDOR 504 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND GEPARTMENTs 30 STREETS VEN, NAME. P9}(3}y0CJ4G{.It�ryNLR(C'iy`rAL'[sL.ilaidC%.v—!. 97 01300 JAl9lJHUBLIC CO. 99-1s1G LUTTRULL MCNATT Pin I'p'i1'OO PRIt ODUCTS LAWSON} 99-03010 AU WEBB PARTS 99-0301f� WEG9 AUTO PARTS REGULAR DEPAUtilENT PAYNIIE1111T REGISTER i T L M GIL AUCIUiNT NAME 1u407009 001-30-" 5370 I-519913 GPt1-30 5061.5 r1AfaE s CtESCRIPTIGN CI6ECKi HVIULIN i !� U N DUi LUiN Ii_L INiii1LRuM(. =JIiJ �'U "ts -1Ja ilJ STREW i tr�=luE�IA ASF"F4ALT ��r���l�t�ri �5f a ��.� ��:,c ry �t'S��'p't�-�,JW� Rcy: Et k,�iLT{I�;R �1{r}i1 �A("�SFtii�{F'°�{:,T(�itii�. {� �3'�j+(,y `��'� L-2834 001-30� 3325 R & M MOTOR V OTL,AIR, UEL FILTERS s`K�Y,�000 TV4cti5c 001-30-5025 R & 11 TOR V iOIL&A1R FILTERS,AIR DOSE kl1,00N M1 99�L�3449 11EF,�F.E�i EP?UIP. GF TE;�AS I-w`4959 CI'?1-35-53�5 �� t�6J`7C'1 AAA�-I;E��TG�FIRE � wA�=ET I-199uF t��'1_3�� �;J35 99-07}; HALL SIGNS l 13�387 0�l- 3�q-5w55 � J...y��L3G RELIABLE IaF FIE SUPPLIE i®037 0, 4Jv'.'1.e..3 YIvJL1YJ 99_09430' VALVOLINE COMPANY I�92545130 1v011-JOB 3325 99-V1559t GREILLY AUTO PARTS I-ffiL9ECt t?I��1-,aG-53 �j 99"110 VANCE 9ROS INC I-/:�e;..4'? A 1-3I�—.I.f75 R � N fiIGTSR �,} i�`rIIFE-RUSH U���ub�� R � M MG6iIR V ANNiiP3L I�dSi='ECTII:,I�3 ���i������ GlEARING APPEAR SAFETY JACKETS 00o0 ICEttSL�PP°LI INK CARTS,LABEL TAP"EjPEN,MIGC 0GG��G0 H MOTOR V AIL {t�ti�iwF!+�is1 MIh3OR EQUIPi'k SPRAT` TIPS 0V,11000 I�EP"ARTMEPlT 37i .TREE T 3 T CI I AL: G.2G Sa 3 11 a �P�F 11Jj. 91�1 rS1:30 G3 L le w,eY'im 0151 1Ga 3'9 E�tm,. GS `t/16/2004 11.02 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISIER VENDOR SET; 99 E "AEE. O -uNu c rl€031 OE1�'.ERAL MNu DEPAR i C'1LitT a uC PARKS VP MIME ITEM 41 O/L ACCOUNT NAME 9910790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1-100063036 0001-32 5*2451 99WC 790 COUNTY BUILDING CENTER 1"1106371 ei01�owl G-53215 r r1 �E� :}'_spy930 t'hi"€''r 4 r E ENDER iIMF COMPAN 1-3 �'a.2 ins r. iiw'32E 5320 99- 01310 LU I TRULL NC NA T I P5081;O4 001-32 -53 ., 99-Wn1490 LAWN LAND 1�184211 Otill-3025225 99-Ot8c,80 A-1 PORTA PRIVY I- � 3c`-Ju75 SS�iW�SS �� C�¢ RtE1LLY A?iTO PARTS 1-4c:'S�O OUol-3c-53S5 30-1710 R'EiT1T fi11CH1NERY, INC1 R`®�7�3�vF uESCRIPTION CFIECh, ACSOUNT FiINOR TOOL0 RAKE, HOSE BIB elocil oo 15.3O R t[ i MOTOR OR V PAINT TRAY & BRUdGH OI11CI0,0ol C 44 M OTOR VEHICLE PROPANE OOP' 000 8170 R N MOTOR V OIL FILTERS, MOTOR ASCi 000000 46a9O R M MOTOR i OR V 3 OUAGE WHEELS 0:OHIOI590 85 OR ECUIPME RECITAL SERVICE 00101OO 127 SO K 8 i MOTOR V 2 CYCLE OIL 60 0 lo virl00 R Cr ii C�OTOR V uLISe �iiNCi; SNEA4iE, uLAUE OO�?"IOO SE: uER�t`�R T C'EEd T 3c F'ARC,S T O T AL e ;m'3�:� S`$ 7I1G/2jwM 11;35 AN FEGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYiEIT REGISTER PAGE; 9 VENDOR SET; 99 FUND ; 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMEMTm 34 POOL 4EE NAIIE ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CMECKitt AMOUNT Qk 9'34 tg64G COMMERCIAL SERVICES 1- 42'841 A'�1-34-531G R � M BUILDM 10E WERS 02"000 11010'16 99—CE6�° S€S TELEMETRYI-1G5 r1 .54 W 4 R c EDUaPE E i1E '� ACE ELECTRODE, LUFER SOLDii w0u3U«I 7186 99—A6600 EMP 1-594169 %11-34-5565 CLEANING SUPP CLOVES,BULD ASPIRATORS 0A07G13A 39, uLPAR � i �EP� 134 P'Ci$�L `(rDiAf ; 3GDe�i; 'i116r';v r34 11 '2 APB REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER PAf Ee 1Gr VENDOR SkTc 99 FUND a 00"1 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS 36 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE V 2 E INI, NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK AMOUNT 99—�15C � LAWSON PRODUCTS 2135s'9K 00001-36-53251" R c I MOTOR V MI"C SHOD S STOCK Gi�!�S sty" 1G,11 3 774,1bfi [tEFS AUTO PARTS 1 74 GR u iE "ufCh J LILgAIigEUL FILTERr; �rGZCU 1 99—�s l�� iEDD AUTO PARTS i 3D 5 ZD1-36-53EG R H MGTOR V GIL&AIR FILTERSgAIR HOSE 0000410 GoJG 99—��Gr`1I AAA —DEC i'�ON FIRE & SAFET 1-199'6 4;Di 36 C3 5 R M MOTOR V A;`{NUAL If�SC'ECTIONG ���9 iol 99 9918430 VALVOLINE COMPANY I-9E,4�130 0_mu ,-w.6 ' 9--0LU'01 O� REILL`1 AUTO PART G z-43920 001--36-5265 99-11KO SHNGER SPORTS CENTER t a" I-4E887G A1-36-5R65 i-4a.139 0101 3 52'55 R M MOTOR V OIL 3l�iy�Y�,�ILI GLG�'liti ilitl SUrr i APR ll7tEk..S 0 0'.0, 0 01Gi 9GR ECUIPME HEX SOCKtj INSERT SET 0000021 ANING SUPP G0GAL GREEN FURY 1lEARIING AUPAR 1Cnr I —SHIRTS 0GLE'1cl0 DE!-'ARi�rEEtd! 3� UEHi�C.E �A�fdlEP�At�t�E liaT�!_= be CA0 101300 1072 5G J�L".e rx 'J « Gi y G:y A VENDOR y2 q FUN § : 001 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT: y Library N A 11 E i yaa SPRINT : 3R rkR� KPAYMENT yg9G my: G IiEI# gL±SAIq+ yy@QIq D±y Idyg RlayS9 ±Jp EyRD mmm ym�[I DT y 3� g yyR &0 %m j§a9 �&�\ 7/ 1 G/20,04 11 a 3c AM REGULAR DEPAR � MEN T PAYMEN I REGIS I ER �� 1 VENDOR SST. SS FUND 0011 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT, 44 Comounity Center lE1< MAI E ITEM '19 G/L ACCOUNT i'aA E fJESCRIPTION CHECH AMIOUN "aS—CrGSQ CUIMMERCIAL GF_1?1r = 1-42841 001-44-5310 ? H DEIILDIN ICE MALtERS 000000 100 0110 DC4='ARi�iEi?T 44 Cunn�.tnity Ceii�:�p, VEP�DUR SET AZs1 GE�v'ERAL FUi�Fx TsSiALa i��. S�= i G'iAL a 7, 5E3. S6 I / 1G/i:lTKl4 ;1€ 32 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REG t W TER VENDOR vL i ; 93 'UND s GJ��d ENTIERP€ttSE I UN i NAME ITEM G/L ACCOUNT NAME 99- 11G DATA BUSINESS OO1RMS INN I-Ri34� i CV�B-1aWClcll� 99-0192tO NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA 1- 43090 008-�15-54231 949-Ac300 GANGER COURIER I-1&43068 0C"r8-i -52.130 l�4��991 G�8-15-J;�1&J 9-19d(�� CIC;;OLlt'IPlTA r'�=.1 Ltd BE�CR3Ps iCgi CHLLK;7 ?1VILL'4'T �9ECICE SUPPLI ENVELOPES 98 r� LC AI., rr SERVICE irn;t ir'� GENIER L'LEGAL r-�s r�r-:+r^max ��.h�!��.G�' ��!������ cv G ,J�.. AI�VER T ISI1�G J(J1�E 5�-'GRTS PA43E, LEGAL AO T ICES �C����t'9 TELEF°€ONE SER SPRINT 000000 ChFICe S��i-'PL1 � IP`!Ei LARi i}EF'ARTC�E�aT 15 Ad�ini�rtia;lon 7116/2004 112Atti REbULAR DEPART MEN I PA''I REGI I _.. i PAGE, 1 ` VENDOR SET: 5l3 FUND a 0 % ENTERPRISE FUND DEPARTMENT% 19 Data [Promisinrg t�0 NA�?K ITEM r; G1L. ACCOUNT (`FAME DESCRIPTION CHiECK �f Ari 0UINT r&G°0710 DATA BUSINESS FORMS INC I-213407 G0G-19-5'c'.10 OFFICE SUPPLI ENVELOPES Cl00I=C3 1I1.94 Ga'-GG74G OFFICE MAX I--430 'i Cyr G_.1,j..: 1O GF FICE SiffPLI BILLING CLERK DESK 031 00C,10, GOo 97 C;EPARTf�ENT 1O D�t� Prnc�ssir�g I��TAL: ?G1,G? 6'A1TL a I5 7r' I61I:004 1 I a 32 APB REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGISTER VENDOR SET. 99 FUND u €50g ELATE RL''RIStm FUND DEDiARTMENT. 