04/05/2004-CC-Agenda Packet-RegularAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, APRIL 5, 2004 7:00 P.M. 201 BOLIYAK 1. an Meeting to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: February 17, 2004 - workshop, February 17, 2004, March 1, 2004 - workshop, March 15, 2004 b) Disbursements 3. Citizen's Input. 4. Consider and Possible on Adoption of Resolution # 04-07-04 -Setting Date, Place and Time for Public Hearing on Proposed Annexations, 5. Consider and Possible Action on a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by Centurion Development. 6. Consider and Possible Action Regarding a Proposed Planned Development Presentation by K.D. Development (Johnson/Payne). 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-07-04 -Regarding Sprinkler System and Fire Alarm Requirements for Newly Constructed Commercial Buildings. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-08-04 -Regarding Sprinkler Systems in Multi -Family Buildings. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #04-09-04 -Regarding Placement of Gas Meters, Electric Meters, and Fences on Newly Constructed Single Family Dwellings. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Utilizing Sewer Tap Fees for Purchase of Real Estate (Being Part of Abstract 1281, Abstract 462, and Abstract 249, Consisting of 105.066 Acres of Land more or less). 11. Consider and Possible Action on Awarding Bid for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Dewatering System. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #04-08-04 -Urging the Texas Railroad Commission to Stop the Construction of a Commercial Disposal Well. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Election Judge and Alternate Judge for the May 15, 2004 Election. 14. Adjourn. Pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, one or more of the above items may be considered in executive session closed to the public. Any final action, decision or vote on such matter will be made in open session following the conclusion of the executive session. Rosa ie Chavez City S retary Date & Time Posted This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary's office at (940) 45&7930 for further information. MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL - WORKSHOP February 17, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, R. Wierschem, Jerry Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Paul Vineyard, Greg Russell, Polly Dwyer, Jesse Lynch, Peggy Sanford, Merrie Lou Abney, Michael Davis, Danny Cockrell, Mike Dobrovolsky, Arlene Thomas, Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order. 2. Auditor's Presentation Regarding Fiscal Year 2002/2003Audit. Bill Spore addressed the Council regarding the Construction in process and the assets, which was cost thru September 30, for water and sewer improvements. this can be completed once the project is finished. Discussed statement of revenue and expenditures. Discussed property taxes and non -property taxes. Discussed Grants and Interlocal agreement incomes. The General fund showed a deficit of $186,000.00 The prior year there was a surplus of $1,999,000. This was due to receiving the bond proceeds. This was Lite reason the General Fund showed a deficit this year. Discussed revenues and expenditures in the General Fund compared to the budget. Several items were overspent due to expenditures from the bond funds. Discussed special revenue funds. Discussed revenues and expenditures for the Utility Fund. The revenues increased this year from last year due to bond proceeds. The operating income was up as well. Net Income for the year was $800,000.00. Discussed cash accounts. There were no uncollaterized cash accounts. At the end of the year there was over $5,000,000.00. Discussed revenues and expenses in the General Fund for the Administration Department. Discussed Police Department budget. They were $30,000.00 over budget due to improvements on the new building. The Fire Department was under budget by $61,000.00. The Sanitation department was also under budget. The Street Department was over budget. This is due to expenses from the bond money. Discussed Parks Department was under budget. The Swimming Pool was $84.00 over budget. The Senior Center and Community Center were $10,000.00 over budget. The expenses that were over budget were primarily due to capital improvements. Discussed 4A and 4B Board budgets. Discussed changes in fixed assets owned by the General Fund. Discussed similar schedule for the Utility Fund. Discussed long term debt in the General Fund. Several bank notes were paid off. All required payments were made. Accrued vacation and sick pay did increase. Discussed long term debt in the Utility Fund. Discussed schedule of restricted cash accounts. Discussed water and sewer improvement accounts. Discussed taxes receivable. Discussed schedule required for the HOME grant. The city did meet all of the matching requirements. Discussed management letter. He addressed that all invoices should be approved by the department heads. Discussed fund balances for end of year. Discussion continued. Discussed proposed budget amendments. (see attached amendments) 3. Meeting Adjourned. _ � ; __-_ --�=: , BANGER _ _ - � _ __ ,----� _-- _ _-- - PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENTS - - =_-- � -- - =--�- - -� SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 . _ _.___._ ___- __ .. . ___ - _. ORIGINAL PROPOSED DEPARTMEN �1DGET AMENDED �.dA 1�G�.:. �.��1A1�1.�.�,� �- ,_ ..: ADMINISTRATION _ _ . REVENUES GRANT REVENUES 0 258,000 258,000 EXPENDITURES __ _ -.,_ GRANT EXPENDITURES _ 0 258,000 258,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 258,000 � - 0 PAR S REVENUES _ TRAM N�SF�ER�ROM 46 0 61,500 61,500 �.Qp�" +�wc� ti�� o �l600b t6�,00O EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 65,200 126,700 61,500 LWAG�S — — 2.1.4,: Q9 1�8,212--�25s8A7� G t�tA � E�rt-- ��' � t'%lo-1 p a Z y Z'l ov �-6.}368 " 11/v o o'° 0 SOLID WASTE REVENUES SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 300,000 355,600 55,600 IESI FRANCHISE TAX 0 19,500 19,500 75,100 EXPENDITURES COLLECTION CONTRACT 252,900 328,000 .,.,__.._.._.. 75,100 0 NET GENERAL FUND AMENDMENTS �0 ELECTRIC REVENUES ELECTRIC BILLINGS 3,254,000 3,762,000 �-_� 508,000. EXPENDITURES ' POWER PURCHASED 2,420,000 2,928,000 508,000 0 NET ENTERPRISE FUND AMENDMENTS �� HOTEL/MOTEL REVENUES HOTEL/MOTEL REVENUES 0 11,300 ._..1.. 1,300 EXPENDITURES _ HOTEL/MOTEL EXPENDITURES 0 11,300 � 11,30� NET HOTEL/MOTEL AMENDMENTS 0 MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL February 17, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Electric Superintendent Mike Prater, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, R. Wierschem, Jerry Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Paul Vineyard, Greg Russell, Polly Dwyer, Jesse Lynch, Peggy Sanford, Merrie Lou Abney, Michael Davis, Danny Cockrell, Mike Dobrovolsky, Arlene Thomas, Woodrow Barton 1. Mayor Called Meeting to Order and led the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: February 2, 2004 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Citizen's Input. None. 4. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Budget Amendments to the FY 2002/2003 Budget as Presented by Bill Spore. Amendments are attached. Councilman Garza moved to approve the budget amendments as presented in the workshop by Bill Spore. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Consider and Possible Action Regarding Approval of the Fiscal Year 2002/2003 Audit as Presented by Bill Spore. Councilman Higgs moved to approve the audit with the accepted amendments. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment of Auditor for Fiscal Year 2003/2004. Councilman Higgs moved to appoint Bill Spore as the 2003/2004 Auditor. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consider and Possible Action to Utilize Water Tap Fees for the Completion of the Loop from F.M. 455 East to Marion Road North. Eddie Branham indicated the new well on Utility Road has 6009000 gallons of water. With all of the construction to the East and fire protection needed he felt they should put in a 12 inch looped line. The one that runs to the High School dead ends. To keep from having to purchase more water he would like to utilize the water we currently have. He requested to use tap fees to fund the project. Discussed itemized list and cost estimates. Councilman Garza asked when he wanted to do this. Mr. Branham indicated he would like to get started as soon as possible. Mayor asked how much was in the account. City Secretary indicated $168,658.00, and possibly $10,000.00 more to be deposited this month. Discussed the project and funds needed. Discussed that it will be sent out for bid. City Secretary indicated if they authorize him to go out for bid, it will give them an idea of how much it will cost. City Manager indicated if it is going to be too high, then right now would not be the time to do it. Councilman Evans moved to proceed with the bid process. Councilman James seconded . Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Systemwide Land Use Assumptions and Can Improvement Plan for the Designated Water/Wastewater Service Areas Under Which an Impact Fee May be Imposed. Tim Glenndenning indicated all of the adjustments have been made that were discussed at the public hearing. Councilman Evans moved to approve the plan as submitted. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Appointment to the Board of Adjustments Jerry Jenkins suggested they consider appointing Mary Ann Pyron, who is the senior alternate at this time. Councilman James moved to appoint Mary Ann Pyron to the Board of Adjustments. Councilman Ervin Seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Downtown Area/Historical Ordinance. City Manager indicated when this was brought to the Council before, they discussed if the Council wanted to make the requirements voluntary or mandatory. In the downtown area a person who may not want the rebate could put in something that did not match if this was voluntary. The City Attorney suggested creating two areas, one of which would be mandatory and the other voluntary. In the area where it is mandatory a fine could be imposed if the requirements are not met. In the area where it is voluntary, they could give rebates. He felt they should be careful not to make the residential part mandatory. Polly Dwyer indicated she agreed with this plan. She felt the main concern was from 2nd Street to 5th Street on both sides of Bolivar Street, and possibly around the whole square. Discussed re -writing the ordinances. Polly Dwyer indicated she would recommend they go as mandatory as possible. Discussed effective date once an ordinance is approved. Councilman Ervin asked if the City Attorney could re City Manager indicated we will get a good ordinance that the Committee and the Attorney approve of before it comes back to the City Council. Discussion continued. Item tabled for ordinance to be re -written. 11. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #02-03-04 -Amending the Metal Building Ordinance. City Manager indicated this ordinance will require the outside of metal buildings to be 100%materials other than metal and wood, and limits those materials to certain items. This will also require these changes in all zoning within 200 feet of the service road as well as all business zoning. Councilman James moved to adopt Ordinance 02-03-04. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: ORDINANCE 02-03-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, ARTICLE 3.17009"METAL BUILDINGS", IN THE CODE OF OCCu� ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 12. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #02-04-04 -Amending the all and Open Space Requirements. City Manager indicated the retention or detention ponds used for park and open space will be regulated by the City Council. This will require sidewalks and benches not more than 500 feet apart. Councilman Evans asked that they require trees near the benches. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to see it written to include the trees and brought back to the Council. He indicated he wanted the areas to be useable for kids to play in. Discussed to require a five foot sidewalk. Councilman Evans indicated he would like the benches to be not more than 300 feet apart. Discussed making the park areas more useable. Discussed placement of trees. City Manager indicated they could ask Mike Dobrovolsky to come up with a list of acceptable trees. Mike Dobrovolsky indicated he would bring them a list. Discussed trees and tree sizes. Discussion continued regarding the ordinance. Item tabled. 13. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #02-OS-04 -Amending the City of Sanger Zoning Map. (Sable Creek) Councilman Evans moved to adopt ordinance #02-05-04. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Caption as follows: ORDINANCE #02-05-04 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT TO THE CENTRAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR A ZONING CHANGE AND A ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM AG (AGRICULTURE) AND MF2 (MULTI -FAMILY 2) TO SF7G (SINGLE FAMILY 7G) AND B2 (BUSINESS 2) SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT. 14. Consider and Possible Action on Resolution #02-04-04 and Resolution 402-05-04 - Regarding Collection of Delinquent Taxes on Property Legally Described as the South 78.9 Feet of Lot 1, Block 40, Original Town and Property Legally Described as 2.458 Acres out of Abstract 1241, Tracts 73 and 74. City Secretary indicated these properties have been on a tax sale several times and they have not sold for the amount of taxes owed. This will allow them to sell them at market value instead. At one time the council was interested in one of these properties, there is a map in the packet showing these properties. This will authorize the tax attorneys to start the bid at a lower rate. Discussed access to the Benny Parrent property. Discussion continued regarding the properties. Councilman Evans moved to adopt Resolution #02-04-04 and #02-OS-04. Councilman James seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 15. EXECUTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551.072 (DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY). a. Discuss Real Estate Matters Mayor convened into executive session at 7:55 pm. 16. RECONVENE into Regular Session and Consider Action, if Any, on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Mayor reconvened into regular session at 8:40 p.m. Councilman James moved to give authorization to the staff to proceed with the items in discussion under executive session. Councilman Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 17. Meeting adjourned. - � _ ��; BANGER __-- --- -� -- - PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENTS � - - SEPTEMBER 30, 2003 ORIGINAL PROPOSED DEPARTMEN BUDGET AMENDED CHANGE _,�i�AN.�.. ;: -: _ _ ADMINISTRATION _ __ _ __ -- _ _ _ - ---- � -- .. ., REVENUES _. _ GRANT REVENUES 0 258,000 258,000 ' ' T EXPENDITURES GRANT EXPENDITURES _ 0 258,000 258,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY _ _ 0 258,000 0 PARKS - _ _ _ REVENUES TRA��N,$F,ER�ROM 4B 0 61,500 61,500 __ __- .Q,�j��" � c r ,c �-� o (t b oo a i � � pO 0 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 65,200 126,700 61,500 w1F ---?1.�05°°0--18�8f,212--��2�5,='�',-•�--- t «�� �� t �-O'D'—r�'�J'4T—Z"a�S4�— tTi_-A1l-. --. A�1 9AA A �'� Da Z Z'Iov (r1;3$8 "11/�000 �0 SOLID WASTE REVENUES SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 300,000 355,600 55,600 IESI FRANCHISE TAX 0 19,500 19,500 75,100 EXPENDITURES COLLECTION CONTRACT 252,900 328,000 �- 75,100 0 NET GENERAL FUND AMENDMENTS ELECTRIC REVENUES ELECTRIC BILLINGS EXPENDITURES POWER PURCHASED 0 3,254,000 3,762,000 508,000 2,420,000 2,928,000 �08,000 0 NET ENTERPRISE FUND AMENDMENTS HOTEUMOTEL REVENUES HOTEL/MOTEL REVENUES 0 11,300� 11,300 EXPENDITURES HOTEL/MOTEL EXPENDITURES 0 11,300 11,300 NET HOTEUMOTEL AMENDMENTS 0 0 0 oc4�_�_a MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL -WORKSHOP March 1, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Streets/Parks Superintendent John Henderson, City Engineer Mark Owens, Woodrow Barton, C.G. McNeill, Danny Cockrell, Jerry Jenkins, Liz Springer, John Springer, Belle Lawson, Jesse Lynch, Mike Lawler, Barbara Sormezler, Matt Sormezler, Patti Warren, Polly Dwyer, Chris Bengston, Ralph Cain 1. Mayor called meeting to order. 2. Workshop Regarding Sidewalk Repair, Handicap Ramps and Designation of Handicap Parking Spaces. City Manager indicated the City had budgeted $50,000.00 for sidewalk repair. They have been approached by several citizens regarding sidewalk repairs and handicap ramps. He asked for direction from the Council as to what they wanted to do. He felt the top priority was to get handicap access to the drug store. Discussed a plan John Henderson had given. Councilman Higgs indicated it was 6 to 8 inches from the sidewalk to the door in front of the drugstore. Mayor indicated there has been some thoughts to tearing up the sidewalks and re- building them, but he felt there should be a way to tie into the existing sidewalks. Discussion. Councilman Evans suggested sending it out for bids. Mark Owens indicated they need to go out and do a real design on it. Councilman Evans indicated a study was done in 1995, he indicated it cost the city $6,000.00. Discussion continued regarding ideas for the sidewalk. Discussed Parking on Bolivar Street. Mayor indicated additional space. there may be a way to re -stripe the parking spaces to add one Mayor discussed imposing a one hour time limit on parking. Councilman Garza indicated he would be concerned about the police officers having to come around each hour to check. Discussion. Councilman Garza indicated he has seen a lot of towns where the merchants have bought an empty lot near their store for parking. The merchants could charge for parking and validate the parking for their own customers. Mayor indicated the parking on the east side of the Wilfong building could be re -drawn to add one more space. John Henderson indicated there is supposed to be a 25 foot space between the stop signs and the first parking space. He indicated parking cannot be allowed next to the stop signs because it will block them from view. He suggested opening up the empty lot by the western store for the merchants to park in, this would open up the street for more customers. He indicated the amount of cars on Bolivar Street should be reduced since Dr. Perry is moving to a new location. Discussion. Mayor indicated they could make the stripes eleven foot and not put them at such an extreme angle. John Henderson expressed concerns that handicap has to have eight feet of dead space on the side, and felt that even if they gain a space it will go to handicap. Discussion regarding parking along the Park. John Springer indicated they could have a where the sidewalk is. 60 foot street if they take part of the park Mayor indicated he felt the main discussion should be focused on 3rd street. Councilman Higgs indicated they should get the engineer to look at it and come up with a solution. Mark Owens indicated the old plan is a good solution, but is expensive. He explained the plan. Mayor indicated they do not need anything that elaborate. John Springer indciated he and Jeff Springer have both been by the City requesting information from the City to do the study and they have been told they did not have time to get them the information. Discussion regarding the plan. John Springer indicated he had been given a lot of credit for the drawing, but he never saw the drawing. It came through the Chamber of Commerce and he eventually saw it. He'd like to see the Council consider coming up with the scope of a whole plan and figure out how to do it in sections. Like to see some plan come before Council and the Council make whatever changes they want. Original plan showed two way streets. It was mentioned that several parking places could be added if it could be changed to one way. People have volunteered a lot of time, and the engineering could be done without any cost. He indicated there is a possibility to get some of the materials donated. There are a few property owners that would donate lights if lighting could be arranged. If this could all be put on paper as a plan and then the Council look it over that would be a good start. Mayor indicated he did not see how making the street one way would create another parking place, if Jeff Springer can meet with him in the morning, he will be here and will see that Jeff gets everything he needs. Discussion continued. Mayor indicated the city had $50,000 budgeted. He indicated the #1 priority is to get wheel chair access to the drugstore. Discussion continued regarding grants and possible funding. Councilman Ervin indicated he would like to table this until a plan is submitted. Discussion. Woodrow Barton indicated he felt the sidewalk in front of the Sullivan Center should be repaired. The city crew put in handicap ramps and did some sidewalk repair. He felt they could do the same in this area. Discussion continued. Patty Walker, indicated her grandfather gave the center across the street, and has been interested in seeing the city continue what it has started as far as restoration. She thought it was a good idea of looking at a full scale plan. They could start with a smaller scale plan and work toward a complete one. Discussion followed. 