31 V-51hicle Md" n enancc VEN' NAfIE ITEM O/L ACCOUNT NAME nr- a• LA4JSOt� rn €�rt�DE1�,Tb - 3599 � z-�.?�,�r�.Jc �+•- BB.�B>�W,iO l$;EBB A�JTO AARTS I--L83� 93-23010 WEBB AUTO FARTS I-2852 TIM &'t>:e70 AAA ®D it 6`ON FIRE E SAFET I-19921E 99-08430 lr LJC _>FNc COMPANY I-j 2545,131��� � f�,.. a% C�•}C 7 7 99-08F01t 9'k�"7 O 47 AUTOPARTS Rt1EILLY AUTO ice. /�r�fj.}'F � �29210 003-'2 �c , 65 Jr. '9-09040 J RANDY THOMPSi �N I -36836 -0118a 5375 .JJ,..idC'1F9�! W,Fit1`td..6r. R(1� IV' I~422878 0Z3-.jG, 5mc5 DESCRIr'TIOP1 LOT 'EC1tR R 11 riATfOR V MISC SHOP STOCK R 171 MOTOR V OIL,AIR,FUEL FILTERS ,0000' R H MOTOR V OIL&AIR FILTERS,AIR HOSE k�%ot�00 M0TUR V Af!;aEJAL INSPECTIONS 000000; R € -tirlOTLff; V Oil m`ly' 000 CLEANI ING SJF'P-' PAPER TOWELS 00 , OUT, OR ECGIANE HEX SCREW INSERT SET CLCANING SUPP C20GAL CGRctN FURY DEAARTC�ENT 3B Ueiticl.� M�in��n�ne� �OEALa ?3oI2 i05sc9 r 12, o04 1 d o w2i P �Cri HU' (2R DEPAR i €'ILIiiT i-'A'ir 'ti<.!4 f iiEF.iI U E C.it 7�1� C� VENDOR SET; 99 E U D 11,8 EPITHFIRISE NIND DEPARTMENT 'A', Water VEN C AfitE ITEM 99,103910 BILL UTTER TER FORDq INCa I ° 62343 ��--!Z��4tr, ��f9iiilLt{�:1AL uc.RVI(�L" 1-4c84i G1L HL UUM INIH It1�CR1 Pi[ii'? CIILLAit AACii1M LUB —53G; K s M MOTOR V PART RE C'AIR u� �� ci 00iO 010 921.72 R &M BUILt9I€'1 ICE MAKERS Lu��.00 99—=a�i.SCS LA4SU� PRODUCTS I—S135`992' R & 11 MOTOR °J h19L 9NUP STULF, 0zE;A01?v 99 c'c64 SZS TELEPiETRY I iL494 B-5S 542Cr CONTRACTUAL S CLE ANALYZERS �,1€�JSCCE 9':i't�Gv 1;�1 a1,NLUfLtt EIW1]a GUUt'fi'ta 1�Iu61U i'�O"db�'Jr��J4'_1 99-0124BU SPRINT 1-43191 098-54-5510l 99�02910 UPPER 5UITY I—L ,s, 008-50-538J 99—%zHIO UPPER TRINITY I-270407 008-500 5420 '99� Ix3A1C� I!E2B "UTU I�ARiS ImSB,'s4 '�'�9--vt�€ 5�_'S E'!k 2C+ AUTO PART —LUSH :�tr—J'9 5 e� HACH E COMPANY '' i�.- • :� - rFi i 'bird �� ' 9 L ' i u 9:)—HHHA Z lt�44ERER 'JJB9TA EQUIP I-�15 73 _' 008-150 —J,; u-. ID i 'V44GIZO T X BGAT OF HEAL TET-4B46'Z, I -433"t,1 I 003 -5k-5r,1l 7 r ui o ,—Arm._ 9 , ., xn _ ,.,_ ;• v f�� AAA-5CP1TU�� i=IAA � .ar,; fAi I-t39L6 u�.+���, J>,•:,� �9 'Z€3'2 flr�I Vol I 54NE COMPAIJY I-9®545130 122i _SB—d 2 r2._Al2Cr`e2 U' REILLY AUTO€ PARTS 14r "0 9i9-08770 CC�MPUDATA PRODUCTS I�IVI 6C36 CLUB-55 5 lC� U s D ENTI RIPRICu6, Ira 1-1 98 vtw'j2-5t a�€®,tr 1 C24 10 Bid4 UTILITY SUPPLY P401039 H8`50-5360 ll�W Uf1LIE, 1F'ALi 1- �2Ja� 99�f2604 lrEE STATE CncMll.AL f'IrG 1�9c0�&.d� i1I�{9R CiULs �` RAAi �� ,trC�wtd�!1i J £�, s�F PATER AURCHAS VOLUME & DEMAND CHARGE 4,LAk.,00 `_, r°Livali-1 CCP�TRALTfJAL S VOLUME DEMANDC}�FtRJE ',i0m;4? 7q`91Sz€7 tt c t€ i0WR V uIL&AIR FILTERti,I;IR MUSE 000410,�2: 11a�[6 L i iCIAL SUPP BUI FER & leFF 71ij i��{i _i i tU s ErF R M IFU T UR V KEY SWITCH 00,010007E 16a 24 ER TESTING LAB TESTS 9 i2101 i 5fii7r�k R 1 i NOT T OR V ANNUAL iNSL'EC;T ONG 000000 1 ca 36 N MOTOR V OIL '0'Z1CF=Ci>ii u6aL5 K M r 9 T l9R V 2 CYCLE COIL S010 i010 2 a 97 R 2 C� UTULR mEFRIA'UD E€/ I�?Ri.rSs ��.tC�Jw9 2,�C,56'��i R a hi OTHEREIrwR IjSN�:RSsLULs,'Lit{.a`; `t�S�'�!Zir� `_`�a:a2r; HICHL SUP' 2 CASES f RIaDuWlttiuu '��001!9171;' 0�� /16/2004 xlaQKPIN IRCIDU`_t:C DECIAR f7ENI Pr?1`IENT RUMSTER i-;lu l UL� CUEt SE I o YJ FUND kOff8 ENTERPRISE FUND 1iEPAcINl Uw E =_. %C"r° C?1€ C aaEi EP NfliMiE ITEN k' CaL PI"CUUd€ NAME DESCRipTiON ULHECUkl i-liOUN c,5_!��O'S 30 COM4NkNlFiL RESEARCH CO I-204160 008 52-51321,_E R 14 Llrl Sj U17CiC GRAIN 010 On 0 cl 41�M,0 r�-- �r 6�r Ey 1, c-�� —rq Jt.., bi�w :1Y:.�t•iiCTi i�.i�xd .�o �. c•�. JG v__� P �?c''9,. ;�' Yd c� f' t� S.�CiI e_ t�� �- 11(W � i I ri.e: ; I�00 �L1'E rl� REGULAR M+ FNRTENI-�i i `° I L rL� �llE VENDOR GET: 99 IF uN, Dr `<� 7 Ef9 � L RF'FiI L IJEi DEPARTMENT, 5 Waste Water Treatmell') VEP!• NAME I T E t E SdL PICU UN 'tPINE DESCRIPI ION 99-01510 L AWSON DRiiDU —�l 9911 R k M MOTOR V TillIS p SHOP STOCK 'art-gojPA IJEP.R AHTsE FARTS I—c�334 C�—�cic:� R �. ��€ MOTOR V CIL��IR}i=LIFE f�ILTERCr 3r _ F�»cDO AUTO PARTn Ir b_rr �c si® R & M MOTOR V z- L P HItLT�;:BW� HI®ty "USE Ecr;a AlITr,—D E(.Itaa F1RL & SA{ ET I-1`.;326 R G M M€.if€n l ANNUAL Ii SFLC"l"'iE) S I-4E71I� �i�ttS-�,ta—Ermv�� 3'1_I a�1 �';��EIA �ELPP!i.zLCE�i! ?.t"II�JL_�? It!� �. L�f'F..fid C�?L �t{�l7 IW'7leJs.e„]:.t•J te��.it,W_L:f viliiZl v_i���s.i 9 3-11100 HL ICHANEY LGII EI I J JJL.'J r., D d I' IJ7 i9: :'i6: lcl'201 t;Ml P1IP4CR TC�CLS CAi�iERA u N€�CTC PRIi4TER a1 5UF'P „EDWEIR Su—'. rN J.�, P FRAY fi_i IL,r v rr" ,.tr=tsLt s F'ACEa Ira w G {—ot4il'Ii Fl,sr :'4.34� I'.}i Ha ilat k:CG JCNx vJ.� °�•_,rt ter• !r`i6,fekE�4 1ir"' t 41 REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REGIG'R PAWE> i' VENDOR GET; '35 Fii fg 00A) EN T Csikw''flUSE FUND GEFAiRT1'iF1ai. v5 1I i lao-rt taeE1; f,�B E ft�M`iE I ! EN it G L �?k1COUN k NAML Hi IUUN f za tmdi J� BiLL tatiER FORD, INIC, !�a99465 008-58-53L5 R 'i M MOTOR V TRAN3 FILTER 01T,0cl0t 41 Uriirit rii; L_ 6cfiV iULD 1 Je �yv �!k,k itV liu?L i E IY'ii SS-6iti710 DATIA BUSINESS C"E1ItMS ANC I-428231 1108-5R—R�Iel OFFICE 1F'�'U �LG�Is�dEb t 1RI1S ?��i'Jw� c �,1 9 012"0 . R'K LI,S�;i INN � SUPPL'�` I :sVi54166 Of—w9 �%�ck IMPROVEMENTSE�EAITIFICAI ISSN PROJECT f, FtT0 r 'I; EHOP r—itL10 bGvu? !bi7 _sF,VdJ:+rON RDUCkr1Jn r Jr CC;i47 RADIO �S4 H1C; t 2840 Mc -`Crn.ac -IAGEr;r: NNGSAT6ERIE5 0 00• 01C, :RADIO "tIESS13 r1-K 1 4cr; ttaS—cC— €�� It14 S �7t� IpTS i i! 17, J� ;� t3 =C;iLfi GANGER C�1UKER I—�:�a��68 �:�C#—`:6—i4�� ECCit�+�ilC DEVE •DUNE SPORTS P.H+me< k �LIVA, �'_�4+�+ 1 s k` r:td i - v K : 1-�tr r'I JU - Er' ELSS10'i SERVICES 101 .� .. � rf 0 S % u %a1aER( An ;�iCLC At:, R i 54-iC�tf G _,' _� Cu;'. _: f�iL a R:}CF viLEiIFL SEF1 L S titi'i_t>� 99—O�. AAO SPRINT I-45Cs` 1 ,�c; jL' S•�iulE TELEPHONE SER SF'F?IN' ��i5 ,i�k'S +e C+13 n 261: HUGHrEQ; SUAF'L `3 INC 1`"4443651 009- 8e-6020' IMPROVEME.N S 120 ELBOWS 121ti'u0r'CA, A 4764410 J 026, 0 k.CU iLI ii_ � CG ,� Zi.JI U._Jt`� LIVE !h�`ft��'i L���_E::S v a. :}. �,�F'Y �. 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DOG F' SUN J B'BSr �i 15v 510 °my G� 612T -c - sn- n t ;��' -;r Enki1 cr 53 J ( n N DTOR VEHICLE 1L'Dx iG JJir yr= 1 J- u'o'1_'24-5310 ., &1 M 2BUlLDINO 2911aEJ I0ybo'o 1g'r74a r i y 010 1 - 4-53:?5 R ? M MOTI O4 VEHICLE 149= obi 7, 1)1' 41 CP4=17 'c B/,-ot.J4.c.3757 MINOR rQUIhNE $3x8_ tf$JtE, I I 11 .rT n nr SERVICE` +tr nr i r ;r tt�_-c4-54E�� S'i�liv€nAC'IUn�.a� di°t�:=_:®� m�y3U�3 c��= 02 u "11-14- 555?1:w" TGLEPIRIO rc Gn V r e a jr� 1: 7 f y �J�Iky J B� t1 cI 53r _• 3AiL E cim sJ{x+IuF s�,, i' �, 910 �3rz--L:,�.� J`iGJ LCial1L SERVICES Jt�&0}}+ "1yBt0 0 1gelz0=012, 01AC$ `u51� ILLEAHIG E D:;E VICES Coca $!B!D 4 E =$1 001-21$"53107 D ,1 M BUILDING 1e'� 01 Ct�0o; 110$1®76 v .e= i�� oao ^i ; t C3Gry EULi I i LEt�E E F 1 A l UrFEC; 5C > �71L5 t �i, r, ii-- k Ay L,.a '»1�J?'C8-601 Cl COi-iiB'U i IR LtQ.'.f?!E-'i tEN', `j-� is ,�,.'.:'ri l r��� �j , ul 3 cm _i n_�"r' 7 "r—r € 'r SUPPLIES p �[i „I ES 'y`m � e„,:._. � _.�;. L' ! Utri JL1�. U�"?�'t �_}G5.,.E. 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ELE:PH0NIE S E R vE HEiiIJe;L SUPPLIES' trII\10R ii;sSLL� �; R rs r'I MW OR YE!t'l R u trt MER PLANT OINITRACTI . JAIL SERVICES C LL LF�i}UKl DIF" iF "UH CFFIUE SUPPLIH Vi Ce M VIGNO R 4(EHiE L'im Ci01,111rrlclI L SIEh'=ICE; PCPC 0 IN UMI1: D EYE L re't" vN IELEPPIO`!E SERVICE H `;;fknxl-c� °0 S rt V11 I i tswt.s4.lull i ul I A! I .0 11 t lt y.• J(. i writ ry� 'bv 21e�aI 1L s .. a Ob WG+�. ryJ w. 84 ___ •�� t r`a...—_ LBI''ie.. Ir6_(i "`""—'.. _. ..._� � in � IiUf"_"—_ _,... ._,._... 't7iiW L. �` LL G=�"'.._..�z.m_.. •�a_..__ d IDSET AVAILABLE DIULK bUGCET AVAILABLE SUDC 1 a 4004 ROE MUM 0ch �p c13a `�1 'Jo:G9 vtg 527e EE'_. d t41 U1 ;pia (I Ly 7�f a i�a y iort C5 C_tiy J_1.0. 53 C iVc trf'.ra'1J Y+tt_c �il 1U�iy.if�ia fU Y t, r it ( Y 'r ( LRE GEi�A,R7{'if.Iqi rl''592 !.J r {�?trLwlf'FiL. C+!IL1fS Y• s.}Ke Li.t EIdF 0 R C E H E N TisN']PEECTiE0N CIRELIG; 1s:I�3aE,��i 7/ .'Hi„11 „ N i, C:T f t ' +rEY l? Fib E ;i>.1. m.vr{.t v,J�l�f A IJ yy 0 G 1 O€Y08 �4HVL HNUEUN ((--ppRKS 1 L 926n 'diU F_i tS"rLE it A !E`ILi'it"Ei'[C.•L ,.1dGu cJ GENERAL FUND Kom Ob Y daiiii st4rat off its...: `i•�� i�tCt��'�� ��iY'i�dil•�€3G`'t .�'r�.�i"�� 79 E 4� t ,.a.. L_"•��1'_` 7.t�'�i�i`: is .: Hit ors July 165 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Looper presentation This is in regards to the drainage issues on Rising Star Lane. The Loopers would like to address the Council. July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Citizen Complaint This is in regards to Charlotte and Steve Summers complaint regarding Sewer back up into their home. This situation was originally turned over to TML, who denied the claim and indicated the City was not liable. The Council decided, by consensus, to take care of the problem. Ms. Summers was asked to get an estimate on her carpet and submit it to City Hall. The estimate is attached. The carpet replacement is for the master bedroom and the hall. After reviewing the estimate, staff felt the estimate was very high, Samantha called Ms. Summers and asked ifthe city could send someone to give an estimate on the carpet. Ms. Summers indicated she would not allow it. We have sent the documents regarding this issue to Mr. Dillard for an opinion. His response is attached. There is also a $650 plumbing bill for rerouting the line. NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. Robert L. Dillard, III rdillard@njdhs.com Mr. Jacic Smith City Manager City of Sanger P. O. Box 1729 Sanger, Texas 76266 Dear Mr. Smith: Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North Akard Dallas, Texas 75201 (214)965-9900 Fax (214) 965-0010 E-mail NJDHS@NJDHS.com July 155 2004 R08ERIL.WILL ARO,On, kI*I3W40 ) H. LOUIS NICHOLS LAWRENCE W. JACKSON OF COUNSEL This will acknowledge receipt of a copy of a Claim Letter filed by Steve and Charlotte Summers, 100 S. 8t1, St. in the City. The nature of this claim appears to be that the Summers' home was damaged due to insufficient City plumbing and drainage. The Claim Letter expresses a history of sanitary sewer problems at the Summers' home. The letter states that on April 23, the city experienced heavy rains which resulted in flooding in the sanitary sewer backup in the Summers' home. Although the Summers were advised that they should have a backflow prevention device, they apparently have not installed one. It appears that the City Department has been cooperative and attempted to assist in the various problems, including an agreement to reroute the sanitary sewer line somehow to alleviate the situation. We have also been fiirnished with a letter from the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool, also a client of our fine, advising the City that under the facts, there is no legal liability for the Summers' claim. A City is entitled to Sovereign Immunity in the performance of its governmental functions, unless that immunity has been waived by the Tort Claims Act, contained in Chapter 101 of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code. One of the governmental functions listed is for sanitary and storm sewers. The waiver applies if the damage is caused by the negligence of an employee acting within his scope of employment in the operation or use of a motor driven vehicle or motor driven equipment. We see no facts stated in the documents we were fiirnished that would indicate that that is the case. And, if the claim is that the City has furnished insufficient City plumbing and drainage, that is not subject to Chapter 101 at all, because the size of the plumbing and drainage system furnished by the City is a discretionary decision. Jack Smith Page 2 It is our opiiuon that the City of Sanger is not liable to the Summers based on a claim of insufficient City plumbing and drainage, heavy rains, or any other factor stated in the Claim Letter. The Summers were advised that there should be some sort of overflow system to prevent a sewer backup like this. Apparently, they did not take steps to do so and that might have prevented this problem. Because the City has no legal liability under the doctrine of Sovereign Immunity for performance of governmental fimctions unless that immunity has been waived by the Legislature, and there are no facts indicating such a waiver has taken place, we strongly recommend that this claim be denied. However, if the City Council chooses to waive Sovereign Immunity in this case, it may do so and determine what to do for the Summers. We strongly recommend that if immunity is waived and the City Council agrees to pay for some of the damages, that it do so strictly on its own terms after inspection and proper estimates have been received, and not based simply on the representations of the claimants. It is also mentioned that the construction work on Willow Street may have had some bearing on this situation. We suggest you ask the City Engineer to review that situation and see what effect, if any, the Willow Street project had on the Summers' property. There is also mention in the TML