3. Meeting Adjourned MINUTES: CITY COUNCIL MARCH 15, 2004 PRESENT: Mayor Tommy Kincaid, Councilman Andy Garza, Councilman Mike James, Councilman Jimmy Evans, Councilman Joe Higgs, Councilman Glenn Ervin OTHERS PRESENT: City Manager Jack Smith, Administrative Assistant/Assistant City Secretary Samantha Renz, Water Wastewater Superintendent Eddie Branham, Police Chief Curtis Amyx, Code Enforcement Officer Danny Cockrell, Woodrow Barton, Dale Tucker, Jerry Jenkins, Jesse Lynch, Donna Michael, Nathan Erwin, Ken Wilson, Mark McNeal, Bill Fuller, Liz Springer, Katharine Wordell, J.O. Wheeler, KrisAnn Moss, Terri Patton, Robert Patton, Dwayne Trower, Nicole Trower, Greg Russell, Elizabeth Higgs, Carolyn Frazier, Mike Dobrovolsky, Ralph Cain, Barbara Sommezler, Chase Johnson, Brock Sears, Shelley Ruland 1. Mayor Kincaid called the meeting to order. Councilman Higgs led the Invocation, and the Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA 2. a) Approve Minutes: March 1, 2004 b) Disbursements Councilman Evans moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilman Garza seconded. 3. Citizen's Input. Donna Michael, manager of the Trails of Sanger, indicated she had called the school board about putting a sign on the property. She then called Mr. Smith and was told that she could not put a sign on someone else's property. They would like to put a sign on Marion Road across from 455. Jack Smith indicated that a business can only advertise on their own premises. Mayor indicated she could file a request for a variance 4. Consider and Possible Action on Recommendation to City Council on Classification of a Tattoo/Piercing Shop into a Zoning Category. Mayor advised the business had pulled their request. Item tabled. 5. Consider and Possible Action on Downtown Sidewalks. Mayor indicated he had put this on the agenda because he thought the information he had requested would be in, but it is not. - Ken Wilson indicated they will have it later this week. Councilman Ervin asked what it was for. Mayor indicated it was for the North side, to see if it would be best to cut out and feather up the sidewalk or to raise it up. He indicated they were just trying to get some ideas. Councilman Ervin asked how it will fit in to what the other people are working on. Mayor indicated it would have the same aesthetics. Discussion. Councilman Ervin moved to wait 60 days, get recommendations from the committee and concrete person and it bring back the second meeting in May. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-07-04 -Regarding Sprinkler System and Fire Alarm Requirements for Newly Constructed Commercial Buildings. City Manager indicated the Fire Chief was not here to present this and the next item and suggested they table them both. Item tabled. 7. Consider and Possible Action on Ordinance #03-08-04 -Regarding Sprinkler Systems in Multi -Family Buildings. Item tabled. 8. Consider and Possible Action on Parks Board Appointment. Councilman Higgs moved to appoint Steve Freeman, Councilman Evans seconded, Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing Mayor to Sign Documents Relating to Real Estate. Councilman Evans moved to give the Mayor authorization to sign documents relating to real estate. Councilman Higgs seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman James asked about items specified in executive session. Mayor indicated they should be in the contract. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consider and Possible Action on Proclamation #03-02-04 - Proclaiming Apri12004 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in the City of Sanger. ► Councilman Evans moved to approve Proclamation #03-02-04. Councilman Garza seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Meeting Adjourned. «yZA 4 5 4 Q )yyk y2 y » G . E. S : §G2 9 GK1 7DA yd D B2O J l REGIS TT! :G° \Milt E�:> dL I U IMINK E I 2 DyyynPRDUM yy Wider 3@ yF. ygGi yEgaS 1373 2 l C pi yE mi« SK OF E yP' .lIy. CCkvjEd . Sy: ! a » y I y,2 qCG (NJI /^ t A N1 feUR `'_1.. "r i _. h._r_l��{� !)cl=f.R1��RL�s efii�i4r `�lt�R [.tt�_:._. VENDOR EEs ' J KNEDIL FIN ippr l i EM 4 f 4L i1J�i f P:r,:nv ! 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PARS !-=H� phi f 9"�y h ✓�""�€33�W�7 f IIIO!'5 tt 15.1�'41C I,.�Ct4.l�I�r�t sr.;'l�J240 Asjb0 AMSTERDAM PRI Ll�oa t!iG3074 i�0s 2==l-_F_Ist t CULTR PROPERTIES I--Q141 L+'�� 7 E'�tl Yl,"��i 4 J i�El '€f C U1F"€" N I`"4 k'„�4 +0. �tA"'5.. u .174E .i 99"308430 VALVlULINt.'E C`OMFLIANY I-3229718b G 0 1 CON- 53Ec 'j-H 18" DENTON UNIFORMS 1~112250 o it 41 ac S 9`s-I2 370 GRElEN IREE .,FIRE DISPUSA Ir41�z29 0: 5325 9ESvFtILLEILl " I LHIZUM HVIULINI GERS VERIZON WIRELESS 000000 qqi f 0a98 ti S M MOTOR V PARTS +S LACaDR Lip', 97 ChUlN VIC hfDJ.: f 0 E i -ju / I z H H MOTOR V CASE SPARKLE 000UUU 24a5l R r M MIOTOR U 1B WELD ":PUI'Y 5,39 ELECTRIC GA TXU GAS � I0 0CA S,v, AL R C M MUTUR V 1.41RE,P01i` R PUNT pp� 0- LA f7Gi`3 } 'T ti_f.)2iJw F, & IM MOTOR V WIRE WRAP l 10@13fzif3 I4 7 t3iNOR EQUIPM11E SPEAKER FOR POLICE RAl9It € 0�000013 € _ TELEi-HONE SErt ,wRRIP TL' EF`tlUP C S ca S"RItT C E fi`'.CEL C[€0 I6a74 R , MOTOR "IcLTS, jliiFiJEi i:ILTERS;WI: ERS 0cl0,00 l4a5i TRAVEL tE'�XPEP,'s McUL't FlOR`° SCIHO j 10010,0 Lti , 5>00 If`HICE SUPPL_ 10, c(lPpLIL.A1T,0NB S.=�LsIOU �4: ",6 �� � 1 E I, i �hi�,�e IIRUG R'EIIE;TI STfj Ul,u € EE# ,J U ?: _ I `f ECaL�IF 4 UN!!S01 E FLt l[:R '1UI 4" 0cl0` 10121 U5�I L R & ! MOTOR i GI, V 5.501 9idU�1 1iuTGR OIL9 :L _ _ �.5 CUiTIPU ER EGUI AIHNTE ;A[�11�:E IFI <1 i, t€ �;ry'Ll R cv ei MOTOR V TIRE DI SPlONL kill,21 10PA011cl >P%92 0ol-s L.59 I11 RELItl Ac{ DEPARTMENT PAYMENT RE i-AG , VENDOR 'SET: 99 rUIdu 0I GENERAL IFUND DEPARTMENT: r: ANIMAL LCONTR9G llEi . AP+1E 1TEi 1G A€'�" i ji.:`f 'dA E E SCR?4�� T IA 4 I fLKit' Ai 0 N i ", E 7Uf EHE F U I v; k �4 A? =:a �ic it (1[i R CASE SPARKLE 7 10 ',`tn •- r P Vib "PGCi 10 WEGAUTOPARTS kccJ G5« M h"E( ° ( GI UE� F GIF_R00bJJy f cs sl Y C'4...V.,kL_F E CGPAigr 1 MOTOR V JHw_ DRUM I .;,� CIIL 0 0 0 0 r' } r:'ry is "'t'" C. ter_• j._tbw�.��nr, t('9 '•`� g ; r�1i�E ! IiE 14�`"'F -�= 0 �; <L i r � RE IR�L EaRE �JI �G0 cCC.. �� R ii ��..fL1R 1 T_�. J_ ruWE:� ��� a �•a UEF'3RTi�c�=P c�. i�i'!Ei�A(_ �.�ti;dER9G TGIEA! ; 'i,4� 4/ c "? NNE �tE E lt+ AR ; €IH f V{F T P rEtj l HL yt I FR r' , VENDOR rG1ID 001 GENERAL %1.1�6i DEPARI'F �"1ult r( FIRE u°$ PH f E� l T i i n NAME Ft 1, i�. i`R f 0E ;I]RIP (I�,IN E li; L VERIZON' fREL SS 1-42@3 0 1`i� 32'5 P �tR UERIZs�1RELE99-gAINN b o t DO5 f HEN;.`{a RY'ic.1ic. ��i`i I""1�.,ru uEfi`.�!=i`J"L,`_= R G 14 MOTOR EI S +"'i ARV-,. r CASE C ✓ak1� �, st •�rrli�l`. ., f i9 ir=.!7F.s^7 CRCITxi (1O.{MM rw SERVICES 1 4, 135 �i1=r_' 0 C 4 "FjL20 neffRA0UAL G ICE M ER"S r1'S t E 1NELD I 1 6'�,j_f r_1—,m.-35 S MINOR UDUI ME � VI=_I}IC L ,� 'r S' ���48r, PRIM € s"EF=1��'y��,�y5 ?.% P gt f Nl `'�F4Ei�1�� Yv L. sU pp.tt iq I f ["i tS E? � ':... Li v.7 L":..� 93-�'rS,��G�� Ei-��?RFIEY�."—_= SCREk�rci �•'R1��T1 lwit;R'� ���5i n4`5��5 �" t �+ € t i nr+•cr j TVi`tC• 1 wf:rt,11 WAR Rt',[)IU CUi+'.. 3't�j-11 TS? � E RICE. Fi��ti{(R''1,[E'T1i�>j �J�F f i�a6� { RIiaE 1IFii`. �4E 4 E1,3Li ilEn t�tiLLF¢1 ���1 !_. j'imELi r r.'t'� t •'�:', en ��. I-4151419 I-4 4 0011 -—SR:P�S 1 <�4-5,175 °i-ic�t{fh iREEr21 .iFtEE LIRE TELe�'Ei3�IE EcR S�RIC.tT C�iEow:i t t"f�tPr41,�j(,1 Ei 0"r0 R ?, MOTOR it 1'ELTStCIE_tFEIEL IL T ER61W17P htS 9 iJ. +21 {x� 7 t iRAID _HIRTq 1 �iiEL�iE�L SERI�I R RF;'�SIC€�L S ��f�+�F�= R M MOTOR V 55i L DRUM MOTOR OIL VA10Q0, n UES WR RE !S—"= f I}` _ ; , m, FtF �zOs FIRRE D V_fjf.9Ei Ci{_k.ITH SK "R 00f0i LAI_I iv RIN'G APPARLP CAPS 10 j,0 !EAFINIG � PPAR 21 SP IRIS z, 0 OR EQUIPME" 4 HANDLE REP LACIPIEI. T FOR N1,.LL OONQ 713 hEf si AL SUPP A55OPBRI`T FOR FILLS I'E €I � hE �etOTiaR t` TIRE DIS�'S:�L �,�G�fg{S 4 �� 7 /V ;Ot. E3 C`i i REGULARDEPARTMENT r'P11 F` i4 cif ( {E4 1 i EE' r'' VENDOR O i, 99 FUND 001, GENERAL FUND DEPARTHE N T e2 6 MUNICIPAL COURT 1I e NAME iE tt t d ! EH U! L ACCOUNT NAM P, r ,a", SPRI`, f CF.°#T L I'=`,=*j OOI—C'G—OOIO r547e A OJ T € S• �• t r�—J €J3. .37", 1tn&fli SA:t"tO ❑_ ROUL'!"i:jy LL{-` ['-H:.fG 00 -J OLZ UUNI " I1UN C IEk Ids P i "E" SO IG+s' ifk F E_EPUONE 7ER GFIRI T ... CENIT'LL 0Ofel00,ki E;( S & REG1E i 1 YEAR OUBSCR1P i 10N .�f00cl00 F CGAL SERVILE MARCH COURT 0�,01000 !tom€-'RRli�E`r�T �:� �fUrdICIPAL E.'��URT EC}TALa 4r 0L! C0 4 J? PM REGULAR DE€ -°A pE M � I �� irlC �v i E l "_? i{ VENDOR GE T m 9 FUND IV GENERAL FUl li DEPART VENT; :m0, E NF0RCEmENTIII INSPEC E10N' vE1 t°AME ITEM xr f� tf Glt_ ! � t� ACt' OUN? NAME 1'75'3 CCiJ�I`r BUILDING CENTER H0,0S5117 FJ��1� M310 99 { 155 vs S -4•."it. 52Cq 0 J - 55 5 • i 9`3-1775� €-OME SECFC�T/GOU I �'NPA2 0G1 SS-531C. JPCE ' S �� 7 i 1 IE 1 i' 'PRODUCT I r} kF o K i G.JT 1, +`�"i I v y t'ii'S $b PLaCRIFFIJR! l.1 UW, Ct ,. M BUILDI I4I6C SUPPLIES FiGR SINK Ek_EC T Fill L`(GAGi T X€U GAS NOUN RIll BUILS?N FA'U, FT E ACL=pSSGRTS �iESIHOM .GC!"tn,vG t1FFICE SUPPLI INV%,Fi'=_E {='(]CKFUSIORGAN'lHER�i 15 t? L G? if/ ; r` Liz PT] VENDOR . E : 99 FUND i 1 [ !ECt L EEJCID DECACt € MEeN iG 3 S E R i 5 EGUILAR DEPORTMENT PA i"i4.NT REGI1ELit VEP}" ' E�Airic I`!tlM UIL ErELCEUNI NHMt EfiESC'KIF1lull 3 ' =, ;O'rt.L`I Ilia . GRAVEL T 7u.0 I-3 —; 7P? STAEEWSIDEWA CuF'-'.CRE.TE 9 OiE790 µ.CsllNTY BUID NIG LfENHER `--W,00519 00;01,~30,532'3 911107,li CGUN l i BUILDING FEN EE 1--42,177 10101 30375 �C.:�IS��fC� J�E:CE� r-,SELIC L'CE �i JJ.m1 IE LSE€ €i+`ULL ^i '' E i r=:. ; TS I-•:u:-I ®`"�ul. i��J�S'� �i� �l 'E� (� � a" !" �T v " .J •`^'�r`• (4 , ? �. s�? E a r^:7 v't} �Pi �.•� 4t .{...jt3 i`ii�UE4P l7Yli s�laE x��.�..i Uf�f��i yt�t�l'.jl.+f•.":..