letter that the City Council wishes to replace the service line from the City's main to the Summers' home with a City crew. We agree with the conclusion of the TML letter that this should not be done by a City crew. In addition, we question whether the City can pay to do this at ail. The Texas Constitution prohibits the use of public fiords for a private interest such as this. The plumbing system of the Summers' home is their responsibility and not the City's. In fact, it may be that system which has caused or contributed to the sewer baclaip problems they are having. hi summary, we recommend that you not approve this claim. We are concerned that it will create a precedent for other claimants and the City Council will feel obligated to waive Sovereign Immunity again, at the cost of the taxpayers of the City. Should there be any fiirther questions, please let us know. RLD/ac Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD HAGER & SM H, L. P Robert L. Dillard, III NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER &SMITH, L.L.P. 63399 FROM SERUI�EMASTER BY TSM ServiceMASTER FAX NO. 940 387 4544 May, 05 2004 04:14PM P2 ServiceMaster by The Steam Machin 512 N. Locust St. Denson, TX 76201 40 oA X l.b 993-4746 office 40- Con :ac# #s Sanger, TX 76266 9404584984 home. 817-284-2228 work Dedr tctible ! $ Adjuster Phone #s Date of Loss I Cause of Loss Claim # Services Price Units Cost Furniture I/loving Extract Wnter Only Sheetroclvlr sulation Removal Carpet Cie aning Cartage Microban Trip Charge Service CE Il 108*00 1 108.00 HydroX Ex !raction Base Trim Removal T Total $ 108.00 Areas Affected Square Feet Total sq ft .Equipment,.Price_ Units bays Cost... Services 108.00 SSZR130A LOWE'S COMPANIES, INC. DTT 0183 PROJECT ESTIMATE CARPET INSTALL- (WITH CONTACT: SUMMERS, STEVE SALESMAN: ERIC FRAMER CUST #: 25809435 SALESMP&4 #: 9575 PP,OJECT riLJr4BER. QT Y ITEM # 1 83960 372 1563U9 62 171537 76U30 DATE ESTINLATED: 07/01/04 ITEYI DESCR.IPT=^"; CARPET INSTALL LABOR 297 SQ FT 1 Elegance - Soft Fleece by CUJI.DH ONAIRE CARPET PAD 'PHIS ESTIMATE IS `.:ACID UNTIL VEND P"_RT # CA.R.PET rr?STALL LABOR Sq 7L16600123 TOTAL FUR ITEMS FREIGHT CHARGES DELIVERY CHARGES TAX AMOUNT TOTAL ESTIMATE NIAN.AGER SIGDIATIIR:E DATE THIS ESTIvla iiE IS NOT VALID WITHOUT M TAGER"S SIGAIATURE. PAGE: 1 �FT�L 163.35 �,36i.52 91.id. 0.00 0.00 0.00 119.84 $1,735.85 THIS IS Ai�i ESTIPLATE ONLY. ESTIMATE ARE SUBJECT TO DELIVERY OF A.VAILABILIT'I FROM ALL Nlr"�TERIALS CONTAINED THE MAdUFACTURER OR I^1 THIS SUPPLIER. QUANTITY, EXTENSION, OR ADDITION ERRORS SUBJECT TO CORRECTI014. CREDIT TERMS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY LOWES CREDIT DEPARTMENT. LOWES IS A SUPPLIER. OF PRACTICE OF ENGII.IEERIi•iv, MATERIALS ONLY. AR.CHITEC'TURE, LOWES DOES NOT ENGAGE OR GENERAL COD\JTRACTING. IN THE LOWES DOES NOT ASSUME ANY P.ESPUDiSIBILI CONSTRUCTION; FOR THE SELECT SPECIFIC USE; FOR QUANTITIES I1ISTALLATIOt1 OF MATERIALS; ' i :'OR It:N OF. CHOICE OR SIZING OR FOR COMPLIANCE rau, vr. OF MATERIALS FOR A GENERAL OF MATERIALS; FOR THE USE WIT Ad' B'I=:DI` OR OR CODE 0^. STANDARD OF WORKMAu'4SHIP. "�'�L � �� i�' ASS"�j � �� E') /)ZcC�Ii�1�. y,•�� /'.��7 'II ?� 5• S ��«�G� b4Q Gtl�-t� sC'l i S'jw_ 4 5 VLvk�LL/(k YIZ IA c.v �.{_ s J car eq � (- 3 J# July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Building Code Ordinance The proposed ordinance is attached. The only change is from " 2000" to " 2003" ff ta. A„ �; ORDINANCE 0749-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 3.200 `BUILDING CODE ADOPTED" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FORA PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3, article 3.200 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: "ARTICLE 3.200 BITH.DING CODE ADOPTED The International Building Code, 2003 Edition, published by the International Code Council is hereby adopted for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, erection, alteration, moving, demolition, repair, use and occupancy of any building or structure within this jurisdiction. One (1) copy of said code shall be kept on file in the office of the city secretary. Those portions of said code pertaining to building and construction fees shall be amended to read as set forth in Article 3.000 of the fee schedule found in the appendix of this code." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide PASSED AND APPROVED this 19' day of July, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary ORDINANCE 07-19-04 THAT CHAPTER 39 ARTICLE 3,200 `BUILDING CODE ADOPTED" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FORA PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, Duly Passed by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, on the 21S` day of June, 2004. APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Sign Ordinance Attached is the proposed ordinance on this item. This is regulating off -site advertiing. ORDINANCE 07-20-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 3.1400 SIGN REGULATIONS IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ARE HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION (n) TO SECTION 3.1403 SCHEDULE OF USES PERMITTED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILTTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3, Article 3.1403 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended, by adding section 3.1403 (n), which said article shall read as follows: "(n) No off -site advertising signs shall be erected. Advertising signs shall only be allowed on the property where the items advertised are to be sold. " Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be lined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 17th day of May, 2004by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE 07-20-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 3.1400 SIGN REGULATIONS IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, ARE HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION (n) TO SECTION 3.1403 SCHEDULE OF USES PERMITTED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING FORA PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 17th day of May, 2004by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: ATTEST: ROSALIE CHAVEZ CITY SECRETARY July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Brooke Hill Village Ordinance Attached is the proposed ordinance on this item. This is for the Brooke Hill village Planned