�(�..1 3 bit `1G=�HAL T 1-4*2070 0 NM'Fiji 3Jt'if _� RELI�:BL t, HCEM t`E PLIE 1115 100010 �101l 3'V�e 210 .l.t 6 -�Eh ti �ES`riE�1Li.'' ALEIu �'�EES f-( iv l�r ESE Y' Im �E3i �I.��141L�, 1't t�t�ILfR €U�"JuC ;° %LE���CuT,C'Ui; E t f MOTOR OR V€ 2 METAL AL BLAI ES iOR HE.ITEPINE LUMBERS RAY PAINT ,"STCtEE T i S1Er;�� f ��r-'NI;r .T ST �EETISIDEWA ASPHALT F'E�C `) �i s•Ct�,s+ � 1141UN CGt{0€*EST i of 10 y� i ! rliOT01i ff FUEL F'Ut'P,STErAE.E^IER' E rr�'t;'E �E�i€•`1-'! k 1��`� F;�'F't-IE N € i'Ji:`S f£4'7�! �1�1CIIT 01271 JJe J4 ucz 3'�'f 77C.v5 7r a7Lv f C .34 T.c.t _£ Jf z7 IGr70 C1=',EJc il[�d iP tF!;r_E %r! i'ynEl` F '�.vi a c�q E7 V TIEE CfISF!iESMG.. 04 I_A A��� REGULAR DEF'OWNIEN'T PAYMPIT REGISTER F' ESe; i@ 1 E[` t`�Jji;r% tt Lf EMI FUND G Ewit ��.ki�Ei�'iL i-"t Dt1R i E'1 ki; ; SII:RS Nni`iE ITEM IG/L ACCOUNT NAME 913�4bK0 DISCOUNT TROPHIES I1-42E99 013VIt 3:m I 0-I6 D[� DL ."" I.-u DI ID Cl� FERTILI I-73=D 0011 2' 5 43 ���'''� §i[1� {{ rr ���f4d CQei t'. C• R00 f.,E_�E'V%t ".i ii4°� I`�E�.t��.�� 3 2 t^7�1 ���""[:�[;.�SJ i G DD i2,2D". T R1PLE J9 T RANSP0RT>TTE0 ? w44� ? . �' " _'�• D� QL'RlF C JILIN L �, F ACERS V E M ZON WIRELESS f0l 100}ti4.� Ili OR ! GQL NE`il,_ i Ei DEDLTIFIC T IO i 46 ;A0,0DOf0 DaLL FIELD 14A E.RllLIZER C , D'RINKLER MIAs 4�AxF,EI. DCE ,TIEFC� !ui LE,RuTFtR 20 LL FILL r.,A MI'GEBALL pp /02/��4 Lr 4i REGISTER PAGE !1'cm L� �YDOR SETT 9? lUND 001 GEC ERA E�J�tC} 4lCa�o 'r ITEM ]j"' ' G' U Ok it �r ; r�„ s J0 3 ii F SE e{ CE i M � �* �i p,^�t G- I AEPA i -l!r�3 G �%Ch���T�l i-���;t3 �� , �-�Gl�� � L, �# �ili��i�� ��1Iu� �_!�� _l���Fi� Li!_({ Al.AZ _n .,- �vfr ofy� Ci' [�' i^+ a�"'t !�;=��'=+� �.. �_ce�+ E'LE"�.HONC�!-. ER Gs,t�F -' rENiWI_ JC,0,0 -di nC.`•s.'rf` . i_`� 1 3PRI t �" CEEiEE� I--,_�iA._ _ �+r ��.[ .i i� CF'��t :L ..r� c..t,E L. Fes;, EGft (a11NEf?G E�GGL G'S€' L.V 14G : ' '01 w223 CHEMICAL EE'rip PH GL!F'�L EG GG,,! vi ,-rjr-L 7,�,�-g AMS"' RT °R L �' 3a 74 OL ®°I "" 0 (' F E SUPPLY i r 01 is_'r E i a, s 12, 3 :-rG� 3a �All0 �r�1 ��k[�4 k=1:�t�T h�� I-74� 3i � € -��, Zicl, �� �EEi l 11 �,� FCI[�.€I_P:G� v. �a;E �Of 1-,0° �s _ r:1 REED Jc"rr._�.E i, :_7a r,11t € NENDU SET_ 9q ! UND 001 1 GEINIERIAL E IUNID 1)EAA4"KI "i_i:E: a U 1 �flll R_ id�r_ „VE y} ...w, iYr7ME ITEM C�/� AlrCE1 i<T i LAME 6C'RIPT10N �E lCl,.'r;s AM}3t NI I 99,00570 E _i "t 10# ; 5f4' M! R CAS SPARKLE ,010,0o r r C���r_i�CA f �����4 ,��.�_-36-�,�v� � � 1 �"CITGP mw;�E E%�IRhLE 6��ti��3� 1�..�M n -rr �, N f r IN R r 2>c 9" i .-»- u -� •tr " BLADES `4C".; W_ r to G} G€�; 6LriLUs,k CEMTErr t-1�P����11r ar t- - r_ ! �. f. ri iCP a 2 METAL BLADES i��n—S'-s.a�.� F. t "Sf 9 w? 1C 0 It ERSTA T E BATTERIE`� 1-kJ300�;`1 GI 0101i UG 3 R & € � 1'10TOP ,€ EM I i sir + 6195 i ?155j sr C€: )_,` ACP 'r -. # `i C G U Gil �y,,(i"1i a i, r. , k 1 f ELEsir;a. 1 i,=_ �,k: s L6 _ J 10 324 10 11E cAITiPARTS c_ - 20 .€1-316 -.15,25 R M "ATOR V BE1€6y311r UE1 FILIECS WIPEIRS ftL. Al 97 943t6 1AL OLIM„ MAryNtt°39 7 1G GJ_KrJK3 M,IlGRKLrDRUM rli'ffR €L g ., :i RAND TNOMPSL��� )� u s1 � ��a� �6 � �c , e,aL#"F !�"M ti �PF. i � 1 _ gAEP HC�Crt A � ��� S3 3'9040 7 RANDY THOMPSON i-33665 !?01—o'fS °53T P"l` L�R EiOWI'i�E OLDER CGUIMI 0�fil 33 � ...� '1�GREEN TREE TRE AI6CC3A 1-429R cl t 60t 5 rye R o 1 VICTOR 4 TIRE I19 C L s010114i00 R,r E�..,��..P, _tertt4 jt,EG!OR DF ARTMEN DAYMffr€ �., 5HLLIVANI CENTER '�r! rE ! , E1�1 Gt L At UOuN E NAK D Ea� .P,i, I ON tNECR,z AMU ry r;1 r 14 ';f tWf G '11fi< ems t Li Y.s RE `. AtIR" E..�`E PIMj i p },�a.er r+nttEE�r}$,j 2 �' t � r 0 Gl(.��1. r'ifv .�L�€i{f t�l4..rf:� Y` 1{r�.l f iC.li ,ter. L E; Mtc NDOR, SM q'j 1=LI.:sEF 0101 SEIER?. FfJI) OLKIRTMEI'l ° 41 Li rbarly . _ 't E`s' NAME ITEM S/L NCI olli `! i HME 7i,� 80 SFRIPd I-A,22 0, of"M4� `-56i0, i SPOT Iw 1__';Lt:.!.i 101 ":t:."`JJ Gj J l::fiJ' +'!iL.E_ Y'IIW it_L tl rP", I41 rf4[• t R RR TI..� 1_.0 I.» i Jr'»'�r '01 .l"'{."3f fiE�f[ a _9 1 i"li:. �-+i_fi C10IMYtfN q 0x�01-412 W05,,1 ,i€ii� (,1'r;rE .i r ii S�r��%IUSSUl E 1 T fI�'....�!.;I{656 1- j f'0SC2, e01 L21"fiC.)•JL'i 79",360 LED g9�097St1 MIDIWEST TAPE I7 7 0670 MA H2, 6C 50 n f6f ,E!TJ /J:`v 011 a{ _t GiHNCER A &: ELEC T PIC 1 �r�'�r tq ',4tn' .19-115,13 nnI,nf 99-12C.{_E M'}j !"-t891� t i[ v. r w-z �9? w,=f�_+0 rr n Ipp:Yii(w+{i SX f4 e.>w. I"'r +p a...r•w+ c^, y'` jj F ILSk ((.jj� 1 !.._i:.t ¢L tsI 1'r,'.m®ai.-e'ks! lfiL+LE i'CvJ�.l'3FLC .)c ULZ=IREilia, 114 CrilUir � TELECHC;NE SER SPRI�ff sE''?C, el r+ OG n II Ili' ` G 7 films C ES !16IN0"U rR��RraiiS AND N_-rlCi CN"��;,�,t���,�_IE,.- CIA �, y�...�"rz ! Gt "ti'�f vl i..ttyr +_CA..NOT 0,to` Ci i(('-}}•rr. rq� Lf7L'.f�I.�./�,;?PJC.iiCst3 vdaw. 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E��t.u,. t . i" f i�_ l.» 41S toP vl tit .�i'��e 1 imls I OR IRE DISP ISq E F, € i} DISPHAL Chi afV IIRE i1 Ell IN �lrtr- km UIt I '� r, r IJ�i�i � c I c ;A Iz w J � N . I INN, IN. Fell I I 1 9 It � IIN It , , ry; I @ I Nj cl 01 . i Lto NJ1JCN,Il ltjl�� Nit r r�pl 41 It �fjIlp, N �-j � � 1 4-1 I r . NJ t�r L'Ni Z 1 -12 4 -5 2 10 I-NJIL Z' Nj "i at �111..A Yh.'� IN w tj NIP t 1 IIJ z t IN' Wlli rII�1' rrll� tt�- 14, IN 17 N P�I � ..*I Q 1 17: !.Q �.'V � 7 1, NI, , i iNNI IN J �'�Jj l. tIl. w ININI I ij I, F� �j it t "'11-- JNj I j Nj-j 11 +j tJ NN 4 cc tF, t2 PL U P IN I E G BUIDNIF i lI, J, 1, 3 i,,IEPMOLOE UPPUTCM� tw I" D" v 't it L'�NIt crir� CI w4tIt I F ILL �UJIJLIED itt"Lr15riTUj1p11I r- r rV 1 T 0 r'r- i C: M" DU� r �.Ltn MAHE] rllrjrlti�lItr nrIPARE.l PZI RUG 11jRFUEjMTjf-I�j I N A "), . 0 I rJNI� 1;NI nqc l I.N � 0 ? 1� m UITIL] 1H LI IN f%jm'7� t+�Jj 0.i i+ UTER EDUERMEN1 "N 'HU: DUPPLAL-b LMIL:Ht '�UPPLILD u R, E Gi IST I t A I U RIM` APPAREL It ti r.�It iLLY. No", FIMI 111"Im"LIT AF.ITOn FTo� Dr:rIT. I ��F M t AC, T I N 1A C LE ICAL SERIUCES' L i. E P H1,0211 ll E S E. 52, V I C EIG IM REGIS I 1PO I ION r N'. r-I E In PL S RVICES L rrq,jrj�[C q*:MU1rrq Wi`ir. IJD'Iti "I'N' M PUMP InHER LE T Mit"CIP":5 UT I I 1T I I "'Pr tN �"';rd TF DIOR 7010U.; � ; 1111) M MOTOO IT ININL1% MIA 1N i THOR r: mi U, I P Yf IF N T IT iti".. L E R"" UPS U111 A U T 1 C A T 1, 011M B 01 A R T� I " It I� �Isf it I TOOL E. I. N, ILL NEU Nf1IN1rNM*+N'i- Fell I I 1 9 It � IIN It , , ry; I @ I Nj cl 01 . i Lto NJ1JCN,Il ltjl�� Nit r r�pl 41 It �fjIlp, N �-j � � 1 4-1 I r . NJ t�r L'Ni Z 1 -12 4 -5 2 10 I-NJIL Z' Nj "i at �111..A Yh.'� IN w tj NIP t 1 IIJ z t IN' Wlli rII�1' rrll� tt�- 14, IN 17 N P�I � ..*I Q 1 17: !.Q �.'V � 7 1, NI, , i iNNI IN J �'�Jj l. tIl. w ININI I ij I, F� �j it t "'11-- JNj I j Nj-j 11 +j tJ NN 4 cc tF, t2 PL U P IN I E G BUIDNIF i lI, J, 1, 3 i,,IEPMOLOE UPPUTCM� tw I" D" v 't it L'�NIt crir� CI w4tIt I F ILL �UJIJLIED itt"Lr15riTUj1p11I r- r rV 1 T 0 r'r- i C: M" DU� r �.Ltn MAHE] rllrjrlti�lItr nrIPARE.l PZI RUG 11jRFUEjMTjf-I�j I N A "), . 0 I rJNI� 1;NI nqc l I.N � 0 ? 1� m UITIL] 1H LI IN f%jm'7� t+�Jj 0.i i+ UTER EDUERMEN1 "N 'HU: DUPPLAL-b LMIL:Ht '�UPPLILD u R, E Gi IST I t A I U RIM` APPAREL It ti r.�It iLLY. No", FIMI 111"Im"LIT AF.ITOn FTo� Dr:rIT. I ��F M t AC, T I N 1A C LE ICAL SERIUCES' L i. E P H1,0211 ll E S E. 52, V I C EIG IM REGIS I 1PO I ION r N'. r-I E In PL S RVICES L rrq,jrj�[C q*:MU1rrq Wi`ir. IJD'Iti "I'N' M PUMP InHER LE T Mit"CIP":5 UT I I 1T I I "'Pr tN �"';rd TF DIOR 7010U.; � ; 1111) M MOTOO IT ININL1% MIA 1N i THOR r: mi U, I P Yf IF N T IT iti".. L E R"" UPS U111 A U T 1 C A T 1, 011M B 01 A R T� I " It I� �Isf it I TOOL E. I. N, ILL NEU Nf1IN1rNM*+N'i- � IIN It , , ry; I @ I Nj cl 01 . i Lto NJ1JCN,Il ltjl�� Nit r r�pl 41 It �fjIlp, N �-j � � 1 4-1 I r . NJ t�r L'Ni Z 1 -12 4 -5 2 10 I-NJIL Z' Nj "i at �111..A Yh.'� IN w tj NIP t 1 IIJ z t IN' Wlli rII�1' rrll� tt�- 14, IN 17 N P�I � ..*I Q 1 17: !.Q �.'V � 7 1, NI, , i iNNI IN J �'�Jj l. tIl. w ININI I ij I, F� �j it t "'11-- JNj I j Nj-j 11 +j tJ NN 4 cc tF, t2 PL U P IN I E G BUIDNIF i lI, J, 1, 3 i,,IEPMOLOE UPPUTCM� tw I" D" v 't it L'�NIt crir� CI w4tIt I F ILL �UJIJLIED itt"Lr15riTUj1p11I r- r rV 1 T 0 r'r- i C: M" DU� r �.Ltn MAHE] rllrjrlti�lItr nrIPARE.l PZI RUG 11jRFUEjMTjf-I�j I N A "), . 0 I rJNI� 1;NI nqc l I.N � 0 ? 1� m UITIL] 1H LI IN f%jm'7� t+�Jj 0.i i+ UTER EDUERMEN1 "N 'HU: DUPPLAL-b LMIL:Ht '�UPPLILD u R, E Gi IST I t A I U RIM` APPAREL It ti r.�It iLLY. No", FIMI 111"Im"LIT AF.ITOn FTo� Dr:rIT. I ��F M t AC, T I N 1A C LE ICAL SERIUCES' L i. E P H1,0211 ll E S E. 52, V I C EIG IM REGIS I 1PO I ION r N'. r-I E In PL S RVICES L rrq,jrj�[C q*:MU1rrq Wi`ir. IJD'Iti "I'N' M PUMP InHER LE T Mit"CIP":5 UT I I 1T I I "'Pr tN �"';rd TF DIOR 7010U.; � ; 1111) M MOTOO IT ININL1% MIA 1N i THOR r: mi U, I P Yf IF N T IT iti".. L E R"" UPS U111 A U T 1 C A T 1, 011M B 01 A R T� I " It I� �Isf it I TOOL E. I. N, ILL NEU Nf1IN1rNM*+N'i- tj NIP t 1 IIJ z t IN' Wlli rII�1' rrll� tt�- 14, IN 17 N P�I � ..*I Q 1 17: !.Q �.'V � 7 1, NI, , i iNNI IN J �'�Jj l. tIl. w ININI I ij I, F� �j it t "'11-- JNj I j Nj-j 11 +j tJ NN 4 cc tF, t2 PL U P IN I E G BUIDNIF i lI, J, 1, 3 i,,IEPMOLOE UPPUTCM� tw I" D" v 't it L'�NIt crir� CI w4tIt I F ILL �UJIJLIED itt"Lr15riTUj1p11I r- r rV 1 T 0 r'r- i C: M" DU� r �.Ltn MAHE] rllrjrlti�lItr nrIPARE.l PZI RUG 11jRFUEjMTjf-I�j I N A "), . 0 I rJNI� 1;NI nqc l I.N � 0 ? 1� m UITIL] 1H LI IN f%jm'7� t+�Jj 0.i i+ UTER EDUERMEN1 "N 'HU: DUPPLAL-b LMIL:Ht '�UPPLILD u R, E Gi IST I t A I U RIM` APPAREL It ti r.�It iLLY. No", FIMI 111"Im"LIT AF.ITOn FTo� Dr:rIT. I ��F M t AC, T I N 1A C LE ICAL SERIUCES' L i. E P H1,0211 ll E S E. 52, V I C EIG IM REGIS I 1PO I ION r N'. r-I E In PL S RVICES L rrq,jrj�[C q*:MU1rrq Wi`ir. IJD'Iti "I'N' M PUMP InHER LE T Mit"CIP":5 UT I I 1T I I "'Pr tN �"';rd TF DIOR 7010U.; � ; 1111) M MOTOO IT ININL1% MIA 1N i THOR r: mi U, I P Yf IF N T IT iti".. L E R"" UPS U111 A U T 1 C A T 1, 011M B 01 A R T� I " It I� �Isf it I TOOL E. I. N, ILL NEU Nf1IN1rNM*+N'i- PL U P IN I E G BUIDNIF i lI, J, 1, 3 i,,IEPMOLOE UPPUTCM� tw I" D" v 't it L'�NIt crir� CI w4tIt I F ILL �UJIJLIED itt"Lr15riTUj1p11I r- r rV 1 T 0 r'r- i C: M" DU� r �.Ltn MAHE] rllrjrlti�lItr nrIPARE.l PZI RUG 11jRFUEjMTjf-I�j I N A "), . 0 I rJNI� 1;NI nqc l I.N � 0 ? 1� m UITIL] 1H LI IN f%jm'7� t+�Jj 0.i i+ UTER EDUERMEN1 "N 'HU: DUPPLAL-b LMIL:Ht '�UPPLILD u R, E Gi IST I t A I U RIM` APPAREL It ti r.