Development. This incorporates all of the changes that were approved by Council. ORDINANCE #07-21-04 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A CHANGE TO THE CURRENT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OR "PD" ZONING CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. WHEREAS, a Request for Change in Zoning Classification was duly filed with the City of Sanger, Texas, concerning the hereinafter described property; WHEREAS, due notice of hearing was made in the time and manner prescribed by law and the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanger, Texas, duly covered and conducted a public hearing for the purpose of assessing a zoning classification change on the hereinafter described property located in the City of Sanger, Texas; and Wl-�REAS, an additional opportunity for all interested persons to be heard was provided by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Texas, at an open meeting, with proper notice posted; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That the legal description of the property zoned herein is generally described as follows: 10.40 ACRE TRACT 1. FIELD NOTES to all that certain parcel, lot, or tract of land situated in the H. Tierwester Survey, Abstract No.1241, in the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas, and being a part of a called 10.00 acre tract of land described in the deed from E.P. Le Beau, Jr. and wife Maurine Le Beau conveyed unto Sohnie C. Hill and wife, Robly K. Hill as recorded in Volume 575, Page 698, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas, and a part of a called 4.8 acre tract of land described in the deed to Sohnie C. Hill and wife, Robly K. Hill as recorded in Volume 575, Page 700, Deed Records, Denton County, Texas; the subject property being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING for the Northwest corner of the herein described tract at an "x" scribed in concrete in Keaton Road, for the Northwest corner of said 10.00 acre tract; THENCE South 89 Degrees 06 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the North line thereof along and near a fence a distance of 983.60 feet to a capped iron rod set for the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE South 00 Degrees 40 Minutes 00 Seconds West with a line parallel with the West line of said two tracts a distance of 460.93 feet to a capped iron rod set in the South line of said 4.8 acres; THENCE North 89 Degrees 03 Minutes 35 Seconds West with the South line thereof along and Page 1 near a fence a distance of 983.60 feet to an "x" scribed in concrete in said Road for the Southwest corner of said 4.8 acre tract; THENCE IN 00 Degrees 40 Minutes 00 Seconds East with the West line of said two tract in said Road a distance of 460.24 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and enclosing 10.40 acres of land. Section 2. The zoning classification on the hereinabove described property is hereby changed to "PD", Planned Development Zoning and is restricted to the attached development plan described as "Exhibit A" Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 5, Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 6. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council ofthe City of Sanger, Texas, on this 19TH day of July, 2004. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Page 2 "EXHIBIT A" Owner: Greater Dallas Anesthesia and Pain Management President: Dr. Tasneem Agha Project Manager: Mr. Ali Abbas �� r �� � . �� �/ ,.� A Planned Development in Sanger, Texas By: Allen R. Bussell Greg Edwards Engineering Services, Inc. 1621 Amanda Ct. Ponder, Texas 76259 (940} 482-2907 wWw.gees.us ?�."r_ -� �. �i !r ;, LOCATION: The area to be rezoned is approximately 10.4-acres, part of a 14.7-acre tract located along Interstate 35 next to the southbound service road. 600 feet to the south lay Duck Creek Road. The west boundary of the property lies on Keaton Road where Laney Drive dead -ends near the southwest corner of the tract and Brooke Lane dead -ends near the middle of the west line. West Holt Road is located approximately 300 feet north of the subject property. CURRENT ZONING: The 14.7-acre tract currently contains two zoning classifications: 1. B-2, allowing commercial uses —this is located along Interstate 35 and extends about 400 feet west. a. This 4.3-acre area is not being rezoned. 2. PD, a mixed -use commercial and assisted living classification. a. This is the 10.4-acre tract to be rezoned to Planned Development. CURRENT USE: A single-family house is located on the property. Located near the middle of the property, the house would likely be used as a temporary office during construction. The home is currently vacant. During development, the house will be removed allowing new structures to be built in its place. ALLOWABLE USES AND SIZES: Area A -North portion of request 1. Single Family a. Minimum lot area: 7,000 sq. ft. b. Lot dimensions: A. Width: 65' minimum measured at front building line B. Depth: 100' minimum c. Building lines A. Front: 25 feet B. Rear: 25 feet C. Side: 8 feet D. Side when adjacent to Right of Way: 20 feet d. Dwelling Size: Minimum 2,000 sq. ft. 2. Utility and Service Uses a. Fire, Police, or Municipal building Page 4 3. Parking for adjacent B-2 a. Per B-2 Area B —South portion of request 1. Hotel, Motel, Restaurant uses may not be located less than 800 feet from the existing west property line a. Sizes and setbacks per B-2 zoning adjacent. 2. Assisted Living - remainder of area (80 units maximum) a. Building lines i. Front: 15 feet ii. Rear: 30 feet iii. Side: 10 feet 3. Single Family a. Same standards as `Area A' INFRASTRUCTURE Water Eight inch (8") water mains are currently located on both the east and west boundaries of the property. A line would be built to connect these lines, creating a looped system that will insure quality water pressure both on -site and off -site. For buildings over two stories, pressure booster pumps may need to be installed to supply the needed water pressure for sprinkler systems. Sanitary Sewer An 8" sewer main lies to the east along the Interstate service road. This line appears adequate to supply service for the East side of the project, in both capacity and depth. Though a sewer line is located near the west side of the site, the sewer line may be blocked by utilities located in the Keaton Road right of way. Off -site improvements and/or extensions may be necessary to provide service to the western side of the site. Engineering specifics will be addressed at time of platting when more information is available. Drainage The property is separated by a drainage divide located near the middle of the site. The low points of the property are located on the south, at both the east and west corners. Per City ordinance, downstream improvements and/or detention will be required at both corners to maintain the drainage off -site to pre -development levels. Traffic and Roads The area is currently served by the Interstate 35 service road on the east and by Keaton Road on the west. Interstate 35 service road: One-way southbound Keaton Road: Though acting as a local Collector road, private driveways currently access directly off the street. No private drive connections to this property are proposed along Keaton Road, Road Standards 1. No parking shall be allowed along the standard section of the main spine road connecting k35 service road to Keaton Rd. Parking shall be allowed in parking bays only along this road. No parking signs shall be installed at time of construction of main spine road. 2. No Single Family detached private driveways shall directly access the proposed main spine road. Surrounding Uses and Buffering Buffering between Commercial, Assisted living and adjacent properties zoned for Single-family residential use shall be as follows: A. Per City of Sanger Ordinance. 1. 8' cedar fence on steel posts shall be placed between commercial uses and Single family residential uses. 2. 6' cedar fence on steel posts shall be placed between assisted living and adjacent single family residential and commercial uses. 3. Landscaping shall also be installed with the fencing: 1 - Canopy tree 50' on -center 2 - Ornaments! trees for every canopy tree *Trees planted for screening shall be placed a minimum of 3 feet from the proposed fence and shall not exceed 15 feet from the fence. Landscaping and Sidewalks Public Sidewalks: Per subdivision ordinance. (4' sidewalks along all public roads adjacent to residential, 5' wide when adjacent to commercial) Street trees shall: 4. be placed along the spine street that acts as the main access from the Interstate 35 Service Road to Keaton Road 5. be located between the back of curb and the sidewalk, and within the median of any boulevard section of this drive. • This arrangement helps to isolate pedestrians from vehicular traffic, creating a safer environment for those accessing services by walking. 60 be native, large canopy, broadleaf species for trees planted in parkway 7. if planted within a median, be a native ornamental type 8. when planted, be 2" DBH minimum for large trees or 5 gallon for ornamental trees. 9, be of the same type to provide uniformity along the drive (not including ornamental frees within medians) io. be planted at an interval of 14ree every 30' on -center (excepting spacing requirements below). 11, be placed a minimum of 3' O.C. from the nearest pavementStreet trees shall not be placed within: 1. 10 feet of the Brazos Electric Easement. 2. 20 feet of any curb return to allow unhindered line of site for vehicles and pedestrians. 3. 10 feet either side of a Fire Hydrant 4. 15 feet either side of a Light pole Private Commercial or Assisted Living A minimum of 20% of the property shall be landscaped. Areas used to calculate the required landscaping shall include: 1. Landscaped areas not covered by asphalt, concrete or public sidewalks 2. Landscaped areas in rights of way parkway adjacent to the lot 3. Private sidewalks and walkways 4. Courtyard, patio, and gazebo areas. 5. Retention and Detention ponds Parking lots shall include one landscape island spaced every 12 parking spaces. Landscape islands shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide and 18 feet deep from back of curb to back of curb. Large broadleaf trees shall be placed in every 2 of 3 Landscape islands. Trees shall be 2" DBH minimum when planted. Spaces adjacent to and abutting landscape buffers are not required to have landscape islands, as trees planted for buffering would also serve to shade and break-up the parking in these areas. To maintain safe line of site, landscape islands and areas adjacent to curb returns for fire lanes or access drives shall not contain shrubs or ground cover that would grow over 2 feet in height. Unless Xeriscaped, all landscaped areas shall be irrigated with automatic irrigation systems. :� j: 1 Signage Four monument type signs are allowed. Signs shall not exceed 60 square feet each in actual sign area — not including columns or masonry trim. Signs shall conform in both style and materials to the architecture of the uses for which they are being built. Signs are not allowed along Keaton Drive. Signs are allowed only outside of the Brazos Electric Easement. Signs may be lighted either internally or with landscape lights that conform to the lighting requirements in this Planned Development. Building Appearance Trash and Dumpster Pads shall be screened with 6' fences. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from the public road. Accessory buildings are allowed per City zoning ordinance. Accessory buildings must match in materials the buildings that they are serving. Area A Single Family: • Single-family detached home roofs shall be a minimum roof pitch of 6:12. Porches, bay window areas, patio andlor other small areas of the home may vary from the minimum pitch provided the main structure maintains the minimum 6:12. ■ Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas ■ Single-family detached area shall provide a minimum of 10 different elevations for homes. Adjacent homes shall not have same elevations ■ Single-family detached homes shall contain a minimum of a two -car garage. Area B Assisted Living: • Maximum Height: 2 stories • Material: 100% masonry exterior, not including doors, windows, trim, and gabled areas • Maximum FAR: 0.5:1 • Roof hip or gabled with slopes consistent with homes adjacent to north property line. • Assisted living use shall contain a garden/landscaped recreation area sufficient in size for the number of residents (80 square feet per unit minimum). Single Family: ��v ■ Same standards as "Area A" for Single Family above. Parking &Lighting: Lighting shall be designed and located so as not to shine into adjoining properties, Landscaping and/or fencing shall be positioned to block vehicle headlights from properties on north and south. 