�It iLLY. No", FIMI 111"Im"LIT AF.ITOn FTo� Dr:rIT. I ��F M t AC, T I N 1A C LE ICAL SERIUCES' L i. E P H1,0211 ll E S E. 52, V I C EIG IM REGIS I 1PO I ION r N'. r-I E In PL S RVICES L rrq,jrj�[C q*:MU1rrq Wi`ir. IJD'Iti "I'N' M PUMP InHER LE T Mit"CIP":5 UT I I 1T I I "'Pr tN �"';rd TF DIOR 7010U.; � ; 1111) M MOTOO IT ININL1% MIA 1N i THOR r: mi U, I P Yf IF N T IT iti".. L E R"" UPS U111 A U T 1 C A T 1, 011M B 01 A R T� I " It I� �Isf it I TOOL E. I. N, ILL NEU Nf1IN1rNM*+N'i- r V It HLO Ji j I JItMl ""7 rt.1 y I F, I i"P tar it "T t� i: 01 0 i, W 1r, U J j�' in. N4 I r 31� ,G IDA l 0'j 13 N R L��I� �Lj j w It J Nl 0 171 rtlltl 01 fib 0 V) bi F "t V 1b, t; t It w . MlA ®r Hi J wy ;N' P ,L L L '00 r M rig 21 5 It c) U N1 titNJM 4 01QNJ it It! NJ IN t 48 77 & lj I� ta u tj 7 tu-j . IL .j m It J ,, J to DO If 4 Jl�'N , Aar Cl I't " It I, ' 11100 U 0 I m .7;= I7r t 20 J I ,I,, � �S) I � " IN rR I, � ( t "t5 ri U IN" 1 3 i �HDLL DuLl .1 w It J Nl 0 171 rtlltl 01 fib 0 V) bi F "t V 1b, t; t It w . MlA ®r Hi J wy ;N' P ,L L L '00 r M rig 21 5 It c) U N1 titNJM 4 01QNJ it It! NJ IN t 48 77 & lj I� ta u tj 7 tu-j . IL .j m It J ,, J to DO If 4 Jl�'N , Aar Cl I't " It I, ' 11100 U 0 I m .7;= I7r t 20 J I ,I,, � �S) I � " IN rR I, � ( t "t5 ri U IN" 1 3 i �HDLL DuLl .1 .j m It J ,, J to DO If 4 Jl�'N , Aar Cl I't " It I, ' 11100 U 0 I m .7;= I7r t 20 J I ,I,, � �S) I � " IN rR I, � ( t "t5 ri U IN" 1 3 i �HDLL DuLl .1 I yA �'�4� t 'i"fuir� 6 = pr==a S[[ PEN (k....,; l.4 z'fi YE.m111..l A0 i.iU1, EY?t =�N! REGIbl "lv r =r __ W='o lit f r �' .., GC' , Rift .., .,•;.{U!'E rUu= I E i ITfL 110 � Iq-t`e Ysi�`• .�t?J�.e� SUPIS ' ! fit,,E.J { t. Ei$.tf €• L vgU��C77Fppi',' IG i? �rt}i..i v_ .tMIi.E R &tali 11FOn FfEiii3., �e by✓t �... �� s��i S1J {'F � J..I:s ki _�...iJGt :7r Fri' �. a c7iIL(_,.t �{�,,.=(},,.x d.JL 3x�m `,iYtR �tlr _,YC..�• vi :D ei'°" itt?Ei R"ilf`x fiL C!"vig'F rJiJt _!v.e 5#Opt i E�FH10N!Y'.. CL R F1iF`'_ .m f==I-Af " MI BONS 4 vCiii� a ti$i».tfi ,JJ r Lr�� UiY�.CEir•`.1 Glog� i 1P :.i 4: Vrl=,'Sl sL ..:o-Ci ii rb..'s".. 101:3 _7{ Jiml SUPP, E.Iiar8rl is MMTxRtAU UV to> Jf DA �t 1P, : Jr. 'i i". •-. ij i rt -j-y(L t 0P, �!Te `INI IM IN EIU , IF :�iiir»fILE'tCl'WTJ ii.F, UM Ji!•�j t 4.i + i M ED t ti3 . LJ Jt ud fPi i_ ,.. •^v _{fk`E,ief* it V' f..F11 iF'i.". vIaL•..F _tlLi'ESt.,i YC.. JI 'ceLe.1 . I _N_pp�r t kCYf 1, IS Uft �i' 3`t LI1F'(' isl m r= 4ft,'4iy�—�,✓.. 3 `•I 11 P,UI[_D11`,G _r.µ ., a iC�,. ! VIA. ' iffoli i-"vqq=tom i�I!!£kiC J�J $$H CH rrx -, €tdi:1 tY :e_r- ..71 t 112k` 50 ' ( i ;If'((j''?� t,! P C vJ _{ [[ (( 44 =? irii:7 CLECTI?14.z ?i' LfFiC,.SiE La 1+ ,U. I t7,m1 x.._r-i 84 2 a + •-e nr t!tWn:r� t�f At. L'fi• ,, x�i•J. �t f dsxr��� Yk i 4 �'tE< Y Y Yt�=yl t it:l1'kyt • �ir b. Err r a .uxli^ c1Y n L�JJLf �Jk�f r 7�,.yi'ri { ; 7`-'r r n�i $ ` 00 s_ i Uga`e! 28 7v S tW.b xFr`�,�i Y r l _J uit ..a:tr� ?aaf, SW��'rY,l� Ta Fe �' irJ_ IL 5..Y� t`�t oWtS P ' xP "�ffDLIEI OVER 'ti I t s .srj,�-r:s1lE!1 REGLSTL R a N nL ' r_ e-S.` P� tE . IF �`�l r„ " p}.0 7 I4 : } i 4 fr.lE._ t 3 f. [3'. .x��i11'61... G._€f'» _i' ... C..�U_'� i lV"fr". Ee �u E,..k Ef ;L..'. i€ Al 4i,.... L,UDG B�.1U�_.� ��`. {3!t_f Yt� t. II.,F i° iIp t,ewJ"� �. 1608_ it 5 Tad �}s"O�yRrip� Ory '1krr,F 1Cn r II .+2J.� u� _ .. Lt�,�UttP�:t44.�''rxi JM: i-L_�� R _ .. BU Y`ING .!F-µ ri'f`l'c 4`!Jmci 7yt�r}.r It w i<<EiEsa. t T!i ET11G, pI EER NO STUat: s 6°u rite _1rc T`r, U; .,_o.a»}.i 7�J �r :_r�U. r :E r•rzc c•c � c F: Jtj W�.'4Lt'";_.�:._-.�"r,!!ti r4. i�:;sj rL gt o-h U r `: } r- '7 ,fit,,}"}}} `,�}}r } ff9`` `d. iJ s T'' U .J-�� {t�t tt tw WEE[[ wx:1Sm J�F 9'_6� 'J: U.t I PY E}f '.,E i L. m,......JE,iu=f'. �/i.e:J1,: U fiJ ""v1t'I.Y P 6lu ccE c� u tws }It t fR =¢"F. '�PI.LVI,'"r' '1.3C,G"+`F tt "'A ,7q n Hr}L>U.� ELK i:`tlutt i v fr'uE S .J r.__ v0ll. Ri ��.�t1uD_ '?L�StFF rs.:�i{t�J :.. itCyv l'J.+ �_`. pu Ut Tf. �IIIN �"�hr�ii_�r tom:: �.;f}.; .G}..�"rtI, 1 i'rf f'��'ss�� ii `.'Y "" _�t� �`{f,..�l.�t rr C: t!z �ifi..._ `''�`t:.i �r _}t_.-uttI I.,IWm`tts: `ter}�t' r� r _ i't'�ti %ra:±.(aJ .r':j 2_r{l,og ItIt vr0"'.i c.Er s },�.. r_tr ii.i('}iE'..i Iz3 8 111 _r s[et `tF:�p�_IE;�t'L�ti � �`' �' Q. 202D .. "q' ° f f -ALL ef,��. _4 :,_..._z._ F � r,IbuI F 0,11 U d. c'1 24 F I1i L it C.t CF6i6i}Ek7E If rt} yi i'".� r f !T '-Al s r j T"t'1g� r . T:pt;1 At �f T 4:kv CE'3T "I. ...Q:_ _j k:'K.: L _i;'k!'s VIE. I Em2 2ittfl �'Ft �.rri..iStCi� rc, ��:i€ 7 F- r t' "�' i �, E�i"Rr"I " q'T E" t ,'�1 i E. r. r, _,C ". , Cif Cti4 Mkt uC: :. E_s 1 �a.�ii"ri <{ WF _'.r; jy VlOq`s', tj13� e�C; : �:?�, F, C, 57A�.,._. r.si) mt_i F.f w u Of 7 0 j`�...Ai E i't -:7FS E`..l{`I',;n C{?LFtt'(I@e3L L.:,f 2275Hrf . ._ i U Ali a 6� Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Resolution for annexation Attached is the proposed resolution, notice to public and map of the properties. RESOLUTION NO.04-07-04 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY THE CITY OF SANGER, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: That such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7*00 P.M. on May 17, 2004, and on June 7, 2004 in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M., for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: A. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 3, ACRES 83.720, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 8 IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND B. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 7, ACRES 9,8407, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 7, IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND C. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 6, ACRES 10.00, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 219 IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND D. A0725A S.F. LYNCH, TRACT 13, ACRES 25.7346, OLD DCAD TR 2,2B IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND E. A1024A R. PRATHER, TRACT 4, ACRES 29.373, OLD DCAD TR 2, IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS PASSED AND APPROVED, this 5' day of April, 2004 Mayor, Tommy Kincaid Attest: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION Notice is hereby given that such Public Hearings will be held by the Governing Body of the City of Sanger, in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on May 17, 2004, and on June 7, 2004 in for the purpose of considering annexation into the City limits of the following described property: A. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 3, ACRES 83.720, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 8 IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND B. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 7, ACRES 9.8407, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 79 IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND C. A1241A TIERWESTER, TRACT 6, ACRES 10.00, OLD DCAD SHT 6, TR 219 IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND D. A0725A S.F. LYNCH, TRACT 13, ACRES 25.7346, OLD DCAD TR 2,2B IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS; AND E. A1024A R. PRATHER, TRACT 4, ACRES 29.373, OLD DCAD TR 2, IN DENTON COUNTY TEXAS All interested citizens and property owners are hereby notified of their right to appear and be heard on the matter Rosalie Chavez City Secretary LOIS L� BELZ 1 (� BELZ � Y� PuniFff-�Fi c a F LOTS FM MELTON .R. �� ��� � � { Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Planned Developments Kirk Wilson should be present to address this item. These are the two items regarding the properties North of Town. Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Ord 04-07-04 Attached is the Ordinance on this item. This item was tabled at the last meeting. The fire chief should be present to address this item. ORDINANCE 04-07-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 3.2100 REQUIRING FIRE ALARMS AND WATER SPRINKLERS FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 3.2100, which said article shall read as follows: " ARTICLE 3.2100 FIRE ALARMS AND WATER SPRINKLERS FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS A. This article establishes fire alarm and water sprinkler requirement for Newly Constructed Commercial Units in the City of Sanger. B. All newly constructed commercial buildings must have water sprinklers throughout the attic. C. All newly constructed commercial buildings must have off -site monitoring of fire alarms, and have an audible and visual alarm on the exterior of the building." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 5th day of April A.D., 2004, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Ord 04-08-04 Attached is the Ordinance on this item. This item was tabled at the last meeting. The fire chief should be present to address this item. ORDINANCE 04-0&04 THAT CHAPTER 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 3.2200 REGULATING WATER SPRINKLERS AND STAND PIPES IN MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 3.2200, which said article shall read as follows. ARTICLE 3.2200 WATER SPRINKLERS AND STAND PIPES REQUIRED IN MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS A. This article establishes water sprinkler requirements for newly constructed Family Residential Residential buildings in the City of Sanger. B. All newly constructed Multi -Family Residential buildings must have water sprinklers throughout the attic. C. All newly constructed Multi -Family Residential buildings that are three (3) stories or more must have water sprinklers throughout the attic and stand -pipes on each landing." Sectionordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the 5th day of April A.D., 2004, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. APPROVED: Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY April 2, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Ord 04-09-04 Attached is the Ordinance on this item The lire chief should be present to address this item. �? �' � �1 J C�i ORDINANCE 04-09-04 THAT CHAPTER 3, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING AN ARTICLE, TO BE NUMBERED ARTICLE 3.2300 REGULATING PLACEMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRIC METERS ON ALL NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS; PROVIDING FOR 11.1 REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS: Section 1. That Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Sanger, Texas, is hereby amended by adding an article, to be numbered Article 3.2200, which said article shall read as follows. "ARTICLE 3.2300 REGULATING PLACEMENT OF GAS AND ELECTRIC METERS ON ALL NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS A. This article establishes electric and gas meter placement for newly constructed Single Family Residential buildings in the City of Sanger. B. All newly constructed Single Family Residential buildings must place electric meters no further than 10 feet from the front corner of the house and outside of all fences. C. All newly constructed Single Family Residential buildings must place gas meters no further than 10 feet from the front corner of the house and outside of all fences." Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent oI such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases and words of this Ordinance are severable and, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such unconstitutional word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. Section 4. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions A this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in Section 1.109 of this Code. Section 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and Charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, this the Sth day of April A.D., 2004, by the City Council of the City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas. Tommy Kincaid, Mayor ATTEST: Rosalie Chavez, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Apri12I 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Item #10 This is for the new sewer plant site. April 2, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Bid This is for the sewer plant expansion project. Only one bid was received. The bid was by Wechaneer engineered systems and equipment for $63,088.00. Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Item #12 Attached is the resolution and additional information on this item. �? �' . .' c� � .� RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANGER, TEXAS URGING THE TEXAS RAILROAD COMMISSION TO STOP THE CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL DISPOSAL WELL 1.75 MILES SOUTH OF BOLIVAR AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF F.M. 2450 AND MICHAEL ROAD, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Shale Tank Truck Company of Gainesville, Texas applied before the Texas Railroad Commission to construct a Commercial Disposal Well; and WHEREAS, the City of Sanger finds the proposed location to be a rural urban sprawl neighborhood consisting of citizens of the City of Sanger; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Public Safety reports the number of fatalities increased on farm -to -market roadways, county roads and roadways in towns of less than 5,000 population by 11 %; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Public Safety reports that fatalities in traffic accidents in rural areas of the state accounted for 57.9% of the state's traffic fatalities count; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Public Safety reports 19.4% of the accidents that occurred on rural roadways were head-on, resulting in fatalities; and WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Public Safety has reported 243 of the 372 fatality accidents on rural roadways involved Truck Tractor and Semi -Trailers; and WI-IEREAS, the City of Sanger is concerned about the risk of injury, accidents and general welfare of the citizens of Sanger; NOW, THEREFORE, 1'HE CITY OF SANGER HEREBY RESOLVES: SECTION 1. That the governing body of the City of Sanger urges the Texas Railroad Commission to deny Shale Tank Truck Company a permit to construct a commercial disposal well on property located at the northwest corner of F.M. 2450 and Michael Road, Sanger, Texas. SECTION 2. This resolution shall be effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this the day of Mayor, City of Sanger 2004. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL OIL AND GAS DOCKET IN RE: CONSERVATION Al�jD pVENTION I\TO. 09-0237785 OF WASTE OF CRUDE PETROLEUM AND NATURAL. GAS IN THE STATE OF TEXAS Austin, Texas February 23, 2004 NOTICE OF HEARNG ON THE APPLICATION OF SHALE TANK TRUC:iL LP Tt_l CONSIDER. FOR CONiiiviERCL AL, PUP.POSED DISPOSAL OF Oli, AI`�'D GAS WASTE BY LNJECTION INTO A POROUS FORNiATION NOT PRODUCTIVE OF OIL OR GAS BANGER SWD LEASE, WELL NO. 1, BIG BUCK (CADDO 1ST) FIELD, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to all interested persons that under the legal authority and jurisdiction of Title 3, Oil and Gas, Subtitles A, B, and C of the Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapters 26, 27 and 29 of the Texas Water Code, and TEX. GOV'T CODE AN'N. art. § � 2001 et seq., the RAILROAD COivillISSION OF TEXAS will hold a hearing on itilarch 10, 2004, at 9:00 a.m. at the William B. Travis State Office Building, 1701 N. Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. This hearing will be conducted inconformity with the TEX. GOV'T CODE A-\T\.l. art. § § 2001 at seq. For room assigiunent, on the date of the hearing please check the bulletin board in the 1 st Floor lobby. Persons planning to attend this hearing are urged to contact the applicant (see service list) immediately prior to the hearing date to be sure that the hearing will proceed on the scheduled date. This hearing will be held to consider the application of Shale Tank Truck L.P. for commercial disposal of oil and gas waste by injection into a porous formation not productive OIL AND GAS DOCKET NO. 09-0237785 PAGE 2 of oil or gas, aursuant to Statewide Rule 9, Sanger SWD Lease, Well No. 1, Big Buck (Caddo 1st Field, Denton County, Texas. Environmental Services would not consider granting the application administratively as filed because: There may be insufficient separation by intervening clay or shale beds between the base of the usable quality groundwater and the top of the proposed injection interval. The standard employed by the Oil and Gas Division's Underground Injection Control Manual states "disposal strata must be isolated from overlying usable quality water by a sufficient thickness of relatively impermeable strata, which is generally considered to be an accumulative total of at least 250 feet of clav or shale". The letter from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality dated October 29, 2003, regarding the subject application states "groundwater is considered to be of usable quality to a depth of approximately 1120 feet in the area of this well." The proposed depth to the top of the injection interval is 1300 feet. Therefore, Environmental Services recommends that the applicant be required to demonstrate that there is at least 250 feet of intervening shale or clay between the base of the usable quality groundwater and the top of the injection interval. The proposed disposal operation does not meet Environmental Services' criteria for administrative approvals of high -volume, shallow, commercial disposal veils in the Barnett Shale play of Wise, Tarrant and Denton Counties. There has been a significant increase in demand for disposal services in this region due to the recent and rapid increase in the number of Barnett shale producing wells. The proposed disposal operation may cause the pressure within the disposal interval to rise to a level sufficient to induce flow of unusable quality water into the usable quality inter;al. Therefore, Environmental Services recommends that the applicant be required to demonstrate through mapping, calculation and/or modeling that there is not a predicable risk of groundwater pollution due to non -confinement of fluid within the proposed injection interval within the area of pressure influence due to injection. If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Applicant's representative, Brian Miller, at (512) 478-3456. If you have any questions regarding the hearing procedure, please contact the Railroad Commission, Office of General Counsel, at ( 512) 463-6848. OIL AND GAS DOCKET NO. 094237785 PAGE 3 hParino llrn(`Pf111rP, n1PaCP (`nllta�t thQ R��irnori ('nmmicc:nn llff:..� �.P I'',,....,-..1 f',,.,., .,,1 ,.a (512) 463-63-18. IF A CONTINUATION IS NECESSARY, this hearing will proceed at the William B. Travis State Office Building, Austin, Texas, and, to the extent possible, on subsequent working days. The room number and exact time of the continuation will be announced on the record ir, this proceeding and recorded with Docket Services, Office of General Counsel, Railroad Commission of Texas. PURSUANT TO SAID HEARNG, the Commission will enter such rules, regulations, and orders as in its judgment the evidence presented may justify. ANY REQUEST FOR POSTPONEMENT of this hearing must be received by the Office of General Counsel no later than five (5) working days prior to the scheduled date shown above. Copies of such request must be forwarded to all parties shown on the service list. TO APPEAR Ii t SUPPORT OF OR I'i t OPPOSITION TO THIS PROCEEDING, a party other than the applicant must file a notice of intent to appear tivith Docket Services, Office of General Counsel, at least five (5) working days in advance of the hearing date. A copy of the notice of intent to appear should be served on the applicant and any other parties of record. IF ANY PARTY DESIRES A WRITTEN TRANSCRIPT of the hearing, that party should notify Docket Services at (512) 463-6848, at least five (5) working days in advance of the hearing date. If a written transcript is requested, the Commission may assess the cost of the transcript to one or more parties. Unless any party requests a written transcript, the record will be made by audio tape recording. OIL AND GAS DOCKET NO. 09-0237785 PAGE 4 �1I�iY L�TDNIDUAL tiVITiI A DIStILIT�i' who needs auxiliary aids and services in order to have an equal opportunity to effectively communicate and participate in this hearing must request such aids or services at feast two weeks prior to the scheduled hearing by notifying tt,P porcnnn.=� office ofthe Railroad Commission of Texas by mail at P.O. Box 12967, Austin, Texas 78711-2967, or by telephone at (512) 463-7327 or TDD No. (512) 463-7284. ALL EXHIBITS FILED AS A PART OF THE RECORD in this cause must be submitted in duplicate. Data in Commission records may be incorporated by reference, but the reference must be specific, and if it includes exhibits filed in prior proceedings before the Commission, a copy of such exhibit properly identified shall be submitted for this record. THE APPLICANT MUST review this notice and the attached service list for accuracy and completeness. The applicant shall immediately notify Docket Services, Office of General Counsel of any discrepancy or omission. CERTIFICATE "V SERVICE Pa;e 1 of 2 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Elea ;rd 111 ,° 0"0 L: c: No. 094237783 was served on each of the persons named below by depositing same in the United States Mail (or by lnter-Agency Mail), postage thereon fully prepaid, properly addressed, as follows: SHALE Tr\NK TRUCK LP DARLA PAYNE CHRIS & NANCY SMITH P U BOX 1299 DALE KNABE 8424 FM 2450 GAINESVILLE TX 76241-1299 8708 FM 2450 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 MILLER WN6UL11NO INC MITTY PLUMMER BRIAN A MILLER JIM ivt MISSITER 8272 CRESTVIEW RD 1000 WEST AVE 6708 FM 2450 SANGER TX 76266 AUSTIN TX 7 870 1 -2019 SANGER TX 76266 THOMAS W AND CRISTY HUSTON TEDDY & KATH DIETZ DONNA NICCAULEY 5808 NtICHAEL RD 5884 MICHAEL RD 2061 CROCKETT SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 BILLY R HANSON MIKE & DONNA BATEMAN L J BRAUGHLER P O BOX 430 6607 MICHAEL RD 2059 CROCKETT KRUM TX 76249 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 FRED D DAVIS MATTSAGER JACK BRAUGHLER 8328 CRESTVIEW RD 5819 MICHAEL RD 2063 CROCKETT SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 OLIN B STEVENSON DALE FERGUSON PRESTON DOBBS 6684 MICHAEL RD 6811 MICHAEL RD 7560 DOBBS RD SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 DANIEL L & PATSY DAVIS ALAN K HOWARD JOYCE L COURTNEY 6469 MICHAEL RD 6556 MICHAEL RD 8197 CRESTVIEW RD SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 JANET GUEBERT AND WILLIAM BENSON GARY A DUTT JEFFERY SCOTT SANFORD 6686 MICHAEL RD 6400 DAVIDSON 6080 MICHAEL RD SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 JOHN K WARREN JERREL D STEVENSON GERALD A HALLMARK 9t47 FM 2450 6695 DAVIDSON RD 6557 MICHAEL RD SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 LARRY MANNING CHARLIE ALLEN DAVID MILLICAN 3401 DEENFIELD 3810 bfICHAEL RD 8328 FM 2450 DENTON TX 76208 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 WILBURN & JOYCE ROBINSON SEAN PASA TOM & VALERIE FOSTER 6276 MICHAEL RD 8130 CREST VIEW RD 5820 M[CHAEL RD SANGER T C 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 DONNA GROVES CHRIS & GINA FAIRCLOTH LARRY M WISDOM II 6230 MICHAEL RD 8117 CRESTVIEW RD 7956 AIRFIELD DR SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 JOHNNA RUTENBER R B JOKES TERESA &BOB SINK 6252 LiICHAEL RD 6687 MICHAEL RD 7200 MICHAEL RD SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 ARNOLD RUTENBER DOYLE JONAS DAVID KOONCE P O BOX 604 6717 MICHAEL RD 7993 AIRFIELD RD BELLS i N 38006 SANGER TX 76266 SANGER TX 76266 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Page 2 01 2 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy 01 the foregoing Notice of Hearing in Oil & Gas Docket No. 09-0237783 was served on each of the persons named below by depositing same in the United States Mail (or by Inter -Agency Mail), postage thereon fully prepaid, properly addressed, as follows: LARRY HOLDER 5969 SAM BASS RD BANGER TX 76266 GEARY W WA`CSON 7922 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 LARY & JENNIFER DERR 8096 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 JEFF PAINTER 7178 FBI 2450 BANGER TX 76266 BOBBY & ANITA HALE 7828 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 EDDIE D NICHOLSON 7744 AIRFIELD BANGER TX 76266 ORL.ANDO & SHELLY HINOJOSA 5492 DOWN WIND LN BANGER TX 76266 JASON WHITELY 6265 SAM BASS RD BANGER TX 76266 CARL H WALCHSHAUSER 7889 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 ROBERT D SMITH 7847 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 tiffCIIAEL &BETTY SUE GIiANDEY 7929 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 CRAIG 3c PAULA LYON 7805 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 ROBERT E & IRENE ADAMS 79I I AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 LORENZA DOW CUNNINGHAM 5430 DOWN WIND LN BANGER TX 76266 ROBERT D Hr\RLESS 7743 AIRFIELD DR BANGER TX 76266 BOBBY JONES & Kr\THY JONES P O BOX 798 KRUM TX 76249 DOYLE G JONAS R B &PRANCES 10NAS 6687 MICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 R B & CARL.A JONAS JR 5681 CROWN bVR1GHT DR BANGER TX 76266 FRANK &SUE RODGERS P O BOX 296 BANGER TX 76266 10NATHAN 3c AMY WHITWORTH 5539 CROW WRIGHT RD BANGER TX 76266 DEBORAH & CHARLES PATTON 6031 W SAM BASS RD BANGER TX 76266 ROGER &DONNA MCLEROY 7870 AIRFIELD DR S:ANGER TX 75266 JACK &KIM BIGGERSTAFF BOX 97 BANGER TX 76266 DIANA A HUSTON 5816 IviICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 On this the 23rd day of Februarv, 2004. MARY E HUSTON 5690 MICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 BENJAMIN EUGENE HUSTON 5816 MICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 DR & MRS J M POLLARD SR 6602 JOSEPH RD BANGER TX 76266 1ANICE 3c DAV[D LEDFORD 63Z0 P R 6601 BANGER TX 76266 LLOYD & JOYCE WEBB 8465 Fhf 2450 Sr\NGER TX 76266 BEN F HUSTON 5690 MIC}{AEL RD BANGER TX 76266 MIKE & CHERYL b401NERNEY 6514 MICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 SANDRii KAY SPEIGEL 8384 CRESTVtEW RD BANGER TX 76266 WM E SMITH 7703 HOUSTON RD BANGER TX 76266 KELLY & KENNETH COLLIER 5463 CRESTVIEW BANGER TX 76266 DANNYFLETCHER 6657 ivi[CHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 KIM BROWN 8466 CRESTVIEW RD BANGER TX 76266 RAYMOND KNIGHT 6899 MICHAEL RD BANGER TX 76266 Counsel, RAILROAD COtiLti1ISSION OF TEXAS } f F f! n♦♦ y410111 C a ! i ! (RECTOR, Underground Injection Control Oil and Gas Division Railroad Commission of Texas apitol Station-P.O. Drawer 12967 �stin, Texas 78711 OIL AND GAS DIVISION COIt,IMERCIAL SALT WATER DISPOSAL WELL APPLICATION TO DISPOSE OF OIL AND GAS WASTE BY INJECTION INTO A POROUS FORMATION NOT PRODUCTIVE OF OIL OR GAS Form 4V-14 1 /82 MIL0401 1, Operator Name 2. Operator No. SHALE TANK TRUCK LP 768686 3. Noaress (atreet, airy, State and Zip Code) 4. RRC Dist. P.O. BOX 1299 GAINESVILLE, TX 76241-1299 U9 5, Lease Name 6, RRC Lease/ID No. oil 7. Well Plo. SANGER SWD N/A Gas ❑ 1 8. Field Name 9. RRC Field No. 10, County BIG BUCK CADDO 1ST) 07767470 DENTON 11. (a) Location (Sec., Blk., Survey -Give perpendicular location from 11. (b) two designated survey lines.) This well is to be located 1.75 miles SW direction J. RUUUB L SUR. A-1 u61 1200' FSL & 150' FEL from BOLIVAR; TX (nearest post office or town.) CASING AND TUBING DATA ENRON NAME OF STRING SIZE SETTING DEPTH SACKS CEMENT TOP OF CEMENT TOP DETERMINED BY HOLE SIZE CASING WEIGHT 12. Surface Casing 9-5/8" 1120' 400 SX SURFACE CIRCULATION 12-1/4" 40# 13. Intermediate 14. Long String 7" 4000' 550 SX SURFACE CIRCULATION &3/4" 23# 15, Tubing (Size and Depth) 16, Name, Model and Depth of Tubing Packer 17. Total Depth of Well 3-1/2" @ 1,250' ARROWSET 1X @ 1,250' 4,000' 18, Injection Interval 19, Name of Formation 20, Is Injection through 21, Fracture Gradient Top 1300 Bottom 4000 STRAWN / ELLENBURGER QTubing or LJCasing est..5psi/ft. 22, Is Injection through 23. Date Well Drilled 24, API No, 25. Ground Surface Elevation Perforations or ❑Open Hole TO BE DRLD. N/A 26, List All Cement Squeeze Operations, Giving Interval and Number of Sacks of Cement 27, Depth to Base of Deepest Fresh 28. Depth of Shallowest Zone Productive of 29. Anticipated Daily Injection Volume (Bbls) Water Zone 1120' Oil or Gas in this Field 1800' Average 6000 Maximum 8000 30, Is Injection System 31, Is Injection by 32, Injection Pressure (Psi) ❑Open or Closed Gravity or aPressure Average 325 Maximum 650 33. Will it be necessary for water to be filtered or chemically treated? 34, Is this well so cased and completed that water can enter no other ❑Yes �No formation than the above set out injection zone? ®Yes E]No 35. Name and Address of Surface Owner SHALE TANK TRUCK LP P.O. BOX 1299 GAINESVILLE, TX 76241A299 36. (a) Source of Fluids (Geological Name of Formation and Depth) (b) Are Fluids produced from sources other than Applicant's? BARNETT SHALE 6000' Pee9500' QX Yes ❑No (c) If answer is Yes to Question 36(b) attach a list of other sources identifying operators, sources, and types of waste. HEP OIL CO. / WESTERN CHIEF ORG CO. PRODUCED SALT WATER 37, Have notices of this application been mailed or given to all 38, Are there any other Salt Water Disposal Wells using this same Zone Offset Operators? Yes ❑ No in this Field? Ci eeeeJYes ENo 39, if answer is Yes to Question 38, name one such well. Name of Operator SHALE TANK TRUCK LP Lease Name Lease or 30107 N Well 1 1, D. No. KRUM SWD CERTIFICATE is/T I declare under penalties prescribed in Sec. 91,143, Texas Natural Signature Resources Code, that I am authorized to make this report, that this report was prepared by me or under my supervision and direction, and BRIAN A. MILLER * CONSULTANT that data and facts stated therein are true, correct, and complete, to the Name of Person (type or print) Title best of my knowledge. Telephone (512) 478-3456 Date 10/07/03 Area Gade Number FOR RRC USE ONLY * ALL DATA HEREON FURNISHED BY OPERATOR. APPLICANT MUST COMPLY WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE 9 C3X:J4U-j4J-3401 U6C i� �UU3 u:Jy 1'.UL a Oc EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION WASTE Produced Water Drilling Fluids Drill Cuttings Rigwash Workover Wastes Cooling tower blowdown Packer Fluids Produced Sands Hydrocarbon -bearing soil Pigging wastes from gathering lines Drilling fluids and cuttings from offshore operations disposed of onshore Well completion, treatment, and stimulaticr fl:.;d Basic sediment and water and other tank bottoms from storage facilities that hold product and oil and gas waste Accumulated materials such as hydrocarbons, solids, sand, and emulsion from production separators, fluid treating vessels, and production impoundments Pit sludges and contaminated bottoms from storage or disposal of oil and gas wastes Gas plant dehydration wastes, including glycol -based compounds, glycol filters, °i9ter media, backwash, and molecular sieves Gas. plant sweetening wastes for sulfur, remova), including amine, amine filters, amine filter media, backwash, precipitated amine sludge, iron sponge, and hydrogen sulfide scrubber liquid and sludge Spent oil and gas filters, filter media, and backwash Pipe scale, hydrocarbon solids, hydrates, and other deposits removed from piping and equipment prior to transportation Wastes from subsurface gas storage and retrieval Constituents removed from produced water before it is injected ar otherwise disposed of Liqquid hydrocarbons removed from the production stream but not from oil refining Gases removed from the production stream, such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, and volatilized hydrocarbons Materials ejected from a producing well during the process known as blowdown Taste crude ,oil from primary field operations and produc��Iv<< Light' organics volatilized from oil and qas wastes in reserve —pits ar impoundments or production equipment and Other exploration and production Nantes \rrrw\wa�;t e . d o c , N r 6 f xe .. r r a{ i� t g n t 3 2 s< 41 'rsik _P a l kit . i t yy n } j• s ,,. v ooli �� �"�� . f� �����„� r _� ��a . �x.M.