1. Per requirements in City ordinance. Ratio: Area B 1. Assisted living: 0.5 spaces per unit nor into the night sky. shining into adjacent 2. Hotel/Motel or Restaurant: per parking requirements in the City Ordinance for these uses Variances Required jCommercial -compare to Zoning Classification B-2): 1. None Variances Required (Single Family -compare to SF-7) July 165 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Demand Rate This item is on the agenda for discussion. Any changes Council wishes to make to the rates can be directed to staff and an amending ordinance will be brought back to the Council. Attached is a copy of the Demand Rates for the City of Whitesboro. JuI-14- 2004 2,20PM �(41 CITY OF WHITESBORO� 0T W i�J 1 No 8747 P 1 / 1 _ XO0 Pee Schedule from the distribution system and through one standard transformation. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. Commercial and lndustrzal Service Mate Designation: CIS - C - 2 Application: to any customer for electric service supplied at one point of delivery and measured through one meter. This applies to all customers using above 15 kw. Net monthly rate: Facilities charges: Energy charge: $25.00 per month $0.054899 per kwh for alI kwh, plus adjustment charges Type of service: service shall be single or three phase at 60 cycles and any standard voltages available from the distribution system and through one standard transformation. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with oneim standard type meter, it will be measured at prary voltage. Municipal Service Lighting Net monthly rate: Energy charge: $0.0553 per kwh for all kwh, plus adjustment charges Water and Sewage Pumping Service Designation: Application: applicable to the city for water and sewage pumping and for Iighting incidental thereto. Net monthly rate: l+aeilities charge: Horsepower charge: $7.50 per month $0.$8 per connected hp Energy charge: $0.0390 per kcvh for all kwh Minimum bill: $3,70 Per connected hp, plus adjustment charges tiutdaar Lighting Service Designation: .OY.S - C - 2 Application: to any customer. If a utility pole is required, customer will pay installation cosf in advance. Net monthly rate unmetered: 175 watt rnv1 � 68 kwh Net monthly rate metered: 175 watt mv1 $7-00 each per month, plus adjustment charges $5.00 each per month, plus adjustment charges Designation: MSL - C - C - 2 (A) Adjt�strnents. Application: applicable to the City for street lighting and for all municipal purposes other than water and (1) Power Cost Adjustment: sewage pumping. Designation: PCA July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Vehicle Bid Attached is the Bid sheet for the police car bid. Low bid is from Capitol Chevrolet in the amount of $16,545.00. Staff recommends low bid. City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 (Date of Bid Opening: I 07/16/04 Time: '12:00 P.M. Re: Police Car BID RECEIVED: ier l��� L'(Aa,w'OLL COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: "��� �<<4 COMPANY: C'Ic�Ss �c G�Cyv c (z.t- BID AMOUNT: 14 , 5-7471 `» BID RECEIVED: �� ;�� COMPANY: 1;`C.�VIfr:#- BID AMOUNT: �-�, c S" , chri COMPANY: ic.2cvts r:U�-<;, BID AMOUNT: /� S s 51 (� o BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: Autho Signature City of Sanger 201 Bolivar Sanger, TX 76266 Date of Bid Opening: ( 07/16/04 Time: �12:00 P.M. Re: Police Car BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: BID RECEIVED: COMPANY: BID AMOUNT: zed Signatu July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Gasoline Tanks Attached is a printout of the gasoline and diesel usage since September 2002, and a copy of a proposal from Petro Sery on new tanks. Month # Gallons Cost/gallon Total OF Gallons Cost/Gallon Total Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel Diesel 2002 October 2429.01 1.340 $31254.87 631.30 1.360 $858.57 November 2070609 1.098 $2,272696 536.20 1.031 $552682 December 2047018 1.123 $2,298,98 490.41 1 A 15 $546096 2003 January 2484,91 1.226 $31046450 781.71 1.191 $931401 February 2268.27 1.333 $31022.70 504.56 1.379 $695459 March 2265.30 1.326 $31003.79 867.73 1.263 $11095694 April 2079463 1.211 $2,518422 883.23 1.123 $991066 May 2363,92 1.154 $2,727096 806.47 1.093 $881447 June 2481051 1.668 $4,139016 784.75 1.080 $847429 July 2465.15 1.235 $31044,46 957.42 1.106 $17058,43 August 2514.54 1.305 $3,281447 1025002 1.136 $1,164.42 September 2514.54 1.306 $3,283.12 1025400 1.136 $11164.42 October 2265.00 1.196 $2,709073 997.76 1.046 $11043066 November 2622,00 1.192 $31125A7 808.00 1.144 $924023 December 2080.00 1.159 $2,411.19 522.00 1.139 $594,59 2004 January 2227.00 1.173 $2,613.22 632.00 1.165 $736.03 February 2432.00 1.302 $3,166.85 565.00 1.248 $705,19 March 2159.83 1.353 $2,922077 631.00 1.219 $769.20 April 2528.00 1.405 $3,550,70 909.00 1.237 $1,124.63 May 2286.60 1.449 $31314434 685.00 1.268 $868.92 June 2432.10 1.640 $3,989,57 711.20 1.432 $1,018009 49016.58 $63,697.74 15754.76 $18,573.12 ppm ININDIF �trc� 8022 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76136 Phone (817) 834�0303 Fax(817)237-8552 www,petroservinc.com FAX TRANSMISSION COVER UTTER �oWANY: O ATTN: ..� FROM: RE: `} TOTAL WAGES: `�- (T.�cludins Cover Sheet ) CONiA�NTS: 1 rj FAX: IF YOU UAV.� ANY QUESTZO�tS PLEASE CAI.,L T.H� ABOVE NUMBI �iS 8022 Jacksboro Hwy. Fort Worth, TX 76135 phone (817) 8344303 Fox 8174374552 www, petroservi nc,com PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO NAME:Cit Of San er PHONE :9740-458 71930 DATE : 5-: 3-04 STREET :201 Boliver JOB NAME Fuel S stem CITY San er STATE :T xas ZIP 76266 1 OFl ATTENTIONJack Smith Jos LOCATION fit L t WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THIS QUOTATION AS OUR INTERPRETATION OF YOUR F iQUIREMENTS, gUBjECI' TO TERMS AND CONDMONS PRIIMD ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS PROPOSAI The following is a proposal to install new above ground fuel ystem. 1. install one 24 X 40 concrete slab with 4 £t spill wall. 2. Install two 10,000 steel single wall ASTs. 3. Install two product lines to dispenser location. 4. Instal electrical for fuel system and overfill alarm. 5. Install one 20 X 24 slab with island and bumper poles. 6. install AFC card system with remote comunications. 7. Install one gasboy 8220 twin two product dispenser. $. Install two 3/4 HP Motors. 9. Install 11/2 safety valves on product lines. 