��_. .. _._, Injection wells, where pressurized liquid wastes or other fluids are injected into aquifers, are a major method of disposal for industrial and hazardous wastes. Injection wells are also used to help.recover oil, gas, and minerals. Uranium and sulfur are often mined by injecting hot water into formations to loosen up then. materials. The Railroad Commission of Texas has jurisdiction over injection wells used to inject oil and gas wastes -- mainly saltwater -- injection wells to be used for secondary recovery and those used to store hydrocarbons underground. As of December of 2002, the Railroad Commission reported that'it had permitted 5I,338 so-called Class II injection wells, 33,026 of which were active. The vast majority of these consisted of secondary -recovery wells (about 25,000), while there were about 8,000 saltwater disposal wells and some 500 active hydrocarbon and gas storage wells * Two confirmed cases of groundwater contamination resulting from injection wells have been documented in the past few years, though both have since been cleaned up.' II ML It �"esti 'ed..` �that .from . 19 more EXAMPLE OF A URANIUM MINE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE DISPOSAL WELL Source: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (Source: Texas Department of Water Resources, Underground Injection Operadons in Texas, 3- 11). Injection wells have been involved in a number of controversial lawsuits and permit battles, as well as high -profile groundwater contamination cases, usually resulting from improper handling of the waste at the surface prior to injection (see Industrial Waste chapter). According to the TCEQ, there have been no confirmed cases of groundwater contamination from the injection of hazardous and other industrial wastes in the past few years. However, in the case of injection wells used for mining, the movement of mining fluids into groundwater is not considered a case of groundwater contamination so long as the facility cleans up the water and ensures that it does not spread beyond the boundaries of the mining area. All groundwater contamination resulting from these activities has been cleaned up. 0 Currently, there are 102 Class I injection wells permitted and operating in Texas, with about half injecting only "non -hazardous waste" and the other half authorized to inject both non -hazardous and hazardous industrial waste,* Most are located in the coastal area and dispose of wastes associated with the petrochemical industry. While most are only authorized to dispose of on -site generated waste, there are oresent►v In r'ommPrrial f?riiitit ,,,/hirh men ;+i- U. ;,.ri r 1...,•��...... UV lilt C.\ L l JI JI LC. generated waste, While the federal Land Disposal Restriction (LDR) regulations generally prohibit the injecticn of most hazardous waste unless the waste is treated to meet or exceed LDR standards, and exemption can be obtained if the operator can demonstrate that the waste will not miarate from the iniection zone. Mnct ha7arr1r)iic mfactn ininrtinn farili+in received this exemption from the LDR regulations, allowing them to inject wastes without further treatment, Another class of injection wells --Class III wells -- are those used for uranium or sulfur mining or for the recovery of brine (subsurface salt deposits). While sulfur and underground uranium mines are regulated by the TCEQ, brine mining (and surface uranium mining) is regulated by the Railroad Commission, These wells can contribute to the contamination of groundwater by increasing its salinity or by moving naturally occurring radioactive material, UNDERGROUND INJECTIONS IN TEXAS Currently 70 brine mining injection �•� e � � '� " � facilities -- with a total of 86 � "N-c7�wm� injection wells -- are operating in r,at az a ndustrt Texas, Most of these are located in s e the High Plains and Trans-Pecosg regions, Most of these require aouery, Q+ ors e e praertan ` ; monitoring well which monthly g fede sampled the amount of electrical conductance to determine Super eats erre mg� nds=, contamination,*, Since 1975, 34 � � � odlu t, suTfdt r [ning, sites have permitted for in -situ �� ura�r rritntnj r,- uranium mining, six for Frasch Se age dliisal 'Muptcalities m�duals :t sulfur mining and three for sodium sulfate mining, all in South Texas. Mgr+cu(tral dt�e�� AgFieulture particularly �trtas rouccori k _ All of the sulfur and sodium sulfate sites have been closed due to poor source. Texas Department of Water Resources, Undergroundlnjedion wells economic conditions, while only in Texas(1984). five "in -situ" (subsurface) uranium mines are presently in operation due to low demand for uranium, Uranium mines take background levels before mining begins, and mine operators are expected to return any affected groundwater to background or pre -mining levels,* In general, injection wells used in mining are not as deep as those used for injection of wastes, They are thus more likely to impact near - surface water used for drinking, which is the reason they are monitored more extensively, There are currently no confirmed cases of groundwater contamination -- meaning outside the boundaries of the mining area -- from these injection mining activities*, Finally, Class V wells include agricultural drainage wells, domestic wastewater disposal wells, aquifer storage and retrieval wells, aquifer remediation wells when waters are contaminated, and closed -loop wells for air conditioning and heating, These wells -- also regulated by the TCEQ -- are generally authorized by rule, not permit, although they must submit inventory information and obtain written approval before construction, In December of 2002, the TCEQ reported it had inventoried over 20,000 Class V wells, the vast majority associated with aquifer remediation in Leaking Petroeum Storage Tanks,*.The Lower Rio Grande Valley is the major area of Texas where agricultural drainage wells are used, These wells help eliminate excess water from agricultural production. Because this part of the state is flat and has clay soils and high water tables, surface drainage is limited. Agricultural drainage wells collect near -surface waters and 2 drain them into subsurface formations. They dispose of waters containing nitrates, dissolved solids, and pesticides, all of which have a high potential for contamination of groundwater. These wells are used mainly in citrus production, which has been rapidly declining in the Valley.. Some 108 wells have been located in the Lower Rio Grande Valley counties of Hidalgo and Starr and in south-central Runnels County. Other agricultural drainage wells are located in Oldham County, where they could impact the Ogallala Aquifer.' CONTAMINATION POTENTIAL OF MISCELLANEOUS INJECTION WELLS Source: Texas Department of Water Resources, Underground Injection Wells in Texas (1984). Apri12, 2004 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Fr: City Secretary/Assistant City Manager Rose Chavez Re: Election Judges Staff is recommending Polly Dwyer as the Election Judge and Alice Madden as the Alternate Election Judge. Both have agreed to serve in the respective positions. .!i'n� MONTHLY REPORT SANGER PUBLIC LIBRARY MARCH 2O04 ACTIVITIES Submitted by Victoria Elieson HIGHLIGHTS: The Friends of the Library made two purchases for the library this month. One was an oval blue alphabet rug for the children's area. The other is a microfilm reader that can scan the microfilm image to a PC. Then the image may be printed, e-mailed or saved to a disk. Friends got funding for the microfilm reader from the Denton Benefit League and from John Chambers. ADMINISTRATION: Completed the annual questionnaire required by Denton County. One question asks where people live who use our library. This is the summary: # patrons percentage Sanger 15387 50% Other Dent. Co. cities 91 3% Unincorp. Dent. Co. 1,108 40% Outside Dento. Co. 187 7% Total 2,773 Meetings attended: State Task Force For Public Library Standards, 3/5, Austin Denton County Library Advisory Board, 3/11, Justin Texas Library Association Conference, 3/17-3/20, San Antonio PUBLIC RELATIONS: Wrote a script, organized the artwork and got clearance for the music for a Cable ad for the Summer Reading Club. SPECIAL PROJECTS: Building wiring was upgraded and grounded as it should have been to start with. PROGRAMS: The Storytime theme for February was "Wild Animals". The most popular part of the "Lions and Tigers" program was roaring with the lion puppet craft. Getting to eat peanuts so that the shells could be used for the monkey craft was a great part of the "Monkeys" program. Covering a paper cup and straw with gray tape was very successful for the "Elephants" program, because the kids put it on all wrinkly, just like elephant skin. Children were able to participate in the Goldilocks story for "Bears" and in a puppet play for "Hippos and Rhinos". MARCH 2O04 STATISTICS Mar 2003 Mar 2004 BORROWER CARDS Last month New cards Cards reactivated TOTAL CIRCULATION Adult Nonfiction Nonfiction Videos Adult Fiction Interlibrary Loan Renewals & Misc. Junior Biography Junior Fiction Children's Nonfiction Children's Fiction Story Sacks Paperback Fiction Crystal Videos Video Players Audio Tapes Leased books DVD TOTAL INTERNET USERS PROGRAMS Children's Programs Children Attending Adults Attending VOLUNTEERS Number of Adults Number of Juniors Number of Hours COLLECTION Books Leased books Paperback Fiction Audio Materials Video Materials DVD Microfilm TOTAL COLLECTION REVENUE Fines Copies ILL Postage Lost Materials New Cards Miscellaneous TOTAL 2660 32 16 2708 287 18 197 19 331 11 75 166 310 1 297 1 412 1 104 88 0 2318 272 15505 175 2605 414 62 19442 $168.93 $66.55 $24.25 $0.00 $1.50 $0.00 61,23 2728 47 14 2789 293 41 182 13 361 9 86 159 391 5 268 0 454 0 77 127 161 2628 15296 160 2497 477 766 80 66 19342 $157.10 $80.60 $20.18 $2.95 $1.25 $0.00 $262,08 V 4