10. Wire in system and start up. 11. Test tanks and lines,release to customer. Concrete Work: 20X24 Fuel Dispenser: $3680 AFC Card System with 2- 10,000 Fuel Tanks Undergroung Material: Electrical: $5500000 Labor: $5400.00 Testing: $550.0 Total Job: $56,850.00 $1920.00 24X40X4 $10,800.00 .00 Software : $4400.00 $171000000 $7600.00 If customer wants double wall fireguard Tanks UL2085 add: $27,200.00 PRIGES QUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE/WiCHDAAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE AFTER .31 DAYS. THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CONTRACT IS : _ ACCEPTfiD AND AGREED T4 CUSTOM)rR BY: IT'S DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT AND REPRESENTATIVE / TITLE RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTE! BY BY: CI"S DULY AUTHORIZE AGENT AND REPRESENTATIVE / TITLE July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Interstate 35 Bore This is for discussion on the proposed sewer line bore under Interstate 35 at the Belz Road area. It is part of the 5 year Capital Improvements Plan. It is a proposed 2 1 " line that will service the area from Jack in the Box to the County Line. Staff is requesting Council direction on whether or not to proceed with the bid process. July 16, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Streets, Sidewalks and Retention Ponds Council requested this item be placed on the agenda; however, we do have a workshop scheduled with Planning and Zoning and the City Council on July 27, 2004. MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY JUNE 2004 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: Time and energy spent on the Summer Reading Club is beginning to show results. See some details under PROGRAMS and SPECIAL PROJECTS. The participation in the Reading Club and other factors caused this to be our busiest month ever. We checked out 18% more items than our previous busiest month, July 2003. ADMINISTIZ4T1ON: Submitted the budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. Meetings attended: Task Force on Public Library Standards and Minimum Criteria, 6/11, Fort Worth Denton County Library Advisory Board, 6/17, Lewisville Task Force on Public Library Standards and Minimum Criteria, 6/18, Austin SPECIAL PROJECTS: Volunteer Diane LaFon is taking the Summer Reading Club to Cobblestone Day Care in an outreach effort. Once a week she reads to them for a short while and then gives them time to read for themselves. That way they qualify for a ticket to the swimming party and the other coupons and prizes available to members of the Summer Reading Club. PROGRAMS: The Texas Summer Reading Club theme is "Color Your Wor1d...Read". Christina Kincaid is the program aide for the summer. We tried to implement an new Monday night Family Storytime. One family came the first night, and then there were no participants until Winnie-the-Pooh visited on June 28 and four families came. We provided a separate program for the ESL class from the school district because there were 16 children and they overwhelmed the regular program. Almost 60 people came to the Kick-off party where we had a Silly Circus and Jungle Jim brought his snakes and bugs. Weekly programs: Special guest Maria Trillo helped the children write poetry. Special guest Kathy Black talked about illustrating and showed kids how to draw. Special presenter Rod Butler from KCBI radio had a wonderful puppet show and afterward the kids made imaginative puppets of their own. For "Crayons and Paints" children painted 6 foot pillars for an entry into the children's area. Other programs were "Balloons", "Multi -Colored Menagerie" and "Tall Tales". JUNE 2004 STATISTICS June2003 June 2004 BORROWER CARDS Last month 2802 2907 New cards 62 95 Cards reactivated 14 25 TOTAL 2878 3027 CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction 246 458 Nonfiction Videos 50 43 Adult Fiction 190 232 Interlibrary Loan 18 21 Junior Biography 4 3 Junior Fiction 321 327 Children's Nonfiction 243 301 Children's Fiction 520 660 Story Sacks 4 1 Leased books 110 144 Paperback Fiction 307 370 Magazines & Misc. 12 8 Audio Tapes 53 88 Videos 428 572 DVD 123 204 Renewals 327 319 TOTAL 2956 3751 INTERNET USERS 358 459 PROGRAMS Children's Programs 8 15 Children Attending 158 252 Adults Attending 57 85 VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults 6 4 Number of Juniors 3 3 Number of Hours 59 50 COLLECTION Books 15437 15366 Leased books 165 176 Paperback Fiction 2572 2570 Audio Materials 436 499 Video Materials 686 787 DVD 51 91 Microfilm 62 66 TOTAL COLLECTION 19409 19555 REVENUE Fines $199.67 $290.40 Copies $50.15 $92.40 ILL Postage $22.14 $27.20 Lost Materials $62.90 $12.95 New Cards $3.25 $1.50 TOTAL $338,11 $424445 rea Oea ummer Oea ing u I C kicks party , Friday, It's time for the Texas Summer Reading Club at the Sanger Public Library, beginning a summer of fun, set for 7 p.m. Friday, June 4. Kids can dress up like a clown, or be an acrobat. Everyone will thrill to the enormous bugs in Jungle Jim 7s collection. There will be games and' refreshments. The whole family is invited! Jungle Jim is coming back to the library because his critters were a big it last year. Huge moths and beauti- ful butterflies are mounted for play. Strange scorpions and mon- strous centipedes can be seen live, and giant spiders can even be handled. It's possible that Jungle Jim may bring some reptiles and am phibians again this year. The program will be lots of fin, but that's not the only reason to par- ticipate. Studies have shown that kids who read during the summer are more successful when they go back to school in the fall. At the innie-the-Pooh is coming to the Sanger Public Library Winrue-the-Pooh is corning to the Sanger Public Library at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 30 for Preschool Storytime and for the new Family Storytime on Monday evening, June 28 at 7:00 p.m. Storytime is a weekly program, so come every Monday for Fanuly Storytime every Tuesday for Storytime for Early Readers and every Wednesday for Preschool Storytime, party, kids can sign up for the Texas Sumner Reading Club. And during thus sununer, parents will keep track of how I their kids read, and report their hours to the library. Then the kids can get coupons or prizes every time they read for two hours. Even if you can't come to the party, please sign your child up for the Texas Summer Reading Club. Jungle Jim is coming back to the Sanger Public Li- brary on Friday, June 4